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synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
50_Signalbot: new favorite feature and bug fixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@25460 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- change: 50_Signalbot: new favorite feature and bug fixes
- change: 93_DbRep: usage of placeholder §device§, §reading§ in sqlCmd
changed (refer to commandRef)
- bugfix: 71_COE_Node: fix for negative temparatures by thor3
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
my $Signalbot_VERSION="3.2";
my $Signalbot_VERSION="3.3";
# Simple Interface to Signal CLI running as Dbus service
# Author: Adimarantis
# License: GPL
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ my %sets = (
"contacts" => "all,nonblocked", #V0.8.1+
"groups" => "all,active,nonblocked", #V0.8.1+
"accounts" => "noArg", #V0.9.0+
"favorites" => "noArg",
# "introspective" => "noArg"
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Initialize($) {
$hash->{GetFn} = "Signalbot_Get";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "Signalbot_Undef";
$hash->{MessageReceived} = "Signalbot_MessageReceived";
$hash->{MessageReceivedV2} = "Signalbot_MessageReceivedV2";
$hash->{ReceiptReceived} = "Signalbot_ReceiptReceived";
$hash->{version} = "Signalbot_Version_cb";
$hash->{updateGroup} = "Signalbot_UpdateGroup_cb";
@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ sub Signalbot_Initialize($) {
"authTimeout ".
"authDev ".
"cmdKeyword ".
"cmdFavorite ".
"favorites ".
"autoJoin:yes,no ".
"registerMethod:SMS,Voice ".
@ -366,11 +370,11 @@ sub Signalbot_Set($@) { #
#Check for embedded fhem/perl commands
my $err;
($err, @recipients) = SignalBot_replaceCommands($hash,@recipients);
($err, @recipients) = Signalbot_replaceCommands($hash,@recipients);
if ($err) { return $err; }
($err, @groups) = SignalBot_replaceCommands($hash,@groups);
($err, @groups) = Signalbot_replaceCommands($hash,@groups);
if ($err) { return $err; }
($err, @attachments) = SignalBot_replaceCommands($hash,@attachments);
($err, @attachments) = Signalbot_replaceCommands($hash,@attachments);
if ($err) { return $err; }
#Am Schluss eine Schleife über die Attachments und alle die mit /tmp/signalbot anfangen löschen (unlink)
@ -474,6 +478,27 @@ sub Signalbot_Get($@) {
return $ret;
} elsif ($cmd eq "favorites") {
my @fav=split(";",AttrVal($name,"favorites",""));
return "No favorites defined" if @fav==0;
my $ret="Defined favorites:\n\n";
my $format="%2i (%s) %-15s %-50s\n";
$ret.="ID (A) Alias Command\n";
my $cnt=1;
foreach (@fav) {
my $ff=$_;
$ff =~ /(\[(.*)\])?([\-]?)(.*)/;
my $aa="y";
if ($3 eq "-") {
my $alias=$2;
$alias="" if !defined $2;
$ret.="\n(A)=GoogleAuth required to execute command";
return $ret;
if ($gets{$cmd} =~ /$arg/) {
@ -563,7 +588,7 @@ sub Signalbot_command($@){
#Remove potential old timer so countdown start from scratch
RemoveInternalTimer("$hash->{NAME} $sender");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $timeout, 'SignalBot_authTimeout', "$hash->{NAME} $sender", 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $timeout, 'Signalbot_authTimeout', "$hash->{NAME} $sender", 0);
Signalbot_sendMessage($hash,$sender,"","You have control for ".$timeout."s");
} else {
@ -573,8 +598,65 @@ sub Signalbot_command($@){
return $cmd;
my $auth=0;
if (defined $hash->{helper}{auth}{$sender} && $hash->{helper}{auth}{$sender}==1) {
my $fav=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"cmdFavorite",undef);
if (defined $fav && defined $cc[0] && $cc[0] eq $fav) {
shift @cc;
my @favorites=split(";",AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"favorites",""));
if (@cc>0) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": $sender executes favorite command $cc[0]";
if ($cc[0] =~/\d+$/) {
#Favorite by index
my $fid=$cc[0]-1;
if ($fid<@favorites) {
$cmd =~ /(\[.*\])?([\-]?)(.*)/;
$cmd=$3 if defined $3;
#"-" defined favorite commands that do not require authentification
$auth=1 if (defined $2 && $2 eq "-");
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": $sender requests favorite command:$cmd";
} else {
Signalbot_sendMessage($hash,$sender,"","favorite #$cc[0] not defined");
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": favorite #$cc[0] not defined";
} else {
my $alias=join(" ",@cc);
foreach my $ff (@favorites) {
$ff =~ /(\[(.*)\])?([\-]?)(.*)/;
if (defined $2 && $2 eq $alias) {
$cmd=$4 if defined $4;
#"-" defined favorite commands that do not require authentification
$auth=1 if (defined $3 && $3 eq "-");
if ($cmd eq "") {
Signalbot_sendMessage($hash,$sender,"","favorite '$alias' not defined");
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": favorite '$alias' not defined";
} else {
return "No favorites defined" if @favorites==0;
my $ret="Defined favorites:\n\n";
my $format="%2i %-30s\n";
$ret.="ID Command\n";
my $cnt=1;
foreach (@favorites) {
my $ff=$_;
$ff =~ /(\[(.*)\])?([\-]?)(.*)/;
Signalbot_sendMessage($hash,$sender,"",$ret) if $auth;
return $cmd if $cmd eq "";
if ($hash->{helper}{auth}{$sender}==1) {
if ($auth) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, $hash->{NAME}.": $sender executes command $cmd";
my $error = AnalyzeCommand($hash, $cmd);
if (defined $error) {
@ -591,13 +673,29 @@ sub Signalbot_command($@){
#Reset auth after timeout
sub SignalBot_authTimeout($@) {
sub Signalbot_authTimeout($@) {
my ($val)=@_;
my ($name,$sender)=split(" ",$val);
my $hash = $defs{$name};
#Wrapper around the new MessageReceived callback - currently ignored since V0.10.0 sends both callbacks
sub Signalbot_MessageReceivedV2 ($@) {
my ($hash,$timestamp,$source,$groupID,$message,$extras) = @_;
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, $hash->{NAME}.": Message CallbackV2 - ignored";
my $att = $extras->{attachments};
my @attachments;
if (defined $att) {
my @arr=@$att;
foreach (@arr) {
push @attachments, $_->{file};
sub Signalbot_MessageReceived ($@) {
my ($hash,$timestamp,$source,$groupID,$message,$attachments) = @_;
@ -657,7 +755,7 @@ sub Signalbot_MessageReceived ($@) {
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 0);
my $cmd=AttrVal($hash->{NAME},"cmdKeyword",undef);
if ($message =~ /^$cmd(.*)/) {
if (defined $cmd && $message =~ /^$cmd(.*)/) {
$babble=0; #Skip Babble execution in command mode
@ -802,6 +900,7 @@ sub Signalbot_setup($@){
return undef;
my $Signalbot_Retry=0;
# After Dbus init successfully came back
sub Signalbot_setup2($@) {
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -826,14 +925,19 @@ sub Signalbot_setup2($@) {
my $account=ReadingsVal($name,"account","none");
if (!defined $version) {
$hash->{helper}{version}=0; #prevent uninitalized value in case of service not present
if ($Signalbot_Retry<3) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, 'Signalbot_setup', $hash, 0);
Log3 $name, 3, $hash->{NAME}.": Could not init signal-cli - retry $Signalbot_Retry in 10 seconds";
return "Error calling version";
my @ver=split('\.',$version);
#to be on the safe side allow 2 digits for lowest version number, so 0.8.0 results to 800
#to be on the safe side allow 2 digits for version number, so 0.8.0 results to 800, 1.10.11 would result in 11011
$hash->{VERSION}="Signalbot:".$Signalbot_VERSION." signal-cli:".$version." Protocol::DBus:".$Protocol::DBus::VERSION;
if($hash->{helper}{version}>800) {
my $state=Signalbot_CallS($hash,"isRegistered");
#Signal-cli 0.9.0 : isRegistered not existing and will return undef when in multi-mode (or false with my PR)
@ -1079,7 +1183,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Read($@){
if (defined $callback) {
my $b=$msg->get_body();
my @body=@$b;
if ($callback eq "MessageReceived" || $callback eq "ReceiptReceived" || $callback eq "SyncMessageReceived") {
if ($callback eq "MessageReceived" || $callback eq "ReceiptReceived" || $callback eq "SyncMessageReceived" || $callback eq "MessageReceivedV2") {
my $func="Signalbot_$callback";
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, $hash->{NAME}.": Sync Callback: $callback Args:".join(",",@body);
@ -1415,10 +1519,13 @@ sub Signalbot_Attr(@) { #
} elsif($attr eq "authDev") {
return undef unless (defined $val && $val ne "" && $init_done);
my $bhash = $defs{$val};
return "Unknown device $val" if !defined $bhash;
return "Not a GoogleAuth device $val" unless $bhash->{TYPE} eq "GoogleAuth";
return undef;
} elsif($attr eq "cmdKeyword") {
return undef;
} elsif($attr eq "cmdFavorite") {
return undef;
} elsif($attr eq "babbleDev") {
return undef unless (defined $val && $val ne "" && $init_done);
my $bhash = $defs{$val};
@ -1640,22 +1747,22 @@ sub Signalbot_Detail {
return "Perl module Protocol:DBus not found, please install with<br><b>sudo cpan install Protocol::DBus</b><br> and restart FHEM<br><br>";
my $multi=$hash->{helper}{multi};
my $version=$hash->{helper}{version};
$version=0 if !defined $version;
$multi=0 if !defined $multi;
if($hash->{helper}{version}<900) {
if($version<900) {
$ret .= "<b>signal-cli v0.9.0+ required.</b><br>Please use installer to install or update<br>";
$ret .= "Note: The installer only supports Debian based Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Raspberry OS<br>";
$ret .= "<b>Note:</b> The installer only supports Debian based Linux distributions like Ubuntu and Raspberry OS<br>";
$ret .= " and X86 or armv7l CPUs<br>";
if($hash->{helper}{version}==901) {
if($version==901) {
$ret .= "<b>Warning: signal-cli v0.9.1 has issues affecting Signalbot.</b><br>Please use installer to downgrade to 0.9.0<br>";
if ($multi==0) {
if ($multi==0 && $version>0) {
$ret .= "Signal-cli is running in single-mode, please consider starting it without -u parameter (e.g. by re-running the installer)<br>";
if($hash->{helper}{version}<900 || $multi==0) {
$ret .= 'You can download the installer <a href="www/signal/signal_install.sh" download>here</a> or your www/signal directory and run it with<br><b>sudo ./signal_install.sh</b><br><br>';
$ret .= "Alternatively go to <a href=https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk/fhem/thirdparty/signal-cli-packages>FHEM SVN thirdparty</a> and download the matching Debian package<br>";
$ret .= "Install with e.g. <b>sudo apt install ./signal-cli-dbus_0.9.0-1_buster_armhf.deb</b> (./ is important to tell apt this is a file)<br><br>";
if($version<900 || $multi==0) {
$ret .= '<br>You can download the installer <a href="www/signal/signal_install.sh" download>here</a> or your www/signal directory and run it with<br><b>sudo ./signal_install.sh</b><br><br>';
return $ret if ($hash->{helper}{version}<900);
@ -1758,7 +1865,7 @@ sub Signalbot_Undef($$) { #
#If its a media stream, a file is being created and the temporary filename (delete later!) is returned
#Question: more complex commands could contain spaces but that will require more complex parsing
sub SignalBot_replaceCommands(@) {
sub Signalbot_replaceCommands(@) {
my ($hash, @data) = @_;
my @processed=();
@ -1788,7 +1895,7 @@ sub SignalBot_replaceCommands(@) {
return ($msg, @processed);
my ( $isMediaStream, $type ) = SignalBot_IdentifyStream( $hash, $msg );
my ( $isMediaStream, $type ) = Signalbot_IdentifyStream( $hash, $msg );
if ($isMediaStream<0) {
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, $hash->{NAME}.": Media stream found $isMediaStream $type";
my $tmpfilename="/tmp/signalbot".gettimeofday().".".$type;
@ -1822,7 +1929,7 @@ sub SignalBot_replaceCommands(@) {
#Get OSRelease Version
sub SignalBot_OSRel() {
sub Signalbot_OSRel() {
my $fh;
if (!open($fh, "<", "/etc/os-release")) {
@ -1849,7 +1956,7 @@ sub SignalBot_OSRel() {
# -3 for other media
# and extension without dot as 2nd list element
sub SignalBot_IdentifyStream($$) {
sub Signalbot_IdentifyStream($$) {
my ($hash, $msg) = @_;
# signatures for media files are documented here --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures
@ -2026,6 +2133,10 @@ For German documentation see <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Signalbot">Wiki<
Lists all accounts (phone numbers) registered on this computer. Only available when not attached to an account (account=none).
Use register or link to create new accounts.<br>
<li><b>get favorites</b><br>
<a id="Signalbot-get-favorites"></a>
Lists the defined favorites in the attribute "favorites" in a readable format<br>
@ -2072,13 +2183,31 @@ For German documentation see <a href="https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Signalbot">Wiki<
<a id="Signalbot-attr-babbleExclude"></a>
RegExp pattern that, when matched, will exclude messages to be processed by the Babble connection<br>
<a id="Signalbot-attr-commandKeyword"></a>
<a id="Signalbot-attr-cmdKeyword"></a>
One or more characters that mark a message as GoogleAuth protected command which is directly forwarded to FHEM for processing. Example: for "="<br>
=123456 set lamp off<br>
where "123456" is a GoogleAuth token. The command after the token is optional. After the authentification the user stay for "authTimeout" seconds authentificated and can execute command without token (e.g. "=set lamp on").<br>
<b>If the attribute is not defined, no commands can be issued</b>
<a id="Signalbot-attr-cmdFavorite"></a>
One or more characters that mark a message as favorite in GoogleAuth mode.<br>
The favorite is either followed by a number or an alias as defined in the "favorite" attribute.<br>
Assuming cmdKeyword "=" and cmdFavorite "fav", "=fav 1" will execute the first favorite.<br>
Just sending "=fav" will list the available favorites.<br>
<b>Note</b>: The cmdFavorite will be checked before an actual command is interpreted. So "set" will be a bad idea since you won't be able to use any "set" command anymore.
<a id="Signalbot-attr-favorites"></a>
Semicolon separated list of favorite definitions (see "cmdFavorite"). Favorites are identified either by their ID (defined by their order) or an optional alias in square brackets, preceding the command definition.<br><br>
Example: set lamp on;set lamp off;[lamp]set lamp on<br><br>
This defines 3 favorites numbered 1 to 3 where the third one can also be accessed with the alias "lamp".<br>
Using favorites you can define specific commands that can be executed without GoogleAuth by preceeding the command with a minus "-" sign.<br><br>
Example: -set lamp off;[lamp]-set lamp on;set door open<br><br>
Both favorites 1 and 2 (or "lamp") can be executed without authentification while facorite 3 requires to be authentificated.<br>
You can use "get favorites" to validate your list and identify the correct IDs.<br>
<a id="Signalbot-attr-defaultPeer"></a>
If <b>send</b> is used without a recipient, the message will send to this account or group(with #)<br>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user