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# OWX_DS2480.pm
# FHEM module providing hardware dependent functions for the DS9097 interface of OWX
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# Norbert Truchsess
# $Id$
# Provides the following methods for OWX
# Alarms
# Complex
# Define
# Discover
# Init
# Reset
# Verify
package OWX_DS9097;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday );
use vars qw/@ISA/;
use ProtoThreads;
no warnings 'deprecated';
sub new($) {
my ($class,$serial) = @_;
return bless $serial,$class;
# Complex - Send match ROM, data block and receive bytes as response
# Parameter hash = hash of bus master,
# owx_dev = ROM ID of device
# data = string to send
# numread = number of bytes to receive
# Return response, if OK
# 0 if not OK
sub get_pt_execute($$$$) {
my ($self, $reset, $dev, $writedata, $numread) = @_;
my $pt_query;
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ($thread) = @_;
my $select;
$self->reset() if ($reset);
if (defined $writedata or $numread) {
#-- has match ROM part
if( $dev ) {
#-- 8 byte 1-Wire device address
my @rom_id;
#-- from search string to byte id
for(my $i=0;$i<8;$i++){
#-- has no match ROM part, issue skip ROM command (0xCC:)
} else {
if (defined $writedata) {
#-- for debugging
if( $main::owx_async_debug > 1){
main::Log3($self->{name},5,"OWX_DS9097::pt_execute: Sending out ".unpack ("H*",$select));
#-- has receive data part
if( $numread ) {
$select = "";
#$numread += length($data);
for( my $i=0;$i<$numread;$i++){
$select .= "11111111";
$pt_query = $self->pt_query($select);
die $pt_query->PT_CAUSE() if ($pt_query->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR || $pt_query->PT_STATE() == PT_CANCELED);
my $res = pack "b*",$pt_query->PT_RETVAL();
main::Log3($self->{name},5,"OWX_DS9097::pt_execute: Receiving ".unpack ("H*",$res)) if( $main::owx_async_debug > 1);
} else {
sub reset() {
my ( $serial ) = @_;
if (defined (my $hwdevice = $serial->{hash}->{USBDev})) {
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 9600 baud") if ( $main::owx_async_debug > 2 );
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 reset") if ( $main::owx_async_debug > 1 );
while ($serial->poll()) {};
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 115200 baud") if ( $main::owx_async_debug > 2 );
sub block($) {
my ( $serial, $block ) = @_;
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 block: ".unpack "H*",$block) if ( $main::owx_async_debug > 1 );
foreach my $bit (split //,unpack "b*",$block) {
sub bit($) {
my ( $serial, $bit ) = @_;
if (defined (my $hwdevice = $serial->{hash}->{USBDev})) {
my $sp1 = $bit == 1 ? "\xFF" : "\x00";
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, sprintf("OWX_DS9097 bit: %02x",ord($sp1))) if ( $main::owx_async_debug > 2 );
} else {
die "no USBDev";
sub pt_query($) {
my ( $serial, $query ) = @_;
my @bitsout = split //,$query;
my $numbits = @bitsout;
my $bitsin = "";
my $bit;
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ( $thread ) = @_;
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 pt_query out: ".$query) if( $main::owx_async_debug );
while ($serial->poll()) {};
$serial->{string_raw} = "";
while (defined ($bit = shift @bitsout)) {
PT_WAIT_UNTIL(length($serial->{string_raw}) >= $numbits);
$bitsin = join "", map { ($_ == 0xFF) ? "1" : "0" } unpack "C*",$serial->{string_raw};
main::Log3($serial->{name},5,"OWX_DS9097 pt_query in: ".$bitsin) if ( $main::owx_async_debug );
sub read() {
my ($serial) = @_;
if (defined (my $hwdevice = $serial->{hash}->{USBDev})) {
my $string_part = $hwdevice->input();
if (defined $string_part and length($string_part) > 0) {
$serial->{string_raw} .= $string_part;
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 read: Loop no. $serial->{num_reads}, Receiving: ".unpack("H*",$string_part)) if( $main::owx_async_debug > 1 );
return 1;
} elsif ($main::owx_async_debug > 2) {
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "OWX_DS9097 read: Loop no. $serial->{num_reads}, no data read:");
foreach my $i (0..6) {
my ($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs, $wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash) = caller($i);
main::Log3($serial->{name},5, "$subroutine $filename $line");
return undef;
sub pt_next ($$) {
my ($serial,$context,$mode)=@_;
my $id_bit_number = 1;
my ($pt_query,$search_direction,@search,$query,$result);
return PT_THREAD(sub {
my ( $thread ) = @_;
#-- issue the normal search command \xF0 or the alarm search command \xEC
if( $mode ne "alarm" ){
} else {
#-- Response search data parsing operates bitwise
@search = split //, unpack "b64", pack "C8",@{$context->{ROM_ID}};
#-- bits < LastDiscrepancy are allready known:
$query = "";
$result = "";
if ($context->{LastDiscrepancy} > 0) {
while ( $id_bit_number < $context->{LastDiscrepancy} ) {
$query.= "11".$search[$id_bit_number-1];
# $id_bit_number now is equal LastDiscrepancy
if ($id_bit_number < 65) {
$search[$id_bit_number-1] = 1;
$query.="11" if ($id_bit_number != 57 and $id_bit_number < 65);
$pt_query = $serial->pt_query($query);
while (1) {
die $pt_query->PT_CAUSE() if ($pt_query->PT_STATE() == PT_ERROR || $pt_query->PT_STATE() == PT_CANCELED);
my $ret = $pt_query->PT_RETVAL();
die "unparsable return of query '$ret'" unless ($ret =~ /(1|0)(1|0)$/);
last if ( $id_bit_number > 64 );
if ( $id_bit_number < 65 ) {
my $id_bit = $1;
my $cmp_id_bit = $2;
if( ($id_bit == 1) && ($cmp_id_bit == 1) ){
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5, "no devices present at id_bit_number=$id_bit_number");
if ( $id_bit != $cmp_id_bit ){
$search_direction = $id_bit;
} else {
$search_direction = 0;
# set or clear the bit in the ROM byte rom_byte_number
# with mask rom_byte_mask
$search[$id_bit_number-1] = $search_direction;
# serial number search direction write bit
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5,"id_bit_number: $id_bit_number, search_direction: $search_direction, ROM_ID: ".sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",unpack "C8",pack "b64", join "",@search)) if ($main::owx_async_debug);
last if ($id_bit_number > 64);
$pt_query = $serial->pt_query("11") unless ( $id_bit_number == 57 );
#bits 57-64 are CRC and can be calculated from bits 1-56
if ( $id_bit_number == 57 ) {
my @crc = (0,unpack("C7", pack ("b64", join ("",@search[0..55]))));
@search[56..63] = split //,unpack "b8",pack "C1",(main::OWX_CRC(\@crc));
$query = "";
while ($id_bit_number < 65) {
$query.= "11".$search[$id_bit_number-1];
$pt_query = $serial->pt_query($query);
die "unexpected length of result: ".length($result).", expected: 192" if (length($result)!=192);
my $bit_number = 0;
my @bits = split //,$result;
my $last_zero = 0;
my @found = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
if ($main::owx_async_debug>2) {
my @results;
for (my $i=0;$i<64;$i++) {
push @results,substr($result,$i*3,3);
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5,"result: ".join(":",@results));
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5,"bits: ".join(",",@bits));
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5,"search: ".join(",",@search));
while(@bits) {
my $id_bit = shift @bits;
my $cmp_id_bit = shift @bits;
shift @bits;
if ($id_bit == 1 and $cmp_id_bit == 1) {
} elsif ($id_bit == 0 and $cmp_id_bit == 0) {
if ($search[$bit_number] == 0) {
$last_zero = $bit_number+1;
$found[$bit_number] = $search[$bit_number];
} else {
$found[$bit_number] = $id_bit;
@{$context->{ROM_ID}} = unpack "C8", pack "b64", join "",@found;
$context->{LastDiscrepancy} = $last_zero;
main::Log3 ($serial->{name},5,"bit_number: $bit_number, LastDiscrepancy: $last_zero, ROM_ID: ".sprintf("%02X.%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X.%02X",@{$context->{ROM_ID}})) if ($main::owx_async_debug);