mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 23:36:37 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: Attr ctrlStatisticReadings to ctrlSpecialReadings, old 'statistics_.*' readings to 'special_.*', special Readings BatPowerIn_Sum, BatPowerOut_Sum
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@29476 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it
- change: 76_SolarForecast: Attr ctrlStatisticReadings to ctrlSpecialReadings
old 'statistics_.*' readings to 'special_.*',
special Readings BatPowerIn_Sum, BatPowerOut_Sum
- bugfix: 76_SMAInverter.pm: fix STP X bug, fix STP TypeName
- change: 76_SolarForecast: ctrlBatSocManagement to ctrlBatSocManagement01
- change: 76_SolarForecast: rename of some readings, see Forum:
@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.41.4" => "02.01.2025 minor change of Logtext, new special Readings BatPowerIn_Sum, BatPowerOut_Sum ".
"rename ctrlStatisticReadings to ctrlSpecialReadings ",
"1.41.3" => "01.01.2025 write/read battery values 0 .. maxbatteries to/from pvhistrory ".
"change ctrlBatSocManagement to ctrlBatSocManagement01 ",
"1.41.2" => "30.12.2024 __setConsRcmdState: more Debug Info, change Reading: Current_BatCharge -> Current_BatCharge_XX ".
@ -515,7 +517,7 @@ my @aconfigs = qw( affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsForecastIdentWeekdays
ctrlAIdataStorageDuration ctrlBackupFilesKeep
ctrlConsRecommendReadings ctrlGenPVdeviation ctrlInterval
ctrlLanguage ctrlNextDayForecastReadings ctrlShowLink ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq
ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ctrlStatisticReadings ctrlUserExitFn
ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq ctrlSpecialReadings ctrlUserExitFn
setupWeatherDev1 setupWeatherDev2 setupWeatherDev3
flowGraphicControl graphicBeamWidth
@ -621,7 +623,7 @@ my %hget = ( # Ha
my %hattr = ( # Hash für Attr-Funktion
consumer => { fn => \&_attrconsumer },
ctrlConsRecommendReadings => { fn => \&_attrcreateConsRecRdgs },
ctrlStatisticReadings => { fn => \&_attrcreateStatisticRdgs },
ctrlSpecialReadings => { fn => \&_attrcreateSpecialRdgs },
ctrlDebug => { fn => \&_attrctrlDebug },
setupWeatherDev1 => { fn => \&_attrWeatherDev },
setupWeatherDev2 => { fn => \&_attrWeatherDev },
@ -1081,6 +1083,8 @@ my %hcsr = (
allStringsFullfilled => { fnr => 2, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => '', unit => '', def => 0 },
todayConForecastTillSunset => { fnr => 2, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => 'tdConFcTillSunset', unit => ' Wh', def => 0 },
runTimeTrainAI => { fnr => 3, fn => \&CircularVal, par => 99, unit => '', def => '-' },
BatPowerIn_Sum => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => 'bpowerinsum', unit => ' W', def => '-' },
BatPowerOut_Sum => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => 'bpoweroutsum', unit => ' W', def => '-' },
SunHours_Remain => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => '', unit => '', def => 0 }, # fnr => 3 -> Custom Calc
SunMinutes_Remain => { fnr => 4, fn => \&CurrentVal, par => '', unit => '', def => 0 },
dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast => { fnr => 4, fn => \&RadiationAPIVal, par => 'pv_estimate50', unit => '', def => 0 },
@ -1307,7 +1311,7 @@ sub Initialize {
"ctrlShowLink:1,0 ".
"ctrlSolCastAPImaxReq:selectnumbers,5,5,60,0,lin ".
"ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq:1,0 ".
"ctrlStatisticReadings:multiple-strict,$srd ".
"ctrlSpecialReadings:multiple-strict,$srd ".
"ctrlUserExitFn:textField-long ".
"disable:1,0 ".
"flowGraphicControl:textField-long ".
@ -1369,8 +1373,9 @@ sub Initialize {
# $hash->{FW_addDetailToSummary} = 1;
# $hash->{FW_atPageEnd} = 1; # wenn 1 -> kein Longpoll ohne informid in HTML-Tag
$hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "setupBatteryDev" => "setupBatteryDev01", # 28.12.24
"ctrlBatSocManagement" => "ctrlBatSocManagement01", # 01.01.25
$hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "setupBatteryDev" => "setupBatteryDev01", # 28.12.24
"ctrlBatSocManagement" => "ctrlBatSocManagement01", # 01.01.25
"ctrlStatisticReadings" => "ctrlSpecialReadings", # 02.01.25
eval { FHEM::Meta::InitMod( __FILE__, $hash ) }; ## no critic 'eval'
@ -5639,9 +5644,9 @@ return;
# Attr ctrlStatisticReadings
# Attr ctrlSpecialReadings
sub _attrcreateStatisticRdgs { ## no critic "not used"
sub _attrcreateSpecialRdgs { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $aName = $paref->{aName};
@ -7331,6 +7336,7 @@ sub centralTask {
readingsDelete ($hash, 'Battery_ChargeRecommended'); # 30.12.2024
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Today_.*_BatIn'); # 30.12.2024
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'Today_.*_BatOut'); # 30.12.2024
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'statistic_.*'); # 02.01.2025
for my $ck (keys %{$data{$name}{circular}}) { # 30.12.2024
$data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batin01} = delete $data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batin} if(defined $data{$name}{circular}{$ck}{batin});
@ -7481,7 +7487,7 @@ sub centralTask {
_calcValueImproves ($centpars); # neue Korrekturfaktor/Qualität und berechnen und speichern, AI anreichern
_saveEnergyConsumption ($centpars); # Energie Hausverbrauch speichern
_createSummaries ($centpars); # Zusammenfassungen erstellen
_genStatisticReadings ($centpars); # optionale Statistikreadings erstellen
_genSpecialReadings ($centpars); # optionale Statistikreadings erstellen
userExit ($centpars); # User spezifische Funktionen ausführen
setTimeTracking ($hash, $cst, 'runTimeCentralTask'); # Zyklus-Laufzeit ermitteln
@ -8522,7 +8528,7 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
$ethishour = int ($etotal - $histetot);
if (defined $h->{capacity} && $ethishour > 2 * $h->{capacity}) { # Schutz vor plötzlichem Anstieg von 0 auf mehr als doppelte WR-Kapazität
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - WARNING - The generated PV of Inverter '$indev' is much more higher than inverter capacity. It seems to be a failure and Energy Total is reinitialized.");
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - WARNING - The generated PV of Inverter '$indev' is much more higher than capacity set in inverter key 'capacity'. It seems to be a failure and Energy Total is reinitialized.");
$warn = ' (WARNING: too much generated PV was registered - see log file)';
writeToHistory ( { paref => $paref, key => 'etotali'.$in, val => $etotal, hour => $nhour } );
@ -9230,10 +9236,10 @@ sub _transferMeterValues {
my $ftuf = $ftunit =~ /^kWh$/xi ? 1000 : 1;
my $fitotal = ReadingsNum ($medev, $ft, 0) * $ftuf; # Einspeisung total (Wh)
$data{$name}{circular}{99}{gridcontotal} = $gctotal; # Total Netzbezug speichern
$data{$name}{circular}{99}{feedintotal} = $fitotal; # Total Feedin speichern
$data{$name}{current}{gridconsumption} = int $gco; # Current grid consumption Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1139251.html#msg1139251
$data{$name}{current}{gridfeedin} = int $gfin; # Wert current grid Feed in
$data{$name}{circular}{99}{gridcontotal} = $gctotal; # Total Netzbezug speichern
$data{$name}{circular}{99}{feedintotal} = $fitotal; # Total Feedin speichern
$data{$name}{current}{gridconsumption} = int $gco; # Current grid consumption Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1139251.html#msg1139251
$data{$name}{current}{gridfeedin} = int $gfin; # Wert current grid Feed in
debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "collect Meter data - device: $medev =>");
debugLog ($paref, "collectData", "gcon: $gco W, gfeedin: $gfin W, contotal: $gctotal Wh, feedtotal: $fitotal Wh");
@ -9333,10 +9339,15 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $chour = $paref->{chour};
my $day = $paref->{day};
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $num = 0;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $num = 0;
my $pbisum = 0;
my $pbosum = 0;
my $socsum;
delete $data{$name}{current}{bpowerinsum};
delete $data{$name}{current}{bpoweroutsum};
for my $bn (1..$maxbatteries) {
$bn = sprintf "%02d", $bn;
@ -9364,14 +9375,14 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
my $binuf = $binunit =~ /^kWh$/xi ? 1000 : 1;
my $boutuf = $boutunit =~ /^kWh$/xi ? 1000 : 1;
my $pbo = ReadingsNum ($badev, $pou, 0) * $pouf; # aktuelle Batterieentladung (W)
my $pbi = ReadingsNum ($badev, $pin, 0) * $piuf; # aktueller Batterieladung (W)
my $btotout = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bout, 0) * $boutuf; # totale Batterieentladung (Wh)
my $btotin = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bin, 0) * $binuf; # totale Batterieladung (Wh)
my $soc = ReadingsNum ($badev, $batchr, 0);
my $pbo = int (ReadingsNum ($badev, $pou, 0) * $pouf); # aktuelle Batterieentladung (W)
my $pbi = int (ReadingsNum ($badev, $pin, 0) * $piuf); # aktueller Batterieladung (W)
my $btotout = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bout, 0) * $boutuf; # totale Batterieentladung (Wh)
my $btotin = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bin, 0) * $binuf; # totale Batterieladung (Wh)
my $soc = ReadingsNum ($badev, $batchr, 0);
if ($instcap) {
if (!isNumeric ($instcap)) { # wenn $instcap Reading Wert abfragen
if (!isNumeric ($instcap)) { # wenn $instcap Reading Wert abfragen
my ($bcapr,$bcapunit) = split ':', $instcap;
$bcapunit //= 'Wh';
$instcap = ReadingsNum ($badev, $bcapr, 0);
@ -9478,23 +9489,28 @@ sub _transferBatteryValues {
storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_BatIn_'. $bn, $batinthishour. ' Wh');
storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_BatOut_'.$bn, $batoutthishour.' Wh');
storeReading ('Current_PowerBatIn_'. $bn, (int $pbi).' W');
storeReading ('Current_PowerBatOut_'.$bn, (int $pbo).' W');
storeReading ('Current_BatCharge_'. $bn, $soc.' %');
storeReading ('Current_PowerBatIn_'. $bn, $pbi.' W');
storeReading ('Current_PowerBatOut_'.$bn, $pbo.' W');
storeReading ('Current_BatCharge_'. $bn, $soc.' %');
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bname} = $badev; # Batterie Devicename
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{balias} = AttrVal ($badev, 'alias', $badev); # Alias Batterie Device
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bpowerin} = int $pbi; # momentane Batterieladung
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bpowerout} = int $pbo; # momentane Batterieentladung
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bpowerin} = $pbi; # momentane Batterieladung
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bpowerout} = $pbo; # momentane Batterieentladung
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{bcharge} = $soc; # aktuelle Batterieladung
$data{$name}{batteries}{$bn}{basynchron} = $h->{asynchron} // 0; # asynchroner Modus = X
$socsum += $soc;
$pbisum += $pbi;
$pbosum += $pbo;
if ($num) {
push @{$data{$name}{current}{socslidereg}}, $socsum / $num; # Schieberegister average SOC aller Batterien
limitArray ($data{$name}{current}{socslidereg}, $slidenummax);
$data{$name}{current}{bpowerinsum} = $pbisum; # summarische laufende Batterieladung
$data{$name}{current}{bpoweroutsum} = $pbosum; # summarische laufende Batterieentladung
@ -9583,14 +9599,14 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
$docare = 1; # Zwangsanwendung care SoC
$la = "calc care SoC -> Remaining days until care SoC: $days2care, Target: $target %";
$la = "calc care SoC -> docare: $docare, care SoC: $careSoc %, Remaining days until care SoC: $days2care, Target: $target %";
else {
$nt = (timestampToTimestring ($delayts, $paref->{lang}))[0];
$la = "calc care SoC -> use preliminary Target: $target % (care SoC calculation & activation postponed to after $nt)";
$la = "calc care SoC -> docare: $docare, care SoC: $careSoc %, use preliminary Target: $target % (care SoC calculation & activation postponed to after $nt)";
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Bat $bn SoC Step2 - basics -> docare: $docare, care SoC: $careSoc %, E expect: $pvexpect Wh, need until maxsoc: $whneed Wh");
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Bat $bn SoC Step2 - basics -> Energy expected for charging: $pvexpect Wh, need until maxsoc: $whneed Wh");
debugLog ($paref, 'batteryManagement', "Bat $bn SoC Step2 - $la");
## Aufladewahrscheinlichkeit beachten
@ -9969,7 +9985,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
$data{$name}{current}{tdConFcTillSunset} = $tdConFcTillSunset;
$data{$name}{current}{surplus} = $surplus;
push @{$data{$name}{current}{surplusslidereg}}, $surplus; # Schieberegister PV Überschuß
push @{$data{$name}{current}{surplusslidereg}}, $surplus; # Schieberegister PV Überschuß
limitArray ($data{$name}{current}{surplusslidereg}, $splslidenummax);
storeReading ('Current_GridFeedIn', (int $gfeedin). ' W'); # V 1.37.0
@ -12340,21 +12356,22 @@ return;
# optionale Statistikreadings erstellen
# optionale "special" Readings erstellen
sub _genStatisticReadings {
sub _genSpecialReadings {
my $paref = shift;
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktueller UNIX Timestamp
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my @srd = sort keys (%hcsr);
my @csr = split ',', AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlStatisticReadings', '');
my @csr = split ',', AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlSpecialReadings', '');
my $prpo = 'special';
for my $item (@srd) {
next if(grep /^$item$/, @csr);
readingsDelete ($hash, 'statistic_'.$item);
deleteReadingspec ($hash, 'statistic_'.$item.'_.*') if($item eq 'todayConsumptionForecast');
readingsDelete ($hash, $prpo.'_'.$item);
deleteReadingspec ($hash, $prpo.'_'.$item.'_.*') if($item eq 'todayConsumptionForecast');
return if(!@csr);
@ -12366,8 +12383,8 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $par = $hcsr{$kpi}{par};
if (!defined $def || !defined $par) {
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR in Application - attribute ctrlStatisticReadings KPI '$kpi' has no Parameter or default value set. Set the attribute again or inform Maintainer.");
Log3 ($name, 1, "$name - ERROR in Application - attribute ctrlSpecialReadings KPI '$kpi' has no Parameter or default value set. Set the attribute again or inform Maintainer.");
if ($def eq 'apimaxreq') {
@ -12378,16 +12395,16 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
if ($hcsr{$kpi}{fnr} == 1) {
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $rapi, '?All', $kpi, $def));
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $rapi, '?All', $kpi, $def));
if ($hcsr{$kpi}{fnr} == 2) {
$par = $kpi if(!$par);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $par, $def).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $par, $def).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
if ($hcsr{$kpi}{fnr} == 3) {
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $kpi, $def).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $kpi, $def).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
if ($hcsr{$kpi}{fnr} == 4) {
@ -12396,7 +12413,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $shr = ($ss - $t) / 3600;
$shr = $shr < 0 ? 0 : $shr;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, sprintf "%.2f", $shr);
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, sprintf "%.2f", $shr);
if ($kpi eq 'SunMinutes_Remain') {
@ -12404,20 +12421,27 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $smr = ($ss - $t) / 60;
$smr = $smr < 0 ? 0 : $smr;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, sprintf "%.0f", $smr);
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, sprintf "%.0f", $smr);
if ($kpi eq 'runTimeTrainAI') {
my $rtaitr = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $kpi, $def);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $rtaitr);
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, $rtaitr);
if ($kpi =~ /BatPower(In|Out)_Sum/xs) {
my $bsum = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $def);
$bsum .= $bsum eq $def ? '' : $hcsr{$kpi}{unit};
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, $bsum);
if ($kpi =~ /daysUntilBatteryCare_/xs) {
my $bn = (split "_", $kpi)[1]; # Batterienummer extrahieren
my $d2c = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, 'days2care'.$bn, $def);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $d2c);
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, $d2c);
if ($kpi eq 'todayGridFeedIn') {
@ -12426,7 +12450,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $dfi = $cfi - $idfi;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dfi).' Wh');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dfi).' Wh');
if ($kpi eq 'todayGridConsumption') {
@ -12435,7 +12459,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $dgcon = $cgcon - $idgcon;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dgcon).' Wh');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dgcon).' Wh');
if ($kpi =~ /todayBatIn_/xs) {
@ -12445,7 +12469,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $dbi = $cbitot - $idbitot;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dbi).' Wh');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dbi).' Wh');
if ($kpi =~ /todayBatOut_/xs) {
@ -12455,7 +12479,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $dbo = $cbotot - $idbotot;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dbo).' Wh');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.1f", $dbo).' Wh');
if ($kpi eq 'dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast') { # PV Vorhersage Summe für Übermorgen (falls Werte vorhanden), Forum:#134226
@ -12476,10 +12500,10 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
if ($fcsumdat) {
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (int $fcsumdat). ' Wh');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (int $fcsumdat). ' Wh');
else {
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $fcsumdat. ' (no data available)');
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, $fcsumdat. ' (no data available)');
@ -12487,26 +12511,26 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $c = (split "_", $kpi)[1]; # Consumer Nummer extrahieren
if (!AttrVal ($name, 'consumer'.$c, '')) {
readingsDelete ($hash, 'statistic_currentRunMtsConsumer_'.$c);
readingsDelete ($hash, $prpo.'_currentRunMtsConsumer_'.$c);
my $mion = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $c, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $def);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.0f", $mion).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, (sprintf "%.0f", $mion).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
if ($kpi =~ /runTimeAvgDayConsumer_/xs) {
my $c = (split "_", $kpi)[1]; # Consumer Nummer extrahieren
if (!AttrVal ($name, 'consumer'.$c, '')) {
readingsDelete ($hash, 'statistic_runTimeAvgDayConsumer_'.$c);
readingsDelete ($hash, $prpo.'_runTimeAvgDayConsumer_'.$c);
my $radc = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $c, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $def);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, $radc.$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, $radc.$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
if ($kpi eq 'todayConsumptionForecast') {
@ -12519,7 +12543,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
my $hod = NexthoursVal ($hash, $idx, 'hourofday', '01');
my $confc = &{$hcsr{$kpi}{fn}} ($hash, $idx, $hcsr{$kpi}{par}, $def);
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi.'_'.$hod, $confc.$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi.'_'.$hod, $confc.$hcsr{$kpi}{unit});
@ -12552,7 +12576,7 @@ sub _genStatisticReadings {
$confc = $confc / $mhrs * $mtsr;
storeReading ('statistic_'.$kpi, ($confc ? (sprintf "%.0f", $confc).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit} : '-'));
storeReading ($prpo.'_'.$kpi, ($confc ? (sprintf "%.0f", $confc).$hcsr{$kpi}{unit} : '-'));
@ -22025,14 +22049,16 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlStatisticReadings"></a>
<li><b>ctrlStatisticReadings </b><br>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlSpecialReadings"></a>
<li><b>ctrlSpecialReadings </b><br>
Readings are created for the selected key figures and indicators with the
naming scheme 'statistic_<indicator>'. Selectable key figures / indicators are: <br><br>
naming scheme 'special_<indicator>'. Selectable key figures / indicators are: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col width="75%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>BatPowerIn_Sum</b> </td><td>the sum of the current battery charging power of all defined battery devices </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>BatPowerOut_Sum</b> </td><td>the sum of the current battery discharge power of all defined battery devices </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>allStringsFullfilled</b> </td><td>Fulfillment status of error-free generation of all strings </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conForecastTillNextSunrise</b> </td><td>Consumption forecast from current hour to the coming sunrise </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>the current polling interval of the selected radiation data API in seconds </td></tr>
@ -22323,13 +22349,13 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
<tr><td> </td><td>current&nbsp;Gridconsumption:Current_GridConsumption </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td># </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>CO&nbsp;until&nbsp;sunset:statistic_todayConForecastTillSunset </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>PV&nbsp;Day&nbsp;after&nbsp;tomorrow:statistic_dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>CO&nbsp;until&nbsp;sunset:special_todayConForecastTillSunset </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>PV&nbsp;Day&nbsp;after&nbsp;tomorrow:special_dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>#Battery </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>in&nbsp;today:statistic_todayBatIn </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>out&nbsp;today:statistic_todayBatOut </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>in&nbsp;today:special_todayBatIn </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>out&nbsp;today:special_todayBatOut </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>#Settings </td></tr>
@ -24479,14 +24505,16 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlStatisticReadings"></a>
<li><b>ctrlStatisticReadings </b><br>
<a id="SolarForecast-attr-ctrlSpecialReadings"></a>
<li><b>ctrlSpecialReadings </b><br>
Für die ausgewählten Kennzahlen und Indikatoren werden Readings mit dem
Namensschema 'statistic_<Indikator>' erstellt. Auswählbare Kennzahlen / Indikatoren sind: <br><br>
Namensschema 'special_<Indikator>' erstellt. Auswählbare Kennzahlen / Indikatoren sind: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col width="75%"> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>BatPowerIn_Sum</b> </td><td>die Summe der momentanen Batterieladeleistung aller definierten Batterie Geräte </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>BatPowerOut_Sum</b> </td><td>die Summe der momentanen Batterieentladeleistung aller definierten Batterie Geräte </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>allStringsFullfilled</b> </td><td>Erfüllungsstatus der fehlerfreien Generierung aller Strings </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>conForecastTillNextSunrise</b> </td><td>Verbrauchsprognose von aktueller Stunde bis zum kommenden Sonnenaufgang </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>currentAPIinterval</b> </td><td>das aktuelle Abrufintervall der gewählten Strahlungsdaten-API in Sekunden </td></tr>
@ -24777,13 +24805,13 @@ die ordnungsgemäße Anlagenkonfiguration geprüft werden.
<tr><td> </td><td>aktueller&nbsp;Netzbezug:Current_GridConsumption </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td># </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>CO&nbsp;bis&nbsp;Sonnenuntergang:statistic_todayConForecastTillSunset </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>PV&nbsp;Übermorgen:statistic_dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>CO&nbsp;bis&nbsp;Sonnenuntergang:special_todayConForecastTillSunset </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>PV&nbsp;Übermorgen:special_dayAfterTomorrowPVforecast </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>InverterRelay:gridrelay_status@MySTP_5000 </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>#Batterie </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>in&nbsp;heute:statistic_todayBatIn </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>out&nbsp;heute:statistic_todayBatOut </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>in&nbsp;heute:special_todayBatIn </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>out&nbsp;heute:special_todayBatOut </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>: </td></tr>
<tr><td> </td><td>#Settings </td></tr>
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