mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 16:05:19 +00:00
76_SolarForecast: contrib 1.16.3
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28552 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -161,7 +161,8 @@ my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.16.3" => "24.02.2024 store pvcorrf, quality, pvrlsum, pvfcsum, dnumsum with value <sunalt2bin>.<cloud2bin> in pvCircular ".
"get pvcorrf / quality from neff in combination with sun altitude (CircularSunCloudkorrVal) ".
"delete CircularCloudkorrVal, show sun position in beamgrafic weather mouse over ".
"split pvCorrection into pvCorrectionRead and pvCorrectionWrite ",
"split pvCorrection into pvCorrectionRead and pvCorrectionWrite ".
"_checkSetupNotComplete: improve setup Wizzard for ForecastSolar-API ",
"1.16.2" => "22.02.2024 minor changes, R101 -> RR1c, totalrain instead of weatherrainprob, delete wrp r101 ".
"delete wrp from circular & airaw, remove rain2bin, __getDWDSolarData: change \$runh, ".
"fix Illegal division by zero Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php?msg=1304009 ".
@ -1449,6 +1450,13 @@ sub _setcurrentRadiationAPI { ## no critic "not used"
my $rmf = reqModFail();
return "You have to install the required perl module: ".$rmf if($rmf);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "currentRadiationAPI", $prop, 1);
createAssociatedWith ($hash);
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
setModel ($hash); # Model setzen
return if(_checkSetupNotComplete ($hash)); # keine Stringkonfiguration wenn Setup noch nicht komplett
if ($prop eq 'ForecastSolar-API') {
my ($set, $lat, $lon) = locCoordinates();
@ -1461,15 +1469,6 @@ sub _setcurrentRadiationAPI { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{Please complete command "set $name moduleAzimuth".} if(!$dir);
if ($prop eq 'VictronVRM-API') {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "currentRadiationAPI", $prop, 1);
createAssociatedWith ($hash);
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
setModel ($hash); # Model setzen
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{allStringsFullfilled} = 0; # Stringkonfiguration neu prüfen lassen
@ -5823,7 +5822,7 @@ sub centralTask {
if (!CurrentVal ($hash, 'allStringsFullfilled', 0)) { # die String Konfiguration erstellen wenn noch nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt
if (!CurrentVal ($hash, 'allStringsFullfilled', 0)) { # die String Konfiguration erstellen wenn noch nicht erfolgreich ausgeführt
my $ret = createStringConfig ($hash);
if ($ret) {
@ -7508,31 +7507,31 @@ sub _batSocTarget {
## Aufladewahrscheinlichkeit beachten
my $pvfctm = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Tomorrow_PVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose morgen
my $pvfctd = ReadingsNum ($name, 'RestOfDayPVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose Rest heute
my $csopt = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $lowSoc); # aktuelles SoC Optimum
my $pvfctm = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Tomorrow_PVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose morgen
my $pvfctd = ReadingsNum ($name, 'RestOfDayPVforecast', 0); # PV Prognose Rest heute
my $csopt = ReadingsNum ($name, 'Battery_OptimumTargetSoC', $lowSoc); # aktuelles SoC Optimum
my $pvexpect = $pvfctm > $pvfctd ? $pvfctm : $pvfctd;
my $batinstcap = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batinstcap', 0); # installierte Batteriekapazität Wh
my $cantarget = 100 - (100 / $batinstcap) * $pvexpect; # berechneter möglicher Min SOC nach Berücksichtigung Ladewahrscheinlichkeit
my $batinstcap = CurrentVal ($hash, 'batinstcap', 0); # installierte Batteriekapazität Wh
my $cantarget = 100 - (100 / $batinstcap) * $pvexpect; # berechneter möglicher Min SOC nach Berücksichtigung Ladewahrscheinlichkeit
my $newtarget = sprintf "%.0f", ($cantarget < $target ? $cantarget : $target); # Abgleich möglicher Min SOC gg. berechneten Min SOC
my $newtarget = sprintf "%.0f", ($cantarget < $target ? $cantarget : $target); # Abgleich möglicher Min SOC gg. berechneten Min SOC
my $logadd = '';
if ($newtarget > $csopt && $t > $delayts) { # Erhöhung des SoC (wird ab Sonnenuntergang angewendet)
if ($newtarget > $csopt && $t > $delayts) { # Erhöhung des SoC (wird ab Sonnenuntergang angewendet)
$target = $newtarget;
$logadd = "(new target > $csopt % and Sunset has passed)";
elsif ($newtarget > $csopt && $t <= $delayts) { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt vorerst
elsif ($newtarget > $csopt && $t <= $delayts) { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt vorerst
$target = $csopt;
$nt = (timestampToTimestring ($delayts, $paref->{lang}))[0];
$logadd = "(calculated new target $newtarget % is only activated after $nt)";
elsif ($newtarget < $csopt) { # Targetminderung sofort umsetzen -> Freiplatz für Ladeprognose
elsif ($newtarget < $csopt) { # Targetminderung sofort umsetzen -> Freiplatz für Ladeprognose
$target = $newtarget;
$logadd = "(new target < current Target SoC $csopt)";
else { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt
else { # bisheriges Optimum bleibt
$target = $newtarget;
$logadd = "(no change)";
@ -7670,33 +7669,33 @@ sub _createSummaries {
$pvfc = 0 if($pvfc < 0); # PV Prognose darf nicht negativ sein
$confc = 0 if($confc < 0); # Verbrauchsprognose darf nicht negativ sein
if($h == 1) {
if ($h == 1) {
$next1HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc / 60 * $minute;
$next1HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc / 60 * $minute;
if($h <= 2) {
if ($h <= 2) {
$next2HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc if($h < 2);
$next2HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc / 60 * $minute if($h == 2);
$next2HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc if($h < 2);
$next2HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc / 60 * $minute if($h == 2);
if($h <= 3) {
if ($h <= 3) {
$next3HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc if($h < 3);
$next3HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc / 60 * $minute if($h == 3);
$next3HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc if($h < 3);
$next3HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc / 60 * $minute if($h == 3);
if($h <= 4) {
if ($h <= 4) {
$next4HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc if($h < 4);
$next4HoursSum->{PV} += $pvfc / 60 * $minute if($h == 4);
$next4HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc if($h < 4);
$next4HoursSum->{Consumption} += $confc / 60 * $minute if($h == 4);
if($istdy) {
if ($istdy) {
$restOfDaySum->{PV} += $pvfc;
$restOfDaySum->{Consumption} += $confc;
$tdConFcTillSunset += $confc if($don);
@ -9653,7 +9652,7 @@ sub _calcCaQcomplex {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_cloudcover', 'done');
if ($acu =~ /on_complex/xs) {
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), $factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, Sun Alt range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, days in range: $dnum)");
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), $factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, Sun Alt range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, Days in range: $dnum)");
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_autocalc', 'done');
@ -9715,7 +9714,7 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', 'done');
if ($acu =~ /on_simple/xs) {
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), $factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, days in range: $dnum)");
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), $factor." (automatic - old factor: $oldfac, Days in range: $dnum)");
storeReading ('pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_autocalc', 'done');
@ -9742,7 +9741,7 @@ sub __calcNewFactor {
my $pvrlsum = $pvrl;
my $pvfcsum = $pvfc;
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> start calculation correction factor for hour: $h");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> Start calculation correction factor for hour: $h");
my ($oldfac, $oldq) = CircularSunCloudkorrVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $sabin, $crang, 0); # bisher definierter Korrekturfaktor / Qualität
my ($pvhis, $fchis, $dnum) = CircularSumVal ($hash, sprintf("%02d",$h), $sabin, $crang, 0);
@ -9785,7 +9784,7 @@ sub __calcNewFactor {
my $qual = __calcFcQuality ($pvfc, $pvrl); # Qualität der Vorhersage für die vergangene Stunde
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite', "$calc Corrf -> determined values - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, old factor: $oldfac, new factor: $factor, days: $dnum");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite|saveData2Cache', "$calc Corrf -> write correction values into Circular - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, factor: $factor, quality: $qual");
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrectionWrite|saveData2Cache', "$calc Corrf -> write correction values into Circular - hour: $h, Sun Altitude range: $sabin, Cloud range: $crang, factor: $factor, quality: $qual, days: $dnum");
if ($crang ne 'simple') {
my $idx = $sabin.'.'.$crang; # value für pvcorrf Sonne Altitude
@ -10540,8 +10539,8 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
my $medev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentMeterDev', undef); # Meter Device
my $peaks = ReadingsVal ($name, 'modulePeakString', undef); # String Peak
my $dir = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleAzimuth', undef); # Modulausrichtung Konfig (Azimut)
my $ta = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleDeclination', undef); # Modul Neigungswinkel Konfig
my $maz = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleAzimuth', undef); # Modulausrichtung Konfig (Azimut)
my $mdec = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleDeclination', undef); # Modul Neigungswinkel Konfig
my $mrt = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleRoofTops', undef); # RoofTop Konfiguration (SolCast API)
my $vrmcr = SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?VRM', '?API', 'credentials', ''); # Victron VRM Credentials gesetzt
@ -10577,9 +10576,9 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
my $chkicon = "<a onClick=$cmdplchk>$img</a>";
my $chktitle = $htitles{plchk}{$lang};
if (!$is || !$wedev || !$radev || !$indev || !$medev || !$peaks ||
(isSolCastUsed ($hash) ? (!$rip || !$mrt) : isVictronKiUsed ($hash) ? !$vrmcr : (!$dir || !$ta )) ||
(isForecastSolarUsed ($hash) ? !$coset : '') ||
if (!$is || !$wedev || !$radev || !$indev || !$medev || !$peaks ||
(isSolCastUsed ($hash) ? (!$rip || !$mrt) : isVictronKiUsed ($hash) ? !$vrmcr : (!$maz || !$mdec )) ||
(isForecastSolarUsed ($hash) ? !$coset : '') ||
!defined $pv0) {
$ret .= "<table class='roomoverview'>";
$ret .= "<tr style='height:".$height."px'>";
@ -10589,6 +10588,12 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
if (!$wedev) { ## no critic 'Cascading'
$ret .= $hqtxt{cfd}{$lang};
elsif (!$is) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{ist}{$lang};
elsif (!$peaks) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mps}{$lang};
elsif (!$radev) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{crd}{$lang};
@ -10598,22 +10603,16 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
elsif (!$medev) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mid}{$lang};
elsif (!$is) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{ist}{$lang};
elsif (!$peaks) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mps}{$lang};
elsif (!$rip && isSolCastUsed ($hash)) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{rip}{$lang};
elsif (!$mrt && isSolCastUsed ($hash)) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mrt}{$lang};
elsif (!$dir && !isSolCastUsed ($hash) && !isVictronKiUsed ($hash)) {
elsif (!$maz && !isSolCastUsed ($hash) && !isVictronKiUsed ($hash)) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mdr}{$lang};
elsif (!$ta && !isSolCastUsed ($hash) && !isVictronKiUsed ($hash)) {
elsif (!$mdec && !isSolCastUsed ($hash) && !isVictronKiUsed ($hash)) {
$ret .= $hqtxt{mta}{$lang};
elsif (!$vrmcr && isVictronKiUsed ($hash)) {
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