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synced 2025-03-04 05:16:45 +00:00
76_SolarForecast.pm: contrib 0.6.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@23627 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"0.6.0" => "27.01.2021 change calcPVforecast from formula 1 to formula 2 ",
"0.5.0" => "25.01.2021 add multistring support, add reset inverterStrings ",
"0.4.0" => "24.01.2021 setter moduleDirection, add Area factor to calcPVforecast, add reset pvCorrection ",
"0.3.0" => "21.01.2021 add cloud correction, add rain correction, add reset pvHistory, setter writeHistory ",
@ -127,9 +128,7 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
my %hset = ( # Hash der Set-Funktion
currentForecastDev => { fn => \&_setcurrentForecastDev },
moduleArea => { fn => \&_setmoduleArea },
moduleEfficiency => { fn => \&_setmoduleEfficiency },
inverterEfficiency => { fn => \&_setinverterEfficiency },
modulePeakString => { fn => \&_setmodulePeakString },
inverterStrings => { fn => \&_setinverterStrings },
currentInverterDev => { fn => \&_setinverterDevice },
currentMeterDev => { fn => \&_setmeterDevice },
@ -450,10 +449,8 @@ sub Set {
"currentForecastDev:$fcd ".
"currentInverterDev:textField-long ".
"currentMeterDev:textField-long ".
"inverterEfficiency ".
"inverterStrings ".
"moduleArea ".
"moduleEfficiency ".
"modulePeakString ".
"moduleTiltAngle ".
"moduleDirection ".
"pvCorrectionFactor_Auto:on,off ".
@ -576,60 +573,29 @@ return;
# Setter moduleArea
# Setter modulePeakString
sub _setmoduleArea { ## no critic "not used"
sub _setmodulePeakString { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $arg = $paref->{arg} // return qq{no PV module area specified};
my $arg = $paref->{arg} // return qq{no PV module peak specified};
$arg =~ s/,/./xg;
my ($a,$h) = parseParams ($arg);
if(!keys %$h) {
return qq{The provided PV module area has wrong format};
return qq{The provided PV module peak has wrong format};
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$h) {
if($value !~ /[0-9.]/x) {
return qq{The module area of "$key" must be specified by numbers and optionally with decimal places};
return qq{The module peak of "$key" must be specified by numbers and optionally with decimal places};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "moduleArea", $arg, 1);
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
# Setter moduleEfficiency
sub _setmoduleEfficiency { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $arg = $paref->{arg} // return qq{no PV module efficiency specified};
my ($a,$h) = parseParams ($arg);
if(!keys %$h) {
return qq{The provided PV module efficiency has wrong format};
$arg =~ s/,/./xg;
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$h) {
if($value !~ /[0-9.]/x) {
return qq{The module efficiency of "$key" must be specified by numbers and optionally with decimal places};
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "moduleEfficiency", $arg, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "modulePeakString", $arg, 1);
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
return $ret if($ret);
@ -699,26 +665,6 @@ sub _setmoduleDirection { ## no critic "not used"
# Setter inverterEfficiency
sub _setinverterEfficiency { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // return qq{no inverter efficiency specified};
if($prop !~ /[0-9,.]/x) {
return qq{The inverter efficiency must be specified by numbers and optionally with decimal places};
$prop =~ s/,/./x;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "inverterEfficiency", $prop, 1);
# Setter pvCorrectionFactor
@ -1114,27 +1060,15 @@ sub createStringConfig { ## no critic "not used"
my $area = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleArea", ""); # Modul Fläche für jeden Stringbezeichner
my ($aa,$ha) = parseParams ($area);
my $peak = ReadingsVal ($name, "modulePeakString", ""); # kWp für jeden Stringbezeichner
my ($aa,$ha) = parseParams ($peak);
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$ha) {
if ($key ~~ @istrings) {
$data{$type}{$name}{strings}{"$key"}{area} = $value;
$data{$type}{$name}{strings}{"$key"}{peak} = $value;
else {
return qq{Check "moduleArea" -> the stringname "$key" is not defined as valid string in reading "inverterStrings"};
my $effi = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleEfficiency", ""); # Modul Effizienz für jeden Stringbezeichner
my ($ae,$he) = parseParams ($effi);
while (my ($key, $value) = each %$he) {
if ($key ~~ @istrings) {
$data{$type}{$name}{strings}{"$key"}{effi} = $value;
else {
return qq{Check "moduleEfficiency" -> the stringname "$key" is not defined as valid string in reading "inverterStrings"};
return qq{Check "modulePeakString" -> the stringname "$key" is not defined as valid string in reading "inverterStrings"};
@ -1151,7 +1085,7 @@ sub createStringConfig { ## no critic "not used"
if(!keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{strings}}) {
return qq{The string configuration is empty.\nPlease check the settings of inverterStrings, moduleArea, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle, moduleEfficiency};
return qq{The string configuration is empty.\nPlease check the settings of inverterStrings, modulePeakString, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle};
my @sca = keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{strings}}; # Gegencheck ob nicht mehr Strings in inverterStrings enthalten sind als eigentlich verwendet
@ -1580,12 +1514,11 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
my $pv0 = ReadingsNum ($name, "ThisHour_PVforecast", undef);
my $is = ReadingsVal ($name, "inverterStrings", undef); # String Konfig
my $ma = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleArea", undef); # Modulfläche Konfig
my $peak = ReadingsVal ($name, "modulePeakString", undef); # String Peak
my $dir = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleDirection", undef); # Modulausrichtung Konfig
my $ta = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleTiltAngle", undef); # Modul Neigungswinkel Konfig
my $eff = ReadingsVal ($name, "moduleEfficiency", undef); # Modul Effizienz Konfig
if(!$is || !$fcdev || !$ma || !defined $pv0 || !$dir || !$ta || !$eff) {
if(!$is || !$fcdev || !$indev || !$peak || !defined $pv0 || !$dir || !$ta) {
my $link = qq{<a href="/fhem?detail=$name">$name</a>};
$height = AttrNum($name, 'beamHeight', 200);
$ret .= "<table class='roomoverview'>";
@ -1601,11 +1534,8 @@ sub forecastGraphic {
elsif(!$is) {
$ret .= qq{Please define all of your used string names with "set $link inverterStrings".};
elsif(!$ma) {
$ret .= qq{Please specify the total module area with "set $link moduleArea"};
elsif(!$eff) {
$ret .= qq{Please specify the module efficiency with "set $link moduleEfficiency"};
elsif(!$peak) {
$ret .= qq{Please specify the total module peak with "set $link modulePeakString"};
elsif(!$dir) {
$ret .= qq{Please specify the module direction with "set $link moduleDirection"};
@ -2413,20 +2343,28 @@ return @aneeded;
# PV Forecast Rad1h in kWh / Wh
# Für die Umrechnung in einen kWh/Wh-Wert benötigt man einen entsprechenden Faktorwert:
# Berechnung nach Formel 1 aus http://www.ing-büro-junge.de/html/photovoltaik.html:
# * Faktor für Umwandlung kJ in kWh: 0.00027778
# * Eigene Modulfläche in qm z.B.: 31,04
# * Wirkungsgrad der Module in % z.B.: 16,52
# * Wirkungsgrad WR in % z.B.: 98,3
# * Korrekturwerte wegen Ausrichtung/Verschattung: 83% wegen Ost/West und Schatten (Iteration)
# * Korrekturwerte wegen Ausrichtung/Verschattung etc.
# Die Formel wäre dann:
# Ertrag in kWh = Rad1h * 0.00027778 * 31,04 qm * 16,52% * 98,3% * 100%
# Ertrag in Wh = Rad1h * 0.00027778 * 31,04 qm * 16,52% * 98,3% * 100% * 1000
# Damit ergibt sich ein Umrechnungsfaktor von: 0,00140019 für kWh / 1,40019 für Wh
# Berechnung nach Formel 2 aus http://www.ing-büro-junge.de/html/photovoltaik.html:
# Bei einem Rad1h-Wert von 500 ergibt dies bei mir also 0,700095 kWh / 700,095 Wh
# * Globalstrahlung: G = kJ / m2
# * Korrektur mit Flächenfaktor f: Gk = G * f
# * Globalstrahlung (STC): 1 kW/m2
# * Peak Leistung String (kWp): Pnenn = x kW
# * Performance Ratio: PR (typisch 0,85 bis 0,9)
# * weitere Korrekturwerte für Regen, Wolken etc.: Korr
# pv (kWh) = G * f * 0.00027778 (kWh/m2) / 1 kW/m2 * Pnenn (kW) * PR * Korr
# pv (Wh) = G * f * 0.00027778 (kWh/m2) / 1 kW/m2 * Pnenn (kW) * PR * Korr * 1000
# Die Abhängigkeit der Strahlungsleistung der Sonnenenergie nach Wetterlage und Jahreszeit ist
# hier beschrieben:
@ -2435,8 +2373,6 @@ return @aneeded;
# !!! PV Berechnungsgrundlagen !!!
# https://www.energie-experten.org/erneuerbare-energien/photovoltaik/planung/ertrag
# http://www.ing-büro-junge.de/html/photovoltaik.html
# -> es wird die Berechnung nach Formel 1 aus http://www.ing-büro-junge.de/html/photovoltaik.html
# verwendet
sub calcPVforecast {
@ -2447,6 +2383,7 @@ sub calcPVforecast {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $stch = $data{$type}{$name}{strings}; # String Configuration Hash
my $pr = 1.0; # Performance Ratio (PR)
my @strings = sort keys %{$stch};
@ -2457,31 +2394,29 @@ sub calcPVforecast {
my $rcf = 1 - (($rainprob - $rain_base) * $rainslope / 100); # Rain Correction Faktor mit Steilheit
my $kw = AttrVal ($name, 'Wh/kWh', 'Wh');
my $ie = ReadingsNum ($name, "inverterEfficiency", $definve ); # Solar Inverter Wirkungsgrad (%)
my $hc = ReadingsNum ($name, "pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$fh), 1 ); # Korrekturfaktor für die Stunde des Tages
my $pvsum = 0;
for my $st (@strings) { # für jeden String der Config ..
my $ma = $stch->{"$st"}{area}; # Solar Modulfläche String
my $peak = $stch->{"$st"}{peak}; # String Peak (kWp)
my $ta = $stch->{"$st"}{tilt}; # Neigungswinkel Solarmodule
my $moddir = $stch->{"$st"}{dir}; # Ausrichtung der Solarmodule
my $me = $stch->{"$st"}{effi}; # Solar Modul Wirkungsgrad (%)
my $af = $hff{$ta}{$moddir} / 100; # Flächenfaktor: http://www.ing-büro-junge.de/html/photovoltaik.html
$hc = 1 if(1*$hc == 0);
my $pv = sprintf "%.1f", ($rad * $kJtokWh * $ma * $af * $me/100 * $ie/100 * $hc * $ccf * $rcf * 1000);
# pv (Wh) = G * f * 0.00027778 (kWh/m2) / 1 kW/m2 * Pnenn (kW) * PR * Korr * 1000
my $pv = sprintf "%.1f", ($rad * $af * $kJtokWh * $peak * $pr * $hc * $ccf * $rcf * 1000);
my $lh = { # Log-Hash zur Ausgabe
"moduleDirection" => $moddir,
"moduleArea" => $ma,
"modulePeakString" => $peak,
"moduleTiltAngle" => $ta,
"Area factor" => $af,
"Cloudfactor" => $ccf,
"Rainfactor" => $rcf,
"pvCorrectionFactor" => $hc,
"moduleEfficiency" => $me/100,
"inverterEfficiency" => $ie/100,
"Radiation" => $rad,
"Factor kJ to kWh" => $kJtokWh,
"PV generation (Wh)" => $pv
@ -2557,7 +2492,7 @@ sub calcVariance {
my $cdone = ReadingsVal ($name, "pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."_autocalc", "");
if($cdone eq "done") {
Log3($name, 5, "$name - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h). "already calculated");
Log3($name, 5, "$name - pvCorrectionFactor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h). " already calculated");
@ -2733,12 +2668,12 @@ sub checkStringConfig {
my $cf = 0;
for my $sn (sort keys %{$stch}) {
my $sp = $sn." => ".$sub->($sn)."\n";
$cf = 1 if($sp !~ /area.*?dir.*?effi.*?tilt/x); # Test Vollständigkeit: z.B. Ostlage => area: 31.04, dir: E, effi: 16.52, tilt: 30
$cf = 1 if($sp !~ /dir.*?peak.*?tilt/x); # Test Vollständigkeit: z.B. Süddach => dir: S, peak: 5.13, tilt: 45
$sc .= $sp;
if($cf) {
$sc .= "\n\nOh no 🙁, your string configuration is inconsistent.\nPlease check the settings of moduleArea, moduleDirection, moduleEfficiency, moduleTiltAngle !";
$sc .= "\n\nOh no 🙁, your string configuration is inconsistent.\nPlease check the settings of modulePeakString, moduleDirection, moduleTiltAngle !";
else {
$sc .= "\n\nCongratulations 😊, your string configuration checked without found errors !";
@ -3007,15 +2942,6 @@ werden weitere SolarForecast Devices zugeordnet.
<a name="inverterEfficiency"></a>
<li><b>inverterEfficiency <Zahl> </b> <br>
Wirkungsgrad des Wechselrichters (currentInverterDev) in % laut Herstellerangabe. <br>
(default: 98.3)
<a name="inverterStrings"></a>
<li><b>inverterStrings <Stringname1>[,<Stringname2>,<Stringname3>,...] </b> <br>
@ -3031,14 +2957,14 @@ werden weitere SolarForecast Devices zugeordnet.
<a name="moduleArea"></a>
<li><b>moduleArea <Stringname1>=<Fläche> [<Stringname2>=<Fläche> <Stringname3>=<Fläche> ...] </b> <br>
Gesamte an dem String "StringnameX" installierte Solarmodulfläche in qm. Der Stringname ist ein Schlüsselwert des
<a name="modulePeakString"></a>
<li><b>modulePeakString <Stringname1>=<Peak> [<Stringname2>=<Peak> <Stringname3>=<Peak> ...] </b> <br>
Die Peakleistung des Strings "StringnameX" in kWp. Der Stringname ist ein Schlüsselwert des
Readings <b>inverterStrings</b>. <br><br>
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
set <name> moduleArea Ostdach=31.04 Südgarage=20 S3=32.05 <br>
set <name> modulePeakString Ostdach=5.1 Südgarage=2.0 S3=7.2 <br>
@ -3074,20 +3000,6 @@ werden weitere SolarForecast Devices zugeordnet.
<a name="moduleEfficiency"></a>
<li><b>moduleEfficiency <Stringname1>=<Eff> [<Stringname2>=<Eff> <Stringname3>=<Eff> ...] </b> <br>
Wirkungsgrad der Solarmodule im String "StringnameX" laut Herstellerangabe in %. Der Stringname ist ein Schlüsselwert des
Readings <b>inverterStrings</b>. <br><br>
<b>Beispiel: </b> <br>
set <name> moduleEfficiency Ostdach=16.52 Südgarage=16.52 S3=16.52 <br>
<a name="moduleTiltAngle"></a>
<li><b>moduleTiltAngle <Stringname1>=<Winkel> [<Stringname2>=<Winkel> <Stringname3>=<Winkel> ...] </b> <br>
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