diff --git a/fhem/CHANGED b/fhem/CHANGED
index 6e2f8ca26..cb51f1c99 100644
--- a/fhem/CHANGED
+++ b/fhem/CHANGED
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
+ - feature: 76_SolarForecast: 'noLearning' Option for pvCorrectionFactor_Auto
- bugfix: 72_FRITZBOX: Fehler bei Anmeldung an Fritz!Repeater
Fehler bei auslesen der FritzBox bei selten auftretender
diff --git a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
index 64ff7b24d..3acf2eb02 100644
--- a/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
+++ b/fhem/FHEM/76_SolarForecast.pm
@@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ BEGIN {
# Versions History intern
my %vNotesIntern = (
+ "1.8.0" => "22.01.2024 add 'noLearning' Option to Setter pvCorrectionFactor_Auto ",
"1.7.1" => "20.01.2024 optimize battery management ",
"1.7.0" => "18.01.2024 Changeover Start centralTask completely to runCentralTask, ".
"aiAddRawData: Weekday from pvHistory not taken into account greater than current day ".
@@ -1160,7 +1161,7 @@ sub Set {
"modulePeakString ".
"plantConfiguration:check,save,restore ".
"powerTrigger:textField-long ".
- "pvCorrectionFactor_Auto:on_simple".($ipai ? ',on_simple_ai,' : ',')."on_complex".($ipai ? ',on_complex_ai,' : ',')."off ".
+ "pvCorrectionFactor_Auto:noLearning,on_simple".($ipai ? ',on_simple_ai,' : ',')."on_complex".($ipai ? ',on_complex_ai,' : ',')."off ".
"reset:$resets ".
"writeHistory:noArg ".
$cf." "
@@ -1518,7 +1519,7 @@ sub _setinverterDevice { ## no critic "not used"
return qq{The syntax of "$opt" is not correct. Please consider the commandref.};
- readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "currentInverterDev", $arg, 1);
+ readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'currentInverterDev', $arg, 1);
createAssociatedWith ($hash);
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@@ -1918,10 +1919,15 @@ sub _setpvCorrectionFactorAuto { ## no critic "not used"
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $opt = $paref->{opt};
my $prop = $paref->{prop} // return qq{no correction value specified};
+ if ($prop eq 'noLearning') {
+ my $pfa = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', 'off'); # aktuelle Autokorrektureinstellung
+ $prop = $pfa.' '.$prop;
+ }
- readingsSingleUpdate($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_Auto", $prop, 1);
+ readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', $prop, 1);
- if($prop eq "off") {
+ if ($prop eq 'off') {
for my $n (1..24) {
$n = sprintf "%02d", $n;
my $rv = ReadingsVal ($name, "pvCorrectionFactor_${n}", "");
@@ -1931,7 +1937,7 @@ sub _setpvCorrectionFactorAuto { ## no critic "not used"
deleteReadingspec ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_.*_autocalc");
- writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration sichern
+ writeCacheToFile ($hash, 'plantconfig', $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration sichern
@@ -2157,7 +2163,7 @@ sub _setreset { ## no critic "not used"
if ($prop eq 'currentInverterSet') {
undef @{$data{$type}{$name}{current}{genslidereg}};
readingsDelete ($hash, "Current_PV");
- readingsDelete ($hash, 'currentInverterDev');
+ readingsDelete ($hash, "currentInverterDev");
deleteReadingspec ($hash, ".*_PVreal" );
writeCacheToFile ($hash, "plantconfig", $plantcfg.$name); # Anlagenkonfiguration File schreiben
@@ -5664,10 +5670,10 @@ sub __calcPVestimates {
my $reld = $fd == 0 ? "today" : $fd == 1 ? "tomorrow" : "unknown";
- my $rainprob = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d", $num), "rainprob", 0); # Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit> 0,1 mm während der letzten Stunde
- my $cloudcover = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d", $num), "cloudcover", 0); # effektive Wolkendecke nächste Stunde X
- my $temp = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d",$num), "temp", $tempbasedef); # vorhergesagte Temperatur Stunde X
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
+ my $rainprob = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d", $num), "rainprob", 0); # Niederschlagswahrscheinlichkeit> 0,1 mm während der letzten Stunde
+ my $cloudcover = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d", $num), "cloudcover", 0); # effektive Wolkendecke nächste Stunde X
+ my $temp = NexthoursVal ($hash, "NextHour".sprintf ("%02d",$num), "temp", $tempbasedef); # vorhergesagte Temperatur Stunde X
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
$paref->{cloudcover} = $cloudcover;
my ($hc, $hq) = ___readCandQ ($paref); # liest den anzuwendenden Korrekturfaktor
@@ -5780,9 +5786,9 @@ sub ___readCandQ {
my $fd = $paref->{fd};
my $cc = $paref->{cloudcover};
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name); # Autokorrekturmodus
- my $hc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$fh1), 1.00); # Voreinstellung RAW-Korrekturfaktor
- my $hq = '-'; # keine Qualität definiert
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name); # Autokorrekturmodus
+ my $hc = ReadingsNum ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$fh1), 1.00); # Voreinstellung RAW-Korrekturfaktor
+ my $hq = '-'; # keine Qualität definiert
delete $data{$type}{$name}{nexthours}{"NextHour".sprintf("%02d",$num)}{cloudrange};
@@ -5927,7 +5933,7 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
my $chour = $paref->{chour};
my $day = $paref->{day};
- my $indev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentInverterDev", "");
+ my $indev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentInverterDev', '');
my ($a,$h) = parseParams ($indev);
$indev = $a->[0] // "";
return if(!$indev || !$defs{$indev});
@@ -5964,8 +5970,10 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
if (!$histetot) { # etotal der aktuelle Stunde gesetzt ?
$paref->{etotal} = $etotal;
$paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour);
- $paref->{histname} = "etotal";
+ $paref->{histname} = 'etotal';
setPVhistory ($paref);
delete $paref->{histname};
my $etot = CurrentVal ($hash, "etotal", $etotal);
@@ -5983,11 +5991,17 @@ sub _transferInverterValues {
storeReading ('Today_Hour'.sprintf("%02d",$nhour).'_PVreal', $ethishour.' Wh');
$data{$type}{$name}{circular}{sprintf("%02d",$nhour)}{pvrl} = $ethishour; # Ringspeicher PV real Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,117864.msg1133350.html#msg1133350
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
$paref->{ethishour} = $ethishour;
- $paref->{nhour} = sprintf("%02d",$nhour);
- $paref->{histname} = "pvrl";
+ $paref->{nhour} = sprintf "%02d", $nhour;
+ $paref->{histname} = 'pvrl';
+ $paref->{pvrlvd} = $aln; # 1: beim Learning berücksichtigen, 0: nicht
setPVhistory ($paref);
+ delete $paref->{pvrlvd};
delete $paref->{histname};
@@ -9097,16 +9111,16 @@ sub _checkSetupNotComplete {
- my $is = ReadingsVal ($name, 'inverterStrings', undef); # String Konfig
- my $wedev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentWeatherDev', undef); # Device Vorhersage Wetterdaten (Bewölkung etc.)
- my $radev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentRadiationAPI', undef); # Device Strahlungsdaten Vorhersage
- my $indev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentInverterDev', undef); # Inverter Device
- my $medev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentMeterDev', undef); # Meter Device
+ my $is = ReadingsVal ($name, 'inverterStrings', undef); # String Konfig
+ my $wedev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentWeatherDev', undef); # Device Vorhersage Wetterdaten (Bewölkung etc.)
+ my $radev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentRadiationAPI', undef); # Device Strahlungsdaten Vorhersage
+ my $indev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentInverterDev', undef); # Inverter Device
+ my $medev = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentMeterDev', undef); # Meter Device
- my $peaks = ReadingsVal ($name, 'modulePeakString', undef); # String Peak
- my $dir = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleDirection', undef); # Modulausrichtung Konfig (Azimut)
- my $ta = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleTiltAngle', undef); # Modul Neigungswinkel Konfig
- my $mrt = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleRoofTops', undef); # RoofTop Konfiguration (SolCast API)
+ my $peaks = ReadingsVal ($name, 'modulePeakString', undef); # String Peak
+ my $dir = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleDirection', undef); # Modulausrichtung Konfig (Azimut)
+ my $ta = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleTiltAngle', undef); # Modul Neigungswinkel Konfig
+ my $mrt = ReadingsVal ($name, 'moduleRoofTops', undef); # RoofTop Konfiguration (SolCast API)
my $vrmcr = SolCastAPIVal ($hash, '?VRM', '?API', 'credentials', ''); # Victron VRM Credentials gesetzt
@@ -9578,8 +9592,8 @@ sub __createAutokorrIcon {
my $lang = $paref->{lang};
my $aciimg;
- my $acitit = q{};
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
+ my $acitit = q{};
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
if ($acu =~ /on/xs) {
$aciimg = FW_makeImage ('10px-kreis-gruen.png', $htitles{on}{$lang}." ($acu)");
@@ -11355,35 +11369,37 @@ sub calcValueImproves {
my $chour = $paref->{chour};
my $t = $paref->{t}; # aktuelle Unix-Zeit
- my $idts = ReadingsTimestamp ($name, "currentInverterDev", ""); # Definitionstimestamp des Inverterdevice
+ my $idts = ReadingsTimestamp ($name, 'currentInverterDev', ''); # Definitionstimestamp des Inverterdevice
return if(!$idts);
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
if ($acu) {
$idts = timestringToTimestamp ($idts);
- readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll", $acu, 0) if($acu =~ /on/xs);
+ readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, '.pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll', ($aln ? $acu : $acu.' noLearning'), 0) if($acu =~ /on/xs);
if ($t - $idts < 7200) {
my $rmh = sprintf "%.1f", ((7200 - ($t - $idts)) / 3600);
+ readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', "standby (remains in standby for $rmh hours)", 0);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Correction usage is in standby. It starts in $rmh hours.");
- readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "pvCorrectionFactor_Auto", "standby (remains in standby for $rmh hours)", 0);
else {
- my $acuset = ReadingsVal ($name, ".pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll", 'on_simple');
- readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', $acuset, 0);
+ my $acuset = ReadingsVal ($name, '.pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll', 'on_simple');
+ readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', $acuset, 0);
else {
- readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, ".pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll", "off", 0);
+ readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, '.pvCorrectionFactor_Auto_Soll', 'off', 0);
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - INFO - The correction factors are now calculated and stored proactively independent of the autocorrection usage");
$paref->{acu} = $acu;
+ $paref->{aln} = $aln;
for my $h (1..23) {
next if(!$chour || $h > $chour);
@@ -11396,6 +11412,7 @@ sub calcValueImproves {
delete $paref->{h};
+ delete $paref->{aln};
delete $paref->{acu};
@@ -11411,15 +11428,22 @@ sub _calcCaQcomplex {
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $debug = $paref->{debug};
my $acu = $paref->{acu};
+ my $aln = $paref->{aln}; # Autolearning
my $h = $paref->{h};
- my $maxvar = AttrVal ($name, 'affectMaxDayVariance', $defmaxvar); # max. Korrekturvarianz
- my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."_cloudcover", "");
+ my $maxvar = AttrVal ($name, 'affectMaxDayVariance', $defmaxvar); # max. Korrekturvarianz
+ my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, '.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_cloudcover', '');
- if ($sr eq "done") {
+ if ($sr eq 'done') {
# Log3 ($name, 1, "$name DEBUG> Complex Corrf -> factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
+ if (!$aln) {
+ storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_cloudcover', 'done');
+ debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the complex correction factor");
+ return;
+ }
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "start calculation complex correction factor for hour: $h");
@@ -11494,15 +11518,22 @@ sub _calcCaQsimple {
my $name = $paref->{name};
my $date = $paref->{date};
my $acu = $paref->{acu};
+ my $aln = $paref->{aln}; # Autolearning
my $h = $paref->{h};
my $maxvar = AttrVal($name, 'affectMaxDayVariance', $defmaxvar); # max. Korrekturvarianz
- my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".pvCorrectionFactor_".sprintf("%02d",$h)."_apipercentil", "");
+ my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, '.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', '');
if($sr eq "done") {
# debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Simple Corrf factor Hour: ".sprintf("%02d",$h)." already calculated");
+ if (!$aln) {
+ storeReading ('.pvCorrectionFactor_'.sprintf("%02d",$h).'_apipercentil', 'done');
+ debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip the recalculation of the simple correction factor");
+ return;
+ }
debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "start calculation simple correction factor for hour: $h");
@@ -11568,12 +11599,19 @@ sub _addHourAiRawdata {
my $paref = shift;
my $hash = $paref->{hash};
my $name = $paref->{name};
+ my $aln = $paref->{aln}; # Autolearning
my $h = $paref->{h};
my $rho = sprintf "%02d", $h;
my $sr = ReadingsVal ($name, ".signaldone_".$rho, "");
return if($sr eq "done");
+ if (!$aln) {
+ storeReading ('.signaldone_'.sprintf("%02d",$h), 'done');
+ debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Autolearning is switched off for hour: $h -> skip add AI raw data");
+ return;
+ }
debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', "start add AI raw data for hour: $h");
@@ -11664,7 +11702,7 @@ sub __Pv_Fc_Complex_Dnum_Hist {
last if( $dnum == $calcd);
else {
- debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Complex Corrf -> cloudiness range different: $range/$histwcc (current/historical) -> ignore stored $dayfa/$hour (Day/hour)");
+ debugLog ($paref, 'pvCorrection', "Complex Corrf -> cloudiness range different: $range/$histwcc (current/historical) -> ignore stored Day:$dayfa, hour:$hour");
@@ -12256,13 +12294,20 @@ sub aiAddRawData {
for my $hod (sort keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$pvd}}) {
next if(!$hod || $hod eq '99' || ($rho && $hod ne $rho));
+ my $pvrlvd = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'pvrlvd', 1);
+ if (!$pvrlvd) { # Datensatz ignorieren wenn als invalid gekennzeichnet
+ debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI raw data is marked as invalid and is ignored - day: $pvd, hod: $hod});
+ next;
+ }
my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'rad1h', undef);
next if(!$rad1h || $rad1h <= 0);
my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'pvrl', undef);
next if(!$pvrl || $pvrl <= 0);
my $ridx = _aiMakeIdxRaw ($pvd, $hod);
my $temp = HistoryVal ($hash, $pvd, $hod, 'temp', 20);
@@ -12282,7 +12327,7 @@ sub aiAddRawData {
$dosave = 1;
- debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI Raw data added - idx: $ridx, day: $pvd, hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, pvrl: $pvrl, wcc: $cbin, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin});
+ debugLog ($paref, 'aiProcess', qq{AI raw data added - idx: $ridx, day: $pvd, hod: $hod, rad1h: $rad1h, pvrl: $pvrl, wcc: $cbin, wrp: $rbin, temp: $tbin});
@@ -12370,6 +12415,7 @@ sub setPVhistory {
my $day = $paref->{day};
my $dayname = $paref->{dayname}; # aktueller Wochentagsname
my $histname = $paref->{histname} // qq{};
+ my $pvrlvd = $paref->{pvrlvd}; # 1: Eintrag 'pvrl' wird im Lernprozess berücksichtigt
my $ethishour = $paref->{ethishour} // 0;
my $etotal = $paref->{etotal};
my $batinthishour = $paref->{batinthishour}; # Batterieladung in Stunde
@@ -12432,14 +12478,15 @@ sub setPVhistory {
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{batsetsoc} = $batsetsoc;
- if ($histname eq "pvrl") { # realer Energieertrag
+ if ($histname eq 'pvrl') { # realer Energieertrag
$val = $ethishour;
- $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrl} = $ethishour;
+ $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrl} = $ethishour;
+ $data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{$nhour}{pvrlvd} = $pvrlvd;
my $pvrlsum = 0;
for my $k (keys %{$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}}) {
next if($k eq "99");
- $pvrlsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, "pvrl", 0);
+ $pvrlsum += HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $k, 'pvrl', 0);
$data{$type}{$name}{pvhist}{$day}{99}{pvrl} = $pvrlsum;
@@ -12655,6 +12702,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $ret;
for my $key (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$h->{$day}}) {
my $pvrl = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrl', '-');
+ my $pvrlvd = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvrlvd', '-');
my $pvfc = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'pvfc', '-');
my $gcon = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'gcons', '-');
my $con = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'con', '-');
@@ -12676,7 +12724,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $rad1h = HistoryVal ($hash, $day, $key, 'rad1h', '-');
$ret .= "\n " if($ret);
- $ret .= $key." => etotal: $etotal, pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, rad1h: $rad1h";
+ $ret .= $key." => etotal: $etotal, pvfc: $pvfc, pvrl: $pvrl, pvrlvd: $pvrlvd, rad1h: $rad1h";
$ret .= "\n ";
$ret .= "confc: $confc, con: $con, gcon: $gcon, gfeedin: $gfeedin";
$ret .= "\n ";
@@ -12806,7 +12854,7 @@ sub listDataPool {
my $pvaifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvaifc", '-');
my $pvapifc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvapifc", '-');
my $aihit = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "aihit", '-');
- my $pvrl = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "pvrl", '-');
+ my $pvrl = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, 'pvrl', '-');
my $confc = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "confc", '-');
my $gcons = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gcons", '-');
my $gfeedin = CircularVal ($hash, $idx, "gfeedin", '-');
@@ -13069,10 +13117,10 @@ sub checkPlantConfig {
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
- my $lang = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlLanguage', AttrVal ('global', 'language', $deflang));
- my $pcf = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', '');
- my $raname = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentRadiationAPI', '');
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
+ my $lang = AttrVal ($name, 'ctrlLanguage', AttrVal ('global', 'language', $deflang));
+ my $pcf = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', '');
+ my $raname = ReadingsVal ($name, 'currentRadiationAPI', '');
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
my $cf = 0; # config fault: 1 -> Konfig fehlerhaft, 0 -> Konfig ok
my $wn = 0; # Warnung wenn 1
@@ -13791,23 +13839,23 @@ sub createAssociatedWith {
my (@cd,@nd);
my ($afc,$ara,$ain,$ame,$aba,$h);
- my $fcdev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentWeatherDev", ""); # Weather forecast Device
+ my $fcdev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentWeatherDev', ''); # Weather forecast Device
($afc,$h) = parseParams ($fcdev);
$fcdev = $afc->[0] // "";
- my $radev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentRadiationAPI", ""); # Radiation forecast Device
+ my $radev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentRadiationAPI', ''); # Radiation forecast Device
($ara,$h) = parseParams ($radev);
$radev = $ara->[0] // "";
- my $indev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentInverterDev", ""); # Inverter Device
+ my $indev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentInverterDev', ''); # Inverter Device
($ain,$h) = parseParams ($indev);
$indev = $ain->[0] // "";
- my $medev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentMeterDev", ""); # Meter Device
+ my $medev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentMeterDev', ''); # Meter Device
($ame,$h) = parseParams ($medev);
$medev = $ame->[0] // "";
- my $badev = ReadingsVal($name, "currentBatteryDev", ""); # Battery Device
+ my $badev = ReadingsVal($name, 'currentBatteryDev', ''); # Battery Device
($aba,$h) = parseParams ($badev);
$badev = $aba->[0] // "";
@@ -13918,9 +13966,9 @@ sub isPrepared4AI {
my $hash = shift;
my $full = shift // q{}; # wenn true -> auch Auswertung ob on_.*_ai gesetzt ist
- my $name = $hash->{NAME};
- my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
- my $acu = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
+ my $name = $hash->{NAME};
+ my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
+ my ($acu, $aln) = isAutoCorrUsed ($name);
my $err;
@@ -14414,21 +14462,25 @@ return $ret;
# welche PV Autokorrektur wird verwendet ?
# Standard bei nur "on" -> on_simple
+# $aln: 1 - Lernen aktiviert (default)
+# 0 - Lernen deaktiviert
sub isAutoCorrUsed {
my $name = shift;
my $cauto = ReadingsVal ($name, 'pvCorrectionFactor_Auto', 'off');
- my $ret = $cauto =~ /on_simple_ai/xs ? 'on_simple_ai' :
+ my $acu = $cauto =~ /on_simple_ai/xs ? 'on_simple_ai' :
$cauto =~ /on_simple/xs ? 'on_simple' :
$cauto =~ /on_complex_ai/xs ? 'on_complex_ai' :
$cauto =~ /on_complex/xs ? 'on_complex' :
$cauto =~ /standby/xs ? 'standby' :
$cauto =~ /on/xs ? 'on_simple' :
+ my $aln = $cauto =~ /noLearning/xs ? 0 : 1;
-return $ret;
+return ($acu, $aln);
@@ -15765,8 +15817,9 @@ to ensure that the system configuration is correct.
which real strings exist.
etotal | total energy yield (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
pvfc | the predicted PV yield (Wh) |
pvrl | real PV generation (Wh) |
gcon | real power consumption (Wh) from the electricity grid |
confc | expected energy consumption (Wh) |
con | real energy consumption (Wh) of the house |
gfeedin | real feed-in (Wh) into the electricity grid |
batintotal | total battery charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
batin | Hour battery charge (Wh) |
batouttotal | total battery discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
batout | Battery discharge of the hour (Wh) |
batmaxsoc | maximum SOC (%) of the day |
batsetsoc | optimum SOC setpoint (%) for the day |
wid | Weather identification number |
wcc | effective cloud cover |
wrp | Probability of precipitation > 0.1 mm during the respective hour |
pvcorrf | Autocorrection factor used / forecast quality achieved |
rad1h | global radiation (kJ/m2) |
csmtXX | total energy consumption of ConsumerXX |
csmeXX | Energy consumption of ConsumerXX in the hour of the day (hour 99 = daily energy consumption) |
minutescsmXX | total active minutes in the hour of ConsumerXX |
hourscsmeXX | average hours of an active cycle of ConsumerXX of the day |
cyclescsmXX | Number of active cycles of ConsumerXX of the day |
etotal | total energy yield (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
pvfc | the predicted PV yield (Wh) |
pvrl | real PV generation (Wh) |
pvrlvd | 1-'pvrl' is valid and is taken into account in the learning process, 0-'pvrl' is assessed as abnormal |
gcon | real power consumption (Wh) from the electricity grid |
confc | expected energy consumption (Wh) |
con | real energy consumption (Wh) of the house |
gfeedin | real feed-in (Wh) into the electricity grid |
batintotal | total battery charge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
batin | Hour battery charge (Wh) |
batouttotal | total battery discharge (Wh) at the beginning of the hour |
batout | Battery discharge of the hour (Wh) |
batmaxsoc | maximum SOC (%) of the day |
batsetsoc | optimum SOC setpoint (%) for the day |
wid | Weather identification number |
wcc | effective cloud cover |
wrp | Probability of precipitation > 0.1 mm during the respective hour |
pvcorrf | Autocorrection factor used / forecast quality achieved |
rad1h | global radiation (kJ/m2) |
csmtXX | total energy consumption of ConsumerXX |
csmeXX | Energy consumption of ConsumerXX in the hour of the day (hour 99 = daily energy consumption) |
minutescsmXX | total active minutes in the hour of ConsumerXX |
hourscsmeXX | average hours of an active cycle of ConsumerXX of the day |
cyclescsmXX | Number of active cycles of ConsumerXX of the day |