mirror of
synced 2025-02-26 10:34:52 +00:00
HMCCU: Version 3.9.004
git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@13539 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# Add changes at the top of the list. Keep it in ASCII, and 80-char wide.
# Do not insert empty lines here, update check depends on it.
- update: 88_HMCCU: Code optimized
- new: 49_TBot_List.pm: initial check in
- feature: 42_Nextion: attributes disable/timeout, fix for page 10
- update: 02_FTUISRV: doc change on ftui-if
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 3.9.003
# Version 3.9.004
# Module for communication between FHEM and Homematic CCU2.
# Supports BidCos-RF, BidCos-Wired, HmIP-RF, virtual CCU channels,
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
# define <name> HMCCU <hostname_or_ip_of_ccu>
# define <name> HMCCU <hostname_or_ip_of_ccu> [ccunumber]
# set <name> cleardefaults
# set <name> defaults
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ my %HMCCU_CUST_CHN_DEFAULTS;
# HMCCU version
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '3.9.003';
my $HMCCU_VERSION = '3.9.004';
# RPC Ports and URL extensions
@ -201,9 +201,11 @@ sub HMCCU_Substitute ($$$$$);
sub HMCCU_SubstRule ($$$);
sub HMCCU_SubstVariables ($$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateClients ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($@);
sub HMCCU_AddDevices ($$);
sub HMCCU_DeleteDevices ($$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateDevices ($$$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleDatapoint ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice ($$$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($$);
sub HMCCU_GetRPCPortList ($);
sub HMCCU_RPCRegisterCallback ($);
sub HMCCU_RPCDeRegisterCallback ($);
sub HMCCU_ResetCounters ($);
@ -247,7 +249,6 @@ sub HMCCU_ResetRPCQueue ($$);
sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($);
sub HMCCU_ProcessEvent ($$);
sub HMCCU_HMScript ($$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleReading ($$$$$);
sub HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@);
sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$);
@ -255,7 +256,6 @@ sub HMCCU_ScaleValue ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_GetVariables ($$);
sub HMCCU_SetVariable ($$$);
sub HMCCU_GetUpdate ($$$);
sub HMCCU_UpdateDeviceReadings ($$);
sub HMCCU_GetChannel ($$);
sub HMCCU_RPCGetConfig ($$$$);
sub HMCCU_RPCSetConfig ($$$);
@ -319,20 +319,26 @@ sub HMCCU_Define ($$)
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
return "Specify CCU hostname or IP address as a parameter" if(@$a < 3);
return "Specify CCU hostname or IP address as a parameter" if(scalar (@$a) < 3);
$hash->{host} = $$a[2];
$hash->{Clients} = ':HMCCUDEV:HMCCUCHN:';
# Find existing CCU devices
if (scalar (@$a) >= 4) {
return "CCU number must be in range 1-9" if ($$a[3] < 1 || $$a[3] > 9);
$hash->{CCUNum} = $$a[3];
else {
# Count CCU devices
my $ccucount = 0;
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
$ccucount++ if ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU' && $ch != $hash);
$hash->{CCUNum} = $ccucount+1;
$hash->{version} = $HMCCU_VERSION;
$hash->{ccutype} = 'CCU2';
($hash->{DevCount}, $hash->{ChnCount}) = HMCCU_GetDeviceList ($hash);
@ -1012,6 +1018,8 @@ sub HMCCU_Set ($@)
my $dump = shift @$a;
my $script;
my $response;
my %objects = ();
my $objcount = 0;
return HMCCU_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name hmscript {scriptfile} [dump] [parname=value [...]]")
if (!defined ($scrfile) || (defined ($dump) && $dump ne 'dump'));
@ -1044,16 +1052,20 @@ sub HMCCU_Set ($@)
my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($hash, $tokens[0],
($add, $chn) = HMCCU_GetAddress ($hash, $nam, '', '') if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD);
if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD || $flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) {
# $reading = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($hash, $int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $readingformat);
HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hash, $add, $chn, $dpt, $tokens[1]);
$objects{$add}{$chn}{$dpt} = $tokens[1];
else {
# If output is not related to a channel store reading in I/O device
my $Value = HMCCU_Substitute ($tokens[1], $substitute, 0, undef, $tokens[0]);
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, $tokens[0], $Value, 1);
HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($hash, \%objects) if ($objcount > 0);
return defined ($dump) ? $response : undef;
elsif ($opt eq 'rpcserver') {
@ -1567,23 +1579,25 @@ sub HMCCU_FilterReading ($$$)
$rm = 0;
$r =~ s/^N://;
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: rm=$rm, r=$r, dpt=$dpt" if ($cf =~ /trace/);
my ($c, $f) = split ("!", $r);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc rm=$rm, r=$r, dpt=$dpt chnflt=$c chnnam=$chnnam"
if ($cf =~ /trace/);
if (defined ($f) && $chnnam ne '') {
if ($chnnam =~ /$c/) {
return $rm if (($rm && $dpt =~ /$r/) || (!$rm && $dpt =~ /$r/));
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc $chnnam = $c" if ($cf =~/trace/);
return $rm if (($rm && $dpt =~ /$f/) || (!$rm && $dpt =~ /$f/));
return $rm ? 0 : 1;
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: Check $rm = 1 AND $dpt = $r OR $rm = 0 AND $dpt = $r"
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc Check $rm = 1 AND $dpt = $r OR $rm = 0 AND $dpt = $r"
if ($cf =~ /trace/);
return $rm if (($rm && $dpt =~ /$r/) || (!$rm && $dpt =~ /$r/));
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: Check negative" if ($cf =~ /trace/);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: rm = $rm ? 0 : 1" if ($cf =~ /trace/);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc return rm = $rm ? 0 : 1" if ($cf =~ /trace/);
return $rm ? 0 : 1;
@ -1964,51 +1978,199 @@ sub HMCCU_UpdateClients ($$$$)
return ($c_ok, $c_err);
# Update reading in all client devices matching specified address.
# Parameters:
# hash, address, channelno, datapoint, value, [mode]
# Parameter hash refers to HMCCU IO device.
# Parameter address can be a device or a channel address. If
# devadd is a channel address parameter channelno is ignored.
# Valid modes are:
# rpcevent: Function is triggered by RPC server.
# client: Function is triggered by client device.
# Reading values are substituted, scaled and formatted according
# to attributes in client device.
# Return 1 on success and 0 on error.
# Mark devices and channels as deleted or active.
# mode: 0=delete, 1=reactivate
sub HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($@)
sub HMCCU_UpdateDevices ($$$)
my ($hash, $address, $chn, $dpt, $value, $mode) = @_;
my ($hash, $devlist, $mode) = @_;
foreach my $a (@$devlist) {
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}));
# Modify device
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{valid} = $mode;
$hash->{hmccu}{adr}{$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{name}}{valid} = $mode;
# Modify channels
my $cc = $hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{channels};
for (my $i=0; $i<$cc; $i++) {
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a.":".$i}));
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a.':'.$i}{valid} = $mode;
$hash->{hmccu}{adr}{$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a.':'.$i}{name}}{valid} = $mode;
# Modify client devices
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($ch->{NAME}) || !exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
if ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $ch->{ccuaddr} eq $a) {
$ch->{ccudevstate} = $mode ? 'Active' : 'Deleted';
readingsSingleUpdate ($ch, 'state', $mode ? 'Activated' : 'Deleted', 1);
elsif ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUCHN' && $ch->{ccuaddr} =~ /^$a:[0-9]+/) {
if ($mode && !exists ($ch->{chntype})) {
$ch->{chntype} = defined ($hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{chntype}) ?
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{chntype} : "unknown";
$ch->{ccudevstate} = $mode ? 'Active' : 'Deleted';
readingsSingleUpdate ($ch, 'state', $mode ? 'Activated' : 'Deleted', 1);
# Update a single client device datapoint considering
# scaling, reading format and value substitution.
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleDatapoint ($$$$)
my ($hash, $chn, $dpt, $value) = @_;
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCU_GetHash ($hash);
return $value if (!defined ($hmccu_hash));
my %objects;
my ($devaddr, $chnnum) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($hash->{ccuaddr});
$objects{$devaddr}{$chn}{$dpt} = $value;
return HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice ($hmccu_hash, $hash, \%objects);
# Update readings of client device.
# Parameter objects is a hash reference which contains updated data
# for any device:
# {devaddr}
# {devaddr}{channelno}
# {devaddr}{channelno}{datapoint}
# {devaddr}{channelno}{datapoint}{value}
# If client device is virtual device group: check if group members are
# affected by updates and update readings in virtual group device.
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice ($$$)
my ($ccuhash, $clthash, $objects) = @_;
my $ccuname = $ccuhash->{NAME};
my $cltname = $clthash->{NAME};
my $clttype = $clthash->{TYPE};
my $fnc = "HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice";
return 0 if (!defined ($clthash->{IODev}) || !defined ($clthash->{ccuaddr}));
return 0 if ($clthash->{IODev} != $ccuhash);
# Check for updated data
my ($devaddr, $cnum) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($clthash->{ccuaddr});
return 0 if ($clttype eq 'HMCUCCHN' && !exists ($objects->{$devaddr}{$cnum}) &&
!exists ($objects->{$devaddr}{0}));
return 0 if ($clttype eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $clthash->{ccuif} eq 'VirtualDevices' &&
!exists ($objects->{$devaddr}));
# Get attributes of IO device
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($ccuname, 'ccuflags', 'null');
# Get attributes of client device
my $cltflags = AttrVal ($cltname, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $disable = AttrVal ($cltname, 'disable', 0);
my $update = AttrVal ($cltname, 'ccureadings', 1);
return 0 if ($update == 0 || $disable == 1);
my $crf = HMCCU_GetAttrReadingFormat ($clthash, $ccuhash);
my $substitute = HMCCU_GetAttrSubstitute ($clthash, $ccuhash);
my ($sc, $st, $cc, $cd) = HMCCU_GetSpecialDatapoints ($clthash, '', 'STATE', '', '');
# Build device list
my @devlist = ($devaddr);
if ($clttype eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $clthash->{ccuif} eq "VirtualDevices" && exists ($clthash->{ccugroup})) {
foreach my $gadd (split (",", $clthash->{ccugroup})) {
my ($gd, $gc) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($gadd);
push (@devlist, $gd);
# Update datapoint readings and control/state readings
readingsBeginUpdate ($clthash);
# Update device considering foreign device data assigned to group device
foreach my $dev (@devlist) {
next if (!exists ($objects->{$dev}));
# Update channels of device
foreach my $chnnum (keys (%{$objects->{$dev}})) {
next if ($clttype eq 'HMCCUCHN' && "$chnnum" ne "$cnum" && "$chnnum" ne "0");
next if ("$chnnum" eq "0" && $cltflags =~ /nochn0/);
my $chnadd = "$dev:$chnnum";
# Update datapoints of channel
foreach my $dpt (keys (%{$objects->{$dev}{$chnnum}})) {
my $value = $objects->{$dev}{$chnnum}{$dpt};
next if (!defined ($value));
$clthash->{hmccu}{dp}{"$chnnum.$dpt"}{VAL} = $value;
Log3 $ccuname, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc device=$cltname, chnadd=$dev:$chnnum, dpt=$dpt, value=$value"
if ($cltflags =~ /trace/);
if (HMCCU_FilterReading ($clthash, $chnadd, $dpt)) {
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($clthash, '', $dev, $chnnum, $dpt, '', $crf);
my $svalue = HMCCU_ScaleValue ($clthash, $dpt, $value, 0);
my $fvalue = HMCCU_FormatReadingValue ($clthash, $svalue);
my $cvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($fvalue, $substitute, 0, $chnnum, $dpt);
my %calcs = HMCCU_CalculateReading ($clthash, $chnnum, $dpt);
Log3 $ccuname, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc device=$cltname, readings=".join(',', @readings).
", orgvalue=$value value=$cvalue" if ($cltflags =~ /trace/);
foreach my $rn (@readings) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($clthash, $rn, $value, $cvalue) if ($rn ne '');
foreach my $clcr (keys %calcs) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($clthash, $clcr, $calcs{$clcr}, $calcs{$clcr});
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($clthash, 'control', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($cd ne '' && $dpt eq $cd && $chnnum eq $cc);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($clthash, 'state', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($dpt eq $st && ($sc eq '' || $sc eq $chnnum));
# Calculate and update HomeMatic state
if ($ccuflags !~ /nohmstate/) {
my ($hms_read, $hms_chn, $hms_dpt, $hms_val) = HMCCU_GetHMState ($cltname, $ccuname, undef);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($clthash, $hms_read, $hms_val, $hms_val) if (defined ($hms_val));
readingsEndUpdate ($clthash, 1);
return 1;
# Update readings of multiple client devices.
# Parameter objects is a hash reference:
# {devaddr}
# {devaddr}{channelno}
# {devaddr}{channelno}{datapoint}
# {devaddr}{channelno}{datapoint}{value}
# Return number of updated devices.
sub HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($$)
my ($hash, $objects) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $fnc = "UpdateClientReading";
my $chnadd = '';
my $devadd = '';
my $fnc = "HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices";
my $c = 0;
# Check syntax
return 0 if (!defined ($hash) || !defined ($devadd) || !defined ($chn) || !defined ($dpt) ||
!defined ($value));
if (HMCCU_IsChnAddr ($address, 0)) {
$chnadd = $address;
($devadd, $chn) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($address);
elsif (HMCCU_IsDevAddr ($address, 0)) {
$devadd = $address;
$chnadd = $address.':'.$chn if ($chn ne '');
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc Address $address not valid";
return 0;
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
return 0 if (!defined ($hash) || !defined ($objects));
# Update reading in matching client devices
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
@ -2018,123 +2180,29 @@ sub HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($@)
my $ct = $ch->{TYPE};
my $cn = $ch->{NAME};
# Filter devices
next if ($ct ne 'HMCCUDEV' && $ct ne 'HMCCUCHN');
next if (!defined ($ch->{IODev}) || !defined ($ch->{ccuaddr}));
next if ($ch->{IODev} != $hash);
my $ca = $ch->{ccuaddr};
my ($cdev, undef) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($ca);
my $csa = $cdev.':0';
my $cf = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccuflags', 'null');
if ($ch->{ccuif} eq "VirtualDevices" && exists ($ch->{ccugroup})) {
# Store values of group devices in group readings
my @gdevs = split (",", $ch->{ccugroup});
next if (!(grep { $_ eq $devadd } @gdevs) && !(grep { $_ eq $chnadd } @gdevs) &&
$ch->{ccuaddr} ne $devadd && $ch->{ccuaddr} ne $chnadd);
else {
next if ($ct eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $ch->{ccuaddr} ne $devadd);
next if ($ct eq 'HMCCUCHN' && $ch->{ccuaddr} ne $chnadd && $csa ne $chnadd);
next if ($csa eq $chnadd && $cf =~ /nochn0/);
$c++ if (HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice ($hash, $ch, $objects));
# Get attributes of client device
my $dis = AttrVal ($cn, 'disable', 0);
my $upd = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccureadings', 1);
my $crf = HMCCU_GetAttrReadingFormat ($ch, $hash);
my $substitute = HMCCU_GetAttrSubstitute ($ch, $hash);
my ($sc, $st, $cc, $cd) = HMCCU_GetSpecialDatapoints ($ch, '', 'STATE', '', '');
last if ($upd == 0 || $dis == 1);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc device=$cn, devadd=$devadd, chnadd=$chnadd, dpt=$dpt, value=$value"
if ($cf =~ /trace/);
$ch->{hmccu}{dp}{"$chn.$dpt"}{VAL} = $value;
# Update datapoint reading and control/state readings
readingsBeginUpdate ($ch);
if (HMCCU_FilterReading ($ch, $chnadd, $dpt)) {
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($ch, '', $devadd, $chn, $dpt, '', $crf);
my $svalue = HMCCU_ScaleValue ($ch, $dpt, $value, 0);
my $fvalue = HMCCU_FormatReadingValue ($ch, $svalue);
my $cvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($fvalue, $substitute, 0, $chn, $dpt);
my %calcs = HMCCU_CalculateReading ($ch, $chn, $dpt);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCU: $fnc device=$cn, readings=".join(',', @readings).
", orgvalue=$value value=$cvalue" if ($cf =~ /trace/);
foreach my $rn (@readings) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($ch, $rn, $value, $cvalue) if ($rn ne '');
foreach my $clcr (keys %calcs) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($ch, $clcr, $calcs{$clcr}, $calcs{$clcr});
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($ch, 'control', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($cd ne '' && $dpt eq $cd && $chn eq $cc);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($ch, 'state', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($dpt eq $st && ($sc eq '' || $sc eq $chn));
if ($ccuflags !~ /nohmstate/) {
my ($hms_read, $hms_chn, $hms_dpt, $hms_val) = HMCCU_GetHMState ($cn, $name, undef);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($ch, $hms_read, $hms_val, $hms_val) if (defined ($hms_val));
readingsEndUpdate ($ch, 1);
return 1;
return $c;
# Update existing devices
# Get list of RPC ports. Default is 2001.
sub HMCCU_AddDevices ($$)
sub HMCCU_GetRPCPortList ($)
my ($hash, $devlist) = @_;
my ($hash) = @_;
my @ports = (2001);
foreach my $a (@$devlist) {
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($ch->{NAME}) || !exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
next if ($ch->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCUCHN');
$ch->{chntype} = defined ($hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{chntype}) ?
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{chntype} : "unknown";
if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{rpcports})) {
@ports = split (',', $hash->{hmccu}{rpcports});
# Mark client devices deleted in CCU as invalid
sub HMCCU_DeleteDevices ($$)
my ($hash, $devlist) = @_;
foreach my $a (@$devlist) {
my $cc = $hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{channels};
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{valid} = 0;
$hash->{hmccu}{adr}{$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a}{name}}{valid} = 0;
for (my $i=0; $i<$cc; $i++) {
$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a.':'.$i}{valid} = 0;
$hash->{hmccu}{adr}{$hash->{hmccu}{dev}{$a.':'.$i}{name}}{valid} = 0;
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($ch->{NAME}) || !exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
if ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $ch->{ccuaddr} eq $a) {
$ch->{ccudevstate} = 'Deleted';
readingsSingleUpdate ($ch, 'state', 'Deleted', 1);
elsif ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCUCHN' && $ch->{ccuaddr} =~ /^$a:[0-9]+/) {
$ch->{ccudevstate} = 'Deleted';
readingsSingleUpdate ($ch, 'state', 'Deleted', 1);
return @ports;
@ -3671,8 +3739,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ProcessEvent ($$)
return undef if ($tc != 4 || !HMCCU_IsChnAddr ($t[1], 0));
my ($add, $chn) = split (/:/, $t[1]);
HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hash, $add, $chn, $t[2], $t[3], 'rpcevent');
return ($t[0], $add, $chn, '', $t[3]);
return ($t[0], $add, $chn, $t[2], $t[3]);
elsif ($t[0] eq 'SL') {
@ -3818,6 +3885,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($)
my @termpids;
my $newcount = 0;
my $delcount = 0;
my %events = ();
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $rpcinterval = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcinterval', 5);
@ -3845,6 +3913,7 @@ sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($)
my ($et, @par) = HMCCU_ProcessEvent ($hash, $element);
if (defined ($et)) {
if ($et eq 'EV') {
$events{$par[0]}{$par[1]}{$par[2]} = $par[3];
last if ($eventno == $maxevents);
@ -3876,6 +3945,8 @@ sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($)
HMCCU_QueueClose ($hash);
HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($hash, \%events) if ($eventno > 0);
# Check if events from CCU timed out
if ($hash->{hmccu}{evtime} > 0 && time()-$hash->{hmccu}{evtime} > $rpctimeout &&
$hash->{hmccu}{evtimeout} == 0) {
@ -3887,13 +3958,13 @@ sub HMCCU_ReadRPCQueue ($)
# CCU devices deleted
$delcount = scalar @deldevices;
if ($delcount > 0) {
HMCCU_DeleteDevices ($hash, \@deldevices);
HMCCU_UpdateDevices ($hash, \@deldevices, 0);
$hash->{DelDevices} = $delcount;
DoTrigger ($name, "$delcount devices deleted in CCU");
# CCU devices added
HMCCU_AddDevices ($hash, \@newdevices) if (scalar @newdevices > 0);
HMCCU_UpdateDevices ($hash, \@newdevices, 1) if (scalar @newdevices > 0);
if ($newcount > 0) {
$hash->{NewDevices} += $newcount;
DoTrigger ($name, "$newcount devices added in CCU");
@ -3975,7 +4046,7 @@ sub HMCCU_HMScript ($$)
my $response = $ua->post($url, Content => $hmscript);
if (! $response->is_success ()) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCU: ".$response->status_line();
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCU: HMScript failed. ".$response->status_line();
return '';
else {
@ -3986,61 +4057,6 @@ sub HMCCU_HMScript ($$)
# Update a single client device reading considering
# scaling, reading format and value substitution
sub HMCCU_UpdateSingleReading ($$$$$)
my ($hash, $chn, $dpt, $readings, $value) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCU_GetHash ($hash);
return $value if (!defined ($hmccu_hash));
my $ioname = $hmccu_hash->{NAME};
my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($name, 'ccureadings', 1);
my $disable = AttrVal ($name, 'disable', 0);
return $value if ($ccureadings == 0 || $disable == 1);
my $hmccuflags = AttrVal ($ioname, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $readingformat = HMCCU_GetAttrReadingFormat ($hash, $hmccu_hash);
my $substitute = HMCCU_GetAttrSubstitute ($hash, $hmccu_hash);
my ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd) = HMCCU_GetSpecialDatapoints ($hash, '', 'STATE', '', '');
$hash->{hmccu}{dp}{"$chn.$dpt"}{VAL} = $value;
my $svalue = HMCCU_ScaleValue ($hash, $dpt, $value, 0);
my $fvalue = HMCCU_FormatReadingValue ($hash, $svalue);
my $cvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($fvalue, $substitute, 0, $chn, $dpt);
my %calcs = HMCCU_CalculateReading ($hash, $chn, $dpt);
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
foreach my $rn (@$readings) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $rn, $value, $cvalue) if ($rn ne '');
foreach my $clcr (keys %calcs) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $clcr, $calcs{$clcr}, $calcs{$clcr});
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, 'control', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($cd ne '' && $dpt eq $cd && $chn eq $cc);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, 'state', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($dpt eq $sd && ($sc eq '' || $sc eq $chn));
if ($hmccuflags !~ /nohmstate/) {
my ($hms_read, $hms_chn, $hms_dpt, $hms_val) = HMCCU_GetHMState ($name, $ioname, undef);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $hms_read, $hms_val, $hms_val) if (defined ($hms_val));
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
return $cvalue;
# Bulk update of reading considering attribute
# substexcl.
@ -4108,9 +4124,7 @@ sub HMCCU_GetDatapoint ($@)
Log3 ($name, 2, "$type: Response = ".$rawresponse) if ($tf);
if (defined ($value) && $value ne '' && $value ne 'null') {
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($hash, $int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $readingformat);
$value = HMCCU_UpdateSingleReading ($hash, $chn, $dpt, \@readings, $value);
$value = HMCCU_UpdateSingleDatapoint ($hash, $chn, $dpt, $value);
return (1, $value);
else {
@ -4178,8 +4192,7 @@ sub HMCCU_SetDatapoint ($$$)
return $rc;
elsif ($ccuverify == 2) {
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($hash, $int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $readingformat);
HMCCU_UpdateSingleReading ($hash, $chn, $dpt, \@readings, $value);
HMCCU_UpdateSingleDatapoint ($hash, $chn, $dpt, $value);
@ -4367,13 +4380,26 @@ WriteLine (c);
elsif (HMCCU_IsDevAddr ($addr, 0)) {
$nam = HMCCU_GetDeviceName ($hmccu_hash, $addr, '');
return -1 if ($nam eq '');
my $devlist = $nam;
# Consider members of group device
if ($type eq 'HMCCUDEV' && $cl_hash->{ccuif} eq 'VirtualDevices' &&
exists ($cl_hash->{ccugroup})) {
foreach my $gd (split (",", $cl_hash->{ccugroup})) {
$nam = HMCCU_GetDeviceName ($hmccu_hash, $gd, '');
$devlist .= ','.$nam if ($nam ne '');
$script = qq(
string chnid;
string sDPId;
string sDevName;
string sDevList = "$devlist";
integer c = 0;
object odev = dom.GetObject ("$nam");
if (odev) {
foreach (sDevName, sDevList.Split(",")) {
object odev = dom.GetObject (sDevName);
if (odev) {
foreach (chnid, odev.Channels()) {
object ochn = dom.GetObject(chnid);
if (ochn) {
@ -4388,8 +4414,9 @@ if (odev) {
WriteLine (c);
WriteLine (c);
else {
@ -4408,114 +4435,30 @@ if (odev) {
my $count = pop (@dpdef);
return -10 if (!defined ($count) || $count == 0);
# Update client device
my $rc = HMCCU_UpdateDeviceReadings ($cl_hash, \@dpdef);
return $rc if ($rc < 0);
my %events = ();
foreach my $dp (@dpdef) {
my ($chnname, $dpspec, $value) = split /=/, $dp;
next if (!defined ($value));
my ($iface, $chnadd, $dpt) = split /\./, $dpspec;
next if (!defined ($dpt));
my ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($chnadd);
next if (!defined ($chn));
$events{$add}{$chn}{$dpt} = $value;
# Update virtual devices
my ($da, $cno) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($cl_hash->{ccuaddr});
foreach my $dn (sort keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$dn};
next if (!exists ($ch->{NAME}) || !exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
next if ($ch->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCUDEV');
next if ($ch->{ccuif} ne "VirtualDevices" || !exists ($ch->{ccugroup}));
my @vdevs = split (",", $ch->{ccugroup});
if ((grep { $_ eq $da } @vdevs) ||
($cno ne '' && (grep { $_ eq $cl_hash->{ccuaddr} } @vdevs))) {
HMCCU_UpdateDeviceReadings ($ch, \@dpdef);
HMCCU_UpdateSingleDevice ($hmccu_hash, $cl_hash, \%events);
return 1;
# Update readings of client device. Parameter dp
# is a reference to an array of datapoint=value
# pairs. Returns number of updated readings.
sub HMCCU_UpdateDeviceReadings ($$)
my ($cl_hash, $dp) = @_;
my $cn = $cl_hash->{NAME};
my $uc = 0;
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCU_GetHash ($cl_hash);
return 0 if (!defined ($hmccu_hash));
my $ioname = $hmccu_hash->{NAME};
my $disable = AttrVal ($cn, 'disable', 0);
return 0 if ($disable == 1);
my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccureadings', 1);
return -6 if ($ccureadings == 0);
my $hmccuflags = AttrVal ($ioname, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($cn, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $readingformat = HMCCU_GetAttrReadingFormat ($cl_hash, $hmccu_hash);
my $substitute = HMCCU_GetAttrSubstitute ($cl_hash, $hmccu_hash);
my ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd) = HMCCU_GetSpecialDatapoints ($cl_hash, '', 'STATE', '', '');
readingsBeginUpdate ($cl_hash);
# Process all datapoints
# Format is: ChannelName=Interface.ChannelAddress.Datapoint=Value
foreach my $dpdef (@$dp) {
my @dpdata = split /=/, $dpdef;
next if (@dpdata < 2);
my @adrtoks = split /\./, $dpdata[1];
next if (@adrtoks != 3);
my ($add, $chn) = split /:/, $adrtoks[1];
my $dpt = $adrtoks[2];
my $value = (defined ($dpdata[2]) && $dpdata[2] ne '') ? $dpdata[2] : 'N/A';
$cl_hash->{hmccu}{dp}{"$chn.$dpt"}{VAL} = $value;
if (HMCCU_FilterReading ($cl_hash, $adrtoks[1], $dpt)) {
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($cl_hash, $adrtoks[0], $add, $chn, $dpt,
$dpdata[0], $readingformat);
my $svalue = HMCCU_ScaleValue ($cl_hash, $dpt, $value, 0);
my $fvalue = HMCCU_FormatReadingValue ($cl_hash, $svalue);
my $cvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($fvalue, $substitute, 0, $chn, $dpt);
my %calcs = HMCCU_CalculateReading ($cl_hash, $chn, $dpt);
foreach my $rn (@readings) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($cl_hash, $rn, $value, $cvalue) if ($rn ne '');
foreach my $clcr (keys %calcs) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($cl_hash, $clcr, $calcs{$clcr}, $calcs{$clcr});
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($cl_hash, 'control', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($cd ne '' && $adrtoks[2] eq $cd && $chn eq $cc);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($cl_hash, "state", $fvalue, $cvalue)
if (($adrtoks[2] eq $sd) && ($sc eq '' || $sc eq $chn));
# Get HomeMatic state
if ($hmccuflags !~ /nohmstate/) {
my ($hms_read, $hms_chn, $hms_dpt, $hms_val) = HMCCU_GetHMState ($cn, $ioname, undef);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($cl_hash, $hms_read, $hms_val, $hms_val) if (defined ($hms_val));
readingsEndUpdate ($cl_hash, 1);
return $uc;
# Get multiple datapoints of channels and update
# readings.
# If hash points to client device only readings
# of client device will be updated.
# Returncodes: -1 = Invalid channel/datapoint
# readings of client devices.
# Returncodes: -1 = Invalid channel/datapoint in list
# -2 = CCU script execution failed
# -3 = Cannot detect IO device
# On success number of updated readings is returned.
sub HMCCU_GetChannel ($$)
@ -4523,36 +4466,23 @@ sub HMCCU_GetChannel ($$)
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $count = 0;
my %chnpars;
my $chnlist = '';
my $result = '';
my %chnpars;
my %objects = ();
my $objcount = 0;
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCU_GetHash ($hash);
return (-3, $result) if (!defined ($hmccu_hash));;
return (-4, $result) if ($type ne 'HMCCU' && $hash->{ccudevstate} eq 'Deleted');
my $type_hash = $type eq 'HMCCU' ? $hmccu_hash : $hash;
my $ioname = $hmccu_hash->{NAME};
my $hmccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $ccuget = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuget', 'Value');
my $hmccuflags = AttrVal ($ioname, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $ccuget = HMCCU_GetAttribute ($hmccu_hash, $hash, 'ccuget', 'Value');
my $ccureadings = AttrVal ($name, 'ccureadings', 1);
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
my $readingformat = AttrVal ($name, 'ccureadingformat', 'name');
my $defsubstitute = AttrVal ($name, 'substitute', '');
my ($sc, $sd, $cc, $cd) = HMCCU_GetSpecialDatapoints ($hash, '', 'STATE', '', '');
# Build channel list
# Build channel list. Datapoints and substitution rules are ignored.
foreach my $chndef (@$chnref) {
my ($channel, $substitute) = split /\s+/, $chndef;
next if (!defined ($channel) || $channel =~ /^#/ || $channel eq '');
$substitute = $defsubstitute if (!defined ($substitute));
my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($hmccu_hash, $channel,
my ($int, $add, $chn, $dpt, $nam, $flags) = HMCCU_ParseObject ($hash, $channel,
if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD || $flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_NCD) {
if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD) {
$nam = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($hmccu_hash, $add.':'.$chn, '');
$nam = HMCCU_GetChannelName ($hash, $add.':'.$chn, '') if ($flags == $HMCCU_FLAGS_IACD);
$chnlist = $chnlist eq '' ? $nam : $chnlist.','.$nam;
$chnpars{$nam}{sub} = $substitute;
$chnpars{$nam}{dpt} = $dpt;
@ -4582,64 +4512,28 @@ foreach (sChannel, sChnList.Split(",")) {
my $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($hmccu_hash, $script);
my $response = HMCCU_HMScript ($hash, $script);
return (-2, $result) if ($response eq '');
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash) if ($type ne 'HMCCU' && $ccureadings);
# Output format is Channelname=Interface.Channeladdress.Datapoint=Value
foreach my $dpdef (split /\n/, $response) {
my @dpdata = split /=/, $dpdef;
next if (@dpdata != 3);
my @adrtoks = split /\./, $dpdata[1];
next if (@adrtoks != 3);
next if ($adrtoks[2] !~ /$chnpars{$dpdata[0]}{dpt}/);
my ($add, $chn) = split /:/, $adrtoks[1];
my $dpt = $adrtoks[2];
my $value;
if ($hash->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU') {
$value = HMCCU_Substitute ($dpdata[2], $chnpars{$dpdata[0]}{sub}, 0, $chn, $dpt);
HMCCU_UpdateClientReading ($hmccu_hash, $add, $chn, $dpt, $value);
else {
$hash->{hmccu}{dp}{"$chn.$dpt"}{VAL} = $value;
$value = HMCCU_ScaleValue ($hash, $dpt, $dpdata[2], 0);
my $fvalue = HMCCU_FormatReadingValue ($hash, $value);
my $cvalue = HMCCU_Substitute ($fvalue, $chnpars{$dpdata[0]}{sub}, 0, $chn, $dpt);
my %calcs = HMCCU_CalculateReading ($hash, $chn, $dpt);
my @readings = HMCCU_GetReadingName ($type_hash, $adrtoks[0], $add, $chn, $dpt,
$dpdata[0], $readingformat);
if ($ccureadings) {
foreach my $rn (@readings) {
next if ($rn eq '');
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $rn, $value, $cvalue);
$result .= $rn.'='.$cvalue."\n";
foreach my $clcr (keys %calcs) {
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $clcr, $calcs{$clcr}, $calcs{$clcr});
$result .= $clcr.'='.$calcs{$clcr}."\n";
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, 'control', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if ($cd ne '' && $adrtoks[2] eq $cd && $chn eq $cc);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, 'state', $fvalue, $cvalue)
if (($adrtoks[2] eq $sd) && ($sc eq '' || $sc eq $chn));
$value = $cvalue;
my ($chnname, $dptaddr, $value) = split /=/, $dpdef;
next if (!defined ($value));
my ($iface, $chnaddr, $dpt) = split /\./, $dptaddr;
next if (!defined ($dpt));
my ($add, $chn) = HMCCU_SplitChnAddr ($chnaddr);
next if (!defined ($chn));
if (defined ($chnpars{$chnname}{dpt}) && $chnpars{$chnname}{dpt} ne '') {
next if ($dpt !~ $chnpars{$chnname}{dpt});
$value = HMCCU_Substitute ($value, $chnpars{$chnname}{sub}, 0, $chn, $dpt);
$objects{$add}{$chn}{$dpt} = $value;
if ($hmccuflags !~ /nohmstate/) {
my ($hms_read, $hms_chn, $hms_dpt, $hms_val) = HMCCU_GetHMState ($name, $ioname, undef);
HMCCU_BulkUpdate ($hash, $hms_read, $hms_val, $hms_val) if (defined ($hms_val));
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1) if ($type ne 'HMCCU' && $ccureadings);
$count = HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($hash, \%objects) if ($objcount > 0);
return ($count, $result);
@ -5595,12 +5489,13 @@ sub HMCCU_CCURPC_GetEventsCB ($$)
<a name="HMCCUdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> HMCCU <HostOrIP></code>
<code>define <name> HMCCU <HostOrIP> [<ccu-number>]</code>
<code>define myccu HMCCU</code>
The parameter <i>HostOrIP</i> is the hostname or IP address of a Homematic CCU2.
The parameter <i>HostOrIP</i> is the hostname or IP address of a Homematic CCU2. If you have
more than one CCU you can specifiy a unique CCU number with parameter <i>ccu-number</i>.
For automatic update of Homematic device datapoints and FHEM readings one have to:
@ -5610,12 +5505,11 @@ sub HMCCU_CCURPC_GetEventsCB ($$)
<li>Optionally enable automatic start of RPC servers with attribute 'rpcserver'</li>
Than start with the definition of client devices using modules HMCCUDEV (CCU devices)
and HMCCUCHN (CCU channels).<br/>
and HMCCUCHN (CCU channels) or with command 'get devicelist create'.<br/>
Maybe it's helpful to set the following FHEM standard attributes for the HMCCU I/O
<li>Shortcut for RPC server control: eventMap /rpcserver on:on/rpcserver off:off/</li>
<li>Show RPC server and I/O device state: stateFormat rpcstate/state</li>
@ -5712,13 +5606,12 @@ sub HMCCU_CCURPC_GetEventsCB ($$)
<li><b>get <name> parfile [<parfile>]</b><br/>
Get values of all channels / datapoints specified in <i>parfile</i>. The parameter
<i>parfile</i> can also be defined as an attribute. The file must contain one channel /
datapoint definition per line. Datapoints are optional. The channel definition
can be followed by a list of string substitution rules for datapoint values.
definition per line.
The syntax of Parfile entries is:
{[<interface>.]<channel-address>[.<datapoint-expr>] |
<channel-name>[.<datapoint-expr>]} <regexp>:<subsstr>[,...]
{[<interface>.]<channel-address> | <channel-name>}
[.<datapoint-expr>] [<subst-rules>]
Empty lines or lines starting with a # are ignored.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
# $Id$
# Version 3.9
# Version 3.9.001
# Configuration parameters for Homematic devices.
@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ use vars qw(%HMCCU_DEV_DEFAULTS);
statedatapoint => "STATE",
statevals => "lock:false,unlock:true",
substitute => "STATE!(0|false):locked,(1|true):unlocked,2:open;INHIBIT!(0|false):no,(1|true):yes;STATE_UNCERTAIN!(1|true):manual;DIRECTION!0:none,1:up,2:down,3:undefined;ERROR!0:no,1:clutch_failure,2:motor_aborted"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-CT-R1" => {
_description => "Schaltaktor mit Klemmanschluss",
_channels => "1",
ccureadingfilter => "(STATE|WORKING)",
cmdIcon => "press:general_an",
eventMap => "/on-for-timer 1:press/",
statedatapoint => "STATE",
statevals => "on:true,off:false",
substitute => "STATE!(0|false):off,(1|true):on;WORKING!(0|false):no,(1|true):yes",
webCmd => "press"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2|HMIP-PS" => {
_description => "Steckdose",
@ -307,6 +318,16 @@ use vars qw(%HMCCU_DEV_DEFAULTS);
statevals => "open:100,close:0",
stripnumber => 1,
substitute => "LEVEL!-0.005:locked,#0-0:closed,#100-100:open;INHIBIT!(0|false):no,(1|true):yes;ERROR!0:no,1:motor_turn,2:motor_tilt;STATUS!0:trickle_charge,1:charge,2:discharge,3:unknown"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-CT-R1" => {
_description => "Schaltaktor mit Klemmanschluss",
ccureadingfilter => "(STATE|WORKING)",
cmdIcon => "press:general_an",
eventMap => "/on-for-timer 1:press/",
statedatapoint => "1.STATE",
statevals => "on:true,off:false",
substitute => "STATE!(0|false):off,(1|true):on;WORKING!(0|false):no,(1|true):yes",
webCmd => "press"
"HM-LC-Sw1-Pl-2" => {
_description => "Steckdose",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user