mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 09:55:38 +00:00
93_DbLog: contrib 5.10.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28656 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ use vars qw($FW_ME $FW_subdir); # predeclar
# Version History intern by DS_Starter:
my %DbLog_vNotesIntern = (
"5.10.0" => "07.03.2024 support of MariaDB driver, optimize Timer execMemCacheAsync, change DbLog_configcheck, _DbLog_SBP_connectDB ".
"remove countNbl, support compression between client and server ",
"remove countNbl, support compression between client and server, improved performance if attr excludeDevs is set ",
"5.9.6" => "09.03.2024 change META.json ",
"5.9.5" => "04.01.2024 change DbLog_configcheck to select only column width independent from column characteristic ",
"5.9.4" => "03.01.2024 make EVENT writable ",
@ -93,51 +93,6 @@ my %DbLog_vNotesIntern = (
"5.5.11" => "09.01.2023 more code rework / structured subroutines ",
"5.5.10" => "07.01.2023 more code rework (_DbLog_SBP_checkDiscDelpars) and others, use dbh quote in _DbLog_SBP_onRun_LogSequential ".
"configCheck changed to use only one db connect + measuring the connection time, universal DBHU ",
"5.5.9" => "28.12.2022 optimize \$hash->{HELPER}{TH}, \$hash->{HELPER}{TC}, mode in Define ".
"Forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,130588.msg1254073.html#msg1254073 ",
"5.5.8" => "27.12.2022 two-line output of long state messages, define LONGRUN_PID threshold ",
"5.5.7" => "20.12.2022 cutted _DbLog_SBP_onRun_Log into _DbLog_SBP_onRun_LogArray and _DbLog_SBP_onRun_LogSequential ".
"__DbLog_SBP_onRun_LogCurrent, __DbLog_SBP_fieldArrays, some bugfixes, add drivers to configCheck, edit comref ",
"5.5.6" => "12.12.2022 Serialize with Storable instead of JSON, more code rework ",
"5.5.5" => "11.12.2022 Array Log -> may be better error processing ",
"5.5.4" => "11.12.2022 Array Log -> print out all cache not saved, DbLog_DelayedShutdown processing changed ",
"5.5.3" => "10.12.2022 more internal code rework ",
"5.5.2" => "09.12.2022 _DbLog_ConnectPush function removed ",
"5.5.1" => "09.12.2022 commit inserted lines in array insert though some lines are faulty ",
"5.5.0" => "08.12.2022 implement commands with SBP: reduceLog, reduceLogNbL, attr timeout adapted ",
"5.4.0" => "07.12.2022 implement commands with SBP: importCacheFile ",
"5.3.0" => "05.12.2022 activate func _DbLog_SBP_onRun_Log, implement commands with SBP: count(Nbl), deleteOldDays(Nbl) ".
"userCommand, exportCache ",
"5.2.0" => "05.12.2022 LONGRUN_PID, \$hash->{prioSave}, rework SetFn ",
"5.1.0" => "03.12.2022 implement SubProcess for logging data in synchron Mode ",
"5.0.0" => "02.12.2022 implement SubProcess for logging data in asynchron Mode, delete attr traceHandles ",
"4.13.3" => "26.11.2022 revise commandref ",
"4.13.2" => "06.11.2022 Patch Delta calculation (delta-d,delta-h) https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,129975.msg1242272.html#msg1242272 ",
"4.13.1" => "16.10.2022 edit commandref ",
"4.13.0" => "15.04.2022 new Attr convertTimezone, minor fixes in reduceLog(NbL) ",
"4.12.7" => "08.03.2022 \$data{firstvalX} doesn't work, forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,126631.0.html ",
"4.12.6" => "17.01.2022 change log message deprecated to outdated, forum:#topic,41089.msg1201261.html#msg1201261 ",
"4.12.5" => "31.12.2021 standard unit assignment for readings beginning with 'temperature' and removed, forum:#125087 ",
"4.12.4" => "27.12.2021 change ParseEvent for FBDECT, warning messages for deprecated commands added ",
"4.12.3" => "20.04.2021 change sub _DbLog_getNewDBHandle for SQLITE, change error Logging in DbLog_writeFileIfCacheOverflow ",
"4.12.2" => "08.04.2021 change standard splitting ",
"4.12.1" => "07.04.2021 improve escaping the pipe ",
"4.12.0" => "29.03.2021 new attributes SQLiteCacheSize, SQLiteJournalMode ",
"4.11.0" => "20.02.2021 new attr cacheOverflowThreshold, reading CacheOverflowLastNum/CacheOverflowLastState, ".
"remove prototypes, new subs DbLog_writeFileIfCacheOverflow, DbLog_setReadingstate ",
"4.10.2" => "23.06.2020 configCheck changed for SQLite again ",
"4.10.1" => "22.06.2020 configCheck changed for SQLite ",
"4.10.0" => "22.05.2020 improve configCheck, new vars \$LASTTIMESTAMP and \$LASTVALUE in valueFn / DbLogValueFn, Forum:#111423 ",
"4.9.13" => "12.05.2020 commandRef changed, AutoInactiveDestroy => 1 for dbh ",
"4.9.12" => "28.04.2020 fix line breaks in set function, Forum: #110673 ",
"4.9.11" => "22.03.2020 logfile entry if DBI module not installed, Forum: #109382 ",
"4.9.10" => "31.01.2020 fix warning, Forum: #107950 ",
"4.9.9" => "21.01.2020 default ParseEvent changed again, Forum: #106769 ",
"4.9.8" => "17.01.2020 adjust configCheck with plotEmbed check. Forum: #107383 ",
"4.9.7" => "13.01.2020 change datetime pattern in valueFn of DbLog_addCacheLine. Forum: #107285 ",
"4.9.6" => "04.01.2020 fix change off 4.9.4 in default splitting. Forum: #106992 ",
"4.9.5" => "01.01.2020 do not reopen database connection if device is disabled (fix) ",
"4.9.4" => "08.01.2023 all version informationen from v 1.8.1 to v 4.9.4 deleted ",
"1.7.1" => "15.12.2016 initial rework "
@ -196,6 +151,8 @@ my $dblog_lrpth = 0.8;
my $dblog_pifl = 40; # default Breite Eingabefelder im Plot Editor
my $dblog_svgfnset = ',delta-d,delta-h,delta-ts,int,int1,int2,int3,int4,int5'; # Funktionen für SVG sampleDataFn
# $data{DbLog}{$name}{cache} # Log-Daten Arbeitscache
sub DbLog_Initialize {
my $hash = shift;
@ -1217,13 +1174,29 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
my $max = int(@{$events});
my $vb4show = 0;
my @vb4devs = split ",", AttrVal ($name, 'verbose4Devs', ''); # verbose4 Logs nur für Devices in Attr "verbose4Devs"
my $exc = AttrVal ($name, 'excludeDevs', ''); # attr <device> excludeDevs [<devspec>#]<Reading1>,[<devspec>#]<Reading2>,[<devspec>#]<Reading..>
my @exdvs = ();
if ($exc) { # Excluded Devices & Readings
$exc =~ s/[\s\n]/,/g;
my @excldr = split ',', $exc;
for my $excl (@excldr) {
my ($ds,$rd) = split '#', $excl;
my @da = devspec2array ($ds);
for my $d (@da) {
push @exdvs, ($rd ? "$d:$rd" : $d);
if (!@vb4devs) {
$vb4show = 1;
else {
for (@vb4devs) {
if($dev_name =~ m/$_/i) {
if ($dev_name =~ m/$_/i) {
$vb4show = 1;
@ -1232,7 +1205,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
my $log4rel = $vb4show && !defined $hash->{HELPER}{LONGRUN_PID} ? 1 : 0;
if(AttrVal ($name, 'verbose', 3) > 3) {
if (AttrVal ($name, 'verbose', 3) > 3) {
if($log4rel) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ################################################################");
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - ### start of new Logcycle ###");
@ -1272,11 +1245,11 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - check Device: $dev_name , Event: $event") if($log4rel);
if($dev_name =~ m/^$re$/ || "$dev_name:$event" =~ m/^$re$/ || $DbLogSelectionMode eq 'Include') {
if ($dev_name =~ m/^$re$/ || "$dev_name:$event" =~ m/^$re$/ || $DbLogSelectionMode eq 'Include') {
my $timestamp = $ts_0;
$timestamp = $dev_hash->{CHANGETIME}[$i] if(defined($dev_hash->{CHANGETIME}[$i]));
if($ctz ne 'none') {
if ($ctz ne 'none') {
my $params = {
name => $name,
dtstring => $timestamp,
@ -1299,49 +1272,33 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$reading = $r[0];
$value = $r[1];
$unit = $r[2];
if(!defined $reading) {$reading = "";}
if(!defined $value) {$value = "";}
if(!defined $unit || $unit eq "") {$unit = AttrVal("$dev_name", "unit", "");}
if (!defined $reading) {$reading = "";}
if (!defined $value) {$value = "";}
if (!defined $unit || $unit eq "") {$unit = AttrVal("$dev_name", "unit", "");}
$unit = DbLog_charfilter($unit) if(AttrVal($name, "useCharfilter",0));
# Devices / Readings ausschließen durch Attribut "excludeDevs"
# attr <device> excludeDevs [<devspec>#]<Reading1>,[<devspec>#]<Reading2>,[<devspec>#]<Reading..>
my ($exc,@excldr,$ds,$rd,@exdvs);
$exc = AttrVal($name, "excludeDevs", "");
if($exc) {
$exc =~ s/[\s\n]/,/g;
@excldr = split ',', $exc;
for my $excl (@excldr) {
($ds,$rd) = split '#', $excl;
@exdvs = devspec2array($ds);
if(@exdvs) {
for my $ed (@exdvs) {
if($rd) {
if("$dev_name:$reading" =~ m/^$ed:$rd$/) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Device:Reading \"$dev_name:$reading\" global excluded from logging by attribute \"excludeDevs\" ") if($log4rel);
$next = 1;
else {
if($dev_name =~ m/^$ed$/) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Device \"$dev_name\" global excluded from logging by attribute \"excludeDevs\" ") if($log4rel);
$next = 1;
for my $ed (@exdvs) { # $ed ist "$d[:$r]"
if ($ed =~ /:/xs) {
if ("$dev_name:$reading" =~ m/^$ed$/) {
Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - Device:Reading "$dev_name:$reading" global excluded from logging by attribute "excludeDevs"}) if($log4rel);
$next = 1;
else {
if ($dev_name =~ m/^$ed$/) {
Log3 ($name, 4, qq{$name - Device "$dev_name" global excluded from logging by attribute "excludeDevs"}) if($log4rel);
$next = 1;
next if($next);
next if($next);
Log3 ($name, 5, "$name - parsed Event: $dev_name , Event: $event") if($log4rel);
if($log4rel) {
if ($log4rel) {
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{$name - DbLogExclude of "$dev_name": $DbLogExclude}) if($DbLogExclude);
Log3 ($name, 5, qq{$name - DbLogInclude of "$dev_name": $DbLogInclude}) if($DbLogInclude);
@ -1352,21 +1309,21 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$DoIt = 0;
$DoIt = 1 if($DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Exclude/ );
if($DbLogExclude && $DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Exclude/) { # Bsp: "(temperature|humidity):300,battery:3600:force"
if ($DbLogExclude && $DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Exclude/) { # Bsp: "(temperature|humidity):300,battery:3600:force"
my @v1 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogExclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v1); $i++) {
my @v2 = split /:/, $v1[$i];
$DoIt = 0 if(!$v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,); # Reading matcht auf Regexp, kein MinIntervall angegeben
if(($v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,) && ($v2[1] =~ m/^(\d+)$/)) { # Regexp matcht und MinIntervall ist angegeben
if (($v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,) && ($v2[1] =~ m/^(\d+)$/)) { # Regexp matcht und MinIntervall ist angegeben
my $lt = $defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{TIME};
my $lv = $defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{VALUE};
$lt = 0 if(!$lt);
$lv = "" if(!defined $lv); # Forum: #100344
$force = ($v2[2] && $v2[2] =~ /force/i) ? 1 : 0; # Forum: #97148
if(($now-$lt < $v2[1]) && ($lv eq $value || $force)) { # innerhalb MinIntervall und LastValue=Value
if (($now-$lt < $v2[1]) && ($lv eq $value || $force)) { # innerhalb MinIntervall und LastValue=Value
$DoIt = 0;
@ -1375,15 +1332,15 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
# Hier ggf. zusätzlich noch dbLogInclude pruefen, falls bereits durch DbLogExclude ausgeschlossen
# Im Endeffekt genau die gleiche Pruefung, wie fuer DBLogExclude, lediglich mit umgegkehrtem Ergebnis.
if($DoIt == 0) {
if($DbLogInclude && ($DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Include/)) {
if ($DoIt == 0) {
if ($DbLogInclude && ($DbLogSelectionMode =~ m/Include/)) {
my @v1 = DbLog_attrLong2Array ($DbLogInclude, ',');
for (my $i = 0; $i < int(@v1); $i++) {
my @v2 = split /:/, $v1[$i];
$DoIt = 1 if($reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,); # Reading matcht auf Regexp
if(($v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,) && ($v2[1] =~ m/^(\d+)$/)) { # Regexp matcht und MinIntervall ist angegeben
if (($v2[1] && $reading =~ m,^$v2[0]$,) && ($v2[1] =~ m/^(\d+)$/)) { # Regexp matcht und MinIntervall ist angegeben
my $lt = $defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{TIME};
my $lv = $defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{VALUE};
$lt = 0 if(!$lt);
@ -1416,7 +1373,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{TIME} = $now;
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{VALUE} = $value;
if($DbLogValueFn ne '') { # Device spezifische DbLogValueFn-Funktion anwenden
if ($DbLogValueFn ne '') { # Device spezifische DbLogValueFn-Funktion anwenden
my $TIMESTAMP = $timestamp;
my $LASTTIMESTAMP = $lastt // 0; # patch Forum:#111423
my $DEVICE = $dev_name;
@ -1429,7 +1386,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
my $CN = " ";
eval $DbLogValueFn;
if($@) {
if ($@) {
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name - error device \"$dev_name\" specific DbLogValueFn: ".$@);
@ -1437,7 +1394,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{TIME} = $lastt if($lastt); # patch Forum:#111423
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{VALUE} = $lastv if(defined $lastv);
if($log4rel) {
if ($log4rel) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Event ignored by device \"$dev_name\" specific DbLogValueFn - TS: $timestamp, Device: $dev_name, Type: $dev_type, Event: $event, Reading: $reading, Value: $value, Unit: $unit");
@ -1459,7 +1416,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$unit = $UNIT if(defined $UNIT);
if($value_fn ne '') { # zentrale valueFn im DbLog-Device abarbeiten
if ($value_fn ne '') { # zentrale valueFn im DbLog-Device abarbeiten
my $NAME = $name;
my $TIMESTAMP = $timestamp;
my $LASTTIMESTAMP = $lastt // 0; # patch Forum:#111423
@ -1482,7 +1439,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{TIME} = $lastt if($lastt); # patch Forum:#111423
$defs{$dev_name}{Helper}{DBLOG}{$reading}{$name}{VALUE} = $lastv if(defined $lastv);
if($log4rel) {
if ($log4rel) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Event ignored by valueFn - TS: $timestamp, Device: $dev_name, Type: $dev_type, Event: $event, Reading: $reading, Value: $value, Unit: $unit");
@ -1512,34 +1469,34 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
my $row = $timestamp."|".$dev_name."|".$dev_type."|".$event."|".$reading."|".$value."|".$unit;
if($log4rel) {
if ($log4rel) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - added event - Timestamp: $timestamp, Device: $dev_name, Type: $dev_type, Event: $event, Reading: $reading, Value: $value, Unit: $unit");
$memcount = DbLog_addMemCacheRow ($name, $row); # Datensatz zum Memory Cache hinzufügen
$memcount = DbLog_addMemCacheRow ($name, $row); # Datensatz zum Memory Cache hinzufügen
if (!$memcount) {
$net = tv_interval($nst); # Notify-Routine Laufzeit ermitteln
$net = tv_interval($nst); # Notify-Routine Laufzeit ermitteln
if(AttrVal($name, 'showNotifyTime', 0)) {
if (AttrVal($name, 'showNotifyTime', 0)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'notify_processing_time', sprintf("%.4f",$net), 1);
if($async) { # asynchoner non-blocking Mode
if ($async) { # asynchoner non-blocking Mode
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'CacheUsage', $memcount, ($ce == 1 ? 1 : 0)) if($DoIt);
if($memcount >= $clim) { # asynchrone Schreibroutine aufrufen wenn Füllstand des Cache erreicht ist
if ($memcount >= $clim) { # asynchrone Schreibroutine aufrufen wenn Füllstand des Cache erreicht ist
my $lmlr = $hash->{HELPER}{LASTLIMITRUNTIME};
my $syncival = AttrVal($name, "syncInterval", 30);
if(!$lmlr || gettimeofday() > $lmlr+($syncival/2)) {
if (!$lmlr || gettimeofday() > $lmlr+($syncival/2)) {
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name - Number of cache entries reached cachelimit $clim - start database sync.");
@ -1550,7 +1507,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
if(!$async) { # synchroner non-blocking Mode
if (!$async) { # synchroner non-blocking Mode
return if(defined $hash->{HELPER}{SHUTDOWNSEQ}); # Shutdown Sequenz läuft
return if($hash->{HELPER}{REOPEN_RUNS}); # return wenn "reopen" mit Ablaufzeit gestartet ist
@ -1562,7 +1519,7 @@ sub DbLog_Log {
$net = tv_interval($nst); # Notify-Routine Laufzeit ermitteln
if(AttrVal($name, 'showNotifyTime', 0)) {
if (AttrVal($name, 'showNotifyTime', 0)) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, 'notify_processing_time', sprintf("%.4f",$net), 1);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user