mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 04:36:36 +00:00
57_SSCal: contrib 1.3.0
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@21089 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ eval "use FHEM::Meta;1" or my $modMetaAbsent = 1;
# Versions History intern
my %SSCal_vNotesIntern = (
"1.3.0" => "01.02.2020 new command \"cleanCompleteTasks\" to delete completed tasks, \"deleteEventId\" to delete an event id, ".
"new get command \"apiInfo\" - detect and show API info, avoid empty readings ",
"1.2.0" => "29.01.2020 get tasks from calendar with set command 'calToDoList' ",
"1.1.14" => "29.01.2020 ignore calendars of type ne 'Event' for set calEventList ",
"1.1.13" => "20.01.2020 change save and read credentials routine ",
@ -155,7 +157,7 @@ return;
# define SyncalBot SSCal [5000] [HTTP(S)]
# ($hash) [1] [2] [3] [4]
# [1] [2] [3] [4]
sub SSCal_Define($@) {
@ -338,7 +340,20 @@ sub SSCal_Set($@) {
return if(IsDisabled($name));
my $idxlist = join(",", SSCal_sortVersion("asc",keys %{$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}}));
# alle aktuell angezeigten Event Id's ermitteln
my (@idarray,$evids);
foreach my $key (keys %{$defs{$name}{READINGS}}) {
next if $key !~ /^.*_EventId$/;
push (@idarray, $defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}{VAL});
if(@idarray) {
my %seen;
my @unique = sort{$a<=>$b} grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @idarray; # distinct / unique the keys
$evids = join(",", @unique);
if(!$hash->{CREDENTIALS}) {
# initiale setlist für neue Devices
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
@ -348,7 +363,9 @@ sub SSCal_Set($@) {
$setlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"calEventList ".
"calToDoList ".
"cleanCompleteTasks:noArg ".
"credentials ".
($evids?"deleteEventId:$evids ":"deleteEventId:noArg ").
"eraseReadings:noArg ".
"listSendqueue:noArg ".
"logout:noArg ".
@ -491,6 +508,71 @@ sub SSCal_Set($@) {
} elsif ($opt eq "cleanCompleteTasks") { # erledigte Aufgaben einer Cal_id (Liste) löschen
return "Obtain the Calendar list first with \"get $name getCalendars\" command." if(!$hash->{HELPER}{CALFETCHED});
my $cals = AttrVal($name,"usedCalendars", "");
shift @a; shift @a;
my $c = join(" ", @a);
$cals = $c?$c:$cals;
return "Please set attribute \"usedCalendars\" or specify the Calendar(s) you want read in \"$opt\" command." if(!$cals);
# Kalender aufsplitten und zu jedem die ID ermitteln
my @ca = split(",", $cals);
my $oids;
foreach (@ca) {
my $oid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$_"}{id};
next if(!$oid);
if ($hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$_"}{type} ne "ToDo") {
Log3($name, 3, "$name - The Calendar \"$_\" is not of type \"ToDo\" and will be ignored.");
$oids .= "," if($oids);
$oids .= '"'.$oid.'"';
Log3($name, 2, "$name - WARNING - The Calendar \"$_\" seems to be unknown because its ID couldn't be found.") if(!$oid);
return "No Calendar of type \"ToDo\" was selected or its ID(s) couldn't be found." if(!$oids);
Log3($name, 5, "$name - Calendar selection for add queue: $cals");
# <Name, operation mode, API (siehe %SSCal_api), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
} elsif ($opt eq "deleteEventId") {
return "You must specify an event id (Reading EventId) what is to be deleted." if(!$prop);
my $eventid = $prop;
# Blocknummer ermitteln
my $bnr;
my @allrds = keys%{$defs{$name}{READINGS}};
foreach my $key(@allrds) {
next if $key !~ /^.*_EventId$/;
$bnr = (split("_", $key))[0] if($defs{$name}{READINGS}{$key}{VAL} == $eventid); # Blocknummer ermittelt
return "The blocknumber of specified event id could not be identified. Make sure you have specified a valid event id." if(!$bnr);
# die Summary zur Event Id ermitteln
my $sum = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_01_Summary", "");
# Kalendername und dessen id und Typ ermitteln
my $calname = ReadingsVal($name, $bnr."_90_calName", "");
my $calid = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$calname"}{id};
my $caltype = $hash->{HELPER}{CALENDARS}{"$calname"}{type};
# Kalender-API in Abhängigkeit des Kalendertyps wählen
my $api = ($caltype eq "Event")?"CALEVENT":"CALTODO";
Log3($name, 3, "$name - The event \"$sum\" with id \"$eventid\" will be deleted in calendar \"$calname\".");
# <Name, operation mode, API (siehe %SSCal_api), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
} elsif ($opt eq "restartSendqueue") {
my $ret = SSCal_getapisites($name);
if($ret) {
@ -529,6 +611,7 @@ sub SSCal_Get($@) {
} else {
$getlist = "Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".
"apiInfo:noArg ".
"getCalendars:noArg ".
"storedCredentials:noArg ".
"versionNotes "
@ -548,7 +631,16 @@ sub SSCal_Get($@) {
"Username: $username, Password: $passwd \n"
} elsif ($opt eq "getCalendars") { # Liste aller Kalender abrufen
} elsif ($opt eq "apiInfo") { # Liste aller Kalender abrufen
# übergebenen CL-Hash (FHEMWEB) in Helper eintragen
$hash->{HELPER}{APIPARSET} = 0; # Abruf API Infos erzwingen
# <Name, operation mode, API (siehe %SSCal_api), auszuführende API-Methode, spezifische API-Parameter>
} elsif ($opt eq "getCalendars") { # Liste aller Kalender abrufen
# übergebenen CL-Hash (FHEMWEB) in Helper eintragen
@ -760,8 +852,8 @@ sub SSCal_checkretry ($$) {
if($errorcode =~ /119/) {
delete $hash->{HELPER}{SID};
if($errorcode =~ /100|101|117|120|407|409|800|900/) { # bei diesen Errorcodes den Queueeintrag nicht wiederholen, da dauerhafter Fehler !
$forbidSend = SSCal_experror($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
if($errorcode =~ /100|101|103|117|120|407|409|800|900/) { # bei diesen Errorcodes den Queueeintrag nicht wiederholen, da dauerhafter Fehler !
$forbidSend = SSCal_experror($hash,$errorcode); # Fehlertext zum Errorcode ermitteln
$data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{forbidSend} = $forbidSend;
Log3($name, 2, "$name - ERROR - \"$hash->{OPMODE}\" SendQueue index \"$idx\" not executed. It seems to be a permanent error. Exclude it from new send attempt !");
@ -863,7 +955,7 @@ sub SSCal_getapisites($) {
Log3($name, 5, "$name - HTTP-Call will be done with timeout: $timeout s");
# URL zur Abfrage der Eigenschaften der API's
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/query.cgi?api=$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME}&method=Query&version=1&query=$SSCal_api{APIAUTH}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALCAL}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALEVENT}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALSHARE}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME}";
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/query.cgi?api=$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME}&method=Query&version=1&query=$SSCal_api{APIAUTH}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALCAL}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALEVENT}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALSHARE}{NAME},$SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME},$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME}";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Call-Out: $url");
@ -885,10 +977,11 @@ return;
sub SSCal_getapisites_parse ($) {
my ($param, $err, $myjson) = @_;
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $addr = $hash->{ADDR};
my $port = $hash->{PORT};
my $hash = $param->{hash};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $addr = $hash->{ADDR};
my $port = $hash->{PORT};
my $opmode = $hash->{OPMODE};
my ($error,$errorcode,$success);
@ -972,10 +1065,22 @@ sub SSCal_getapisites_parse ($) {
$logstr = defined($apitodopath) ? "Path of $SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME} selected: $apitodopath" : "Path of $SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME} undefined - Synology cal Server may be stopped";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $logstr");
$logstr = defined($apitodomaxver) ? "MaxVersion of $SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME} selected: $apitodomaxver" : "MaxVersion of $SSCal_api{CALTODO}{NAME} undefined - Synology cal Server may be stopped";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $logstr");
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $logstr");
# Pfad und Maxversion von "SYNO.API.Info" ermitteln
my $apiinfopath = $data->{data}->{$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME}}->{path};
$apiinfopath =~ tr/_//d if (defined($apiinfopath));
my $apiinfomaxver = $data->{data}->{$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME}}->{maxVersion};
$logstr = defined($apiinfopath) ? "Path of $SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME} selected: $apiinfopath" : "Path of $SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME} undefined - Synology cal Server may be stopped";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $logstr");
$logstr = defined($apiinfomaxver) ? "MaxVersion of $SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME} selected: $apiinfomaxver" : "MaxVersion of $SSCal_api{APIINFO}{NAME} undefined - Synology cal Server may be stopped";
Log3($name, 4, "$name - $logstr");
# ermittelte Werte in $hash einfügen
$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{PATH} = $apiinfopath;
$SSCal_api{APIINFO}{MAX} = $apiinfomaxver;
$SSCal_api{APIAUTH}{PATH} = $apiauthpath;
$SSCal_api{APIAUTH}{MAX} = $apiauthmaxver;
$SSCal_api{CALCAL}{PATH} = $apicalpath;
@ -986,14 +1091,42 @@ sub SSCal_getapisites_parse ($) {
$SSCal_api{CALSHARE}{MAX} = $apisharemaxver;
$SSCal_api{CALTODO}{PATH} = $apitodopath;
$SSCal_api{CALTODO}{MAX} = $apitodomaxver;
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Errorcode","none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Error", "none");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
# API values sind gesetzt in Hash
$hash->{HELPER}{APIPARSET} = 1;
if ($opmode eq "apiInfo") { # API Infos in Popup anzeigen
my $out = "<html>";
$out .= "<b>Synology Calendar API Info</b> <br><br>";
$out .= "<table class=\"roomoverview\" style=\"text-align:left; border:1px solid; padding:5px; border-spacing:5px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;\">";
$out .= "<tr><td> <b>API</b> </td><td> <b>Path</b> </td><td> <b>Version</b> </td></tr>";
$out .= "<tr><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td></tr>";
foreach my $key (keys %SSCal_api) {
my $apiname = $SSCal_api{$key}{NAME};
my $apipath = $SSCal_api{$key}{PATH};
my $apiver = $SSCal_api{$key}{MAX};
$out .= "<tr><td> $apiname </td><td> $apipath </td><td> $apiver</td></tr>";
$out .= "</table>";
$out .= "</html>";
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Errorcode","none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash,"Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
# Ausgabe Popup der User-Daten (nach readingsEndUpdate positionieren sonst
# "Connection lost, trying reconnect every 5 seconds" wenn > 102400 Zeichen)
} else {
$errorcode = "806";
@ -1040,6 +1173,10 @@ sub SSCal_calop ($) {
Log3($name, 5, "$name - HTTP-Call will be done with timeout: $timeout s");
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/".$SSCal_api{$api}{PATH}."?api=".$SSCal_api{$api}{NAME}."&version=".$SSCal_api{$api}{MAX}."&method=$method".$params."&_sid=$sid";
if($opmode eq "deleteEventId" && $api eq "CALEVENT") { # Workaround !!! Methode delete funktioniert nicht mit SYNO.Cal.Event version > 1
$url = "$prot://$addr:$port/webapi/".$SSCal_api{$api}{PATH}."?api=".$SSCal_api{$api}{NAME}."&version=1&method=$method".$params."&_sid=$sid";
my $part = $url;
if(AttrVal($name, "showPassInLog", "0") == 1) {
@ -1178,7 +1315,7 @@ sub SSCal_calop_parse ($) {
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
} elsif ($opmode eq "eventlist") { # Events der ausgewählten Kalender aufbereiten
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Eventlist-Hash löschen
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Event/ToDo Hash löschen
$hash->{eventlist} = $data; # Data-Hashreferenz im Hash speichern
if ($am) { # Extrahieren der Events asynchron (nicht-blockierend)
@ -1194,7 +1331,7 @@ sub SSCal_calop_parse ($) {
} elsif ($opmode eq "todolist") { # ToDo's der ausgewählten Tasks-Kalender aufbereiten
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Eventlist-Hash löschen
delete $data{SSCal}{$name}{eventlist}; # zentrales Event/ToDo Hash löschen
$hash->{eventlist} = $data; # Data-Hashreferenz im Hash speichern
if ($am) { # Extrahieren der ToDos asynchron (nicht-blockierend)
@ -1208,7 +1345,40 @@ sub SSCal_calop_parse ($) {
Log3($name, 4, "$name - Task parse mode: synchronous");
SSCal_extractEventlist ($name);
} elsif ($opmode eq "cleanCompleteTasks") { # abgeschlossene ToDos wurden gelöscht
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
Log3($name, 3, "$name - All completed tasks were deleted from selected ToDo lists");
} elsif ($opmode eq "deleteEventId") { # ein Kalendereintrag mit Event Id wurde gelöscht
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Errorcode", "none");
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ($hash, "Error", "none");
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", "done");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash,1);
Log3($name, 3, "$name - The specified event id was deleted");
# Queuedefinition sichern vor checkretry
my $idx = $hash->{OPIDX};
my $api = $data{SSCal}{$name}{sendqueue}{entries}{$idx}{api};
my $set = ($api eq "CALEVENT")?"calEventList":"calToDoList";
# Kalendereinträge neu einlesen nach dem löschen Event Id
CommandSet(undef, "$name $set");
} else {
# die API-Operation war fehlerhaft
@ -1930,6 +2100,7 @@ return ($nbss,$nbmm,$nbhh,$bmday,$bmonth,$byear,$ness,$nemm,$nehh,$emday,$emonth
# Ergebisarray Aufbau:
# 0 1 2
# (Index aus BeginTimestamp+lfNr) , (Blockindex_Reading) , (Wert)
sub SSCal_writeValuesToArray ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
my ($name,$n,$vh,$tz,$bdate,$btime,$bts,$edate,$etime,$ets,$aref) = @_;
@ -1937,7 +2108,7 @@ sub SSCal_writeValuesToArray ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $ts = time(); # Istzeit Timestamp
my $om = $hash->{OPMODE}; # aktuelle Operation Mode
my $status = "";
my $status = "initialized";
my ($val,$uts,$td);
my ($upcoming,$alarmed,$started,$ended) = (0,0,0,0);
@ -1948,40 +2119,40 @@ sub SSCal_writeValuesToArray ($$$$$$$$$$$) {
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 02_Begin " .$bdate." ".$btime."\n") if($bdate && $btime);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 03_End " .$edate." ".$etime."\n") if($edate && $etime);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 04_bTimestamp " .$bts."\n") if($bts);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 05_eTimestamp " .$ets."\n") if($ets);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 02_bTimestamp " .$bts."\n") if($bts);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 03_eTimestamp " .$ets."\n") if($ets);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 09_Timezone " .$tz."\n") if($tz);
foreach my $p (keys %{$vh}) {
$vh->{$p} = "" if(!defined $vh->{$p});
next if($vh->{$p} eq "");
# Log3($name, 4, "$name - bts: $bts, Parameter: $p, Value: ".$vh->{$p}) if(ref $p ne "HASH");
$val = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p});
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 01_Summary " .$val."\n") if($p eq "summary");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 06_Description " .$val."\n") if($p eq "description");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 04_Description " .$val."\n") if($p eq "description");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 05_EventId " .$val."\n") if($p eq "evt_id");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 07_Location " .$val."\n") if($p eq "location");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 08_GPS " .$val."\n") if($p eq "gps");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 11_isAllday " .$val."\n") if($p eq "is_all_day");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 12_isRepeatEvt " .$val."\n") if($p eq "is_repeat_evt");
if($p eq "due") {
my (undef,undef,$duedate,$duetime,$duets) = SSCal_explodeDateTime ($hash,$val);
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 15_dueDateTime " .$duedate." ".$duetime."\n");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 15_dueTimestamp " .$duets."\n");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 16_percentComplete " .$val."\n") if($p eq "percent_complete" && # nur bei ToDo-Kalender Abfrage
$om eq "todolist" &&
defined $vh->{$p});
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 20_calName " .SSCal_getCalFromId($hash,$val)."\n") if($p eq "original_cal_id");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 16_percentComplete " .$val."\n") if($p eq "percent_complete");
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 90_calName " .SSCal_getCalFromId($hash,$val)."\n") if($p eq "original_cal_id");
if($p eq "evt_repeat_setting") {
foreach my $r (keys %{$vh->{evt_repeat_setting}}) {
$vh->{$p}{$r} = "" if(!$vh->{$p}{$r});
# Log3($name, 4, "$name - id: $key, Entry: $i, Parameter: $p, Value: ".$data->{data}->{$key}->[$i]->{$p}->{$r});
$val = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r});
$vh->{$p}{$r} = "" if(!defined $vh->{$p}{$r});
next if($vh->{$p}{$r} eq "");
$val = encode("UTF-8", $vh->{$p}{$r});
push(@row_array, $bts+$n." 13_repeatRule ".$val."\n") if($r eq "repeat_rule");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user