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synced 2025-02-07 23:09:26 +00:00
38_BEOK: new set command weekprofile
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@18500 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ use Time::Local;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
my $version = 'V1.1 / 26.01.19';
my $version = 'V1.11 / 05.02.19';
my %gets = ('status:noArg' => '', 'auth:noArg' =>'' , 'temperature:noArg' => '');
@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ sub BEOK_Define($$) {
$hash->{'TIME'} = gettimeofday();
$hash->{VERSION} = $version;
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{weekprofile} = "none";
$hash->{CmdStack} = ();
$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 0;
# wird mit dem ersten Full Status ueberschrieben
$hash->{helper}{power} = 0;
@ -162,6 +165,8 @@ sub BEOK_Get($@)
return 'get '.$name.' needs at least one argument' if(int(@a) < 2);
return $name.' get with unknown argument '.$cmd.', choose one of ' . join(' ', sort keys %gets) if (($cmd ne 'status') && ($cmd ne 'auth') && ($cmd ne 'temperature'));
$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 0;
if ($cmd eq 'auth')
return 'device auth key already stored' if ($hash->{isAuth});
@ -234,38 +239,41 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
my @payload;
my $len;
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd" if (($cmd ne '?') && $subcmd);
my $cmdList = "desired-temp off:noArg on:noArg mode:auto,manual loop:12345.67,123456.7,1234567 ";
$cmdList .= " sensor:external,internal,both time:noArg active:noArg inactive:noArg lock:on,off";
$cmdList .= " power-on-memory:on,off fre:open,close room-temp-adj:";
for (my $i=-10;$i<9;$i++) {$cmdList .= sprintf('%.1f',$i/2).',';}
$cmdList .= "4.5,5.0 osv svh svl dif:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9";
$cmdList .= "4.5,5.0 osv svh svl dif:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 weekprofile";
for (my $i=1;$i<7;$i++) {$cmdList .= " day-profile".$i."-temp day-profile".$i."-time";}
for (my $i=7;$i<9;$i++) {$cmdList .= " we-profile".$i."-temp we-profile".$i."-time";}
if ($cmd eq '?') { return SetExtensions($hash,$cmdList,$name,@a); }
if ($subcmd) { Log3 $name,5,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd"; }
else { Log3 $name,5,"BEOK set $name $cmd"; }
return 'no set commands allowed, auth key and device id are missing ! ( need run get auth first )' if (!$hash->{isAuth});
$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 0;
if (($cmd eq 'inactive') && !IsDisabled($name))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
elsif (($cmd eq 'active') && IsDisabled($name))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
elsif (($cmd eq 'on') || ($cmd eq 'off') || ($cmd eq 'lock'))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
# Set device on(1) or off(0), does not deactivate Wifi connectivity
@ -284,8 +292,6 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
elsif (($cmd eq "mode") || ($cmd eq "sensor") || ($cmd eq "loop"))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
# mode_byte = ( (loop_mode + 1) << 4) + auto_mode
# [0x01,0x06,0x00,0x02,mode_byte,sensor
@ -323,8 +329,6 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
elsif (($cmd eq "power-on-memory") || ($cmd eq "fre") || ($cmd eq "room-temp-adj")
|| ($cmd eq "osv") || ($cmd eq "svh") || ($cmd eq "svl") || ($cmd eq "dif"))
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
# 1 | SEN | Sensor control option | 0:internal sensor 1:external sensor 2:internal control temperature, external limit temperature
# 2 | OSV | Limit temperature value of external sensor | 5-99C
# 3 | dIF | Return difference of limit temperature value of external sensor | 1-9C
@ -395,26 +399,18 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
elsif ($cmd eq "desired-temp")
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
return undef if (!$subcmd);
my $temp = int($subcmd*2);
return "Temperature must be between 5 and 99" if (($temp < 10) || ($temp > 198));
@payload = (1,6,0,1,0,$temp); # setzt angeblich auch mode manu
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 1;
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ( $cmd =~ /^(day|we)-profile[1-8]-time$/ )
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
return "Time must be between 0:00 and 23:59" if $subcmd !~ /^([0-9]|0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9]$/; #Uhrzeit
my $day = $cmd;
$day =~ s/(day|we)-profile//;
@ -425,12 +421,11 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
@payload = BEOK_set_timer_schedule($hash);
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "???";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ( $cmd =~ /^(day|we)-profile[1-8]-temp$/ )
Log3 $name,4,"BEOK set $name $cmd $subcmd";
my $temp = int($subcmd*2);
return "Temperature must be between 5 and 99" if (($temp < 10) || ($temp > 198));
@ -444,8 +439,84 @@ sub BEOK_Set(@)
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "???";
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
elsif ($cmd eq 'weekprofile')
my ($wpd,$wpp,$wpday) = split(":",$subcmd);
return "use set $name weekprofile <weekday_device_name:profile_name[:day]>" if ((!$wpd) || (!$wpp));
$wpday= ' ' if(!$wpday);
eval "use JSON";
return "please install JSON first" if ($@);
my $json = CommandGet(undef,"$wpd profile_data $wpp");
if (substr($json,0,2) ne "{\"") #} kein JSON , Fehlermeldung FHEM Device nicht vorhanden oder Fehler von weekprofile
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $json";
return $json;
my @days = ('Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun');
my $today = ($wpday eq ' ') ? $days[ (localtime(time))[6] -1 ] : $wpday;
return "$today is not a valid weekprofile day, please use on of ".join(",",@days) if !grep {/$today/} @days;
my $j;
eval { $j = decode_json($json); 1; } or do
$ret = $@;
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
for (my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)
if (!defined($j->{$today}{time}[$i]))
$ret = "Day $today time #".($i+1)." is missing in weekprofile $wpd profile_data $wpp";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
if (int(substr($j->{$today}{time}[$i],0,2)) > 23)
$ret = "Day $today time #".($i+1)." hour ".substr($j->{$today}{time}[$i],0,2)." is invalid";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
if (!defined($j->{$today}{temp}[$i])) # eigentlich überflüssig
$ret = "Day $today temperature #".($i+1)." is missing in weekprofile $wpd profile_data $wpp";
Log3 $name, 2, "BEOK $name, $ret";
return $ret;
for (my $i=0;$i<6;$i++)
$hash->{helper}{$i}{time} = $j->{$today}{time}[$i];
$hash->{helper}{$i}{temp} = int($j->{$today}{temp}[$i]*2);
@payload = BEOK_set_timer_schedule($hash);
$hash->{lastCMD} = "set $cmd $subcmd";
$hash->{weekprofile} = "$wpd:$wpp:$today";
$hash->{'.CmdStack'} = 1;
$ret = BEOK_send_packet($hash, 0x6a, @payload);
return $ret;
@ -460,11 +531,7 @@ sub BEOK_NBStart($)
my $timeout = AttrVal($name, 'timeout', 3);
my $data;
Log3 $name,5,'BEOK '.$logname.' NBStart '.$cmd;
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die 'Timeout'; };
alarm $timeout;
my $error = 'no data from device';
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(
PeerAddr => $hash->{'.ip'},
@ -486,12 +553,17 @@ sub BEOK_NBStart($)
Log3 $name, 2, 'BEOK '.$logname.' no data from device';
return $name.'|1|no data from device';
Log3 $name, 2, 'BEOK '.$logname.' '.$error;
return "$name|1|$error";
alarm 0;
if (!$data)
Log3 $name, 2, 'BEOK '.$logname.' '.$error." 2";
return "$name|1|$error 2";
return $name.'|1|Timeout' if ( $@ && $@ =~ /Timeout/ );
return $name.'|1|Error: eval corrupted '.$@ if ($@);
@ -616,6 +688,8 @@ sub BEOK_NBDone($)
$hash->{ERRORCOUNT} = 0;
$hash->{TIME} = time();
#shift @{$hash->{CmdStack}} if ($hash->{'.CmdStack'}); # war das letzte Kommando ein Stack Kommando ?
return BEOK_UpdateTemp($hash,@payload) if ($hash->{lastCMD} eq 'get temperature');
return CommandGet(undef, "$name status") if ($hash->{lastCMD} ne 'get status');
BEOK_UpdateStatus($hash,@payload) if ($hash->{lastCMD} eq 'get status');
@ -890,6 +964,8 @@ sub BEOK_send_packet(@)
Log3 $name,5,"BEOK $name send_packet ". join(' ', @packet);
my $arg = encode_base64(pack('C*',@packet));
#push(@{$hash->{CmdStack}}, $arg) if $hash->{'.CmdStack'};
$arg = $name.'|'.$arg;
@ -1129,6 +1205,12 @@ return $html;
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code>
Set all weekday setpoints and temperatures with values from a weekprofile day.<br>
Syntax : set <name> weekprofile <weekprofile_device:profil_name[:weekday]><br>
see also <a href='https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303'>https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303</a>
<a name="BEOKattr"></a>
@ -1248,6 +1330,11 @@ return $html;
<li><code>we-profile[7-8]-time <00:00 - 23:59></code><br>
Wochenendprofil Zeit
Setzt alle Wochentag Schaltzeiten und Temperaturen mit Werten aus einem Profil des Moduls weekprofile.<br>
Syntax : set <name> weekprofile <weekprofile_device:profil_name[:Wochentag]><br>
siehe auch Erklärung im Forum : <a href='https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303'>https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,80703.msg901303.html#msg901303</a>
<a name="BEOKattr"></a>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user