mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00

feature: new command halign, valign, condition in 02_RSS.pm (Betateilchen & Boris)

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4219 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
borisneubert 2013-11-14 21:09:24 +00:00
parent 7fb6f1281f
commit 1e06ddda99
2 changed files with 107 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: new command halign, valign, condition in 02_RSS.pm
(Betateilchen & Boris)
- bugfix: PRESENCE: Fix nonworking initialization in mode "lan-bluetooth"
- bugfix: fhem.pl: write-select to avoid blocking in inform/Event Monitor
- bugfix: fix issue with DST changes in 57_Calendar.pm

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@ -11,8 +11,13 @@ package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use GD;
use feature qw/switch/;
use vars qw(%data);
use HttpUtils;
require "98_SVG.pm"; # enable use of plotAsPng()
my @valid_valign = qw(top center base bottom);
my @valid_halign = qw(left center right);
# we can
# use vars qw(%FW_types); # device types,
@ -42,7 +47,6 @@ RSS_Initialize($) {
$hash->{AttrList}= "size bg tmin";
$hash->{SetFn} = "RSS_Set";
return undef;
@ -84,6 +88,12 @@ RSS_Define($$) {
$hash->{fhem}{hostname}= $hostname;
$hash->{fhem}{filename}= $filename;
eval "use GD::Text::Align";
$hash->{fhem}{useTextAlign} = ($@ ? 0 : 1 );
if(!($hash->{fhem}{useTextAlign})) {
Log3 $hash, 1, "Cannot use text alignment: $@";
$hash->{STATE} = $name;
@ -217,8 +227,21 @@ sub
RSS_itemText {
my ($S,$x,$y,$text,%params)= @_;
return unless(defined($text));
($x,$y)= RSS_xy($S,$x,$y);
if($params{useTextAlign}) {
($x,$y)= RSS_xy($S,$x,$y);
my $align = GD::Text::Align->new($S,
color => RSS_color($S, $params{rgb}),
valign => $params{tvalign},
halign => $params{thalign},
$align->set_font($params{font}, $params{pt});
$align->draw($x, $y, 0);
} else {
($x,$y)= RSS_xy($S,$x,$y);
@ -227,6 +250,7 @@ RSS_itemTime {
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
RSS_itemText($S,$x,$y,sprintf("%02d:%02d", $hour, $min),%params);
RSS_itemSeconds {
my ($S,$x,$y,$format,%params)= @_;
@ -237,7 +261,7 @@ RSS_itemSeconds {
RSS_itemText($S,$x,$y,sprintf("%02d", $sec),%params);
RSS_itemText($S,$x,$y,sprintf("%02d", $sec),%params);
@ -276,7 +300,6 @@ RSS_itemImg {
} elsif($srctype eq "data") {
require "98_SVG.pm"; # enable use of plotAsPng()
if($imgtype eq "gif") {
$I= GD::Image->newFromGifData($arg);
} elsif($imgtype eq "png") {
@ -290,18 +313,37 @@ RSS_itemImg {
($x,$y)= RSS_xy($S,$x,$y);
my ($width,$height)= $I->getBounds();
if ($scale =~ s/([wh])([\d]*)/$2/) { # get the digit from width/hight to pixel entry
#Debug "RSS scale $scale (1: $1 / 2: $2)contais px after Digit - width: $width / height: $height";
if ($1 eq "w") {
} else {
eval {
my ($width,$height)= $I->getBounds();
if ($scale =~ s/([wh])([\d]*)/$2/) { # get the digit from width/hight to pixel entry
#Debug "RSS scale $scale (1: $1 / 2: $2)contais px after Digit - width: $width / height: $height";
if ($1 eq "w") {
} else {
my ($swidth,$sheight)= (int($scale*$width), int($scale*$height));
given ($params{ihalign}) {
when('center') { $x -= $swidth/2; }
when('right') { $x -= $swidth; }
default { } # nothing to do
given ($params{ivalign}) {
when('center') { $y -= $sheight/2; }
when('base') { $y -= $sheight; }
when('bottom') { $y -= $sheight; }
default { } # nothing to do
#Debug "RSS placing $arg ($swidth x $sheight) at ($x,$y)";
if($@) {
Log3 undef, 2, "RSS: cannot create image $srctype $imgtype '$arg': $@";
my ($swidth,$sheight)= (int($scale*$width), int($scale*$height));
#Debug "RSS placing $arg ($swidth x $sheight) at ($x,$y)";
@ -324,6 +366,16 @@ RSS_evalLayout($$@) {
$params{font}= "Arial";
$params{pt}= 12;
$params{rgb}= "ffffff";
$params{halign} = 'left';
$params{valign} = 'base';
$params{condition} = '1';
# we need two pairs of align parameters
# due to different default values for text and img
$params{useTextAlign}= $defs{$name}{fhem}{useTextAlign};
$params{ihalign} = 'left';
$params{ivalign} = 'top';
$params{thalign} = 'left';
$params{tvalign} = 'base';
my ($x,$y,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$scale,$text,$imgtype,$srctype,$arg,$format);
@ -342,6 +394,8 @@ RSS_evalLayout($$@) {
# split line into command and definition
my ($cmd, $def)= split("[ \t]+", $line, 2);
##Debug, "CMD= \"$cmd\", DEF= \"$def\"";
$params{condition} = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $def) if($cmd eq 'condition');
next unless($params{condition});
if($cmd eq "rgb") {
$def= "\"$def\"" if(length($def) == 6 && $def =~ /[[:xdigit:]]{6}/);
$params{rgb}= AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $def);
@ -349,6 +403,24 @@ RSS_evalLayout($$@) {
$params{font}= $def;
} elsif($cmd eq "pt") {
$params{pt}= $def;
} elsif($cmd eq "halign"){
my $d = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $def);
if($d ~~ @valid_halign) {
#Debug "$name: halign $d found valid in halign_array";
$params{ihalign}= $d;
$params{thalign}= $d;
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: Illegal horizontal alignment $d";
} elsif($cmd eq "valign") {
my $d = AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $def);
if( $d ~~ @valid_valign) {
# Debug "$name: valign $d found valid in valign_array";
$params{ivalign}= $d;
$params{tvalign}= $d;
} else {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name: Illegal vertical alignment $d";
} elsif($cmd eq "text") {
($x,$y,$text)= split("[ \t]+", $def, 3);
my $txt= AnalyzePerlCommand(undef, $text);
@ -374,7 +446,6 @@ RSS_evalLayout($$@) {
} else {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name: Illegal command $cmd in layout definition.";
@ -627,18 +698,33 @@ RSS_CGI(){
putting a \ at the end.<p>
<i>Layout control commands</i><p>
(1) Use double quotes to quote literal text if perl specials are allowed.
(2) Text alignment requires the Perl module GD::Text::Align to be installed. Debian-based systems can install it with <code>apt-get install libgd-text-perl</code>.
<li>font &lt;font&gt;<br>Sets the font. &lt;font&gt; is the name of a TrueType font (e.g.
<li>font "&lt;font&gt;"<br>Sets the font. &lt;font&gt; is the name of a TrueType font (e.g.
<code>Arial</code>) or the full path to a TrueType font
(e.g. <code>/usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf</code>),
whatever works on your system.</li><br>
<li>rgb &lt;color&gt;<br>Sets the color. &lt;color&gt; is a 6-digit hex number, every 2 digits
<li>rgb "&lt;color&gt;"<br>Sets the color. &lt;color&gt; is a 6-digit hex number, every 2 digits
determining the red, green and blue color components as in HTML color codes (e.g.
<code>FF0000</code> for red, <code>C0C0C0</code> for light gray). You can use
<code>{ <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code> for &lt;color&gt.</li><br>
<li>pt &lt;pt&gt;<br>Sets the font size in points.</li><br>
<li>halign "left"|"center"|"right"<br>Sets the horizontal text and image alignment. Defaults to left-aligned. You can use
<code>{ <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code> instead of the literal alignment control word.</li><br>
<li>valign "top"|"center"|"base"|"bottom"<br>Sets the vertical text and image alignment. Defaults to top-aligned. You can use
<code>{ <a href="#perl">&lt;perl special&gt;</a> }</code> instead of the literal alignment control word.</li><br>
<li>condition &lt;condition&gt;<br>Subsequent layout control and item placement commands except for another condition command
are ignored if and only if &lt;condition&gt;
evaluates to false.</li><br>
<i>Item placement commands</i><p>
@ -669,7 +755,7 @@ RSS_CGI(){
This is how a layout definition might look like:<p>
font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/arial.ttf # must be a TrueType font<br>
rgb c0c0c0 # HTML color notation, RGB<br>
rgb "c0c0c0" # HTML color notation, RGB<br>
pt 48 # font size in points<br>
time 0.10 0.90<br>
pt 24<br>