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98_GAEBUS.pm : implement "info" and "find" commands of ebusd. Local copy of ".csv" configuration files no longer needed.

git-svn-id: https://svn.fhem.de/fhem/trunk@11953 2b470e98-0d58-463d-a4d8-8e2adae1ed80
This commit is contained in:
jamesgo 2016-08-12 07:09:34 +00:00
parent 2a873f0d30
commit 01bd26a40a

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# $Id: 98_GAEBUS.pm 1 2015-07-03 00:00:00 Andreas Goebel $
# derived from 00_TUL.pm
@ -25,8 +25,9 @@
# ebusd may return a list of values like "52.0;43.0;8.000;41.0;45.0;error"
# defining a reading "VL;RL;dummy;VLWW;RLWW" will create redings VL, RL, VLWW and RLWW
# 04.12.2015 : A.Goebel : add event-min-interval to attributes
# 05.01.2016 : A.Goebel : debugs added
# 14.12.2015 : A.Goebel : add read possible commmands for ebusd using "find -f" instead of reading the ".csv" files directly ("get ebusd_find")
# 25.01.2016 : A.Goebel : fix duplicate log entries for readings
# 05.02.2016 : A.Goebel : add valueFormat attribute
package main;
@ -42,7 +43,6 @@ sub GAEBUS_Attr(@);
sub GAEBUS_OpenDev($$);
sub GAEBUS_CloseDev($);
sub GAEBUS_SimpleWrite(@);
sub GAEBUS_Disconnected($);
sub GAEBUS_Shutdown($);
@ -53,15 +53,13 @@ sub GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDoit($);
sub GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDone($);
sub GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($);
sub GAEBUS_state($);
my %gets = ( # Name, Data to send to the GAEBUS, Regexp for the answer
# "raw" => ["r", '.*'],
my %getsToRead = ();
my %sets = (
# "raw" => "",
"reopen" => []
#"reopen" => []
my %setsForWriting = ();
@ -71,9 +69,10 @@ my $allSetParamsForWriting = "";
my $allGetParams = "";
my $delimiter = "~";
my $attrsDefault = "do_not_notify:1,0 disable:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 event-on-change-reading event-min-interval ebusWritesEnabled:0,1";
my $attrsDefault = "do_not_notify:1,0 disable:1,0 dummy:1,0 showtime:1,0 loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 event-on-change-reading event-min-interval ebusWritesEnabled:0,1 valueFormat:textField-long";
my %ebusCmd = ();
@ -89,7 +88,25 @@ GAEBUS_Initialize($)
$hash->{AttrList} = $attrsDefault;
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "GAEBUS_Shutdown";
%sets = ( "reopen" => [] );
%gets = ( "ebusd_find" => [], "ebusd_info" => [] );
%setsForWriting = ( );
GAEBUS_initParams ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# bulid set and get Params and store them in
# $allSetParams
# $allSetParamsForWriting
# $allGetParams
$allSetParams = "";
foreach my $setval (sort keys %sets)
@ -310,11 +327,6 @@ GAEBUS_Set($@)
return "Unknown argument $type, choose one of " . $actSetParams
#if($type eq "raw") {
# Log3 $hash, 3, "set $name $type $arg";
# GAEBUS_SimpleWrite($hash, $arg);
return undef;
@ -391,6 +403,24 @@ GAEBUS_Get($@)
if ($a[1] eq "ebusd_find")
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name Get $a[1]");
my $answer = GAEBUS_doEbusCmd ($hash, "f", "", "", "", "", 0);
return $answer;
if ($a[1] eq "ebusd_info")
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name Get $a[1]");
my $answer = GAEBUS_doEbusCmd ($hash, "i", "", "", "", "", 0);
return $answer;
# other read commands
if ($a[1] =~ /^[rh]$delimiter/)
@ -416,19 +446,6 @@ GAEBUS_Get($@)
#return "No $a[1] for dummies" if(IsDummy($varname));
return "nix";
#GAEBUS_SimpleWrite($hash, "B".$gets{$a[1]}[0] . $arg);
if(!defined($rsp)) {
$rsp = "No answer";
$hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{VAL} = $rsp;
$hash->{READINGS}{$a[1]}{TIME} = TimeNow();
return "$a[0] $a[1] => $rsp";
@ -562,6 +579,8 @@ GAEBUS_Attr(@)
my @a = @_;
my ($action, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @a;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
$attrval = "" unless defined ($attrval);
if ($action eq "del")
@ -597,11 +616,38 @@ GAEBUS_Attr(@)
if ($attrname eq "valueFormat" and defined ($hash->{helper}{$attrname})) {
delete ($hash->{helper}{$attrname});
return undef;
elsif ($action eq "set")
if ($attrname eq "valueFormat") {
my $attrVal = $attrval;
if( $attrVal =~ m/^{.*}$/s && $attrVal =~ m/=>/ && $attrVal !~ m/\$/ ) {
my $av = eval $attrVal;
if( $@ ) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME}, 3, $hash->{NAME} ." $attrname: ". $@);
} else {
$attrVal = $av if( ref($av) eq "HASH" );
$hash->{helper}{$attrname} = $attrVal;
foreach my $key (keys $hash->{helper}{$attrname}) {
Log3 ($hash->{NAME}, 3, $hash->{NAME} ." $key ".$hash->{helper}{$attrname}{$key});
#return "set HERE??";
} else {
# if valueFormat is not verified sucessfully ... the helper is deleted (=not used)
delete $hash->{helper}{$attrname};
return undef;
if (defined $attr{$name}{$attrname})
my $oldreading = $attr{$name}{$attrname};
@ -646,150 +692,6 @@ GAEBUS_Attr(@)
return undef;
my ($hash, $file) = @_;
if (!open (CSV, "<$file"))
Log3 ($hash, 2, "GAEBUS: cannot open $file");
return undef;
my $line;
my $buffer = "";
my $actCircuit = "";
my %circuits = ();
my $defCircuit = "$file";
$defCircuit =~ s,^.*/,,;
$defCircuit =~ s/\.csv$//;
binmode(CSV, ':encoding(utf-8)');
while (<CSV>)
next if /^#/;
next if /^\s$/;
$line = encode("UTF-8", $_);
$line =~ s/ /_/g; # no blanks in names and comments
$line =~ s/$delimiter/_/g; # clean up the delimiter within the text
#$line =~ s/\|/_/g; # later used as delimiter in arguments
#Log3 ($hash, 2, "READ $file $line");
my ($io, $circuit, $vname, $comment, @params) = split (",", $line, 5);
# handle defaults: "^*"
if ($io =~ /^\*(.*)/)
my $rwkey = $1;
if ($circuit ne "")
#print "new circuit found $rwkey: $circuit\n";
$circuits{$rwkey} = $circuit;
# collect variables
foreach my $dir (split (";", $io.";"))
if ($circuit ne "")
$actCircuit = $circuit;
elsif (defined ($circuits{$dir}))
$actCircuit = $circuits{$dir};
$actCircuit = $defCircuit;
#printf "%-3s %-12s %-40s %-s\n", $dir, $actCircuit, $vname, $comment;
#Log3 $hash, 3, printf "%-3s %-12s %-40s %-s\n", $dir, $actCircuit, $vname, $comment;
#Log3 $hash, 3, "$dir, $actCircuit, $vname, $comment";
my $dirSimple = substr($dir, 0,1);
if ($dirSimple =~ /^[rhw]/)
my $rkey = join (";", ($dirSimple, $actCircuit, $vname));
$ebusCmd{$rkey} = $comment;
#print "$io $actCircuit\n";
close (CSV);
my $hash = shift;
my $dir = "./ebusd";
%ebusCmd = ();
if (opendir INDIR, $dir)
my @infiles = grep /^[^\.].*\.csv$/, readdir INDIR; # all files exept those starting with "."
foreach my $file (@infiles)
next if ($file =~ /^_/);
Log3 ($hash, 4, "GAEBUS: process config $file");
GAEBUS_ProcessCSV($hash, $dir."/".$file);
closedir INDIR;
%sets = ( "reopen" => [] );
%gets = ( );
%setsForWriting = ( );
my $comment;
foreach my $key (sort keys %ebusCmd)
$comment = $ebusCmd{$key};
my ($io,$class,$var) = split (";", $key, 3);
push @{$sets{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "r" or $io eq "h");
push @{$setsForWriting{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "w");
push @{$gets{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "r" or $io eq "h");
Log3 ($hash, 5, "GAEBUS: add attr $key $comment");
Log3 ($hash, 2, "cannot open dir $dir");
@ -831,20 +733,20 @@ sub
my $hash = shift;
my $action = shift; # "r" = get reading, "v" = verbose mode, "w" = write to ebus
my $action = shift; # "r" = get reading, "v" = verbose mode, "w" = write to ebus, "f" = execute find to read in config, "i" = execute info
my $readingname = shift;
my $readingcmdname = shift;
my $writeValues = shift;
my $cmdaddon = shift;
my $inBlockingCall = shift;
my $actMessage;
my $actMessage = "";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (($hash->{STATE} ne "Connected") or (!$hash->{TCPDev}->connected()) )
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name device closed. Try to reopen");
if ($hash->{STATE} ne "Connected") {
if ($inBlockingCall) {
@ -874,6 +776,12 @@ GAEBUS_doEbusCmd($$$$$$$)
$cmd .= "-c $class $var ";
$cmd .= "$writeValues";
} elsif ($action eq "f") {
$cmd = "find -f -r -w";
} elsif ($action eq "i") {
$cmd = "info";
} else {
$cmd = "$io ";
@ -892,41 +800,101 @@ GAEBUS_doEbusCmd($$$$$$$)
sysread ($hash->{TCPDev}, $actMessage, 4096);
$actMessage =~ s/\n//g;
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name old answer $actMessage\n");
$actMessage = "";
syswrite ($hash->{TCPDev}, $cmd."\n");
if ($hash->{SELECTOR}->can_read($timeout))
if (0 and $hash->{SELECTOR}->can_read($timeout))
#Log3 ($name, 2, "$name try to read");
sysread ($hash->{TCPDev}, $actMessage, 4096);
$actMessage =~ s/\n//g;
#$actMessage =~ s/;/ /g;
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name answer $action $readingname $actMessage");
if ($hash->{SELECTOR}->can_read($timeout)) {
#unless ($actMessage =~ "Usage:") # pass Usage: directly
# # no Usage: message
# unless ($actMessage =~ /^ERR:/) # pass ERR: message directly
# {
# # no ERR: message
# # = normal answer
# }
my $rbuffer = "";
while ($hash->{SELECTOR}->can_read(0.1) and sysread ($hash->{TCPDev}, $rbuffer, 4096)) {
$actMessage .= $rbuffer;
if ( $rbuffer =~ /\n\n$/ )
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name answer terminated by empty line");
#$actMessage =~ s/\n//g;
#Log3 ($name, 3, "$name answer $action $readingname $actMessage");
#return "timeout reading answer for ($readingname) $cmd";
$actMessage = "timeout reading answer for $cmd";
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name $actMessage");
Log3 ($name, 2, "$name: timeout reading answer for $cmd");
return "";
if ($action eq "f")
%sets = ( "reopen" => [] );
%gets = ( "ebusd_find" => [], "ebusd_info" => [] );
%setsForWriting = ( );
my $cnt = 0;
foreach my $line (split /\n/, $actMessage) {
$line =~ s/ /_/g; # no blanks in names and comments
$line =~ s/$delimiter/_/g; # clean up the delimiter within the text
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name $line");
#my ($io,$class,$var) = split (",", $line, 3);
my ($io, $class, $var, $comment, @params) = split (",", $line, 5);
$io =~ s/[0-9]//g;
# drop "memory"
next if ($class eq "memory");
next if ($class eq "scan");
push @{$sets{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "r" or $io eq "h");
push @{$setsForWriting{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "w" or $io eq "wi");
push @{$gets{$io.$delimiter.$class}}, $var.$delimiter.$comment if ($io eq "r" or $io eq "h");
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name find done.");
return "$cnt definitions processed";
if ($action eq "i")
#Log3 ($name, 3, "$name info done.");
return "$actMessage";
$actMessage =~ s/\n//g;
Log3 ($name, 3, "$name answer $action $readingname $actMessage");
my @values = split /;/, $actMessage;
my @targetreading = defined ($readingname) ? split /;/, $readingname : ();
if ($inBlockingCall)
$actMessage = "";
@ -941,7 +909,7 @@ GAEBUS_doEbusCmd($$$$$$$)
$actMessage =~ s/\|$//;
# readings will be set in parent FHEM process
# readings will be updated in main fhem process
return $actMessage;
@ -953,6 +921,8 @@ GAEBUS_doEbusCmd($$$$$$$)
next if ($targetreading[$i] eq "dummy");
my $v = defined($values[$i]) ? $values[$i] : "";
$v = GAEBUS_valueFormat ($hash, $targetreading[$i], $v);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $targetreading[$i], $v);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
@ -1021,7 +991,6 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDoit($)
my $ret = GAEBUS_OpenDev($hash, 0);
if (($hash->{STATE} ne "Connected") or (!$hash->{TCPDev}->connected()) )
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name: GetUpdatesDoit not connected to ebusd");
return "$name";
@ -1071,7 +1040,6 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDoit($)
# returnvalue for BlockingCall ... done routine
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name: GetUpdatesDoit returnes $name$readingsToUpdate");
return $name.$readingsToUpdate;
@ -1082,8 +1050,6 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDone($)
my ($string) = @_;
Log (3, "98_GAEBUS: GetUpdatesDone called");
return unless(defined($string));
my @a = split("\\|",$string);
@ -1092,12 +1058,14 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesDone($)
Log3 ($name, 4, "$name: GetUpdatesDoit returned $string");
#Log3 ($name, 2, "$name: GetUpdatesDoit returned $string");
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
for (my $i = 1; $i < $#a; $i = $i + 2)
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $a[$i], $a[$i+1]);
my $v = GAEBUS_valueFormat ($hash, $$a[$i], $a[$i+1]);
#readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $a[$i], $a[$i+1]);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, $a[$i], $v);
readingsEndUpdate($hash, 1);
@ -1119,6 +1087,27 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{Interval}, "GAEBUS_GetUpdates", $hash, 0);
my ($hash, $reading, $value) = @_;
return $value unless (defined ($reading));
if (ref($hash->{helper}{valueFormat}) eq 'HASH')
if (exists($hash->{helper}{valueFormat}->{$reading})) {
my $vf = $hash->{helper}{valueFormat}->{$reading};
return sprintf ("$vf", $value);
return $value;
@ -1149,9 +1138,8 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
<code>define ebus1 GAEBUS localhost 300</code>
When initializing the object the configuration of the ebusd (.csv files from /etc/ebusd) are read.<br>
The files need to be copied into a directory "ebusd" (normally /opt/fhem/ebusd) on the server running fhem.<br>
When initializing the object no device specific commands are known. Please call "get ebusd_find" to read in supported commands from ebusd.<br>
After fresh restart of ebusd it may take a while until all supported devices and their commands are visible.<br>
@ -1162,17 +1150,17 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
Will close and open the socket connection.
<li>[r]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt;<br>
<li>[r]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment&gt;<br>
Will define a attribute with the following syntax:<br>
[r]~&lt;class&gt;~&lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt<br>
Valid combinations are read from the .csv files in directory "ebusd" and are selectable<br>
Valid combinations are read from ebusd (using "get ebusd_find") and are selectable.<br>
Values from the attributes will be used as the name for the reading which are read from ebusd in the interval specified.<br>
<li>[w]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt;<br>
<li>[w]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment&gt;<br>
Will define a attribute with the following syntax:<br>
[w]~&lt;class&gt;~&lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt<br>
They will only appear if the attribute "ebusWritesEnabled" is set to "1"<br>
Valid combinations are read from the .csv files in directory "ebusd" and are selectable<br>
Valid combinations are read from ebusd (using "get ebusd_find") and are selectable.<br>
Values from the attributes will be used for set commands to modify parameters for ebus devices<br>
Hint: if the values for the attributes are prefixed by "set-" then all possible parameters will be listed in one block<br>
@ -1181,13 +1169,22 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
<a name="GAEBUS"></a>
Execude <i>info</i> command on ebusd and show result.
Execude <i>find</i> command on ebusd. Result will be used to display supported "set" and "get" commands.
<li>reading &lt;reading-name&gt<br>
Will read the actual value form ebusd and update the reading.
<li>[r]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt;<br>
<li>[r]~&lt;class&gt; &lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment&gt;<br>
Will read this variable from the ebusd and show the result as a popup.<br>
Valid combinations are read from the .csv files in directory "ebusd" and are selectable<br>
Valid combinations are read from ebusd (using "get ebusd_find") and are selectable.<br>
@ -1207,7 +1204,7 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
If Attribute is missing, default value is 0 (disable writes)<br>
<li>Attributes of the format<br>
<code>[r|h]~&lt;class&gt;~&lt;variable-name&gt;~&lt;comment from csv&gt;</code><br>
define variables that can be retrieved from the ebusd.
They will appear when they are defined by a "set" command as described above.<br>
The value assigned to an attribute specifies the name of the reading for this variable.<br>
@ -1224,6 +1221,13 @@ GAEBUS_GetUpdatesAborted($)
They will appear when they are defined by a "set" command as described above.<br>
The value assigned to an attribute specifies the name that will be used in set to change a parameter for a ebus device.<br>
Defines a map to format values within GAEBUS.<br>
All readings can be formated using syntax of sprinf.
Example: { "temperature" => "%0.2f" }