mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00

47_OBIS: major rewrite of the parser

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@24001 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
gvzdus 2021-03-18 19:36:43 +00:00
parent d9ef5227bc
commit 1aa73b5e77
2 changed files with 199 additions and 180 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- change: 47_OBIS: redesign of parser (major change)
- bugfix: 57_Calendar: avoid spurious re-creation of all events
- bugfix: 49_IPCAM: not sending events for sequential snapshots fixed
- new: SYSSTAT: umstellung auf non-blocking

View File

@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ my %Ext_Channel_Postfix = (
my $SML_ENDTAG = chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1A);
my $SML_START = chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) . chr(0x1B) .
chr(0x01) . chr(0x01) . chr(0x01) . chr(0x01);
sub OBIS_Initialize($)
@ -133,7 +135,7 @@ sub OBIS_Define($$)
my $device_name = "OBIS_".$name;
$modules{OBIS}{defptr}{$device_name} = $hash;
# If device="none", prepeare for an external IO-Module
# If device="none", prepare for an external IO-Module
if($dev=~/none|ext/) {
if (@a == 4){
my $device_name = "OBIS.".$a[4];
@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ sub OBIS_Define($$)
Log3 $hash, 1, "OBIS ($name) - OBIS device is none, commands will be echoed only";
return undef;
return undef;
my $baudrate;
@ -160,7 +162,7 @@ sub OBIS_Define($$)
else {
$hash->{helper}{NETDEV}= $dev =~ /:\d+$/ ? 1 : 0;
my %devs= (
@ -175,27 +177,43 @@ sub OBIS_Define($$)
"E350USB" => ["/?!".chr(13).chr(10), 600, chr(6)."0".$hash->{helper}{SPEED}."0".chr(13).chr(10)],
"AS1440" => ["/2!".chr(13).chr(10), 600, chr(6)."0".$hash->{helper}{SPEED}."0".chr(13).chr(10)]
if (!$devs{$type}) {return 'unknown meterType. Must be one of <nothing>, SML, Standard, VSM102, E110'};
$devs{$type}[1] = $hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1] // $devs{$type}[1];
$hash->{helper}{DEVICES} =$devs{$type};
$hash->{helper}{RULECACHE} = {};
# if( !$init_done ) {
# $attr{$name}{"event-on-change-reading"} = ".*";
# }
if ($hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1]>0) {
my $t=OBIS_adjustAlign($hash,AttrVal($name,"alignTime",undef),$hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1]);
Log3 $hash, 5, "OBIS ($name) - Internal timer set to ".FmtDateTime($t);
InternalTimer($t, "GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+60, "CheckNoData", $hash, 0) if ($hash->{helper}{NETDEV});
if (!$devs{$type}) {return 'unknown meterType. Must be one of <nothing>, SML, Standard, VSM102, E110'};
$devs{$type}[1] = $hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1] // $devs{$type}[1];
$hash->{helper}{DEVICES} =$devs{$type};
$hash->{helper}{RULECACHE} = {};
if ($hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1]>0) {
my $t=OBIS_adjustAlign($hash,AttrVal($name,"alignTime",undef),$hash->{helper}{DEVICES}[1]);
Log3 $hash, 5, "OBIS ($name) - Internal timer set to ".FmtDateTime($t);
InternalTimer($t, "GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+60, "CheckNoData", $hash, 0) if ($hash->{helper}{NETDEV});
Log3 $hash, 5, "OBIS ($name) - Opening device...";
Log3 $hash, 5, "OBIS ($name) - Opening device...";
if (! -f $dev) {
DevIo_OpenDev($hash, 0, "OBIS_Init", $hash->{helper}{NETDEV} ? "OBIS_Callback" : undef);
} else {
# Debug mode: Open a FHEM debug session and process it...
Log3 $hash, 1, "OBIS ($name) - Replaying session";
open (FH, $dev);
$attr{$name}{"verbose"} = 5;
my $t1 = gettimeofday();
my $lines = 0;
while (<FH>) {
next unless /^\d{4}.\d\d.\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d .: OBIS.*Full message->\s*(.*)$/;
OBIS_Parse ($hash, (pack 'H*', $1));
my $dt = gettimeofday()-$t1;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "state",
$lines . ' lines in ' . $dt . ' seconds = ' . int($lines/$dt + 0.5) . ' lines per second', 0);
close FH;
@ -362,8 +380,121 @@ sub OBIS_Read($)
my @pow10plus5 = ( 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000 );
my %unitmap = (
0x1E => "Wh",
0x1B => "W",
0x21 => "A",
0x23 => "V",
0x2C => "Hz",
0x01 => "",
0x1D => "varh",
# Input: devhash, textoutput, reverse byte buffer, maxelements
sub OBIS_Parse_List
my $hash = $_[0];
my $elements = $_[2];
my @result;
#Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS_Parse_List : Scan for $elements element";
my $cntdown = $elements;
my $isobis = ($elements == 7) ? 1 : 0;
while ($cntdown>0 && (length $_[3])) {
my $tl = ord chop($_[3]);
$isobis &= ($tl == 0x7) if ($cntdown == $elements);
#Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS_Parse_List : TL is " . sprintf("%02X", $tl);
my $len = $tl & 0xf;
my $tltype = $tl & 0x70;
my $tllast = $tl;
while ($tllast & 0x80) {
$tllast = ord chop($_[3]);
if ($tl & 0x70) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "2nd TL-byte != 0, reserved according spec";
$len = ($len*16) + ($tllast & 0xf);
return undef if ($len>length $_[3] || $len<0);
if ($tltype == 0) {
# String
if ($len<=0) {
push @result, "";
} elsif (($len==6) && ($cntdown==$elements)) {
push @result, sprintf("%d-%d:%d.%d.%d*%d",
ord chop($_[3]), ord chop($_[3]),
ord chop($_[3]), ord chop($_[3]),
ord chop($_[3]), ord chop($_[3]));
} else {
my $str;
while ($len--) {
$str .= sprintf ("%02X", ord chop($_[3]));
if ($elements==7 && $#result==4) {
if($result[0]=~$SML_specialities{"HEX4"}[0]) {
} elsif($result[0]=~$SML_specialities{"HEX2"}[0]) {
} else {
push @result, $str;
} elsif ($tltype == 0x50 || $tltype == 0x60) {
# Signed (5) or Unsigned (6) Int
my $num = 0;
if ($tltype==0x60 && $len>3 && $result[0]=~/^1-0:16\.7\.0/ && $hash->{helper}{DZGHACK}) {
$tltype = 0x50;
$num = ord chop($_[3]) if ($len--);
my $subme = ($tltype == 0x50) && ($num & 0x80) ? ( 1 << (8*($len+1)) ) : 0;
while ($len-- > 0) {
$num = ($num<<8) | ord chop($_[3]);
push @result, ($num-$subme);
} elsif ($tltype == 0x40) {
push @result, (ord chop($_[3]) != 0);
} elsif ($tltype == 0x70) {
push @result, ref OBIS_Parse_List($hash, $_[1], $len+1, $_[3]);
my $i = 0;
return @result if (!$isobis);
# We should have now an 7 element array: reading(0), status(1), valTime(2), unit(3), scaler(4), data(5)
if ($result[4] && looks_like_number($result[4]) && looks_like_number($result[5])) {
$result[5] *= ($result[4]<-5 || $result[4]>5) ? 10**$result[4] : $pow10plus5[$result[4]+5];
if (looks_like_number($result[3])) {
my $repl = $unitmap{$result[3]};
$result[3] = $repl // "var";
if (looks_like_number($result[1])) {
$result[5] = (($result[1] == 0xA2) ? "<" : (($result[1] == 0x82) ? ">" : "")) . $result[5];
my $line = $result[0] . "(" . $result[5] . ($result[3] eq "" ? "" : "*".$result[3]) . ")\r\n";
$hash->{helper}{DZGHACK} = 1 if ($line=~/^1-0:96\.50\.1\*255\(DZG\)/);
$_[1] .= $line;
return undef;
# Log3 $hash,3,"OBIS line is " . $line . $line2 . ")";
# $line.$line2.")\r\n"
# while ($i < scalar @result) {
# Log3 $hash,3,"List element $i is " . $result[$i];
# $i++;
# }
# Input: devhash, bytesequence
# Output: decoded text, remaining buffer
sub OBIS_trySMLdecode($$)
my ( $hash, $remainingSML ) = @_;
@ -378,110 +509,39 @@ sub OBIS_trySMLdecode($$)
# Fast fail for messages w/o end tag
my $endtagIdx = rindex ($remainingSML, $SML_ENDTAG);
if ($endtagIdx<0 || ((length $remainingSML)-$endtagIdx) < 3) {
return ("", $remainingSML);
my $newMsg="";
while ($remainingSML=~/(1B1B1B1B010101.*?1B1B1B1B1A[0-9A-F]{6})/mip) {
my $msg=$1;
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - SML-Parse $1" if ($ll>=5);
if (OBIS_CRC16($hash,pack('H*',$msg)) == 1) {
$remainingSML=""; #reset possible further messages if actual CRC ok; if someone misses some messages, we remove it.
my $OBISmsg="";
my $initstr="/";
my $OBISid=$msg=~m/7701([0-9A-F]*?)01/g;
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - Full message-> $msg" if ($ll>=5);
while ($msg =~ m/(7707)([0-9A-F]*)/g) {
my @list=$&=~/(7707)([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]*)/g;
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - Telegram=$msg" if ($ll>=5);
if (!@list) {Log3 $hash,3,"OBIS - Empty datagram: .$msg";next};
my $line=hex($list[1])."-".hex($list[2]).":".hex($list[3]).".".hex($list[4]).".".hex($list[5])."*255(";
if ($line eq '255-255:255.255.255*255(') {
} else
my ($status,$statusL,$statusT,$valTime,$valTimeL,$valTimeT,$unit,$unitL,$unitT,$scaler,$scalerL,$scalerT,$data,$dataL,$dataT,$other);
my $line2="";
if ($dataT ==0 ) {
if($line=~$SML_specialities{"HEX4"}[0]) {
# $line2=$SML_specialities{"HEX4"}[1]->($data)
} elsif($line=~$SML_specialities{"HEX2"}[0]) {
# $line2=$SML_specialities{"HEX2"}[1]->($data)
} else {
# Type signed (=80) and unsigned (=96) Integer
} elsif ($dataT & 0b01010000|$dataT & 0b01100000) {
$unit= $unit eq "1E" ? "Wh" :
$unit eq "1B" ? "W" :
$unit eq "21" ? "A" :
$unit eq "23" ? "V" :
$unit eq "2C" ? "Hz" :
$unit eq "01" ? "" :
$unit eq "1D" ? "varh" :
$unit eq "" ? "" : "var";
$scaler=$scaler ne "" ? (10**unpack("c", pack("C", hex($scaler)))) : 1;
if ($scaler==0) {$scaler=1}; # just to make sure
$line2.="<" if ($status=~/[aA]2$/);
$line2.=">" if ($status=~/82$/);
my $val=0;
# signed Values
my $tmp="";
if ($dataT & 0b00010000) {
# Was: if ($data =~ /^[89a-f]/i)
# workaround for DZG meter wrongly encoding positive values:
if ($data =~ /^[89a-f]/i &&
($line!~/^1-0:16\.7\.0/ || $dataL>3 || $newMsg!~/1-0:96\.50\.1\*255\(DZG\)/)) {
$val = hex($data) - hex(sprintf ("FF" x $dataL)) -1;
else {$val = hex($data)} #positive value
if ($dataT & 0b00100000 || $val>=0) {
$line2.=($val*$scaler).($unit eq "" ? "" : "*$unit"); # if($dataT ==96);
} elsif ($dataT & 0b01000000) { # Type Boolean - no Idea, where this is used
$line2=OBIS_hex2int($data); # 0=false, everything else is true
} elsif ($dataT & 0b01110000) { # Type List of.... - Time is sometimes delivered as structure
# my @a_Length;
# my @a_Type;
# my @a_Data;
# for (my $b=0;$b<$dataL;$b++) {
# my ($l_length,$l_type,$l_data);
# }
$initstr.="$line2\\" if ($line=~$SML_specialities{"INFO"}[0]);
###### TypeLength-Test ends here
Log3 $hash,4,"OBIS ($name) - MSG IS: \r\n$newMsg" if ($ll>=4);
} else {
return ($newMsg,pack('H*',$remainingSML));
do {
# 1) endTag has to be found, 2) startTag has to be found, 3) end behind start:
my $endtagIdx = index ($remainingSML, $SML_ENDTAG);
return ("", $remainingSML)
if ($endtagIdx<0 || ((length $remainingSML)-$endtagIdx) < 8);
my $startIdx = index ($remainingSML, $SML_START);
return ("", substr($remainingSML, $endtagIdx+8))
if ($startIdx<0);
return ("", substr($remainingSML, $startIdx))
if ($startIdx>=$endtagIdx);
my $msg=substr($remainingSML, $startIdx, $endtagIdx+8-$startIdx);
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - SML-Parse " . uc(unpack('H*',$msg)) if ($ll>=5);
if (OBIS_CRC16($hash,$msg) == 1) {
$remainingSML=""; #reset possible further messages if actual CRC ok; if someone misses some messages, we remove it.
my $OBISmsg="";
my $initstr="/";
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - Full message-> " . uc(unpack('H*',$msg)) if ($ll>=5);
OBIS_Parse_List($hash, $newMsg, 9999, scalar reverse substr($msg, 8, $endtagIdx-8));
Log3 $hash,4,"OBIS ($name) - MSG IS: \r\n$newMsg" if ($ll>=4);
} else {
Log3 $hash,4,"OBIS ($name) - CRC Error in Input" if ($ll>=4);
$remainingSML = substr($remainingSML, $endtagIdx+8);
} while (length ($remainingSML)>4);
return ($newMsg,$remainingSML);
sub OBIS_Parse($$)
@ -489,19 +549,20 @@ sub OBIS_Parse($$)
my ($hash, $buf) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $buf2=uc(unpack('H*',$buf));
if($hash->{MeterType}!~/SML|Unknown/ && $buf2=~m/7701([0-9A-F]*?)01/g) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS ($name) - OBIS_Ext called";
my (undef,undef,$OBISid,undef)=OBIS_decodeTL($1);
my $device_name = "OBIS.".$OBISid;
Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - New Devicename: $device_name";
my $def = $modules{OBIS}{defptr}{"$device_name"};
if(!$def) {
Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS ($name) - Unknown device $device_name, please define it";
return "UNDEFINED $device_name OBIS none Ext $OBISid";
# gvz Unsure what this is for
# my $buf2=uc(unpack('H*',$buf));
# if($hash->{MeterType}!~/SML|Unknown/ && $buf2=~m/7701([0-9A-F]*?)01/g) {
# Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS ($name) - OBIS_Ext called";
# my (undef,undef,$OBISid,undef)=OBIS_decodeTL($1);
# my $device_name = "OBIS.".$OBISid;
# Log3 $hash,5,"OBIS ($name) - New Devicename: $device_name";
# my $def = $modules{OBIS}{defptr}{"$device_name"};
# if(!$def) {
# Log3 $hash, 3, "OBIS ($name) - Unknown device $device_name, please define it";
# return "UNDEFINED $device_name OBIS none Ext $OBISid";
# }
# }
$hash->{helper}{BUFFER} .= $buf;
if (length($hash->{helper}{BUFFER}) >10000) { #longer than 3 messages, this is a traffic jam
$hash->{helper}{BUFFER} =substr( $hash->{helper}{BUFFER} , -10000);
@ -857,51 +918,8 @@ sub OBIS_CRC16($$) {
$crc ^= 0xffff;
$crc = (($crc & 0xff) << 8) | (($crc & 0xff00) >> 8);
return $crc2==$crc ? 1 : 0;
# Input: Whole Datastream, inkl. TL-Byte #
# Output: Length, Type, Value, remaining Data #
sub OBIS_decodeTL {
my ($msg)=@_;
my $msgLength=0;
my $msgType=0;
my $lt="";
my $tmp="";
# Log 3,"In: $msg";
if ($msg) {
$msgType =hex(substr($msg,0,2)) & 0b01110000;
do {
$msgLength=($msgLength*16) + ($lt & 0b00001111);
} while ($lt & 0b10000000);
# Log 3,"Calculated length: $msgLength";
if ($msgType == 0b01110000) {
for (my $i=0;$i<$msgLength;$i++) {
my $tmp2="";
# Log 3,"--> $msg";
# Log 3,"<-- $tmp2 $msg";
$tmp.=$tmp2 if (defined $tmp2);
my $valu;
if (length($msg)>$msgLength*2) {
# Log 3," Split Msg: $tmp $msg";
return $msgLength,$msgType,$valu,$msg,$tmp;