mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-03-09 20:57:11 +00:00

93_DbRep: FHEM command "dbReadingsVal" implemented

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@19281 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
nasseeder1 2019-04-28 17:43:26 +00:00
parent dd2908ffa9
commit 0b4066bbe6
3 changed files with 167 additions and 52 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- feature: 93_DbRep: FHEM command "dbReadingsVal" implemented
- change: 49_SSCam: Meta.json and minor code change
- change: 50_MOBILEALERTSGW: Checksum check added
- change: 93_DbRep: check index "Report_Idx" during first DB connect

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# Version History intern
our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
"8.21.0" => "28.04.2019 implement FHEM command \"dbReadingsVal\" ",
"8.20.1" => "28.04.2019 set index verbose changed, check index \"Report_Idx\" in getInitData ",
"8.20.0" => "27.04.2019 don't save hash refs in central hash to prevent potential memory leak, new set \"index\" ".
"command, \"repository\" added in Meta.json ",
@ -374,8 +375,18 @@ sub DbRep_Initialize($) {
"userExitFn ".
"valueFilter ".
my %hash = (
Fn => 'CommandDbReadingsVal',
Hlp => '<name> <device:reading> <timestamp> <default>,Get the value of a device:reading combination from database.
The value next to the timestamp is returned if found, otherwise the <default>.
<name> = name of used DbRep device,
<timestamp> = timestamp like YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss
$cmds{dbReadingsVal} = \%hash;
# Umbenennen von existierenden Attrbuten
# Umbenennen von existierenden Attributen
# $hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "reading" => "readingFilter",
# "device" => "deviceFilter",
# };
@ -1493,7 +1504,7 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData($) {
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - $idxstate. Check ok");
} else {
$idxstate = "Index $idx doesn't exist. Please create the index by \"set $name index recreate_Report_Idx\" command !";
Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
@ -10642,12 +10653,25 @@ return ($ret);
# blockierende DB-Abfrage
# liefert den Wert eines Device:Readings des nächsmöglichen Logeintrags zum
# angegebenen Zeitpunkt
# blockierende DB-Abfrage
# liefert den Wert eines Device:Readings des nächstmöglichen Logeintrags zum
# angegebenen Zeitpunkt
# Aufruf: DbReadingsVal("<dbrep-device>","<device:reading>","<timestamp>,"<default>")
# Aufruf als Funktion: DbReadingsVal("<dbrep-device>","<device:reading>","<timestamp>,"<default>")
# Aufruf als FHEM-Cmd: DbReadingsVal <dbrep-device> <device:reading> <date_time> <default>
sub CommandDbReadingsVal($$) {
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $param);
my ($name, $devread, $ts, $default) = @a;
$ts =~ s/_/ /;
my $ret = DbReadingsVal($name, $devread, $ts, $default);
return $ret;
sub DbReadingsVal($$$$) {
my ($name, $devread, $ts, $default) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@ -10659,9 +10683,10 @@ sub DbReadingsVal($$$$) {
unless($defs{$name}{TYPE} eq "DbRep") {
return ("\"$name\" is not a DbRep-device but of type \"".$defs{$name}{TYPE}."\"");
$ts =~ s/_/ /;
unless($ts =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
return ("timestamp has not a valid format. Use \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\" as timestamp.");
return ("timestamp has not the valid format. Use \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\" as timestamp.");
my ($dev,$reading) = split(":",$devread);
unless($dev && $reading) {
@ -10828,28 +10853,44 @@ return;
Further informations you can find as described at <a href="#DbRepattr">attribute</a> "userExitFn".
Once a DbRep-Device is defined, the function <b>DbReadingsVal</b> is provided.
Once a DbRep-Device is defined, the Perl function <b>DbReadingsVal</b> provided as well as and the FHEM command <b>dbReadingsVal</b>.
With this function you can, similar to the well known ReadingsVal, get a reading value from database.
The function execution is carried out blocking.
The command syntax is: <br><br>
The function execution is carried out blocking. <br><br>
<code>DbReadingsVal("&lt;name&gt;","&lt;device:reading&gt;","&lt;timestamp&gt;","&lt;default&gt;") </code> <br><br>
The command syntax for the Perl function is: <br><br>
<b>Examples: </b><br>
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13 08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13 08:00:00","")}
my $ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13_08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13_08:00:00","")}
The command syntax for the FHEM command is: <br><br>
dbReadingsVal &lt;name&gt; &lt;device:reading&gt; &lt;timestamp&gt; &lt;default&gt;
<b>Example: </b><br>
dbReadingsVal Rep.LogDB1 MyWetter:temperature 2018-01-13_08:00:00 0
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;name&gt;</b> </td><td>: name of the DbRep-Device to request </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;device:reading&gt;</b> </td><td>: device:reading whose value is to deliver </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: timestamp of reading whose value is to deliver (*) in the form "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: timestamp of reading whose value is to deliver (*) in the form "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;default&gt;</b> </td><td>: default value if no reading value can be retrieved </td></tr>
(*) If no value can be retrieved at the &lt;timestamp&gt; exactly requested, the chronological most convenient reading
value is delivered back.
@ -10858,9 +10899,8 @@ return;
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,53584.msg452567.html#msg452567">Modul 93_DbRep - Reporting and Management of database content (DbLog)</a>.<br><br>
<b>Preparations </b> <br><br>
The module requires the usage of a DbLog instance and the credentials of the database definition will be used. <br>
@ -13225,28 +13265,45 @@ sub bdump {
unabhängig von einer Eventgenerierung. Weitere Informationen dazu ist unter <a href="#DbRepattr">Attribut</a>
"userExitFn" beschrieben. <br><br>
Sobald ein DbRep-Device definiert ist, wird die Funktion <b>DbReadingsVal</b> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Sobald ein DbRep-Device definiert ist, wird sowohl die Perl Funktion <b>DbReadingsVal</b> als auch das FHEM Kommando
<b>dbReadingsVal</b> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Mit dieser Funktion läßt sich, ähnlich dem allgemeinen ReadingsVal, der Wert eines Readings aus der Datenbank abrufen.
Die Funktionsausführung erfolgt blockierend.
Die Befehlssyntax ist: <br><br>
Die Funktionsausführung erfolgt blockierend. <br><br>
<code>DbReadingsVal("&lt;name&gt;","&lt;device:reading&gt;","&lt;timestamp&gt;","&lt;default&gt;") </code> <br><br>
Die Befehlssyntax für die Perl Funktion ist: <br><br>
<b>Beispiele: </b><br>
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13 08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13 08:00:00","")}
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13_08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13_08:00:00","")}
Die Befehlssyntax als FHEM Kommando ist: <br><br>
dbReadingsVal &lt;name&gt; &lt;device:reading&gt; &lt;timestamp&gt; &lt;default&gt;
<b>Beispiel: </b><br>
dbReadingsVal Rep.LogDB1 MyWetter:temperature 2018-01-13_08:00:00 0
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;name&gt;</b> </td><td>: Name des abzufragenden DbRep-Device </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;device:reading&gt;</b> </td><td>: Device:Reading dessen Wert geliefert werden soll </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: Zeitpunkt des zu liefernden Readingwertes (*) in der Form "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: Zeitpunkt des zu liefernden Readingwertes (*) im Format "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;default&gt;</b> </td><td>: Defaultwert falls kein Readingwert ermittelt werden konnte </td></tr>
(*) Es wird der zeitlich zu &lt;timestamp&gt; passendste Readingwert zurück geliefert, falls kein Wert exakt zu dem
angegebenen Zeitpunkt geloggt wurde.

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ no if $] >= 5.017011, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';
# Version History intern
our %DbRep_vNotesIntern = (
"8.21.0" => "28.04.2019 implement FHEM command \"dbReadingsVal\" ",
"8.20.1" => "28.04.2019 set index verbose changed, check index \"Report_Idx\" in getInitData ",
"8.20.0" => "27.04.2019 don't save hash refs in central hash to prevent potential memory leak, new set \"index\" ".
"command, \"repository\" added in Meta.json ",
@ -374,8 +375,18 @@ sub DbRep_Initialize($) {
"userExitFn ".
"valueFilter ".
my %hash = (
Fn => 'CommandDbReadingsVal',
Hlp => '<name> <device:reading> <timestamp> <default>,Get the value of a device:reading combination from database.
The value next to the timestamp is returned if found, otherwise the <default>.
<name> = name of used DbRep device,
<timestamp> = timestamp like YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss
$cmds{dbReadingsVal} = \%hash;
# Umbenennen von existierenden Attrbuten
# Umbenennen von existierenden Attributen
# $hash->{AttrRenameMap} = { "reading" => "readingFilter",
# "device" => "deviceFilter",
# };
@ -1493,7 +1504,7 @@ sub DbRep_getInitData($) {
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - $idxstate. Check ok");
} else {
$idxstate = "Index $idx doesn't exist. Please create the index by \"set $name index recreate_Report_Idx\" command !";
Log3($name, 2, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
Log3($name, 3, "DbRep $name - WARNING - $idxstate");
@ -10642,12 +10653,25 @@ return ($ret);
# blockierende DB-Abfrage
# liefert den Wert eines Device:Readings des nächsmöglichen Logeintrags zum
# angegebenen Zeitpunkt
# blockierende DB-Abfrage
# liefert den Wert eines Device:Readings des nächstmöglichen Logeintrags zum
# angegebenen Zeitpunkt
# Aufruf: DbReadingsVal("<dbrep-device>","<device:reading>","<timestamp>,"<default>")
# Aufruf als Funktion: DbReadingsVal("<dbrep-device>","<device:reading>","<timestamp>,"<default>")
# Aufruf als FHEM-Cmd: DbReadingsVal <dbrep-device> <device:reading> <date_time> <default>
sub CommandDbReadingsVal($$) {
my ($cl, $param) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $param);
my ($name, $devread, $ts, $default) = @a;
$ts =~ s/_/ /;
my $ret = DbReadingsVal($name, $devread, $ts, $default);
return $ret;
sub DbReadingsVal($$$$) {
my ($name, $devread, $ts, $default) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
@ -10659,9 +10683,10 @@ sub DbReadingsVal($$$$) {
unless($defs{$name}{TYPE} eq "DbRep") {
return ("\"$name\" is not a DbRep-device but of type \"".$defs{$name}{TYPE}."\"");
$ts =~ s/_/ /;
unless($ts =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) {
return ("timestamp has not a valid format. Use \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\" as timestamp.");
return ("timestamp has not the valid format. Use \"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\" as timestamp.");
my ($dev,$reading) = split(":",$devread);
unless($dev && $reading) {
@ -10828,28 +10853,44 @@ return;
Further informations you can find as described at <a href="#DbRepattr">attribute</a> "userExitFn".
Once a DbRep-Device is defined, the function <b>DbReadingsVal</b> is provided.
Once a DbRep-Device is defined, the Perl function <b>DbReadingsVal</b> provided as well as and the FHEM command <b>dbReadingsVal</b>.
With this function you can, similar to the well known ReadingsVal, get a reading value from database.
The function execution is carried out blocking.
The command syntax is: <br><br>
The function execution is carried out blocking. <br><br>
<code>DbReadingsVal("&lt;name&gt;","&lt;device:reading&gt;","&lt;timestamp&gt;","&lt;default&gt;") </code> <br><br>
The command syntax for the Perl function is: <br><br>
<b>Examples: </b><br>
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13 08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13 08:00:00","")}
my $ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13_08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13_08:00:00","")}
The command syntax for the FHEM command is: <br><br>
dbReadingsVal &lt;name&gt; &lt;device:reading&gt; &lt;timestamp&gt; &lt;default&gt;
<b>Example: </b><br>
dbReadingsVal Rep.LogDB1 MyWetter:temperature 2018-01-13_08:00:00 0
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;name&gt;</b> </td><td>: name of the DbRep-Device to request </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;device:reading&gt;</b> </td><td>: device:reading whose value is to deliver </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: timestamp of reading whose value is to deliver (*) in the form "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: timestamp of reading whose value is to deliver (*) in the form "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;default&gt;</b> </td><td>: default value if no reading value can be retrieved </td></tr>
(*) If no value can be retrieved at the &lt;timestamp&gt; exactly requested, the chronological most convenient reading
value is delivered back.
@ -10858,9 +10899,8 @@ return;
<a href="https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,53584.msg452567.html#msg452567">Modul 93_DbRep - Reporting and Management of database content (DbLog)</a>.<br><br>
<b>Preparations </b> <br><br>
The module requires the usage of a DbLog instance and the credentials of the database definition will be used. <br>
@ -13225,28 +13265,45 @@ sub bdump {
unabhängig von einer Eventgenerierung. Weitere Informationen dazu ist unter <a href="#DbRepattr">Attribut</a>
"userExitFn" beschrieben. <br><br>
Sobald ein DbRep-Device definiert ist, wird die Funktion <b>DbReadingsVal</b> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Sobald ein DbRep-Device definiert ist, wird sowohl die Perl Funktion <b>DbReadingsVal</b> als auch das FHEM Kommando
<b>dbReadingsVal</b> zur Verfügung gestellt.
Mit dieser Funktion läßt sich, ähnlich dem allgemeinen ReadingsVal, der Wert eines Readings aus der Datenbank abrufen.
Die Funktionsausführung erfolgt blockierend.
Die Befehlssyntax ist: <br><br>
Die Funktionsausführung erfolgt blockierend. <br><br>
<code>DbReadingsVal("&lt;name&gt;","&lt;device:reading&gt;","&lt;timestamp&gt;","&lt;default&gt;") </code> <br><br>
Die Befehlssyntax für die Perl Funktion ist: <br><br>
<b>Beispiele: </b><br>
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13 08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13 08:00:00","")}
$ret = DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-01-13_08:00:00",""); <br>
attr &lt;name&gt; userReadings oldtemp {DbReadingsVal("Rep.LogDB1","MyWetter:temperature","2018-04-13_08:00:00","")}
Die Befehlssyntax als FHEM Kommando ist: <br><br>
dbReadingsVal &lt;name&gt; &lt;device:reading&gt; &lt;timestamp&gt; &lt;default&gt;
<b>Beispiel: </b><br>
dbReadingsVal Rep.LogDB1 MyWetter:temperature 2018-01-13_08:00:00 0
<colgroup> <col width=5%> <col width=95%> </colgroup>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;name&gt;</b> </td><td>: Name des abzufragenden DbRep-Device </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;device:reading&gt;</b> </td><td>: Device:Reading dessen Wert geliefert werden soll </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: Zeitpunkt des zu liefernden Readingwertes (*) in der Form "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;timestamp&gt;</b> </td><td>: Zeitpunkt des zu liefernden Readingwertes (*) im Format "YYYY-MM-DD_hh:mm:ss" </td></tr>
<tr><td> <b>&lt;default&gt;</b> </td><td>: Defaultwert falls kein Readingwert ermittelt werden konnte </td></tr>
(*) Es wird der zeitlich zu &lt;timestamp&gt; passendste Readingwert zurück geliefert, falls kein Wert exakt zu dem
angegebenen Zeitpunkt geloggt wurde.