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# Copyright notice
# (c) 2012 Torsten Poitzsch (torsten.poitzsch@gmx.de)
# (c) 2012-2013 Jan-Hinrich Fessel (oskar@fessel.org)
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
my $cc; # The Itmes Changed Counter
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6 firmware statusHTML";
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my $name=$hash->{NAME};
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Wrong syntax: use define <name> LUXTRONIK2 <ip-address> [<poll-interval>]" if(int(@a) <3 || int(@a) >4);
$hash->{Host} = $a[2];
$hash->{INTERVAL}=$a[3] || 300;
#Get first data after 5 seconds
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus", $hash, 0);
return undef;
my ($hash, $param, $paramName) = @_;
$param /= 10;
if($hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{VAL} != $param) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{VAL} = $param;
$hash->{READINGS}{$paramName}{UNIT} = "Degree Celsius";
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $paramName .": ". $param;
my ($hash) = @_;
my $err_log='';
my @heatpump_values;
my @heatpump_parameters;
my $result='';
my $switch=0;
my $value='';
my $count=0;
# my $i=0;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $host = $hash->{Host};
my $sensor = '';
my $state = '';
my $firmware;
my $serialno;
$cc = 0; #initialize counter
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + $hash->{INTERVAL}, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus", $hash, 0);
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 8888,
# Type => SOCK_STREAM, # probably needed on some systems
Proto => 'tcp'
if (!$socket) {
$hash->{STATE} = "error opening device";
Log 1,"$name: Error opening Connection to $host";
return "Can't Connect to $host -> $@ ( $!)\n";
#Read operational values
$socket->send(pack("N", 3004));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
# read response, should be 3004, status, number of parameters, and the parameters...
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3004) {
Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 3004 Status problem 1: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "3004 != 3004";
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 0) {
Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "0 != 0";
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count == 0) {
Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 0 Paramters read".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "0 Paramters read";
$socket->recv($result, $count*4+4);
if(length($result) != $count*4) {
Log 1, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus status report length check: $name $host ".length($result)." should have been ". $count * 4;
return "Value read mismatch Lux2 ( $!)\n";
@heatpump_values = unpack("N!$count", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_values) != $count) {
Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus10: $name $host ".scalar(@heatpump_values)." -> ".$heatpump_values[10];
return "Value unpacking problem";
# Parametereinstellung lesen
$socket->send(pack("N", 3003));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
$count = unpack("N", $result);
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3003) {
Log 2, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host 3003 Status problem 1: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "3003 != 3003";
$count = unpack("N", $result);
$socket->recv($result, $count*4+4);
if(length($result) != $count*4) {
my $loop = 4; # safety net in case of communication problems
while((length($result) < ($count * 4)) && ($loop-- > 0) ) {
my $result2;
my $newcnt = ($count * 4) - length($result);
$socket->recv($result2, $newcnt);
$result .= $result2;
# Log 3, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus read additional " . length($result2)
# . " bytes of expected " . $newcnt . " bytes, total should be "
# . $count * 4 . " buflen=" . length($result);
if($loop == 0) {
Log 3, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus parameter settings length check: $name $host "
. length($result) . " should have been " . $count * 4;
@heatpump_parameters = unpack("N$count", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_parameters) != $count) {
Log 1, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host pump parameter problem: received parameter count ("
. scalar(@heatpump_parameters) .
") is not equal to announced parameter count(" . $count . ")!";
return "Parameter read mismatch LUXTRONIK2 ( $!)\n";
if($err_log ne "")
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "LUXTRONIK2 ".$err_log;
return("LUXTRONIK2 general problem with heatpump connection");
my %wpOpStat1 = ( 0 => "Waermepumpe laeuft",
1 => "Waermepumpe steht",
2 => "Waermepumpe kommt",
3 => "Fehler",
4 => "Abtauen" );
my %wpOpStat2 = ( 0 => "Heizbetrieb",
1 => "Keine Anforderung",
2 => "Netz Einschaltverz&ouml;gerung",
3 => "Schaltspielzeit",
4 => "EVU Sperrzeit",
5 => "Brauchwasser",
6 => "Stufe",
7 => "Abtauen",
8 => "Pumpenvorlauf",
9 => "Thermische Desinfektion",
10 => "K&uuml;hlbetrieb",
12 => "Schwimmbad",
13 => "Heizen_Ext_En",
14 => "Brauchw_Ext_En",
16 => "Durchflussueberwachung",
17 => "Elektrische Zusatzheizung" );
my %wpMode = ( 0 => "Automatik",
1 => "Zusatzheizung",
2 => "Party",
3 => "Ferien",
4 => "Aus" );
# Erst die operativen Stati und Parameterenstellungen
$sensor = "firmware";
$value = '';
for(my $fi=81; $fi<91; $fi++) {
$value .= chr($heatpump_values[$fi]) if $heatpump_values[$fi];
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
$sensor = "currentOperatingStatus1";
$switch = $heatpump_values[117];
$value = $wpOpStat1{$switch};
$value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value;
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
$state = $value;
$sensor = "currentOperatingStatus2";
$switch = $heatpump_values[119];
$value = $wpOpStat2{$switch};
# Sonderfaelle behandeln:
if ($switch==6) { $value = "Stufe ".$heatpump_values[121]." ".($heatpump_values[122] / 10)." &deg;C "; }
elsif ($switch==7) {
if ($heatpump_values[44]==1) {$value = "Abtauen (Kreisumkehr)";}
else {$value = "Luftabtauen";}
$value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value;
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
$state = $state." - ".$value;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $state;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$sensor = "hotWaterOperatingMode";
$switch = $heatpump_parameters[4];
$value = $wpMode{$switch};
$value = "unbekannt (".$switch.")" unless $value;
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
$sensor = "heatingOperatingMode";
$switch = $heatpump_parameters[3];
$value = $wpMode{$switch};
if ($switch == 0
&& $heatpump_values[16] >= $heatpump_parameters[700]
&& $heatpump_parameters[699] == 1)
{$value = "Automatik - Sommerbetrieb (Aus)";}
$value = "unbekannt (" . $switch . ")" unless $value;
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} ne $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
# Jetzt die aktuellen Betriebswerte auswerten.
# is ambient temperature the correct wording for the outside temperature?
# Wikipedia:
# Ambient temperature simply means "the temperature of the surroundings" and will be the same as room temperature indoors.
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), $sensor.": ".$value;
# Log 4, "LUXTRONIK2_GetStatus: $name $host ".$hash->{STATE}." -> ".$state;
# Wert 10 gibt die Vorlauftemperatur an, die
# korrekte Uebersetzung ist flow temperature.
# Ruecklauftempereatur
# Ruecklauftemperatur Sollwert
# Ruecklauftemperatur am externen Sensor.
# W<>rmequellen
# Durchfluss Waermemengenzaehler
$sensor = "flowRate";
$value = $heatpump_values[155];
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "l/h";
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
# Waermemengenzaehler
$sensor = "flowCountHeating";
$value = $heatpump_values[151];
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "Wh";
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
# Waermemengenzaehler
$sensor = "flowCountHotWater";
$value = $heatpump_values[152];
if($hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} != $value) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "Wh";
$hash->{CHANGED}[$cc++] = $sensor.": ".$value;
if(AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, "statusHTML", "none") ne "none") {
$sensor = "floorplanHTML";
$value = '<div class=fp_' . $name . '_title>' . $name . "</div>";
$value .= $hash->{READINGS}{'currentOperatingStatus1'}{VAL} . '<br>';
$value .= $hash->{READINGS}{'currentOperatingStatus2'}{VAL} . '<br>';
$value .= "Brauchwasser:" . $hash->{READINGS}{hotWaterTemperature}{VAL} . '&deg;C';
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{VAL} = $value;
$hash->{READINGS}{$sensor}{UNIT} = "HTML";
DoTrigger($name, undef) if($init_done);
=begin html
<a name="LUXTRONIK2"></a>
Luxtronik 2.0 is a heating controller used in Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan Heatpumps.
It has a builtin Ethernet Port, so it can be directly integrated into a local area network.
<a name="LUXTRONIK2define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LUXTRONIK2 &lt;IP-address&gt; [&lt;poll-interval&gt;]</code>
If the pool interval is omitted, it is set to 300 (seconds).
<code>define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600</code>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2set"></a>
<b>Set </b>
Nothing to set here yet...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2get"></a>
No get implemented yet ...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2attr"></a>
if set, creates a HTML-formatted reading named "floorplanHTML" for use with the <a href="#FLOORPLAN">FLOORPLAN</a> module.<br>
Currently, if the value of this attribute is not NULL, the corresponding reading consists of the current status of the heatpump and the temperature of the water.</li>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li>
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
=end html