mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 09:16:53 +00:00

76_SolarForecast.pm: contrib 0.49.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24538 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2021-05-30 07:54:58 +00:00
parent 0d6f6eb405
commit 233ca78668

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ BEGIN {
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.49.0" => "29.05.2021 consumer legend, attr consumerLegend ",
"0.49.0" => "29.05.2021 consumer legend, attr consumerLegend, no negative val Current_SelfConsumption, Current_PV ",
"0.48.0" => "28.05.2021 new optional key ready in consumer attribute ",
"0.47.0" => "28.05.2021 add flowGraphic, attr flowGraphicSize, graphicSelect, flowGraphicAnimate ",
"0.46.1" => "21.05.2021 set <> reset pvHistory <day> <hour> ",
@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ my %hset = ( # Ha
currentRadiationDev => { fn => \&_setcurrentRadiationDev },
modulePeakString => { fn => \&_setmodulePeakString },
inverterStrings => { fn => \&_setinverterStrings },
consumerAction => { fn => \&_setconsumerAction },
currentInverterDev => { fn => \&_setinverterDevice },
currentMeterDev => { fn => \&_setmeterDevice },
currentBatteryDev => { fn => \&_setbatteryDevice },
@ -274,6 +276,17 @@ my %hqtxt = (
DE => qq{Warten auf Daten von Solarvorhersagegeräten ...} },
my %htitles = ( # Hash Hilfetexte
iaaf => { EN => qq{Off (automatic mode off) -> Enable automatic mode},
DE => qq{Aus (Automatikmodus aus) -> Automatik freigeben} },
iave => { EN => qq{Off (automatic mode) -> Switch on consumer},
DE => qq{Aus (Automatikmodus) -> Verbraucher einschalten} },
ieas => { EN => qq{On (automatic mode) -> Lock automatic mode},
DE => qq{Ein (Automatikmodus) -> Automatik sperren} },
ieva => { EN => qq{On (automatic mode off) -> Switch off consumer},
DE => qq{Ein (Automatikmodus aus) -> Verbraucher ausschalten} },
my %weather_ids = (
# s => 0 , 0 - 3 DWD -> kein signifikantes Wetter
# s => 1 , 45 - 99 DWD -> signifikantes Wetter
@ -597,6 +610,7 @@ sub Set {
return "\"set X\" needs at least an argument" if ( @a < 2 );
my $name = shift @a;
my $opt = shift @a;
my @args = @a;
my $arg = join " ", map { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/\s//xg; $p; } @a; ## no critic 'Map blocks'
my $prop = shift @a;
my $prop1 = shift @a;
@ -647,13 +661,14 @@ sub Set {
my $params = {
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
opt => $opt,
arg => $arg,
prop => $prop,
prop1 => $prop1,
prop2 => $prop2
hash => $hash,
name => $name,
opt => $opt,
arg => $arg,
argsref => \@args,
prop => $prop,
prop1 => $prop1,
prop2 => $prop2
if($hset{$opt} && defined &{$hset{$opt}{fn}}) {
@ -1132,6 +1147,45 @@ sub _setwriteHistory { ## no critic "not used"
return $ret;
# Setter consumerAction
# ohne Menüeintrag ! für Aktivität aus Grafik
sub _setconsumerAction { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $arg = $paref->{arg};
my $argsref = $paref->{argsref};
if(!$arg) {
return qq{The command "$opt" needs an argument !};
my @args = @{$argsref};
my $action = shift @args; # z.B. set, setreading
my $cname = shift @args; # Consumername
my $tail = join " ", map { my $p = $_; $p =~ s/\s//xg; $p; } @args; # restliche Befehlsargumente ## no critic 'Map blocks'
if($action eq "set") {
CommandSet (undef,"$cname $tail");
if($action eq "setreading") {
CommandSetReading (undef,"$cname $tail");
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - Consumer Action received / executed: "$action $cname $tail"});
centralTask ($hash);
# RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask");
# InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+0.5, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask", $hash, 0);
# SolarForecast Get
@ -1411,12 +1465,48 @@ sub Notify {
my $dev_hash = shift;
my $myName = $myHash->{NAME}; # Name des eigenen Devices
my $devName = $dev_hash->{NAME}; # Device welches Events erzeugt hat
return; # !! ZUR ZEIT NICHT GENUTZT !!
return if(IsDisabled($myName) || !$myHash->{NOTIFYDEV});
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1);
my $events = deviceEvents($dev_hash, 1);
return if(!$events);
my $cdref = CurrentVal ($myHash, "consumerdevs", ""); # alle registrierten Consumer
my @consumers = ();
@consumers = @{$cdref} if(ref $cdref eq "ARRAY");
return if(!@consumers);
if($devName ~~ @consumers) {
my $cindex;
my $type = $myHash->{TYPE};
for my $c (sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$myName}{consumers}}) {
my $cname = ConsumerVal ($myHash, $c, "name", "");
if($devName eq $cname) {
$cindex = $c;
my $autoreading = ConsumerVal ($myHash, $cindex, "autoreading", "");
for my $event (@{$events}) {
$event = "" if(!defined($event));
my @evl = split(/\s+/x, $event);
my @parts = split(/: /,$event, 2);
my $reading = shift @parts;
if ($reading eq "state" || $reading eq $autoreading) {
Log3 ($myName, 4, qq{$myName - start centralTask by Notify - $devName:$reading});
RemoveInternalTimer($myHash, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask");
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+0.5, "FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask", $myHash, 0);
@ -3062,6 +3152,7 @@ sub _calcSummaries {
my $consumption = int ($pvgen - $gfeedin + $gcon - $batin + $batout);
my $selfconsumption = int ($pvgen - $gfeedin - $batin);
$selfconsumption = $selfconsumption < 0 ? 0 : $selfconsumption;
my $surplus = int ($pvgen - $consumption); # aktueller Überschuß
my $selfconsumptionrate = 0;
my $autarkyrate = 0;
@ -3168,6 +3259,8 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers {
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
delete $data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerdevs};
for my $c (1..$maxconsumer) {
$c = sprintf "%02d", $c;
my $consumer = AttrVal ($name, "consumer${c}", "");
@ -3182,6 +3275,8 @@ sub collectAllRegConsumers {
push @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{consumerdevs}}, $consumer; # alle Consumerdevices in CurrentHash eintragen
my $alias = AttrVal ($consumer, "alias", $consumer);
my ($rtot,$utot);
@ -3434,75 +3529,26 @@ return;
# Vorhersagegrafik
sub forecastGraphic { ## no critic 'complexity'
sub forecastGraphic { ## no critic 'complexity'
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ftui = $paref->{ftui};
my $hfcg = $data{$hash->{TYPE}}{$name}{html}; #(hfcg = hash forecast graphic)
my $hfcg = $data{$hash->{TYPE}}{$name}{html}; #(hfcg = hash forecast graphic)
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
# Verbraucherlegende und Steuerung
my $legend_txt;
my @pgCDev = sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}}; # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
my ($legend_style, $legend) = split('_', AttrVal($name, 'consumerLegend', 'icon_top'));
$legend = '' if(($legend_style eq 'none') || (!int(@pgCDev)));
my @consumers = sort{$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{consumers}}; # definierte Verbraucher ermitteln
my ($clegendstyle, $clegend) = split('_', AttrVal($name, 'consumerLegend', 'icon_top'));
$clegend = '' if(($clegendstyle eq 'none') || (!int(@consumers)));
$paref->{consumersref} = \@consumers;
$paref->{clegend} = $clegend;
$paref->{clegendstyle} = $clegendstyle;
my $legendtxt = _forecastGraphicConsumerLegend ($paref);
if ($legend) {
for my $c (@pgCDev) {
my $cname = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "name", ""); # Name des Consumerdevices
my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", $cname); # Alias des Consumerdevices
my $cicon = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "icon", ""); # Icon des Consumerdevices
my $oncom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "oncom", ""); # Consumer Einschaltkommando
my $offcom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "offcom", ""); # Consumer Ausschaltkommando
my $autord = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "autoreading", ""); # Readingname f. Automatiksteuerung
my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "ready", 1); # Automatic Mode
my $cmdon = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $cname $oncom')"};
my $cmdoff = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $cname $offcom')"};
my $cmdautoon = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=setreading $cname $autord 1')"};
my $cmdautooff = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=setreading $cname $autord 0')"};
if ($ftui eq "ftui") {
$cmdon = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $cname $oncom')"};
$cmdoff = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $cname $offcom')"};
$cmdautoon = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $cname setreading $cname $autord 1')"};
$cmdautooff = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $cname setreading $cname $autord 0')"};
$cmdon = q{} if(!$oncom);
$cmdoff = q{} if(!$offcom);
$cmdautoon = q{} if(!$autord);
$cmdautooff = q{} if(!$autord);
my $swstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "state", "undef"); # Schaltzustand des Consumerdevices
my $swicon = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/1px-spacer.png\">";
if($cmdautoon && $swstate eq "off" && !$auto) {
$swicon = "<a title='Status: Aus -> Automatic einschalten' onClick=$cmdautoon><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-rot.png\"></a>";
elsif ($cmdon && $swstate eq "off") {
$swicon = "<a title='Status: Aus mit Automatic -> einschalten' onClick=$cmdon><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gelb.png\"></a>";
elsif ($cmdautooff && $swstate eq "on" && $auto) {
$swicon = "<a title='Status: Ein mit Automatic -> Automatic ausschalten' onClick=$cmdautooff><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png\"></a>";
elsif ($cmdoff && $swstate eq "on") {
$swicon = "<a title='Status: Ein -> ausschalten' onClick=$cmdoff><img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/10px-kreis-gruen.png\"></a>";
if ($legend_style eq 'icon') { # mögliche Umbruchstellen mit normalen Blanks vorsehen !
$legend_txt .= $calias.'&nbsp;'.FW_makeImage($cicon).' '.$swicon.'&nbsp;&nbsp;';
else {
my (undef,$ci) = split('\@',$cicon);
$ci = '#cccccc' if (!$ci); # Farbe per default
$legend_txt .= '<font color=\''.$ci.'\'>'.$calias.'</font> '.$swicon.'&nbsp;&nbsp;'; # hier auch Umbruch erlauben
# Parameter f. Anzeige extrahieren
@ -3605,7 +3651,7 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
# get consumer list and display it in Graphics
for (@pgCDev) {
for (@consumers) {
my ($itemName, undef) = split(':',$_);
$itemName =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gx; # trim it, if blanks were used
$_ =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gx; # trim it, if blanks were used
@ -3743,9 +3789,9 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
$ret .= "<td colspan='".($maxhours+2)."' align='center' style='word-break: normal'>$header</td></tr>";
if ($legend_txt && ($legend eq 'top')) {
if ($legendtxt && ($clegend eq 'top')) {
$ret .= "<tr class='odd'>";
$ret .= "<td colspan='".($maxhours+2)."' align='center' style='word-break: normal'>$legend_txt</td></tr>";
$ret .= "<td colspan='".($maxhours+2)."' align='center' style='word-break: normal'>$legendtxt</td></tr>";
if ($weather) {
@ -3925,7 +3971,7 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
# inject the new icon if defined
#$ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@pgCDev) if($s);
#$ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@consumers) if($s);
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
@ -3968,7 +4014,7 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
# inject the new icon if defined
#$ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@pgCDev) if($s);
#$ret .= consinject($hash,$i,@consumers) if($s);
$ret .= "</td></tr>";
@ -4038,10 +4084,10 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
# Legende unten
if ($legend_txt && ($legend eq 'bottom')) {
if ($legendtxt && ($clegend eq 'bottom')) {
$ret .= "<tr class='odd'>";
$ret .= "<td colspan='".($maxhours+2)."' align='center' style='word-break: normal'>";
$ret .= "$legend_txt</td></tr>";
$ret .= "$legendtxt</td></tr>";
$ret .= "</table></td></tr></table>";
@ -4051,6 +4097,86 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
return $ret;
# Verbraucherlegende und Steuerung
sub _forecastGraphicConsumerLegend {
my $paref = shift;
my $clegend = $paref->{clegend};
return if(!$clegend );
my $consumersref = $paref->{consumersref};
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $ftui = $paref->{ftui};
my $clegendstyle = $paref->{clegendstyle};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my ($legendtxt,$staticon);
my @clegends;
for my $c (@{$consumersref}) {
my $cname = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "name", ""); # Name des Consumerdevices
my $calias = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "alias", $cname); # Alias des Consumerdevices
my $cicon = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "icon", ""); # Icon des Consumerdevices
my $oncom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "oncom", ""); # Consumer Einschaltkommando
my $offcom = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "offcom", ""); # Consumer Ausschaltkommando
my $autord = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "autoreading", ""); # Readingname f. Automatiksteuerung
my $auto = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "ready", 1); # Automatic Mode
my $cmdon = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name consumerAction set $cname $oncom')"};
my $cmdoff = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name consumerAction set $cname $offcom')"};
my $cmdautoon = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name consumerAction setreading $cname $autord 1')"};
my $cmdautooff = qq{"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&cmd=set $name consumerAction setreading $cname $autord 0')"};
if ($ftui eq "ftui") {
$cmdon = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name consumerAction set $cname $oncom')"};
$cmdoff = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name consumerAction set $cname $offcom')"};
$cmdautoon = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name consumerAction set $cname setreading $cname $autord 1')"};
$cmdautooff = qq{"ftui.setFhemStatus('set $name consumerAction set $cname setreading $cname $autord 0')"};
$cmdon = q{} if(!$oncom);
$cmdoff = q{} if(!$offcom);
$cmdautoon = q{} if(!$autord);
$cmdautooff = q{} if(!$autord);
my $swstate = ConsumerVal ($hash, $c, "state", "undef"); # Schaltzustand des Consumerdevices
my $swicon = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/default/1px-spacer.png\">";
if($cmdautoon && $swstate eq "off" && !$auto) {
$staticon = FW_makeImage('ios_off_fill@red', $htitles{iaaf}{$lang});
$swicon = "<a title= '$htitles{iaaf}{$lang}' onClick=$cmdautoon> $staticon</a>";
elsif ($cmdon && $swstate eq "off") {
$staticon = FW_makeImage('ios_off_till_fill@orange', $htitles{iave}{$lang});
$swicon = "<a title='$htitles{iave}{$lang}' onClick=$cmdon> $staticon</a>";
elsif ($cmdautooff && $swstate eq "on" && $auto) {
$staticon = FW_makeImage('ios_on_till_fill@green', $htitles{ieas}{$lang});
$swicon = "<a title='$htitles{ieas}{$lang}' onClick=$cmdautooff> $staticon</a>";
elsif ($cmdoff && $swstate eq "on") {
$staticon = FW_makeImage('ios_on_fill@green', $htitles{ieva}{$lang});
$swicon = "<a title='$htitles{ieva}{$lang}' onClick=$cmdoff> $staticon</a>";
if ($clegendstyle eq 'icon') { # mögliche Umbruchstellen mit normalen Blanks vorsehen !
push @clegends, $calias.'&nbsp;'.FW_makeImage($cicon).' '.$swicon;
else {
my (undef,$co) = split('\@',$cicon);
$co = '#cccccc' if (!$co); # Farbe per default
push @clegends, '<font color=\''.$co.'\'>'.$calias.'</font> '.$swicon;
$legendtxt = join("&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;", @clegends);
return $legendtxt;
# forecastGraphic Headerzeile generieren
@ -4281,7 +4407,7 @@ sub flowGraphic {
my $ret = qq{
<table class="roomoverview">
<tr><td><table class="block"><tr align="center" class="odd"><td>
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="5 15 380 380" style="$style">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="5 15 380 380" style="$style" id="SVGPLOT">
<g transform="translate(200,50)">
@ -4373,11 +4499,11 @@ return $ret;
# Inject consumer icon
sub consinject {
my ($hash,$i,@pgCDev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = "";
my ($hash,$i,@consumers) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret = "";
for (@pgCDev) {
for (@consumers) {
if ($_) {
my ($cons,$im,$start,$end) = split (':', $_);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Consumer to show -> $cons, relative to current time -> start: $start, end: $end") if($i<1);
@ -5691,7 +5817,7 @@ sub NexthoursVal {
return $def;
# Wert des current-Hash zurückliefern
# Usage:
# CurrentVal ($hash, $key, $def)
@ -5699,6 +5825,7 @@ return $def;
# $key: generation - aktuelle PV Erzeugung
# genslidereg - Schieberegister PV Erzeugung (Array)
# h4fcslidereg - Schieberegister 4h PV Forecast (Array)
# consumerdevs - alle registrierten Consumerdevices (Array)
# gridconsumption - aktueller Netzbezug
# powerbatin - Batterie Ladeleistung
# powerbatout - Batterie Entladeleistung
@ -5706,7 +5833,7 @@ return $def;
# tomorrowconsumption - Verbrauch des kommenden Tages
# $def: Defaultwert
sub CurrentVal {
my $hash = shift;
my $key = shift;
@ -6440,7 +6567,8 @@ Ein/Ausschaltzeiten sowie deren Ausführung vom SolarForecast Modul übernehmen
<li><b>consumerXX &lt;Device Name&gt; type=&lt;type&gt; power=&lt;power&gt; [mode=&lt;mode&gt;] [icon=&lt;Icon&gt;] [mintime=&lt;minutes&gt;] [on=&lt;Kommando&gt;] [off=&lt;Kommando&gt;] [ready=&lt;Readingname&gt;] [etotal=&lt;Readingname&gt;:&lt;Einheit&gt;] </b><br>
Registriert einen Verbraucher &lt;Device Name&gt; beim SolarForecast Device. Dabei ist &lt;Device Name&gt;
ein in FHEM bereits angelegtes Verbraucher Device, z.B. eine Schaltsteckdose. Die meisten Schlüssel sind optional,
sind aber für bestimmte Funktionalitäten Voraussetzung und werden mit default-Werten besetzt. <br><br>
sind aber für bestimmte Funktionalitäten Voraussetzung und werden mit default-Werten besetzt. <br>
<colgroup> <col width=10%> <col width=90%> </colgroup>
@ -6458,8 +6586,8 @@ Ein/Ausschaltzeiten sowie deren Ausführung vom SolarForecast Modul übernehmen
<tr><td> <b>mintime</b></td><td>Mindestlaufzeit bzw. typische Laufzeit für einen Zyklus des Verbrauchers nach dem Einschalten in Minuten (default: Typ bezogen) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>on</b> </td><td>Set-Kommando zum Einschalten des Verbrauchers (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>off</b> </td><td>Set-Kommando zum Ausschalten des Verbrauchers (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>ready</b> </td><td>Reading im Verbraucherdevice welches das Einschalten des Verbrauchers freigibt bzw. blockiert (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Readingwert = 1: Einschalten freigegeben, Readingwert = 0: Einschalten blockiert </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>ready</b> </td><td>Reading im Verbraucherdevice welches das Schalten des Verbrauchers freigibt bzw. blockiert (optional) </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>Readingwert = 1: Schalten freigegeben, 0: Schalten blockiert </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>etotal</b> </td><td>Reading welches die Summe der verbrauchten Energie liefert und der Einheit (Wh/kWh) (optional) </td></tr>