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synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00
93_DbRep: V7.18.0, possible use of y:(\d) in timeDiffToNow, timeOlderThan, delEntries considers executeBeforeDump, executeAfterDump, minor fixes
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@16808 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 93_DbRep: V7.18.0, possible use of y:(\d) in timeDiffToNow,
timeOlderThan, delEntries considers executeBeforeDump,
executeAfterDump, minor fixes
- feature: 49_SSCam: PTZ-Panel integrated into created StreamDevice
- fixed: 74_Unifi: import encode_json for newest libs
- change: 10_KNX: new major release. See commandref for details. The
@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
# Versions History:
# 7.18.0 02.06.2018 possible use of y:(\d) for timeDiffToNow, timeOlderThan , minor fixes of timeOlderThan
# delEntries considers executeBeforeDump,executeAfterDump
# 7.17.3 30.04.2017 writeToDB - readingname can be replaced by the value of attribute "readingNameMap"
# 7.17.2 22.04.2017 fix don't writeToDB if device name contain "." only, minor fix in DbReadingsVal
# 7.17.1 20.04.2017 fix "§" is deleted by carfilter
@ -339,7 +341,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
sub DbRep_Main($$;$);
sub DbLog_cutCol($$$$$$$); # DbLog-Funktion nutzen um Daten auf maximale Länge beschneiden
my $DbRepVersion = "7.17.3";
my $DbRepVersion = "7.18.0";
my %dbrep_col = ("DEVICE" => 64,
"TYPE" => 64,
@ -690,7 +692,8 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
$hash->{LASTCMD} = $prop?"$opt $prop":"$opt";
if (!AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "allowDeletion", undef)) {
return " Set attribute 'allowDeletion' if you want to allow deletion of any database entries. Use it with care !";
DbRep_beforeproc($hash, "delEntries");
} elsif ($opt =~ m/tableCurrentFillup/ && $hash->{ROLE} ne "Agent") {
@ -796,7 +799,7 @@ sub DbRep_Set($@) {
$sqlcmd =~ tr/ A-Za-z0-9!"#$§%&'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~äöüÄÖÜ߀/ /cs;
if($opt eq "sqlCmdHistory") {
$prop =~ tr/ A-Za-z0-9!"#$§%&'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~äöüÄÖÜ߀/ /cs;
$prop =~ tr/ A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&'()*+,-.\/:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~äöüÄÖÜ߀/ /cs;
$prop =~ s/<c>/,/g;
$sqlcmd = $prop;
if($sqlcmd eq "___purge_historylist___") {
@ -1132,16 +1135,16 @@ sub DbRep_Attr($$$$) {
unless ($aVal =~ m/^[A-Za-z\d_\.-]+$/) { return " Unsupported character in $aName found. Use only A-Z a-z _ . -";}
if ($aName eq "timeDiffToNow") {
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $aVal =~ /^\s*[dhms]:([\d]+)\s*/ && $aVal !~ /.*,.*/ )
{ return "The Value of \"$aName\" isn't valid. Set simple seconds like \"86400\" or use form like \"d:10 h:6 m:12 s:20\". Refer to commandref !";}
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $aVal =~ /^\s*[ydhms]:([\d]+)\s*/ && $aVal !~ /.*,.*/ )
{ return "The Value of \"$aName\" isn't valid. Set simple seconds like \"86400\" or use form like \"y:1 d:10 h:6 m:12 s:20\". Refer to commandref !";}
delete($attr{$name}{timestamp_begin}) if ($attr{$name}{timestamp_begin});
delete($attr{$name}{timestamp_end}) if ($attr{$name}{timestamp_end});
delete($attr{$name}{timeOlderThan}) if ($attr{$name}{timeOlderThan});
delete($attr{$name}{timeYearPeriod}) if ($attr{$name}{timeYearPeriod});
if ($aName eq "timeOlderThan") {
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $aVal =~ /^\s*[dhms]:([\d]+)\s*/ && $aVal !~ /.*,.*/ )
{ return "The Value of \"$aName\" isn't valid. Set simple seconds like \"86400\" or use form like \"d:10 h:6 m:12 s:20\". Refer to commandref !";}
unless ($aVal =~ /^[0-9]+$/ || $aVal =~ /^\s*[ydhms]:([\d]+)\s*/ && $aVal !~ /.*,.*/ )
{ return "The Value of \"$aName\" isn't valid. Set simple seconds like \"86400\" or use form like \"y:1 d:10 h:6 m:12 s:20\". Refer to commandref !";}
delete($attr{$name}{timestamp_begin}) if ($attr{$name}{timestamp_begin});
delete($attr{$name}{timestamp_end}) if ($attr{$name}{timestamp_end});
delete($attr{$name}{timeDiffToNow}) if ($attr{$name}{timeDiffToNow});
@ -1620,10 +1623,8 @@ sub DbRep_createTimeArray($$$) {
my ($tsbegin,$tsend,$dim,$tsub,$tadd);
my ($rsec,$rmin,$rhour,$rmday,$rmon,$ryear);
# absolute Auswertungszeiträume statische und dynamische (Beginn / Ende) berechnen
if($hash->{HELPER}{MINTS} && $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS} =~ m/0000-00-00/) {
Log3 ($name, 1, "DbRep $name - ERROR - wrong timestamp \"$hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}\" found in database. Please delete it !");
delete $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS};
@ -1873,10 +1874,8 @@ sub DbRep_createTimeArray($$$) {
# extrahieren der Einzelwerte von Datum/Zeit Ende
my ($yyyy2, $mm2, $dd2, $hh2, $min2, $sec2) = ($tsend =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
# relative Auswertungszeit Beginn berücksichtigen
# Umwandeln in Epochesekunden Beginn
# relative Auswertungszeit Beginn berücksichtigen # Umwandeln in Epochesekunden Beginn
my $epoch_seconds_begin = timelocal($sec1, $min1, $hh1, $dd1, $mm1-1, $yyyy1-1900) if($tsbegin);
my ($timeolderthan,$timedifftonow) = DbRep_normRelTime($hash);
@ -1884,17 +1883,17 @@ sub DbRep_createTimeArray($$$) {
$epoch_seconds_begin = time() - $timedifftonow;
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Time difference to current time for calculating Timestamp begin: $timedifftonow sec");
} elsif ($timeolderthan) {
$epoch_seconds_begin = timelocal(00, 00, 01, 01, 01-1, 1970-1900);
my $mints = $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}?$hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}:"1970-01-01 01:00:00"; # Timestamp des 1. Datensatzes verwenden falls ermittelt
$mints =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\s(\d+):(\d+):(\d+)$/;
$epoch_seconds_begin = timelocal($6, $5, $4, $3, $2-1, $1-1900);
my $tsbegin_string = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($epoch_seconds_begin);
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - Timestamp begin epocheseconds: $epoch_seconds_begin") if($opt !~ /tableCurrentPurge/);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Timestamp begin human readable: $tsbegin_string") if($opt !~ /tableCurrentPurge/);
# relative Auswertungszeit Ende berücksichtigen
# Umwandeln in Epochesekunden Endezeit
# relative Auswertungszeit Ende berücksichtigen # Umwandeln in Epochesekunden Endezeit
my $epoch_seconds_end = timelocal($sec2, $min2, $hh2, $dd2, $mm2-1, $yyyy2-1900);
$epoch_seconds_end = $timeolderthan ? (time() - $timeolderthan) : $epoch_seconds_end;
@ -1908,9 +1907,8 @@ sub DbRep_createTimeArray($$$) {
Log3 ($name, 5, "DbRep $name - Timestamp end epocheseconds: $epoch_seconds_end") if($opt !~ /tableCurrentPurge/);
Log3 ($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Timestamp end human readable: $tsend_string") if($opt !~ /tableCurrentPurge/);
# Erstellung Wertehash für Aggregationen
my $runtime = $epoch_seconds_begin; # Schleifenlaufzeit auf Beginn der Zeitselektion setzen
my $runtime_string; # Datum/Zeit im SQL-Format für Readingname Teilstring
my $runtime_string_first; # Datum/Zeit Auswertungsbeginn im SQL-Format für SQL-Statement
@ -3728,8 +3726,12 @@ sub del_ParseDone($) {
$device =~ s/[^A-Za-z\/\d_\.-]/\//g;
my $reading = $a[6];
$reading =~ s/[^A-Za-z\/\d_\.-]/\//g;
my $erread;
if ($err) {
# Befehl nach Procedure ausführen
$erread = DbRep_afterproc($hash, "delEntries");
if ($err) {
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "errortext", $err, 1);
ReadingsSingleUpdateValue ($hash, "state", "error", 1);
@ -3755,7 +3757,8 @@ sub del_ParseDone($) {
$rows = ($table eq "current")?$rows:$ds.$rds.$rows;
Log3 ($name, 3, "DbRep $name - Entries of $hash->{DATABASE}.$table deleted: $rows");
my $state = $erread?$erread:"done";
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
@ -7630,14 +7633,18 @@ return;
# liefert die Attribute timeOlderThan, timeDiffToNow als Sekunden normiert zurück
sub DbRep_normRelTime ($) {
sub DbRep_normRelTime($) {
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $tdtn = AttrVal($name, "timeDiffToNow", undef);
my $toth = AttrVal($name, "timeOlderThan", undef);
if($tdtn && $tdtn =~ /^\s*[dhms]:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+)\s*/) {
my ($d,$h,$m,$s);
if($tdtn && $tdtn =~ /^\s*[ydhms]:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+)\s*/) {
my ($y,$d,$h,$m,$s);
if($tdtn =~ /.*y:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/) {
$y = $tdtn;
$y =~ s/.*y:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/$1/e;
if($tdtn =~ /.*d:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/) {
$d = $tdtn;
$d =~ s/.*d:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/$1/e;
@ -7656,18 +7663,24 @@ sub DbRep_normRelTime ($) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - timeDiffToNow - day: $d, hour: $h, min: $m, sec: $s ");
Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - timeDiffToNow - year: $y, day: $d, hour: $h, min: $m, sec: $s ");
use warnings;
$d = $d?($d*86400)+1:0; # one security second for correct create TimeArray
$h = $h?($h*3600)+1:0;
$m = $m?($m*60)+1:0;
$y = $y?($y*365*86400):0;
$d = $d?($d*86400):0;
$h = $h?($h*3600):0;
$m = $m?($m*60):0;
$s = $s?$s:0;
$tdtn = $d + $h + $m +$s;
$tdtn = $y + $d + $h + $m + $s + 1; # one security second for correct create TimeArray
$tdtn = DbRep_corrRelTime($name,$tdtn,1);
if($toth && $toth =~ /^\s*[dhms]:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+)\s*/) {
my ($d,$h,$m,$s);
if($toth && $toth =~ /^\s*[ydhms]:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+)\s*/) {
my ($y,$d,$h,$m,$s);
if($toth =~ /.*y:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/) {
$y = $toth;
$y =~ s/.*y:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/$1/e;
if($toth =~ /.*d:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/) {
$d = $toth;
$d =~ s/.*d:(([\d]+.[\d]+)|[\d]+).*/$1/e;
@ -7686,22 +7699,95 @@ sub DbRep_normRelTime ($) {
no warnings 'uninitialized';
Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - timeDiffToNow - day: $d, hour: $h, min: $m, sec: $s ");
Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - timeOlderThan - year: $y, day: $d, hour: $h, min: $m, sec: $s ");
use warnings;
$d = $d?($d*86400)+1:0; # one security second for correct create TimeArray
$h = $h?($h*3600)+1:0;
$m = $m?($m*60)+1:0;
$y = $y?($y*365*86400):0;
$d = $d?($d*86400):0;
$h = $h?($h*3600):0;
$m = $m?($m*60):0;
$s = $s?$s:0;
$toth = $d + $h + $m +$s;
$toth = $y + $d + $h + $m + $s + 1; # one security second for correct create TimeArray
$toth = DbRep_corrRelTime($name,$toth,0);
return ($toth,$tdtn);
# Korrektur Schaltjahr und Sommer/Winterzeit bei relativen Zeitangaben
sub DbRep_corrRelTime($$$) {
my ($name,$tim,$tdtn) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
# year als Jahre seit 1900
# $mon als 0..11
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst);
my ($dsec,$dmin,$dhour,$dmday,$dmon,$dyear,$dwday,$dyday,$disdst);
if($tdtn) {
# timeDiffToNow
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); # Startzeit Ableitung
($dsec,$dmin,$dhour,$dmday,$dmon,$dyear,$dwday,$dyday,$disdst) = localtime(time-$tim); # Analyse Zieltimestamp timeDiffToNow
} else {
# timeOlderThan
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time-$tim); # Startzeit Ableitung
my $mints = $hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}?$hash->{HELPER}{MINTS}:"1970-01-01 01:00:00"; # Timestamp des 1. Datensatzes verwenden falls ermittelt
my ($yyyy1, $mm1, $dd1, $hh1, $min1, $sec1) = ($mints =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+) (\d+):(\d+):(\d+)/);
my $tsend = timelocal($sec1, $min1, $hh1, $dd1, $mm1-1, $yyyy1-1900);
($dsec,$dmin,$dhour,$dmday,$dmon,$dyear,$dwday,$dyday,$disdst) = localtime($tsend); # Analyse Zieltimestamp timeOlderThan
$year += 1900;
$dyear += 1900;
my $k = $year - $dyear;
my $mg = ((int($mon)+1)+(($year-$dyear-1)*12)+(11-int($dmon)+1)); # Gesamtzahl der Monate des Bewertungszeitraumes
my $cly = 0; # Anzahl Schaltjahre innerhalb Beginn und Ende Auswertungszeitraum
my $fly = 0; # erstes Schaltjahr nach Start
my $lly = 0; # letzes Schaltjahr nach Start
while ($dyear+$k >= $dyear) {
my $ily = DbRep_IsLeapYear($name,$dyear+$k);
$cly++ if($ily);
$fly = $dyear+$k if($ily && !$fly);
$lly = $dyear+$k if($ily);
# Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - countleapyear: $cly firstleapyear: $fly lastleapyear: $lly totalmonth: $mg isdaylight:$isdst destdaylight:$disdst");
if( ($fly <= $year && $mon > 1) && ($lly > $dyear || ($lly = $dyear && $dmon < 1)) ) {
$tim += $cly*86400;
# Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - leap year correction 1");
} else {
$tim += ($cly-1)*86400 if($cly);
# Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - leap year correction 2");
# Sommer/Winterzeitkorrektur
$tim += ($disdst-$isdst)*3600 if($disdst != $isdst);
return $tim;
# liefert zurück ob übergebenes Jahr ein Schaltjahr ist ($ily = 1)
# Es gilt:
# - Wenn ein Jahr durch 4 teilbar ist, ist es ein Schaltjahr, aber
# - wenn es durch 100 teilbar ist, ist es kein schaltjahr, außer
# - es ist durch 400 teilbar, dann ist es ein schaltjahr
sub DbRep_IsLeapYear($$) {
my ($name,$year) = @_;
my $ily = 0;
if ($year % 4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0 || $year % 400 == 0) { # $year modulo 4 -> muß 0 sein
$ily = 1;
Log3($name, 4, "DbRep $name - Year $year is leap year") if($ily);
return $ily;
# Zeichencodierung für Fileexport filtern
sub DbRep_charfilter ($) {
sub DbRep_charfilter($) {
my ($txt) = @_;
# nur erwünschte Zeichen, Filtern von Steuerzeichen
@ -9205,10 +9291,28 @@ return;
"timestamp_begin" is set: deletes db entries <b>from</b> this timestamp until current date/time <br>
"timestamp_end" is set : deletes db entries <b>until</b> this timestamp <br>
both Timestamps are set : deletes db entries <b>between</b> these timestamps <br><br>
both Timestamps are set : deletes db entries <b>between</b> these timestamps <br>
Same is valid if one of attributes "timeOlderThan, timeDiffToNow" is used. <br><br>
Due to security reasons the attribute <a href="#DbRepattr">attribute</a> "allowDeletion" needs to be set to unlock the
delete-function. <br>
The relevant attributes to control function changeValue delEntries are: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>allowDeletion</b> </td><td>: unlock the delete function </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <device> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: selection only of datasets which contain <reading> </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: a number of attributes to limit selection by time </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeBeforeProc</b> </td><td>: execute a FHEM command (or perl-routine) before start of delEntries </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeAfterProc</b> </td><td>: execute a FHEM command (or perl-routine) after delEntries is finished </td></tr>
@ -10571,6 +10675,10 @@ sub bdump {
# the start time is set to "current time - 600 minutes" gesetzt <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow h:2.5</code> <br>
# the start time is set to "current time - 2,5 hours" <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow y:1 h:2.5</code> <br>
# the start time is set to "current time - 1 year and 2,5 hours" <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow y:1.5</code> <br>
# the start time is set to "current time - 1.5 years" <br>
@ -10982,10 +11090,28 @@ sub bdump {
"timestamp_begin" gesetzt: gelöscht werden DB-Einträge <b>ab</b> diesem Zeitpunkt bis zum aktuellen Datum/Zeit <br>
"timestamp_end" gesetzt : gelöscht werden DB-Einträge <b>bis</b> bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt <br>
beide Timestamps gesetzt : gelöscht werden DB-Einträge <b>zwischen</b> diesen Zeitpunkten <br>
Entsprechendes gilt bei Verwendung der Attribute "timeOlderThan, timeDiffToNow". <br>
Aus Sicherheitsgründen muss das <a href="#DbRepattr">Attribut</a> "allowDeletion"
gesetzt sein um die Löschfunktion freizuschalten. <br>
gesetzt sein um die Löschfunktion freizuschalten. <br><br>
Die zur Steuerung von delEntries relevanten Attribute: <br><br>
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>allowDeletion</b> </td><td>: Freischaltung der Löschfunktion </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>device</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <device> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>reading</b> </td><td>: Selektion nur von Datensätzen die <reading> enthalten </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>time.*</b> </td><td>: eine Reihe von Attributen zur Zeitabgrenzung </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeBeforeProc</b> </td><td>: ausführen FHEM Kommando (oder perl-Routine) vor Start delEntries </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>executeAfterProc</b> </td><td>: ausführen FHEM Kommando (oder perl-Routine) nach Ende delEntries </td></tr>
@ -12362,6 +12488,10 @@ sub bdump {
# die Startzeit wird auf "aktuelle Zeit - 600 Minuten" gesetzt <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow h:2.5</code> <br>
# die Startzeit wird auf "aktuelle Zeit - 2,5 Stunden" gesetzt <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow y:1 h:2.5</code> <br>
# die Startzeit wird auf "aktuelle Zeit - 1 Jahr und 2,5 Stunden" gesetzt <br>
<code>attr <name> timeDiffToNow y:1.5</code> <br>
# die Startzeit wird auf "aktuelle Zeit - 1,5 Jahre gesetzt <br>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user