diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_Log2Syslog.pm b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_Log2Syslog.pm
index 5eb013d33..847585ed1 100644
--- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_Log2Syslog.pm
+++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_Log2Syslog.pm
@@ -41,13 +41,13 @@ eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
# Versions History intern:
our %Log2Syslog_vNotesIntern = (
- "5.8.0" => "20.07.2019 attribute waitForEOF ",
+ "5.8.0" => "20.07.2019 attribute waitForEOF, solution for Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,75426.msg958836.html#msg958836 ",
"5.7.0" => "20.07.2019 change logging and chomp received data, use raw parse format if automatic mode don't detect a valid format, ".
"change getifdata tcp stack error handling (if sysread undef)",
"5.6.5" => "19.07.2019 bugfix parse BSD if ID (TAG) is used, function DbLog_splitFn -> Log2Syslog_DbLogSplit, new attribute useParsefilter ",
"5.6.4" => "19.07.2019 minor changes and fixes (max. lenth read to 16384, code && logging) ",
"5.6.3" => "18.07.2019 fix state reading if changed disabled attribute ",
- "5.6.2" => "17.07.2019 Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,75426.msg958836.html#msg958836 ",
+ "5.6.2" => "17.07.2019 Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,75426.msg958836.html#msg958836 first try",
"5.6.1" => "24.03.2019 prevent module from deactivation in case of unavailable Meta.pm ",
"5.6.0" => "23.03.2019 attribute exclErrCond to exclude events from rating as \"error\" ",
"5.5.0" => "18.03.2019 prepare for Meta.pm ",
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ our %Log2Syslog_vNotesIntern = (
# Versions History extern:
our %Log2Syslog_vNotesExtern = (
+ "5.8.0" => "20.07.2019 New attribute \"useParsefilter\" to remove other characters than ASCII from payload before parse it. ".
+ "New attribute \"waitForEOF\" to parse not till the sender was sending an EOF signal. An bugfix in ".
+ "parse BSD was implemented if the ID (TAG) is used. Minor other fixes and changes. ",
"5.6.0" => "23.03.2019 New attribute \"exclErrCond\" to exclude events from rating as \"Error\" even though the ".
"event contains the text \"Error\". ",
"5.4.0" => "17.03.2019 New feature parseProfile = Automatic. The module may detect the message format BSD or IETF automatically in server mode ",
@@ -463,7 +466,7 @@ sub Log2Syslog_Read($@) {
# IETF-Format
$len = $RFC5425len{DL};
- }
+ }
if($socket) {
($st,$data,$hash) = Log2Syslog_getifdata($hash,$len,$reread);
@@ -578,8 +581,9 @@ sub Log2Syslog_getifdata($$@) {
} else {
my $dl = length($data);
chomp $data;
- Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($hash, 5, "Log2Syslog $name - Buffer ".$dl." chars length:\n$data");
- }
+ Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($hash, 5, "Log2Syslog $name - Buffer ".$dl." chars ready to parse:\n$data");
+ }
+ return ($st,$data,$hash);
} elsif ($protocol =~ /tcp/) {
if($hash->{SERVERSOCKET}) { # Accept and create a child
@@ -600,11 +604,12 @@ sub Log2Syslog_getifdata($$@) {
my $cname = $hash->{NAME};
my $shash = $defs{$sname}; # Hash des Log2Syslog-Devices bei temporärer TCP-Serverinstanz
my $waitEOF = AttrVal($sname, "waitForEOF", 0);
+ my $tlsv = ReadingsVal($sname,"SSL_Version",'');
Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - ####################################################### ");
Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - ######### new Syslog TCP Receive ######### ");
Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - ####################################################### ");
- Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - wait for EOF: $waitEOF, SSL: ".$hash->{SSL} );
+ Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - wait for EOF: $waitEOF, SSL: $tlsv");
Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 4, "Log2Syslog $sname - childname: $cname");
$st = ReadingsVal($sname,"state","active");
@@ -641,7 +646,7 @@ sub Log2Syslog_getifdata($$@) {
if(!$eof) {
$hash->{BUF} .= $buf;
- Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - chars $ret length added to buffer:\n$buf") if($waitEOF && !$hash->{SSL});
+ Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - Add $ret chars to buffer:\n$buf") if($waitEOF && !$hash->{SSL});
if($hash->{SSL} && $c->can('pending')) {
@@ -653,16 +658,20 @@ sub Log2Syslog_getifdata($$@) {
if(!$waitEOF || $hash->{SSL}) {
$data = $hash->{BUF};
- chomp $data;
delete $hash->{BUF};
$hash = $shash;
- Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - Buffer $ret chars length:\n$data") if($data);
+ if($data) {
+ my $dl = length($data);
+ chomp $data;
+ Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - Buffer $dl chars ready to parse:\n$data");
+ }
return ($st,$data,$hash);
} else {
if($eof) {
$hash = $shash;
+ my $dl = length($data);
chomp $data;
- Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - Buffer $ret chars length:\n$data") if($data);
+ Log2Syslog_Log3slog ($shash, 5, "Log2Syslog $sname - Buffer $dl chars after EOF ready to parse:\n$data") if($data);
return ($st,$data,$hash);
@@ -672,9 +681,10 @@ sub Log2Syslog_getifdata($$@) {
} else {
$st = "error - no socket opened";
$data = '';
+ return ($st,$data,$hash);
-return ($st,undef,$hash);
+return ($st,undef,$hash);
@@ -2888,6 +2898,21 @@ $CONT = (split(">",$CONT))[1] if($CONT =~ /^<.*>.*$/);