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49_SSCam: contrib 7.7.0

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@17906 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2018-12-06 22:22:15 +00:00
parent 4c2e9e514e
commit 20ac8bef59

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# $Id: 49_SSCam.pm 17735 2018-11-12 18:12:01Z DS_Starter $
# $Id: 49_SSCam.pm 17891 2018-12-03 21:52:16Z DS_Starter $
# 49_SSCam.pm
@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ use HttpUtils;
# Versions History intern
our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
"7.7.0" => "06.12.2018 SVS-Device: autocreateCams command added, some other fixes and improvements ",
"7.6.0" => "02.12.2018 sub SSCam_ptzpanel completed by Preset and Patrol, minor fixes ",
"7.5.0" => "02.12.2018 sub SSCam_StreamDev and SSCam_composegallery changed to use popup window ",
"7.4.1" => "26.11.2018 sub composegallery deleted, SSCam_composegallery changed to get information for SSCam_refresh ",
"7.4.0" => "24.11.2018 new set command \"createReadingsGroup\", versionNotes can process lists like \"2,6\", changed compatibility check, use SnapId when get information after took snapshot and sscam state-event ",
"7.3.3" => "18.11.2018 change rights decsption in commandRef ",
"7.3.2" => "12.11.2018 fix Warning in line 4954, set COMPATIBILITY to 8.2.2 ",
@ -94,6 +98,10 @@ our %SSCam_vNotesIntern = (
# Versions History extern
our %SSCam_vNotesExtern = (
"7.7.0" => "06.12.2018 autocreateCams command added in SVS device. BY this command all cameras installed in SVS can be defined automatically. ",
"7.6.0" => "02.12.2018 The PTZ panel is completed by \"Preset\" and \"Patrol\" (only for PTZ cameras) ",
"7.5.0" => "02.12.2018 A click on suitable content in a stream- or snapgallery device opens a popup window. ".
"The popup size can be adjusted by attribute \"popupWindowSize\". ",
"7.4.0" => "20.11.2018 new command \"createReadingsGroup\". By this command a ReadingsGroup with a name of your choice (or use the default name) can be created. ".
"Procedure changes of taking snapshots avoid inaccuracies if camera names in SVS very similar. ",
"7.3.2" => "12.11.2018 fix Warning if 'livestreamprefix' is set to DEF, COMPATIBILITY set to 8.2.2 ",
@ -266,6 +274,8 @@ use vars qw($FW_ME); # webname (default is fhem), used by 97_GROUP/weblink
use vars qw($FW_subdir); # Sub-path in URL, used by FLOORPLAN/weblink
use vars qw($FW_room); # currently selected room
use vars qw($FW_detail); # currently selected device for detail view
use vars qw($FW_wname); # Web instance
sub FW_pH(@); # add href
sub SSCam_Initialize($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
@ -639,6 +649,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
} else {
# setlist für SVS Devices
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"autocreateCams:noArg ".
"credentials ".
"createReadingsGroup ".
"extevent:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ".
@ -775,7 +786,7 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
my $rgdev = $prop?$prop:"RG.SSCam";
my $rgdef = '<%it_camera>,<Kamera<br>On/Offline>,< >,<Status>,< >,<Bewegungs<br>erkennung>,< >,<letzte Aufnahme>,< >,<bel. Platz<br>(MB)>,< >,<letzte Aktualisierung>,< >,<Disable<br>Modul>,< >,<Wiedergabe>'."\n".
'< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >'."\n".
'< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >'."\n".
'< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >,< >'."\n".
@ -898,6 +909,11 @@ sub SSCam_Set($@) {
$hash->{HELPER}{HOMEMODE} = $prop;
} elsif ($opt eq "autocreateCams" && !SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials username password\"";}
} elsif ($opt eq "goPreset" && SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
if (!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {return "Credentials of $name are not set - make sure you've set it with \"set $name credentials username password\"";}
if (!$prop) {return "Function \"goPreset\" needs a \"Presetname\" as an argument";}
@ -1625,7 +1641,7 @@ sub SSCam_getcredentials ($$) {
my ($retcode, $credstr);
my (@key,$len,$i);
if ($boot eq 1) {
if ($boot) {
# mit $boot=1 Credentials von Platte lesen und als scrambled-String in RAM legen
$index = $hash->{TYPE}."_".$hash->{NAME}."_credentials";
($retcode, $credstr) = getKeyValue($index);
@ -1664,6 +1680,7 @@ sub SSCam_getcredentials ($$) {
$success = (defined($passwd)) ? 1 : 0;
return ($success, $username, $passwd);
@ -2428,6 +2445,54 @@ sub SSCam_hlsactivate($) {
# Kameras mit Autocreate erstellen
sub SSCam_setAutocreate($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $camname = $hash->{CAMNAME};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $errorcode;
my $error;
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "SSCam_setAutocreate");
return if(IsDisabled($name));
if (ReadingsVal("$name", "state", "") =~ /^dis.*/) {
if (ReadingsVal("$name", "state", "") eq "disabled") {
$errorcode = "402";
} elsif (ReadingsVal("$name", "state", "") eq "disconnected") {
$errorcode = "502";
# Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
$error = &SSCam_experror($hash,$errorcode);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - autocreate cameras - $error");
if ($hash->{HELPER}{ACTIVE} eq "off") {
# Aktivierung starten
$hash->{OPMODE} = "Autocreate";
$hash->{HELPER}{ACTIVE} = "on";
if (AttrVal($name,"debugactivetoken",0)) {
Log3($name, 3, "$name - Active-Token was set by OPMODE: $hash->{OPMODE}");
} else {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+2.1, "SSCam_setAutocreate", $hash, 0);
# HLS-Stream reaktivieren (stoppen & starten)
@ -3726,8 +3791,8 @@ sub SSCam_checksid ($) {
if(SSCam_IsModelCam($hash)) {
# Normalverarbeitung für Cams
if(SSCam_IsModelCam($hash) || $hash->{OPMODE} eq "Autocreate") {
# Normalverarbeitung für Cams oder Autocreate Cams
return SSCam_getcamid($hash);
} else {
# Sprung zu SSCam_camop wenn SVS Device
@ -3792,8 +3857,10 @@ sub SSCam_getcamid_parse ($) {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $camname = $hash->{CAMNAME};
my $apicammaxver = $hash->{HELPER}{APICAMMAXVER};
my $OpMode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my ($data,$success,$error,$errorcode,$camid);
my ($i,$n,$id);
my ($i,$n,$id,$errstate,$camdef,$nrcreated);
my $cdall = "";
my %allcams;
if ($err ne "") {
@ -3827,7 +3894,7 @@ sub SSCam_getcamid_parse ($) {
if ($success) {
# die Liste aller Kameras konnte ausgelesen werden
$i = 0;
($i,$nrcreated) = (0,0);
# Namen aller installierten Kameras mit Id's in Assoziatives Array einlesen
%allcams = ();
@ -3840,6 +3907,40 @@ sub SSCam_getcamid_parse ($) {
$id = $data->{'data'}->{'cameras'}->[$i]->{'id'};
$allcams{"$n"} = "$id";
$i += 1;
if ($OpMode eq "Autocreate") {
# Cam autocreate
($err,$camdef) = SSCam_Autocreate($hash,$n);
if($camdef) {
$cdall = $cdall.($cdall?", ":"").$camdef;
$errstate = $err if($err);
if ($OpMode eq "Autocreate") {
# Cam autocreate
Log3($name, 3, "$name - Cameras defined by autocreate: $cdall") if($cdall);
$errstate = $errstate?$errstate:"none";
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state","autocreate finished");
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
CommandSave(undef, undef) if($errstate eq "none" && $nrcreated && AttrVal("global","autosave", 1));
# Freigabe Funktionstoken
$hash->{HELPER}{ACTIVE} = "off";
if (AttrVal($name,"debugactivetoken",0)) {
Log3($name, 3, "$name - Active-Token deleted by OPMODE: $hash->{OPMODE}");
# Ist der gesuchte Kameraname im Hash enhalten (in SVS eingerichtet ?)
@ -3992,7 +4093,7 @@ sub SSCam_camop ($) {
my $snapid = ReadingsVal("$name", "LastSnapId", " ");
if($OpMode eq "getsnapinfo") {
Log3($name,4, "$name - Call getsnapinfo with params: Image numbers => $limit, Image size => $imgsize, Id => $snapid");
$url = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apitakesnappath?api=\"$apitakesnap\"&method=\"List\"&version=\"$apitakesnapmaxver\"&idList =\"$snapid\"&keyword=\"$keyword\"&imgSize=\"$imgsize\"&limit=\"$limit\"&_sid=\"$sid\"";
$url = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apitakesnappath?api=\"$apitakesnap\"&method=\"List\"&version=\"$apitakesnapmaxver\"&idList =\"$snapid\"&imgSize=\"$imgsize\"&limit=\"$limit\"&_sid=\"$sid\"";
} else {
Log3($name,4, "$name - Call getsnapinfo with params: Image numbers => $limit, Image size => $imgsize, Keyword => $keyword");
$url = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apitakesnappath?api=\"$apitakesnap\"&method=\"List\"&version=\"$apitakesnapmaxver\"&keyword=\"$keyword\"&imgSize=\"$imgsize\"&limit=\"$limit\"&_sid=\"$sid\"";
@ -5066,13 +5167,8 @@ sub SSCam_camop_parse ($) {
my $stmkey = $sk[1];
$stmkey =~ tr/"//d;
# Quotes in StmKey entfernen falls noQuotesForSID gesezt
$mjpegHttp =~ tr/"//d if(AttrVal($name, "noQuotesForSID",0));
# Readings löschen falls sie nicht angezeigt werden sollen (showStmInfoFull)
#if (!AttrVal($name,"showStmInfoFull",0)) {
# delete($defs{$name}{READINGS}{StmKeymjpegHttp});
# $mjpegHttp =~ tr/"//d if(AttrVal($name, "noQuotesForSID",0));
$mjpegHttp =~ tr/"//d;
# Streaminginfos in Helper speichern
$hash->{HELPER}{STMKEYMJPEGHTTP} = $mjpegHttp if($mjpegHttp);
@ -5799,9 +5895,58 @@ sub SSCam_logout_return ($) {
if (AttrVal($name,"debugactivetoken",0)) {
Log3($name, 3, "$name - Active-Token deleted by OPMODE: $hash->{OPMODE}");
# Autocreate für Kameras
# $sn = Name der Kamera in SVS
sub SSCam_Autocreate ($$) {
my ($hash,$sn) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my ($cmd, $err);
my $camname = makeDeviceName($sn); # erlaubten Kameranamen für FHEM erzeugen
my $camhash = $defs{$camname}; # Test ob SSCam-Device schon definiert ist
if(!$camhash) {
my $arg = $hash->{SERVERADDR}." ".$hash->{SERVERPORT};
$cmd = "$camname $type $sn $arg";
Log3($name, 2, "$name - Autocreate camera: define $cmd");
$err = CommandDefine(undef, $cmd);
if($err) {
Log3($name, 1, "ERROR: $err");
} else {
my $room = AttrVal($name, "room", "SSCam");
my $session = AttrVal($name, "session", "DSM");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname room $room");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname session $session");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname icon it_camera");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname pollcaminfoall 210");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname pollnologging 1");
CommandAttr(undef,"$camname httptimeout 20");
# Credentials abrufen und setzen
my ($success, $username, $password) = SSCam_getcredentials($hash,0);
if($success) {
CommandSet(undef, "$camname credentials $username $password");
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+1.8, "SSCam_addptzattr", "$name", 0);
} else {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Autocreate - camera \"$camname\" already exists");
$camname = "";
return ($err,$camname);
# Test ob JSON-String empfangen wurde
@ -6049,6 +6194,8 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel($;$$) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $iconpath = AttrVal("$name","ptzPanel_iconPath","www/images/sscam");
my $iconprefix = AttrVal("$name","ptzPanel_iconPrefix","black_btn_");
my $valPresets = ReadingsVal("$name","Presets","");
my $valPatrols = ReadingsVal("$name","Patrols","");
my $rowisset = 0;
my $ptz_ret;
my $row;
@ -6104,6 +6251,61 @@ sub SSCam_ptzpanel($;$$) {
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
$ptz_ret .= "</div>";
# add Preset & Patrols
my ($Presets,$Patrols,$fn);
my $cmdPreset = "goPreset";
my $cmdPatrol = "runPatrol";
foreach $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$Presets = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,$name,"",$cmdPreset,$valPresets);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($Presets));
if($Presets) {
$Presets =~ s,^<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>$,$1,;
# Log3($name, 1, "$name - commandArgs: $Presets");
} else {
$Presets = FW_pH "cmd.$name=set $name $cmdPreset", $cmdPreset, 0, "", 1, 1;
foreach $fn (sort keys %{$data{webCmdFn}}) {
no strict "refs";
$Patrols = &{$data{webCmdFn}{$fn}}($FW_wname,$name,"",$cmdPatrol,$valPatrols);
use strict "refs";
last if(defined($Patrols));
# Rahmenklasse
$ptz_ret .= "<div class=\"ptzpanel\">";
$ptz_ret .= "<table class=\"rc_body\">";
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
$ptz_ret .= '<td class="rc_button">';
# Dropdown Klasse
$ptz_ret .= "<table class=\"webcmd\">";
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "<td style=\"font-size:250%;\">Preset: </td><td><div class='col3'>$Presets</div></td>";
$ptz_ret .= "</tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
$ptz_ret .= "<table class=\"webcmd\">";
$ptz_ret .= "<tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "<td style=\"font-size:250%;\">Patrol: </td><td><div class='col3'>$Patrols</div></td>";
$ptz_ret .= "</tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
# Rahmenklasse end
$ptz_ret .= "</td>";
$ptz_ret .= "</tr>";
$ptz_ret .= "</table>";
$ptz_ret .= "</div>";
if ($rowisset) {
return $ptz_ret;
} else {
@ -6176,7 +6378,7 @@ return;
# Stream einer Kamera - Kamera Liveview weblink device
# Funktion für SSCamSTRM-Devices - Kamera Liveview weblink device
# API: SYNO.SurveillanceStation.VideoStreaming
# Methode: GetLiveViewPath
@ -6234,6 +6436,8 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
my $ha = AttrVal($camname, "htmlattr", 'width="500" height="325"'); # HTML Attribute der Cam
$ha = AttrVal($strmdev, "htmlattr", $ha); # htmlattr mit htmattr Streaming-Device übersteuern
my $pws = AttrVal($strmdev, "popupWindowSize", ""); # Größe eines Popups
$pws =~ s/"//g if($pws);
my $StmKey = ReadingsVal($camname,"StmKey",undef);
$ret = "";
@ -6263,7 +6467,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
if($apiaudiostmmaxver) { # keine API "SYNO.SurveillanceStation.AudioStream" mehr ab API v2.8
$audiolink = "$proto://$serveraddr:$serverport/webapi/$apiaudiostmpath?api=$apiaudiostm&version=$apiaudiostmmaxver&method=Stream&cameraId=$camid&_sid=$sid";
$ret .= "<td><img src=$link $ha><br>";
$ret .= "<td><img src=$link $ha onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=$link $pws>')\"><br>";
if(ReadingsVal($camname, "Record", "Stop") eq "Stop") {
# Aufnahmebutton endlos Start
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$cmdrecendless')\">$imgrecendless </a>";
@ -6286,6 +6490,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
Your browser does not support the audio element.
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "<td></td>" if(AttrVal($camname,"ptzPanel_use",1));
} elsif($fmt =~ /generic/) {
@ -6333,7 +6538,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
if($link && $wltype =~ /image|iframe|video|base64img|embed|hls/) {
if($wltype =~ /image/) {
$ret .= "<td><img src=$link $ha><br>";
$ret .= "<td><img src=$link $ha onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=$link $pws>')\"><br>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$cmdstop')\">$imgstop </a>";
$ret .= $imgblank;
if($hash->{HELPER}{RUNVIEW} =~ /live_fw/) {
@ -6359,10 +6564,12 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
$ret .= "<td><audio src=$hash->{HELPER}{AUDIOLINK} preload='none' volume='0.5' controls>
Your browser does not support the audio element.
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "<td></td>" if(AttrVal($camname,"ptzPanel_use",1));
} elsif ($wltype =~ /iframe/) {
$ret .= "<td><iframe src=$link $ha controls autoplay>
$ret .= "<td><iframe src=$link $ha controls autoplay onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=$link $pws>')\">
Iframes disabled
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$cmdstop')\">$imgstop </a>";
@ -6375,6 +6582,7 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
Your browser does not support the audio element.
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "<td></td>" if(AttrVal($camname,"ptzPanel_use",1));
} elsif ($wltype =~ /video/) {
@ -6393,14 +6601,15 @@ sub SSCam_StreamDev($$$) {
Your browser does not support the audio element.
$ret .= "</td>";
$ret .= "<td></td>" if(AttrVal($camname,"ptzPanel_use",1));
} elsif($wltype =~ /base64img/) {
$ret .= "<td><img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,$link' $ha><br>";
$ret .= "<td><img src='data:image/jpeg;base64,$link' $ha onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=data:image/jpeg;base64,$link $pws>')\"><br>";
$ret .= "<a onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$cmdstop')\">$imgstop </a>";
$ret .= "</td>";
} elsif($wltype =~ /embed/) {
$ret .= "<td><embed src=$link $ha></td>";
$ret .= "<td><embed src=$link $ha onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=$link $pws>')\"></td>";
} elsif($wltype =~ /hls/) {
$ret .= "<td><video $ha controls autoplay>
@ -6455,18 +6664,7 @@ return $ret;
# Schnappschußgalerie zusammenstellen
sub composegallery ($;$$) {
my ($name,$strmdev,$model) = @_;
Log3($name, 1, "$name - SSCam will change the internal Code soon. Please delete your old Snapgallery-Device and create a new one by \"set $name createSnapGallery\" ");
my $htmlCode = SSCam_composegallery($name,$strmdev,$model);
return $htmlCode;
# Schnappschußgalerie zusammenstellen
# Verwendung durch SSCamSTRM-Devices
sub SSCam_composegallery ($;$$) {
my ($name,$strmdev,$model) = @_;
@ -6484,10 +6682,17 @@ sub SSCam_composegallery ($;$$) {
: ReadingsTimestamp($name,"LastUpdateTime"," ")); # letzte Aktualisierung
$lupt =~ s/ / \/ /;
# Kontext des SSCamSTRM-Devices speichern für SSCam_refresh
$hash->{HELPER}{STRMDEV} = $strmdev; # Name des aufrufenden SSCamSTRM-Devices
$hash->{HELPER}{STRMROOM} = $FW_room?$FW_room:""; # Raum aus dem das SSCamSTRM-Device die Funktion aufrief
$hash->{HELPER}{STRMDETAIL} = $FW_detail?$FW_detail:""; # Name des SSCamSTRM-Devices (wenn Detailansicht)
my $cmddosnap = "cmd=set $name snap STRM"; # Snapshot auslösen mit Kennzeichnung "by STRM-Device"
my $imgdosnap = "<img src=\"$FW_ME/www/images/sscam/black_btn_DOSNAP.png\">";
my $ha = AttrVal($name, "snapGalleryHtmlAttr", AttrVal($name, "htmlattr", 'width="500" height="325"'));
my $pws = AttrVal($strmdev, "popupWindowSize", ""); # Größe eines Popups
$pws =~ s/"//g if($pws);
# falls "SSCam_composegallery" durch ein SSCamSTRM-Device aufgerufen wird
my $devWlink = "";
@ -6527,7 +6732,7 @@ sub SSCam_composegallery ($;$$) {
foreach my $key (@as) {
$ct = $allsnaps->{$key}{createdTm};
my $html = sprintf("<td>$ct<br /> <img $gattr src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,$allsnaps->{$key}{imageData}\" /> </td>" );
my $html = sprintf("<td>$ct<br> <img src=\"data:image/jpeg;base64,$allsnaps->{$key}{imageData}\" $gattr onClick=\"FW_okDialog('<img src=data:image/jpeg;base64,$allsnaps->{$key}{imageData} $pws>')\"> </td>" );
@ -6644,6 +6849,7 @@ sub SSCam_experror {
<a href="http://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,45671.msg374390.html#msg374390">49_SSCam: Fragen, Hinweise, Neuigkeiten und mehr rund um dieses Modul</a>.<br><br>
<b> Prerequisites </b> <br><br>
This module uses the Perl-module JSON. <br>
On Debian-Linux based systems this module can be installed by: <br><br>
@ -6659,8 +6865,14 @@ sub SSCam_experror {
Data::Dumper <br>
MIME::Base64 <br>
Time::HiRes <br>
HttpUtils (FHEM-module) <br><br>
HttpUtils (FHEM-module)
The PTZ panel (only PTZ cameras) in SSCam use its own icons.
Thereby the system find the icons, in FHEMWEB device the attribute "iconPath" has to be completed by "sscam"
(e.g. "attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam").
<a name="SSCamdefine"></a>
@ -7754,7 +7966,11 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
<a name="ptzPanel_use"></a>
Switch the usage of a PTZ-control panel in detail view respectively a created StreamDevice off or on
(default: on). </li><br>
(default: on). <br>
The PTZ panel use its own icons.
Thereby the system find the icons, in FHEMWEB device the attribute "iconPath" has to be completed by "sscam"
(e.g. "attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam").
<a name="rectime"></a>
@ -8006,7 +8222,13 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
Data::Dumper <br>
MIME::Base64 <br>
Time::HiRes <br>
HttpUtils (FHEM-Modul) <br><br>
HttpUtils (FHEM-Modul)
Das PTZ-Paneel (nur PTZ Kameras) in SSCam benutzt einen eigenen Satz Icons.
Damit das System sie findet, ist im FHEMWEB Device das Attribut "iconPath" um "sscam" zu ergänzen
(z.B. "attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam").
<a name="SSCamdefine"></a>
@ -8178,6 +8400,16 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
Die aufgeführten set-Befehle sind für CAM/SVS-Devices oder nur für CAM-Devices bzw. nur für SVS-Devices gültig. Sie stehen im
Drop-Down-Menü des jeweiligen Devices zur Auswahl zur Verfügung. <br><br>
<li><b> set &lt;name&gt; autocreateCams </b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(gilt für SVS)</li> <br>
Ist ein SVS-Device definiert können mit diesem Befehl alle in der SVS definierten Kameras automatisiert angelegt werden sofern
sie noch nicht definiert sind. Bereits definierte Kameradevices werden übersprungen.
Die neu erstellten Kameradevices werden dem gleichen Raum wie das SVS-Device zugewiesen (default SSCam). Es werden ebenfalls
weitere sinnvolle Attribute voreingestellt.
<a name="SSCamcreateStreamDev"></a>
<li><b> set &lt;name&gt; createStreamDev [generic | mjpeg | switched] </b> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(gilt für CAM)</li> <br>
@ -9127,7 +9359,11 @@ attr &lt;name&gt; genericStrmHtmlTag &lt;video $HTMLATTR controls autoplay&gt;
<a name="ptzPanel_use"></a>
Die Anzeige des PTZ-Steuerungspaneels in der Detailanzeige bzw. innerhalb eines generierten Streamdevice wird
ein- bzw. ausgeschaltet (default ein). </li><br>
ein- bzw. ausgeschaltet (default ein). <br>
Das PTZ-Panel benutzt einen eigenen Satz Icons.
Damit das System sie finden kann, ist im FHEMWEB Device das Attribut "iconPath" um "sscam" zu ergänzen
(z.B. "attr WEB iconPath default:fhemSVG:openautomation:sscam").
<a name="rectime"></a>