mirror of https://github.com/fhem/fhem-mirror.git synced 2025-02-01 13:29:26 +00:00

588 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Creates the FHEM file from the raw data
# Usage: zwavealliance.images.parse downloaddir
# Downloaddir is filled with the following script:
# i=1
# while test $i -lt 2063
# do
# echo $i
# wget -q http://products.z-wavealliance.org/products/$i
# i=`expr $i + 1`
# done
die("Usage: zwavealliance.images.parse downloaddir\n") if(int(@ARGV) != 1);
my %mf;
while(my $l = <DATA>) {
my @a = split(" ", $l, 2);
$a[1] =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
$a[1] = lc($a[1]);
die("Double entry for $l\n") if($mf{$a[1]});
$mf{$a[1]} = $a[0];
print "MF ADD >$a[1]<\n";
open(OF, ">zwavealliance_links.csv");
opendir(DIRH, $ARGV[0]) || die("Cant open $ARGV[0]\n");
my @files;
while(my $fn = readdir(DIRH)) {
push @files, $fn;
for my $fn (sort { $a <=> $b } @files) {
my $path = "$ARGV[0]/$fn";
next if (! -f $path);
open(FH, $path) || die("Cant open $path\n");
my ($bn,$bn2,$mi,$pti,$pi,$pic) = ('','','','','','');
while(my $l = <FH>) {
if($l =~ m,<div><span>Brand Name:</span>(.*)</div>,) {
$bn = $1;
$bn2 = $bn;
$bn2 =~ s/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g;
$bn2 = lc($bn2);
$mi = $mf{$bn2} if(defined($mf{$bn2}));
$pti = $1 if($l =~ m,<div><span>Product Type ID:</span> 0x(....) </div>,);
$pi = $1 if($l =~ m,<div><span>Product ID:</span> 0x(....) </div>,);
$pic = $1 if($l =~ m,productName=(.*)'.*class=.ProductDetails,);
if($mi eq '' && $pti eq '' && $pi eq '' && -s $path eq 4880) {
printf "DELETE empty $path\n";
if($mi eq '') {
printf "Missing manufId for $fn: $bn/$bn2\n";
if($pti eq '' || $pi eq '') {
printf "Missing parameters for $fn: $bn/$bn2/$mi/$pti/$pi\n";
printf OF "%s-%s-%s,%s,%s\n", $mi,$pti,$pi,$fn,$pic;
0000 Sigma Designs (Former Zensys)
0000 sigmadesigns
0001 ACT - Advanced Control Technologies
0002 Danfoss
0003 Wr@p
0004 Exhausto
0005 Intermatic
0006 Intel
0007 Vimar CRS
0008 Wayne Dalton
0009 Sylvania
000A Techniku
000B CasaWorks
000C HomeSeer Technologies
000C HomeSeer
000D Home Automated Living
000E Mohito Networks
000F ConvergeX Ltd.
0010 Residential Control Systems, Inc. (RCS)
0010 rcs
0011 iCOM Technology b.v.
0012 Tell It Online
0013 Internet Dom
0014 Cyberhouse
0015 Lexel
0016 PowerLynx
0017 HiTech Automation
0018 Balboa Instruments
0019 ControlThink LC
001A Cooper Wiring Devices
001A aspirerfwirelessbyeatonwiring
001B ELK Products, Inc.
001C IntelliCon
001D Leviton
001D visiarf
001E Express Controls
001E expresscontrolsllc
001F Scientia Technologies, Inc.
0020 Universal Electronics Inc.
0020 GE
0021 Zykronix
0022 A-1 Components
0023 Boca Devices
0024 Flue Sentinel
0025 Loudwater Technologies, LLC
0026 BuLogics
0027 Meedio, LLC
0028 2B Electronics
0029 Asia Heading
002A 3e Technologies
002B Atech
002C BeSafer
002D Broadband Energy Networks Inc.
002E Carrier
002F Color Kinetics Incorporated
0030 Cytech Technology Pre Ltd.
0031 Destiny Networks
0032 Digital 5, Inc.
0033 Electronic Solutions
0033 electronicsolutionsinc
0034 El-Gev Electronics LTD
0035 Embedit A/S
0036 Exceptional Innovations
0037 Foard Systems
0038 Home Director
0039 Honeywell
0039 mkelectric
003A Inlon Srl
003B Allegion
003C Lifestyle Networks
003D Marmitek BV
003E Martec Access Products
003F Motorola
0040 Novar Electrical Devices and Systems (EDS)
0041 OpenPeak Inc.
0042 Pragmatic Consulting Inc.
0043 Senmatic A/S
0044 Sequoia Technology LTD
0045 Sine Wireless
0046 Smart Products, Inc.
0047 Somfy
0048 Telsey
0049 Twisthink
004A Visualize
004B Watt Stopper
004C Woodward Labs
004D Xanboo
004E Zdata, LLC.
004F Z-Wave Technologia
0050 Homepro
0050 advancedcontroltechnologiesinc
0051 Lagotek Corporation
0052 Bit7 Inc.
0053 Viewsonic
0054 Superna
0055 Tridium
0056 Impact Technologies and Products
0057 Whirlpool
0058 Vitelec
0059 Horstmann Controls Limited
0059 Horstmann
005A American Grid, Inc.
005B Home Automation Inc.
005B HAI
005C Terra Optima B.V. (tidligere Primair Services)
005D Pulse Technologies (Aspalis)
005E ViewSonic Corporation
005F IQ-Group
0060 Everspring
0061 Impact Technologies BV
0062 LVI Produkter AB
0063 Jasco Products
0063 jascoproductscompany
0064 Reitz-Group.de
0064 reitzgmbh
0065 RS Scene Automation
0066 TrickleStar
0067 CyberTAN Technology, Inc.
0068 Good Way Technology Co., Ltd
0069 Seluxit
006A Kellendonk Elektronik
006B Tricklestar Ltd. (former Empower Controls Ltd.)
006C Ingersoll Rand (Schlage)
006C Schlage
006D Nefit
006E Manodo / KTC
006E Manodo
006F Erone
0070 Homemanageables, Inc.
0071 LS Control
0072 Interactive Electronics Systems (IES)
0073 Hawking Technologies Inc.
0073 Hawking
0074 PowerLinx
0075 NextEnergy
0076 Goggin Research
0078 anyCOMM Corporation
0079 Cooper Lighting
007A Merten
007B PiTech
007C Hunter Douglas
007D CoolGuard
007E Monster Cable
007F Logitech
0080 Vero Duco
0080 Duco
0082 Cisco Consumer Business Group
0082 ciscosystemsinc
0083 MTC Maintronic Germany
0084 FortrezZ LLC
0084 FortrezZ
0085 Fakro
0086 AEON Labs
0086 aeotec
0087 Eka Systems
0088 Airvent SAM S.p.A.
0089 Team Precision PCL
0089 teamprecisionpubliccoltd
008A BeNext
008A BeNextbv
008B Trane Corporation
008B Trane
008C Vera Control
008C veracontrolltd
008D Modstrøm
008E Raritan
008E raritancomputerinc
008F MB Turn Key Design
0090 Black & Decker
0090 kwikset
0091 Kamstrup A/S
0092 Martin Renz GmbH
0093 San Shih Electrical Enterprise Co., Ltd.
0094 Alarm.com
0095 Qees
0095 qeesaps
0096 NorthQ
0096 northqaps
0097 Wintop
0097 wintopelectric
0098 Radio Thermostat Company of America (RTC)
0098 radiothermostatcompanyofamerica
0099 GreenWave Reality Inc.
0099 GreenWave Systems
009A Home Automation Europe
009B 2gig Technologies Inc.
009C Cameo Communications Inc.
009D Coventive Technologies Inc.
009E Adventure Interactive
009F Exigent Sensors
0100 Insignia
0101 ADOX, Inc.
0102 SMK Manufacturing Inc.
0102 SMK
0103 Diehl AKO
0103 diehlcontrols
0104 Panasonic Electric Works Co., Ltd.
0105 Sumitomo
0106 Icontrol Networks
0106 iControl
0107 MegaChips
0108 D-Link
0108 dlinkcorporation
0109 Vision Security
0109 Vision
010A VDA
010B Sharp
010B sharpcorporation
010C There Corporation
010C There
010E Poly-control
010E polycontrolaps
010E danalock
010F Fibargroup
010F Fibaro
0110 Frostdale
0111 Airline Mechanical Co., Ltd.
0112 mitsumielectriccoltd
0113 Evolve
0113 evolveguestcontrols
0114 Kichler
0114 Kichler Lighting
0115 Z-Wave.Me
0116 Chromagic Technologies Corporation
0116 Chromagic
0117 Abilia
0118 TKB Home
0119 Omnima Limited
011A Wenzhou MTLC Electric Appliances Co.,Ltd.
011A enerwave
011A enerwavegreenautomation
011B Connected Object
011C TKH Group / Eminent
011C Eminent
011D Foxconn
011E Secure Wireless
011F Ingersoll Rand (was Ecolink)
0120 Zonoff
0121 Napco Security Technologies, Inc.
0121 Napco
0122 MSK - Miyakawa Seisakusho
0122 miyakawaelectricworksltd
0124 Square Connect
0125 Motion Control Systems
0126 Alertme
0126 Iris
0127 DMP (Digital Monitoring Products)
0127 DMP
0128 Prodrive Technologies
0128 prodrivebv
0129 yalelocksamphardware
0129 yale
012A Qolsys
012A Qolsysinc
012B Infusion Development
012D Wilshine Holding Co., Ltd
012E Wuhan NWD Technology Co., Ltd.
012F Tecom Co., Ltd.
0130 Quby
0131 Zipato
0132 DynaQuip Controls
0132 DynaQuip
0133 Netgear
0134 AT&T
0135 ZyXEL
0136 Systech Corporation
0137 FollowGood Technology Company Ltd.
0137 FollowGood
0138 BRK Brands, Inc.
0138 firstalert
0139 Zhome
013A Living Style Enterprises, Ltd.
013B AstraLink
013C Philio Technology Corp
013C Philio
013D Pella
013E Holtec Electronics BV
013F Defacontrols BV
0140 Computime
0141 Innoband Technologies, Inc
0142 Rademacher Geräte-Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
0143 myStrom
0144 Applied Micro Electronics "AME" BV
0145 Buffalo Inc.
0145 Buffalo
0146 Axesstel Inc
0147 R-import Ltd.
0148 Eurotronics
0148 eurotronictechnologygmbh
0148 stella
0149 wiDom
014A Ecolink
014A ecolinkintelligenttechnology
014B BFT S.p.A.
014C OnSite Pro
014D Enblink Co. Ltd
014D Enblink
014E Check-It Solutions Inc.
014E Check-It
014F Linear Corp
014F Linear
0150 Physical Graph Corporation
0151 Sercomm Corp
0151 Sercomm
0152 UFairy G.R. Tech
0152 ufairygr
0152 ufairygriottechcoltd
0153 Revolv Inc
0154 Popp & Co
0154 Popp
0155 Avadesign Technology Co., Ltd.
0156 Vivint
0157 EcoNet Controls
0158 GuangZhou Zeewave Information Technology Co., Ltd.
0159 Goap
0159 qubino
015A Jin Tao Bao
015B LG Electronics
015C Bosch Security Systems, Inc
015C Bosch
015D Willis Electric Co., Ltd.
015E Locstar Technology Co., Ltd
015E Locstar
015F McoHome Technology Co., Ltd
015F McoHome
0160 Essence Security
0160 essencegroup
0161 Promixis, LLC
0162 HomeScenario
0162 homescenarioinc
0163 Queenlock Ind. Co., Ltd.
0164 JSW Pacific Corporation
0165 ID-RF
0165 nodon
0166 CBCC Domotique SAS
0166 swiid
0167 SecureNet Technologies
0168 STRATTEC Security Corporation
0169 Bönig und Kallenbach oHG
016A Fantem
016B Echostar
016C Advanced Optronic Devices Co.,Ltd
016D Guangzhou Ruixiang M&E Co., Ltd
016E Nanjing Easthouse Electrical Co., Ltd.
016F Zhejiang Jiuxing Electric Co Ltd
0170 Powerhouse Dynamics
0171 WeBeHome AB
0171 WeBeHome
0172 PassivSystems Limited
0173 Leak Intelligence, LLC
0174 Kopera Development Inc.
0175 Devolo
0176 Telldus Technologies AB
0176 Telldus
0177 Domino sistemi d.o.o.
0178 Nexia Home Intelligence
0178 Nexa
0178 Nexia
0179 ConnectHome
017A Liveguard Ltd.
017B Vs-Safety AS
017C EbV
017D DRACOR Inc.
017E Telular
017F Wink Inc.
017F Wink
0180 Huapin Information Technology Co.,Ltd
0181 Holion Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd
0182 Securifi Ltd.
0182 Securifi
0183 Universe Future
0184 Dragon Tech Industrial, Ltd.
0185 Ningbo Sentek Electronics Co., Ltd
0185 Sentek
0186 Team Digital Limited
0187 LEVION Technologies Gmbh
0188 Vipa-Star
0189 Ness Corporation Pty Ltd
018A Globalchina-Tech
018B Grib
018C Dawon DNS
018D Flextronics
018E Climax Technology, Ltd.
018E Climax Technology
018F Focal Point Limited
0190 Building 36 Technologies
0190 Building 36
0191 Swann Communications Pty Ltd
0193 Universal Devices, Inc
0193 Universal Devices
0195 M2M Solution
0196 Bellatrix Systems, Inc.
0197 RPE Ajax LLC (dbs Secur Ltd)
0198 Venstar Inc.
0198 Venstar
0199 Wireless Maingate AB
019A Sensative AB
019A Sensative
019B ThermoFloor
019B thermoflooras
019B heatit
019C Amdocs
019C Amdocs Software Systems Ltd
019D MOBILUS MOTOR Spólka z o.o.
019F Webee Life
019F Webee
0200 Cloud Media
0201 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
0201 Samsung
0202 Monoprice
0203 Newland Communication Science Technology Co., Ltd.
0204 Beijing Sino-American Boyi Software Development Co., Ltd
0205 Shanghai Longchuang Eco-energy Systems Co., Ltd
0207 Forest Group Nederland B.V
0209 UTC Fire and Security Americas Corp
020A Decoris Intelligent System Limited
020B Embedded System Design Limited
020C Dongguan Zhou Da Electronics Co.,Ltd
020D Novateqni HK Ltd
020E Domitech Products, LLC
020F Herald Datanetics Limited
0210 Light Engine Limited
0211 Shenzhen Liao Wang Tong Da Technology Ltd
0212 iRevo
0213 BMS Evler LTD
0214 Kaipule Technology Co., Ltd.
0214 shenzhenkaipuletechnologycoltd
0214 KT
0215 Shangdong Smart Life Data System Co.,Ltd
0216 RET Nanjing Intelligence System CO.,Ltd
0217 Strattec Advanced Logic,LLC
0218 iAutomade Pte Ltd
0219 Enwox Technologies s.r.o.
021B ST&T Electric Corporation
021C Shenzhen iSurpass Technology Co. ,Ltd
021C iSurpass
021D Shenzhen Kaadas Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
021E Red Bee Co. Ltd
021F Elexa Consumer Products Inc.
0222 MCT CO., LTD
0223 DTV Research Unipessoal, Lda
0224 LifeShield, LLC
0228 DigitalZone
022B GKB Security Corporation
022C Remote Solution
022D Mercury Corporation
022D Mercury
022E Samsung SDS
022F WRT Intelligent Technology CO., LTD.
0230 Alphonsus Tech
0233 eZEX Corporation
0235 TAEWON Lighting Co., Ltd.
0236 Bandi Comm Tech Inc.
0236 Bandi
0237 Vestel Elektronik Ticaret ve Sanayi A.S.
0238 Milanity, Inc.
0239 Stelpro
023B ROC-Connect, Inc.
023C SafeTech Products
023D Honest Technology Co., Ltd.
023E Shanghai Dorlink Intelligent Technologies Co.,Ltd
0240 Technicolor
0242 Winytechnology
0243 casenio AG
0244 Athom BV
0244 Athom
0245 permundo GmbH
0245 permundo
0246 CentraLite Systems, Inc
0247 EASY SAVER Co., Inc
024B Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
024C Hankook Gas Kiki CO.,LTD.
024C Hank
024D Z-works Inc.
024D Z-works
024E Digital Home Systems Pty Ltd,
024F Smartly AS
024F Smartly
0250 Shenzhen Tripath Digital Audio Equipment Co.,Ltd
0251 Beijing Universal Energy Huaxia Technology Co.,Ltd
0252 North China University of Technology
0253 iungo.nl B.V.
0254 Spectrum Brands
0256 Inkel Corp.
0258 Shenzhen Neo Electronics Co., Ltd
0258 shenzhenneoelectronics
0258 Coolcam
0259 Starkoff
025A GES
025C Hauppauge
5254 Remotec
5254 remotetechnologiesincorporated
5254 remotectechnologyltd