mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 10:46:53 +00:00

added readingsGroup icons and links/commands

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@4665 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
justme-1968 2014-01-16 12:41:04 +00:00
parent 5d6f999e5e
commit 1b0d89e166
2 changed files with 107 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: readingsGroup: added icons and links/commands
- feature: new module 98_Text2Speech.pm added (Tobias Faust)
Google Translator Engine or ESpeak can be used
- feature: YAMAHA_AVR: define separate on and off status intervals for

View File

@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ sub readingsGroup_Initialize($)
#$hash->{SetFn} = "readingsGroup_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "readingsGroup_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "readingsGroup_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,2,3 nameIcon valueIcon mapping separator style nameStyle valueColumns valueStyle valueFormat timestampStyle noheading:1 nolinks:1 notime:1 nostate:1 alwaysTrigger:1";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:1,2,3 nameIcon valueIcon mapping separator style nameStyle valueColumns valueStyle valueFormat commands timestampStyle noheading:1 nolinks:1 notime:1 nostate:1 alwaysTrigger:1";
$hash->{FW_detailFn} = "readingsGroup_detailFn";
$hash->{FW_summaryFn} = "readingsGroup_detailFn";
@ -165,6 +165,7 @@ lookup($$$$$$$$)
$default = $mapping->{$name} if( defined($mapping->{$name}) );
$default = $mapping->{$reading} if( defined($mapping->{$reading}) );
$default = $mapping->{$name.".".$reading} if( defined($mapping->{$name.".".$reading}) );
$default = $mapping->{$reading.".".$value} if( defined($mapping->{$reading.".".$value}) );
#} elsif( $mapping =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
# my $DEVICE = $name;
# my $READING = $reading;
@ -203,6 +204,7 @@ lookup2($$$$)
my $vf = "";
$vf = $lookup->{$reading} if( exists($lookup->{$reading}) );
$vf = $lookup->{$name.".".$reading} if( exists($lookup->{$name.".".$reading}) );
$vf = $lookup->{$reading.".".$value} if( exists($lookup->{$reading.".".$value}) );
$lookup = $vf;
} elsif($lookup =~ m/^{.*}$/) {
my $DEVICE = $name;
@ -212,8 +214,44 @@ lookup2($$$$)
$lookup = "" if( $@ );
$lookup =~ s/\%DEVICE/$name/g;
$lookup =~ s/\%READING/$reading/g;
$lookup =~ s/\%VALUE/$value/g;
$lookup =~ s/\$DEVICE/$name/g;
$lookup =~ s/\$READING/$reading/g;
$lookup =~ s/\$VALUE/$value/g;
return $lookup;
my($v,$devStateIcon,$cmd) = @_;
if( $cmd ) {
my $txt = $v;
$txt = $devStateIcon if( $devStateIcon );
my $link = "cmd=$cmd";
if( AttrVal($FW_wname, "longpoll", 1)) {
$txt = "<a style=\"cursor:pointer\" onClick=\"FW_cmd('$FW_ME$FW_subdir?XHR=1&$link')\">$txt</a>";
} else {
my $room = $FW_webArgs{room};
$room = "&detail=$FW_webArgs{detail}";
my $srf = $room ? "&room=$room" : "";
$srf = $room if( $room && $room =~ m/^&/ );
$txt = "<a href=\"$FW_ME$FW_subdir?$link$srf\">$txt</a>";
if( !$devStateIcon ) {
$v = $txt;
} else {
$devStateIcon = $txt;
return ($v, $devStateIcon);
@ -284,6 +322,8 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
$valueIcon = eval $valueIcon if( $valueIcon =~ m/^{.*}$/ );
#$valueIcon = undef if( ref($valueIcon) ne 'HASH' );
my $commands = AttrVal( $d, "commands", "" );
$commands = eval $commands if( $commands =~ m/^{.*}$/ );
my $devices = $hash->{DEVICES};
@ -320,6 +360,7 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
if( $regex && $regex =~ m/^<(.*)>$/ ) {
my $txt = $1;
my $readings;
if( $txt =~ m/^{(.*)}(@[\w|.*]+)?$/ ) {
$txt = "{$1}";
$readings = $2;
@ -342,6 +383,14 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
$ret .= "<td><div $name_style class=\"dname\"></div></td>";
$first = 0;
} elsif( $txt && $txt =~ m/^%([^%]*)(%(.*))?/ ) {
my $icon = $1;
my $cmd = $3;
$txt = FW_makeImage( $icon, $icon, "icon" );
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$name,undef,$icon) if( !defined($cmd) );
($txt,undef) = readingsGroup_makeLink($txt,undef,$cmd);
} elsif( $first || $multi == 1 ) {
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
@ -357,10 +406,9 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
$ret .= "<td><div $name_style class=\"dname\">$txt</div></td>";
my $inform_id = "";
$inform_id = "informId=\"$d-$item.item\"" if( $readings );
$ret .= "<td><div $name_style $inform_id class=\"dname\">$txt</div></td>";
$ret .= "<td><div $name_style $inform_id>$txt</div></td>";
$first = 0;
} elsif( $regex && $regex =~ m/^\+(.*)/ ) {
@ -422,6 +470,7 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
my $cmd;
my $devStateIcon;
if( $valueIcon ) {
if( my $icon = lookup($valueIcon,$name,$a,$n,$v,$room,$group,"") ) {
@ -431,10 +480,15 @@ readingsGroup_2html($)
$devStateIcon = $txt;
} else {
$devStateIcon = FW_makeImage( $icon, $v, "icon" );
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$name,$n,$icon);
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$name,$n,$v) if( !$cmd );
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$name,$n,$v) if( !$devStateIcon );
($v,$devStateIcon) = readingsGroup_makeLink($v,$devStateIcon,$cmd);
if( $first || $multi == 1 ) {
$ret .= sprintf("<tr class=\"%s\">", ($row&1)?"odd":"even");
@ -580,6 +634,10 @@ readingsGroup_Notify($$)
my $valueIcon = AttrVal( $name, "valueIcon", "");
$valueIcon = eval $valueIcon if( $valueIcon =~ m/^{.*}$/ );
my $commands = AttrVal( $name, "commands", "" );
$commands = eval $commands if( $commands =~ m/^{.*}$/ );
foreach my $device (@{$devices}) {
my $item = 0;
my $h = $defs{@{$device}[0]};
@ -600,6 +658,7 @@ readingsGroup_Notify($$)
if( $regex && $regex =~ m/^<(.*)>$/ ) {
my $txt = $1;
my $readings;
if( $txt =~ m/^{(.*)}(@([\w|.*]+))?$/ ) {
$txt = "{$1}";
$readings = $3;
@ -616,7 +675,14 @@ readingsGroup_Notify($$)
$txt = "" if( !defined($txt) );
if( $txt && $txt =~ m/^%([^%]*)(%(.*))?/ ) {
my $icon = $1;
my $cmd = $3;
$txt = FW_makeImage( $icon, $icon, "icon" );
($txt,undef) = readingsGroup_makeLink($txt,undef,$cmd);
CommandTrigger( "", "$name $item.item: $txt" );
@ -640,6 +706,7 @@ readingsGroup_Notify($$)
my $cmd;
my $devStateIcon;
if( $valueIcon ) {
my $n = $h->{NAME};
@ -653,13 +720,22 @@ readingsGroup_Notify($$)
$devStateIcon = $txt;
} else {
$devStateIcon = FW_makeImage( $icon, $value, "icon" );
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$n,$reading,$icon);
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$n,$reading,$value) if( !$cmd );
CommandTrigger( "", "$name $n.$reading: $devStateIcon" ) if( $devStateIcon );
next if( $devStateIcon );
if( $devStateIcon ) {
(undef,$devStateIcon) = readingsGroup_makeLink(undef,$devStateIcon,$cmd);
CommandTrigger( "", "$name $n.$reading: $devStateIcon" );
$cmd = lookup2($commands,$dev->{NAME},$reading,$value);
($value,undef) = readingsGroup_makeLink($value,undef,$cmd);
$value = "<div $value_style>$value</div>" if( $value_style );
CommandTrigger( "", "$name $dev->{NAME}.$reading: $value" );
@ -759,8 +835,12 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$)
<li>If regex starts with a '+' it will be matched against the internal values of the device instead of the readings.</li>
<li>If regex starts with a '?' it will be matched against the attributes of the device instead of the readings.</li>
<li>regex can be of the form &lt;STRING&gt; or &lt;{perl}[@readings]&gt; where STRING or the string returned by perl is
inserted as the reading. skipped if STRING is undef. if STRING is br a new line will be started. if readings is
given the perl expression will be reevaluated during longpoll updates.</li>
inserted as a reading or:
<ul><li>the item will be skipped if STRING is undef</li>
<li>if STRING is br a new line will be started</li>
<li>if STRING is of the form %ICON[%CMD] ICON will be used as the name of an icon instead of a text and CMD
as the command to be executed if the icon is clicked. also see the commands attribute.</li></ul>
if readings is given the perl expression will be reevaluated during longpoll updates.</li>
<li>For internal values and attributes longpoll update is not possible. Refresh the page to update the values.</li>
<li>the &lt;{perl}&gt; expression is limited to expressions without a space. it is best just to call a small sub
in 99_myUtils.pm instead of having a compex expression in the define.</li>
@ -793,6 +873,19 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$)
attr Verbrauch valueFormat {power => "%.1f W", consumption => "%.2f kWh"}<br>
attr Verbrauch valueIcon { state => '%devStateIcon' }<br>
attr Verbrauch valueStyle {($READING eq "power" && $VALUE > 150)?'style="color:red"':'style="color:green"'}<br>
define rg_battery readingsGroup TYPE=LaCrosse:[Bb]attery<br>
attr rg_battery alias Batteriestatus<br>
attr rg_battery commands { "battery.low" => "set %DEVICE replaceBatteryForSec 60" }<br>
attr rg_battery valueFormat {($VALUE eq 'ok')?"batterie":"batterie\@red"}<br>
attr rg_battery valueIcon %VALUE<br>
define rgMediaPlayer readingsGroup myMediaPlayer:currentTitle,<>,totaltime,<br>,currentAlbum,<>,currentArtist,<br>,volume,<{if(ReadingsVal($DEVICE,"playStatus","")eq"paused"){"%rc_PLAY%set+$DEVICE+play"}else{"%rc_PAUSE%set+$DEVICE+pause"}}@playStatus>,playStatus<br>
attr rgMediaPlayer commands { "playStatus.paused" => "set %DEVICE play", "playStatus.playing" => "set %DEVICE pause" }<br>
attr rgMediaPlayer mapping &nbsp;<br>
attr rgMediaPlayer notime 1<br>
attr rgMediaPlayer valueFormat { "volume" => "Volume: %i" }<br>
#attr rgMediaPlayer valueIcon { "playStatus.paused" => "rc_PLAY", "playStatus.playing" => "rc_PAUSE" }<br>
@ -863,7 +956,11 @@ readingsGroup_Attr($$$)
in {} that returns a hash that maps reading value to the icon name. e.g.:<br>
<code>attr devices valueIcon $VALUE</code></br>
<code>attr devices valueIcon {state => '%VALUE'}</code></br>
<code>attr devices valueIcon {state => '%devStateIcon'}</code></li>
<code>attr devices valueIcon {state => '%devStateIcon'}</code>
<code>attr rgMediaPlayer valueIcon { "playStatus.paused" => "rc_PLAY", "playStatus.playing" => "rc_PAUSE" }</code></li>
Makes a reading or icon clickable and specifies the command that should be executed. eg.:<br>
<code>attr rgMediaPlayer commands { "playStatus.paused" => "set %DEVICE play", "playStatus.playing" => "set %DEVICE pause" }</code></li>
The nameStyle and valueStyle attributes can also contain a perl expression enclosed in {} that returns the style