mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 16:56:54 +00:00
50_SSChatBot.pm: more code refactoring and little improvements
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@22633 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.10.2" => "19.08.2020 more code refactoring and little improvements ",
"1.10.1" => "18.08.2020 more code changes according PBP ",
"1.10.0" => "17.08.2020 switch to packages, finalise for repo checkin ",
"1.9.0" => "30.07.2020 restartSendqueue option 'force' added ",
@ -950,6 +951,20 @@ sub addQueue {
# asynchrone Queue starten
# $rst = resend Timer
sub startQueue {
my $name = shift // return;
my $rst = shift // return;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites");
InternalTimer ($rst, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites", "$name", 0);
# Erfolg einer Rückkehrroutine checken und ggf. Send-Retry ausführen
@ -974,7 +989,7 @@ sub checkRetry {
if(!$retry) { # Befehl erfolgreich, Senden nur neu starten wenn weitere Einträge in SendQueue
delete $hash->{OPIDX};
delete $data{SSChatBot}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Opmode \"$hash->{OPMODE}\" finished successfully, Sendqueue index \"$idx\" deleted.");
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - Opmode "$hash->{OPMODE}" finished successfully, Sendqueue index "$idx" deleted.});
updQLength ($hash);
return getApiSites($name); # nächsten Eintrag abarbeiten (wenn SendQueue nicht leer)
@ -999,21 +1014,19 @@ sub checkRetry {
if(!$forbidSend) {
my $rs = 0;
$rs = $rc <= 1 ? 5
: $rc < 3 ? 20
: $rc < 5 ? 60
: $rc < 7 ? 1800
: $rc < 30 ? 3600
: 86400
$rs = $rc <= 1 ? 5
: $rc < 3 ? 20
: $rc < 5 ? 60
: $rc < 7 ? 1800
: $rc < 30 ? 3600
: 86400
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - \"$hash->{OPMODE}\" SendQueue index \"$idx\" not executed. Restart SendQueue in $rs seconds (retryCount $rc).");
my $rst = gettimeofday()+$rs; # resend Timer
updQLength ($hash,$rst); # updaten Länge der Sendequeue mit resend Timer
RemoveInternalTimer($hash, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites");
InternalTimer($rst, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites", "$name", 0);
startQueue ($name,$rst);
@ -1902,105 +1915,43 @@ return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Missing data");
# Common Gateway data receive
# parsen von outgoing Messages Chat -> FHEM
sub _botCGIdata { ## no critic 'complexity'
sub _botCGIdata {
my $request = shift;
my ($text,$timestamp,$channelid,$channelname,$userid,$username,$postid,$triggerword) = ("","","","","","","","");
my ($command,$cr,$au,$arg,$callbackid,$actions,$actval,$avToExec) = ("","","","","","","","");
my $state = "active";
my $do = 0;
my $ret = "success";
my $success;
my @aul;
my ($text,$triggerword,$command,$cr) = ("","","","");
my ($actions,$actval,$avToExec) = ("","","");
my $args = (split(/outchat\?/x, $request))[1]; # GET-Methode empfangen
my ($mime, $err, $dat) = __botCGIcheckData ($request);
return ($mime, $err) if($err);
if(!$args) { # POST-Methode empfangen wenn keine GET_Methode ?
$args = (split(/outchat&/x, $request))[1];
if(!$args) {
Log 1, "TYPE SSChatBot - ERROR - no expected data received";
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "no expected data received");
my $name = $dat->{name};
my $args = $dat->{args};
my $h = $dat->{h};
$args =~ s/&/" /gx;
$args =~ s/=/="/gx;
$args .= "\"";
$args = urlDecode($args);
my($a,$h) = parseParams($args);
if (!defined($h->{botname})) {
Log 1, "TYPE SSChatBot - ERROR - no Botname received";
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "no FHEM SSChatBot name in message");
# check ob angegebenes SSChatBot Device definiert, wenn ja Kontext auf botname setzen
my $name = $h->{botname}; # das SSChatBot Device
if(!IsDevice($name, 'SSChatBot')) {
Log 1, qq{ERROR - No SSChatBot device "$name" of Type "SSChatBot" exists};
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "No SSChatBot device for webhook \"/outchat\" exists" );
my $hash = $defs{$name}; # hash des SSChatBot Devices
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ####################################################");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ### start Chat operation Receive ");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - ####################################################");
Log3($name, 5, "$name - raw data received (urlDecoded):\n".Dumper($args));
my $hash = $defs{$name}; # hash des SSChatBot Devices
my $rst = gettimeofday()+1; # Standardwert resend Timer
my $state = "active"; # Standardwert state
my $ret = "success";
# eine Antwort auf ein interaktives Objekt
if (defined($h->{payload})) {
# ein Benutzer hat ein interaktives Objekt ausgelöst (Button). Die Datenfelder sind nachfolgend beschrieben:
# "actions": Array des Aktionsobjekts, das sich auf die vom Benutzer ausgelöste Aktion bezieht
# "callback_id": Zeichenkette, die sich auf die Callback_id des Anhangs bezieht, in dem sich die vom Benutzer ausgelöste Aktion befindet
# "post_id"
# "token"
# "user": { "user_id","username" }
my $pldata = $h->{payload};
(undef, $success) = evalJSON($hash,$pldata);
if (!$success) {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - ERROR - invalid JSON data received:\n".Dumper $pldata);
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "invalid JSON data received");
my $data = decode_json ($pldata);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - interactive object data (JSON decoded):\n". Dumper $data);
$h->{token} = $data->{token};
$h->{post_id} = $data->{post_id};
$h->{user_id} = $data->{user}{user_id};
$h->{username} = $data->{user}{username};
$h->{callback_id} = $data->{callback_id};
$h->{actions} = "type: ".$data->{actions}[0]{type}.", ".
"name: ".$data->{actions}[0]{name}.", ".
"value: ".$data->{actions}[0]{value}.", ".
"text: ".$data->{actions}[0]{text}.", ".
"style: ".$data->{actions}[0]{style};
if (defined($h->{payload})) { # Antwort auf ein interaktives Objekt
($mime, $err) = __botCGIcheckPayload ($hash, $h);
return ($mime, $err) if($err);
if (!defined($h->{token})) {
Log3($name, 5, "$name - received insufficient data:\n".Dumper($args));
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - received insufficient data:\n".Dumper($args));
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "Insufficient data");
# CSRF Token check
my $FWdev = $hash->{FW}; # das FHEMWEB Device für SSChatBot Device -> ist das empfangene Device
my $FWhash = $defs{$FWdev};
my $want = $FWhash->{CSRFTOKEN};
$want = $want?$want:"none";
my $supplied = $h->{fwcsrf};
if($want eq "none" || $want ne $supplied) { # $FW_wname enthält ebenfalls das aufgerufenen FHEMWEB-Device
Log3 ($FW_wname, 2, "$FW_wname - WARNING - FHEMWEB CSRF error for client \"$FWdev\": ".
"received $supplied token is not $want. ".
"For details see the csrfToken FHEMWEB attribute. ".
"The csrfToken must be identical to the token in OUTDEF of $name device.");
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "400 Bad Request");
my $neg = __botCGIcheckToken ($name, $h, $rst); # CSRF Token check
return $neg if($neg);
# Timestamp dekodieren
if ($h->{timestamp}) {
if ($h->{timestamp}) { # Timestamp dekodieren
$h->{timestamp} = FmtDateTime(($h->{timestamp})/1000);
@ -2021,114 +1972,36 @@ sub _botCGIdata { ## no critic
# trigger_word: which trigger word is matched
$channelid = $h->{channel_id} if($h->{channel_id});
$channelname = $h->{channel_name} if($h->{channel_name});
$userid = $h->{user_id} if($h->{user_id});
$username = $h->{username} if($h->{username});
$postid = $h->{post_id} if($h->{post_id});
$callbackid = $h->{callback_id} if($h->{callback_id});
$timestamp = $h->{timestamp} if($h->{timestamp});
my $channelid = $h->{channel_id} // q{};
my $channelname = $h->{channel_name} // q{};
my $userid = $h->{user_id} // q{};
my $username = $h->{username} // q{};
my $postid = $h->{post_id} // q{};
my $callbackid = $h->{callback_id} // q{};
my $timestamp = $h->{timestamp} // q{};
# interaktive Schaltflächen (Aktionen) auswerten
if ($h->{actions}) {
if ($h->{actions}) { # interaktive Schaltflächen (Aktionen) auswerten
$actions = $h->{actions};
($actval) = $actions =~ m/^type:\s+button.*?value:\s+(.*?),\s+text:/x;
if($actval =~ /^\//x) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - slash command \"$actval\" got from interactive data and execute it with priority");
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - slash command \"$actval\" got from interactive data and execute it with priority");
$avToExec = $actval;
if ($h->{text} || $avToExec) {
$text = $h->{text};
$text = $avToExec if($avToExec); # Vorrang für empfangene interaktive Data (Schaltflächenwerte) die Slash-Befehle enthalten
if($text =~ /^\/(set.*?|get.*?|code.*?)\s+(.*)$/ix) { # vordefinierte Befehle in FHEM ausführen
my $p1 = substr lc $1, 0, 3;
my $p2 = $2;
my $pars = {
name => $name,
username => $username,
state => $state,
p2 => $p2,
if($hrecbot{$p1} && defined &{$hrecbot{$p1}{fn}}) {
$do = 1;
no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict'
($command, $cr, $state) = &{$hrecbot{$p1}{fn}} ($pars);
use strict "refs";
$cr = $cr ne q{} ? $cr : qq{command '$command' executed};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - FHEM command return: ".$cr);
$cr = formString($cr, "command");
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "sendItem",
method => "chatbot",
userid => $userid,
text => $cr,
fileUrl => "",
channel => "",
attachment => ""
addQueue ($params);
my $ua = $attr{$name}{userattr}; # Liste aller ownCommandxx zusammenstellen
$ua = "" if(!$ua);
my %hc = map { ($_ => 1) } grep { "$_" =~ m/ownCommand(\d+)/x } split(" ","ownCommand1 $ua");
for my $ca (sort keys %hc) {
my $uc = AttrVal($name, $ca, "");
next if (!$uc);
($uc,$arg) = split(/\s+/x, $uc, 2);
if($uc && $text =~ /^$uc\s*?$/x) { # User eigener Slash-Befehl, z.B.: /Wetter
$do = 1;
$command = $arg;
$au = AttrVal($name,"allowedUserForOwn", "all"); # Berechtgung des Chat-Users checken
@aul = split(",",$au);
if($au eq "all" || $username ~~ @aul) {
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - Synology Chat user "$username" execute FHEM command: }.$arg);
$cr = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, $arg); # FHEM Befehlsketten ausführen
} else {
$cr = qq{User "$username" is not allowed execute "$arg" command};
$state = qq{command execution denied};
Log3($name, 2, qq{$name - WARNING - Chat user "$username" is not authorized for "$arg" command. Execution denied !});
$cr = $cr ne q{} ? $cr : qq{command '$arg' executed};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - FHEM command return: ".$cr);
$cr = formString($cr, "command");
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "sendItem",
method => "chatbot",
userid => $userid,
text => $cr,
fileUrl => "",
channel => "",
attachment => ""
addQueue ($params);
if ($h->{text} || $avToExec) { # Interpretation empfangener Daten als auszuführende Kommandos
my $params = {
name => $name,
username => $username,
userid => $userid,
rst => $rst,
state => $state,
h => $h,
avToExec => $avToExec
# Wenn Kommando ausgeführt wurde Ergebnisse aus Queue übertragen
if($do) {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites");
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+1, "FHEM::SSChatBot::getApiSites", "$name", 0);
($command, $cr, $text) = __botCGIdataInterprete ($params);
if ($h->{trigger_word}) {
@ -2155,7 +2028,247 @@ sub _botCGIdata { ## no critic
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $state );
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", $ret);
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", $ret);
# botCGI
# Daten auf Validität checken
sub __botCGIcheckData {
my $request = shift;
my $args = (split(/outchat\?/x, $request))[1]; # GET-Methode empfangen
if(!$args) { # POST-Methode empfangen wenn keine GET_Methode ?
$args = (split(/outchat&/x, $request))[1];
if(!$args) {
Log 1, "TYPE SSChatBot - ERROR - no expected data received";
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "no expected data received");
$args =~ s/&/" /gx;
$args =~ s/=/="/gx;
$args .= "\"";
$args = urlDecode($args);
my($a,$h) = parseParams($args);
if (!defined($h->{botname})) {
Log 1, "TYPE SSChatBot - ERROR - no Botname received";
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "no FHEM SSChatBot name in message");
# check ob angegebenes SSChatBot Device definiert
# wenn ja, Kontext auf botname setzen
my $name = $h->{botname}; # das SSChatBot Device
if(!IsDevice($name, 'SSChatBot')) {
Log 1, qq{ERROR - No SSChatBot device "$name" of Type "SSChatBot" exists};
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8", "No SSChatBot device for webhook \"/outchat\" exists" );
my $dat = {
name => $name,
args => $args,
h => $h,
return ('','',$dat);
# botCGI
# check CSRF Token
sub __botCGIcheckToken {
my $name = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $rst = shift;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $FWdev = $hash->{FW}; # das FHEMWEB Device für SSChatBot Device -> ist das empfangene Device
my $FWhash = $defs{$FWdev};
my $want = $FWhash->{CSRFTOKEN} // "none";
my $supplied = $h->{fwcsrf};
if($want eq "none" || $want ne $supplied) { # $FW_wname enthält ebenfalls das aufgerufenen FHEMWEB-Device
Log3 ($FW_wname, 2, "$FW_wname - ERROR - FHEMWEB CSRF error for client $FWdev: ".
"received $supplied token is not $want. ".
"For details see the FHEMWEB csrfToken attribute. ".
"The csrfToken must be identical to the token in OUTDEF of the $name device.");
my $cr = formString("CSRF error in client '$FWdev' - see logfile", "text");
my $userid = $h->{user_id} // q{};
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "sendItem",
method => "chatbot",
userid => $userid,
text => $cr,
fileUrl => "",
channel => "",
attachment => ""
addQueue ($params);
startQueue ($name, $rst);
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "400 Bad Request");
# botCGI
# Payload checken (interaktives Element ausgelöst ?)
# ein Benutzer hat ein interaktives Objekt ausgelöst (Button).
# Die Datenfelder sind nachfolgend beschrieben:
# "actions": Array des Aktionsobjekts, das sich auf die
# vom Benutzer ausgelöste Aktion bezieht
# "callback_id": Zeichenkette, die sich auf die Callback_id
# des Anhangs bezieht, in dem sich die vom
# Benutzer ausgelöste Aktion befindet
# "post_id"
# "token"
# "user": { "user_id","username" }
sub __botCGIcheckPayload {
my $hash = shift;
my $h = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $pldata = $h->{payload};
my (undef, $success) = evalJSON($hash,$pldata);
if (!$success) {
Log3($name, 1, "$name - ERROR - invalid JSON data received:\n".Dumper $pldata);
return ("text/plain; charset=utf-8", "invalid JSON data received");
my $data = decode_json ($pldata);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - interactive object data (JSON decoded):\n". Dumper $data);
$h->{token} = $data->{token};
$h->{post_id} = $data->{post_id};
$h->{user_id} = $data->{user}{user_id};
$h->{username} = $data->{user}{username};
$h->{callback_id} = $data->{callback_id};
$h->{actions} = "type: ".$data->{actions}[0]{type}.", ".
"name: ".$data->{actions}[0]{name}.", ".
"value: ".$data->{actions}[0]{value}.", ".
"text: ".$data->{actions}[0]{text}.", ".
"style: ".$data->{actions}[0]{style};
# botCGI
# Interpretiere empfangene Daten als Kommandos
sub __botCGIdataInterprete {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $username = $paref->{username};
my $userid = $paref->{userid};
my $rst = $paref->{rst};
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $h = $paref->{h};
my $avToExec = $paref->{avToExec};
my $do = 0;
my $cr = q{};
my $command = q{};
my $text = $h->{text};
$text = $avToExec if($avToExec); # Vorrang für empfangene interaktive Data (Schaltflächenwerte) die Slash-Befehle enthalten
if($text =~ /^\/(set.*?|get.*?|code.*?)\s+(.*)$/ix) { # vordefinierte Befehle in FHEM ausführen
my $p1 = substr lc $1, 0, 3;
my $p2 = $2;
my $pars = {
name => $name,
username => $username,
state => $state,
p2 => $p2,
if($hrecbot{$p1} && defined &{$hrecbot{$p1}{fn}}) {
$do = 1;
no strict "refs"; ## no critic 'NoStrict'
($command, $cr, $state) = &{$hrecbot{$p1}{fn}} ($pars);
use strict "refs";
$cr = $cr ne q{} ? $cr : qq{command '$command' executed};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - FHEM command return: ".$cr);
$cr = formString($cr, "command");
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "sendItem",
method => "chatbot",
userid => $userid,
text => $cr,
fileUrl => "",
channel => "",
attachment => ""
addQueue ($params);
my $ua = $attr{$name}{userattr}; # Liste aller ownCommandxx zusammenstellen
$ua = "" if(!$ua);
my %hc = map { ($_ => 1) } grep { "$_" =~ m/ownCommand(\d+)/x } split(" ","ownCommand1 $ua");
for my $ca (sort keys %hc) {
my $uc = AttrVal($name, $ca, "");
next if (!$uc);
my $arg = q{};
($uc,$arg) = split(/\s+/x, $uc, 2);
if($uc && $text =~ /^$uc\s*?$/x) { # User eigener Slash-Befehl, z.B.: /Wetter
$do = 1;
my $pars = {
name => $name,
username => $username,
state => $state,
arg => $arg,
uc => $uc,
($cr, $state) = __botCGIownCommand ($pars);
$cr = $cr ne q{} ? $cr : qq{command '$arg' executed};
Log3($name, 4, "$name - FHEM command return: ".$cr);
$cr = formString($cr, "command");
my $params = {
name => $name,
opmode => "sendItem",
method => "chatbot",
userid => $userid,
text => $cr,
fileUrl => "",
channel => "",
attachment => ""
addQueue ($params);
if($do) { # Wenn Kommando ausgeführt wurde -> Queue übertragen
startQueue ($name, $rst);
return ($command, $cr, $text);
@ -2230,6 +2343,36 @@ sub __botCGIrecCod { ## no critic "not used"
return ($command, $cr, $state);
# botCGI
# User ownCommand in FHEM ausführen
sub __botCGIownCommand {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $username = $paref->{username};
my $state = $paref->{state};
my $arg = $paref->{arg};
my $uc = $paref->{uc};
my $cr = q{};
if(!$arg) {
$cr = qq{format error: your own command '$uc' doesn't have a mandatory argument};
return ($cr, $state);
my $au = AttrVal($name,"allowedUserForOwn", "all"); # Berechtgung des Chat-Users checken
$paref->{au} = $au;
$paref->{order} = "Own";
$paref->{cmd} = $arg;
($cr, $state) = ___botCGIorder ($paref);
return ($cr, $state);
# Order ausführen und Ergebnis zurückliefern
@ -2243,7 +2386,7 @@ sub ___botCGIorder {
my $order = $paref->{order}; # Kommandotyp, z.B. "set"
my $cmd = $paref->{cmd}; # komplettes Kommando
my @aul = split(",",$au);
my @aul = split ",", $au;
my $cr = q{};
if($au eq "all" || $username ~~ @aul) {
@ -2263,7 +2406,12 @@ sub ___botCGIorder {
} else {
$cr = qq{function format error: may be you didn't use the format {...}};
if ($order eq "Own") { # FHEM ownCommand Befehlsketten ausführen
Log3($name, 4, qq{$name - Synology Chat user "$username" execute FHEM command: }.$cmd);
$cr = AnalyzeCommandChain(undef, $cmd);
} else {
$cr = qq{User "$username" is not allowed execute "$cmd" command};
Reference in New Issue
Block a user