mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00

76_SolarForecast: plantConfigCheck: check DWD Attr forecastRefresh, check weather/Rad1h data according MOSMIX variant

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28613 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2024-03-07 18:06:15 +00:00
parent adce273713
commit 19c97bf7fc
3 changed files with 1057 additions and 909 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 76_SolarForecast: plantConfigCheck: check DWD Attr forecastRefresh,
check weather/Rad1h data according MOSMIX variant
- bugfix: 73_PRESENCE2: Fehlerbereinigungen Attribut intervalPresent
- bugfix: 73_PRESENCE2: Fehlerbereinigungen logging
- change: 73_DoorBird: META.json data completed in accordance to Spec

View File

@ -158,6 +158,8 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
"1.16.5" => "04.03.2024 setPVhistory: code changes, plantConfigCheck: check forecastRefresh ".
"check age of weather data according to used MOSMIX variant ",
"1.16.4" => "02.03.2024 __getDWDSolarData: change check reading to fcx_12_x, internal code changes ".
"plantConfiguration: save/restore relevant readings AND attributes ".
"visual LED display whether the weather data is current (age < 2h) ",
@ -481,7 +483,7 @@ my @aconfigs = qw( affect70percentRule affectBatteryPreferredCharge affectConsFo
my $allwidgets = 'icon|sortable|uzsu|knob|noArg|time|text|slider|multiple|select|bitfield|widgetList|colorpicker';
# Steuerhashes
my %hset = ( # Hash der Set-Funktion
consumerImmediatePlanning => { fn => \&_setconsumerImmediatePlanning },
@ -780,8 +782,8 @@ my %htitles = (
DE => qq{&#214;ffne das SolarForecast Forum} },
scaresps => { EN => qq{API request successful},
DE => qq{API Abfrage erfolgreich} },
dwfcrsu => { EN => qq{Weather data are up to date},
DE => qq{Wetterdaten sind aktuell} },
dwfcrsu => { EN => qq{Weather data are up to date according to used DWD model},
DE => qq{Wetterdaten sind aktuell entsprechend des verwendeten DWD Modell} },
scarespf => { EN => qq{API request failed},
DE => qq{API Abfrage fehlgeschlagen} },
dapic => { EN => qq{done API requests},
@ -974,21 +976,33 @@ my %hcsr = (
$hcsr{'currentRunMtsConsumer_'.$csr}{def} = 0;
my %hfspvh = ( # Funktiontemplate zur Speicherung von Werten in pvHistory
radiation => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'rad1h', nhour => undef, fpar => undef }, # storname = Name des Elements in der pvHistory
DoN => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'DoN', nhour => undef, fpar => undef }, # nhour = evtl. abweichend von $nhour
batmaxsoc => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'batmaxsoc', nhour => undef, fpar => undef }, # fpar = Parameter zur spezifischen Verwendung
batsetsoc => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'batsetsoc', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
sunaz => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'sunaz', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
sunalt => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'sunalt', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
etotal => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'etotal', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
batintotal => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'batintotal', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
batouttotal => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'batouttotal', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
weatherid => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'weatherid', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
weathercloudcover => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'wcc', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
totalrain => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'rr1c', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
pvcorrfactor => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'pvcorrf', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
temperature => { fn => \&_storeValSimple, storname => 'temp', nhour => undef, fpar => undef },
# Funktiontemplate zur Speicherung von Werten in pvHistory
# storname = Name des Elements in der pvHistory
# nhour = evtl. abweichend von $nhour
# fpar = Parameter zur spezifischen Verwendung
my %hfspvh = (
radiation => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'rad1h', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # irradiation
DoN => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'DoN', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Tag 1 oder Nacht 0
batmaxsoc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batmaxsoc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # max. erreichter SOC des Tages
batsetsoc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batsetsoc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # optimaler SOC für den Tag
sunaz => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'sunaz', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Sonnenstand Azimuth
sunalt => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'sunalt', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Sonnenstand Altitude
etotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'etotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # etotal des Wechselrichters
batintotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batintotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # totale Batterieladung
batouttotal => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batouttotal', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # totale Batterieentladung
weatherid => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'weatherid', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Wetter ID
weathercloudcover => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'wcc', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Wolkenbedeckung
totalrain => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'rr1c', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Gesamtniederschlag (1-stündig) letzte 1 Stunde
pvcorrfactor => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvcorrf', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # pvCorrectionFactor
temperature => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'temp', validkey => undef, fpar => undef }, # Außentemperatur
batinthishour => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batin', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # Batterieladung in Stunde
batoutthishour => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'batout', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # Batterieentladung in Stunde
pvfc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvfc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Energieertrag
confc => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'confc', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # prognostizierter Hausverbrauch
cons => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gcons', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # bezogene Energie
gfeedin => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'gfeedin', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # eingespeiste Energie
con => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'con', validkey => undef, fpar => 'comp99' }, # realer Hausverbrauch Energie
pvrl => { fn => \&_storeVal, storname => 'pvrl', validkey => 'pvrlvd', fpar => 'comp99' }, # realer Energieertrag
@ -2147,7 +2161,9 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
my $dhour = $paref->{prop2} // ""; # eine bestimmte Stunde eines Tages der pvHistory angegeben ?
if ($dday) {
$dday = sprintf "%02d", $dday;
if ($dhour) {
$dhour = sprintf "%02d", $dhour;
delete $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$dday}{$dhour};
Log3 ($name, 3, qq{$name - Day "$dday" hour "$dhour" deleted from pvHistory});
@ -3464,6 +3480,7 @@ sub __getDWDSolarData {
$data{$type}{$name}{solcastapi}{'?All'}{'?All'}{todayDoneAPIrequests} += 1;
my $fctime = ReadingsVal ($raname, 'fc_time', '-');
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{dwdRad1hDev} = $raname;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{dwdRad1hAge} = $fctime;
$data{$type}{$name}{current}{dwdRad1hAgeTS} = timestringToTimestamp ($fctime);
@ -4699,7 +4716,7 @@ sub Attr {
my ($do,$val, $err);
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten löschen - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
#if ($cmd eq 'set' && $aName eq 'affectNumHistDays') {
# if (!$init_done) {
@ -5620,7 +5637,7 @@ sub centralTask {
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::centralTask');
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash, 'FHEM::SolarForecast::singleUpdateState');
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten löschen - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
## AI Raw Daten formatieren # 09.02.2024
if (defined $data{$type}{$name}{aidectree}{airaw}) {
@ -5753,26 +5770,6 @@ sub centralTask {
## currentWeatherDev in Attr umsetzen
my $cwd = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentWeatherDev', ''); # 30.01.2024
if ($cwd) {
CommandAttr (undef, "$name ctrlWeatherDev1 $cwd");
readingsDelete ($hash, 'currentWeatherDev') if(AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlWeatherDev1', '')); # erst prüfen ob gesetzt
## Reading umsetzen
my $mdr = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleDirection', undef); # 09.02.2024
if ($mdr) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'moduleAzimuth', $mdr, 0);
readingsDelete ($hash, 'moduleDirection');
my $mta = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleTiltAngle', undef); # 09.02.2024
if ($mta) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'moduleDeclination', $mta, 0);
readingsDelete ($hash, 'moduleTiltAngle');
return if(!$init_done);
@ -6300,7 +6297,7 @@ sub _transferWeatherValues {
__mergeDataWeather ($paref); # Wetterdaten zusammenfügen
for my $num (0..46) {
my ($fd, $fh) = _calcDayHourMove ($chour, $num);
last if($fd > 1);
@ -6411,7 +6408,7 @@ sub __readDataWeather {
$wid += 100;
debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "Weather $step: fc${fd}_${fh}, don: $sunup, ww: ".(defined $wid ? $wid : '<undef>').", RR1c: $rr1c, TTT: $temp, Neff: $neff, wwd: $wwd");
debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "Weather $step: fc${fd}_${fh}, don: $sunup, ww: ".(defined $wid ? $wid : '<undef>').", RR1c: $rr1c, TTT: $temp, Neff: $neff");
$data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{"fc${fd}_${fh}"}{$step}{ww} = $wid;
$data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{"fc${fd}_${fh}"}{$step}{wwd} = $wwd;
@ -6480,8 +6477,7 @@ sub __mergeDataWeather {
"ww: ".(defined $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{1}{ww} ? $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{1}{ww} : '<undef>').", ".
"RR1c: $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{merge}{rr1c}, ".
"TTT: $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{merge}{ttt}, ".
"Neff: $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{merge}{neff}, ".
"wwd: $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{merge}{wwd}");
"Neff: $data{$type}{$name}{weatherdata}{$key}{merge}{neff}");
debugLog ($paref, 'collectData', "Number of Weather datasets mergers - delivered: $q, merged: $m, failures: ".($q - $m));
@ -7709,6 +7705,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $day = $paref->{day};
my $chour = $paref->{chour}; # aktuelle Stunde
my $minute = $paref->{minute}; # aktuelle Minute
@ -7788,8 +7785,8 @@ sub _createSummaries {
for my $th (1..24) {
$todaySumFc->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVforecast", 0);
$todaySumRe->{PV} += ReadingsNum ($name, "Today_Hour".sprintf("%02d",$th)."_PVreal", 0);
$todaySumFc->{PV} += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d", $th), 'pvfc', 0);
$todaySumRe->{PV} += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, sprintf("%02d", $th), 'pvrl', 0);
my $pvre = int $todaySumRe->{PV};
@ -7829,7 +7826,7 @@ sub _createSummaries {
storeReading ('Current_SelfConsumptionRate', $selfconsumptionrate. ' %');
storeReading ('Current_Surplus', $surplus. ' W');
storeReading ('Current_AutarkyRate', $autarkyrate. ' %');
storeReading ('Today_PVreal', $pvre. ' Wh') if($pvre > ReadingsNum ($name, 'Today_PVreal', 0));
storeReading ('Today_PVreal', $pvre. ' Wh');
storeReading ('Tomorrow_ConsumptionForecast', $tconsum. ' Wh') if(defined $tconsum);
storeReading ('NextHours_Sum01_PVforecast', (int $next1HoursSum->{PV}). ' Wh');
@ -9607,8 +9604,8 @@ sub calcTodayPVdeviation {
my $dp;
if (AttrVal($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily') eq 'daily') {
my $sstime = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.ReadingsVal ($name, "Today_SunSet", '22:00').':00');
if (AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlGenPVdeviation', 'daily') eq 'daily') {
my $sstime = timestringToTimestamp ($date.' '.ReadingsVal ($name, "Today_SunSet", '22:00').':00');
return if($t < $sstime);
my $diff = $pvfc - $pvre;
@ -10609,7 +10606,7 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten löschen - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
### nicht mehr benötigte Daten verarbeiten - Bereich kann später wieder raus !!
## currentWeatherDev in Attr umsetzen
my $cwd = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentWeatherDev', ''); # 30.01.2024
@ -10832,20 +10829,20 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
my $upicon = __createUpdateIcon ($paref);
## Sonnenauf- und untergang
## Sonnenauf- und untergang / Wetterdaten Aktualität
my $sriseimg = FW_makeImage('weather_sunrise@darkorange');
my $ssetimg = FW_makeImage('weather_sunset@LightCoral');
my $srisetxt = ReadingsVal ($name, 'Today_SunRise', '-');
my $ssettxt = ReadingsVal ($name, 'Today_SunSet', '-');
my $fca = CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdWfchAge', '-');
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{dwfcrsu}{$lang}.'&#10;'.$htitles{dwdtime}{$lang}.': '.$fca);
my ($err, $resh) = isWeatherAgeExceeded ($paref);
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{dwfcrsu}{$lang}.' '.$resh->{mosmix}.' &#10;'.$htitles{dwdtime}{$lang}.': '.$resh->{fctime});
if ($paref->{t} - CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdWfchAgeTS', 0) > 7200) {
if (!$err && $resh->{exceed}) {
my $agewfc = $htitles{aswfc2o}{$lang};
$agewfc =~ s/<NAME>/$name/xs;
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gelb.png', $agewfc.'&#10;'.$htitles{dwdtime}{$lang}.': '.$fca);
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gelb.png', $agewfc.' &#10;'.$htitles{dwdtime}{$lang}.': '.$resh->{fctime});
my $waicon = "<a>$img</a>"; # Icon Wetterdaten Alter
@ -10953,13 +10950,13 @@ sub _graphicHeader {
$api .= '&nbsp;'.$lrt;
if ($scrm eq 'success') {
my $ptr = CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdRad1hAge', '-');
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{scaresps}{$lang}.'&#10;'.$htitles{predtime}{$lang}.' '.$ptr);
($err, $resh) = isRad1hAgeExceeded ($paref);
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{scaresps}{$lang}.' &#10;'.$htitles{dwfcrsu}{$lang}.' '.$resh->{mosmix}.' &#10;'.$htitles{predtime}{$lang}.' '.$resh->{fctime});
if ($paref->{t} - CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdRad1hAgeTS', 0) > 7200) {
if (!$err && $resh->{exceed}) {
my $agetit = $htitles{arsrad2o}{$lang};
$agetit =~ s/<NAME>/$name/xs;
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gelb.png', $agetit.'&#10;'.$htitles{predtime}{$lang}.' '.$ptr);
$img = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gelb.png', $agetit.' &#10;'.$htitles{predtime}{$lang}.' '.$resh->{fctime});
else {
@ -13529,7 +13526,6 @@ sub _aiMakeIdxRaw {
return $ridx;
# History-Hash verwalten
@ -13548,158 +13544,10 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $reorgday = $paref->{reorgday} // q{}; # Tag der reorganisiert werden soll
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{dayname} = $dayname if($day);
if ($histname eq 'radiation') { # irradiation
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{rad1h} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'DoN') { # Tag 1 oder Nacht 0
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{DoN} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'batmaxsoc') { # max. erreichter SOC des Tages
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$histname} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'batsetsoc') { # optimaler SOC für den Tages
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$histname} = $val;
if ($histname =~ /sunaz|sunalt/xs) { # Sonnenstand Azimuth / Altitude
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$histname} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'etotal') { # etotal des Wechselrichters
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{etotal} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'batintotal') { # totale Batterieladung
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{batintotal} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'batouttotal') { # totale Batterieentladung
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{batouttotal} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'weatherid') { # Wetter ID
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{weatherid} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'weathercloudcover') { # Wolkenbedeckung
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{wcc} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'totalrain') { # Gesamtniederschlag (1-stündig) letzte 1 Stunde
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{rr1c} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'pvcorrfactor') { # pvCorrectionFactor
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvcorrf} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'temperature') { # Außentemperatur
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{temp} = $val;
if ($histname =~ /cyclescsm[0-9]+$/xs) { # Anzahl Tageszyklen des Verbrauchers
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{$histname} = $val;
if ($histname eq 'batinthishour') { # Batterieladung in Stunde
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{batin} = $val;
my $batinsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$batinsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'batin', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batin} = $batinsum;
if ($histname eq 'batoutthishour') { # Batterieentladung in Stunde
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{batout} = $val;
my $batoutsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$batoutsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, "batout", 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batout} = $batoutsum;
if ($histname eq 'pvrl') { # realer Energieertrag
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrl} = $val;
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrlvd} = $pvrlvd;
my $pvrlsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$pvrlsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'pvrl', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{pvrl} = $pvrlsum;
if ($histname eq 'pvfc') { # prognostizierter Energieertrag
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvfc} = $val;
my $pvfcsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$pvfcsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'pvfc', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{pvfc} = $pvfcsum;
if ($histname eq 'confc') { # prognostizierter Hausverbrauch
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{confc} = $val;
my $confcsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$confcsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, "confc", 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{confc} = $confcsum;
if ($histname eq 'cons') { # bezogene Energie
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{gcons} = $val;
my $gcsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$gcsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, "gcons", 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{gcons} = $gcsum;
if ($histname eq 'gfeedin') { # eingespeiste Energie
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{gfeedin} = $val;
my $gfisum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$gfisum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'gfeedin', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{gfeedin} = $gfisum;
if ($histname eq 'con') { # realer Hausverbrauch Energie
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{con} = $val;
my $consum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
$consum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'con', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{con} = $consum;
if ($hfspvh{$histname} && defined &{$hfspvh{$histname}{fn}}) {
&{$hfspvh{$histname}{fn}} ($paref);
if ($histname =~ /csm[et][0-9]+$/xs) { # Verbrauch eines Verbrauchers
@ -13736,6 +13584,10 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $cycles = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, 99, "cyclescsm${num}", 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{"hourscsme${num}"} = sprintf "%.2f", ($minutes / 60 ) if($cycles);
if ($histname =~ /cyclescsm[0-9]+$/xs) { # Anzahl Tageszyklen des Verbrauchers
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{$histname} = $val;
if ($reorg) { # Reorganisation Stunde "99"
if (!$reorgday) {
@ -13771,31 +13623,51 @@ sub setPVhistory {
if ($histname) {
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> save Day: $day, Hour: $nhour, Key: $histname, Value: ".(defined $val ? $val : ''));
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> store Day: $day, Hour: $nhour, Key: $histname, Value: ".(defined $val ? $val : 'undef'));
# Wert ohne weitere Berechnungen in pvHistory speichen (Simple)
# Wert mit optional weiteren Berechnungen in pvHistory speichen
sub _storeValSimple { ## no critic "not used"
sub _storeVal { ## no critic "not used"
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $type = $paref->{type};
my $day = $paref->{day};
my $nhour = $paref->{nhour};
my $histname = $paref->{histname};
my $val = $paref->{val};
my $store = $hfspvh{$histname}{storname};
my ($validkey, $validval);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$store} = $val;
if (defined $hfspvh{$histname}{nhour}) {
$nhour = $hfspvh{$histname}{nhour};
if (defined $hfspvh{$histname}{validkey}) {
$validkey = $hfspvh{$histname}{validkey};
$validval = $paref->{$validkey};
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$validkey} = $validval;
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> stored simple - Day: $day, Hour: $nhour, Key: $store, Value: ".(defined $val ? $val : 'undef').
(defined $validkey ? ", ValidKey: $validkey, ValidValue: $validval" : '') );
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{$store} = $paref->{val};
if (defined $hfspvh{$histname}{fpar} && $hfspvh{$histname}{fpar} eq 'comp99') {
my $sum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq '99');
$sum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, $store, 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{$store} = $sum;
debugLog ($paref, 'saveData2Cache', "setPVhistory -> stored compute - Day: $day, Hour: 99, Key: $store, Value: $sum");
@ -13863,38 +13735,38 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $csm;
for my $c (1..$maxconsumer) {
$c = sprintf "%02d", $c;
my $nl = 0;
my $csmc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "cyclescsm${c}", undef);
my $csmt = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "csmt${c}", undef);
my $csme = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "csme${c}", undef);
my $csmm = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "minutescsm${c}", undef);
my $csmh = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "hourscsme${c}", undef);
$c = sprintf "%02d", $c;
my $nl = 0;
my $csmc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "cyclescsm${c}", undef);
my $csmt = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "csmt${c}", undef);
my $csme = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "csme${c}", undef);
my $csmm = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "minutescsm${c}", undef);
my $csmh = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, "hourscsme${c}", undef);
if(defined $csmc) {
if (defined $csmc) {
$csm .= "cyclescsm${c}: $csmc";
$nl = 1;
if(defined $csmt) {
if (defined $csmt) {
$csm .= ", " if($nl);
$csm .= "csmt${c}: $csmt";
$nl = 1;
if(defined $csme) {
if (defined $csme) {
$csm .= ", " if($nl);
$csm .= "csme${c}: $csme";
$nl = 1;
if(defined $csmm) {
if (defined $csmm) {
$csm .= ", " if($nl);
$csm .= "minutescsm${c}: $csmm";
$nl = 1;
if(defined $csmh) {
if (defined $csmh) {
$csm .= ", " if($nl);
$csm .= "hourscsme${c}: $csmh";
$nl = 1;
@ -13903,7 +13775,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
$csm .= "\n " if($nl);
if($csm) {
if ($csm) {
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= $csm;
@ -14285,7 +14157,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
my $result = { # Ergebnishash
'String Configuration' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'info' => 0, 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
'DWD Weather Attributes' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'info' => 0, 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
'DWD Weather Properties' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'info' => 0, 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
'Common Settings' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'info' => 0, 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
'FTUI Widget Files' => { 'state' => $ok, 'result' => '', 'note' => '', 'info' => 0, 'warn' => 0, 'fault' => 0 },
@ -14304,7 +14176,6 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
## Check Strings
my $err = createStringConfig ($hash);
if ($err) {
@ -14348,38 +14219,66 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
## Check Attribute DWD Wetterdevice
my $mosm = '';
my $resh;
for my $step (1..$weatherDevMax) {
my $fcname = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlWeatherDev'.$step, '');
next if(!$fcname && $step ne 1);
if (!$fcname || !$defs{$fcname}) {
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{state} = $nok;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{state} = $nok;
if (!$fcname) {
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{result} .= qq{No DWD device is defined in attribute "ctrlWeatherDev$step". <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{result} .= qq{No DWD device is defined in attribute "ctrlWeatherDev$step". <br>};
else {
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{result} .= qq{The DWD device "$fcname" doesn't exist. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{result} .= qq{The DWD device "$fcname" doesn't exist. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{fault} = 1;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{fault} = 1;
else {
$err = checkdwdattr ($name, $fcname, \@dweattrmust);
if ($err) {
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{state} = $nok;
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{result} .= $err.'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{fault} = 1;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{state} = $nok;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{result} .= $err.'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{fault} = 1;
else {
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}." ($hqtxt{attrib}{$lang}: ctrlWeatherDev$step)<br>";
$mosm = AttrVal ($fcname, 'forecastRefresh', 6) == 1 ? 'MOSMIX_S' : 'MOSMIX_L';
if ($mosm eq 'MOSMIX_L') {
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{state} = $info;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{result} .= qq(The device "$fcname" uses "$mosm" which is only updated by DWD every 6 hours. <br>);
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{info} = 1;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}." ($hqtxt{attrib}{$lang}: ctrlWeatherDev$step)<br>";
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{note} .= qq{checked parameters and attributes of device "$fcname": <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Attributes'}{note} .= 'forecastProperties -> '.join (' ', @dweattrmust).'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= qq{checked parameters and attributes of device "$fcname": <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= 'forecastProperties -> '.join (' ', @dweattrmust).'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= 'forecastRefresh '.($mosm eq 'MOSMIX_L' ? '-> set attribute to "1" if possible' : '').'<br>';
## Alter DWD Wetterdaten
($err, $resh) = isWeatherAgeExceeded ( {hash => $hash, name => $name, lang => $lang} );
if (!$err && $resh->{exceed}) {
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= qq{The Prediction time of Weather data is older than expected when using $resh->{mosmix}. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= qq{Data time forecast: $resh->{fctime} <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= qq{Check the DWD device(s) for proper functioning of the data retrieval. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{warn} = 1;
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= '<br>';
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= qq{checked global Weather parameters: <br>};
$result->{'DWD Weather Properties'}{note} .= 'MOSMIX variant, Age of Weather data. <br>';
## Check DWD Radiation Device
@ -14403,25 +14302,39 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{<br>Check the parameters set in device '$raname': attribute 'forecastProperties' <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{fault} = 1;
if (time() - CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdRad1hAgeTS', 0) > 7200) {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{The Prediction time of radiation data (Rad1h) is older than 2 hours. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{Check the DWD device '$raname' for proper functioning of the data retrieval.<br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{warn} = 1;
if (!$err) {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
else {
$mosm = AttrVal ($raname, 'forecastRefresh', 6) == 1 ? 'MOSMIX_S' : 'MOSMIX_L';
if ($mosm eq 'MOSMIX_L') {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{state} = $info;
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{result} .= qq(The device "$raname" uses "$mosm" which is only updated by DWD every 6 hours. <br>);
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{info} = 1;
## Alter DWD Radiation
($err, $resh) = isRad1hAgeExceeded ( {hash => $hash, name => $name, lang => $lang} );
if (!$err && $resh->{exceed}) {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{state} = $warn;
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{The Prediction time of radiation data (Rad1h) is older than expected when using $resh->{mosmix}. <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{Data time forecast: $resh->{fctime} <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{Check the DWD device '$raname' for proper functioning of the data retrieval.<br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{warn} = 1;
if (!$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{fault}) {
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes device "$raname": <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= 'Age of Rad1h data <br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= 'forecastProperties -> '.join (' ', @draattrmust).'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= '<br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{checked global Radiation parameters: <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= 'MOSMIX variant, Age of Radiation data. <br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes device "$raname": <br>};
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= 'forecastProperties -> '.join (' ', @draattrmust).'<br>';
$result->{'DWD Radiation Properties'}{note} .= 'forecastRefresh '.($mosm eq 'MOSMIX_L' ? '-> set attribute to "1" if possible' : '').'<br>';
## Check Rooftop und Roof Ident Pair Settings (SolCast)
@ -14437,7 +14350,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
$result->{'Rooftop Settings'}{note} = '';
$result->{'Rooftop Settings'}{fault} = 0;
my $rft = ReadingsVal($name, 'moduleRoofTops', '');
my $rft = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleRoofTops', '');
if (!$rft) {
$result->{'Rooftop Settings'}{state} = $nok;
@ -14531,7 +14444,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
my ($cmerr, $cmupd, $cmmsg, $cmrec) = checkModVer ($name, '76_SolarForecast', 'https://fhem.de/fhemupdate/controls_fhem.txt');
if (!$cmerr && !$cmupd) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$cmmsg<br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$cmmsg <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{checked module: <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{76_SolarForecast <br>};
@ -14549,8 +14462,12 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{$cmrec <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{warn} = 1;
if ($result->{'Common Settings'}{result}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= '<br>';
if (isForecastSolarUsed ($hash)) { # allg. Settings bei Nutzung Forecast.Solar API
if (isForecastSolarUsed ($hash)) { # allg. Settings bei Nutzung Forecast.Solar API
if (!$pcf || $pcf !~ /on/xs) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{state} = $info;
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto is set to "$pcf" <br>};
@ -14572,15 +14489,15 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
if (!$result->{'Common Settings'}{fault}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes: <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto <br>};
if (isSolCastUsed ($hash)) { # allg. Settings bei Nutzung SolCast API
my $gdn = AttrVal ('global', 'dnsServer', '');
my $osi = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq', 0);
if (isSolCastUsed ($hash)) { # allg. Settings bei Nutzung SolCast API
my $gdn = AttrVal ('global', 'dnsServer', '');
my $osi = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq', 0);
my $lam = SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?All', '?All', 'response_message', 'success');
@ -14618,7 +14535,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
if (!$result->{'Common Settings'}{fault}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes: <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto, ctrlSolCastAPIoptimizeReq, global dnsServer <br>};
@ -14650,7 +14567,7 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
if (!$result->{'Common Settings'}{fault}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked Perl modules: <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{AI::DecisionTree <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes: <br>};
@ -14684,14 +14601,13 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
if (!$result->{'Common Settings'}{fault}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} .= $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang}.'<br>';
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{<br>checked parameters and attributes: <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{pvCorrectionFactor_Auto, global dnsServer, vrmCredentials <br>};
if (!$result->{'Common Settings'}{fault}) {
$result->{'Common Settings'}{result} = $hqtxt{fulfd}{$lang};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{global latitude, global longitude, global altitude, global language <br>};
$result->{'Common Settings'}{note} .= qq{event-on-change-reading, ctrlLanguage <br>};
@ -15711,6 +15627,105 @@ sub isSunPath {
return $is;
# püft das Alter fc_time aller Wetterdevices
# $result->{agedv} : Name des DWD mit ältesten Daten
# $result->{mosmix}: gewählte MOSMIX Variante
# $result->{fctime}: Datenstand (Forecast Time)
# $result->{exceed}: Bewertung ob zulässiges Alter überschritten
sub isWeatherAgeExceeded {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $dt = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time);
my $currts = timestringToTimestamp ($dt);
my $agets = $currts;
my $resh->{agedv} = '-';
$resh->{mosmix} = '-';
$resh->{exceed} = '';
$resh->{fctime} = '-';
for my $step (1..$weatherDevMax) {
my $fcname = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlWeatherDev'.$step, '');
next if(!$fcname && $step ne 1);
if (!$fcname || !$defs{$fcname}) {
if (!$fcname) {
return (qq{No DWD device is defined in attribute "ctrlWeatherDev$step"}, $resh);
else {
return (qq{The DWD device "$fcname" doesn't exist}, $resh);
my $fct = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc_time', '');
return (qq{The reading 'fc_time' ($fcname) doesn't exist or is empty}, $resh) if(!$fct);
my $newts = timestringToTimestamp ($fct);
if ($newts <= $agets) {
$agets = $newts;
$resh->{agedv} = $fcname;
$resh->{mosmix} = AttrVal ($resh->{agedv}, 'forecastRefresh', 6) == 1 ? 'MOSMIX_S' : 'MOSMIX_L';
my $th = $resh->{mosmix} eq 'MOSMIX_S' ? 7200 : 25200;
$resh->{exceed} = $currts - $agets > $th ? 1 : 0;
$resh->{fctime} = (timestampToTimestring ($agets, $lang))[0];
return ('', $resh);
# püft das Alter fc_time des DWD Rad1h Devices
# $result->{agedv} : Name des DWD Rad1h Devices
# $result->{mosmix}: gewählte MOSMIX Variante
# $result->{fctime}: Datenstand (Forecast Time)
# $result->{exceed}: Bewertung ob zulässiges Alter überschritten
sub isRad1hAgeExceeded {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $currts = timestringToTimestamp (strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time));
my $fcname = CurrentVal ($hash, 'dwdRad1hDev', '');
my $resh->{agedv} = '-';
$resh->{mosmix} = '-';
$resh->{exceed} = '';
$resh->{fctime} = '-';
if (!$fcname || !$defs{$fcname}) {
if (!$fcname) {
return (qq{No DWD device is defined in "currentRadiationAPI"}, $resh);
else {
return (qq{The DWD device "$fcname" doesn't exist}, $resh);
my $fct = ReadingsVal ($fcname, 'fc_time', '');
return (qq{The reading 'fc_time' ($fcname) doesn't exist or is empty}, $resh) if(!$fct);
$resh->{agedv} = $fcname;
$resh->{mosmix} = AttrVal ($resh->{agedv}, 'forecastRefresh', 6) == 1 ? 'MOSMIX_S' : 'MOSMIX_L';
my $agets = timestringToTimestamp ($fct);
my $th = $resh->{mosmix} eq 'MOSMIX_S' ? 7200 : 25200;
$resh->{exceed} = $currts - $agets > $th ? 1 : 0;
$resh->{fctime} = (timestampToTimestring ($agets, $lang))[0];
return ('', $resh);
# Verschiebung von Sonnenaufgang / Sonnenuntergang
# bei Verwendung von mintime = SunPath

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff