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synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
repair saveConfig, add HMinfe register copy
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@3452 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1790,7 +1790,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_Get($@) {
print aSave "\nset ".$eName." peerBulk ".$pIds;
my $ehash = $defs{$eName};
foreach my $read (sort grep(!/^[\.]?RegL_/,keys %{$ehash->{READINGS}})){
foreach my $read (sort grep(/^[\.]?RegL_/,keys %{$ehash->{READINGS}})){
print aSave "\nset ".$eName." regBulk ".$read." "
$timestamps .= "\n# ".ReadingsTimestamp($eName,$read,"")." :".$read;
@ -4808,7 +4808,7 @@ sub CUL_HM_putHash($) {# provide data for HMinfo
'3' includes '2' plus updates on writes to the device<br>
'4' includes '3' plus tries to request status if it seems to be missing<br>
Execution will be delayed in order to prevent congestion at startup. Therefore the update
of the readings and the display will be delayed depending on the sice of the database.<br>
of the readings and the display will be delayed depending on the size of the database.<br>
Recommendations and constrains upon usage:<br>
use this attribute on the device or channel 01. Do not use it separate on each channel
@ -449,6 +449,8 @@ sub HMinfo_SetFn($$) {#########################################################
."\n [<nameFilter>] : only matiching names are processed - partial names are possible"
."\n [<modelsFilter>] : any match in the output are searched. "
."\n cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer>"
."\n copy register for a channel or behavior of channel/peer"
."\n templateChk <entity> <templateName> <peer:[long|short]> [<param1> ...] "
."\n compare whether register match the template values"
."\n templateDef <entity> <templateName> <param1[:<param2>...] <description> <reg1>:<val1> [<reg2>:<val2>] ... "
@ -713,6 +715,52 @@ my %tpl = (
,CtOff =>"p1"
,CtValLo =>"p0"
,BlStopDnLg => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for long drive down"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
,BlJtDlyOff =>"refOff"
,BlJtDlyOn =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtRampOff =>"rampOff"
,BlJtRampOn =>"on"
,BlJtRefOff =>"rampOff"
,BlJtRefOn =>"on"
,MultiExec =>"on"
,BlStopDnSh => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for short drive down"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
,BlJtDlyOff =>"refOff"
,BlJtDlyOn =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOff"
,BlJtRampOff =>"off"
,BlJtRampOn =>"on"
,BlJtRefOff =>"rampOff"
,BlJtRefOn =>"on"
,BlStopUpLg => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for long drive up"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
,BlJtDlyOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtDlyOn =>"refOn"
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtRampOff =>"off"
,BlJtRampOn =>"rampOn"
,BlJtRefOff =>"off"
,BlJtRefOn =>"rampOn"
,BlStopDnSh => {p=>"" ,t=>"Blind: stop drive on any key - for short drive up"
,reg=>{ ActionType =>"jmpToTarget"
,BlJtDlyOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtDlyOn =>"refOn"
,BlJtOff =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtOn =>"dlyOn"
,BlJtRampOff =>"off"
,BlJtRampOn =>"on"
,BlJtRefOff =>"off"
,BlJtRefOn =>"rampOn"
sub HMinfo_templateDef(@){#####################################################
@ -818,7 +866,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateList($){####################################################
my $reply = "";
# if(!$templ || !(grep /$templ/,keys%tpl)){# list all templates
if(!($templ && (grep /$templ/,keys%tpl))){# list all templates
foreach (keys%tpl){
foreach (sort keys%tpl){
$reply .= sprintf("%-16s params:%-24s Info:%s\n"
@ -828,7 +876,7 @@ sub HMinfo_templateList($){####################################################
else{#details about one template
$reply = sprintf("%-16s params:%-24s Info:%s\n",$templ,$tpl{$templ}{p},$tpl{$templ}{t});
foreach (keys %{$tpl{$templ}{reg}}){
foreach (sort keys %{$tpl{$templ}{reg}}){
my $val = $tpl{$templ}{reg}{$_};
if ($val =~m /^p(.)$/){
my @a = split(" ",$tpl{$templ}{p});
@ -841,47 +889,6 @@ sub HMinfo_templateList($){####################################################
sub HMinfo_cpRegs(@){#########################################################
# copy level:
# List11 cpRegs channelSrc channelDst
# List13/4 cpRegs channelSrc:peer channelDst:peer
# Checks: registerlist of source must appear complete
# Peer must be present in source and destination, list must be complete
# <li><a name="#HMinfocpRegs">cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer> </a><br>
# allows to copy register, setting and behavior of a channel to
# another or for peers from the same or different channels
# <li>src:peer is the source entity. Peer needs to be given if a peer behabior beeds to be copied <\li>
# <li>dst:peer is the destination entity.<\li>
# Examples are
# set hm cpRegs blindR blindL # will copy all general register for this channel from the blindR to the blindL entity.
# This includes items like drive times. <br>
# set hm cpRegs blindR:Btn1 blindL:Btn2 # copy behavior of Btn1/blindR relation to Btn2/blindL<br>
# set hm cpRegs blindR:Btn1 blindR:Btn2 # copy behavior of Btn1/blindR relation to Btn2/blindR, i.e. inside the same Actor<br>
# <br>
# Restrictions:<br>
# cpRegs will not add any peers or read from the devices. It is up to the user to read register in advance<br>
# cpRegs is only allowed between identical models<br>
# peerings of devices must exist. cpRegs will terminate if peers cannot be identified<br>
# cpRegs estimates that all readings are up-to-date. It is up to the user to ensure and check data consistancy. <br>
# <br>
# </li>
#."\n cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer>"
#."\n copy register for a channel or behavior of channel/peer"
#define tc CUL_HM 222222
#attr tc model HM-LC-Dim1TPBU-FM
#attr tc peerIDs 18208305,22222201
#set hm cpRegs LichtL:FB_01 tc
#set hm cpRegs LichtL:FB_Btn_01 tc:FB_Btn_05
#set hm cpRegs LichtL:FB_Btn_01 tc:self01
my ($srcCh,$dstCh) = @_;
my ($srcP,$dstP,$srcPid,$dstPid,$srcRegLn,$dstRegLn);
($srcCh,$srcP) = split(":",$srcCh,2);
@ -926,9 +933,8 @@ sub HMinfo_cpRegs(@){#########################################################
# we habe a reglist with termination, source and destination peer is checked. Go copy
my $srcData = $defs{$srcCh}{READINGS}{$srcRegLn}{VAL};
$srcData =~ s/00:00//; # remove termination
Log 1,"General HMinfo_cpRegs:$srcRegLn->".join("-",split(" ",$srcData));
# my $ret = CUL_HM_Set($defs{$dstCh},$dstCh,"regBulk",$srcRegLn,split(" ",$srcData));
# return $ret;
my ($ret,undef) = CUL_HM_Set($defs{$dstCh},$dstCh,"regBulk",$srcRegLn,split(" ",$srcData));
return $ret;
@ -1041,6 +1047,27 @@ sub HMinfo_cpRegs(@){#########################################################
<li>Readings relates to set clear readings</li>
<li>Rssi clears all rssi counters </li>
<li><a name="#HMinfocpRegs">cpRegs <src:peer> <dst:peer> </a><br>
allows to copy register, setting and behavior of a channel to
another or for peers from the same or different channels. Copy therefore is allowed
intra/inter device and intra/inter channel.
<li>src:peer is the source entity. Peer needs to be given if a peer behabior beeds to be copied <\li>
<li>dst:peer is the destination entity.<\li>
Examples are
set hm cpRegs blindR blindL # will copy all general register (list 1)for this channel from the blindR to the blindL entity.
This includes items like drive times. It does not include peers related register (list 3/4) <br>
set hm cpRegs blindR:Btn1 blindL:Btn2 # copy behavior of Btn1/blindR relation to Btn2/blindL<br>
set hm cpRegs blindR:Btn1 blindR:Btn2 # copy behavior of Btn1/blindR relation to Btn2/blindR, i.e. inside the same Actor<br>
cpRegs will not add any peers or read from the devices. It is up to the user to read register in advance<br>
cpRegs is only allowed between identical models<br>
peerings of devices must exist. cpRegs will terminate if peers cannot be identified<br>
cpRegs estimates that all readings are up-to-date. It is up to the user to ensure and check data consistancy. <br>
<li><a name="#HMinfosaveConfig">saveConfig</a> <a href="HMinfoFilter">[filter]</a><br>
performs a save for all HM register setting and peers. See <a href="#CUL_HMsaveConfig">CUL_HM saveConfig</a>.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user