mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
98_todoist.pm: bugfix for create
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@27658 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ eval "use Date::Parse;1" or $missingModule .= "Date::Parse ";
# Global variables
my $version = "1.3.18";
my $version = "1.3.20";
my $apiUrl = "https://api.todoist.com/sync/v9/";
my $srandUsed;
@ -652,6 +652,161 @@ sub todoist_CreateTask($$) {
if ($check==1) {
## if no token is needed and device is not disabled, check token and get list vom todoist
if (!$hash->{helper}{PWD_NEEDED} && !IsDisabled($name)) {
## get password
if ($pwd) {
# JSON String start- and endpoint
my $commandsStart="[{";
my $commandsEnd="}]";
# some random string for UUID
my $uuid = todoist_genUUID();
# some random string for tempID
my $tempId = todoist_genUUID();
Log3 $name,5, "$name: hash: ".Dumper($hash);
my %args=();
# data array for API - we could transfer more data
%args = (
project_id => int($hash->{PID}),
content => $title,
## check for dueDate as Parameter or part of title - push to hash
if (!$tmp[1] && $h->{"dueDate"}) { ## parameter
$args{'date_string'} = $h->{"dueDate"};
elsif ($tmp[1]) { ## title
$args{'date_string'} = $tmp[1];
else {
## if someone uses due_date - no problem
$args{'date_string'} = $h->{"due_date"} if ($h->{"due_date"});
$args{'date_string'} = encode_utf8($args{'date_string'});
## Task parent_id
$args{'parent_id'} = int($h->{"parent_id"}) if ($h->{"parent_id"});
$args{'parent_id'} = int($h->{"parentID"}) if ($h->{"parentID"});
$args{'parent_id'} = int($h->{"parentId"}) if ($h->{"parentId"});
my $parentId = 0;
$parentId = %args{'parent_id'} if (%args{'parent_id'});
## Task priority
$args{'priority'} = $h->{"priority"} if ($h->{"priority"});
## who is responsible for the task?
$args{'responsible_uid'} = $h->{"responsibleUid"} if ($h->{"responsibleUid"});
$args{'responsible_uid'} = $h->{"responsible"} if ($h->{"responsible"});
## who assigned the task?
$args{'assigned_by_uid'} = $h->{"assignedByUid"} if ($h->{"assignedByUid"});
$args{'assigned_by_uid'} = $h->{"assignedBy"} if ($h->{"assignedByUid"});
## order of the task
$args{'item_order'} = $h->{"order"} if ($h->{"order"});
## child order of the task
$args{'child_order'} = $h->{"child_order"} if ($h->{"child_order"});
my $dataArr=$commandsStart.'"type":"item_add","temp_id":"'.$tempId.'","uuid":"'.$uuid.'","args":'.encode_json(\%args).$commandsEnd;
Log3 $name,4, "todoist ($name): Data Array sent to todoist API: ".Dumper(%args);
my $data= {
token => $pwd,
commands => $dataArr
$param = {
url => $apiUrl."sync",
data => $data,
tTitle => $title,
method => "POST",
wType => "create",
parentId => $parentId,
timeout => 7,
header => "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n".
"Authorization: Bearer ".$pwd,
hash => $hash,
callback => \&todoist_HandleTaskCallback, ## call callback sub to work with the data we get
Log3 $name,5, "todoist ($name): Param: ".Dumper($param);
## non-blocking access to todoist API
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+0.1, "HttpUtils_NonblockingGet", $param, 0);
else {
todoist_ErrorReadings($hash,"access token empty");
else {
if (!IsDisabled($name)) {
todoist_ErrorReadings($hash,"no access token set");
else {
todoist_ErrorReadings($hash,"device is disabled");
else {
map {FW_directNotify("#FHEMWEB:$_", "if (typeof todoist_ErrorDialog === \"function\") todoist_ErrorDialog('$name','$title ".$todoist_tt->{"alreadythere"}."','".$todoist_tt->{"error"}."')", "")} devspec2array("TYPE=FHEMWEB");
todoist_ErrorReadings($hash,"duplicate detected","duplicate detected");
return undef;
# create Task
sub todoist_CreateTask_old($$) {
my ($hash,$cmd) = @_;
my($a, $h) = parseParams($cmd);
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my $param;
my $pwd="";
my $assigne_id="";
## we try to send a due_date (in developement)
my @tmp = split( ":", join(" ",@$a) );
my $title=encode_utf8($tmp[0]);
$title = encode_utf8($h->{"title"}) if ($h->{"title"});
my $check=1;
# we can avoid duplicates in FHEM. There may still come duplicates coming from another app
if (AttrVal($name,"avoidDuplicates",0) == 1 && todoist_inArray(\@{$hash->{helper}{"TITS"}},$title)) {
if ($check==1) {
## if no token is needed and device is not disabled, check token and get list vom todoist
Reference in New Issue
Block a user