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98_HourCounter.pm : changes concerning interval and event-handling

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@7227 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
john99sr 2014-12-16 16:40:28 +00:00
parent 26c19f0858
commit 11a7c33f58

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# $Id: 98_HourCounter.pm 7035 2014-11-21 22:00:00Z john $
# $Id: 98_HourCounter.pm 7227 2014-12-16 18:00:00Z john $
# 98_HourCounter.pm
@ -47,7 +47,14 @@
# reformating
# 17.11.14 -
# cyclic calculation of pulse/pause-duration
# correctly restores correctly counter values after restart
# correctly restores counter values after restart
# 10.12.14 -
# new readings pulseTimeEdge, pauseTimeEdge hold the last pusle*-Increment value
# all operative readings beside the tick*-readings are updated every cycle now
# new reading tickChanged is fired, if the value is changed
# new reading tickUpdated is fired each time the operative readings are updated
# some bug fixes concerning duration and calc calculations
# note, that also 99_UtilsHourCounter needs changes
package main;
@ -57,7 +64,7 @@ use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw($readingFnAttributes);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%modules);
my $HourCounter_Version = " - 20.11.2014";
my $HourCounter_Version = " - 09.12.2014";
my @HourCounter_cmdQeue = ();
@ -204,7 +211,7 @@ sub HourCounter_Initialize($)
$hash->{GetFn} = "HourCounter_Get";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "HourCounter_Notify";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HourCounter_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 interval:5,10,15,20,30,60 " . $readingFnAttributes;
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 interval:1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,30,60 " . $readingFnAttributes;
HourCounter_Log "", 3, "Init Done with Version $HourCounter_Version";
@ -492,24 +499,38 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
my $valueOld = ReadingsVal( $name, 'value', 0 );
# variable for reading update
my $value = undef;
my $countsPerDay = undef;
my $countsOverall = undef;
my $pulseTimeIncrement = undef;
my $pulseTimePerDay = undef;
my $pulseTimeOverall = undef;
my $pauseTimePerDay = undef;
my $pauseTimeOverall = undef;
my $pauseTimeIncrement = undef;
my $state = undef;
my $doUpdate = undef;
my $fireEvents = 1;
my $sdTickHour = time_str2num( ReadingsTimestamp( $name, "tickHour", TimeNow() ) );
my $value = undef;
my $countsPerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsPerDay", 0 );
my $countsOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsOverall", 0 );
my $pulseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeIncrement", 0 );
my $pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 );
my $pulseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeOverall", 0 );
my $pulseTimeEdge = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeEdge", 0 );
my $pauseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeIncrement", 0 );
my $pauseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 );
my $pauseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeOverall", 0 );
my $pauseTimeEdge = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeEdge", 0 );
my $tickUpdated = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickUpdated", 0 )+1;
$tickUpdated = 1 if ( $tickUpdated >= 1000 );
my $tickChanged = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickChanged", 0 );
my $tickHour = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickHour", 0 );
my $tickDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickDay", 0 );
my $tickWeek = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickWeek", 0 );
my $tickMonth = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickMonth", 0 );
my $tickYear = ReadingsVal( $name, "tickYear", 0 );
my $state = '';
my $sdTickHour = time_str2num( ReadingsTimestamp( $name, "tickHour", TimeNow() ) );
# serial date for current hour
my $sdRoundHour = HourCounter_RoundHour($sdCurTime);
#my $sdRoundHourLast = $hash->{helper}{sdRoundHourLast};
my $sdRoundHourLast = HourCounter_RoundHour($sdTickHour);
$sdRoundHourLast = $sdRoundHour if ( !$sdRoundHourLast );
my $isHourChanged = ( $sdRoundHour != $sdRoundHourLast ) || $hash->{helper}{forceHourChange};
@ -544,7 +565,6 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
last if ( AttrVal( $name, 'disable', '0' ) eq '1' );
# variables for controlling
my $resetDayCounter = '';
HourCounter_Log $hash, 5, "value:$valuePara changedTimestamp:" . $hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp};
# ------------ basic init, when first run
@ -563,34 +583,16 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 0 );
# set initial values
$value = $valueOld; # value als reading anlegen falls nicht vorhanden
$countsOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsOverall", 0 );
$countsPerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsPerDay", 0 );
$pauseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeIncrement", 0 );
$pauseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeOverall", 0 );
$pauseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 );
$pulseTimeIncrement = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeIncrement", 0 );
$pulseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeOverall", 0 );
$pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 );
$state = ReadingsVal( $name, "state", 0 );
$value = $valueOld; # value als reading anlegen falls nicht vorhanden
$timeIncrement = 0;
# do not fire any events, if first initialization
$fireEvents = 0;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "first run done countsOverall:" . $countsOverall; #4
# -------- force clear reqeust
# -------- force clear request
if ( $hash->{helper}{forceClear} )
# 4
HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "force cleare request";
# fire only this event
HourCounter_Log $hash, 0, "force clear request";
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'clearDate', TimeNow(), 1 );
# reset all counters
@ -598,156 +600,166 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
$countsPerDay = 0;
$pauseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pauseTimeOverall = 0;
$pauseTimePerDay = 0;
$pauseTimeEdge = 0;
$pauseTimeOverall = 0;
$pauseTimePerDay = 0;
$pulseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pulseTimeEdge = 0;
$pulseTimeOverall = 0;
$pulseTimePerDay = 0;
$pulseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pulseTimeOverall = 0;
$pulseTimePerDay = 0;
$hash->{helper}{forceClear} = '';
$timeIncrement = 0;
# do not fire any events, if first initialization
$fireEvents = 0;
$timeIncrement = 0;
# -------------- handling of transitions
my $hasValueChanged = ( $isOffDefined && $valuePara == $valueOld ) ? '' : 1;
my $hasValueChanged = 0;
if ( $isOffDefined && $valuePara >= 0 && $valuePara != $valueOld )
$hasValueChanged = 1;
# -------------- positive edge
if ( $hasValueChanged && $valuePara == 1 )
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = TimeNow();
$value = $valuePara;
$valueOld = $valuePara;
$value = $valuePara;
$valueOld = $valuePara;
# handling of counters
$countsPerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsPerDay", 0 ) + 1;
$countsOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "countsOverall", 0 ) + 1;
$countsPerDay += 1;
$countsOverall += 1;
#.. handling of pause
if ($isOffDefined)
$pauseTimeIncrement = $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 ) + $pauseTimeIncrement;
$pauseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeOverall", 0 ) + $pauseTimeIncrement;
my $pulsInc = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeIncrement", 0 );
$pauseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeIncrement = 0;
$pauseTimeEdge = $pauseTimeIncrement;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "rising edge; countPerDay:$countsPerDay";
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "rising edge; pauseTimeIncr:$pauseTimeIncrement countPerDay:$countsPerDay";
# ------------ negative edge
elsif ( $isOffDefined && $hasValueChanged && $valuePara == 0 )
elsif ( $hasValueChanged && $valuePara == 0 )
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = TimeNow();
$value = $valuePara;
$valueOld = $valuePara;
$value = $valuePara;
$valueOld = $valuePara;
# handling of pulse time
$pulseTimeIncrement = $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 ) + $pulseTimeIncrement;
$pulseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeOverall", 0 ) + $pulseTimeIncrement;
$pulseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeEdge = $pulseTimeIncrement;
$pauseTimeIncrement = 0;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "falling edge pulseTimeIncrement:$pulseTimeIncrement";
# --------------- no change
elsif ( $valuePara == -1 )
$doUpdate = 1;
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "force update";
# --------------- Day change, update pauseTime and pulseTime
if ( $isDayChanged || $doUpdate )
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "day change isDayChanged:$isDayChanged" if ($isDayChanged);
### accumulate incurred times until day change
if ( $valueOld == 0 )
# update only,if not already defined (e.g. by clear)
$pauseTimeIncrement = $timeIncrement if ( !defined($pauseTimeIncrement) );
$pauseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimePerDay", 0 ) + $timeIncrement
if ( !defined($pauseTimePerDay) );
$pauseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pauseTimeOverall", 0 ) + $timeIncrement
if ( !defined($pauseTimeOverall) );
$pauseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pauseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
} elsif ( $valueOld == 1 )
# update only,if not already defined
$pulseTimeIncrement = $timeIncrement if ( !defined($pulseTimeIncrement) );
$pulseTimePerDay = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimePerDay", 0 ) + $timeIncrement
if ( !defined($pulseTimePerDay) );
$pulseTimeOverall = ReadingsVal( $name, "pulseTimeOverall", 0 ) + $timeIncrement
if ( !defined($pulseTimeOverall) );
$pulseTimeIncrement += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimePerDay += $timeIncrement;
$pulseTimeOverall += $timeIncrement;
# update timestamp of reading value with current time
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = TimeNow();
if ($isDayChanged)
# reset daycounter in case of daychange
$resetDayCounter = 1;
#.. set value
$value = $valueOld;
# set state
$state = $countsPerDay
if ( defined($countsPerDay) && ReadingsVal( $name, "state", 0 ) != $countsPerDay );
$hash->{helper}{changedTimestamp} = TimeNow();
$value = $valueOld;
$state = $countsPerDay;
# ---------update readings, if vars defined
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsPerDay", $countsPerDay ) if defined($countsPerDay);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsOverall", $countsOverall ) if defined($countsOverall);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeIncrement", $pulseTimeIncrement ) if defined($pulseTimeIncrement);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimePerDay", $pulseTimePerDay ) if defined($pulseTimePerDay);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeOverall", $pulseTimeOverall ) if defined($pulseTimeOverall);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeIncrement", $pauseTimeIncrement ) if defined($pauseTimeIncrement);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimePerDay", $pauseTimePerDay ) if defined($pauseTimePerDay);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeOverall", $pauseTimeOverall ) if defined($pauseTimeOverall);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "value", $value ) if defined($value);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', $state ) if defined($state);
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, $fireEvents );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsPerDay", $countsPerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsOverall", $countsOverall );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeIncrement", $pulseTimeIncrement );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeEdge", $pulseTimeEdge );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimePerDay", $pulseTimePerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pulseTimeOverall", $pulseTimeOverall );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeIncrement", $pauseTimeIncrement );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeEdge", $pauseTimeEdge );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimePerDay", $pauseTimePerDay );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "pauseTimeOverall", $pauseTimeOverall );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "value", $value );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'state', $state );
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'tickUpdated', $tickUpdated );
readingsEndUpdate( $hash, 1 );
# --------------- fire time interval ticks for hour,day,month
if ($hasValueChanged)
$tickChanged = 1 if ( $tickChanged >= 1000 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickChanged', $tickChanged, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, 'tickChanged fired ';
if ($isHourChanged)
$tickHour = 1 if ( $tickHour >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceHourChange} = '';
$hash->{helper}{sdRoundHourLast} = $sdRoundHour;
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickHour', 1, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickHour', $tickHour, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickHour fired";
if ($isDayChanged)
$tickDay = 1 if ( $tickDay >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceDayChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickDay', 1, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickDay', $tickDay, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickDay fired";
if ($isWeekChanged)
$tickWeek = 1 if ( $tickWeek >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceWeekChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickWeek', 1, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickWeek', $tickWeek, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickWeek fired";
if ($isMonthChanged)
$tickMonth = 1 if ( $tickMonth >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceMonthChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickMonth', 1, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickMonth', $tickMonth, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickMonth fired";
if ($isYearChanged)
$tickYear = 1 if ( $tickYear >= 1000 );
$hash->{helper}{forceYearChange} = '';
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickYear', 1, 1 );
readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, 'tickYear', $tickYear, 1 );
HourCounter_Log $hash, 4, "tickYear fired";
HourCounter_ExecQueue($hash); # execute command queue
# ----------- pending request for resetting all day counters
if ($resetDayCounter)
# execute command queue
# day change, so reset day readings
if ($isDayChanged)
$resetDayCounter = undef;
### reset all day counters
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "countsPerDay", 0 );
@ -814,7 +826,7 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
<a name="HourCounterset"></a>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; calc</code>
@ -846,7 +858,13 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
<code>set &lt;name&gt; pauseTimeIncrement &lt;value&gt; </code>
<ul>Sets the reading pauseTimeIncrement to the given value.<br/>
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge of the property.</ul><br/>
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.</ul><br/>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; pauseTimeEdge &lt;value&gt; </code>
<ul>Sets the reading pauseTimeEdge to the given value.<br/>
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.</ul><br/>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; pauseTimeOverall &lt;value&gt; </code>
@ -865,8 +883,14 @@ sub HourCounter_Run($)
<ul>Sets the reading pulseTimeIncrement to the given value.<br/>
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a falling edge of the property.</ul><br/>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; pulseTimeEdge &lt;value&gt; </code>
<ul>Sets the reading pulseTimeEdge to the given value.<br/>
This reading in seconds is automatically set after a rising edge.</ul><br/>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; pulseTimeOverall &lt;value&gt; </code>
<ul>Sets the reading pulseTimeOverall to the given value.<br/>