diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 593d2c045..736036d87 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 # Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
 # Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - change:  93_DbRep: adjust behavior of writeToDB - write value at every begin
+                      and also at every end of period, fix Warning when Agent 
+                      has detected a renamed device, remove adminCredentials 
+                      from set of DbRep device type "Agent", delDoublets now 
+                      are working for PostgreSQL, calculation of 
+                      number_fetched_rows corrected, count of inserted rows 
+                      into standby database corrected, avoid Duplicate entry 
+                      errors in writeToDB
  - change:  98_todoist: user information in FHEMWEB widget
  - change:  72_TA_CMI_JSON: added new API versions
  - bugfix:  88_Timer: fix list "Probably associated with" Forum: #1015549
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/93_DbRep.pm b/fhem/FHEM/93_DbRep.pm
index 58306fc75..390a3551d 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/93_DbRep.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/93_DbRep.pm
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #       93_DbRep.pm
-#       (c) 2016-2019 by Heiko Maaz
+#       (c) 2016-2020 by Heiko Maaz
 #       e-mail: Heiko dot Maaz at t-online dot de
 #       This Module can be used to select and report content of databases written by 93_DbLog module
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
 # Version History intern
 our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
+  "8.30.8"  => "25.01.2020  adjust SQL-Statements in OutputWriteToDB to avoid Duplicate entry errors and other fixes ",
+  "8.30.7"  => "24.01.2020  corrected count of inserted rows into standby database (DbRep_WriteToDB) ",
+  "8.30.6"  => "23.01.2020  delDoublets now are working also for PostgreSQL, calculation of number_fetched_rows corrected ",
+  "8.30.5"  => "23.01.2020  remove adminCredentials from set of device type \"Agent\" ",
+  "8.30.4"  => "22.01.2020  adjust behavior of OutputWriteToDB (averageValue,sumValue) - write value at every begin and also at every end of period ".
+                            "Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920 ".
+                            "fix Warning when Agent has detected a renamed device",
   "8.30.3"  => "28.11.2019  countEntries encode \$device, change count_ParseDone for \"countEntriesDetail\" ",
   "8.30.2"  => "24.11.2019  change order of delete(\$hash->{HELPER}{RUNNING_PID}) in *_ParseDone routines, Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105591.msg996089.html#msg996089 ",
   "8.30.1"  => "22.11.2019  commandref revised ",
@@ -174,6 +181,8 @@ our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
 # Version History extern:
 our %DbRep_vNotesExtern = (
+  "8.30.4"  => "22.01.2020  The behavior of write back values to database is changed for functions averageValue and sumValue. The solution values of that functions now are ".
+                            "written at every begin and also at every end of specified aggregation period. ",
   "8.30.0"  => "14.11.2019 A new command \"set <name> adminCredentials\" and \"get <name> storedCredentials\" ist provided. ".
                            "Use it to store a database priviledged user. This user DbRep can utilize for several operations which are need more (administative) ".
 						   "user rights (e.g. index, sqlCmd). ",
@@ -544,7 +553,7 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"fetchrows:history,current ":"").  
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"diffValue:display,writeToDB ":"").   
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"index:list_all,recreate_Search_Idx,drop_Search_Idx,recreate_Report_Idx,drop_Report_Idx ":"").
-                (($dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/)?"adminCredentials ":"").
+                (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent" && $dbmodel =~ /MYSQL/)?"adminCredentials ":"").
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"insert ":"").
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"reduceLog ":"").
                 (($hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent")?"sqlCmd:textField-long ":"").
@@ -1043,7 +1052,7 @@ sub DbRep_Get($@) {
         if($success) {
             $atxt = "Username: $admusername, Password: $admpassword\n";
         } else {
-            $atxt = "Credentials of $name couldn't be read - make sure you've set it with \"set $name adminCredentials username password\"";        
+            $atxt = "Credentials of $name couldn't be read. Make sure you've set it with \"set $name adminCredentials username password\" (only valid for DbRep device type \"Client\")";        
         return "Stored Credentials for database default access:\n".
@@ -1191,6 +1200,7 @@ sub DbRep_Attr($$$$) {
+                         useAdminCredentials
     if ($aName eq "disable") {
@@ -1450,7 +1460,7 @@ sub DbRep_Notify($$) {
          my $strucChanged;
          # altes in neues device in der DEF des angeschlossenen DbLog-device ändern (neues device loggen)
-         my $dblog_name = $own_hash->{dbloghash}{NAME};            # Name des an den DbRep-Agenten angeschlossenen DbLog-Dev
+         my $dblog_name = $own_hash->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE};            # Name des an den DbRep-Agenten angeschlossenen DbLog-Dev
          my $dblog_hash = $defs{$dblog_name};
          if ( $dblog_hash->{DEF} =~ m/( |\(|\|)$evl[1]( |\)|\||:)/ ) {
@@ -2717,7 +2727,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
  my $st = [gettimeofday];
  # DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Array-Eintrag
- my $arrstr;
+ my ($arrstr,$wrstr,@rsf,@rsn);
  foreach my $row (@ts) {
      my @a                     = split("#", $row);
      my $runtime_string        = $a[0];
@@ -2747,13 +2757,17 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
          my @line = $sth->fetchrow_array();
          Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - SQL result: $line[0]") if($line[0]);
          if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-             my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";  
+             @rsf     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|";    # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
          } else {
-             my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|"; 
+             @rsf     = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|";                            # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
      } elsif ($acf eq "avgDailyMeanGWS") {
@@ -2803,14 +2817,18 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
          } else {
              $sum = "insufficient values";
          if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-             my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";  
+             @rsf     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|";    # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
          } else {
-             my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|"; 
-         }      
+             @rsf     = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|";                            # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
+         }         
      } elsif ($acf eq "avgTimeWeightMean") {
          # zeitgewichteten Mittelwert berechnen
@@ -2887,13 +2905,17 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
                  Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - data element: $twmrow");
                  Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - time sum: $tsum, delta time: $dt, value: $val1, twm: ".$val1*($dt/$tsum));                 
-         }              
+         }               
          if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-             my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";  
+             @rsf     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|";    # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
          } else {
-             my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
-             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|"; 
+             @rsf     = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
+             @rsn     = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
+             $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."|";
+             $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$sum."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|";                            # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
@@ -2907,7 +2929,7 @@ sub averval_DoParse($) {
  # Ergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
  my ($wrt,$irowdone);
  if($prop =~ /writeToDB/) {
-     ($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,$qlf);
+     ($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,$qlf);
      if ($err) {
          Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "DbRep $name - $err"; 
          $err = encode_base64($err,"");
@@ -3251,7 +3273,7 @@ sub maxval_DoParse($) {
      if(!@array) {
          if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-             my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
+             my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
              @array = ($runtime_string." "."0"." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
          } else {
              my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@@ -3478,11 +3500,11 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
          return "$name|''|$device|$reading|''|$err|''";
-     my @array= map { $runtime_string." ".$_ -> [0]." ".$_ -> [1]."\n" } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() };
+     my @array = map { $runtime_string." ".$_->[0]." ".$_->[1]."\n" } @{ $sth->fetchall_arrayref() };
      if(!@array) {
          if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-             my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
+             my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
              @array = ($runtime_string." "."0"." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
          } else {
              my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
@@ -3521,7 +3543,6 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
      # Test auf $value = "numeric"
      if (!looks_like_number($value)) {
-         # $a[-1] =~ s/\s+$//g;
          Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - ERROR - value isn't numeric in minValue function. Faulty dataset was \nTIMESTAMP: $timestamp, DEVICE: $device, READING: $reading, VALUE: $value.");
          $err = encode_base64("Value isn't numeric. Faulty dataset was - TIMESTAMP: $timestamp, VALUE: $value", "");
          return "$name|''|$device|$reading|''|$err|''";
@@ -3533,15 +3554,15 @@ sub minval_DoParse($) {
      if ($runtime_string eq $lastruntimestring) {
          if (!defined($min_value) || $value < $min_value) {
-             $min_value    = $value;
-             $row_min_time = $timestamp;
+             $min_value           = $value;
+             $row_min_time        = $timestamp;
              $rh{$runtime_string} = $runtime_string."|".$min_value."|".$row_min_time;            
      } else {
          # neuer Zeitabschnitt beginnt, ersten Value-Wert erfassen 
-         $lastruntimestring = $runtime_string;
-         $min_value         = $value;
-         $row_min_time      = $timestamp;
+         $lastruntimestring   = $runtime_string;
+         $min_value           = $value;
+         $row_min_time        = $timestamp;
          $rh{$runtime_string} = $runtime_string."|".$min_value."|".$row_min_time; 
@@ -3760,11 +3781,11 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
          if(!@array) {
              if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-                 my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
-                 @array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
+                 my @rsf = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
+                 @array  = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."\n");
              } else {
                  my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
-                 @array = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."\n");
+                 @array  = ($runtime_string." ".$rsf[0]."\n");
          push(@row_array, @array);
@@ -3802,13 +3823,7 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
       $lastruntimestring = $runtime_string if ($i == 1);
       my $timestamp      = $a[2]?$a[1]."_".$a[2]:$a[1];
       my $value          = $a[3]?$a[3]:0;  
-      my $diff           = $a[4]?sprintf("%.4f",$a[4]):0;   
-#      if ($uediff)	  {
-#	      $diff = $diff + $uediff;
-#		  Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - balance difference of $uediff between $rslval and $runtime_string");
-#		  $uediff = 0;
-#	  } 
+      my $diff           = $a[4]?sprintf("%.4f",$a[4]):0;
       # Leerzeichen am Ende $timestamp entfernen
       $timestamp         =~ s/\s+$//g;
@@ -3883,7 +3898,7 @@ sub diffval_DoParse($) {
      foreach my $key (sort(keys%{$ncp})) {
          Log3 ($name, 3, $key) ;
- $ncps = join('§', %$ncp);	
+ $ncps     = join('§', %$ncp);	
  $ncpslist = encode_base64($ncps,""); 
@@ -4057,7 +4072,7 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
  my $st = [gettimeofday];  
  # DB-Abfrage zeilenweise für jeden Array-Eintrag
- my $arrstr;
+ my ($arrstr,$wrstr,@rsf,@rsn);
  foreach my $row (@ts) {
      my @a                     = split("#", $row);
      my $runtime_string        = $a[0];
@@ -4087,11 +4102,15 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
      Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - SQL result: $line[0]") if($line[0]);     
      if(AttrVal($name, "aggregation", "") eq "hour") {
-         my @rsf = split(/[" "\|":"]/,$runtime_string_first);
-         $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";  
+         @rsf     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_first);
+         @rsn     = split(/[ :]/,$runtime_string_next);
+         $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."|";
+         $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."_".$rsf[1]."#".$rsn[0]."_".$rsn[1]."|";    # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
      } else {
-         my @rsf = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
-         $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|"; 
+         @rsf     = split(" ",$runtime_string_first);
+         @rsn     = split(" ",$runtime_string_next);
+         $arrstr .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."|";
+         $wrstr  .= $runtime_string."#".$line[0]."#".$rsf[0]."#".$rsn[0]."|";    # Kombi zum Rückschreiben in die DB
@@ -4104,7 +4123,7 @@ sub sumval_DoParse($) {
  # Ergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
  my ($wrt,$irowdone);
  if($prop =~ /writeToDB/) {
-     ($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,"sum");
+     ($wrt,$irowdone,$err) = DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,"sum");
      if ($err) {
          Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 2, "DbRep $name - $err"; 
          $err = encode_base64($err,"");
@@ -5162,7 +5181,7 @@ sub deldoublets_DoParse($) {
  my $dbpassword = $attr{"sec$dblogname"}{secret};
  my $utf8       = defined($hash->{UTF8})?$hash->{UTF8}:0;
  my $limit      = AttrVal($name, "limit", 1000);
- my ($err,$dbh,$sth,$sql,$rowlist,$selspec,$st,$table,$addon);
+ my ($err,$dbh,$sth,$sql,$rowlist,$selspec,$st,$table,$addon,$dsql);
  # Background-Startzeit
  my $bst = [gettimeofday];
@@ -5227,18 +5246,19 @@ sub deldoublets_DoParse($) {
      # SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
      $rt = $rt+tv_interval($st);
-     # Beginn Löschlogik, Zusammenstellen der löschenden DS (warping)
+     # Beginn Löschlogik, Zusammenstellen der zu löschenden DS (warping)
 	 # Array @warp -> die zu löschenden Datensätze
      my (@warp);
      my $i = 0;
      foreach my $nr (map { $_->[1]."_ESC_".$_->[2]."_ESC_".($_->[0] =~ s/ /_ESC_/r)."_ESC_".$_->[3]."_|_".($_->[4]-1) } @{$sth->fetchall_arrayref()}) {     
          # Reihenfolge geändert in: DEVICE,READING,DATE,TIME,VALUE,count(*)
          if($opt =~ /adviceDelete/) {
-             push(@warp,$nr) if($#todel+1 < $limit);                   # die zu löschenden Datensätze (nur zur Anzeige) 
+             push(@warp,$i."_".$nr) if($#todel+1 < $limit);                   # die zu löschenden Datensätze (nur zur Anzeige) 
          } else {        
-             push (@warp,$nr);                                         # Array der zu löschenden Datensätze
+             push(@warp,$i."_".$nr);                                          # Array der zu löschenden Datensätze
-         my $c = (split("|",$nr))[-1];
+         my $c   = (split("|",$nr))[-1];
+         Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - WARP: $nr, ntodel: $ntodel, c: $c");
          $ntodel = $ntodel + $c;
          if ($opt =~ /delete/) {                                       # delete Datensätze
@@ -5250,9 +5270,12 @@ sub deldoublets_DoParse($) {
              $val  =~ s/'/''/g;                                 # escape ' with ''
 			 $val  =~ s/\\/\\\\/g if($model eq "MYSQL");        # escape \ with \\ für MySQL
              $st = [gettimeofday];
-             my $dsql = "delete FROM $table WHERE TIMESTAMP = '$dt' AND DEVICE = '$dev' AND READING = '$read' AND VALUE = '$val' limit $limit;";
-             my $sthd = $dbh->prepare($dsql); 
-             Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - SQL execute: $dsql"); 
+             if($model =~ /MYSQL|SQLITE/) {
+                 $dsql = "delete FROM $table WHERE TIMESTAMP = '$dt' AND DEVICE = '$dev' AND READING = '$read' AND VALUE = '$val' limit $limit;";
+             } elsif ($model eq "POSTGRESQL") {
+                 $dsql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE ctid = any (array(SELECT ctid FROM $table WHERE TIMESTAMP = '$dt' AND DEVICE = '$dev' AND READING = '$read' AND VALUE = '$val' ORDER BY timestamp LIMIT $limit));";
+             }
+             my $sthd = $dbh->prepare($dsql);  
              eval {$sthd->execute();};
              if ($@) {
@@ -10612,7 +10635,7 @@ return \%ncp;
 #                         Funktionsergebnisse in Datenbank schreiben
 sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
-  my ($name,$device,$reading,$arrstr,$optxt) = @_;
+  my ($name,$device,$reading,$wrstr,$optxt) = @_;
   my $hash       = $defs{$name};
   my $dbloghash  = $defs{$hash->{HELPER}{DBLOGDEVICE}};
   my $dbconn     = $dbloghash->{dbconn};
@@ -10630,7 +10653,8 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
   my $unit       = "";
   my $wrt        = 0;
   my $irowdone   = 0;
-  my ($dbh,$sth_ih,$sth_uh,$sth_ic,$sth_uc,$err,$timestamp,$value,$date,$time,$rsf,$aggr,@row_array);
+  my ($dbh,$sth_ih,$sth_uh,$sth_ic,$sth_uc,$err,$timestamp,$value,$date,$time,$hour,$ndate,$ntime,$rsf,$rsn,$aggr,@row_array);
+  my ($year,$mon,$mday,$t1,$corr);
   if(!$dbloghash->{HELPER}{COLSET}) {
       $err = "No result of \"$hash->{LASTCMD}\" to database written. Cause: column width in \"$hash->{DEF}\" isn't set";
@@ -10644,32 +10668,65 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
   $type = $defs{$device}{TYPE} if($defs{$device});                # $type vom Device ableiten
   if($optxt =~ /avg|sum/) {
-      my @arr = split("\\|", $arrstr);
+      my @arr = split("\\|", $wrstr);
+      my $ele = $#arr;                                            # Nr des letzten Elements
+      my $i   = 0;
       foreach my $row (@arr) {
           my @a              = split("#", $row);
           my $runtime_string = $a[0];                             # Aggregations-Alias (nicht benötigt)
           $value             = defined($a[1])?sprintf("%.4f",$a[1]):undef;
-          $rsf               = $a[2];                             # Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
+          $rsf               = $a[2];                             # Runtime String first - Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
           ($date,$time)      = split("_",$rsf);
           $time              =~ s/-/:/g if($time);
+          $rsn               = $a[3];                             # Runtime String next - Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
+          ($ndate,$ntime)    = split("_",$rsn);
+          $ntime             =~ s/-/:/g if($ntime);
           if($time !~ /^(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
-              if($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month/) {
-                  $time = "23:59:58";
+              if($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month|year/) {
+                  $time  = "00:00:01";                      # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
+                  $ntime = "23:59:59";
+                  ($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $ndate);
+                  $corr              = ($i != $ele) ? 86400 : 0;
+                  $t1                = fhemTimeLocal(59, 59, 23, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900)-$corr;
+                  ($ndate,undef)     = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));                  
               } elsif ($aggr =~ /hour/) {
-                  $time = "$time:59:58";
+                  $hour  = $time;
+                  $time  = "$hour:00:01";                   # https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,105787.msg1013920.html#msg1013920
+                  $ntime = "$hour:59:59";
+                  if ($ntime eq "23:59:59") {
+                      ($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $ndate);
+                      $t1                = fhemTimeLocal(59, 59, 23, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900)-86400;
+                      ($ndate,undef)     = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
+                  }
-          if ($value) {
+          if (defined $value) {
               # Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden (DbLog-Funktion !)
               ($device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit) = DbLog_cutCol($dbloghash,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
-              push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");             
+              if($i == 0) {              
+                  push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
+                  push(@row_array, "$ndate $ntime|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");    
+              } else {
+                  if ($aggr =~ /no|day|week|month|year/) {
+                      ($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $date);
+                      $t1                = fhemTimeLocal(01, 00, 00, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900);   
+                      ($date,$time)      = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));
+                  } elsif ($aggr =~ /hour/) {
+                      ($year,$mon,$mday) = split("-", $date);
+                      $t1                = fhemTimeLocal(01, 00, $hour, $mday, $mon-1, $year-1900);
+                      ($date,$time)      = split(" ",FmtDateTime($t1));                 
+                  }
+                  push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");
+                  push(@row_array, "$ndate $ntime|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");                   
+              }              
+          $i++;
   if($optxt =~ /min|max|diff/) { 
-      my %rh = split("§", $arrstr);
+      my %rh = split("§", $wrstr);
       foreach my $key (sort(keys(%rh))) {
           my @k         = split("\\|",$rh{$key});
           $rsf          = $k[2];                               # Datum / Zeit für DB-Speicherung
@@ -10690,7 +10747,7 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
               push(@row_array, "$date $time|$device|$type|$event|$reading|$value|$unit");             
-  }  
+  }   
   if (@row_array) {
       # Schreibzyklus aktivieren
@@ -10710,7 +10767,7 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
       if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(history)) {
-          # insert history mit/ohne primary key
+          # INSERT history mit/ohne primary key
           if ($usepkh && $dbloghash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
               eval { $sth_ih = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT IGNORE INTO history (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); };
           } elsif ($usepkh && $dbloghash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -10725,22 +10782,10 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
               return ($wrt,$irowdone,$err);
-		  # update history mit/ohne primary key
-          if ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); 
-	      } elsif ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {  
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
-	      } elsif ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'POSTGRESQL') {
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT ($pkc) 
-	      } else {
-	          $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE history SET TYPE=?, EVENT=?, VALUE=?, UNIT=? WHERE (TIMESTAMP=?) AND (DEVICE=?) AND (READING=?)");
-	      }
       if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(current) ) {
-          # insert current mit/ohne primary key
+          # INSERT current mit/ohne primary key
 	      if ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
               eval { $sth_ic = $dbh->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); };	  
 	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -10756,18 +10801,6 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
               return ($wrt,$irowdone,$err);
-	      # update current mit/ohne primary key
-          if ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); 
-	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {  
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
-	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'POSTGRESQL') {
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT ($pkc) 
-	      } else {
-	          $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE current SET TIMESTAMP=?, TYPE=?, EVENT=?, VALUE=?, UNIT=? WHERE (DEVICE=?) AND (READING=?)");
-	      }
       eval { $dbh->begin_work() if($dbh->{AutoCommit}); };
@@ -10775,8 +10808,6 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
           Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name -> Error start transaction for history - $@");
-      Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - data prepared to db write:"; 
       # SQL-Startzeit
       my $wst = [gettimeofday]; 
@@ -10791,46 +10822,44 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
           $reading   = $a[4];
           $value     = $a[5];
           $unit      = $a[6];
-          Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - $row";
           eval {
               # update oder insert history
               if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(history) ) {
-                  my $rv_uh = $sth_uh->execute($type,$event,$value,$unit,$timestamp,$device,$reading); 
+                  my $rv_uh = $dbh->do("UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\", DEVICE=\"$device\", READING=\"$reading\", TYPE=\"$type\", EVENT=\"$event\", VALUE=\"$value\", UNIT=\"$unit\" WHERE TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\" AND DEVICE=\"$device\" AND READING=\"$reading\"");  
+                  $uhs += $rv_uh if($rv_uh);
+                  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - UPDATE history: $row, RESULT: $rv_uh";
 				  if ($rv_uh == 0) {
-				      $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
-					  $ihs++; 
-				  } else {
-				      $uhs++;
+				      my $rv_ih = $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
+                      $ihs += $rv_ih if($rv_ih); 
+                      Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - INSERT history: $row, RESULT: $rv_ih";
               # update oder insert current
               if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(current) ) {
-                  my $rv_uc = $sth_uc->execute($timestamp,$type,$event,$value,$unit,$device,$reading);
+                  my $rv_uc = $dbh->do("UPDATE current SET TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\", DEVICE=\"$device\", READING=\"$reading\", TYPE=\"$type\", EVENT=\"$event\", VALUE=\"$value\", UNIT=\"$unit\" WHERE DEVICE=\"$device\" AND READING=\"$reading\""); 
                   if ($rv_uc == 0) {
-              }
+              }              
           if ($@) {
               $err = $@;
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
-	          $ihs = 0;
-	          $uhs = 0;
               return ($wrt,0,$err);
-          } else {
-              $irowdone++;
-          }
+          }          
       eval {$dbh->commit() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});};
 	  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines updated in \"$dblogname\": $uhs"; 
       Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines inserted into \"$dblogname\": $ihs"; 
+      $irowdone = $ihs + $uhs; 
       # SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
       $wrt = tv_interval($wst);
@@ -10853,6 +10882,7 @@ sub DbRep_WriteToDB($$$@) {
   my $supk      = AttrVal($dblogname, "noSupportPK", 0);
   my $wrt       = 0;
   my $irowdone  = 0;
+  my $totrows   = 0;
   my ($sth_ih,$sth_uh,$sth_ic,$sth_uc,$err);
   # check ob PK verwendet wird, @usepkx?Anzahl der Felder im PK:0 wenn kein PK, $pkx?Namen der Felder:none wenn kein PK 
@@ -10934,8 +10964,7 @@ sub DbRep_WriteToDB($$$@) {
   # SQL-Startzeit
   my $wst = [gettimeofday]; 
-  my $ihs = 0;
-  my $uhs = 0;
+  my ($ihs,$uhs) = (0,0);
   foreach my $row (@row_array) {
       my ($date,$time,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit) = ($row =~ /^(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)_ESC_(.*)$/);
       Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name - $row";     
@@ -10949,10 +10978,10 @@ sub DbRep_WriteToDB($$$@) {
                   $rv_uh = $sth_uh->execute($type,$event,$value,$unit,$timestamp,$device,$reading); 
 			  if ($rv_uh == 0) {
-			      $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
-				  $ihs++; 
+			      $ihs      += $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);          # V8.30.7
+				  # $ihs++;                                                                                      # V8.30.7
 			  } else {
-			      $uhs++;
+			      $uhs      += $rv_uh;                                                                           # V8.30.7
           # update oder insert current
@@ -10968,18 +10997,18 @@ sub DbRep_WriteToDB($$$@) {
           $err = $@;
           Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
-          $ihs = 0;
-          $uhs = 0;
           return ($wrt,0,$err);
       } else {
-          $irowdone++;
-      }
+	      $totrows++;                                                                                            # V8.30.7
+	  }
   eval {$dbh->commit() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});};
-  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines updated in \"$dblogname\": $uhs" if($uhs); 
-  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines inserted into \"$dblogname\": $ihs" if($ihs); 
+  Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - total lines transfered to standby database: $totrows");                         # V8.30.7
+  Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines updated in \"$dblogname\": $uhs") if($uhs); 
+  Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines inserted into \"$dblogname\": $ihs") if($ihs);
+  $irowdone = $ihs + $uhs; 
   # SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
   $wrt = tv_interval($wst);
@@ -11007,8 +11036,8 @@ sub DbRep_checkUsePK ($$$){
   $pkc =~ tr/"//d;
   $upkh = 1 if(@pkh && @pkh ne "none");
   $upkc = 1 if(@pkc && @pkc ne "none");
-  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.history: $pkh";
-  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.current: $pkc";
+  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.history: $upkh ($pkh)";
+  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 5, "DbRep $name -> Primary Key used in $db.current: $upkc ($pkc)";
 return ($upkh,$upkc,$pkh,$pkc);
@@ -11569,7 +11598,7 @@ return;
 	                           - Save a user / password for the privileged respectively administrative database access. 
                                The user is required for database operations which has to be executed by a privileged user. 
                                Please see also attribute <a href="#useAdminCredentials">'useAdminCredentials'</a>. <br>
-                               (only valid if database type is MYSQL)
+                               (only valid if database type is MYSQL and DbRep-type "Client")
                                </li> <br>
@@ -13723,7 +13752,7 @@ sub bdump {
   <li><b>useAdminCredentials </b>         
                                 - If set, a before with "set &lt;aame&gt; adminCredentials" saved privileged user is used
                                   for particular database operations. <br>
-                                  (only valid if database type is MYSQL)
+                                  (only valid if database type is MYSQL and DbRep-type "Client")
                                   </li> <br>
   <a name="userExitFn"></a>
@@ -14057,7 +14086,7 @@ sub bdump {
 	                           - Speichert einen User / Passwort für den privilegierten bzw. administrativen 
                                Datenbankzugriff. Er wird bei Datenbankoperationen benötigt, die mit einem privilegierten User 
                                ausgeführt werden müssen. Siehe auch Attribut <a href="#useAdminCredentials">'useAdminCredentials'</a>. <br>
-                               (nur gültig bei Datenbanktyp MYSQL)
+                               (nur gültig bei Datenbanktyp MYSQL und DbRep-Typ "Client")
                                </li> <br>
@@ -16251,7 +16280,7 @@ sub bdump {
   <li><b>useAdminCredentials </b>         
                                 - Wenn gesetzt, wird ein zuvor mit "set &lt;Name&gt; adminCredentials" gespeicherter 
                                   privilegierter User für bestimmte Datenbankoperationen verwendet. <br>
-                                  (nur gültig für Datenbanktyp MYSQL)
+                                  (nur gültig für Datenbanktyp MYSQL und DbRep-Typ "Client")
                                   </li> <br>
   <a name="userExitFn"></a> 								
@@ -16479,4 +16508,4 @@ sub bdump {
 =end :application/json;q=META.json
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbRep.pm b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbRep.pm
index 6ed723f28..c52665bc3 100644
--- a/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbRep.pm
+++ b/fhem/contrib/DS_Starter/93_DbRep.pm
@@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
 # Version History intern
 our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
+  "8.30.8"  => "25.01.2020  adjust SQL-Statements in OutputWriteToDB to avoid Duplicate entry errors and other fixes ",
   "8.30.7"  => "24.01.2020  corrected count of inserted rows into standby database (DbRep_WriteToDB) ",
   "8.30.6"  => "23.01.2020  delDoublets now are working also for PostgreSQL, calculation of number_fetched_rows corrected ",
   "8.30.5"  => "23.01.2020  remove adminCredentials from set of device type \"Agent\" ",
@@ -2074,7 +2075,7 @@ sub DbRep_createTimeArray($$$) {
  #  absolute Auswertungszeiträume statische und dynamische (Beginn / Ende) berechnen 
  if($hash->{HELPER}{MINTS} && $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS} =~ m/0000-00-00/) {
-     Log3 ($name, 1, "DbRep $name - ERROR - wrong timestamp \"$hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}\" found in database. Please delete it with 'set $name sqlCmd delete from history where TIMESTAMP=\"0000-00-00 00:00:00\";' ");
+     Log3 ($name, 1, "DbRep $name - ERROR - wrong timestamp \"$hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}\" found in database. Please delete it !");
      delete $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS};
@@ -10766,7 +10767,7 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
       if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(history)) {
-          # insert history mit/ohne primary key
+          # INSERT history mit/ohne primary key
           if ($usepkh && $dbloghash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
               eval { $sth_ih = $dbh->prepare_cached("INSERT IGNORE INTO history (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); };
           } elsif ($usepkh && $dbloghash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -10781,22 +10782,10 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
               return ($wrt,$irowdone,$err);
-		  # update history mit/ohne primary key
-          if ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); 
-	      } elsif ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {  
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
-	      } elsif ($usepkh && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'POSTGRESQL') {
-		      $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO history (TYPE, EVENT, VALUE, UNIT, TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, READING) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT ($pkc) 
-	      } else {
-	          $sth_uh = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE history SET TYPE=?, EVENT=?, VALUE=?, UNIT=? WHERE (TIMESTAMP=?) AND (DEVICE=?) AND (READING=?)");
-	      }
       if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(current) ) {
-          # insert current mit/ohne primary key
+          # INSERT current mit/ohne primary key
 	      if ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
               eval { $sth_ic = $dbh->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); };	  
 	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {
@@ -10812,18 +10801,6 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
               return ($wrt,$irowdone,$err);
-	      # update current mit/ohne primary key
-          if ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'MYSQL') {
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("REPLACE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); 
-	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'SQLITE') {  
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
-	      } elsif ($usepkc && $hash->{MODEL} eq 'POSTGRESQL') {
-		      $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO current (TIMESTAMP, DEVICE, TYPE, EVENT, READING, VALUE, UNIT) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON CONFLICT ($pkc) 
-	      } else {
-	          $sth_uc = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE current SET TIMESTAMP=?, TYPE=?, EVENT=?, VALUE=?, UNIT=? WHERE (DEVICE=?) AND (READING=?)");
-	      }
       eval { $dbh->begin_work() if($dbh->{AutoCommit}); };
@@ -10831,8 +10808,6 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
           Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name -> Error start transaction for history - $@");
-      Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - data prepared to db write:"; 
       # SQL-Startzeit
       my $wst = [gettimeofday]; 
@@ -10847,46 +10822,44 @@ sub DbRep_OutputWriteToDB($$$$$) {
           $reading   = $a[4];
           $value     = $a[5];
           $unit      = $a[6];
-          Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - $row";
           eval {
               # update oder insert history
               if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(history) ) {
-                  my $rv_uh = $sth_uh->execute($type,$event,$value,$unit,$timestamp,$device,$reading); 
+                  my $rv_uh = $dbh->do("UPDATE history SET TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\", DEVICE=\"$device\", READING=\"$reading\", TYPE=\"$type\", EVENT=\"$event\", VALUE=\"$value\", UNIT=\"$unit\" WHERE TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\" AND DEVICE=\"$device\" AND READING=\"$reading\"");  
+                  $uhs += $rv_uh if($rv_uh);
+                  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - UPDATE history: $row, RESULT: $rv_uh";
 				  if ($rv_uh == 0) {
-				      $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
-					  $ihs++; 
-				  } else {
-				      $uhs++;
+				      my $rv_ih = $sth_ih->execute($timestamp,$device,$type,$event,$reading,$value,$unit);
+                      $ihs += $rv_ih if($rv_ih); 
+                      Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 4, "DbRep $name - INSERT history: $row, RESULT: $rv_ih";
               # update oder insert current
               if (lc($DbLogType) =~ m(current) ) {
-                  my $rv_uc = $sth_uc->execute($timestamp,$type,$event,$value,$unit,$device,$reading);
+                  my $rv_uc = $dbh->do("UPDATE current SET TIMESTAMP=\"$timestamp\", DEVICE=\"$device\", READING=\"$reading\", TYPE=\"$type\", EVENT=\"$event\", VALUE=\"$value\", UNIT=\"$unit\" WHERE DEVICE=\"$device\" AND READING=\"$reading\""); 
                   if ($rv_uc == 0) {
-              }
+              }              
           if ($@) {
               $err = $@;
               Log3 ($name, 2, "DbRep $name - $@");
-	          $ihs = 0;
-	          $uhs = 0;
               return ($wrt,0,$err);
-          } else {
-              $irowdone++;
-          }
+          }          
       eval {$dbh->commit() if(!$dbh->{AutoCommit});};
 	  Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines updated in \"$dblogname\": $uhs"; 
       Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 3, "DbRep $name - number of lines inserted into \"$dblogname\": $ihs"; 
+      $irowdone = $ihs + $uhs; 
       # SQL-Laufzeit ermitteln
       $wrt = tv_interval($wst);