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# $Id: $
# (c) 2012 Copyright: Matthias Gehre, M.Gehre@gmx.de
# (c) 2019 Copyright: Wzut
# All rights reserved
# FHEM Forum : http://forum.fhem.de/
# This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %device_types = (
0 => "Cube",
1 => "HeatingThermostat",
2 => "HeatingThermostatPlus",
3 => "WallMountedThermostat",
4 => "ShutterContact",
5 => "PushButton",
6 => "virtualShutterContact",
7 => "virtualThermostat",
8 => "PlugAdapter",
9 => "new"
my %msgId2Cmd = (
"00" => "PairPing",
"01" => "PairPong",
"02" => "Ack",
"03" => "TimeInformation",
"10" => "ConfigWeekProfile",
"11" => "ConfigTemperatures", #like eco/comfort etc
"12" => "ConfigValve",
"20" => "AddLinkPartner",
"21" => "RemoveLinkPartner",
"22" => "SetGroupId",
"23" => "RemoveGroupId",
"30" => "ShutterContactState",
"40" => "SetTemperature", # to thermostat
"42" => "WallThermostatControl", # by WallMountedThermostat
# Sending this without payload to thermostat sets desiredTempeerature to the comfort/eco temperature
# We don't use it, we just do SetTemperature
"43" => "SetComfortTemperature",
"44" => "SetEcoTemperature",
"50" => "PushButtonState",
"60" => "ThermostatState", # by HeatingThermostat
"70" => "WallThermostatState",
"82" => "SetDisplayActualTemperature",
"F1" => "WakeUp",
"F0" => "Reset",
my %msgCmd2Id = reverse %msgId2Cmd;
my $defaultWeekProfile = "444855084520452045204520452045204520452045204520452044485508452045204520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc55144520452045204520452045204520452045204448546c44cc5514452045204520452045204520452045204520";
my $ackTimeout = 3; # seconds
my $maxRetryCnt = 3;
my $sq->{sendQueue} = [] ;
$sq->{usedFrom} = "" ;
sub CUL_MAX_Initialize
my $hash = shift;
$hash->{Match} = "^Z";
$hash->{DefFn} = "CUL_MAX_Define";
$hash->{Clients} = ":MAX:";
$hash->{MatchList} = {"1:MAX" => "MAX"};
$hash->{UndefFn} = "CUL_MAX_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "CUL_MAX_Parse";
$hash->{RenameFn} = "CUL_MAX_RenameFn";
$hash->{SetFn} = "CUL_MAX_Set";
$hash->{GetFn} = "CUL_MAX_Get";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "CUL_MAX_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "IODev IOgrp do_not_notify:1,0 ignore:0,1 debug:0,1 showtime:1,0 fakeSCaddr fakeWTaddr broadcastTimeDiff blacklist whitelist ".$readingFnAttributes;
sub CUL_MAX_updateConfig
# this routine is called 5 sec after the last define of a restart
# this gives FHEM sufficient time to fill in attributes
my $hash = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!$init_done)
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5,"CUL_MAX_updateConfig", $hash, 0);
$attr{$name}{fakeSCaddr} = '222222' unless (exists($attr{$name}{fakeSCaddr}));
$attr{$name}{fakeWTaddr} = '111111' unless (exists($attr{$name}{fakeWTaddr}));
my $iogrp = AttrVal($name , 'IOgrp' ,'');
my @ios;
my $version;
if ($iogrp)
$iogrp =~ s/ //g;
@ios = split(',',$iogrp);
$hash->{IOgrp} = '';
Log3 $hash,1,$name.', attribute IOgrp has only a single CUL device, please delete attribute IOgrp !' if (int(@ios) < 2);
$hash->{'.culids'} = '';
foreach (@ios)
AssignIoPort($hash, $_); # mit proposed $_
if (defined($hash->{IODev}))
$version = CUL_MAX_Check($hash);
$hash->{$_.'_VERSION'} = $version;
$hash->{'.VERSION'} = $version;
if ($version < 152)
Log3 $hash, 1, $name.', detected very old firmware version '.$version.' of the CUL-compatible IODev '.$_;
if ($version >= 152)
#Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode
#Append to initString, so this is resend if cul disappears and then reappears
if (!defined($hash->{IODev}{'.maxid'}))
IOWrite($hash, "", "Za". $hash->{addr});
$hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\nZa". $hash->{addr};
IOWrite($hash, "", "Za". $hash->{IODev}{'.maxid'});
$hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\nZa".$hash->{IODev}{'.maxid'};
if ($version >= 153)
#Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode
my $cmd = "Zw". AttrVal($name,'fakeWTaddr','111111');
IOWrite($hash, "", $cmd);
$hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\n".$cmd;
$hash->{IOgrp} .= ($hash->{IOgrp}) ?','.$_ : $_ ;
}# iodev
} #foreach
if (!defined($hash->{IODev}))
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, did not find suitable IODev (CUL etc. in rfmode MAX)! You may want to execute 'attr $hash->{NAME} IODev SomeCUL'";
} # iogrp
{ # no IOgrp , use IOdev
AssignIoPort($hash, AttrVal($name,'IODev','')) if (defined(AttrVal($name,'IODev',undef))); # ohne Attr IODev geht nichts !
if (defined($hash->{IODev}))
$version = CUL_MAX_Check($hash);
$hash->{'.VERSION'} = $version;
if ($version < 152)
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, detected very old firmware version $version of the CUL-compatible IODev ".AttrVal($name,'IODev','');
if ($version >= 152)
#Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode
IOWrite($hash, "", "Za". $hash->{addr});
#Append to initString, so this is resend if cul disappears and then reappears
$hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\nZa". $hash->{addr};
if ($version >= 153)
#Doing this on older firmware disables MAX mode
my $cmd = "Zw". AttrVal($name,'fakeWTaddr','111111');
IOWrite($hash, "", $cmd);
$hash->{IODev}{initString} .= "\n".$cmd;
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, did not find suitable IODev (CUL etc. in rfmode MAX)! You may want to execute 'attr $hash->{NAME} IODev SomeCUL'";
}# use IOdev
#This interface is shared with 00_MAXLAN.pm
$hash->{Send} = \&CUL_MAX_Send;
#Start broadcasting time after 30 seconds, so there is enough time to parse the config
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+30, "CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime", $hash, 0);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 300, "CUL_MAX_Alive", $hash, 0);
sub CUL_MAX_Define
my $hash = shift;
my $def = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $ret;
my @ar = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "wrong syntax: define $name CUL_MAX <srcAddr>" if (@ar < 3);
my $MAXid = lc($ar[2]);
if ((length($ar[2]) != 6) || ($MAXid !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i))
$ret = "$name, the address must be 6 hexadecimal digits";
Log3 $hash, 1, $ret;
return $ret;
if (exists($modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr}) && ($modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr}{$MAXid}->{NAME} ne $name))
$ret = "a CUL_MAX device with address $MAXid is already defined !";
Log3 $name, 1, $ret;
return $ret;
$modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr} = $hash;
$hash->{addr} = $MAXid;
$hash->{STATE} = "Defined";
$hash->{cnt} = 0;
$hash->{pairmode} = 0;
$hash->{retryCount} = 0;
$hash->{sendQueue} = [];
$hash->{sq} = 0;
$hash->{LASTInputDev} = '';
$hash->{'.culids'} = '';
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+5, 'CUL_MAX_updateConfig', $hash, 0);
sub CUL_MAX_Undef
my $hash = shift;
delete $modules{CUL_MAX}{defptr};
sub CUL_MAX_DisablePairmode
my $hash = shift;
$hash->{pairmode} = 0;
sub CUL_MAX_Check
my $hash = shift;
my $nocheck = shift;
$nocheck //= 0;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if (!defined($hash->{IODev}))
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, no IODev found";
return 0;
if (!defined($hash->{IODev}{VERSION}))
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, IODev has no VERSION";
return 0;
my $cul = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
my $maxid = lc(AttrVal($cul,'maxid',''));
if ($maxid && $maxid !~ m/^[a-f0-9]{6}$/i)
$maxid = '';
Log3 $hash,1,"$name, wrong value for attribute maxid on $cul - ignoring !";
if (!$maxid)
Log3 $hash,1,"$name please set attribute maxid on $cul !" if (AttrVal($name,'IOgrp',''));
$hash->{$cul.'_MAXID'} = $maxid;
$hash->{'.culids'} .= $maxid.' ' if (index($hash->{'.culids'},$maxid) == -1);
$hash->{IODev}{'.maxid'} = $maxid;
$hash->{addr} = $maxid;
my $version = $hash->{IODev}{VERSION};
if ($version =~ m/.*a-culfw.*/)
#a-culfw is compatibel to culfw 154
return 154;
#Looks like "V 1.49 CUL868"
if ($version =~ m/V (.*)\.(.*) .*/)
my ($major_version,$minorversion) = ($1, $2);
$version = 100*$major_version + $minorversion;
if ($version < 154)
Log3 $hash, 2, "$name, You are using an old version of the CUL firmware, which has known bugs with respect to MAX! support. Please update.";
return $version;
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, could not correctly parse IODev->{VERSION} = '$version'";
return 0;
sub CUL_MAX_Attr
my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_;
return if ($cmd ne 'set');
if ((($attrName eq 'fakeWTaddr')
|| ($attrName eq 'fakeSCaddr'))
&& ($attrVal !~ /^[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$/)) { return "$name, invalid value $attrVal for attr $attrName"; }
sub CUL_MAX_Get
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_;
return "$name, get needs at least one parameter" if (!$cmd);
if ($cmd eq 'deviceinfo')
return 'missing address' if (!defined($args[0]));
return 'no MAX device' if (!exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$args[0]}));
my $list = eval { require Data::Dumper; return Dumper($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$args[0]}); } ;
return $list;
elsif ($cmd eq 'showSendQueue')
return 'Send Queue is empty !' if (!$hash->{sq});
my ($i,$dst,$cmd,$time,$cul,$s,@lines);
my $dw = 11;
my $cw = 7;
my $lw = 3;
for ($i = 0; $i < @{$hash->{sendQueue}}; $i++)
$dst = $hash->{sendQueue}[$i]->{dst_name};
$cmd = $hash->{sendQueue}[$i]->{cmd};
$time = FmtDateTime($hash->{sendQueue}[$i]->{time});
$cul = (defined($hash->{sendQueue}[$i]->{CUL})) ? $hash->{sendQueue}[$i]->{CUL} : '-';
$dw = length($dst) if (length($dst) > $dw);
$cw = length($cmd) if (length($cmd) > $cw);
$lw = length($cul) if (length($cul) > $lw);
push @lines, "$time,$dst,$cmd,$cul";
$s = ' Time | Destination'.(' 'x($dw-11)).' | Command'.(' 'x($cw-7));
$s.= (AttrVal($name,'IOgrp','')) ? ' | CUL'.(' 'x($lw-3)) : '';
my $line = ('-' x length($s));
while ( $s =~ m/\|/g ) { substr($line,(pos($s)-1),1) = '+'; }
$s .= "\n".$line."\n";
foreach (@lines)
my @a = split(',',$_);
$a[1] .= (' 'x($dw-length($a[1]))) if ($dw-length($a[1]));
$a[2] .= (' 'x($cw-length($a[2]))) if ($cw-length($a[2]));
$s.= "$a[0] | $a[1] | $a[2]";
$s.= (AttrVal($name,'IOgrp','')) ? " | $a[3]\n" : "\n";
return $s.$line;
return 'unknown command '.$cmd.', choose one of deviceinfo showSendQueue:noArg';
sub CUL_MAX_Set
my ( $hash, $name, $cmd, @args ) = @_;
return "set $name needs at least one parameter" if (!$cmd || !defined($cmd));
if ($cmd eq 'deleteSendQueue')
$hash->{sendQueue} = [];
$hash->{sq} = 0;
if ($cmd eq 'pairmode')
$hash->{pairmode} = 1;
my $pairmodeDuration = (int($args[0]) > 60) ? int($args[0]) : 60;
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$pairmodeDuration, 'CUL_MAX_DisablePairmode', $hash, 0);
if ($cmd eq 'broadcastTime')
CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime($hash, 1);
if (($cmd eq 'fakeSC') || ($cmd eq 'fakeWT'))
return "$name invalid number of arguments for $cmd" if (!@args);
my $dest = $args[0];
my $destname;
#$dest may be either a name or an address
if (exists($defs{$dest}))
return 'Destination is not a MAX device' if ($defs{$dest}{TYPE} ne 'MAX');
$destname = $dest;
$dest = $defs{$dest}{addr};
$dest = lc($dest); #address to lower-case
return 'No MAX device with address '.$dest.' found !' if (!exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dest}));
$destname = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dest}{NAME};
if ($cmd eq 'fakeSC')
return $name.', invalid number of arguments for '.$cmd if (@args != 2);
return $name.', invalid fakeSCaddr attribute set (must not be 000000)' if (AttrVal($name,'fakeSCaddr','') eq '000000');
my $state = $args[1] ? '12' : '10';
my $groupid = ReadingsVal($destname,'groupid',0);
return CUL_MAX_Send($hash, 'ShutterContactState',$dest,$state,groupId => sprintf("%02x",$groupid),
flags => ( $groupid ? '04' : '06' ),src => AttrVal($name,'fakeSCaddr','222222'));
elsif ($cmd eq 'fakeWT')
return $name.', invalid number of arguments for '.$cmd if (@args != 3);
return $name.', desiredTemperature is invalid' if (!validTemperature($args[1]));
return $name.',invalid fakeWTaddr attribute set (must not be 000000)' if (AttrVal($name,'fakeWTaddr','') eq '000000');
#Valid range for measured temperature is 0 - 51.1 degree
$args[2] = 0 if ($args[2] < 0); #Clamp temperature to minimum of 0 degree
#Encode into binary form
my $arg2 = int(10*$args[2]);
#First bit is 9th bit of temperature, rest is desiredTemperature
my $arg1 = (($arg2&0x100)>>1) | (int(2*MAX_ParseTemperature($args[1]))&0x7F);
$arg2 &= 0xFF; #only take the lower 8 bits
my $groupid = ReadingsNum($destname,'groupid',0);
return CUL_MAX_Send($hash,'WallThermostatControl',$dest,sprintf("%02x%02x",$arg1,$arg2), groupId => sprintf("%02x",$groupid),
flags => ( $groupid ? '04' : '00' ), src => AttrVal($name,'fakeWTaddr','111111'));
return "unknown argument $cmd, choose one of pairmode:60,300,600 broadcastTime:noArg deleteSendQueue:noArg fakeSC fakeWT";
sub CUL_MAX_Parse
# Attention: there is a limit in the culfw firmware: It only receives messages shorter than 30 bytes (see rf_moritz.h)
# $hash is for the CUL instance
my ($hash, $rmsg) = @_;
my $shash = undef; #shash is for the CUL_MAX instance
return $hash->{NAME} if (!$init_done); # brauchen wir das noch wenn alle Prototypen weg sind ?
# Find a CUL_MAX that has the CUL $hash as its IODev;
# if no matching is found, just use the last encountered CUL_MAX.
# change -> Implementierung des Highlander-Prinzips: Es kann nur Einen geben! D.h. Schaffung eindeutiger Zuständigkeiten
foreach my $d (keys %defs)
if ($defs{$d}{TYPE} eq "CUL_MAX")
$shash = $defs{$d};
last if ($defs{$d}{IODev} == $hash);
if (!defined($shash))
Log3 $hash, 2, 'CM_Parse, no matching CUL_MAX device found';
return $hash->{NAME}; # if (!$ac);
my $name = $shash->{NAME};
if (length($rmsg) < 21)
Log3 $hash,5,"$name, message $rmsg is to short !";
return $shash->{NAME};
my $l = substr($rmsg,1,2);
$l = hex($l);
if (2*$l+3 != length($rmsg))
{ #+3 = +1 for 'Z' and +2 for len field in hex
Log3 $shash, 1, $name.', message $rmsg len mismatch '.length($rmsg).' vs '.(2*$l+3);
return $shash->{NAME};
if ($rmsg !~ m/Z(..)(..)(..)(..)(......)(......)(..)(.*)/)
Log3 $shash,3, "$name, unknown message : $rmsg";
return $shash->{NAME};
my ($len,$msgcnt,$msgFlag,$msgTypeRaw,$src,$dst,$groupid,$payload) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8);
$groupid = hex($groupid);
$len = hex($len);
if (2*$len+3 != length($rmsg))
#+3 = +1 for 'Z' and +2 for len field in hex
Log3 $shash, 1, $name.', message len mismatch '.length($rmsg).' vs '.(2*$len+3);
return $shash->{NAME};
#convert adresses to lower case
$src = lc($src);
$dst = lc($dst);
if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}) && !exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME}))
Log3 $shash ,3, $name.', source device '.$src.' has no name !' if (($src ne $shash->{addr}) && ($src ne '000000'));
if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}) && !exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{NAME}))
Log3 $shash ,3, $name.', target device '.$dst.' has no name !' if (($dst ne $shash->{addr}) && ($dst ne '000000'));
my $debug = AttrNum($name,'debug',0);
my @whitelist = split(',', lc(AttrVal($name,'whitelist','')));
my @blacklist = split(',', lc(AttrVal($name,'blacklist','')));
my $nogo = 0;
if (@whitelist)
Log3 $shash,2, "$name, whitelist and blacklist found. Blacklist ignoring !" if (@blacklist);
foreach (@whitelist)
$_ =~ s/ //g;
$nogo = 1 if (($_ eq $src) || ($_ eq $dst));
if (!$nogo)
Log3 $shash,4, "$name, soure $src or destination $dst not found on whitelist - ignoring !";
return $shash->{NAME};
elsif (@blacklist)
foreach (@blacklist)
$_ =~ s/ //g;
$nogo = 1 if (($_ eq $src) || ($_ eq $dst));
if ($nogo)
Log3 $shash,4, "$name, soure $src or destination $dst found on blacklist - ignoring !";
return $shash->{NAME};
my $src_name = (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}) && exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME})) ? $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME} : 'MAX_'.$src;
return $shash->{NAME} if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}) && IsIgnored($src_name));
my $dst_name = (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}) && exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{NAME})) ? $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{NAME} : 'MAX_'.$dst;
$dst_name = 'Broadcast' if ($dst_name eq 'MAX_000000');
my $msgType = exists($msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw}) ? $msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw} : $msgTypeRaw;
my $rssi = exists($hash->{RSSI}) ? $hash->{RSSI} : 0;
Log3 $shash, 5, "$name, IODev $hash->{NAME}, len $len, msgcnt $msgcnt, msgflag $msgFlag, msgType $msgType, src $src, dst $dst, group $groupid, payload $payload, rssi $rssi";
my $isToMe;
my $isMe;
if (!$shash->{'.culids'}) # keine verschieden IDs !
$isToMe = ($dst eq $shash->{addr}) ? 1 : 0; # $isToMe is true if that packet was directed at us
$dst_name = 'ToMe' if ($isToMe);
$isMe = ($src eq $shash->{addr}) ? 1 : 0;
$isToMe = (index($shash->{'.culids'},$dst) != -1) ? 1 : 0;
$isMe = (index($shash->{'.culids'},$src) != -1) ? 1 : 0;
$dst_name = 'ToMe' if ($isToMe);
if ($isMe) # is true if we received a packet from our second CUL
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', packet from ourselves or a other CUL ['.$src.' / '.$isToMe.'], - ignoring !';
return $shash->{NAME};
my $dummy = AttrNum($src_name,'dummy',0);
$isToMe = 0 if ($dummy);
# Set RSSI , msgcount and destination on MAX device
if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}))
$modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{'.rssi'} = (exists($hash->{RSSI})) ? $hash->{RSSI} : 0 ;
$modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{'.count'} = hex($msgcnt) if (abs($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{'.count'}) != hex($msgcnt));
$modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{'.sendToName'} = ($dst_name ne 'ToMe') ? $dst_name : '';
$modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{'.sendToAddr'} = ($dst_name ne 'ToMe') ? $dst : '-1';
if (exists($msgId2Cmd{$msgTypeRaw}))
if ($msgType eq "Ack")
#Ignore packets generated by culfw's auto-Ack
#if (($src eq $shash->{addr}) || ($src eq CUL_MAX_fakeWTaddr($shash)) || ($src eq CUL_MAX_fakeSCaddr($shash)))
if ($isMe || ($src eq AttrVal($name,'fakeWTaddr','111111')) || ($src eq AttrVal($name,'fakeSCaddr','222222')))
Log3 $shash,5, $name.', auto ACK from '.$src.' - ignoring !';
return $shash->{NAME};
if ($payload eq '00')
Log3 $shash,1,$name.', 00 payload from '.$src.' for '.$dst_name;
##Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,Ack,$src,$payload", {});
if (!@{$shash->{sendQueue}})
if (!$dummy)
Log3 $shash, 5, $name.', ACK from '.$src_name.' but Send Queue is empty' if ($isToMe);
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', ACK from '.$src_name.' to '.$dst_name if (!$isToMe);
Log3 $shash, 5, $name.', ACK from dummy '.$src_name.' to '.$dst_name;
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,Ack,$src,$payload", {});
return $shash->{NAME};
################### check Send Queue ###############################
my $quickremove = undef;
for my $i (0 .. $#{$shash->{sendQueue}})
my $packet = $shash->{sendQueue}[$i];
if (($packet->{src} eq $dst) && ($packet->{dst} eq $src) && ($packet->{cnt} == hex($msgcnt)))
my $isnak = unpack("C",pack("H*",$payload)) & 0x80;
$packet->{sent} = $isnak ? 3 : 2;
$packet->{iodev} = $hash->{NAME}; # ToDo : warum wird hier das iodev nachgezogen ?
if (!$isnak)
$quickremove = $i if ($packet->{cmd} eq 'PairPong'); # das muss nicht später noch durch MAX_Parse
Log3 $shash, 5, $name.', ACK from '.$src_name.' for cmd '.$packet->{cmd}.' , packet will be removed soon';
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', NACK from '.$src_name.' for cmd '.$packet->{cmd}.' !' if ($isnak);
# ToDo : warum machen wir bei einem Treffer nicht jetzt sofort die SQ leer ?
if (defined($quickremove))
splice @{$shash->{sendQueue}}, $quickremove, 1 if (defined($quickremove)); # Remove from Queue, hat kein callBack und muss nicht durch MAX !
Log3 $shash, 5, $name.', delete packet Index '.$quickremove.' in SendQueue direct !';
# Handle outgoing messages to that ShutterContact. It is only awake shortly
# after sending an Ack to a PairPong
# ToDo : das kann nicht sein, mit ELV Firmware schickt der Cube das AddLinkPartner
# an den FK nachdem dieser sein letztes Status Telegramm an seine Peers geschickt hat !
if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}) && $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}{type} eq "ShutterContact")
Log3 $shash, 3, $name.', got ACK from ShutterContact '.$src_name.' , checking SendQueue now !';
CUL_MAX_SQH($shash, $src);
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,Ack,$src,$payload", {});
return $shash->{NAME};
} #$msgType eq "Ack"
elsif ($msgType eq 'TimeInformation')
if ($isToMe)
# This is a request for TimeInformation send to us
# Log3 $hash, 4, "CMA_Parse, got request for TimeInformation from $src_name";
# CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src);
if (length($payload) > 0)
my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5) = unpack("CCCCC",pack("H*",$payload));
#For all fields but the month I'm quite sure
my $year = $f1 + 2000;
my $day = $f2;
my $hour = ($f3 & 0x1F);
my $min = $f4 & 0x3F;
my $sec = $f5 & 0x3F;
my $month = (($f4 >> 6) << 2) | ($f5 >> 6); #this is just guessed
my $timestamp = eval
use Time::Local;
return timelocal($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month - 1, $year - 1900);
my $timeDiff = int(time()-$timestamp);
if ($timeDiff > AttrNum($shash->{NAME},'broadcastTimeDiff',10))
Log3 $shash, 4, "$name, TimeInformation from $src_name $timeDiff seconds out of sync. Sending correct Information! Received Timestamp (in GMT): $hour:$min:$sec $day.$month.$year";
CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src);
readingsSingleUpdate($shash,'lastTimeSync',$src_name,1) if ($debug);
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', TimeInformation from '.$src_name.' to now is only '.$timeDiff.' seconds. - ignoring !';
return $shash->{NAME};
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', TimeInformation-Request from '.$src_name.' without timestamp in payload. Sending back correct Timestamp';
CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($shash, $src);
readingsSingleUpdate($shash,'lastTimeSync',$src_name,1) if ($debug);
elsif (length($payload) > 0) # nicht direkt an uns, aber mit payload
my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5) = unpack("CCCCC",pack("H*",$payload));
#For all fields but the month I'm quite sure
my $year = sprintf("%4d",$f1 + 2000);
my $day = sprintf("%02d",$f2);
my $hour = sprintf("%02d",($f3 & 0x1F));
my $min = sprintf("%02d",$f4 & 0x3F);
my $sec = sprintf("%02d",$f5 & 0x3F);
my $month = sprintf("%02d",(($f4 >> 6) << 2) | ($f5 >> 6)); #this is just guessed
my $unk1 = $f3 >> 5;
my $unk2 = $f4 >> 6;
my $unk3 = $f5 >> 6;
# I guess the unk1,2,3 encode if we are in DST?
Log3 $shash, 4, $name.', TimeInformation from '.$src_name.' to '.$dst_name." : $hour:$min:$sec $day.$month.$year , unknown ($unk1, $unk2, $unk3)";
} #$msgType eq "TimeInformation
elsif ($msgType eq 'PairPing')
my ($firmware,$type,$testresult,$serial) = unpack("CCCa*",pack("H*",$payload));
# What does testresult mean?
# ToDo : eine der Variablen kann undef sein bei zerstörten Telegrammen.
Log3 $shash, 4, "$name, PairPing (dst $dst, pairmode $shash->{pairmode}), firmware $firmware, type $device_types{$type}, testresult $testresult, serial $serial";
# There are two variants of PairPing:
# 1. It has a destination address of "000000" and can be paired to any device.
# 2. It is sent after changing batteries or repressing the pair button (without factory reset) and has a destination address of the last paired device.
# We can answer it with PairPong and even get an Ack, but it will still not be paired to us.
# A factory reset (originating from the last paired device) is needed first.
if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src})) # xxx
# OK , das Gerät kennen wir schon. Reden wir überhaupt mit ihm ?
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src};
if (AttrNum($src_name,'dummy','0'))
Log3 $shash,3 , $name.', device '.$src_name.' want a '.($isToMe ? 'repairing' : 'pairing').' but it is already set to an '.(AttrNum($src_name,'dummy','0') ? 'dummy' : 'ignored').' device - ignoring !';
return $shash->{NAME};
if (($dst ne '000000') && !$isToMe)
readingsSingleUpdate($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src},'PairedTo',$dst,1) if (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}));
Log3 $shash,3 , $name.', device '.$src_name.' want to be re-paired to '.$dst_name.', not to us ['.$shash->{addr}.'] - ignoring !';
return $shash->{NAME};
# If $isToMe is true, this device is already paired and just wants to be reacknowledged
# If we already have the device created but it was reseted (batteries changed?), we directly re-pair (without pairmode)
if ($shash->{pairmode} || $isToMe || exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}))
Log3 $shash, 3, $name.', ' . ($isToMe ? 'Re-Pairing' : 'Pairing') . " device $src_name of type $device_types{$type} with serial $serial";
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,define,$src,$device_types{$type},$serial,0", {}); # ToDo : steckt hier die groupID 0 ?
# Set firmware and testresult on device
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src};
#$modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME} = $src_name if (defined($dhash) && (!exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME})));
if (defined($dhash))
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash, "firmware", sprintf("%u.%u",int($firmware/16),$firmware%16));
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash, "testresult", $testresult);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash, "PairedTo", $dst);
readingsBulkUpdate($dhash, "SerialNr", $serial);
readingsEndUpdate($dhash, 1);
# Send after dispatch the define, otherwise Send will create an invalid device
# ToDo : was ist hier genau gemeint ?
CUL_MAX_Send($shash, 'PairPong', $src, '00');
return $shash->{NAME} if ($isToMe); # if just re-pairing, default values are not restored (I checked)
# This are the default values that a device has after factory reset or pairing
if ($device_types{$type} =~ /HeatingThermostat.*/)
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,HeatingThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,$defaultWeekProfile,80,5,0,12,15,100,0,0,12", {});
elsif ($device_types{$type} eq "WallMountedThermostat")
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,WallThermostatConfig,$src,17,21,30.5,4.5,$defaultWeekProfile,80,5,0,12", {});
} # pairmode , isToMe, exists
#elsif (grep /^$msgType$/, ("ShutterContactState", "WallThermostatState", "WallThermostatControl", "ThermostatState", "PushButtonState", "SetTemperature"))
elsif (($msgType eq 'ShutterContactState')
|| ($msgType eq 'WallThermostatState')
|| ($msgType eq 'WallThermostatControl')
|| ($msgType eq 'ThermostatState')
|| ($msgType eq 'PushButtonState')
|| ($msgType eq 'SetTemperature'))
Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,$msgType,$src,$payload", {}); # istome ?
#if (($msgType eq "ShutterContactState") && int($shash->{sq}) )# ToDo Test FK
# noch prüfen : macht es einen Unterschied ob dispatch davor oder danach steht ?
#Log3 $shash, 3, $name.', '.$src_name.' is a ShutterContact, checking packet in SendQueue';
#CUL_MAX_SQH($shash, $src);
#Dispatch($shash, "MAX,$isToMe,$msgType,$src,$payload", {}); # istome ?
else { Log3 $shash,3 , 'CM_Parse, unhandled message '.$msgType.' from '.$src_name.' to '.$dst_name.', groupid : '.$groupid.' , payload : '.$payload.' - ignoring !'; }
else { Log3 $shash, 2, 'CM_Parse, unhandled message type '.$msgTypeRaw.' from '.$src_name.' to '.$dst_name.' - ignoring !'; }
return $shash->{NAME};
#All inputs are hex strings, $cmd is one from %msgCmd2Id
sub CUL_MAX_Send
my ($hash, $cmd, $dst, $payload, %opts) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $flags = (exists($opts{flags})) ? $opts{flags} : '00';
my $groupId = (exists($opts{groupId})) ? $opts{groupId} : '00'; #ToDo : GroupID vom Device holen !
my $src = (exists($opts{src})) ? $opts{src} : $hash->{addr};
my $callbackParam = (exists($opts{callbackParam})) ? $opts{callbackParam} : undef;
my $src_name = (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}) && exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME})) ? $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src}->{NAME} : 'MAX_'.$src;
my $dst_name = (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}) && exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{NAME})) ? $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{NAME} : 'MAX_'.$dst;
my $type = (exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}) && exists($modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{type})) ? $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst}->{type} : 'unknown';
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$dst};
# Bei Brodcast Zielen ist es etwas anders
if ($dst eq '000000')
$dst_name = 'Broadcast';
$dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$src};
# Fix : Use of uninitialized value $payload in concatenation (.) or string nach Device Factory Reset
#$payload = '' if (!defined($payload));
$payload //= '';
$dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL} ++;
$dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL} &= 0xFF;
$dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{TIME} = TimeNow(); # Todo : muss das sein ???
my $msgcnt = sprintf("%02x",$dhash->{READINGS}{msgcnt}{VAL});
my $cul = AttrVal($dst_name,'CULdev','none');
my $packet = $msgcnt . $flags . $msgCmd2Id{$cmd} . $src . $dst . $groupId . $payload;
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name, send -> cmd:$cmd, msgcnt:$msgcnt, flags:$flags, Cmd2id:$msgCmd2Id{$cmd}, src:$src_name , dst:$dst_name , gid:$groupId , payload:$payload , cul:$cul";
# prefix length in bytes
$packet = sprintf("%02x",length($packet)/2) . $packet;
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, send packet: $packet";
my $timeout = gettimeofday()+$ackTimeout;
my $l='0';
my $win = '-1';
my @io = split(',',AttrVal($name,'IOgrp',''));
#if ((@io > 1) && !$cul)
#if ( exists($dhash->{$io[0]}) && exists($dhash->{$io[1]}))
#if ( ($dhash->{$io[0].'_RAWMSG'} eq $dhash->{$io[1].'_RAWMSG'})
# && ($dhash->{$io[0].'_TIME'} eq $dhash->{$io[1].'_TIME'}))
# $l = '2' if ($dhash->{$io[0].'_RSSI'} < $dhash->{$io[1].'_RSSI'});
#$l = '1' if ($dhash->{$io[0].'_RSSI'} > $dhash->{$io[1].'_RSSI'});
#$win = $io[1] if $l == 2;
#$win = $io[0] if $l == 1;
#Log3 $hash, 4, "$name, last input win $l - $win";
#Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, $dhash->{$io[0].'_RAWMSG'} | $dhash->{$io[1].'_RAWMSG'}";
my $aref = $hash->{sendQueue};
push(@{$aref}, { "packet" => $packet,
"src" => $src,
"dst" => $dst,
"cnt" => hex($msgcnt),
"time" => $timeout,
"sent" => "0",
"cmd" => $cmd,
"win" => $win,
"CUL" => $cul,
"src_name" => $src_name,
"dst_name" => $dst_name,
"callbackParam" => $callbackParam,
"type" => $type
# Call CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler if we just enqueued the only packet
# otherwise it is already in the InternalTimer list
$hash->{sq} = int(@{$hash->{sendQueue}});
CUL_MAX_SQH($hash,undef) if (int(@{$hash->{sendQueue}}) == 1);
sub CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation
my $hash = shift;
my $addr = shift;
my $payload = shift;
#$payload = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload() if (!defined($payload));
$payload //= CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload();
Log3 $hash, 5, "$hash->{NAME}, Broadcast time to $addr";
CUL_MAX_Send($hash, "TimeInformation", $addr, $payload, flags => "04");
sub CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime
my $hash = shift;
my $manual = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $payload = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload();
my @used_slots = ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, BroadcastTime payload : $payload";
# First, lookup all thermstats for their current TimeInformationHour timeslot (0-11)
foreach my $addr (keys %{$modules{MAX}{defptr}})
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr};
if (exists($dhash->{IODev})
&& defined($dhash->{IODev})
&& $dhash->{IODev} == $hash
&& $dhash->{type} =~ /.*Thermostat.*/ )
my $h = InternalVal($dhash->{NAME},'TimeSlot','-1');
$used_slots[$h]++ if (( $h < 12 ) && ( $h > -1));
foreach my $addr (keys %{$modules{MAX}{defptr}})
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$addr};
# Check that
# 1. the MAX device dhash uses this MAX_CUL as IODev
# 2. the MAX device is a Wall/HeatingThermostat
# 3. not ignored or a dummy
if (exists($dhash->{IODev})
&& defined($dhash->{IODev})
&& $dhash->{IODev} == $hash
&& $dhash->{type} =~ /.*Thermostat.*/
&& $dhash->{devtype} != 7
&& !AttrNum($dhash->{NAME}, 'ignore', 0)
&& !AttrNum($dhash->{NAME}, 'dummy', 0))
my $h = InternalVal($dhash->{NAME},'TimeSlot','-1');
if (( $h < 0 ) || ( $h > 11))
#Find the used_slot with the smallest number of entries
$h = (sort { $used_slots[$a] cmp $used_slots[$b] } 0 .. 11)[0];
$dhash->{TimeSlot} = $h;
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name, new timeslot $h for device ".$dhash->{NAME};
if ( [gmtime()]->[2] % 12 == $h )
CUL_MAX_SendTimeInformation($hash, $addr, $payload);
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,'lastTimeSync',$dhash->{NAME},1) if (AttrNum($name,'debug',0));
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name, periodical TimeInformation sent to ".$dhash->{NAME};
#Check again in 1 hour if some thermostats with the right TimeInformationHour need updating
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 3600, "CUL_MAX_BroadcastTime", $hash, 0) unless(defined($manual));
sub CUL_MAX_Alive
my $hash = shift;
foreach (keys %{$modules{MAX}{defptr}})
my $dhash = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$_};
if (exists($dhash->{IODev}) && ($dhash->{IODev} == $hash) && exists($dhash->{'.actCycle'}))
my $ac = InternalVal($dhash->{NAME},'.actCycle','0');
my $diff = int(time() - ReadingsNum($dhash->{NAME},'.lastact', 0));
if ($ac && ($diff > $ac))
readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,'Activity',($diff > ($ac*3)) ? 'dead' : 'timeout',1);
} #else { readingsSingleUpdate($dhash,'Activity',$diff,1); } nur Test
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 300, 'CUL_MAX_Alive',$hash,0);
sub CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$day,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time());
$mon += 1; #make month 1-based
#month encoding is just guessed
#perls localtime gives years since 1900, and we need years since 2000
return unpack("H*",pack("CCCCC", $year - 100, $day, $hour, $min | (($mon & 0x0C) << 4), $sec | (($mon & 0x03) << 6)));
# This can be called for two reasons:
# 1. @sendQueue was empty, CUL_MAX_Send added a packet and then called us
# 2. We sent a packet from @sendQueue and now the ackTimeout is over.
# The packet my still be in @sendQueue (timed out) or removed when the Ack was received.
# Arguments are hash and responseToShutterContact.
# If SendQueueHandler was called after receiving a message from a shutter contact, responseToShutterContact
# holds the address of the respective shutter contact. Otherwise, it is empty.
my $hash = shift;
my $responseToShutterContact = shift;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
$hash->{sq} = int(@{$hash->{sendQueue}});
if (defined($responseToShutterContact))
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, Send Queue ". $hash->{sq} . (($hash->{sq}==1) ? ' packet' : ' packets') ." in queue , rTSC : $responseToShutterContact";
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name, Send Queue ". $hash->{sq} . (($hash->{sq}==1) ? ' packet' : ' packets') ." in queue";
return if (!$hash->{sq}); #nothing to do
my $timeout = gettimeofday(); # reschedule immediatly
#Check if we have an IODev
if (!defined($hash->{IODev}))
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name, did not find suitable IODev (CUL etc. in rfmode MAX), cannot send! You may want to execute 'attr $hash->{NAME} IODev SomeCUL'";
# Maybe some CUL will appear magically in some seconds
# At least we cannot quit here with an non-empty queue, so we have two alternatives:
# 1. Delete the packet from queue and quit -> packet is lost
# 2. Wait, recheck, wait, recheck ... -> a lot of logs
#InternalTimer($timeout+60, "CUL_MAX_SendQueueHandler", $hash, 0);
#$hash->{sendQueue} = [];
$hash->{sendQueue} = [];
$hash->{sq} = 0;
my $debug = AttrNum($name,'debug',0);
my ($packet, $pktIdx, $dst);
for ($pktIdx = 0; $pktIdx < @{$hash->{sendQueue}}; $pktIdx ++)
$packet = $hash->{sendQueue}[$pktIdx];
if (defined($responseToShutterContact))
# Find a packet to the ShutterContact in $responseToShutterContact
# Aufruf Sonderfall
last if ($packet->{dst} eq $responseToShutterContact);
#We cannot sent packets to a ShutterContact directly, everything else is possible
last if (($packet->{cmd} eq 'PairPong')
|| ($packet->{sent} != 0)
|| ($packet->{type} ne 'ShutterContact'));
#$packetForShutterContactInQueue = $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$packet->{dst_name}};
} # for
if ($pktIdx == @{$hash->{sendQueue}} && !defined($responseToShutterContact))
Log3 $hash, 4, "$name, Send Queue packet for ShutterContact ".$packet->{dst_name}." exists";
#. Please trigger a window action (open or close the window) to wake up the respective ShutterContact and let it receive the packet.";
$timeout += 3;
InternalTimer($timeout, "CUL_MAX_SQH", $hash, 0);
#Log3 $hash, 5, $name.', Send Queue in not empty yet, next run in '.sprintf("%.1f",($timeout-gettimeofday())).' seconds';
# ToDo : checken wir hier immer nur auf das letzte Packet in der Queue ?
if ( $packet->{sent} == 0 )
my $io_name = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
if (($packet->{CUL} ne 'none') && ($packet->{CUL} ne $io_name) && AttrVal($name,'IOgrp',''))
Log3 $hash,4,$name.', Send Queue packet to '.$packet->{dst_name}.' needs '.$packet->{CUL}.' but current IODev is '.$io_name;
AssignIoPort($hash,$packet->{CUL}); # falls das schief geht nehmen wir halt das attr IODev
if ($io_name ne $hash->{IODev}{NAME})
$io_name = $hash->{IODev}{NAME};
$hash->{'.VERSION'} = CUL_MAX_Check($hash);
Log3 $hash,4,$name.', Send Queue IODev switched to '.$io_name.' with version '.$hash->{'.VERSION'};
else { Log3 $hash,3,$name.', Send Queue unable to change IODev !'; }
# Need to send it first
# We can use fast sending without preamble on culfw 1.53 and higher when the devices has been woken up
my $needPreamble = (($hash->{'.VERSION'} < 153)
|| (!defined($responseToShutterContact) &&
|| $modules{MAX}{defptr}{$packet->{dst}}{wakeUpUntil} < gettimeofday()))) ? 1 : 0;
#my $needPreamble = ($hash->{'.VERSION'} < 153) ? 1 : 0;
$needPreamble = 1;
# Send to CULs
my $last_h = (exists($hash->{IODev}{NR_CMD_LAST_H})) ? $hash->{IODev}{NR_CMD_LAST_H} : 0;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$io_name.'_cmd_last_h',int($last_h),1) if ($debug);
my ($credit10ms) = (CommandGet('',$io_name.' credit10ms') =~ /[^ ]* [^ ]* => (.*)/);
if (!defined($credit10ms) || $credit10ms eq 'No answer')
Log3 $hash, 1, $name.', Send Queue error CUL '.$io_name.' did not answer request for current credits. Waiting 5 seconds';
$timeout += 5;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,$io_name.'_credit10ms',int($credit10ms),1) if ($debug);
# We need 1000ms for preamble + len in bits (=hex len * 4) ms for payload. Divide by 10 to get credit10ms units
# keep this in sync with culfw's code in clib/rf_moritz.c!
my $necessaryCredit = ceil(100*$needPreamble + (length($packet->{packet})*4)/10);
Log3 $hash, 5, $name.', Send Queue '.$io_name.' -> needPreamble: '.$needPreamble.', necessaryCredit: '.$necessaryCredit.', credit10ms: '.$credit10ms.', '.$io_name.' CMD_LAST_H: '.$last_h;
if ( defined($credit10ms) && $credit10ms < $necessaryCredit )
my $waitTime = $necessaryCredit-$credit10ms; # we get one credit10ms every second
$timeout += $waitTime + 1;
Log3 $hash, 2, $name.', '.$io_name.' not enough credit! credit10ms is '.$credit10ms.', but we need '.$necessaryCredit.'. Waiting '.$waitTime.' seconds. Currently '.@{$hash->{sendQueue}}.' messages are waiting to be sent';
# Update TimeInformation payload. It should reflect the current time when sending,
# not the time when it was enqueued. A low credit10ms can defer such a packet for multiple minutes
if ( $msgId2Cmd{substr($packet->{packet},6,2)} eq "TimeInformation" )
Log3 $hash, 5, $name.', Send Queue updating packet TimeInformation payload';
substr($packet->{packet},22) = CUL_MAX_GetTimeInformationPayload();
IOWrite($hash, '', ($needPreamble ? 'Zs' : 'Zf') . $packet->{packet});
Log3 $hash, 4, $name.', Send Queue packet send : '.($needPreamble ? 'Zs' : 'Zf').$packet->{packet}.' to '.$packet->{dst_name}.' with '.$io_name;
if ($packet->{dst} ne '000000')
$packet->{sent} = 1;
$packet->{sentTime} = gettimeofday();
if (!defined($packet->{retryCnt}))
$packet->{retryCnt} = $maxRetryCnt;
$timeout += 0.5; # recheck for Ack in 0.5 seconds
else # Broadcast Nachricht sofort wieder löschen, wir bekommen nie ein ACK
splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, $pktIdx, 1; # Remove from Queue
} # $credit10ms ne "No answer"
} # paket send == 0
if ( $packet->{sent} == 1 )
{ # Already sent it, got no Ack
if ( $packet->{sentTime} + $ackTimeout < gettimeofday() )
# ackTimeout exceeded
if ( $packet->{retryCnt} > 0 )
Log3 $hash, 4, $name.', Send Queue retry '.$packet->{dst_name}.' for '.$packet->{cmd}.' count: '.$packet->{retryCnt};
$packet->{sent} = 0;
$timeout += 3;
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $packet->{CUL}.'_retry', (ReadingsNum($name, $packet->{CUL}.'_retry', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$packet->{dst_name}}, $packet->{CUL}.'_retry', (ReadingsNum($packet->{dst_name}, $packet->{CUL}.'_retry', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
Log3 $hash, 3, $name.', Send Queue missing ack from '.$packet->{dst_name}.' for '.$packet->{cmd}.', removing from queue';
splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, $pktIdx, 1; # Remove from Queue
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $packet->{CUL}.'_lost', (ReadingsNum($name, $packet->{CUL}.'_lost', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$packet->{dst_name}}, $packet->{CUL}.'_lost', (ReadingsNum($packet->{dst_name}, $packet->{CUL}.'_lost', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
# Recheck for Ack
$timeout += 0.5;
if ( $packet->{sent} == 2 )
{ # Got ack
Log3 $hash, 4, $name.', Send Queue ACK from '.$packet->{dst_name}.' for '.$packet->{cmd}.', removing from queue';
if (defined($packet->{callbackParam}))
#Log3 $hash ,1 , "SQH ACK with callback : ".$packet->{callbackParam};
Dispatch($hash, "MAX,1,Ack$packet->{cmd},$packet->{dst},$packet->{callbackParam}", {});
splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, $pktIdx, 1; # Remove from Queue
if ( $packet->{sent} == 3 )
{ # Got nack
Log3 $hash, 4, $name.', Send Queue NACK from '.$packet->{dst_name}.' for '.$packet->{cmd}.', removing from queue';
splice @{$hash->{sendQueue}}, $pktIdx, 1; # Remove from Queue
readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $packet->{CUL}.'_nack', (ReadingsNum($name, $packet->{CUL}.'_nack', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
readingsSingleUpdate($defs{$packet->{dst_name}}, $packet->{CUL}.'_nack', (ReadingsNum($packet->{dst_name}, $packet->{CUL}.'_nack', '0') + 1),1) if ($debug);
$hash->{sq} = int(@{$hash->{sendQueue}});
Log3 $hash, 5, $name.', Send Queue is now empty' if (!$hash->{sq});
return if (!$hash->{sq}); # everything done , empty sendQueue
return if (defined($responseToShutterContact)); # this was not called from InternalTimer
#Log3 $hash, 5, $name.', Send Queue in not empty yet, next run in '.sprintf("%.1f",($timeout-gettimeofday())).' seconds';
InternalTimer($timeout, 'CUL_MAX_SQH', $hash, 0);
sub CUL_MAX_RenameFn
my $new = shift;
my $old = shift;
for my $d (devspec2array('TYPE=MAX'))
my $hash = $defs{$d};
next if (!$hash);
#$hash->{DEF} =~ s/^$old:/$new:/;
$attr{$d}{IODev} = $new if (AttrVal($d,"IODev","") eq $old);
#MAX_renameIoDev($new, $old);
=begin html
<a name="CUL_MAX"></a>
The CUL_MAX module interprets MAX! messages received by the CUL. It will be automatically created by autocreate, just make sure
that you set the right rfmode like <code>attr CUL0 rfmode MAX</code>.<br>
<a name="CUL_MAXdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> CUL_MAX <addr></code>
Defines an CUL_MAX device of type <type> and rf address <addr>. The rf address
must not be in use by any other MAX device.
<a name="CUL_MAXset"></a>
Sets the CUL_MAX into pairing mode for 60 seconds where it can be paired with
other devices (Thermostats, Buttons, etc.). You also have to set the other device
into pairing mode manually. (For Thermostats, this is pressing the "Boost" button
for 3 seconds, for example).</li>
<li>fakeSC <device> <open><br>
Sends a fake ShutterContactState message <open> must be 0 or 1 for
"window closed" or "window opened". If the <device> has a non-zero groupId,
the fake ShutterContactState message affects all devices with that groupId.
Make sure you associate the target device(s) with fakeShutterContact beforehand.</li>
<li>fakeWT <device> <desiredTemperature> <measuredTemperature><br>
Sends a fake WallThermostatControl message (parameters both may have one digit
after the decimal point, for desiredTemperature it may only by 0 or 5).
If the <device> has a non-zero groupId, the fake WallThermostatControl
message affects all devices with that groupId. Make sure you associate the target
device with fakeWallThermostat beforehand.</li>
<a name="CUL_MAXget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="CUL_MAXattr"></a>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#debug">debug</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="CUL_MAXevents"></a>
<b>Generated events:</b>
=end html
=item summary Uses a CUL (or compatible) to control MAX! devices.
=item summary_DE Benutzt einen CUL (oder kompatibles Gerät) um MAX! Geräte zu steuern.
=begin html_DE
<a name="CUL_MAX"></a>
Das Modul CUL_MAX wertet von einem CUL empfangene MAX! Botschaften aus.
Es wird mit Hilfe von autocreate automatisch generiert, es muss nur sichergestellt
werden, dass der richtige rfmode gesetzt wird, z.B. <code>attr CUL0 rfmode MAX</code>.<br>
<a name="CUL_MAXdefine"></a>
<code>define <name> CUL_MAX <addr></code>
Definiert ein CUL_MAX Gerät des Typs <type> und der Adresse <addr>.
Die Adresse darf nicht schon von einem anderen MAX! Gerät verwendet werden.
<a name="CUL_MAXset"></a>
Versetzt den CUL_MAX für 60 Sekunden in den Pairing Modus, während dieser Zeit
kann das Gerät mit anderen Geräten gepaart werden (Heizkörperthermostate,
Eco-Taster, etc.). Auch das zu paarende Gerät muss manuell in den Pairing Modus
versetzt werden (z.B. beim Heizkörperthermostat durch Drücken der "Boost"
Taste für 3 Sekunden).</li>
<li>fakeSC <device> <open><br>
Sendet eine fingierte <i>ShutterContactState</i> Meldung <open>, dies muss 0 bzw. 1 für
"Fenster geschlossen" bzw. "Fenster offen" sein. Wenn das <device> eine Gruppen-ID
ungleich Null hat, beeinflusst diese fingierte <i>ShutterContactState</i> Meldung alle Geräte
mit dieser Gruppen-ID. Es muss sichergestellt werden, dass vorher alle Zielgeräte
mit <i>fakeShutterContact</i> verbunden werden.</li>
<li>fakeWT <device> <desiredTemperature> <measuredTemperature><br>
Sendet eine fingierte <i>WallThermostatControl</i> Meldung (beide Parameter können
eine Nachkommastelle haben, für <i>desiredTemperature</i> darf die Nachkommastelle nur 0 bzw. 5 sein).
Wenn das <device> eine Gruppen-ID ungleich Null hat, beeinflusst diese fingierte
<i>WallThermostatControl</i> Meldung alle Geräte mit dieser Gruppen-ID.
Es muss sichergestellt werden, dass vorher alle Zielgeräte
mit <i>fakeWallThermostat</i> verbunden werden.</li>
<a name="CUL_MAXget"></a>
<b>Get</b> <ul>N/A</ul><br>
<a name="CUL_MAXattr"></a>
<li><a href="#dummy">dummy</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#debug">debug</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#do_not_notify">do_not_notify</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#ignore">ignore</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#showtime">showtime</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
<a name="CUL_MAXevents"></a>
=end html_DE