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# 82_LGTV.pm; an FHEM high level module for interfacing
# with LG's Scarlet Series of LCDs (e. g. LG 47LG7000)
# Trying to implement a generic command set so that is
# is re-usable with other low-level drivers besides my
# 80_xxLG7000.pm for a serial connection.
# Written by Kai 'wusel' Siering <wusel+fhem@uu.org> around 2010-01-20
# $Id$
# re-using code of 82_M232Voltage.pm
# written by Dr. Boris Neubert 2007-12-24
# e-mail: omega at online dot de
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
sub LGTV_Get($@);
sub LGTV_Define($$);
sub LGTV_GetStatus($);
my @commandlist = (
"power state",
"power on",
"power off",
"input AV1",
"input AV2",
"input AV3",
"input AV3",
"input Component",
"input RGB",
"input HDMI1",
"input HDMI2",
"input HDMI3",
"input HDMI4",
"input DVB-T",
"input PAL",
"audio mute",
"audio normal",
"selected input",
"audio state"
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{GetFn} = "LGTV_Get";
$hash->{SetFn} = "LGTV_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "LGTV_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "dummy:1,0 model:LGTV loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5 TIMER:30";
my ($hash) = @_;
my $numchanged=0;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my @cmdlist;
my $retval;
@cmdlist=("get", "power", "state");
$retval=LGTV_Set($hash, @cmdlist);
my ($value, $state)=split(" ", $retval);
if($value eq "power" && $state eq "on") {
@cmdlist=("get", "selected", "input");
$retval=LGTV_Set($hash, @cmdlist);
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{TIMER}, "LGTV_GetStatus", $hash, 1);
my $d = IOWrite($hash, "power state");
if(!defined($d)) {
my $msg = "LGTV $name read error";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), $msg;
return $msg;
my $tn = TimeNow();
# my ($value, $state)=split(" ", $d);
if($value eq "power") {
if($hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL} ne $state) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL} = $state;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$numchanged++]= "$value: $state";
$hash->{STATE} = $hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL};
$hash->{STATE} = $hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL};
if($state eq "on") {
$d = IOWrite($hash, "selected input");
if(!defined($d)) {
my $msg = "LGTV $name read error";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), $msg;
return $msg;
if($value eq "input") { # ... and not e. g. "error" ;)
if($hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL} ne $state) {
$tn = TimeNow();
($value, $state)=split(" ", $d);
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL} = $state;
$hash->{CHANGED}[$numchanged++]= "$value: $state";
$hash->{STATE} = $hash->{STATE} . ", " . $state;
DoTrigger($name, undef);
Log GetLogLevel($name,4), "LGTV $name: $hash->{STATE}";
return $hash->{STATE};
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $msg;
return "argument is missing" if(int(@a) != 2);
if($a[1] eq "power") {
$msg="get power state";
} elsif($a[1] eq "input") {
$msg="get selected input";
} elsif($a[1] eq "audio") {
$msg="get audio state";
} else {
return "unknown get value, valid is power, input, audio";
my @msgarray=split(" ", $msg);
my $v = LGTV_Set($hash, @msgarray);
return "$a[0] $v";
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
my $ret = undef;
my $na = int(@a);
my $ncmds=int(@commandlist);
my $i;
my $known_cmd=0;
my $what = "";
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if($na>1) {
for($i=2; $i<$na; $i++) {
$what=$what . " " . lc($a[$i]);
for($i=0; $i<$ncmds; $i++) {
if(lc($commandlist[$i]) eq $what) {
if($known_cmd==0) {
return "Unknown argument $what, choose one of power input audio";
$ret=IOWrite($hash, $what, "");
if(!defined($ret)) {
my $msg = "LGTV $name read error";
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), $msg;
} else {
my $tn = TimeNow();
my ($value, $state)=split(" ", $ret);
# Logic of the following: if no error:
# if unset READINGS or difference:
# store READINGS
# if power-status: update STATE
# if input-status: update STATE
if($value ne "error") {
if(!defined($hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL}) || $state ne $hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL}) {
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{TIME} = $tn;
$hash->{READINGS}{$value}{VAL} = $state;
$hash->{CHANGED}[0]= "$value: $state";
if($value eq "power") {
if($value eq "input") { # implies power being on, usually ...
$hash->{STATE}=$hash->{READINGS}{"power"}{VAL} . ", " . $state;
DoTrigger($name, undef);
return $ret;
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$attr{$name}{TIMER}, "LGTV_GetStatus", $hash, 0);
# Preset if undefined
if(!defined($hash->{READINGS}{"power"}{VAL})) {
my $tn = TimeNow();
return undef;
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<a name="LGTV"></a>
<a name="LGTVdefine"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LGTV</code>
This module is expected to work with <a href="#xxLG7000">xxLG7000</a> as it's
IODev. With LGTV and a compatible hardware module (currently, there's only
xxLG7000), you are able to power your TV set on and off, query it's power state,
select the input (AV, RGB, Composites, analogue TV, DVB-T, HDMI) or mute/unmute
the volume.<br>
Defining a LGTV device will schedule an internal task, which periodically reads
the status of the TV set (power state; if power is on, query the selected input)
and triggers notify/filelog commands.<br><br>
<code>define 47LG7000 LGTV</code><br>
<code>attr 47LG7000 IODev <a href="#xxLG7000">myLG7k</a></code>
<a name="LGTVset"></a>
<b>Set </b>
<code>set &lt;name&gt; &lt;what&gt; &lt;value&gt;</code>
Currently, the following commands are defined; not all may be available on a
given TV set. An error messages should be recorded if e. g. the input in question
is not usable.
<pre>power on
power off
input AV1
input AV2
input AV3
input AV3
input Component
input RGB
input HDMI1
input HDMI2
input HDMI3
input HDMI4
input DVBT
input PAL
audio mute
audio normal</pre>
<a name="LGTVget"></a>
<code>get &lt;name&gt; &lt;what&gt;</code>
Currently, the following commands are defined; not all may be available on a
given TV set. An error messages should be recorded if e. g. the input in question
is not usable.
<a name="LGTVattr"></a>
<li><a href="#attrdummy">dummy</a></li><br>
<li><a href="#loglevel">loglevel</a></li>
<!-- <li><a href="#model">model</a> (M232Counter)</li> -->
<b>Implementator's note</b>
The commands listed above are send 1:1 to the underlying IODev (e. g. xxLG7000); that IODev
is responsible for translation into <i>whatever means</i> to invoke the function on the TV.
It is my hope that other's will adopt this idea and write compatible low level drivers for other
TV sets, to make this module (even ;)) more useful.
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