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synced 2025-03-10 03:06:37 +00:00
95_Shares.pm: Erweitert um alternative Symbole für jedes Wertpapier
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@28811 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
# TODO: in 716 und 818 & Trennzeichen kollidiert mit & in Namen.
# buy/sell/remove mit Liste der Stocks
package main;
use strict;
@ -37,7 +40,7 @@ use Finance::Quote;
use Encode qw(decode encode);
#-- global variables
my $version = "1.0";
my $version = "1.2";
my %shares_transtable_DE = (
"symbol" => "Symbol",
@ -113,7 +116,7 @@ sub Shares_Initialize($)
$hash->{GetFn} = "Shares_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "Shares_Attr";
my $attr = "pollInterval queryTimeout colors depotCurrency shareCurrency defaultSource sources sourcesLinks stocks:textField-long ".
my $attr = "pollInterval queryTimeout arrows colors headercolor depotCurrency shareCurrency altSymbol defaultSource sources sourcesLinks stocks:textField-long ".
"shareFurtherReadings:multiple,open,close,last,return,high,low,value_entry,value_prev,div_yield,eps,volume,year_range ".
$hash->{AttrList} = $attr;
@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ sub Shares_Define($$){
$attr{$name}{"pollInterval"} = 1800;
$attr{$name}{"queryTimeout"} = 120;
$attr{$name}{"defaultSource"} = "yahoo_json";
$attr{$name}{"defaultSource"} = "xetra";
$attr{$name}{"depotCurrency"} = "EUR:€";
$attr{$name}{"shareCurrency"} = "EUR:€";
@ -246,6 +249,66 @@ sub shares_round($){
return sprintf("%.2f",$num)
sub shares_storekey {
my ($hash,$keyname,$keyvalue) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $index = $hash->{TYPE} ."_". $name ."_". $keyname;
my $key = getUniqueId() . $index;
my $enc_key = "";
if ( eval "use Digest::MD5;1" ) {
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex( unpack "H*", $key );
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
for my $char ( split //, $keyvalue ) {
my $encode = chop($key);
$enc_key .= sprintf( "%.2x", ord($char) ^ ord($encode) );
$key = $encode . $key;
my $err = setKeyValue( $index, $enc_key );
if ( defined($err) ){
return "[shares_storekey] error while saving the value for key $keyname - $err" ;
return "[shares_storekey] key $keyname successfully saved";
sub shares_readkey {
my ($hash,$keyname) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $index = $hash->{TYPE} ."_". $name ."_". $keyname;
my $key = getUniqueId() . $index;
Log3 $name,1,"[shares_readkey] reading value for key $keyname from file";
my ($err, $keyvalue ) = getKeyValue($index);
if ( defined($err) ) {
Log3 $name,1,"[shares_readkey] unable to read value for key $keyname from file";
if ( defined($keyvalue) ) {
if ( eval "use Digest::MD5;1" ) {
$key = Digest::MD5::md5_hex( unpack "H*", $key );
$key .= Digest::MD5::md5_hex($key);
my $dec_key = '';
for my $char ( map { pack( 'C', hex($_) ) } ( $keyvalue =~ /(..)/g ) ) {
my $decode = chop($key);
$dec_key .= chr( ord($char) ^ ord($decode) );
$key = $decode . $key;
return $dec_key;
Log3 $name, 1, "[shares_readkey] no value for key $keyname in file";
# Shares_GetLinkHashes
@ -264,8 +327,12 @@ sub Shares_GetLinkHashes($){
my %linkHash = ();
foreach my $link (@links) {
if ($link !~ /^.*\:https?\:/){
Log3 $name,1,"[Shares_GetLinkHashes] missing protocol part missing in link $link";
my @toks = split ":", $link;
$linkHash{$toks[0]} = $toks[1];
#Log 1,"========> setting link for source ".$toks[0]." to ".$toks[1].":".$toks[2];
$linkHash{$toks[0]} = $toks[1].":".$toks[2]; $toks[2];
return \%linkHash;
@ -285,6 +352,7 @@ sub Shares_SetStockHashes($$){
#-- attribute stocks contains share informations in format:
# <Symbol>:<Count>:<Value_entry>:<Category>
# <Symbol> may have the format <Symbol1>[|<SymbolN>]*
# <Value_entry> in attribute is in depot currency
# <Value_entry> in hash is in share currency
@ -299,6 +367,7 @@ sub Shares_SetStockHashes($$){
my $buyval;
my $str = "";
my $first = 1;
foreach my $stock (sort keys %{ $stocks }) {
$str .= ",\n" unless $first;
$first = 0;
@ -309,7 +378,8 @@ sub Shares_SetStockHashes($$){
$buyval = shares_round($stocks->{$stock}[1]*$exr);
Log3 $name,5,"[Shares_SetStockHashes] share ".$stock." transforming buy value ".$stocks->{$stock}[1]." $cur into $buyval $depcur";
$str .= $stock.":".$stocks->{$stock}[0].":".$buyval.":".lc($stocks->{$stock}[2]);
#-- [0] is number, [1] is buyval (modified), [2] is catgory, [3] is long name
$str .= $stocks->{$stock}[3].":".$stocks->{$stock}[0].":".$buyval.":".lc($stocks->{$stock}[2]);
Log3 $name, 4, "[Shares_SetStockHashes] setting stocks attribute to $str";
@ -342,6 +412,7 @@ sub Shares_GetStockHashes($){
my $cur = (split(':',AttrVal($name, "shareCurrency", "")))[0];
my $depcur = (split(':',AttrVal($name, "depotCurrency", "")))[0];
my $altsym = AttrVal($name, "altSymbol",0);
my $exr = ReadingsNum($name, "exchangerate", 1);
my ($buyval,$category);
@ -349,6 +420,14 @@ sub Shares_GetStockHashes($){
foreach my $stock (@stocks) {
my @toks = split ":", $stock;
#-- check if alternate symbol is needed when first source does not work
my @stocksyms = split '\|', $toks[0];
my $stocksym = $stocksyms[$altsym];
if( !defined($stocksym) ){
Log3 $name,1,"[Shares_GetStockHashes] missing alternate symbol $altsym, using $stocksym instead";
#-- buy value
if( $depcur eq $cur ){
$buyval = $toks[2];
@ -358,12 +437,12 @@ sub Shares_GetStockHashes($){
#-- category
if( !defined($toks[3])){
Log3 $name,4,"[Shares_GetStockHashes] Share: ".$toks[0]." does not have a category assigned";
Log3 $name,4,"[Shares_GetStockHashes] share $stocksym does not have a category assigned";
$category = "";
$category = $toks[3];
$stockHash{$toks[0]} = [$toks[1], $buyval, $category];
$stockHash{$stocksym} = [$toks[1], $buyval, $category,$toks[0]];
return \%stockHash;
@ -555,6 +634,10 @@ sub Shares_Set($@){
elsif($cmd eq "clearReadings") {
return Shares_ClearReadings($hash);
}elsif($cmd eq "alphavantagekey") {
return Shares_ClearReadings($hash);
}elsif($cmd eq "sparkasseID") {
return Shares_ClearReadings($hash);
my $res = "Unknown argument ".$cmd.", choose one of update:noArg clearReadings:noArg buy sell add remove";
@ -665,7 +748,16 @@ sub Shares_GetSource($$){
return $exHash{$stock};
return AttrVal($name, "defaultSource", "europe");
#-- check if alternate src is needed when first source does not work
my $altsym = AttrVal($name, "altSymbol",0);
my @altsrcs = split '\|',AttrVal($name, "defaultSource", "europe");
my $src = $altsrcs[$altsym];
if( !defined($src) ){
Log3 $name,1,"[Shares_GetSources] missing alternate source $altsym, using $src instead";
return $src;
@ -713,6 +805,7 @@ sub Shares_QueryQuotesBlocking($){
$ret .= "|".join("&", @keys)."&";
$val = encode('UTF-8', $val, Encode::FB_CROAK) if ($keys[1] eq "name");
$val =~ s/\&//g;
$ret .= $val;
@ -820,17 +913,22 @@ sub Shares_QueryQuotesFinished($){
$sname = $toks[2];
$sname =~ /$symb\s\((.*)\)/;
$sname = $1
if( $1 ne "" );
if( $1 && $1 ne "" );
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $toks[0]."_name" , $sname);
$stockState{$toks[0]}{"name"} = $toks[2];
}elsif( $toks[1] eq "return"){
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $toks[0]."_return" , $toks[2]);
$stockState{$toks[0]}{"return"} = $toks[2];
}elsif( $toks[1] eq "price"){
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $toks[0]."_price" , $toks[2]);
$stockState{$toks[0]}{"price"} = $toks[2];
}elsif( $toks[1] eq "last"){
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $toks[0]."_last" , $toks[2]);
$stockState{$toks[0]}{"last"} = $toks[2];
}elsif( $toks[1] eq "close"){
#-- not yet in readings, need to process after last is defined
### TEMP correction
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, $toks[0]."_close" , $toks[2]);
$stockState{$toks[0]}{"close"} = $toks[2];
#-- take out p from change
}elsif( $toks[1] eq "p_change"){
@ -849,7 +947,7 @@ sub Shares_QueryQuotesFinished($){
$stockState{$toks[0]}{$toks[1]} = $toks[2];
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
#-- Second run through all shares: derived values
my ($count,$last,$value,$close,$value_close,$value_entry,$value_diff);
@ -985,6 +1083,8 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
my $cur = (split(':',AttrVal($name, "shareCurrency", "")))[0];
my $depcur = (split(':',AttrVal($name, "depotCurrency", "")))[0];
my @colors = split(',',AttrVal($name, "colors","green,seagreen,black,orangered,red"));
my @arrows = split(',',AttrVal($name, "arrows","🢁,🢅,🢂,🢆,🢃"));
my $bgcolor= AttrVal($name,"headercolor","#aaaaff;");
my $stocks = Shares_GetStockHashes($hash);
my $links = Shares_GetLinkHashes($hash);
@ -995,13 +1095,13 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
my $smidleft = "border-left:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
my $smidright= "border-right:1px solid gray;border-radius:0px;";
$change = $hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change"}{VAL};
$changest = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($change>1)?$colors[0]:(($change>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($change==0)?$colors[2]:(($change>-0.1)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$trend = $hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change_day"}{VAL};
$trendf = $trend."% ".(($trend>1)?"🢁":(($trend>0.1)?"🢅":(($trend==0)?"🢂":(($trend>-0.1)?"🢆":"🢃"))));
$trendst = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($trend>1)?$colors[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($trend==0)?$colors[2]:(($trend>-0.1)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
my $table = "<tr class=\"odd\" style=\"background-color:#aaaaff;font-weight:bold;text-align:right\">".
$change = exists($hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change"}{VAL} : 0.0;
$changest = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($change>1.0)?$colors[0]:(($change>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($change>=-0.1)?$colors[2]:(($change>=-1.0)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$trend = exists($hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change_day"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{"depot_change_day"}{VAL} : 0.0;
$trendf = $trend."% ".(($trend>1.0)?$arrows[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$arrows[1]:(($trend>=-0.1)?$arrows[2]:(($trend>=-1.0)?$arrows[3]:$arrows[4]))));
$trendst = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($trend>1.0)?$colors[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($trend>=-0.1)?$colors[2]:(($trend>=-1.0)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
my $table = "<tr class=\"odd\" style=\"background-color:$bgcolor;font-weight:bold;text-align:right\">".
"<td style=\"$smidleft\"><a href=\"/fhem?detail=$name\">$name</a></td><td colspan=\"2\" style=\"text-align:right\">".$hash->{READINGS}{"depot_value"}{VAL}.
"€</td><td $changest>$change".
"%</td><td $changest>".$hash->{READINGS}{"depot_diff"}{VAL}.
@ -1012,27 +1112,30 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
##my $td_style = 'style="padding-left:6px;padding-right:6px;"';
$oddeven = 0;
foreach $stock (sort keys %{$stocks}) {
foreach $stock (sort {lc $hash->{READINGS}{$a."_name"}{VAL} cmp lc $hash->{READINGS}{$b."_name"}{VAL} } keys %{$stocks}) {
#-- link defined?
my $source = Shares_GetSource($hash, $stock);
if (not exists $links->{$source}) {
$estock = $stock;
$source = $links->{$source};
$source =~ s/(https?)\/\//$1\:\/\//;
$source =~ s/\$SYMBOL/$stock/g;
$estock = "<a href=\"http://".$source."\" target=\"_blank\">$stock</a>";
$estock = "<a href=\"".$source."\" target=\"_blank\">$stock</a>";
$estyle = ($oddeven == 1)?" class=\"odd\"":" class=\"even\"";
$oddeven = 1- $oddeven;
$sname = $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_name"}{VAL};
$value = shares_round($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_value"}{VAL}*$exrate);
$change = $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change"}{VAL};
$changest = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($change>1)?$colors[0]:(($change>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($change==0)?$colors[2]:(($change>-0.1)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$diff = shares_round($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_diff"}{VAL}*$exrate);
$trend = $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change_day"}{VAL};
$trendf = $trend."% ".(($trend>1)?"🢁":(($trend>0.1)?"🢅":(($trend==0)?"🢂":(($trend>-0.1)?"🢆":"🢃"))));
$trendst = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($trend>1)?$colors[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($trend==0)?$colors[2]:(($trend>-0.1)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$rate = $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_last"}{VAL};
$value = exists($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_value"}{VAL}) ? shares_round($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_value"}{VAL}*$exrate) : 0.0;
$change = exists($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change"}{VAL} : 0.0;
$changest = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($change>1.0)?$colors[0]:(($change>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($change>=-0.1)?$colors[2]:(($change>=-1.0)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$diff = exists($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_diff"}{VAL}) ? shares_round($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_diff"}{VAL}*$exrate) : 0.0;
$trend = exists($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change_day"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_change_day"}{VAL} : 0.0;
$trendf = $trend."% ".(($trend>1.0)?$arrows[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$arrows[1]:(($trend>=-0.1)?$arrows[2]:(($trend>=-1.0)?$arrows[3]:$arrows[4]))));
$trendst = 'style="text-align:right;color:'.(($trend>1.0)?$colors[0]:(($trend>0.1)?$colors[1]:(($trend>=-0.1)?$colors[2]:(($trend>=-1.0)?$colors[3]:$colors[4])))).'"';
$rate = exists($hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_last"}{VAL}) ? $hash->{READINGS}{$stock."_last"}{VAL} : 0.0;
$erate = shares_round($rate*$exrate);
$frate = ($cur ne $depcur)?"(".shares_round($rate)." $cur)":"";
$count = $stocks->{$stock}->[0];
@ -1066,11 +1169,16 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
<a name="Sharesset"></a>
Notes: <ul>
<li>The <Symbol> for a particular share depends very much on the source!</li>
<li>This FHEM module uses the Perl module Finance::Quote, which acquires share data from different sources (see attribute sources).
Since the suppliers of data change their policies from time to time, it may occur that from one day to the next no data is available.
Therefore this FHEM module implements a flexible approach that allows to change the default data source for all shares with a single attribute altSymbol.</li>
<li>The <Symbol> for a particular share depends very much on the source! Therefore, each share <i>can</i> be represented
by a '|'-separated list of symbols, example: The well known NASDAQ ETF is represented by NADQ.DE|LU2197908721|..., where the first symbol is used by Yahoo,
the second symbol is the ISIN used by Deutsche Börse etc. See attributes defaultSource, altSymbol, stocks.</li>
<li>This module uses the global attribute <code>language</code> to determine its output data<br/>
(default: EN=english). For German output set <code>attr global language DE</code>.</li>
<li>This module needs the package Finance::Quote. Install with
<code>cpan install Finance::Quote</code> or <code>sudo apt-get install libfinance-quote-perl</code><br><br></li>
<code>cpan Finance::Quote</code> or <code>sudo apt-get install libfinance-quote-perl</code><br><br></li>
@ -1127,11 +1235,11 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
Standard: 300, valid values: Number<br><br>
Default source for share values.<br>
Default: yahoo_json, valid values: from <code>get <name> sources</code><br><br>
'|'-separated list of default sources for share values. See altSymbol attribute<br>
Default: yahoo_json (single source), valid values: from <code>get <name> sources</code><br><br>
An individual data source can be set for every single share.<br>
An individual data source can be set for every single symbol.<br>
Data sources can be fetched with: <code>get <name> sources</code>.<br>
Format: <Symbol>:<Source>[,<Symbol>:<Source>...]<br>
Shares not listed in sources will be updated from defaultSource.<br><br>
@ -1141,9 +1249,22 @@ sub Shares_MakeTable($){
The string <code>$SYMBOL</code> in each link will be replaced by the symbol for a share.<br>
Format: <Source>:<Link>[,<Source>:<Link>...]<br>
Example: yahoo_json:de.finance.yahoo.com/quote/$SYMBOL<br><br> </li>
Comma-separated list of arrow symbols (in HTML-Format) for denoting change in stock value, boundary values are >1%,1%,0%,-1%,<-1%
Default: "🢁,🢅,🢂,🢆,🢃" </li>
Comma-separated list of color specs (in HTML-Format) for coloring change in stock value, boundary values are >1%,1%,0%,-1%,<-1%
Default: "green,seagreen,black,orangered,red" </li>
color spec (in HTML-Format) for coloring the header line in a depot table. Default #aaaaff;
Numerical value, the index for the list of symbols representing each share in the stocks attribute. The default value for the
altSymbol is 0, which means that the first symbol is used for querying Finance::Quote. A value of 1 means to use the second symbol, etc.
Will be created/modified via buy/sell/add/remove<br>
Contains share informations in the format: <Symbol>:<Number>:<Buy value in depotCurrency>:<Category><br><br>
Contains share informations in the format: <Symbol0[|Symbol1|...]>:<Number>:<Buy value in depotCurrency>:<Category><br><br>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user