mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
Speed now optimized for weak hardware like the NLSU2. Improvement is more than 50 percent.
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@104 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -136,3 +136,6 @@ It is not necessary to tell fhem that there are other logs.
2007-10-18 (CVS)
-- feature: User defined graphics for FS20 now with a full picture.
2007-10-23 (071023cvs)
-- feature: optimized speed for small devices (more than 50 percent on e.g a NSLU2)
@ -30,7 +30,12 @@
- Now pgm3 shows other logfiles (like from wired devices) too. Changes in index.php, config.php, gnuplot.php, new userdefs.php)
- Martin 2007-10-14
- User defined logs with several values in one file now supported. Changes in index.php, gnuplot.php, userdefs.php and config.php.
- Martin 2007-10-16
- User defined graphics now for Piri an FS20 too
- Martin 2007-10-18
- User defined graphics for FS20 improved ("full" picture)
- Martin 2007-10-23
- every module now checks if a redraw of the picture is really necessary. If not the old picture will be sent. The time to reload the screen now is down to less than 50 percent.
@ -10,7 +10,10 @@
# run global: "port <nr> global"
$fhz1000port="7072"; # port of fhem.pl
$logpath="/var/tmp"; # where are your logs?
$fhz1000_pl="/home/FHZ/fhem/fhem.pl"; #only required if you are using PHP4
$AbsolutPath="/srv/www/htdocs/pgm3"; # where ist your pgm3?
$fhz1000_pl="/home/FHZ/fhem/fhem.pl"; #only required if you are using HP4
###### nice to have
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@
$showroombuttons=1; #default 1 Values 0/1
$imgmaxxroom=$imgmaxxfs20; #Size of the pictures, default=$imgmaxxfs20
$imgmaxyroom=30; # default=30
$roomfontsizetitel=10; # default=10
$roomfontsizetitel=10; # default=9
$roommaxiconperline=$fs20maxiconperline; # default=$fs20maxiconperline
@ -146,35 +149,38 @@ $UserDefs=0;
## Userdef: 0
# the sortnumbers must be complete. eg. 0 1 2 3 or 2 0 3 1 and so on
# No blanks or other special signs!!
#In which field are the values?? See the example above
#Type of Device [temperature | piri | fs20] pgm3 will try to generate a gnuplot picture
#Type of Device [temperature | piri] pgm3 will try to generate a gnuplot picture
# example, path to the logfile with the entrys like above
# Semantic eg. Voltage
# Semantic short e.g. V
#Size of the pictures. Default: 725
# Maximum count of pixel (from right to left) (Default:575)
# Text of main text from the right side (Default:)
# automatic Logrotate; $logrotate must be 'yes'.
# Default:2200
@ -182,91 +188,78 @@ $userdef[0]['XcorrectMainText']=25;
# otherwise the system will slow down
# pgm3 (user www-data) needs the rights to write the logs
# from fhz1000.pl (user = ???)
## Userdef: 1
# example:
# define piriulog FileLog /var/tmp/piriu.log piriu:.*
# example:
# define piriolog FileLog /var/tmp/pirio.log pirio:.*
# example:
#define solarpumpe.log FileLog /var/tmp/solarpumpe.log solarpumpe:.*(on|off).*
# example:
#define rolu1.log FileLog /var/tmp/rolu1.log rolu1:.*(on|off|dimup|dimdown).*
# example:
#define rolu1.log FileLog /var/tmp/rolu1.log rolu1:.*(on|off|dimup|dimdown).*
#$userdef[$sortnumber]['semlong']='Alarm light';
# example:
#define rolu1.log FileLog /var/tmp/rolu1.log rolu1:.*(on|off|dimup|dimdown).*
#$userdef[$sortnumber]['timeformat']='%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S';
## Userdef: x
@ -278,17 +271,12 @@ $userdef[0]['logrotatelines']=2200;
## misc
$taillog=1; #make shure to have the correct rights. Values: 0/1
$tailcount=20; #make shure to have the correct rights. Values: 0/1
$taillogorder="/usr/bin/tail -$tailcount $logpath/fhem.log ";
$taillogorder=$tailpath." -$tailcount $logpath/fhem.log ";
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
All the Documentation of pgm3 is now only online
Be sure that the directory <pgm3>/tmp is writeable for the user of the webserver (e.g. wwwrun.www)
Make something like "chown -R wwwrun.www tmp"
All the other Documentation of pgm3 is now only online
Enjoy it :-)
@ -22,25 +22,6 @@ setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8');
$_SESSION["arraydata"] = array();
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxfht,$imgmaxyfht);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 110,148,183);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219);
$bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133);
#$lightgray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 200, 198, 222);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$lightyellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 247,222 );
$orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25);
$actuatorcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $actR, $actG, $actB);
$desiredcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $desR, $desG, $desB);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxfht-1, $imgmaxyfht-1, $white);
$array = file($file);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
@ -48,10 +29,11 @@ setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8');
#echo $counter; exit;
if ((($logrotateFHTlines+200) < $counter) and ($logrotate == 'yes')) LogRotate($array,$file,$logrotateFHTlines);
@ -77,7 +59,50 @@ setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8');
$resultreverse = array_reverse($_SESSION["arraydata"]);
#if the expected graphic alreay exist then do not redraw the picture
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxfht,$imgmaxyfht);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 110,148,183);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219);
$bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133);
#$lightgray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 200, 198, 222);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$lightyellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 247,222 );
$orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25);
$actuatorcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $actR, $actG, $actB);
$desiredcolor = ImageColorAllocate($im, $desR, $desG, $desB);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxfht-1, $imgmaxyfht-1, $white);
$reversedesired = array_reverse($arraydesired);
$reverseactuator = array_reverse($arrayactuator);
@ -158,19 +183,13 @@ setlocale (LC_ALL, 'de_DE.utf8');
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-230-$XcorrectDate, 23, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
#ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-127-$XcorrectDate, 23, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
$text="Actuator: $actuator";
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-230-$XcorrectDate, 33, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
#ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-127-$XcorrectDate, 33, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-127, 13, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
#ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, $imgmaxxfht-127-$XcorrectDate, 13, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -195,4 +214,6 @@ function show_error($file,$drawfht,$imgmaxxfht,$imgmaxyfht)
@ -11,6 +11,35 @@ include "../config.php";
## do we really need a new graphic??
#$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file;
#$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]);
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxfs20,$imgmaxyfs20);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 110,148,183);
@ -86,6 +115,7 @@ include "../config.php";
if ($room != '') {ImageTTFText ($im, 7, 0, 5, 26, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $txtroom.$room);};
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ break;
set ylabel 'Temperature (Celsius)'
set y2label 'Humidity (%)'
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 3,\
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 2,\
'$logfile' using 1:6 axes x1y2 title 'Rel. Humidity (%)' with lines
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ EOD;
set ylabel 'Temperature (Celsius)'
set y2label 'Humidity (%)'
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 3,\
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 2,\
'$logfile' using 1:6 axes x1y2 title 'Rel. Humidity (%)' with lines
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ EOD;
$gplotmaintmp = <<<EOD
plot "< awk '/measured/{print $1, $4}' $logfile"\
using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Measured temperature' with lines lw 3,\
using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Measured temperature' with lines lw 2,\
"< awk '/actuator/{print $1, $4+0}' $logfile"\
using 1:2 axes x1y2 title 'Actuator (%)' with steps lw 1,\
"< awk '/desired/{print $1, $4}' $logfile"\
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ EOD;
$gplotmainonlymeasured = <<<EOD
plot "< awk '/measured/{print $1, $4}' $logfile"\
using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Measured temperature' with lines lw 3
using 1:2 axes x1y1 title 'Measured temperature' with lines lw 2
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ EOD;
Case HMS100T: ############################################
set ylabel 'Temperature (Celsius)'
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 3
plot '$logfile' using 1:4 axes x1y1 title 'Temperature' with lines lw 2
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ $gplotmain=<<<EOD
set size 1,0.5
set noytics
set noy2tics
plot "$logfile" using 1:$valuefield axes x1y1 title '$SemanticLong' with lines lw 3
plot "$logfile" using 1:$valuefield axes x1y1 title '$SemanticLong' with lines lw 2
Case piri: ############################################
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ set yrange [-1.2:2.2]
plot "< awk '{print $1, 1; }' $logfile "\
using 1:2 title '$drawuserdef' with impulses
plot "$logfile" using 1:$valuefield axes x1y1 title '$SemanticLong' with lines lw 3
plot "$logfile" using 1:$valuefield axes x1y1 title '$SemanticLong' with lines lw 2
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ EOD;
exec("$gnuplot tmp/gnu1",$output);
@ -22,6 +22,34 @@ $supported_HMS= array('HMS100T','HMS100TF','HMS100WD','HMS100MG','HMS100TFK','HM
if (! in_array($type,$supported_HMS)) show_error_type($imgmaxxhms,$imgmaxyhms,$type);
if (! file_exists($file)) show_error($file,$drawhms,$imgmaxxhms,$imgmaxyhms,$type);
## do we really need a new graphic??
$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file;
$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]);
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
#echo "exists: $savefile"; exit;
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
#echo "not exist: $savefile"; exit;
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$_SESSION["arraydata"] = array();
@ -282,6 +310,7 @@ if ( $type == "HMS100WD" or $type == "HMS100MG" or $type == "HMS100W"
#ok. let's draw
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -337,6 +366,7 @@ function show_error($file,$drawhms,$imgmaxx,$imgmaxy,$type)
ImageTTFText ($im, $fontsize, 0, 5, 45, $txtcolor, $fontttf, $text);
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -365,6 +395,7 @@ function show_error_type($imgmaxx,$imgmaxy,$type)
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxx-1, $imgmaxy-1, $white);
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -13,11 +13,36 @@ $drawks=$_GET['drawks'];
if (! file_exists($file)) show_error($file,$drawks,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
## do we really need a new graphic??
$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file;
$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]);
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
#echo "not exist: $savefile"; exit;
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$arraydata = array();
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
@ -405,6 +430,7 @@ ImageCopy ($imall,$imw,0,$imgmaxyks*2,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
ImageCopy ($imall,$imr,0,$imgmaxyks*3,0,0,$imgmaxxks,$imgmaxyks);
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -32,23 +32,36 @@ include "functions.php";
if (! file_exists($file)) show_error($file,$drawuserdef,$imgmaxxuserdef,$imgmaxyuserdef,$type,$userdefnr);
## do we really need a new graphic??
$execorder=$tailpath.' -1 '.$file;
$parts = explode(" ", $tail1[0]);
if (file_exists($savefile)) {
$im2 = @ImageCreateFromPNG($savefile);
header("Content-type: image/png");
exit; # ;-)))
else #delete old pngs
foreach (glob($delfile) as $filename) {
$_SESSION["arraydata"] = array();
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxuserdef,$imgmaxyuserdef);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 110,148,183);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219);
$bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxuserdef-1, $imgmaxyuserdef-1, $white);
$array = file($file);
$oldmin=0; //only the data from every 10min
@ -92,8 +105,30 @@ include "functions.php";
$resultreverse = array_reverse($_SESSION["arraydata"]);
# Start Graphic
$im = ImageCreateTrueColor($imgmaxxuserdef,$imgmaxyuserdef);
$black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$bg1p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 110,148,183);
$bg2p = ImageColorAllocate($im, 175,198,219);
$bg3p = ImageColorAllocate($im, $fontcol_grap_R,$fontcol_grap_G,$fontcol_grap_B);
$white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$gray= ImageColorAllocate($im, 133, 133, 133);
$red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$yellow= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 0);
$orange= ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 230, 25);
ImageFill($im, 0, 0, $bg2p);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, $imgmaxxuserdef-1, $imgmaxyuserdef-1, $white);
$resultreverse = array_reverse($_SESSION["arraydata"]);
if ( $imgmaxxuserdef > count ($resultreverse) )
{ $_SESSION["maxdata"] = count ($resultreverse); }
@ -126,12 +161,11 @@ if ($gnuplottype=='piri' or $gnuplottype=='fs20')
$datumyesterday= mktime (0,0,0,date("m") ,date("d")-5,date("Y"));
$xrange2= date ("Y-m-d",$datumyesterday);
$xrange="set xrange ['$xrange2':'$xrange1']";
set output '$gnuplotpng'
set output '$AbsolutPath/tmp/$gnuplotpng'
set terminal png
set xdata time
set timefmt '%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S'
@ -159,7 +193,7 @@ EOD;
$newlastline=$actdate." ".$f2." ".$f3." ".$f4." ".$f5." ".$f6;
array_push( $array ,$newlastline);
$filename=substr($file,strrpos($file, '/')+1);
for ($x = 0; $x <= count($array); $x++)
@ -199,15 +233,16 @@ endswitch;
if ($gnuplottype=='piri' or $gnuplottype=='fs20')
exec("$gnuplot $gnuplotfile",$output);
# exit;
exec("$gnuplot $AbsolutPath/tmp/$drawuserdef",$output);
$w = imagesx($im);
$h = imagesy($im);
$im2 = imagecreatefrompng("$gnuplotpng");
$im2 = imagecreatefrompng("$AbsolutPath/tmp/$gnuplotpng");
$w2 = imagesx($im2);
$h2 = imagesy($im2);
@ -253,6 +288,7 @@ if ($gnuplottype=='piri' or $gnuplottype=='fs20')
#ok. let's draw
header("Content-type: image/png");
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ include "include/gnuplot.php";
include "include/functions.php";
$Action = $_POST['Action'];
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ endswitch;
if (! isset($showroom)) $showroom="ALL";
if ($taillog==1) exec($taillogorder,$tailoutput);
if (($taillog==1) and (isset ($showhist)) ) exec($taillogorder,$tailoutput);
#executes over the network to the fhem.pl (or localhost)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user