mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
OWX_ASYNC: add OWX_DS2480 busmaster support
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@5440 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
# OWX_DS2480.pm
# FHEM module providing hardware dependent functions for the DS2480 interface of OWX
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# Norbert Truchsess
# $Id: 11_OWX_SER.pm 2013-03 - pahenning $
# Provides the following methods for OWX
# Alarms
# Complex
# Define
# Discover
# Init
# Reset
# Verify
package OWX_DS2480;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval usleep );
use vars qw/@ISA/;
sub new($) {
my ($class,$serial) = @_;
return bless $serial,$class;
# The following subroutines in alphabetical order are only for a DS2480 bus interface
# Block_2480 - Send data block (Fig. 6 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, data = string to send
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub block ($) {
my ($serial,$data) =@_;
my $data2="";
my $len = length($data);
#-- if necessary, prepend E1 character for data mode
if( substr($data,0,1) ne '\xE1') {
$data2 = "\xE1";
#-- all E3 characters have to be duplicated
for(my $i=0;$i<$len;$i++){
my $newchar = substr($data,$i,1);
if( $newchar eq '\xE3'){
#-- write 1-Wire bus as a single string
# query - Write to the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter: cmd = string to send to the 1-Wire bus, retlen = expected len of the response
# Return: 1 when write was successful. undef otherwise
sub query ($$$) {
my ($serial,$cmd,$retlen) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k,$l,$m,$n);
#-- get hardware device
my $hwdevice = $serial->{hwdevice};
die "OWX_DS2480: query with no hwdevice" unless (defined $hwdevice);
if( $main::owx_debug > 2){
main::Log3($serial->{name},3, "OWX_DS2480.query sending out: ".unpack ("H*",$cmd));
my $count_out = $hwdevice->write($cmd);
die "OWX_DS2480: Write incomplete ".(defined $count_out ? $count_out : "undefined")." not equal ".(length($cmd))."" if (!(defined $count_out) or ($count_out ne length($cmd)));
$serial->{retlen} += $retlen;
# read - read response from the 1-Wire bus
# to be called from OWX ReadFn.
# Parameter: -
# Return: 1 when at least 1 byte was read. undef otherwise
sub read() {
my $serial = shift;
my ($i,$j,$k);
#-- get hardware device
my $hwdevice = $serial->{hwdevice};
return undef unless (defined $hwdevice);
#-- read the data - looping for slow devices suggested by Joachim Herold
my ($count_in, $string_part) = $hwdevice->read(48);
return undef if (not defined $count_in or not defined $string_part);
$serial->{string_in} .= $string_part;
$serial->{retcount} += $count_in;
if( $main::owx_debug > 2){
main::Log3($serial->{name},3, "OWX_DS2480 read: Loop no. $serial->{num_reads}");
if( $main::owx_debug > 2){
main::Log3($serial->{name},3, "OWX_DS2480 read: Receiving in loop no. $serial->{num_reads} ".unpack("H*",$string_part));
return $count_in > 0 ? 1 : undef;
sub response_ready() {
my ($serial) = @_;
return 1 if ($serial->{retcount} >= $serial->{retlen});
die "OWX_DS2480 read timeout, bytes read: $serial->{retcount}, expected: $serial->{retlen}" if (($serial->{num_reads} > 1) and (tv_interval($serial->{starttime}) > $serial->{timeout}));
return 0;
sub start_query() {
my ($serial) = @_;
#read and discard any outstanding data from previous commands:
while($serial->read()) {};
$serial->{string_in} = "";
$serial->{num_reads} = 0;
$serial->{retlen} = 0;
$serial->{retcount} = 0;
$serial->{starttime} = [gettimeofday];
# reset - Reset the 1-Wire bus (Fig. 4 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub reset() {
my ($serial) = @_;
my ($res,$r1,$r2);
my $name = $serial->{name};
#-- if necessary, prepend \xE3 character for command mode
#-- Reset command \xC5
#-- write 1-Wire bus
#-- sleeping for some time (value of 0.07 taken from original OWX_Query_DS2480)
sub reset_response() {
my ($serial) = @_;
my $res = ord(substr($serial->{string_in},0,1));
my $name = $serial->{name};
if( !($res & 192) ) {
main::Log3($name,3, "OWX_DS2480 reset failure on bus $name");
return 0;
if( ($res & 3) == 2 ) {
main::Log3($name,1, "OWX_DS2480 reset Alarm presence detected on bus $name");
$serial->{ALARMED} = "yes";
} else {
$serial->{ALARMED} = "no";
$serial->{string_in} = substr($serial->{string_in},1);
return 1;
# Search_2480 - Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing
# search state.
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode=alarm,discover or verify
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub search ($) {
my ($serial,$mode)=@_;
my ($sp1,$sp2,$search_direction,$id_bit_number);
#-- Response search data parsing operates bytewise
$id_bit_number = 1;
#-- clear 16 byte of search data
@{$serial->{search}}=(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
#-- Output search data construction (Fig. 9 of Maxim AN192)
# operates on a 16 byte search response = 64 pairs of two bits
while ( $id_bit_number <= 64) {
#-- address single bits in a 16 byte search string
my $newcpos = int(($id_bit_number-1)/4);
my $newimsk = ($id_bit_number-1)%4;
#-- address single bits in a 8 byte id string
my $newcpos2 = int(($id_bit_number-1)/8);
my $newimsk2 = ($id_bit_number-1)%8;
if( $id_bit_number <= $serial->{LastDiscrepancy}){
#-- first use the ROM ID bit to set the search direction
if( $id_bit_number < $serial->{LastDiscrepancy} ) {
$search_direction = ($serial->{ROM_ID}->[$newcpos2]>>$newimsk2) & 1;
#-- at the last discrepancy search into 1 direction anyhow
} else {
$search_direction = 1;
#-- fill into search data;
#--increment number
#-- issue data mode \xE1, the normal search command \xF0 or the alarm search command \xEC
# and the command mode \xE3 / start accelerator \xB5
if( $mode ne "alarm" ){
$sp1 = "\xE1\xF0\xE3\xB5";
} else {
$sp1 = "\xE1\xEC\xE3\xB5";
#-- issue data mode \xE1, device ID, command mode \xE3 / end accelerator \xA5
sub search_response($) {
my ($serial) = @_;
return undef unless $serial->reset_response();
my $response = substr($serial->{string_in},1);
#-- interpret the return data
if( length($response)!=16 ) {
main::Log3($serial->{name},3, "OWX_DS2480: Search 2nd return has wrong parameter with length = ".(length($response).""));
return 0;
#-- Response search data parsing (Fig. 11 of Maxim AN192)
# operates on a 16 byte search response = 64 pairs of two bits
my $id_bit_number = 1;
#-- clear 8 byte of device id for current search
$serial->{ROM_ID} = [0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0];
while ( $id_bit_number <= 64) {
#-- adress single bits in a 16 byte string
my $newcpos = int(($id_bit_number-1)/4);
my $newimsk = ($id_bit_number-1)%4;
#-- retrieve the new ROM_ID bit
my $newchar = substr($response,$newcpos,1);
#-- these are the new bits
my $newibit = (( ord($newchar) >> (2*$newimsk) ) & 2) / 2;
my $newdbit = ( ord($newchar) >> (2*$newimsk) ) & 1;
#-- output for test purpose
#print "id_bit_number=$id_bit_number => newcpos=$newcpos, newchar=0x".int(ord($newchar)/16).
# ".".int(ord($newchar)%16)." r$id_bit_number=$newibit d$id_bit_number=$newdbit\n";
#-- discrepancy=1 and ROM_ID=0
if( ($newdbit==1) and ($newibit==0) ){
if( $id_bit_number < 9 ){
#-- fill into device data; one char per 8 bits
#-- increment number
return 1;
# Level_2480 - Change power level (Fig. 13 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, newlevel = "normal" or something else
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub Level_2480 ($) {
my ($self,$newlevel) =@_;
my $cmd="";
my $retlen=0;
#-- if necessary, prepend E3 character for command mode
$cmd = "\xE3";
#-- return to normal level
if( $newlevel eq "normal" ){
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = $self->Query_2480($cmd,$retlen);
return undef if (not defined $res);
#-- process result
my $r1 = ord(substr($res,0,1)) & 236;
my $r2 = ord(substr($res,1,1)) & 236;
if( ($r1 eq 236) && ($r2 eq 236) ){
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER: Level change to normal OK");
return 1;
} else {
main::Log3($self->{name},3, "OWX_SER: Failed to change to normal level");
return 0;
#-- start pulse
} else {
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = $self->Query_2480($cmd,$retlen);
return undef if (not defined $res);
#-- process result
if( $res eq "\x3E" ){
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER: Level change OK");
return 1;
} else {
main::Log3($self->{name},3, "OWX_SER: Failed to change level");
return 0;
# WriteBytePower_2480 - Send byte to bus with power increase (Fig. 16 of Maxim AN192)
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, dbyte = byte to send
# Return 1 : OK
# 0 : not OK
sub WriteBytePower_2480 ($) {
my ($self,$dbyte) =@_;
my $cmd="\x3F";
my $ret="\x3E";
#-- if necessary, prepend \xE3 character for command mode
$cmd = "\xE3".$cmd;
#-- distribute the bits of data byte over several command bytes
for (my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
my $newbit = (ord($dbyte) >> $i) & 1;
my $newchar = 133 | ($newbit << 4);
my $newchar2 = 132 | ($newbit << 4) | ($newbit << 1) | $newbit;
#-- last command byte still different
if( $i == 7){
$newchar = $newchar | 2;
$cmd = $cmd.chr($newchar);
$ret = $ret.chr($newchar2);
#-- write 1-Wire bus
my $res = $self->Query($cmd);
#-- process result
if( $res eq $ret ){
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER::WriteBytePower OK");
return 1;
} else {
main::Log3($self->{name},3, "OWX_SER::WriteBytePower failure");
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
package OWX_Executor;
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant {
ALARMS => 2,
VERIFY => 3,
EXIT => 5,
LOG => 6
sub new() {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
$self->{worker} = OWX_Worker->new($self);
return bless $self,$class;
sub discover($) {
my ($self,$hash) = @_;
if($self->{worker}->submit( { command => DISCOVER }, $hash )) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub alarms($) {
my ($self,$hash) = @_;
if($self->{worker}->submit( { command => ALARMS }, $hash )) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub verify($$) {
my ($self,$hash,$device) = @_;
if($self->{worker}->submit( { command => VERIFY, address => $device }, $hash )) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub execute($$$$$$$) {
my ( $self, $hash, $context, $reset, $owx_dev, $data, $numread, $delay ) = @_;
if($self->{worker}->submit( {
command => EXECUTE,
context => $context,
reset => $reset,
address => $owx_dev,
writedata => $data,
numread => $numread,
delay => $delay
}, $hash )) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub exit($) {
my ( $self,$hash ) = @_;
if($self->{worker}->submit( { command => EXIT }, $hash )) {
return 1;
return undef;
sub poll($) {
my ( $self,$hash ) = @_;
# start of worker code
package OWX_Worker;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval usleep );
use ProtoThreads;
no warnings 'deprecated';
use vars qw/@ISA/;
sub new($) {
my ($class,$owx) = @_;
my $worker = PT_THREAD(\&pt_main);
$worker->{commands} = [];
$worker->{delayed} = {};
$worker->{owx} = $owx;
return bless $worker,$class;
sub submit($$) {
my ($self,$command,$hash) = @_;
push @{$self->{commands}}, $command;
return 1;
sub pt_main($) {
my ( $self, $hash ) = @_;
my $item = $self->{item};
PT_YIELD_UNTIL($item = $self->nextItem($hash));
$self->{item} = $item;
my $command = $item->{command};
$command eq OWX_Executor::DISCOVER and do {
my $devices = $self->{owx}->{pt_discover}->PT_RETVAL();
if (defined $devices) {
$command eq OWX_Executor::ALARMS and do {
my $devices = $self->{owx}->{pt_alarms}->PT_RETVAL();
if (defined $devices) {
$command eq OWX_Executor::VERIFY and do {
my $devices = $self->{owx}->{pt_verify}->PT_RETVAL();
if (defined $devices) {
$command eq OWX_Executor::EXECUTE and do {
my $res = $self->{owx}->{pt_execute}->PT_RETVAL();
unless (defined $res) {
my $writelen = defined $item->{writedata} ? split (//,$item->{writedata}) : 0;
my @result = split (//, $res);
my $readdata = 9+$writelen < @result ? substr($res,9+$writelen) : "";
if (my $delay = $item->{delay}) {
my ($seconds,$micros) = gettimeofday;
my $len = length ($delay); #delay is millis, tv_address works with [sec,micros]
if ($len>3) {
$seconds += substr($delay,0,$len-3);
$micros += (substr ($delay,-3)*1000);
} else {
$micros += ($delay*1000);
if (my $address = $item->{address}) {
my $delayed = $self->{delayed};
unless ($delayed->{$address}) {
$delayed->{$address} = { items => [] };
$delayed->{$address}->{'until'} = [$seconds,$micros];
main::Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"delay after $item->{context} until: $seconds,$micros"
} else {
$self->{execute_delayed} = [$seconds,$micros];
$command eq OWX_Executor::EXIT and do {
main::Log3($hash->{NAME},3,"OWX_Executor: unexpected command: "+$command);
sub nextItem($) {
my ( $self,$hash ) = @_;
my ($item,$nexttime,$nextaddress);
my $delayed = $self->{delayed};
foreach my $address (keys %$delayed) {
next if (tv_interval($delayed->{$address}->{'until'}) < 0);
my $delayed_items = $delayed->{$address}->{'items'};
$item = shift @$delayed_items;
delete $delayed->{$address} unless @$delayed_items;
unless ($item) {
$item = shift @{$self->{commands}};
if ($item and my $address = $item->{address}) {
if ($delayed->{$address}) {
push @{$delayed->{$address}->{'items'}},$item;
return undef;
if ($item) {
if($item->{context}) {
main::Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_Executor: item $item->{context} for $item->{address} eligible to run";
} else {
main::Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"OWX_Executor: command $item->{command} eligible to run";
return $item;
sub scheduleNext($) {
my ($self,$hash) = @_;
my $delayed = $self->{delayed};
my $nexttime;
foreach my $address (keys %$delayed) {
if (my $until = $delayed->{$address}->{'until'}) {
$nexttime = $until unless ($nexttime and tv_interval($nexttime,$until) < 0);
if ($nexttime) {
main::Log3 $hash->{NAME},5,"schedule next item at $nexttime->[0].$nexttime->[1] ".tv_interval($nexttime);
main::InternalTimer( "$nexttime->[0].$nexttime->[1]", "OWX_ASYNC_Poll", $hash, 0 );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
# OWX_SER.pm
# FHEM module providing hardware dependent functions for the serial (USB) interface of OWX
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# Norbert Truchsess
# $Id: 11_OWX_SER.pm 2013-03 - pahenning $
# Provides the following methods for OWX
# Alarms
# Complex
# Define
# Discover
# Init
# Reset
# Verify
package OWX_SER;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
use ProtoThreads;
no warnings 'deprecated';
# Constructor
sub new() {
my $class = shift;
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/11_OWX_Executor.pm";
my $self = OWX_Executor->new();
$self->{interface} = "serial";
#-- baud rate serial interface
$self->{baud} = 9600;
#-- 16 byte search string
$self->{search} = [0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0];
$self->{ROM_ID} = [0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0];
#-- search state for 1-Wire bus search
$self->{LastDiscrepancy} = 0;
$self->{LastFamilyDiscrepancy} = 0;
$self->{LastDeviceFlag} = 0;
#-- module version
$self->{version} = 4.0;
$self->{alarmdevs} = [];
$self->{devs} = [];
$self->{pt_alarms} = PT_THREAD(\&pt_alarms);
$self->{pt_discover} = PT_THREAD(\&pt_discover);
$self->{pt_verify} = PT_THREAD(\&pt_verify);
$self->{pt_execute} = PT_THREAD(\&pt_execute);
$self->{timeout} = [1,0]; #default timeout 1 sec.
return bless $self,$class;
# Public methods
# Define - Implements Define method
# Parameter def = definition string
# Return undef if ok, otherwise error message
sub Define ($$) {
my ($self,$hash,$def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
$self->{name} = $hash->{NAME};
#-- check syntax
if(int(@a) < 3){
return "OWX_SER: Syntax error - must be define <name> OWX <serial-device>"
my $dev = $a[2];
#-- when the specified device name contains @<digits> already, use it as supplied
if ( $dev !~ m/\@\d*/ ){
$hash->{DeviceName} = $dev."\@9600";
$dev = split('@',$dev);
#-- let fhem.pl MAIN call OWX_Ready when setup is done.
$main::readyfnlist{"$hash->{NAME}.$dev"} = $hash;
return undef;
# Alarms - Find devices on the 1-Wire bus, which have the alarm flag set
# Return number of alarmed devices
sub pt_alarms () {
my ($thread,$self) = @_;
$self->{alarmdevs} = [];
#-- Discover all alarmed devices on the 1-Wire bus
do {
PT_EXIT unless $self->next_response("alarm");
} while( $self->{LastDeviceFlag}==0 );
main::Log3($self->{name},1, " Alarms = ".join(' ',@{$self->{alarmdevs}}));
# Complex - Send match ROM, data block and receive bytes as response
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master,
# owx_dev = ROM ID of device
# data = string to send
# numread = number of bytes to receive
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub pt_execute($$$$$$$) {
my ($thread, $self, $hash, $context, $reset, $address, $writedata, $numread) = @_;
#-- get the interface
my $interface = $self->{interface};
my $hwdevice = $self->{hwdevice};
PT_EXIT unless (defined $hwdevice);
$self->reset() if ($reset);
my $dev = $address;
my $data = $writedata;
my $select;
my $res2 = "";
my ($i,$j,$k);
#-- has match ROM part
if( $dev ){# command => EXECUTE,
# context => $context,
# reset => $reset,
# address => $owx_dev,
# writedata => $data,
# numread => $numread,
# delay => $delay
#-- ID of the device
my $owx_rnf = substr($dev,3,12);
my $owx_f = substr($dev,0,2);
#-- 8 byte 1-Wire device address
my @rom_id =(0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0);
#-- from search string to byte id
for(my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
#-- has no match ROM part
} else {
#-- has receive data part
if( $numread >0 ){
#$numread += length($data);
for( my $i=0;$i<$numread;$i++){
$select .= "\xFF";
#-- for debugging
if( $main::owx_debug > 1){
main::Log3($self->{name},3,"OWX_SER::Execute: Sending out ".unpack ("H*",$select));
PT_EXIT if ($reset and !$self->reset_response());
my $res = $self->{string_in};
#-- for debugging
if( $main::owx_debug > 1){
main::Log3($self->{name},3,"OWX_SER::Execute: Receiving ".unpack ("H*",$res));
# Discover - Find devices on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1, if alarmed devices found, 0 otherwise.
sub pt_discover($) {
my ($thread,$self) = @_;
#-- Discover all alarmed devices on the 1-Wire bus
do {
PT_EXIT unless $self->next_response("discover");
} while( $self->{LastDeviceFlag}==0 );
# Init - Initialize the 1-wire device
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master
# Return 1 or Errormessage : not OK
# 0 or undef : OK
sub initialize($) {
my ($self,$hash) = @_;
my ($i,$j,$k,$l,$res,$ret,$ress);
#-- Second step in case of serial device: open the serial device to test it
my $msg = "OWX_SER: Serial device $hash->{DeviceName}";
my $hwdevice = $hash->{USBDev};
die $msg." not defined: $!";
} else {
main::Log3($hash->{NAME},1,$msg." defined");
#-- store with OWX device
$self->{hwdevice} = $hwdevice;
#-- Third step detect busmaster on serial interface
my $name = $self->{name};
my $ress0 = "OWX_SER::Detect 1-Wire bus $name: interface ";
$ress = $ress0;
my $interface;
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/11_OWX_DS2480.pm";
my $ds2480 = OWX_DS2480->new($self);
#-- timing byte for DS2480
do {
} while (!$ds2480->response_ready());
#-- Max 4 tries to detect an interface
for($l=0;$l<100;$l++) {
#-- write 1-Wire bus (Fig. 2 of Maxim AN192)
do {
} while (!$ds2480->response_ready());
$res = $ds2480->{string_in};
#-- process 4/5-byte string for detection
if( !defined($res)){
}elsif( ($res eq "\x16\x44\x5A\x00\x90") || ($res eq "\x16\x44\x5A\x00\x93")){
$ress .= "master DS2480 detected for the first time";
} elsif( $res eq "\x17\x45\x5B\x0F\x91"){
$ress .= "master DS2480 re-detected";
} elsif( ($res eq "\x17\x0A\x5B\x0F\x02") || ($res eq "\x00\x17\x0A\x5B\x0F\x02") || ($res eq "\x30\xf8\x00") || ($res eq "\x06\x00\x09\x07\x80")){
$ress .= "passive DS9097 detected";
} else {
if( $ret==0 );
$ress .= "not found, answer was ";
$ress.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
main::Log3($hash->{NAME},1, $ress);
$ress = $ress0;
#-- sleeping for some time
if( $ret == 1 ){
$ress .= "not detected, answer was ";
$ress.=sprintf "0x%1x%1x ",$j,$k;
$self->{interface} = $interface;
if ($interface eq "DS2480") {
return $ds2480;
} elsif ($interface eq "DS9097") {
require "$main::attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/11_OWX_DS9097.pm";
return OWX_DS9097->new($self);
} else {
die $ress;
sub Disconnect($) {
my ($self,$hash) = @_;
delete $self->{hwdevice};
$self->{interface} = "serial";
# Verify - Verify a particular device on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, dev = 8 Byte ROM ID of device to be tested
# Return 1 : device found
# 0 : device not
sub pt_verify ($) {
my ($thread,$self,$dev) = @_;
my $i;
#-- from search string to byte id
my $devs=$dev;
#-- reset the search state
$self->{LastDiscrepancy} = 64;
$self->{LastDeviceFlag} = 0;
#-- now do the search
PT_EXIT unless $self->next_response("verify");
my $dev2=sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",@{$self->{ROM_ID}});
#-- reset the search state
$self->{LastDiscrepancy} = 0;
$self->{LastDeviceFlag} = 0;
#-- check result
if ($dev eq $dev2){
# Private methods
# First - Find the 'first' devices on the 1-Wire bus
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number pushed to list
# 0 : no device present
sub first($) {
my ($self) = @_;
#-- clear 16 byte of search data
@{$self->{search}} = (0,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0);
#-- reset the search state
$self->{LastDiscrepancy} = 0;
$self->{LastDeviceFlag} = 0;
$self->{LastFamilyDiscrepancy} = 0;
# Search - Perform the 1-Wire Search Algorithm on the 1-Wire bus using the existing
# search state.
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master, mode=alarm,discover or verify
# Return 1 : device found, ROM number in owx_ROM_ID and pushed to list (LastDeviceFlag=0)
# or only in owx_ROM_ID (LastDeviceFlag=1)
# 0 : device not found, or ot searched at all
sub next($) {
my ($self,$mode)=@_;
#-- if the last call was the last one, no search
return undef if ( $self->{LastDeviceFlag} == 1 );
#-- now do the search
sub next_response($) {
my ($self,$mode) = @_;
#TODO find out where contents of @owx_fams come from:
my @owx_fams=();
return undef unless $self->search_response();
#-- character version of device ROM_ID, first byte = family
my $dev=sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",@{$self->{ROM_ID}});
#--check if we really found a device
if( main::OWX_CRC($self->{ROM_ID})!= 0){
#-- reset the search
main::Log3($self->{name},1, "OWX_SER::Search CRC failed : $dev");
$self->{LastDiscrepancy} = 0;
$self->{LastDeviceFlag} = 0;
$self->{LastFamilyDiscrepancy} = 0;
die "OWX_SER::Search CRC failed : $dev";
#-- for some reason this does not work - replaced by another test, see below
#if( $self->{LastDiscrepancy}==0 ){
# $self->{LastDeviceFlag}=1;
if( $self->{LastDiscrepancy}==$self->{LastFamilyDiscrepancy} ){
#-- mode was to verify presence of a device
if ($mode eq "verify") {
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER::Search: device verified $dev");
#-- mode was to discover devices
} elsif( $mode eq "discover" ) {
#-- check families
my $famfnd=0;
foreach (@owx_fams){
if( substr($dev,0,2) eq $_ ){
#-- if present, set the fam found flag
push(@owx_fams,substr($dev,0,2)) if( !$famfnd );
foreach (@{$self->{devs}}){
if( $dev eq $_ ){
#-- if present, set the last device found flag
if( $self->{LastDeviceFlag}!=1 ){
#-- push to list
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER::Search: new device found $dev");
#-- mode was to discover alarm devices
} else {
for(my $i=0;$i<@{$self->{alarmdevs}};$i++){
if( $dev eq ${$self->{alarmdevs}}[$i] ){
#-- if present, set the last device found flag
if( $self->{LastDeviceFlag}!=1 ){
#--push to list
main::Log3($self->{name},5, "OWX_SER::Search: new alarm device found $dev");
return 1;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user