2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# 88_HMCCURPC.pm
# $Id$
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
# Version 0.97 beta
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Thread based RPC Server module for HMCCU.
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# (c) 2017 by zap (zap01 <at> t-online <dot> de)
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Requires modules:
# threads
# Thread::Queue
# Time::HiRes
# RPC::XML::Client
# RPC::XML::Server
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
# use Data::Dumper;
use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
use RPC::XML::Client;
use RPC::XML::Server;
use SetExtensions;
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Constants
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# HMCCURPC version
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my $HMCCURPC_VERSION = '0.97 beta';
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Maximum number of events processed per call of Read()
# Maximum number of errors during TriggerIO() before log message is written
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Maximum number of elements in queue
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Time to wait after data processing loop
my $HMCCURPC_TIME_WAIT = 100000;
# Time to wait before calling TriggerIO() again after I/O error
# Timeout for established CCU connection
# Timeout for TriggerIO()
# Timeout for accepting incoming connections
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
# Timeout for incoming CCU events
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Send statistic information after specified amount of events
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Default RPC Port = BidCos-RF
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# RPC protocol name by port number
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2000 => 'BidCos-Wired', 2001 => 'BidCos-RF', 2010 => 'HmIP-RF', 9292 => 'VirtualDevices',
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2003 => 'Homegear', 8701 => 'CUxD'
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# RPC ports by protocol name
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
'BidCos-Wired', 2000, 'BidCos-RF', 2001, 'HmIP-RF', 2010, 'VirtualDevices', 9292,
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
'Homegear', 2003, 'CUxD', 8701
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# URL extensions
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
9292, 'groups'
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Type of RPC interface. A=ASCII B=BINARY
2000 => 'A', 2001 => 'A', 2010 => 'A', 9292 => 'A', 2003 => 'A', 8701 => 'B'
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Initial intervals for registration of RPC callbacks and reading RPC queue
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# X = Start RPC server
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# X+HMCCURPC_INIT_INTERVAL1 = Register RPC callback
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Thread type flags
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Data types
my $BINRPC_BOOL = 2;
my $BINRPC_BASE64 = 17;
my $BINRPC_ARRAY = 256;
my $BINRPC_STRUCT = 257;
# Message types
my $BINRPC_REQUEST = 0x42696E00;
my $BINRPC_RESPONSE = 0x42696E01;
my $BINRPC_ERROR = 0x42696EFF;
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
# Functions
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Standard functions
sub HMCCURPC_Initialize ($);
sub HMCCURPC_Define ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_Undef ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_Shutdown ($);
sub HMCCURPC_Attr ($@);
sub HMCCURPC_Set ($@);
sub HMCCURPC_Get ($@);
sub HMCCURPC_Notify ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_Read ($);
sub HMCCURPC_SetError ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_SetState ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($);
sub HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($);
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessEvent ($$);
# RPC server management functions
sub HMCCURPC_GetAttribute ($$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_GetRPCPortList ($);
sub HMCCURPC_ListDevices ($);
sub HMCCURPC_RegisterCallback ($);
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_RegisterSingleCallback ($$$);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_DeRegisterCallback ($);
sub HMCCURPC_InitRPCServer ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_StartRPCServer ($);
sub HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_CleanupThreadIO ($);
sub HMCCURPC_TerminateThreads ($$);
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($$$$);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_IsRPCServerRunning ($);
sub HMCCURPC_Housekeeping ($);
sub HMCCURPC_StopRPCServer ($);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($);
sub HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($);
sub HMCCURPC_SendRequest ($@);
sub HMCCURPC_SendBinRequest ($@);
# Helper functions
sub HMCCURPC_HexDump ($$);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# RPC server functions
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessRequest ($$);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_HandleConnection ($$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_TriggerIO ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessData ($$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_Write ($$$$);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_WriteStats ($$);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_NewDevicesCB ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_DeleteDevicesCB ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_UpdateDeviceCB ($$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_ReplaceDeviceCB ($$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_ReaddDevicesCB ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_EventCB ($$$$$);
sub HMCCURPC_ListDevicesCB ($$);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Binary RPC encoding functions
sub HMCCURPC_EncInteger ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncBool ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncString ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncName ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncDouble ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncBase64 ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncArray ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncStruct ($);
sub HMCCURPC_EncType ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_EncodeRequest ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_EncodeResponse ($$);
# Binary RPC decoding functions
sub HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($$$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecBool ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecString ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecDouble ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecBase64 ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecArray ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecStruct ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecType ($$);
sub HMCCURPC_DecodeRequest ($);
sub HMCCURPC_DecodeResponse ($);
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Initialize module
sub HMCCURPC_Initialize ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "HMCCURPC_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "HMCCURPC_Undef";
$hash->{SetFn} = "HMCCURPC_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "HMCCURPC_Get";
$hash->{ReadFn} = "HMCCURPC_Read";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "HMCCURPC_Attr";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "HMCCURPC_Notify";
$hash->{ShutdownFn} = "HMCCURPC_Shutdown";
$hash->{parseParams} = 1;
$hash->{AttrList} = "rpcInterfaces:multiple-strict,".join(',',sort keys %HMCCURPC_RPC_PORT).
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
" ccuflags:multiple-strict,expert,keepThreads,reconnect".
" rpcMaxEvents rpcQueueSize rpcTriggerTime".
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
" rpcServer:on,off rpcServerAddr rpcServerPort rpcWriteTimeout rpcAcceptTimeout".
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
" rpcConnTimeout rpcWaitTime rpcStatistics rpcEventTimeout ".
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Define device
sub HMCCURPC_Define ($$)
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $hmccu_hash;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $usage = "Usage: define $name HMCCURPC { CCUHost [noiodev] | iodev=Device_Name }";
$hash->{version} = $HMCCURPC_VERSION;
$hash->{noiodev} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if (exists ($h->{iodev})) {
my $ioname = $h->{iodev};
return "HMCCU I/O device $ioname not found" if (!exists ($defs{$ioname}));
return "Device $ioname is no HMCCU device" if ($defs{$ioname}->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU');
$hmccu_hash = $defs{$ioname};
$hash->{host} = $hmccu_hash->{host};
else {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
return $usage if (scalar (@$a) < 3);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{host} = $$a[2];
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (scalar (@$a) > 3) {
return $usage if ($$a[3] ne 'noiodev');
$hash->{noiodev} = 1;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Try to find I/O device if not defined by parameter iodev
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (!defined ($hmccu_hash) && $hash->{noiodev} == 0) {
$hmccu_hash = HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($hash);
return "Can't find HMCCU I/O device" if (!defined ($hmccu_hash));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
# Set I/O device and store reference for RPC device in I/O device
AssignIoPort ($hash, $hmccu_hash->{NAME});
$hmccu_hash->{RPCDEV} = $name;
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
$hash->{ccutype} = $hmccu_hash->{ccutype};
$hash->{CCUNum} = $hmccu_hash->{CCUNum};
$hash->{ccustate} = $hmccu_hash->{ccustate};
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
else {
# Count CCU devices
my $ccucount = 0;
foreach my $d (keys %defs) {
my $ch = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($ch->{TYPE}));
$ccucount++ if ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCU');
$ccucount++ if ($ch->{TYPE} eq 'HMCCURPC' && $ch != $hash && $ch->{noiodev} == 1);
$hash->{CCUNum} = $ccucount+1;
$hash->{ccutype} = "CCU2";
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
$hash->{ccustate} = 'initialized';
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Device $name. Initialized version $HMCCURPC_VERSION";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Set some attributes
$attr{$name}{stateFormat} = "rpcstate/state";
$attr{$name}{verbose} = 2;
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($hash, "initialized");
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return undef;
# Delete device
sub HMCCURPC_Undef ($$)
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
# Delete RPC device name in I/O device
my $hmccu_hash;
$hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev} if (exists ($hash->{IODev}));
delete $hmccu_hash->{RPCDEV} if (defined ($hmccu_hash) && exists ($hmccu_hash->{RPCDEV}));
# Shutdown RPC server
HMCCURPC_Shutdown ($hash);
return undef;
# Shutdown FHEM
sub HMCCURPC_Shutdown ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# Shutdown RPC server
HMCCURPC_StopRPCServer ($hash);
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
return undef;
# Set attribute
sub HMCCURPC_Attr ($@)
my ($cmd, $name, $attrname, $attrval) = @_;
my $hash = $defs{$name};
my $rc = 0;
if ($attrname eq 'rpcInterfaces') {
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $all) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, 'running', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return 'Stop RPC server before modifying rpcInterfaces' if ($run > 0);
if ($cmd eq 'set') {
if ($attrname eq 'rpcInterfaces') {
my @ports = split (',', $attrval);
my @plist = ();
foreach my $p (@ports) {
return "Illegal RPC interface $p" if (!exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_PORT{$p}));
push (@plist, $HMCCURPC_RPC_PORT{$p});
return "No RPC interface specified" if (scalar (@plist) == 0);
$hash->{hmccu}{rpcports} = join (',', @plist);
elsif ($cmd eq 'del') {
if ($attrname eq 'rpcInterfaces' && exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpcports})) {
delete $hash->{hmccu}{rpcports};
return undef;
# Set commands
sub HMCCURPC_Set ($@)
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = shift @$a;
my $opt = shift @$a;
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $options = $ccuflags =~ /expert/ ? "rpcrequest rpcserver:on,off" : "";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $busyoptions = $ccuflags =~ /expert/ ? "rpcserver:off" : "";
if ($opt ne 'rpcserver' && HMCCURPC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($hash)) {
HMCCURPC_SetState ($hash, "busy");
return "HMCCURPC: CCU busy, choose one of $busyoptions";
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if ($opt eq 'rpcrequest') {
my $port = shift @$a;
my $request = shift @$a;
return "Usage: set $name rpcrequest {port} {request} [{parameter} ...]"
if (!defined ($request));
my $response;
if (HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($port)) {
$response = HMCCURPC_SendRequest ($hash, $port, $request, @$a);
elsif (HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($port)) {
$response = HMCCURPC_SendBinRequest ($hash, $port, $request, @$a);
else {
return HMCCURPC_SetError ($hash, "Invalid RPC port $port");
return HMCCURPC_SetError ($hash, "RPC request failed") if (!defined ($response));
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my $result = HMCCU_RefToString ($response);
# if (ref ($response) eq 'ARRAY') {
# $result = join "\n", @$response;
# }
# elsif (ref ($response) eq 'HASH') {
# foreach my $k (keys %$response) {
# $result .= "$k = ".$response->{$k}."\n";
# }
# }
# elsif (ref ($response) eq 'SCALAR') {
# $result = $$response;
# }
# else {
# if (ref ($response)) {
# $result = "Unknown response from CCU of type ".ref ($response);
# }
# else {
# $result = ($response eq '') ? 'Request returned void' : $response;
# }
# }
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
return $result;
elsif ($opt eq 'rpcserver') {
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $action = shift @$a;
return HMCCURPC_SetError ($hash, "Usage: set $name rpcserver {on|off}")
if (!defined ($action) || $action !~ /^(on|off)$/);
if ($action eq 'on') {
return HMCCURPC_SetError ($hash, "RPC server already running")
if ($hash->{RPCState} ne 'stopped');
my ($rc, $info) = HMCCURPC_StartRPCServer ($hash);
return HMCCURPC_SetError ($hash, $info) if (!$rc);
elsif ($action eq 'off') {
HMCCURPC_StopRPCServer ($hash);
return HMCCURPC_SetState ($hash, "OK");
else {
return "HMCCURPC: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options;
# Get commands
sub HMCCURPC_Get ($@)
my ($hash, $a, $h) = @_;
my $name = shift @$a;
my $opt = shift @$a;
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $options = "rpcevents:noArg rpcstate:noArg";
if ($opt ne 'rpcstate' && HMCCURPC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($hash)) {
HMCCURPC_SetState ($hash, "busy");
return "HMCCURPC: CCU busy, choose one of rpcstate:noArg";
my $result = 'Command not implemented';
my $rc;
if ($opt eq 'rpcevents') {
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO");
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$result = '';
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
next if ($clkey eq 'DATA');
$result .= "Event statistics for server $clkey\n";
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$result .= "Average event delay = ".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{avgdelay}."\n"
if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{avgdelay}));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$result .= "========================================\n";
$result .= "ET Sent by RPC server Received by FHEM\n";
$result .= "----------------------------------------\n";
foreach my $et (@eventtypes) {
my $snd = exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{snd}{$et}) ?
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
sprintf ("%7d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{snd}{$et}) : " n/a";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $rec = exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{rec}{$et}) ?
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
sprintf ("%7d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{rec}{$et}) : " n/a";
$result .= "$et $snd $rec\n\n";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return $result eq '' ? "No event statistics found" : $result;
elsif ($opt eq 'rpcstate') {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$result = '';
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
if ($result eq '') {
$result .= "ID RPC-Thread State \n";
$result .= "-----------------------\n";
my $sid = sprintf ("%2d", $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{tid});
my $sname = sprintf ("%-6s", $clkey);
$result .= $sid." ".$sname." ".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state}."\n";
$result = "No RPC server running" if ($result eq '');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return $result;
else {
return "HMCCURPC: Unknown argument $opt, choose one of ".$options;
# Handle FHEM events
sub HMCCURPC_Notify ($$)
my ($hash, $devhash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $devname = $devhash->{NAME};
my $devtype = $devhash->{TYPE};
my $disable = AttrVal ($name, 'disable', 0);
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
my $rpcserver = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcServer', 'off');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return if ($disable);
my $events = deviceEvents ($devhash, 1);
return if (! $events);
# Process events
foreach my $event (@{$events}) {
if ($devname eq 'global') {
if ($event eq 'INITIALIZED') {
if (!exists ($hash->{IODev})) {
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($hash);
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
$hash->{IODev} = $hmccu_hash;
$hash->{CCUNum} = $hmccu_hash->{CCUNum};
AssignIoPort ($hash, $hmccu_hash->{NAME});
else {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPC: FHEM initialized but HMCCU IO device not found"
if ($hash->{noiodev} == 0);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# return if ($rpcserver eq 'off');
# Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPC: Start of RPC server after FHEM initialization in $delay seconds";
# if ($ccuflags =~ /threads/) {
# InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$delay, "HMCCURPC_StartRPCServer", $hash, 0);
# }
# Read data from thread
sub HMCCURPC_Read ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @termtids;
my $eventcount = 0; # Total number of events
my $devcount = 0; # Number of DD, ND or RD events
my $evcount = 0; # Number of EV events
my %events = ();
my %devices = ();
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Read called";
# Check if child socket, event queue and IO device exists
return if (!defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockchild}));
my $child = $hash->{hmccu}{sockchild};
return if (!defined ($hash->{hmccu}{eventqueue}));
my $queue = $hash->{hmccu}{eventqueue};
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my $hmccu_hash = (exists ($hash->{IODev}) && $hash->{noiodev} == 0) ? $hash->{IODev} : $hash;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Get attributes
my $rpcmaxevents = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcMaxEvents', $HMCCURPC_MAX_EVENTS);
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Data read from child socket is only a trigger for reading data from event queue
my $buffer = '';
my $res = sysread ($child, $buffer, 4096);
if (!defined ($res) || length ($buffer) == 0) {
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: read failed";
else {
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: read $buffer from child socket";
# Read events from queue
$hash->{hmccu}{readqueue}->enqueue (1);
while (my $item = $queue->dequeue_nb ()) {
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: read $item from queue";
my ($et, $clkey, @par) = HMCCURPC_ProcessEvent ($hash, $item);
next if (!defined ($et));
if ($et eq 'EV') {
$events{$par[0]}{$par[1]}{$par[2]} = $par[3];
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
$hmccu_hash->{ccustate} = 'active' if ($hmccu_hash->{ccustate} ne 'active');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
elsif ($et eq 'ND') {
$devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'N';
$devices{$par[0]}{version} = $par[3];
if ($par[1] eq 'D') {
$devices{$par[0]}{type} = $par[2];
$devices{$par[0]}{firmware} = $par[4];
$devices{$par[0]}{rxmode} = $par[5];
else {
$devices{$par[0]}{usetype} = $par[2];
elsif ($et eq 'DD') {
$devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'D';
elsif ($et eq 'RD') {
$devices{$par[0]}{flag} = 'R';
$devices{$par[0]}{newaddr} = $par[1];
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
elsif ($et eq 'TO') {
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
$hmccu_hash->{ccustate} = 'timeout';
if ($hash->{RPCState} eq 'running' && $hash->{$ccuflags} =~ /reconnect/) {
if (HMCCU_TCPConnect ($hash->{host}, $par[0])) {
$hmccu_hash->{ccustate} = 'active';
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Reconnecting to CCU interface ".
HMCCURPC_RegisterSingleCallback ($hash, $par[0], 1);
else {
$hmccu_hash->{ccustate} = 'unreachable';
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: CCU not reachable on port ".$par[0];
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($eventcount > $rpcmaxevents) {
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Read stopped after $rpcmaxevents events";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Update device table and client device readings
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
HMCCU_UpdateDeviceTable ($hmccu_hash, \%devices) if ($devcount > 0);
HMCCU_UpdateMultipleDevices ($hmccu_hash, \%events) if ($evcount > 0);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{readqueue}->dequeue_nb ();
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Read finished";
# Set error state and write log file message
sub HMCCURPC_SetError ($$)
my ($hash, $text) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $type = $hash->{TYPE};
my $msg;
$msg = defined ($text) ? $text : "unknown error";
$msg = $type.": ".$name." ". $msg;
HMCCURPC_SetState ($hash, "Error");
Log3 $name, 1, $msg;
return $msg;
# Set state of device
sub HMCCURPC_SetState ($$)
my ($hash, $text) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (defined ($hash) && defined ($text)) {
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "state", $text, 1);
return ($text eq "busy") ? "HMCCURPC: CCU busy" : undef;
# Set state of RPC server
sub HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($$$)
my ($hash, $state, $msg) = @_;
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Search HMCCU device and check for running RPC servers
my $hmccu_hash;
$hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev} if (exists ($hash->{IODev}));
$hash->{RPCState} = $state;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hash, "rpcstate", $state, 1);
Log3 $hash->{NAME}, 1, "HMCCURPC: $msg" if (defined ($msg));
# Update internals of I/O device
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
$hmccu_hash->{RPCState} = $state;
readingsSingleUpdate ($hmccu_hash, "rpcstate", $state, 1);
# Reset RPC State
sub HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($$)
my ($hash, $state) = @_;
# Search HMCCU device and check for running RPC servers
my $hmccu_hash;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev} if (exists ($hash->{IODev}) && $hash->{noiodev} == 0);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{RPCState} = "stopped"; # RPC server state
$hash->{RPCTID} = "0"; # List of RPC server thread IDs
$hash->{hmccu}{evtime} = 0; # Timestamp of last event from CCU
$hash->{hmccu}{rpcstarttime} = 0; # Timestamp of RPC server start
readingsBeginUpdate ($hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "state", $state);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hash, "rpcstate", "stopped");
readingsEndUpdate ($hash, 1);
if (defined ($hmccu_hash) && $state ne "initialized") {
$hmccu_hash->{RPCState} = "stopped";
readingsBeginUpdate ($hmccu_hash);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hmccu_hash, "state", $state);
readingsBulkUpdate ($hmccu_hash, "rpcstate", "stopped");
readingsEndUpdate ($hmccu_hash, 1);
# Check if CCU is busy due to RPC start or stop
sub HMCCURPC_IsRPCStateBlocking ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
return ($hash->{RPCState} eq "running" || $hash->{RPCState} eq "stopped") ? 0 : 1;
# Return hash of corresponding HMCCU device.
# CCU name in HMCCU device must match CCU name in HMCCURPC device.
sub HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
return undef if ($hash->{noiodev} == 1);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return $hash->{IODev} if (defined ($hash->{IODev}));
for my $d (keys %defs) {
my $h = $defs{$d};
next if (!exists ($h->{TYPE}) || !exists ($h->{NAME}));
next if ($h->{TYPE} ne 'HMCCU');
return $h if ($h->{host} eq $hash->{host});
return undef;
# Process RPC server event
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessEvent ($$)
my ($hash, $event) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $rh = \%{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}; # Just for code simplification
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $hmccu_hash;
$hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev} if (exists ($hash->{IODev}) && $hash->{noiodev} == 0);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Number of arguments in RPC events (without event type and clkey)
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my %rpceventargs = (
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
"EV", 4,
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
"ND", 6,
"DD", 1,
"RD", 2,
"RA", 1,
"UD", 2,
"IN", 2,
"EX", 2,
"SL", 1,
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
"TO", 1,
"ST", 11
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Parse event
return undef if (!defined ($event) || $event eq '');
my @t = split (/\|/, $event);
my $et = shift @t;
my $clkey = shift @t;
my $tc = scalar (@t);
# Check event data
if (!defined ($clkey)) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Syntax error in RPC event data";
return undef;
# Check for valid server
if (!exists ($rh->{$clkey})) {
Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPC: Received SL event for unknown RPC server $clkey";
return undef;
# Check event type
if (!exists ($rpceventargs{$et})) {
$et =~ s/([\x00-\xFF])/sprintf("0x%X ",ord($1))/eg;
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Received unknown event from CCU: ".$et;
return undef;
# Check event parameters
if ($tc != $rpceventargs{$et}) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Wrong number of parameters in event $event. Expected ".
return undef;
# Update statistic counters
$rh->{$clkey}{evtime} = time ();
if ($et eq 'EV') {
# Update of datapoint
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Input: EV|clkey|Time|Address|Datapoint|Value
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Output: EV, clkey, DevAdd, ChnNo, Datapoint, Value
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
my $delay = $rh->{$clkey}{evtime}-$t[0];
$rh->{$clkey}{sumdelay} += $delay;
$rh->{$clkey}{avgdelay} = $rh->{$clkey}{sumdelay}/$rh->{$clkey}{rec}{$et};
2017-10-11 15:43:40 +00:00
if (defined ($hmccu_hash) && $hmccu_hash->{ccustate} ne 'active') {
$hmccu_hash->{ccustate} = 'active';
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Received CENTRAL event. ".$t[2]."=".$t[3] if ($t[1] eq 'CENTRAL');
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
my ($add, $chn) = split (/:/, $t[1]);
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
return defined ($chn) ? ($et, $clkey, $add, $chn, $t[2], $t[3]) : undef;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
elsif ($et eq 'SL') {
# RPC server enters server loop
# Input: SL|clkey|Tid
# Output: SL, clkey, countWorking
if ($t[0] == $rh->{$clkey}{tid}) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Received SL event. RPC server $clkey enters server loop";
$rh->{$clkey}{state} = $clkey eq 'DATA' ? 'running' : 'working';
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $alld) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_DATA, 'running', undef);
my ($work, $alls) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_SERVER, 'working', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($work == $alls && $run == $alld) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: All threads working";
HMCCURPC_RegisterCallback ($hash);
return ($et, $clkey, $work);
else {
Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPC: Received SL event. Wrong TID=".$t[0]." for RPC server $clkey";
return undef;
elsif ($et eq 'IN') {
# RPC server initialized
# Input: IN|clkey|INIT|State
# Output: IN, clkey, Running, ClientsUpdated, UpdateErrors
my $c_ok = 0;
my $c_err = 0;
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Received IN event. RPC server $clkey running.";
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
return ($et, $clkey, 0, 0, 0) if ($rh->{$clkey}{state} eq 'running');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$rh->{$clkey}{state} = "running";
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
# Set binary RPC interfaces to 'running' if all ascii interfaces are in state 'running'
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($runa, $alla) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ASCII, 'running', undef);
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
if ($runa == $alla) {
foreach my $sn (keys %{$rh}) {
$rh->{$sn}{state} = "running"
if ($rh->{$sn}{type} == $HMCCURPC_THREAD_BINARY && $rh->{$sn}{state} eq 'registered');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Check if all RPC servers were initialized. Set overall status
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $all) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, 'running', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($run == $all) {
$hash->{hmccu}{rpcstarttime} = 0;
HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($hash, "running", "All RPC servers running");
HMCCURPC_SetState ($hash, "OK");
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
HMCCU_SetState ($hmccu_hash, "OK");
($c_ok, $c_err) = HMCCU_UpdateClients ($hmccu_hash, '.*', 'Attr', 0);
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Updated devices. Success=$c_ok Failed=$c_err";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server running");
return ($et, $clkey, $run, $c_ok, $c_err);
elsif ($et eq 'EX') {
# Thread stopped
# Input: EX|clkey|SHUTDOWN|Tid
# Output: EX, clkey, Tid, Stopped, All
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Received EX event. Thread $clkey terminated.";
my $stopped = 0;
my $all = 0;
$rh->{$clkey}{state} = 'stopped';
# Check if all threads were terminated. Set overall status
if ($clkey ne 'DATA') {
($stopped, $all) = HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_SERVER, 'stopped');
if ($stopped == $all) {
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
# Terminate data processing thread if all server threads stopped
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: All RPC servers stopped. Terminating data processing thread";
HMCCURPC_TerminateThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_DATA);
sleep (1);
else {
($stopped, $all) = HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_DATA, '.*');
if ($stopped == $all) {
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
HMCCURPC_CleanupThreadIO ($hash);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($hash, "OK");
RemoveInternalTimer ($hash);
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: All threads stopped";
DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server stopped");
else {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Data processing thread still running";
return ($et, $clkey, $t[1], $stopped, $all);
elsif ($et eq 'ND') {
# CCU device added
# Input: ND|clkey|C/D|Address|Type|Version|Firmware|RxMode
# Output: ND, clkey, DevAdd, C/D, Type, Version, Firmware, RxMode
return ($et, $clkey, $t[1], $t[0], $t[2], $t[3], $t[4], $t[5]);
elsif ($et eq 'DD' || $et eq 'RA') {
# CCU device deleted or readded
# Input: {DD,RA}|clkey|Address
# Output: {DD,RA}, clkey, DevAdd
return ($et, $clkey, $t[0]);
elsif ($et eq 'UD') {
# CCU device updated
# Input: UD|clkey|Address|Hint
# Output: UD, clkey, DevAdd, Hint
return ($et, $clkey, $t[0], $t[1]);
elsif ($et eq 'RD') {
# CCU device replaced
# Input: RD|clkey|Address1|Address2
# Output: RD, clkey, Address1, Address2
return ($et, $clkey, $t[0], $t[1]);
elsif ($et eq 'ST') {
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Statistic data. Store snapshots of sent events.
# Input: ST|clkey|nTotal|nEV|nND|nDD|nRD|nRA|nUD|nIN|nEX|nSL
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Output: ST, clkey, ...
my @res = ($et, $clkey);
push (@res, @t);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
my $total = shift @t;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO");
for (my $i=0; $i<scalar(@eventtypes); $i++) {
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{snd}{$eventtypes[$i]} += $t[$i];
return @res;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
elsif ($et eq 'TO') {
# Event timeout
# Input: TO|clkey|Time
# Output: TO, clkey, Port, Time
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Received no events from interface $clkey for ".$t[0]." seconds";
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
DoTrigger ($name, "No events from interface $clkey for ".$t[0]." seconds");
return ($et, $clkey, $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{port}, $t[0]);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return undef;
# Get list of RPC ports.
# If no ports defined in HMCCURPC device get port list from I/O
# device.
sub HMCCURPC_GetRPCPortList ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{rpcports})) {
@ports = split (',', $hash->{hmccu}{rpcports});
else {
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($hash);
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
@ports = HMCCU_GetRPCPortList ($hmccu_hash);
return @ports;
# Get attribute with fallback to I/O device attribute
sub HMCCURPC_GetAttribute ($$$$)
my ($hash, $attr, $ioattr, $default) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $value = AttrVal ($hash->{NAME}, $attr, 'null');
return $value if ($value ne 'null');
my $hmccu_hash = HMCCURPC_FindHMCCUDevice ($hash);
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
$value = AttrVal ($hmccu_hash->{NAME}, $ioattr, 'null');
return $value if ($value ne 'null');
return $default;
# Request device list from CCU
sub HMCCURPC_ListDevices ($)
my ($hash, $port) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{host};
my $clurl = "http://$serveraddr:$port/";
$clurl .= $HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port} if (exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port}));
my $rpcclient = RPC::XML::Client->new ($clurl);
my $res = $rpcclient->send_request ("listDevices");
# Register RPC callbacks at CCU if RPC-Server is in state
# 'working'.
# Return number of registered callbacks.
sub HMCCURPC_RegisterCallback ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my @rpcports = HMCCURPC_GetRPCPortList ($hash);
my $regcount = 0;
foreach my $port (@rpcports) {
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$regcount++ if (HMCCURPC_RegisterSingleCallback ($hash, $port, 0));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
return $regcount;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
# Register callback for specified CCU interface port.
# If parameter 'force' is 1 callback will be registered even if state
# is "running". State will not be modified.
# Return 0 on error.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_RegisterSingleCallback ($$$)
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my ($hash, $port, $force) = @_;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{host};
my $localaddr = $hash->{hmccu}{localaddr};
my $rpcserveraddr = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcServerAddr', $localaddr);
my $clkey = 'CB'.$port;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
return 0 if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}));
return 0 if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} ne 'working' && $force == 0);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $cburl = '';
if (HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($port)) {
$cburl = "http://$rpcserveraddr:".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{cbport}."/fh".$port;
else {
$cburl = "xmlrpc_bin://$rpcserveraddr:".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{cbport};
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $clurl = "http://$serveraddr:$port/";
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$clurl .= $HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port} if (exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port}));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{port} = $port;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{clurl} = $clurl;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{cburl} = $cburl;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} = 'registered' if ($force == 0);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Registering callback $cburl with ID $clkey at $clurl";
my $rc;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($port)) {
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$rc = HMCCURPC_SendRequest ($hash, $port, "init", $cburl, $clkey);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
else {
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$rc = HMCCURPC_SendBinRequest ($hash, $port, "init",
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$BINRPC_STRING, $cburl, $BINRPC_STRING, $clkey);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
if (defined ($rc)) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: RPC callback with URL $cburl registered";
return 1;
else {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Failed to register callback for ID $clkey";
return 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Deregister RPC callbacks at CCU
# Return number of deregistered callbacks
sub HMCCURPC_DeRegisterCallback ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $deregcount = 0;
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
my $rpchash = \%{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}};
next if ($rpchash->{state} ne 'registered' && $rpchash->{state} ne 'running');
if (exists ($rpchash->{cburl}) && $rpchash->{cburl} ne '') {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Deregistering RPC server ".$rpchash->{cburl}.
" with ID $clkey at ".$rpchash->{clurl};
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($rpchash->{port})) {
HMCCURPC_SendRequest ($hash, $rpchash->{port}, "init", $rpchash->{cburl});
else {
HMCCURPC_SendBinRequest ($hash, $rpchash->{port}, "init", $BINRPC_STRING, $rpchash->{cburl});
$rpchash->{port} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$rpchash->{cburl} = '';
$rpchash->{clurl} = '';
$rpchash->{cbport} = 0;
$rpchash->{state} = 'deregistered';
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: RPC callback for server $clkey deregistered";
return $deregcount;
# Initialize RPC server for specified CCU port
# Return server object or undef on error
sub HMCCURPC_InitRPCServer ($$$)
my ($name, $serverport, $callbackport) = @_;
my $clkey = 'CB'.$serverport;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $server;
if (HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($serverport)) {
$server->{__daemon} = IO::Socket::INET->new (LocalPort => $callbackport,
Type => SOCK_STREAM, Reuse => 1, Listen => SOMAXCONN);
if (!($server->{__daemon})) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Can't create RPC callback server $clkey on port $callbackport. Port in use?";
return undef;
return $server;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Create RPC server
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$server = RPC::XML::Server->new (port => $callbackport);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if (!ref($server)) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Can't create RPC callback server $clkey on port $callbackport. Port in use?";
return undef;
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Callback server $clkey created. Listening on port $callbackport";
# Callback for events
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for events for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"event",
signature=> ["string string string string int","string string string string double","string string string string boolean","string string string string i4"],
# Callback for new devices
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for new devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"newDevices",
signature=>["string string array"],
# Callback for deleted devices
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for deleted devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"deleteDevices",
signature=>["string string array"],
# Callback for modified devices
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for modified devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"updateDevice",
signature=>["string string string int"],
# Callback for replaced devices
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for replaced devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"replaceDevice",
signature=>["string string string string"],
# Callback for readded devices
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for readded devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"replaceDevice",
signature=>["string string array"],
# Dummy implementation, always return an empty array
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Adding callback for list devices for server $clkey";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$server->add_method (
{ name=>"listDevices",
signature=>["array string"],
return $server;
# Start RPC server threads
# 1 thread for processing event data in event queue
# 1 thread per CCU RPC interface for receiving data
# Return number of started RPC server threads or 0 on error.
sub HMCCURPC_StartRPCServer ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
# Search HMCCU device and check for running RPC servers
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my $hmccu_hash = $hash->{IODev} if (exists ($hash->{IODev}) && $hash->{noiodev} == 0);
if (defined ($hmccu_hash)) {
my @hm_pids = ();
my @ex_pids = ();
return (0, "RPC server already running for device ".$hmccu_hash->{NAME})
if (HMCCU_IsRPCServerRunning ($hmccu_hash, \@hm_pids, \@ex_pids));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Get parameters and attributes
my %thrpar;
my @rpcports = HMCCURPC_GetRPCPortList ($hash);
my $localaddr = HMCCURPC_GetAttribute ($hash, 'rpcServerAddr', 'rpcserveraddr', '');
my $rpcserverport = HMCCURPC_GetAttribute ($hash, 'rpcServerPort', 'rpcserverport', 5400);
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
$thrpar{socktimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcWriteTimeout', $HMCCURPC_TIMEOUT_WRITE);
$thrpar{conntimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcConnTimeout', $HMCCURPC_TIMEOUT_CONNECTION);
$thrpar{acctimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcAcceptTimeout', $HMCCURPC_TIMEOUT_ACCEPT);
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$thrpar{evttimeout} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcEventTimeout', $HMCCURPC_TIMEOUT_EVENT);
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
$thrpar{waittime} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcWaitTime', $HMCCURPC_TIME_WAIT);
$thrpar{queuesize} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcQueueSize', $HMCCURPC_MAX_QUEUESIZE);
$thrpar{triggertime} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcTriggerTime', $HMCCURPC_TIME_TRIGGER);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
$thrpar{statistics} = AttrVal ($name, 'rpcStatistics', $HMCCURPC_STATISTICS);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$thrpar{name} = $name;
my $ccunum = $hash->{CCUNum};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{host};
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO");
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Get or detect local IP address
if ($localaddr eq '') {
my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new (PeerAddr => $serveraddr, PeerPort => $rpcports[0]);
return (0, "Can't connect to CCU port ".$rpcports[0]) if (!$socket);
$localaddr = $socket->sockhost ();
close ($socket);
$hash->{hmccu}{localaddr} = $localaddr;
# Create socket pair for communication between data processing thread and FHEM
my ($sockchild, $sockparent);
return (0, "Can't create I/O socket pair") if (!socketpair ($sockchild, $sockparent,
$sockchild->autoflush (1);
$sockparent->autoflush (1);
$hash->{hmccu}{sockchild} = $sockchild;
$hash->{hmccu}{sockparent} = $sockparent;
my $fd_child = fileno $sockchild;
my $fd_parent = fileno $sockparent;
# Enable FHEM I/O
my $pid = $$;
$hash->{FD} = $fd_child;
$selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"} = $hash;
# Create event data queue
my $equeue = Thread::Queue->new ();
$hash->{hmccu}{eventqueue} = $equeue;
# Create queue for controlling data processing
my $rqueue = Thread::Queue->new ();
$hash->{hmccu}{readqueue} = $rqueue;
# Start thread for data processing
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Starting thread for data processing";
my $pthread = threads->create ('HMCCURPC_ProcessData', $equeue, $rqueue, $sockparent, \%thrpar);
return (0, "Can't start data processing thread") if (!defined ($pthread));
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Started thread for data processing. TID=" . $pthread->tid ();
$pthread->detach ();
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{DATA}{type} = $HMCCURPC_THREAD_DATA;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{DATA}{child} = $pthread;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{DATA}{cbport} = 0;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{DATA}{tid} = $pthread->tid ();
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{DATA}{state} = 'initialized';
# Reset state of all RPC server threads
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} = 'inactive';
# Initialize RPC servers
my @hm_tids;
my $err = '';
foreach my $port (@rpcports) {
my $clkey = 'CB'.$port;
my $callbackport = $rpcserverport+$port+($ccunum*10);
my $interface = $HMCCURPC_RPC_NUMPORT{$port};
# Start RPC server thread
my $thr = threads->create ('HMCCURPC_HandleConnection',
$port, $callbackport, $equeue, \%thrpar);
if (!defined ($thr)) {
$err = "Can't create RPC server thread for interface $interface";
$thr->detach ();
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: RPC server thread started for interface $interface with TID=".
$thr->tid ();
# Store thread parameters
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{type} = HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($port) ?
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child} = $thr;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{cbport} = $callbackport;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{tid} = $thr->tid ();
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} = 'initialized';
push (@hm_tids, $thr->tid ());
# Reset statistic counter
foreach my $et (@eventtypes) {
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{rec}{$et} = 0;
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{snd}{$et} = 0;
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{sumdelay} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sleep (1);
# Cleanup if one or more threads are not initialized (ignore thread state)
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $all) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, '.*', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($run != $all) {
Log3 $name, 0, "HMCCURPC: Only $run from $all threads are running. Cleaning up";
HMCCURPC_Housekeeping ($hash);
return (0, $err);
$hash->{RPCTID} = join (',', @hm_tids);
$hash->{hmccu}{rpcstarttime} = time ();
# Trigger Timer function for checking successful RPC start
# Timer will be removed if event 'IN' is reveived
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$HMCCURPC_INIT_INTERVAL3*$run, "HMCCURPC_IsRPCServerRunning",
$hash, 0);
HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($hash, "starting", "RPC server(s) starting");
DoTrigger ($name, "RPC server starting");
return ($run, undef);
# Stop I/O Handling
sub HMCCURPC_CleanupThreadIO ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $pid = $$;
if (exists ($selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"})) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Stop I/O handling";
delete $selectlist{"RPC.$name.$pid"};
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
delete $hash->{FD} if (defined ($hash->{FD}));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockchild})) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Close child socket";
$hash->{hmccu}{sockchild}->close ();
delete $hash->{hmccu}{sockchild};
if (defined ($hash->{hmccu}{sockparent})) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Close parent socket";
$hash->{hmccu}{sockparent}->close ();
delete $hash->{hmccu}{sockparent};
# Terminate RPC server threads and data processing thread by sending
# an INT signal.
# Parameter mode specifies which threads should be terminated:
# 1 - Terminate data processing thread
# 2 - Terminate server threads
# 3 - Terminate all threads
# Number of threads with INT sent
sub HMCCURPC_TerminateThreads ($$)
my ($hash, $mode) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $count = 0;
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
next if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} eq 'inactive');
next if (!($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{type} & $mode));
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child}));
my $thr = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child};
if (defined ($thr) && $thr->is_running ()) {
$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} = "stopping";
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Sending signal INT to thread $clkey TID=".$thr->tid ();
$thr->kill ('INT');
return $count;
# Cleanup threads in specified state.
# Parameter state is a regular expression.
# Return number of deleted threads
sub HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($$$)
my ($hash, $mode, $state) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my $ccuflags = AttrVal ($name, 'ccuflags', 'null');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $count = 0;
my $all = 0;
# Check if threads has been stopped
my @thrlist = keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}};
foreach my $clkey (@thrlist) {
next if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} eq 'inactive');
next if (!($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{type} & $mode));
if (exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child})) {
my $thr = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child};
if (defined ($thr)) {
if ($thr->is_running () || $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} !~ /$state/) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Thread $clkey with TID=".$thr->tid().
" still running. Can't delete it";
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} eq 'stopped' && $ccuflags !~ /keepThreads/) {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Thread $clkey with TID=".$thr->tid ().
" has been stopped. Deleting it";
undef $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child};
else {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Thread $clkey with TID=".$thr->tid ().
" is in state ".$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state}.". Can't delete it";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# delete $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey};
return ($count, $all);
# Count threads in specified state.
# Parameter state is a regular expression.
# Parameter mode specifies which threads should be counted:
# If state is empty thread state is ignored and only running threads
# are counted by calling thread function is_running().
# Return number of threads in specified state and total number of
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
# threads. Also return IDs of running threads if parameter tids is
# defined and parameter state is 'running' or '.*'.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($$$$)
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($hash, $mode, $state, $tids) = @_;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $count = 0;
my $all = 0;
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
$mode = $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL if (!defined ($mode));
$state = '' if (!defined ($state));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
foreach my $clkey (keys %{$hash->{hmccu}{rpc}}) {
next if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} eq 'inactive');
next if (!($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{type} & $mode));
if ($state eq 'running' || $state eq '.*') {
next if (!exists ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child}));
my $thr = $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{child};
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
if (defined ($thr) && $thr->is_running () &&
($state eq '' || $hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} =~ /$state/)) {
push (@$tids, $thr->tid()) if (defined ($tids));
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
else {
$count++ if ($hash->{hmccu}{rpc}{$clkey}{state} =~ /$state/);
return ($count, $all);
# Timer function to check if all threads are running
sub HMCCURPC_IsRPCServerRunning ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Checking if all threads are running";
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $all) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, 'running', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($run != $all) {
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Only $run of $all threads are running. Cleaning up";
HMCCURPC_Housekeeping ($hash);
return 0;
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: $run of $all threads are running";
return 1;
# Cleanup all threads
sub HMCCURPC_Housekeeping ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
Log3 $name, 1, "HMCCURPC: Housekeeping called. Cleaning up RPC environment";
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
# Deregister callback URLs in CCU
HMCCURPC_DeRegisterCallback ($hash);
# Stop I/O handling
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
HMCCURPC_CleanupThreadIO ($hash);
my $count = HMCCURPC_TerminateThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL);
sleep (2) if ($count > 0);
my ($del, $total) = HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, '.*');
$count = $total-$del;
if ($count == 0) {
HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($hash, "OK");
else {
HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($hash, "error", "Clean up failed for $count threads");
# Stop RPC server threads
# Data processing thread is stopped when receiving 'EX' event.
sub HMCCURPC_StopRPCServer ($)
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
my ($run, $all) = HMCCURPC_CheckThreadState ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, 'running', undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($run > 0) {
HMCCURPC_SetRPCState ($hash, "stopping", "Found $run threads. Stopping ...");
# Deregister callback URLs in CCU
HMCCURPC_DeRegisterCallback ($hash);
# Stop RPC server threads
# Trigger timer function for checking successful RPC stop
# Timer will be removed wenn receiving EX event from data processing thread
InternalTimer (gettimeofday()+$HMCCURPC_INIT_INTERVAL3*$all, "HMCCURPC_Housekeeping",
$hash, 0);
# Give threads the chance to terminate
sleep (1);
elsif ($run == 0 && $hash->{RPCState} ne 'stopped') {
Log3 $name, 2, "HMCCURPC: Found no running threads. Cleaning up ...";
HMCCURPC_CleanupThreadIO ($hash);
HMCCURPC_CleanupThreads ($hash, $HMCCURPC_THREAD_ALL, '.*');
HMCCURPC_ResetRPCState ($hash, "OK");
return 1;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Check if port is valid and an ascii RPC port
sub HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($)
my ($port) = @_;
return exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_PROT{$port}) && $HMCCURPC_RPC_PROT{$port} eq 'A' ? 1 : 0;
# Check if port is valid and a binary RPC port
sub HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($)
my ($port) = @_;
return exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_PROT{$port}) && $HMCCURPC_RPC_PROT{$port} eq 'B' ? 1 : 0;
# Send ascii RPC request to CCU
# Return response or undef on error.
sub HMCCURPC_SendRequest ($@)
my ($hash, $port, $request, @param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{host};
return undef if (!HMCCURPC_IsAscRPCPort ($port));
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Send ASCII RPC request $request to $serveraddr:$port";
my $clurl = "http://$serveraddr:$port/";
$clurl .= $HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port} if (exists ($HMCCURPC_RPC_URL{$port}));
my $rpcclient = RPC::XML::Client->new ($clurl);
return $rpcclient->simple_request ($request, @param);
# Send binary RPC request to CCU
# Return response or undef on error. Return empty string on missing
# server response.
sub HMCCURPC_SendBinRequest ($@)
my ($hash, $port, $request, @param) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $serveraddr = $hash->{host};
return undef if (!HMCCURPC_IsBinRPCPort ($port));
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
my $verbose = GetVerbose ($name);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Send binary RPC request $request to $serveraddr:$port";
my $encreq = HMCCURPC_EncodeRequest ($request, \@param);
return undef if ($encreq eq '');
# auto-flush on socket
$| = 1;
# create a connecting socket
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerHost => $serveraddr, PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp');
return undef if (!$socket);
my $size = $socket->send ($encreq);
if (defined ($size)) {
my $encresp = <$socket>;
$socket->close ();
if (defined ($encresp)) {
Log3 $name, 4, "HMCCURPC: Response";
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
HMCCURPC_HexDump ($name, $encresp) if ($verbose >= 4);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
my ($response, $rc) = HMCCURPC_DecodeResponse ($encresp);
return $response;
else {
return '';
$socket->close ();
return undef;
# Process binary RPC request
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessRequest ($$)
my ($server, $connection) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
my $clkey = $server->{hmccu}{clkey};
my @methodlist = ('listDevices', 'listMethods', 'system.multicall');
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
my $verbose = GetVerbose ($name);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Read request
my $request = '';
while (my $packet = <$connection>) {
$request .= $packet;
return if (!defined ($request) || $request eq '');
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: $clkey raw request:";
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
HMCCURPC_HexDump ($name, $request) if ($verbose >= 4);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Decode request
my ($method, $params) = HMCCURPC_DecodeRequest ($request);
return if (!defined ($method));
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: request method = $method";
if ($method eq 'listmethods') {
$connection->send (HMCCURPC_EncodeResponse ($BINRPC_ARRAY, \@methodlist));
elsif ($method eq 'listdevices') {
HMCCURPC_ListDevicesCB ($server, $clkey);
$connection->send (HMCCURPC_EncodeResponse ($BINRPC_ARRAY, undef));
elsif ($method eq 'system.multicall') {
2017-04-12 11:40:34 +00:00
# Send INIT to FHEM when we receive the first event from CCU/CUxD because some binary
# RPC clients won't send a ListDevices request
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if ($server->{hmccu}{running} == 0) {
$server->{hmccu}{running} = 1;
Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: Binary RPC $clkey. Sending init to HMCCU";
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "IN", $clkey, "INIT|1");
return if (ref ($params) ne 'ARRAY');
my $a = $$params[0];
foreach my $s (@$a) {
next if (!exists ($s->{methodName}) || !exists ($s->{params}));
next if ($s->{methodName} ne 'event');
next if (scalar (@{$s->{params}}) < 4);
HMCCURPC_EventCB ($server, $clkey,
${$s->{params}}[1], ${$s->{params}}[2], ${$s->{params}}[3]);
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: Event ".${$s->{params}}[1]." ".${$s->{params}}[2]." "
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Thread function for handling incoming RPC requests
# thrpar - Hash reference with thread parameters:
# waittime - Time to wait after each loop in microseconds
# name - FHEM module name for log function
# socktimeout - Time to wait for socket to become ready
# queuesize - Maximum number of queue entries
# triggertime - Time to wait before retriggering I/O
sub HMCCURPC_HandleConnection ($$$$)
my ($port, $callbackport, $queue, $thrpar) = @_;
my $name = $thrpar->{name};
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my $evttimeout = $thrpar->{evttimeout};
my $conntimeout = $thrpar->{conntimeout};
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $run = 1;
my $tid = threads->tid ();
my $clkey = 'CB'.$port;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO");
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Initialize RPC server
my $iface = $HMCCURPC_RPC_NUMPORT{$port};
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
my $prot = $HMCCURPC_RPC_PROT{$port};
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: Initializing RPC server $clkey for interface $iface";
my $rpcsrv = HMCCURPC_InitRPCServer ($name, $port, $callbackport);
if (!defined ($rpcsrv)) {
Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: Can't initialize RPC server $clkey for interface $iface";
if (!($rpcsrv->{__daemon})) {
Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: Server socket not found for port $port";
# Store RPC server parameters
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{name} = $name;
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{clkey} = $clkey;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{eventqueue} = $queue;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{queuesize} = $thrpar->{queuesize};
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{statistics} = $thrpar->{statistics};
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{running} = 0;
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{evttime} = time ();
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Initialize statistic counters
foreach my $et (@eventtypes) {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{$et} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{snd}{$et} = 0;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{total} = 0;
$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{snd}{total} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$SIG{INT} = sub { $run = 0; };
HMCCURPC_Write ($rpcsrv, "SL", $clkey, $tid);
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $clkey accepting connections. TID=$tid";
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
$rpcsrv->{__daemon}->timeout ($thrpar->{acctimeout});
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
while ($run) {
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
if ($evttimeout > 0) {
2017-08-23 13:47:34 +00:00
my $difftime = time()-$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{evttime};
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
HMCCURPC_Write ($rpcsrv, "TO", $clkey, $difftime) if ($difftime >= $evttimeout);
2017-08-23 13:47:34 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Next statement blocks for timeout seconds
my $connection = $rpcsrv->{__daemon}->accept ();
next if (! $connection);
last if (! $run);
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
$connection->timeout ($conntimeout);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
if ($prot eq 'A') {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: $clkey processing CCU request";
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
$rpcsrv->process_request ($connection);
else {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
HMCCURPC_ProcessRequest ($rpcsrv, $connection);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
shutdown ($connection, 2);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
close ($connection);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
undef $connection;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
close ($rpcsrv->{__daemon}) if ($prot eq 'B');
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Send statistic info
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
HMCCURPC_WriteStats ($rpcsrv, $clkey);
# Send exit information
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
HMCCURPC_Write ($rpcsrv, "EX", $clkey, "SHUTDOWN|$tid");
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: RPC server $clkey stopped handling connections. TID=$tid";
# Log statistic counters
push (@eventtypes, 'EV');
foreach my $et (@eventtypes) {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: $clkey event type = $et: ".$rpcsrv->{hmccu}{rec}{$et};
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Check if file descriptor is writeable and write data.
# Only to inform FHEM I/O loop about data available in thread queue.
# Return 0 on error or trigger time.
sub HMCCURPC_TriggerIO ($$$)
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my ($fh, $num_items, $socktimeout) = @_;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $fd = fileno ($fh);
my $err = '';
my $win = '';
vec ($win, $fd, 1) = 1;
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my $nf = select (undef, $win, undef, $socktimeout);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if ($nf < 0) {
$err = $!;
elsif ($nf == 0) {
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
$err = "Select found no reader";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
else {
my $bytes= syswrite ($fh, "IT|$num_items;");
if (!defined ($bytes)) {
$err = $!;
elsif ($bytes != length ("IT|$num_items;")) {
$err = "Wrote incomplete data";
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
return (($err eq '') ? time () : 0, $err);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Thread function for processing RPC events
# equeue - Event queue
# rqueue - Read control queue
# socket - Parent socket
# thrpar - Hash reference with thread parameters:
# waittime - Time to wait after each loop in microseconds
# name - FHEM module name for log function
# socktimeout - Time to wait for socket to become ready
# queuesize - Maximum number of queue entries
# triggertime - Time to wait before retriggering I/O
sub HMCCURPC_ProcessData ($$$$)
my ($equeue, $rqueue, $socket, $thrpar) = @_;
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $name = $thrpar->{name};
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my $queuesize = $thrpar->{queuesize};
my $waittime = $thrpar->{waittime};
my $triggertime = $thrpar->{triggertime};
my $socktimeout = $thrpar->{socktimeout};
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $threadname = "DATA";
my $run = 1;
my $warn = 0;
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
my $ec = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $tid = threads->tid ();
$SIG{INT} = sub { $run = 0; };
# Inform FHEM that data processing is ready
$equeue->enqueue ("SL|$threadname|".$tid);
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: Thread $threadname processing RPC events. TID=$tid";
while ($run) {
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Do nothing as long as HMCCURPC_Read() is reading events from queue
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
my $num_read = $rqueue->pending ();
if ($num_read == 0) {
# Do nothing if no more items in event queue
my $num_items = $equeue->pending ();
if ($num_items > 0) {
# Check max queue size
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
if ($num_items >= $queuesize && $warn == 0) {
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: Size of event queue exceeds $queuesize";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$warn = 1;
else {
$warn = 0 if ($warn == 1);
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Inform reader about new items in queue
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: Trigger I/O for $num_items items";
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my ($ttime, $err) = HMCCURPC_TriggerIO ($socket, $num_items, $socktimeout);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
if ($triggertime > 0) {
if ($ttime == 0) {
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: I/O error during data processing ($err)" if ($ec == 1);
$ec = 0 if ($ec == $HMCCURPC_MAX_IOERRORS);
sleep ($triggertime);
else {
$ec = 0;
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
threads->yield ();
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
usleep ($waittime);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$equeue->enqueue ("EX|$threadname|SHUTDOWN|".$tid);
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $threadname stopped event processing. TID=$tid";
# Inform FHEM about the EX event in queue
for (my $i=0; $i<10; $i++) {
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
my ($ttime, $err) = HMCCURPC_TriggerIO ($socket, 1, $socktimeout);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
last if ($ttime > 0);
2017-10-13 08:20:06 +00:00
usleep ($waittime);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Write event into queue
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_Write ($$$$)
my ($server, $et, $cb, $msg) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
if (defined ($server->{hmccu}{eventqueue})) {
my $queue = $server->{hmccu}{eventqueue};
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
$server->{hmccu}{evttime} = time ();
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
if (defined ($server->{hmccu}{queuesize}) &&
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
$queue->pending () >= $server->{hmccu}{queuesize}) {
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: $cb maximum queue size reached";
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: $cb enqueue event $et. parameter = $msg";
$queue->enqueue ($et."|".$cb."|".$msg);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
HMCCURPC_WriteStats ($server, $cb)
if ($server->{hmccu}{snd}{total} % $server->{hmccu}{statistics} == 0);
# Write statistics
sub HMCCURPC_WriteStats ($$)
my ($server, $clkey) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
my @eventtypes = ("EV", "ND", "DD", "RD", "RA", "UD", "IN", "EX", "SL", "TO");
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Send statistic info
my $st = $server->{hmccu}{snd}{total};
foreach my $et (@eventtypes) {
$st .= '|'.$server->{hmccu}{snd}{$et};
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$server->{hmccu}{snd}{$et} = 0;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
Log3 $name, 4, "CCURPC: Event statistics = $st";
my $queue = $server->{hmccu}{eventqueue};
$queue->enqueue ("ST|$clkey|$st");
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Helper functions
# Dump variable content as hex/ascii combination
sub HMCCURPC_HexDump ($$)
my ($name, $data) = @_;
my $offset = 0;
foreach my $chunk (unpack "(a16)*", $data) {
my $hex = unpack "H*", $chunk; # hexadecimal magic
$chunk =~ tr/ -~/./c; # replace unprintables
$hex =~ s/(.{1,8})/$1 /gs; # insert spaces
Log3 $name, 4, sprintf "0x%08x (%05u) %-*s %s", $offset, $offset, 36, $hex, $chunk;
$offset += 16;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Callback functions
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Callback for new devices
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
sub HMCCURPC_NewDevicesCB ($$$)
my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
my $devcount = scalar (@$a);
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $cb NewDevice received $devcount device and channel specifications";
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
foreach my $dev (@$a) {
my $msg = '';
if ($dev->{ADDRESS} =~ /:[0-9]{1,2}$/) {
$msg = "C|".$dev->{ADDRESS}."|".$dev->{TYPE}."|".$dev->{VERSION}."|null|null";
else {
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
# Wired devices do not have a RX_MODE attribute
my $rx = exists ($dev->{RX_MODE}) ? $dev->{RX_MODE} : 'null';
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$msg = "D|".$dev->{ADDRESS}."|".$dev->{TYPE}."|".$dev->{VERSION}."|".
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "ND", $cb, $msg);
# Callback for deleted devices
sub HMCCURPC_DeleteDevicesCB ($$$)
my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
my $devcount = scalar (@$a);
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $cb DeleteDevice received $devcount device addresses";
foreach my $dev (@$a) {
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "DD", $cb, $dev);
# Callback for modified devices
sub HMCCURPC_UpdateDeviceCB ($$$$)
my ($server, $cb, $devid, $hint) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $cb updated device $devid with hint $hint";
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "UD", $cb, $devid."|".$hint);
# Callback for replaced devices
sub HMCCURPC_ReplaceDeviceCB ($$$$)
my ($server, $cb, $devid1, $devid2) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $cb device $devid1 replaced by $devid2";
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "RD", $cb, $devid1."|".$devid2);
# Callback for readded devices
sub HMCCURPC_ReaddDevicesCB ($$$)
my ($server, $cb, $a) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
my $devcount = scalar (@$a);
Log3 $name, 2, "CCURPC: $cb ReaddDevice received $devcount device addresses";
foreach my $dev (@$a) {
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "RA", $cb, $dev);
# Callback for handling CCU events
sub HMCCURPC_EventCB ($$$$$)
my ($server, $cb, $devid, $attr, $val) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
my $etime = time ();
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "EV", $cb, $etime."|".$devid."|".$attr."|".$val);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
# Never remove this statement!
# Callback for list devices
sub HMCCURPC_ListDevicesCB ($$)
my ($server, $cb) = @_;
my $name = $server->{hmccu}{name};
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$server->{hmccu}{running} = 1;
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
$cb = "unknown" if (!defined ($cb));
Log3 $name, 1, "CCURPC: $cb ListDevices. Sending init to HMCCU";
HMCCURPC_Write ($server, "IN", $cb, "INIT|1");
return RPC::XML::array->new ();
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Binary RPC encoding functions
# Encode integer (type = 1)
sub HMCCURPC_EncInteger ($)
my ($v) = @_;
return pack ('Nl', $BINRPC_INTEGER, $v);
# Encode bool (type = 2)
sub HMCCURPC_EncBool ($)
my ($v) = @_;
return pack ('NC', $BINRPC_BOOL, $v);
# Encode string (type = 3)
# Input is string. Empty string = void
sub HMCCURPC_EncString ($)
my ($v) = @_;
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_STRING, length ($v)).$v;
# Encode name
sub HMCCURPC_EncName ($)
my ($v) = @_;
return pack ('N', length ($v)).$v;
# Encode double (type = 4)
sub HMCCURPC_EncDouble ($)
my ($v) = @_;
my $s = $v < 0 ? -1.0 : 1.0;
my $l = log (abs($v))/log (2);
my $f = $l;
if ($l-int ($l) > 0) {
$f = ($l < 0) ? -int (abs ($l)+1.0) : int ($l);
my $e = $f+1;
my $m = int ($s*$v*2**-$e*0x40000000);
return pack ('NNN', $BINRPC_DOUBLE, $m, $e);
# Encode base64 (type = 17)
# Input is base64 encoded string
sub HMCCURPC_EncBase64 ($)
my ($v) = @_;
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_DOUBLE, length ($v)).$v;
# Encode array (type = 256)
# Input is array reference. Array must contain (type, value) pairs
sub HMCCURPC_EncArray ($)
my ($a) = @_;
my $r = '';
my $s = 0;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
if (defined ($a)) {
while (my $t = shift @$a) {
my $e = shift @$a;
if ($e) {
$r .= HMCCURPC_EncType ($t, $e);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_ARRAY, $s).$r;
# Encode struct (type = 257)
# Input is hash reference. Hash elements:
# hash->{$element}{T} = Type
# hash->{$element}{V} = Value
sub HMCCURPC_EncStruct ($)
my ($h) = @_;
my $r = '';
my $s = 0;
foreach my $k (keys %{$h}) {
$r .= HMCCURPC_EncName ($k);
$r .= HMCCURPC_EncType ($h->{$k}{T}, $h->{$k}{V});
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_STRUCT, $s).$r;
# Encode any type
# Input is type and value
# Return encoded data or empty string on error
sub HMCCURPC_EncType ($$)
my ($t, $v) = @_;
if ($t == $BINRPC_INTEGER) {
return HMCCURPC_EncInteger ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BOOL) {
return HMCCURPC_EncBool ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRING) {
return HMCCURPC_EncString ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_DOUBLE) {
return HMCCURPC_EncDouble ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BASE64) {
return HMCCURPC_EncBase64 ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_ARRAY) {
return HMCCURPC_EncArray ($v);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRUCT) {
return HMCCURPC_EncStruct ($v);
else {
return '';
# Encode RPC request with method and optional parameters.
# Headers are not supported.
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Input is method name and reference to parameter array.
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Array must contain (type, value) pairs
# Return encoded data or empty string on error
sub HMCCURPC_EncodeRequest ($$)
my ($method, $args) = @_;
# Encode method
my $m = HMCCURPC_EncName ($method);
# Encode parameters
my $r = '';
my $s = 0;
if (defined ($args)) {
while (my $t = shift @$args) {
my $e = shift @$args;
last if (!defined ($e));
$r .= HMCCURPC_EncType ($t, $e);
# Method, ParameterCount, Parameters
$r = $m.pack ('N', $s).$r;
# Identifier, ContentLength, Content
# Ggf. +8
$r = pack ('NN', $BINRPC_REQUEST, length ($r)+8).$r;
return $r;
# Encode RPC response
# Input is type and value
sub HMCCURPC_EncodeResponse ($$)
my ($t, $v) = @_;
if (defined ($t) && defined ($v)) {
my $r = HMCCURPC_EncType ($t, $v);
# Ggf. +8
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_RESPONSE, length ($r)+8).$r;
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
else {
return pack ('NN', $BINRPC_RESPONSE);
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
# Binary RPC decoding functions
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Decode integer (type = 1)
# Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($$$)
my ($d, $i, $u) = @_;
return ($i+4 <= length ($d)) ? (unpack ($u, substr ($d, $i, 4)), 4) : (undef, undef);
# Decode bool (type = 2)
# Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecBool ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
return ($i+1 <= length ($d)) ? (unpack ('C', substr ($d, $i, 1)), 1) : (undef, undef);
# Decode string or void (type = 3)
# Return (string, packet size) or (undef, undef)
# Return ('', 4) for special type 'void'
sub HMCCURPC_DecString ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
my ($s, $o) = HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N');
if (defined ($s) && $i+$s+4 <= length ($d)) {
return $s > 0 ? (substr ($d, $i+4, $s), $s+4) : ('', 4);
return (undef, undef);
# Decode double (type = 4)
# Return (value, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecDouble ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
return (undef, undef) if ($i+8 > length ($d));
my $m = unpack ('N', substr ($d, $i, 4));
my $e = unpack ('N', substr ($d, $i+4, 4));
return (sprintf ("%.6f",$m/0x40000000*(2**$e)), 8);
# Decode base64 encoded string (type = 17)
# Return (string, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecBase64 ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
return HMCCURPC_DecString ($d, $i);
# Decode array (type = 256)
# Return (arrayref, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecArray ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
my @r = ();
my ($s, $x) = HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N');
if (defined ($s)) {
my $j = $x;
for (my $n=0; $n<$s; $n++) {
my ($v, $o) = HMCCURPC_DecType ($d, $i+$j);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o));
push (@r, $v);
$j += $o;
return (\@r, $j);
return (undef, undef);
# Decode struct (type = 257)
# Return (hashref, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecStruct ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
my %r;
my ($s, $x) = HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N');
if (defined ($s)) {
my $j = $x;
for (my $n=0; $n<$s; $n++) {
my ($k, $o1) = HMCCURPC_DecString ($d, $i+$j);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o1));
my ($v, $o2) = HMCCURPC_DecType ($d, $i+$j+$o1);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($o2));
$r{$k} = $v;
$j += $o1+$o2;
return (\%r, $j);
return (undef, undef);
# Decode any type
# Return (element, packetsize) or (undef, undef)
sub HMCCURPC_DecType ($$)
my ($d, $i) = @_;
return (undef, undef) if ($i+4 > length ($d));
my @r = ();
my $t = unpack ('N', substr ($d, $i, 4));
$i += 4;
if ($t == $BINRPC_INTEGER) {
# Integer
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
@r = HMCCURPC_DecInteger ($d, $i, 'N');
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_BOOL) {
# Bool
@r = HMCCURPC_DecBool ($d, $i);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRING || $t == $BINRPC_BASE64) {
# String / Base64
@r = HMCCURPC_DecString ($d, $i);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_DOUBLE) {
# Double
@r = HMCCURPC_DecDouble ($d, $i);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_ARRAY) {
# Array
@r = HMCCURPC_DecArray ($d, $i);
elsif ($t == $BINRPC_STRUCT) {
# Struct
@r = HMCCURPC_DecStruct ($d, $i);
$r[1] += 4;
return @r;
# Decode request.
# Return method, arguments. Arguments are returned as array.
sub HMCCURPC_DecodeRequest ($)
my ($data) = @_;
my @r = ();
my $i = 8;
return (undef, undef) if (length ($data) < 8);
# Decode method
my ($method, $o) = HMCCURPC_DecString ($data, $i);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($method));
$i += $o;
my $c = unpack ('N', substr ($data, $i, 4));
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
$i += 4;
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
for (my $n=0; $n<$c; $n++) {
my ($d, $s) = HMCCURPC_DecType ($data, $i);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined ($d) || !defined ($s));
push (@r, $d);
$i += $s;
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
return (lc ($method), \@r);
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
# Decode response.
# Return (ref, type) or (undef, undef)
# type: 1=ok, 0=error
sub HMCCURPC_DecodeResponse ($)
my ($data) = @_;
return (undef, undef) if (length ($data) < 8);
my $id = unpack ('N', substr ($data, 0, 4));
if ($id == $BINRPC_RESPONSE) {
# Data
my ($result, $offset) = HMCCURPC_DecType ($data, 8);
return ($result, 1);
elsif ($id == $BINRPC_ERROR) {
# Error
my ($result, $offset) = HMCCURPC_DecType ($data, 8);
return ($result, 0);
# Response with header not supported
# elsif ($id == 0x42696E41) {
# }
return (undef, undef);
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
=item device
=item summary provides RPC server for connection between FHEM and Homematic CCU2
=begin html
<a name="HMCCURPC"></a>
The module provides thread based RPC servers for receiving events from HomeMatic CCU2.
A HMCCURPC device acts as a client device for a HMCCU I/O device. Normally RPC servers of
HMCCURPC are started from HMCCU I/O device.
<a name="HMCCURPCdefine"></a>
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
<code>define <name> HMCCURPC {<HostOrIP>|iodev=<DeviceName>|standalone=<
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<code>define myccurpc HMCCURPC</code><br/>
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
<code>define myccurpc HMCCURPC iodev=myccudev</code><br/>
<code>define myccurpc HMCCURPC standalone=</code>
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
The parameter <i>HostOrIP</i> is the hostname or IP address of a Homematic CCU2.
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
The I/O device can also be specified with parameter iodev. If option <b>standalone</b> is
specified RPC servers will operate without I/O device (for development purposes).
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<a name="HMCCURPCset"></a>
2017-08-23 13:47:34 +00:00
<li><b> set <name> rpcrequest <port> <method> [<parameters>]</b><br/>
Send RPC request to CCU. The result is displayed in FHEM browser window. Parameter
<port> is a valid RPC port (i.e. 2001 for BidCos).
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<li><b>set <name> rpcserver { on | off }</b><br/>
Start or stop RPC server(s). This command is only available if expert mode is activated.
<a name="HMCCURPCget"></a>
<li><b>get <name> rpcevent</b><br/>
Show RPC server events statistics.
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
<li><b>get <name> rpcstate</b><br/>
Show RPC thread states.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<a name="HMCCURPCattr"></a>
<li><b>ccuflags { expert }</b><br/>
Set flags for controlling device behaviour. Meaning of flags is:<br/>
expert - Activate expert mode<br/>
2017-04-25 15:40:51 +00:00
keepThreads - Do not delete thread objects after RPC server has been stopped<br/>
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
reconnect - Try to re-register at CCU if no events received for rpcEventTimeout seconds<br/>
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
<li><b>rpcAcceptTimeout <seconds></b><br/>
Specify timeout for accepting incoming connections. Default is 1 second. Increase this
value by 1 or 2 seconds on slow systems.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<li><b>rpcConnTimeout <seconds></b><br/>
2017-03-23 18:29:22 +00:00
Specify timeout of CCU connection handling. Default is 10 second.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
<li><b>rpcEventTimeout <seconds></b><br/>
Specify timeout for CCU events. Default is 600 seconds. If timeout occurs an event
2017-08-23 13:47:34 +00:00
is triggered. If set to 0 the timeout is ignored.
2017-07-12 14:22:34 +00:00
2017-04-09 11:17:32 +00:00
<li><b>rpcInterfaces { BidCos-Wired, BidCos-RF, HmIP-RF, VirtualDevices, CUxD, Homegear }</b><br/>
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
Select RPC interfaces. If attribute is missing the corresponding attribute of I/O device
(HMCCU device) is used. Default is BidCos-RF.
<li><b>rpcMaxEvents <count></b><br/>
Specify maximum number of events read by FHEM during one I/O loop. If FHEM performance
slows down decrease this value. On a fast system this value can be increased to 100.
Default value is 50.
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
<li><b>rpcQueueSize <count></b><br/>
Specify maximum size of event queue. When this limit is reached no more CCU events
are forwarded to FHEM. In this case increase this attribute or increase attribute
<b>rpcMaxEvents</b>. Default value is 500.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<li><b>rpcServer { on | off }</b><br/>
If set to 'on' start RPC server(s) after FHEM start. Default is 'off'.
<li><b>rpcServerAddr <ip-address></b><br/>
Set local IP address of RPC servers on FHEM system. If attribute is missing the
corresponding attribute of I/O device (HMCCU device) is used or IP address is
detected automatically. This attribute should be set if FHEM is running on a system
with multiple network interfaces.
<li><b>rpcServerPort <port></b><br/>
Specify TCP port number used for calculation of real RPC server ports.
If attribute is missing the corresponding attribute of I/O device (HMCCU device)
is used. Default value is 5400.
2017-03-24 10:27:06 +00:00
<li><b>rpcTriggerTime <seconds></b><br/>
2017-03-29 17:23:19 +00:00
Set time to wait before triggering I/O again after an I/O error "no reader" occurred.
Default value is 10 seconds, 0 will deactivate error handling for this kind of error.
On fast systems this value can be set to 5 seconds. Higher values Reduce number of
log messages written if FHEM is busy and not able to read data from CCU.
2017-03-22 17:29:54 +00:00
<li><b>rpcWaitTime <microseconds></b><br/>
Specify time to wait for data processing thread after each loop. Default value is
100000 microseconds.
<li><b>rpcWriteTimeout <seconds></b><br/>
The data processing thread will wait the specified time for FHEM input socket to
become writeable. Default value is 0.001 seconds.
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