time - show a JavaScript driven timepicker.
Example: attr FS20dev widgetOverride on-till:time
textField[,placeholder] - show an input field.
textField[,placeholder,tfsize] - show an input field. tfsize is the size
+ attribute for the input field, defaults to 30.
Example: attr WEB widgetOverride room:textField
textFieldNL[,placeholder] - show the input field and hide the label.
textField-long[,sizePct] - show an input-field, but upon
textFieldNL[,placeholder,tfsize] - show the input field and hide the
+ label.
textField-long[,sizePct,tfsize] - show an input-field, but upon
clicking on the input field open a textArea.
sizePct specifies the size of the dialog relative to the screen, in
percent. Default is 75
textFieldNL-long[,sizePct] - the behaviour is the same
textFieldNL-long[,sizePct,tfsize] - the behaviour is the same
as :textField-long, but no label is displayed.
slider,<min>,<step>,<max>[,1] - show
a JavaScript driven slider. The optional ,1 at the end