2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
# $Id: Common.pm 28823 2024-04-26 13:14:53Z Ellert $
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# Husqvarnas Open API is used
# based on some ideas from HusqvarnaAutomower and BOTVAC module
package FHEM::Devices::AMConnect::Common ;
2024-05-06 21:58:33 +00:00
my $ cvsid = '$Id: Common.pm 28823c 2024-04-26 13:14:53Z Ellert $' ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use POSIX ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
# wird f<> r den Import der FHEM Funktionen aus der fhem.pl ben<65> tigt
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
use GPUtils qw( :all ) ;
use FHEM::Core::Authentication::Passwords qw( :ALL ) ;
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday ) ;
use Time::Local ;
use DevIo ;
use Storable qw( dclone retrieve store ) ;
# Import der FHEM Funktionen
GP_Import (
) ;
my $ missingModul = "" ;
eval "use JSON;1" or $ missingModul . = "JSON " ;
require HttpUtils ;
my $ errorjson = ' { "23" : "Wheel drive problem, left" , "24" : "Cutting system blocked" , "123" : "Destination not reachable" , "710" : "SIM card locked" , "50" : "Guide 1 not found" , "717" : "SMS could not be sent" , "108" : "Folding cutting deck sensor defect" , "4" : "Loop sensor problem - front" , "15" : "Lifted" , "29" : "Slope too steep" , "1" : "Outside working area" , "45" : "Cutting height problem - dir" , "52" : "Guide 3 not found" , "28" : "Memory circuit problem" , "95" : "Folding sensor activated" , "9" : "Trapped" , "114" : "Too high discharge current" , "103" : "Cutting drive motor 2 defect" , "65" : "Temporary battery problem" , "119" : "Zone generator problem" , "6" : "Loop sensor problem - left" , "82" : "Wheel motor blocked - rear right" , "714" : "Geofence problem" , "703" : "Connectivity problem" , "708" : "SIM card locked" , "75" : "Connection changed" , "7" : "Loop sensor problem - right" , "35" : "Wheel motor overloaded - right" , "3" : "Wrong loop signal" , "117" : "High internal power loss" , "0" : "Unexpected error" , "80" : "Cutting system imbalance - Warning" , "110" : "Collision sensor error" , "100" : "Ultrasonic Sensor 3 defect" , "79" : "Invalid battery combination - Invalid combination of different battery types." , "724" : "Communication circuit board SW must be updated" , "86" : "Wheel motor overloaded - rear right" , "81" : "Safety function faulty" , "78" : "Slipped - Mower has Slipped. Situation not solved with moving pattern" , "107" : "Docking sensor defect" , "33" : "Mower tilted" , "69" : "Alarm! Mower switched off" , "68" : "Temporary battery problem" , "34" : "Cutting stopped - slope too steep" , "127" : "Battery problem" , "73" : "Alarm! Mower in motion" , "74" : "Alarm! Outside geofence" , "713" : "Geofence problem" , "87" : "Wheel motor overloaded - rear left" , "120" : "Internal voltage error" , "39" : "Cutting motor problem" , "704" : "Connectivity problem" , "63" : "Temporary battery problem" , "109" : "Loop sensor defect" , "38" : "Electronic problem" , "64" : "Temporary battery problem" , "113" : "Complex working area" , "93" : "No accurate position from satellites" , "104" : "Cutting drive motor 3 defect" , "709" : "SIM card not found" , "94" : "Reference station communication problem" , "43" : "Cutting height problem - drive" , "13" : "No drive" , "44" : "Cutting height problem - curr" , "118" : "Charging system problem" , "14" : "Mower lifted" , "57" : "Guide calibration failed" , "707" : "SIM card requires PIN" , "99" : "Ultrasonic Sensor 2 defect" , "98" : "Ultrasonic Sensor 1 defect" , "51" : "Guide 2 not found" , "56" : "Guide calibration accomplished" , "49" : "Ultrasonic problem" , "2" : "No loop signal" , "124" : "Destination blocked" , "25" : "Cutting system blocked" , "19" : "Collision sensor problem, front" , "18" : "Collision sensor problem - rear" , "48" : "No response from charger" , "105" : "Lift Sensor defect" , "111" : "No confirmed position" , "10" : "Upside down" , "40" : "Limited cutting height range" , "716" : "Connectivity problem" , "27" : "Settings restored" , "90" : "No power in charging station" , "21" : "Wheel motor blocked - left" , "26" : "Invalid sub-device combination" , "92" : "Work area not valid" , "702" : "Connectivity settings restored" , "125" : "Battery needs replacement" , "5" : "Loop sensor problem - rear" , "12" : "Empty battery" , "55" : "Difficult finding home" , "42" : "Limited cutting height range" , "30" : "Charging system problem" , "72" : "Alarm! Mower tilted" , "85" : "Wheel drive problem - rear left" , "8" : "Wrong PIN code" , "62" : "Temporary battery problem" , "102" : "Cutting drive motor 1 defect" , "116" : "High charging power loss" , "122" : "CAN error" , "60" : "Temporary battery problem" , "705" : "Connectivity problem" , "711" : "SIM card locked" , "70" : "Alarm! Mower stopped" , "32" : "Tilt sensor problem" , "37" : "Charging current too high" , "89" : "Invalid system configuration" , "76" : "Connection NOT changed" , "71" : "Alarm! Mower lifted" , "88" : "Angular sensor problem" , "701" : "Connectivity problem" , "715" : "Connectivity problem" , "61" : "Temporary battery problem" , "66" : "Battery problem" , "106" : "Collision sensor defect" , "67" : "Battery problem" , "112" : "Cutting system major imbalance" , "83" : "Wheel motor blocked - rear left" , "84" : "Wheel drive problem - rear right" , "126" : "Battery near end of life" , "77" : "Com board not available" , "36" : "Wheel motor overloaded - left" , "31" : "STOP button problem" , "17" : "Charging station blocked" , "54" : "Weak GPS signal" , "47" : " Cu
our $ errortable = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ errorjson ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
return "FHEM::Devices::AMConnect::Common \$errortable: $@" ;
$ errorjson = undef ;
use constant {
AUTHURL = > 'https://api.authentication.husqvarnagroup.dev/v1' ,
APIURL = > 'https://api.amc.husqvarna.dev/v1' ,
WSDEVICENAME = > 'wss:ws.openapi.husqvarna.dev:443/v1'
} ;
sub Define {
my ( $ hash , $ def ) = @ _ ;
my @ val = split ( "[ \t]+" , $ def ) ;
my $ name = $ val [ 0 ] ;
my $ type = $ val [ 1 ] ;
my $ iam = "$type $name Define:" ;
my $ client_id = '' ;
my $ mowerNumber = 0 ;
return "$iam Cannot define $type device. Perl modul $missingModul is missing." if ( $ missingModul ) ;
return "$iam too few parameters: define <NAME> $type <client_id> [<mower number>]" if ( @ val < 3 ) ;
$ client_id = $ val [ 2 ] ;
$ mowerNumber = $ val [ 3 ] ? $ val [ 3 ] : 0 ;
my $ mapAttr = ' areaLimitsColor = "#ff8000"
areaLimitsLineWidth = "1"
areaLimitsConnector = ""
hullColor = "#0066ff"
hullLineWidth = "1"
hullConnector = "1"
hullResolution = "40"
hullCalculate = "1"
hullSubtract = ""
propertyLimitsColor = "#33cc33"
propertyLimitsLineWidth = "1"
propertyLimitsConnector = "1"
errorBackgroundColor = "#3d3d3d"
errorFont = "14px Courier New"
errorFontColor = "#ff8000"
errorPathLineColor = "#ff00bf"
errorPathLineDash = ""
errorPathLineWidth = "2"
chargingStationPathLineColor = "#999999"
chargingStationPathLineDash = "6,2"
chargingStationPathLineWidth = "1"
chargingStationPathDotWidth = "2"
otherActivityPathLineColor = "#999999"
otherActivityPathLineDash = "6,2"
otherActivityPathLineWidth = "1"
otherActivityPathDotWidth = "2"
leavingPathLineColor = "#33cc33"
leavingPathLineDash = "6,2"
leavingPathLineWidth = "1"
leavingPathDotWidth = "2"
goingHomePathLineColor = "#0099ff"
goingHomePathLineDash = "6,2"
goingHomePathLineWidth = "1"
goingHomePathDotWidth = "2"
mowingPathDisplayStart = ""
mowingPathLineColor = "#ff0000"
mowingPathLineDash = "6,2"
mowingPathLineWidth = "1"
mowingPathDotWidth = "2"
mowingPathUseDots = ""
mowingPathShowCollisions = ""
' ;
my $ mapZonesTpl = ' {
"01_oben" : {
"condition" : "$latitude > 52.6484600648553 || $longitude > 9.54799477359984 && $latitude > 52.64839739580418" ,
"cuttingHeight" : "7"
} ,
"02_unten" : {
"condition" : "undef" ,
"cuttingHeight" : "3"
} ' ;
my $ noPositionAttr = "disable:1,0 " .
"debug:1,0 " .
"disabledForIntervals " .
"mowerPanel:textField-long,85 " .
"mowerSchedule:textField-long " .
"addPollingMinInterval " .
$ ::readingFnAttributes ;
my ( $ path , $ file ) = $ ::data { FWEXT } { AutomowerConnectA } { SCRIPT } =~ /\/(.*)\/(.*)/ ;
%$ hash = ( %$ hash ,
helper = > {
passObj = > FHEM::Core::Authentication::Passwords - > new ( $ type ) ,
FWEXTA = > {
path = > $ path ,
file = > $ file ,
url = > 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AndriiHeonia/hull/master/dist/hull.js'
} ,
interval = > 840 ,
no_position_attr = > $ noPositionAttr ,
interval_ws = > 7110 ,
interval_ping = > 570 ,
use_position_polling = > 0 ,
additional_polling = > 0 ,
reverse_positions_order = > 1 ,
reverse_pollpos_order = > 0 ,
retry_interval_apiauth = > 840 ,
retry_interval_getmower = > 840 ,
retry_interval_wsreopen = > 2 ,
timeout_apiauth = > 5 ,
timeout_getmower = > 5 ,
timeout_cmd = > 10 ,
midnightCycle = > 1 ,
client_id = > $ client_id ,
grant_type = > 'client_credentials' ,
mowerNumber = > $ mowerNumber ,
detailFnFirst = > 0 ,
scaleToMeterLongitude = > 67425 ,
scaleToMeterLatitude = > 108886 ,
minLon = > 180 ,
maxLon = > - 180 ,
minLat = > 90 ,
maxLat = > - 90 ,
imageHeight = > 650 ,
imageWidthHeight = > '350 650' ,
map_init_delay = > 2 ,
mapdesign = > $ mapAttr ,
mapZonesTpl = > $ mapZonesTpl ,
posMinMax = > "-180 90\n180 -90" ,
newdatasets = > 0 ,
newcollisions = > 0 ,
newzonedatasets = > 0 ,
cuttingHeightLatency = > 100 ,
cuttingHeightLast = > 0 ,
positionsTime = > 0 ,
storesum = > 0 ,
statusTime = > 0 ,
cspos = > [] ,
areapos = > [] ,
errorstack = > [] ,
errorstackmax = > 5 ,
lasterror = > {
positions = > [] ,
timestamp = > 0 ,
errordesc = > '-' ,
errordate = > '' ,
errorstate = > ''
} ,
short = > 'U' ,
arrayName = > '' ,
maxLength = > 100 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'N' ,
arrayName = > '' ,
maxLength = > 50 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
MOWING = > {
short = > 'M' ,
arrayName = > 'areapos' ,
maxLength = > 5000 ,
maxLengthDefault = > 5000 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'G' ,
arrayName = > '' ,
maxLength = > 50 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'C' ,
arrayName = > 'cspos' ,
maxLength = > 100 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'L' ,
arrayName = > '' ,
maxLength = > 50 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'P' ,
arrayName = > 'cspos' ,
maxLength = > 100 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
short = > 'S' ,
arrayName = > '' ,
maxLength = > 50 ,
cnt = > 0 ,
callFn = > ''
} ,
statistics = > {
currentSpeed = > 0 ,
currentDayTrack = > 0 ,
currentDayArea = > 0 ,
currentDayTime = > 0 ,
currentDayCollisions = > 0 ,
lastDayTrack = > 0 ,
lastDayArea = > 0 ,
lastDaytime = > 0 ,
lastDayCollisions = > 0 ,
currentWeekTrack = > 0 ,
currentWeekArea = > 0 ,
currentWeekTime = > 0 ,
lastWeekTrack = > 0 ,
lastWeekArea = > 0 ,
lastWeekTime = > 0 ,
propertyArea = > 0 ,
mowingArea = > 0 ,
hullArea = > 0
) ;
$ hash - > { MODEL } = '' ;
( $ hash - > { VERSION } ) = $ ::FHEM::AutomowerConnect::cvsid =~ /\.pm (.*)Z/ ;
$ attr { $ name } { room } = 'AutomowerConnect' if ( ! defined ( $ attr { $ name } { room } ) ) ;
$ attr { $ name } { icon } = 'automower' if ( ! defined ( $ attr { $ name } { icon } ) ) ;
( $ hash - > { LIBRARY_VERSION } ) = $ cvsid =~ /\.pm (.*)Z/ ;
$ hash - > { Host } = 'ws.openapi.husqvarna.dev' ;
$ hash - > { Port } = '443/v1' ;
$ hash - > { devioNoSTATE } = 1 ;
AddExtension ( $ name , \ & GetMap , "$type/$name/map" ) ;
AddExtension ( $ name , \ & GetJson , "$type/$name/json" ) ;
if ( $ ::init_done ) {
my $ attrVal = $ attr { $ name } { mapImagePath } ;
if ( $ attrVal || $ attrVal =~ '(webp|png|jpg|jpeg)$' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_PATH } = $ attrVal ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } = "image/" . $ 1 ;
readMap ( $ hash ) ;
my $ url = $ hash - > { helper } { FWEXTA } { url } ;
mkdir ( "$FW_dir/$path" ) if ( ! - d "$FW_dir/$path" ) ;
getTpFile ( $ hash , $ url , "$FW_dir/$path" , $ file ) if ( ! - e "$FW_dir/$path/$file" ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } - > { passObj } - > getReadPassword ( $ name ) ) {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 2 , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 1 ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'defined' , 1 ) ;
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'defined - client_secret missing' , 1 ) ;
return undef ;
sub Shutdown {
my ( $ hash , $ arg ) = @ _ ;
DevIo_CloseDev ( $ hash ) if ( DevIo_IsOpen ( $ hash ) ) ;
DevIo_setStates ( $ hash , "closed" ) ;
return undef ;
sub Undefine {
my ( $ hash , $ arg ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
RemoveExtension ( "$type/$name/map" ) ;
RemoveExtension ( "$type/$name/json" ) ;
return undef ;
sub Delete {
my ( $ hash , $ arg ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name Delete: " ;
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , "$iam called" ) ;
if ( scalar devspec2array ( "TYPE=$type" ) == 1 ) {
delete $ ::data { FWEXT } { AutomowerConnect } ;
delete $ ::data { FWEXT } { AutomowerConnectA } ;
my ( $ passResp , $ passErr ) = $ hash - > { helper } - > { passObj } - > setDeletePassword ( $ name ) ;
Log3 ( $ name , 1 , "$iam error: $passErr" ) if ( $ passErr ) ;
return ;
sub Rename {
my ( $ newname , $ oldname ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ newname } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
RemoveExtension ( "$type/$oldname/map" ) ;
RemoveExtension ( "$type/$oldname/json" ) ;
AddExtension ( $ newname , \ & GetMap , "$type/$newname/map" ) ;
AddExtension ( $ newname , \ & GetJson , "$type/$newname/json" ) ;
if ( $ type eq 'AutomowerConnect' ) {
my ( $ passResp , $ passErr ) = $ hash - > { helper } - > { passObj } - > setRename ( $ newname , $ oldname ) ;
Log3 $ newname , 2 , "$newname password rename error: $passErr" if ( $ passErr ) ;
return undef ;
sub FW_summaryFn {
my ( $ FW_wname , $ name , $ room , $ pageHash ) = @ _ ; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ content = AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowerPanel' , '' ) ;
return '' if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'disable' , 0 ) || ! $ content || ! $ ::init_done ) ;
$ content =~ s/command=['"](.*?)['"]/onclick="AutomowerConnectPanelCmd('set $name $1')"/g ;
return $ content if ( $ content =~ /IN_STATE/ ) ;
sub FW_detailFn {
my ( $ FW_wname , $ name , $ room , $ pageHash ) = @ _ ; # pageHash is set for summaryFn.
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name FW_detailFn:" ;
return '' if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'disable' , 0 ) || ! $ ::init_done || ! $ FW_ME ) ;
my $ reta = "<div id='amc_${name}_schedule_buttons' name='fhem_amc_mower_schedule_buttons' ><button id='amc_${name}_schedule_button' onclick='AutomowerConnectSchedule( \"$name\" )' style='font-size:16px; ' >Mower Schedule</button>" ;
# $reta .= "<label for='amc_${name}_select_workareas' > for Work Area: </label><select id='amc_${name}_select_workareas' name=work_areas_select>";
# $reta .= "<option value='-1' selected >default</option>";
# $reta .= "<select/>";
$ reta . = "</div>" ;
return $ reta if ( ! AttrVal ( $ name , 'showMap' , 1 ) || ! $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) ;
my $ img = "$FW_ME/$type/$name/map" ;
my $ zoom = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageZoom" , 0.7 ) ;
my $ backgroundcolor = AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapBackgroundColor' , '' ) ;
my $ bgstyle = $ backgroundcolor ? " background-color:$backgroundcolor;" : '' ;
my $ mapDesign = getDesignAttr ( $ hash ) ;
my ( $ picx , $ picy ) = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageWidthHeight" , $ hash - > { helper } { imageWidthHeight } ) =~ /(\d+)\s(\d+)/ ;
$ picx = int ( $ picx * $ zoom ) ;
$ picy = int ( $ picy * $ zoom ) ;
my ( $ lonlo , $ latlo , $ dummy , $ lonru , $ latru ) = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageCoordinatesToRegister" , $ hash - > { helper } { posMinMax } ) =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ;
my $ mapx = $ lonlo - $ lonru ;
my $ mapy = $ latlo - $ latru ;
my ( $ scx , $ scy ) = AttrVal ( $ name , 'scaleToMeterXY' , $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLongitude } . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLatitude } ) =~ /(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)/ ;
my $ scalx = ( $ lonru - $ lonlo ) * $ scx ;
my $ scaly = ( $ latlo - $ latru ) * $ scy ;
my $ csimgpos = AttrVal ( $ name , "chargingStationImagePosition" , "right" ) ;
my $ xm = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { longitude } // 10.1165 ;
my $ ym = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { latitude } // 51.28 ;
my ( $ cslo , $ csla ) = AttrVal ( $ name , "chargingStationCoordinates" , "$xm $ym" ) =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ;
my $ cslon = int ( ( $ lonlo - $ cslo ) * $ picx / $ mapx ) ;
my $ cslat = int ( ( $ latlo - $ csla ) * $ picy / $ mapy ) ;
my $ csdata = 'data-csimgpos="' . $ csimgpos . '" data-cslon="' . $ cslon . '" data-cslat="' . $ cslat . '"' ;
my $ arealimits = AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowingAreaLimits' , '' ) ;
my $ limi = '' ;
if ( $ arealimits ) {
my @ lixy = ( split ( /\s|,|\R$/ , $ arealimits ) ) ;
my @ liar = ( ) ;
$ limi = int ( ( $ lonlo - $ lixy [ 0 ] ) * $ picx / $mapx ) . "," . int( ( $latlo - $lixy[ 1 ] ) * $picy / $ mapy ) ;
for ( my $ i = 2 ; $ i < @ lixy ; $ i += 2 ) {
$ limi . = "," . int ( ( $ lonlo - $ lixy [ $ i ] ) * $ picx / $mapx).",".int( ( $latlo - $lixy[$i+1] ) * $picy / $ mapy ) ;
my $ x = ( $ lonlo - $ lixy [ $ i ] ) * $ scx ;
my $ y = ( $ latlo - $ lixy [ $ i + 1 ] ) * $ scy ;
push ( @ liar , [ $ x , $ y ] ) ;
my $ x0 = ( $ lonlo - $ lixy [ 0 ] ) * $ scx ;
my $ y0 = ( $ latlo - $ lixy [ 1 ] ) * $ scy ;
unshift ( @ liar , [ $ x0 , $ y0 ] ) ;
push ( @ liar , [ $ x0 , $ y0 ] ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { mowingArea } = int ( abs ( polygonArea ( \ @ liar , 1 , 1 ) ) ) ;
$ limi = 'data-areaLimitsPath="' . $ limi . '"' ;
my $ propertylimits = AttrVal ( $ name , 'propertyLimits' , '' ) ;
my $ propli = '' ;
if ( $ propertylimits ) {
my @ propxy = ( split ( /\s|,|\R$/ , $ propertylimits ) ) ;
my @ liar = ( ) ;
$ propli = int ( ( $ lonlo - $ propxy [ 0 ] ) * $ picx / $mapx).",".int(($latlo-$propxy[1]) * $picy / $ mapy ) ;
for ( my $ i = 2 ; $ i < @ propxy ; $ i += 2 ) {
$ propli . = "," . int ( ( $ lonlo - $ propxy [ $ i ] ) * $ picx / $mapx).",".int(($latlo-$propxy[$i+1]) * $picy / $ mapy ) ;
my $ x = ( $ lonlo - $ propxy [ $ i ] ) * $ scx ;
my $ y = ( $ latlo - $ propxy [ $ i + 1 ] ) * $ scy ;
push ( @ liar , [ $ x , $ y ] ) ;
my $ x0 = ( $ lonlo - $ propxy [ 0 ] ) * $ scx ;
my $ y0 = ( $ latlo - $ propxy [ 1 ] ) * $ scy ;
unshift ( @ liar , [ $ x0 , $ y0 ] ) ;
push ( @ liar , [ $ x0 , $ y0 ] ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { propertyArea } = int ( abs ( polygonArea ( \ @ liar , 1 , 1 ) ) ) ;
$ propli = 'data-propertyLimitsPath="' . $ propli . '"' ;
my $ hulljson = AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowingAreaHull' , '[]' ) ;
my $ hull = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ hulljson ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$type $name FW_detailFn: decode error: $@ \n $hulljson" ;
$ hull = [] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { hullArea } = int ( polygonArea ( $ hull , $ scalx /$picx, $scaly/ $ picy ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { hullxy } = $ hull ;
my $ ret = "" ;
$ ret . = " <style>
. $ { type } _devname_div { padding:0px ! important ;
$ bgstyle background - image: url ( '$img' ) ;
background - size: $ { picx } px $ { picy } px ;
background - repeat: no - repeat ;
width: $ { picx } px ; height: $ { picy } px ;
position: relative ; }
. $ { type } _ $ { name } _canvas_0 {
position: absolute ; left: 0 ; top: 0 ; z - index : 0 ; }
. $ { type } _ $ { name } _canvas_1 {
position: absolute ; left: 0 ; top: 0 ; z - index : 1 ; }
</style> " ;
my $ content = AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowerPanel' , '' ) ;
my $ contentflg = $ content =~ /ON_TOP/ ;
$ content =~ s/command=['"](.*?)['"]/onclick="AutomowerConnectPanelCmd('set $name $1')"/g ;
$ ret . = $ content if ( $ contentflg ) ;
$ ret . = "<div id='${type}_${name}_div' class='${type}_devname_div' $$mapDesign $csdata $limi $propli width='$picx' height='$picy' >" ;
$ ret . = "<canvas id='${type}_${name}_canvas_0' class='${type}_${name}_canvas_0' width='$picx' height='$picy' ></canvas>" ;
$ ret . = "<canvas id='${type}_${name}_canvas_1' class='${type}_${name}_canvas_1' width='$picx' height='$picy' ></canvas>" ;
$ ret . = "</div>" ;
$ ret . = $ reta if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'showMap' , 1 ) ) ;
$ ret . = "<div class='fhem_amc_hull_buttons' >" ;
$ ret . = "<button class='fhem_amc_hull_button' title='Sends the hull polygon points to attribute mowingAreaHull.' onclick='AutomowerConnectGetHull( \"$FW_ME/$type/$name/json\" )' style='font-size:12pt; ' >mowingAreaHullToAttribute</button>"
if ( - e "$FW_dir/$hash->{helper}{FWEXTA}{path}/$hash->{helper}{FWEXTA}{file}" && ! AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowingAreaHull' , '' ) && $$ mapDesign =~ m/hullCalculate="1"/g ) ;
$ ret . = "<button class='fhem_amc_hull_button' title='Subtracts hull polygon points from way points. To hide button set hullSubtract=\"\".' onclick='AutomowerConnectSubtractHull( \"$FW_ME/$type/$name/json\" )' style='font-size:12pt; ' >Subtract Hull</button>"
if ( - e "$FW_dir/$hash->{helper}{FWEXTA}{path}/$hash->{helper}{FWEXTA}{file}" && AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowingAreaHull' , '' ) && $$ mapDesign =~ m/hullSubtract="\d+"/g ) ;
$ ret . = "</div>" ;
$ ret . = $ content if ( ! $ contentflg ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { detailFnFirst } = 1 ;
my $ mid = $ hash - > { helper } { map_init_delay } ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ mid , \ & FW_detailFn_Update , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return $ ret ;
sub FW_detailFn_Update {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
return undef if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'disable' , 0 ) || ! AttrVal ( $ name , 'showMap' , 1 ) || ! $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) ;
my @ pos = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ;
my @ poserr = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { positions } } ;
my ( $ lonlo , $ latlo , $ dummy , $ lonru , $ latru ) = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageCoordinatesToRegister" , $ hash - > { helper } { posMinMax } ) =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ;
my $ zoom = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageZoom" , 0.7 ) ;
my ( $ picx , $ picy ) = AttrVal ( $ name , "mapImageWidthHeight" , $ hash - > { helper } { imageWidthHeight } ) =~ /(\d+)\s(\d+)/ ;
AttrVal ( $ name , 'scaleToMeterXY' , $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLongitude } . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLatitude } ) =~ /(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)/ ;
my $ scalx = ( $ lonru - $ lonlo ) * $ 1 ;
my $ scaly = ( $ latlo - $ latru ) * $ 2 ;
$ picx = int ( $ picx * $ zoom ) ;
$ picy = int ( $ picy * $ zoom ) ;
my $ mapx = $ lonlo - $ lonru ;
my $ mapy = $ latlo - $ latru ;
my @ posxy = ( ) ;
if ( @ pos > 0 ) {
my $ k = 0 ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ pos ; $ i + + ) {
$ posxy [ $ k + + ] = int ( ( $ lonlo - $ pos [ $ i ] { longitude } ) * $ picx / $ mapx ) ;
$ posxy [ $ k + + ] = int ( ( $ latlo - $ pos [ $ i ] { latitude } ) * $ picy / $ mapy ) ;
$ posxy [ $ k + + ] = $ pos [ $ i ] { act } ;
my $ errdesc = $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordesc } ;
my $ errdate = $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordate } ;
my $ errstate = $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errorstate } ;
my @ poserrxy = ( int ( ( $ lonru - $ lonlo ) / 2 * $picx / $ mapx ) , int ( ( $ latlo - $ latru ) / 2 * $picy / $ mapy ) ) ;
if ( @ poserr > 0 ) {
my $ k = 0 ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ poserr ; $ i + + ) {
$ poserrxy [ $ k + + ] = int ( ( $ lonlo - $ poserr [ $ i ] { longitude } ) * $ picx / $ mapx ) ;
$ poserrxy [ $ k + + ] = int ( ( $ latlo - $ poserr [ $ i ] { latitude } ) * $ picy / $ mapy ) ;
# prepare hash for json map update
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { name } = $ name ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { type } = $ type ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { detailfnfirst } = $ hash - > { helper } { detailFnFirst } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { lonlo } = $ lonlo ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { latlo } = $ latlo ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { mapx } = $ mapx ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { mapy } = $ mapy ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { picx } = $ picx ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { picy } = $ picy ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { scalx } = $ scalx ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { scaly } = $ scaly ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { errdesc } = [ "$errdesc" , "$errdate" , "$errstate" ] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { posxy } = \ @ posxy ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } { poserrxy } = \ @ poserrxy ;
map {
:: FW_directNotify ( "#FHEMWEB:$_" , "AutomowerConnectUpdateJson ( '$FW_ME/$type/$name/json' )" , "" ) if ( $ FW_ME ) ;
} devspec2array ( "TYPE=FHEMWEB" ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { detailFnFirst } = 0 ;
return undef ;
sub APIAuth {
my ( $ hash , $ update ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name APIAuth:" ;
if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) ) {
if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) == 1 and ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , '' ) ne 'disabled' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'disabled' , 1 ) ;
} elsif ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) == 2 and ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , '' ) ne 'temporarily disabled' ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'temporarily disabled' , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_apiauth } , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return undef ;
if ( ! $ update && $ ::init_done ) {
if ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.access_token' , '' ) and gettimeofday ( ) < ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.expires' , 0 ) - 45 ) ) {
$ hash - > { header } = { "Authorization" , "Bearer " . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.access_token' , '' ) } ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'update' , 1 ) ;
getMower ( $ hash ) ;
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'authentification' , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsReopen ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsKeepAlive ) ;
DevIo_CloseDev ( $ hash ) if ( DevIo_IsOpen ( $ hash ) ) ;
my $ client_id = $ hash - > { helper } - > { client_id } ;
my $ client_secret = $ hash - > { helper } - > { passObj } - > getReadPassword ( $ name ) ;
my $ grant_type = $ hash - > { helper } - > { grant_type } ;
my $ timeout = AttrVal ( $ name , 'timeoutApiAuth' , $ hash - > { helper } - > { timeout_apiauth } ) ;
my $ header = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nAccept: application/json" ;
my $ data = 'grant_type=' . $ grant_type . '&client_id=' . $ client_id . '&client_secret=' . $ client_secret ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' , ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'api_callsThisMonth' , 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) ;
:: HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > AUTHURL . '/oauth2/token' ,
timeout = > $ timeout ,
hash = > $ hash ,
method = > 'POST' ,
header = > $ header ,
data = > $ data ,
callback = > \ & APIAuthResponse ,
t_begin = > scalar gettimeofday ( )
} ) ;
} else {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 15 , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return undef ;
sub APIAuthResponse {
my ( $ param , $ err , $ data ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ param - > { hash } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ statuscode = $ param - > { code } // '' ;
my $ iam = "$type $name APIAuthResponse:" ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam response time " . sprintf ( "%.2f" , ( gettimeofday ( ) - $ param - > { t_begin } ) ) . ' s' if ( $ param - > { timeout } == 60 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "\ndebug $iam \n\$statuscode [$statuscode]\n\$err [$err],\n \$data [$data] \n\$param->url $param->{url}" if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'debug' , '' ) ) ;
if ( ! $ err && $ statuscode == 200 && $ data ) {
my $ result = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > decode ( $ data ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam JSON error [ $@ ]" ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'error JSON' , 1 ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } - > { auth } = $ result ;
$ hash - > { header } = { "Authorization" , "Bearer $hash->{helper}{auth}{access_token}" } ;
# Update readings
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.access_token' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { access_token } , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.provider' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { provider } , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.user_id' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { user_id } , 0 ) ;
# refresh token between 00:00 and 01:00
my $ expire = $ result - > { expires_in } + gettimeofday ( ) ;
my ( @ tim ) = localtime ( $ expire ) ;
my $ seconds = $ tim [ 0 ] + $ tim [ 1 ] * 60 + $ tim [ 2 ] * 3600 ;
if ( $ seconds > 3600 ) {
$ tim [ 0 ] = 0 ;
$ tim [ 1 ] = 0 ;
$ tim [ 2 ] = 1 ;
$ expire = timelocal ( @ tim ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { auth } { expires } = $ expire ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.expires' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { expires } , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.scope' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { scope } , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.token_type' , $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { token_type } , 0 ) ;
my $ expire_date = FmtDateTime ( $ hash - > { helper } { auth } { expires } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'api_token_expires' , $ expire_date ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'authenticated' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandStatus' , 'cleared' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & getMower ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1.5 , \ & getMower , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return undef ;
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , "error statuscode $statuscode" , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "\n$iam\n\$statuscode [$statuscode]\n\$err [$err],\n\$data [$data]\n\$param->url $param->{url}" ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_apiauth } , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam failed retry in $hash->{helper}{retry_interval_apiauth} seconds." ;
return undef ;
sub getMower {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name getMower:" ;
my $ access_token = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".access_token" , "" ) ;
my $ provider = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".provider" , "" ) ;
my $ client_id = $ hash - > { helper } - > { client_id } ;
my $ timeout = AttrVal ( $ name , 'timeoutGetMower' , $ hash - > { helper } - > { timeout_getmower } ) ;
my $ header = "Accept: application/vnd.api+json\r\nX-Api-Key: " . $ client_id . "\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " . $ access_token . "\r\nAuthorization-Provider: " . $ provider ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$iam header [ $header ]" ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' , ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'api_callsThisMonth' , 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) ;
:: HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > APIURL . '/mowers' ,
timeout = > $ timeout ,
hash = > $ hash ,
method = > "GET" ,
header = > $ header ,
callback = > \ & getMowerResponse ,
t_begin = > scalar gettimeofday ( )
} ) ;
return undef ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
sub getMowerResponse {
my ( $ param , $ err , $ data ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ param - > { hash } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ statuscode = $ param - > { code } // '' ;
my $ iam = "$type $name getMowerResponse:" ;
my $ mowerNumber = $ hash - > { helper } { mowerNumber } ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam response time " . sprintf ( "%.2f" , ( gettimeofday ( ) - $ param - > { t_begin } ) ) . ' s' if ( $ param - > { timeout } == 60 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam response \$statuscode >$statuscode<, \$err >$err<, \$param->url $param->{url} \n\$data >$data<" ;
if ( ! $ err && $ statuscode == 200 && $ data ) {
if ( $ data eq "[]" ) {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam no mower data present" ;
} else {
my $ result = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > utf8 ( not $ ::unicodeEncoding ) - > decode ( $ data ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 ( $ name , 2 , "$iam - JSON error while request: $@" ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } { mowers } = $ result - > { data } ;
my $ maxMower = 0 ;
$ maxMower = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } } if ( ref ( $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } ) eq 'ARRAY' ) ;
if ( $ maxMower <= $ mowerNumber || $ mowerNumber < 0 ) {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam wrong mower number $mowerNumber ($maxMower mower available). Change definition of $name." ;
return undef ;
my $ foundMower . = '0 => ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ 0 ] { attributes } { system } { name } . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ 0 ] { id } ;
for ( my $ i = 1 ; $ i < $ maxMower ; $ i + + ) {
$ foundMower . = "\n" . $ i . ' => ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ i ] { attributes } { system } { name } . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ i ] { id } ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$iam found $foundMower " ;
if ( defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } ) && $ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } ) { # update dataset
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { mower } { activity } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } ;
} elsif ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } ) ) { # first data set
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } = $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { mower } { activity } = $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } = $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { numberOfCollisionsOld } = $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { searchpos } = [ dclone $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { positions } [ 0 ] ] ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapImageCoordinatesToRegister' , '' ) eq '' ) {
posMinMax ( $ hash , $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] { attributes } { positions } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } = dclone ( $ hash - > { helper } { mowers } [ $ mowerNumber ] ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower_id } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { newdatasets } = 0 ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
setDevAttrList ( $ name ) ;
} else {
setDevAttrList ( $ name , $ hash - > { helper } { no_position_attr } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { storediff } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } - $ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } ;
calculateStatistics ( $ hash ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } ) ;
# Update readings
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'api_MowerFound' , $ foundMower ) ;
fillReadings ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'connected' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
# schedule new access token
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & getNewAccessToken ) ;
InternalTimer ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.expires' , 600 ) - 37 , \ & getNewAccessToken , $ hash , 0 ) ;
# Websocket initialisieren, schedule ping, reopen
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsReopen ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1.5 , \ & wsReopen , $ hash , 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } = 0 ;
return undef ;
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , "error statuscode $statuscode" , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam \$statuscode >$statuscode<, \$err >$err<, \$param->url $param->{url} \n\$data >$data<" ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_getmower } , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam failed retry in $hash->{helper}{retry_interval_getmower} seconds." ;
return undef ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
sub getMowerWs {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name getMowerWs:" ;
my $ access_token = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".access_token" , "" ) ;
my $ provider = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".provider" , "" ) ;
my $ client_id = $ hash - > { helper } - > { client_id } ;
my $ timeout = AttrVal ( $ name , 'timeoutGetMower' , $ hash - > { helper } - > { timeout_getmower } ) ;
my $ header = "Accept: application/vnd.api+json\r\nX-Api-Key: " . $ client_id . "\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " . $ access_token . "\r\nAuthorization-Provider: " . $ provider ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$iam header [ $header ]" ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' , ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'api_callsThisMonth' , 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) ;
:: HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > APIURL . '/mowers/' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } ,
timeout = > $ timeout ,
hash = > $ hash ,
method = > "GET" ,
header = > $ header ,
callback = > \ & getMowerResponseWs ,
t_begin = > scalar gettimeofday ( )
} ) ;
return undef ;
sub getMowerResponseWs {
my ( $ param , $ err , $ data ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ param - > { hash } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ statuscode = $ param - > { code } // '' ;
my $ iam = "$type $name getMowerResponseWs:" ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam response time " . sprintf ( "%.2f" , ( gettimeofday ( ) - $ param - > { t_begin } ) ) . ' s' if ( $ param - > { timeout } == 60 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam response polling after status-event \$statuscode >$statuscode<, \$err >$err<, \$param->url $param->{url} \n \$data >$data<" ;
if ( ! $ err && $ statuscode == 200 && $ data ) {
if ( $ data eq '' ) {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam no mower data present" ;
} else {
my $ result = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > utf8 ( not $ ::unicodeEncoding ) - > decode ( $ data ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 ( $ name , 2 , "$iam - JSON error while request: $@" ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } { wsResult } { mower } = dclone ( $ result - > { data } ) if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'debug' , '' ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } = dclone ( $ result - > { data } { attributes } { statistics } ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
my $ cnt = 0 ;
my $ tmp = [] ;
my $ poslen = @ { $ result - > { data } { attributes } { positions } } ;
for ( $ cnt = 0 ; $ cnt < $ poslen ; $ cnt + + ) {
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { searchpos } [ 0 ] { longitude } == $ result - > { data } { attributes } { positions } [ $ cnt ] { longitude }
&& $ hash - > { helper } { searchpos } [ 0 ] { latitude } == $ result - > { data } { attributes } { positions } [ $ cnt ] { latitude } || $ cnt == $ poslen - 1 ) { # if nothing found take all
if ( $ cnt > 0 ) {
my @ ar ;
push @ ar , @ { $ result - > { data } { attributes } { positions } } [ 0 .. $ cnt - 1 ] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } = dclone ( \ @ ar ) ;
AlignArray ( $ hash ) ;
FW_detailFn_Update ( $ hash ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } = [] ;
last ;
$ hash - > { helper } { searchpos } = [ dclone $ result - > { data } { attributes } { positions } [ 0 ] ] ;
isErrorThanPrepare ( $ hash ) ;
resetLastErrorIfCorrected ( $ hash ) ;
# Update readings
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
fillReadings ( $ hash ) ;
# readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, 'mower_wsEvent', $hash->{helper}{wsResult}{type} ); #to do check what event
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'mower_wsEvent' , 'status-event' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'connected' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return undef ;
} else {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , "additional Polling error statuscode $statuscode" , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam \$statuscode [$statuscode]\n\$err [$err],\n \$data [$data] \n\$param->url $param->{url}" ;
return undef ;
sub getNewAccessToken {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
$ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } = 1 ;
APIAuth ( $ hash ) ;
sub Get {
my ( $ hash , @ val ) = @ _ ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name Get:" ;
return "$iam needs at least one argument" if ( @ val < 2 ) ;
return "$iam disabled" if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) ) ;
my ( $ pname , $ setName , $ setVal , $ setVal2 , $ setVal3 ) = @ val ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam called with $setName " . ( $ setVal ? $ setVal : "" ) ;
if ( $ setName eq 'html' ) {
my $ ret = '<html>' . FW_detailFn ( undef , $ name , undef , undef ) . '</html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'errorCodes' ) {
my $ ret = listErrorCodes ( ) ;
return $ ret ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'InternalData' ) {
my $ ret = listInternalData ( $ hash ) ;
return $ ret ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'MowerData' ) {
my $ ret = listMowerData ( $ hash ) ;
return $ ret ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'StatisticsData' ) {
my $ ret = listStatisticsData ( $ hash ) ;
return $ ret ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'errorStack' ) {
my $ ret = listErrorStack ( $ hash ) ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return "Unknown argument $setName, choose one of StatisticsData:noArg MowerData:noArg InternalData:noArg errorCodes:noArg errorStack:noArg " ;
sub Set {
my ( $ hash , @ val ) = @ _ ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name Set:" ;
return "$iam: needs at least one argument" if ( @ val < 2 ) ;
return "Unknown argument, $iam is disabled, choose one of none:noArg" if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) ) ;
my ( $ pname , $ setName , $ setVal , $ setVal2 , $ setVal3 ) = @ val ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam called with $setName " . ( $ setVal ? $ setVal : "" ) if ( $ setName !~ /^(\?|client_secret)$/ ) ;
if ( ! $ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } && $ setName eq 'getUpdate' ) {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
APIAuth ( $ hash ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'chargingStationPositionToAttribute' && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
my $ xm = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { longitude } // 10.1165 ;
my $ ym = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { latitude } // 51.28 ;
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$name chargingStationCoordinates $xm $ym" ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'defaultDesignAttributesToAttribute' && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
my $ design = $ hash - > { helper } { mapdesign } ;
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$name mapDesignAttributes $design" ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'mapZonesTemplateToAttribute' && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
my $ tpl = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZonesTpl } ;
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$name mapZones $tpl" ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName eq 'mowerScheduleToAttribute' ) {
my $ calendarjson = eval {
require JSON::PP ;
2024-05-06 21:58:33 +00:00
my % ORDER = ( start = > 1 , duration = > 2 , monday = > 3 , tuesday = > 4 , wednesday = > 5 , thursday = > 6 , friday = > 7 , saturday = > 8 , sunday = > 9 , workAreaId = > 10 ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
JSON::PP - > new - > sort_by (
sub { ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: a } // 999 ) <=> ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: b } // 999 ) or $ JSON:: PP:: a cmp $ JSON:: PP:: b } )
- > pretty ( 1 ) - > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > encode ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { calendar } { tasks } )
} ;
return "$iam $@" if ( $@ ) ;
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$name mowerSchedule $calendarjson" ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'client_secret' ) {
if ( $ setVal ) {
my ( $ passResp , $ passErr ) = $ hash - > { helper } - > { passObj } - > setStorePassword ( $ name , $ setVal ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam error: $passErr" if ( $ passErr ) ;
return "$iam $passErr" if ( $ passErr ) ;
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.access_token' , '' , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'initialized' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandStatus' , 'cleared' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
APIAuth ( $ hash ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName =~ /^(Start|Park|cuttingHeight)$/ ) {
if ( $ setVal =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal ) ;
return undef ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName =~ /^cuttingHeight$/ && defined $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } ) {
if ( $ setVal =~ /^(\d+)$/ ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal ) ;
return undef ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName eq 'headlight' && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { headlights } ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( $ setName eq 'getNewAccessToken' ) {
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.access_token' , '' , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'initialized' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandStatus' , 'cleared' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
APIAuth ( $ hash ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName =~ /ParkUntilFurtherNotice|ParkUntilNextSchedule|Pause|ResumeSchedule|sendScheduleFromAttributeToMower/ ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName eq "sendJsonScheduleToAttribute" ) {
my $ calendarjson = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ setVal ) } ;
return "$iam decode error: $@ \n $setVal" if ( $@ ) ;
$ calendarjson = eval {
require JSON::PP ;
2024-05-06 21:58:33 +00:00
my % ORDER = ( start = > 1 , duration = > 2 , monday = > 3 , tuesday = > 4 , wednesday = > 5 , thursday = > 6 , friday = > 7 , saturday = > 8 , sunday = > 9 , workAreaId = > 10 ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
JSON::PP - > new - > sort_by (
sub { ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: a } // 999 ) <=> ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: b } // 999 ) or $ JSON:: PP:: a cmp $ JSON:: PP:: b } )
- > pretty ( 1 ) - > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > encode ( $ calendarjson )
} ;
return "$iam encode error: $@ in \$calendarjson" if ( $@ ) ;
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$name mowerSchedule $calendarjson" ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName eq "sendJsonScheduleToMower" ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/ && $ setName =~ /confirmError/ && AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) {
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName ) ;
return undef ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/
&& $ setName =~ /^(StartInWorkArea|cuttingHeightInWorkArea)$/ && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { workAreas } && AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) {
( $ setVal , $ setVal2 ) = $ setVal =~ /(.*),(\d+)/ if ( $ setVal =~ /,/ && ! defined ( $ setVal2 ) ) ;
my $ id = undef ;
$ id = name2id ( $ hash , $ setVal , 'workAreas' ) if ( $ setVal !~ /^(\d+)$/ ) ;
$ setVal = $ id // $ setVal ;
if ( $ setVal =~ /^(\d+)$/ && ( $ setVal2 =~ /^(\d+)$/ or ! $ setVal2 ) ) { #
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal , $ setVal2 ) ;
return undef ;
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam $setName : no valid Id or zone name for $setVal ." ;
} elsif ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'device_state' , 'defined' ) !~ /defined|initialized|authentification|authenticated|update/
&& $ setName =~ /^stayOutZone$/ && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { stayOutZones } && AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) {
( $ setVal , $ setVal2 ) = $ setVal =~ /(.*),(enable|disable)/ if ( $ setVal =~ /,/ && ! defined ( $ setVal2 ) ) ;
my $ id = undef ;
$ id = name2id ( $ hash , $ setVal , 'stayOutZones' ) if ( $ setVal !~ /\b[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}\b/ ) ;
$ setVal = $ id // $ setVal ;
if ( $ setVal =~ /\b[0-9a-f]{8}\b-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\b[0-9a-f]{12}\b/ ) {
$ setVal2 = $ setVal2 eq 'enable' ? 'true' : 'false' ;
CMD ( $ hash , $ setName , $ setVal , $ setVal2 ) ;
return undef ;
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam $setName : no valid Id or zone name for $setVal ." ;
my $ ret = " getNewAccessToken:noArg ParkUntilFurtherNotice:noArg ParkUntilNextSchedule:noArg Pause:noArg Start:selectnumbers,30,30,600,0,lin Park:selectnumbers,30,30,600,0,lin ResumeSchedule:noArg getUpdate:noArg client_secret " ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
$ ret . = "mowerScheduleToAttribute:noArg sendScheduleFromAttributeToMower:noArg " ;
$ ret . = "cuttingHeight:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 " if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
$ ret . = "defaultDesignAttributesToAttribute:noArg mapZonesTemplateToAttribute:noArg chargingStationPositionToAttribute:noArg " if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) ;
$ ret . = "headlight:ALWAYS_OFF,ALWAYS_ON,EVENING_ONLY,EVENING_AND_NIGHT " if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { headlights } ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { workAreas } && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { workAreas } ) && AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) {
my @ ar = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { workAreas } } ;
my @ anlist = map { ',' . $ _ - > { name } } @ ar ;
$ ret . = "cuttingHeightInWorkArea:widgetList," . ( scalar @ anlist + 1 ) . ",select" . join ( '' , @ anlist ) . ",6,selectnumbers,0,10,100,0,lin " ;
$ ret . = "StartInWorkArea:widgetList," . ( scalar @ anlist + 1 ) . ",select" . join ( '' , @ anlist ) . ",6,selectnumbers,0,30,600,0,lin " ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { stayOutZones } && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { zones } ) && AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) {
my @ so = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { zones } } ;
my @ solist = map { ',' . $ _ - > { name } } @ so ;
$ ret . = "stayOutZone:widgetList," . ( scalar @ solist + 1 ) . ",select" . join ( '' , @ solist ) . ",3,select,enable,disable " ;
$ ret . = "confirmError:noArg " if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'testing' , '' ) ) ;
return "Unknown argument $setName, choose one of" . $ ret ;
sub CMD {
my ( $ hash , @ cmd ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name CMD:" ;
my $ timeout = AttrVal ( $ name , 'timeoutCMD' , $ hash - > { helper } - > { timeout_cmd } ) ;
my $ method = 'POST' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } = $ cmd [ 0 ] . ( $ cmd [ 1 ] ? ' ' . $ cmd [ 1 ] : '' ) . ( $ cmd [ 2 ] ? ' ' . $ cmd [ 2 ] : '' ) ;
if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam disabled" ;
return undef
my $ client_id = $ hash - > { helper } - > { client_id } ;
my $ token = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".access_token" , "" ) ;
my $ provider = ReadingsVal ( $ name , ".provider" , "" ) ;
my $ mower_id = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } ;
my $ json = '' ;
my $ post = '' ;
my $ header = "Accept: application/vnd.api+json\r\nX-Api-Key: " . $ client_id . "\r\nAuthorization: Bearer " . $ token . "\r\nAuthorization-Provider: " . $ provider . "\r\nContent-Type: application/vnd.api+json" ;
if ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "ParkUntilFurtherNotice" ) { $ json = '{"data":{"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '"}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "ParkUntilNextSchedule" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '"}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "ResumeSchedule" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '"}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "Pause" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '"}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "Park" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '","attributes":{"duration":' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "Start" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '","attributes":{"duration":' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "cuttingHeightInWorkArea" )
{ $ json = '{"data": {"type":"workArea","id":"' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '","attributes":{"cuttingHight":' . $ cmd [ 2 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'workAreas/' . $ cmd [ 1 ] ; $ method = 'PATCH' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "StartInWorkArea" && $ cmd [ 2 ] )
{ $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '","attributes":{"workAreaId":' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . ',"duration":' . $ cmd [ 2 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "StartInWorkArea" && ! $ cmd [ 2 ] )
{ $ json = '{"data": {"type":"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '","attributes":{"workAreaId":' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'actions' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "headlight" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"settings","attributes":{"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '": {"mode": "' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '"}}}}' ; $ post = 'settings' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "cuttingHeight" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"settings","attributes":{"' . $ cmd [ 0 ] . '": ' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'settings' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "stayOutZone" ) { $ json = '{"data": {"type":"stayOutZone","id":"' . $ cmd [ 1 ] . '","attributes":{"enable": ' . $ cmd [ 2 ] . '}}}' ; $ post = 'stayOutZones/' . $ cmd [ 1 ] ; $ method = 'PATCH' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "confirmError" ) { $ json = '{}' ; $ post = 'errors/confirm' }
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "sendScheduleFromAttributeToMower" && AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowerSchedule' , '' ) ) {
my $ perl = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowerSchedule' , '' ) ) } ;
return "$iam decode error: $@ \n $perl" if ( $@ ) ;
my $ jsonSchedule = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > encode ( $ perl ) } ;
return "$iam encode error: $@ \n $jsonSchedule" if ( $@ ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } . = ' ' . $ jsonSchedule ;
$ json = '{"data":{"type": "calendar","attributes":{"tasks":' . $ jsonSchedule . '}}}' ;
$ post = 'calendar' ;
elsif ( $ cmd [ 0 ] eq "sendJsonScheduleToMower" && $ cmd [ 1 ] ) {
my $ perl = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ cmd [ 1 ] ) } ;
return "$iam decode error: $@ \n $perl" if ( $@ ) ;
my $ jsonSchedule = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > encode ( $ perl ) } ;
return "$iam encode error: $@ \n $jsonSchedule" if ( $@ ) ;
$ json = '{"data":{"type": "calendar","attributes":{"tasks":' . $ jsonSchedule . '}}}' ;
$ post = 'calendar' ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$iam $header \n $cmd[0] \n $json" ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' , ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'api_callsThisMonth' , 0 ) + 1 , 0 ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) ;
:: HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > APIURL . "/mowers/" . $ mower_id . "/" . $ post ,
timeout = > $ timeout ,
hash = > $ hash ,
method = > $ method ,
header = > $ header ,
data = > $ json ,
callback = > \ & CMDResponse ,
t_begin = > scalar gettimeofday ( )
} ) ;
sub CMDResponse {
my ( $ param , $ err , $ data ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ param - > { hash } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ statuscode = $ param - > { code } // '' ;
my $ iam = "$type $name CMDResponse:" ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam response time " . sprintf ( "%.2f" , ( gettimeofday ( ) - $ param - > { t_begin } ) ) . ' s' if ( $ param - > { timeout } == 60 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "\ndebug $iam \n\$statuscode >$statuscode<\n\$err >$err<,\n \$data >$data< \n\$param->url $param->{url}" if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'debug' , '' ) ) ;
if ( ! $ err && $ statuscode == 202 && $ data ) {
my $ result = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ data ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 ( $ name , 2 , "$iam - JSON error while request: $@" ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } { CMDResponse } = $ result ;
if ( $ result - > { data } ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , $ data ;
if ( ref ( $ result - > { data } ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } - > { mower_commandStatus } = 'OK - ' . $ result - > { data } [ 0 ] { type } ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } - > { mower_commandStatus } = 'OK - ' . $ result - > { data } { type } ;
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandStatus' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandStatus } , 1 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandSend' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } , 1 ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return undef ;
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandStatus' , "ERROR statuscode $statuscode" , 1 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , 'mower_commandSend' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } , 1 ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 2 , "\n$iam \n\$statuscode >$statuscode<\n\$err >$err<,\n\$data >$data<\n\$param->{url} >$param->{url}<\n\$param->{data} >$param->{data}<" ;
return undef ;
sub Attr {
my ( $ cmd , $ name , $ attrName , $ attrVal ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name Attr:" ;
if ( $ attrName eq "disable" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" and $ attrVal eq "1" ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'device_state' , 'disabled' , 1 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
DevIo_CloseDev ( $ hash ) if ( DevIo_IsOpen ( $ hash ) ) ;
DevIo_setStates ( $ hash , "closed" ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName disabled" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" or $ cmd eq 'set' and ! $ attrVal ) {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & APIAuth ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1 , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName enabled" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq 'mapImagePath' ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
if ( $ attrVal =~ '(webp|png|jpg|jpeg)$' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_PATH } = $ attrVal ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } = "image/" . $ 1 ;
:: FHEM::Devices::AMConnect::Common:: readMap ( $ hash ) ;
if ( $ attrVal =~ /(\d+)x(\d+)/ ) {
$ attr { $ name } { mapImageWidthHeight } = "$1 $2" ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} else {
return "$iam $cmd $attrName wrong image type, use webp, png, jpeg or jpg" ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName wrong image type, use webp, png, jpeg or jpg" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_PATH } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_CACHE } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } = '' ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mowingAreaHull" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
my $ perl = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ attrVal ) } ;
return "$iam $cmd $attrName decode error: $@ \n $attrVal" if ( $@ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "weekdaysToResetWayPoints" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName is invalid, enter a combination of weekday numbers, space or - [0123456 -]" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /0|1|2|3|4|5|6| |-/ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default to 1" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "loglevelDevIo" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName is invalid, select a number of [012345]" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /^[0-5]{1}$/ ) ;
$ hash - > { devioLoglevel } = $ attrVal ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
delete ( $ hash - > { devioLoglevel } ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default." ;
} elsif ( $ attrName =~ /^(timeoutGetMower|timeoutApiAuth|timeoutCMD)$/ ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrVal is invalid, allowed time as integer between 5 and 61" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /^[\d]{1,2}$/ && $ attrVal > 5 && $ attrVal < 61 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default value." ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq 'addPollingMinInterval' ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrVal is invalid, allowed time in seconds >= 0." unless ( $ attrVal >= 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } = $ attrVal ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
if ( $ attrVal == 0 ) {
delete $ attr { $ name } { addPositionPolling } if ( defined ( $ attr { $ name } { addPositionPolling } ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } = 0 ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } = 0 ;
readingsDelete ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default value 0." ;
delete $ attr { $ name } { addPositionPolling } if ( defined ( $ attr { $ name } { addPositionPolling } ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } = 0 ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq 'addPositionPolling' ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrVal is invalid, allowed value 0 or 1." unless ( $ attrVal == 0 || $ attrVal == 1 ) ;
return "$iam $attrVal set attribute addPollingMinInterval > 0 first." unless ( defined ( $ attr { $ name } { addPollingMinInterval } ) && $ attr { $ name } { addPollingMinInterval } > 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } = $ attrVal ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } = 0 ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default value 0." ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq 'numberOfWayPointsToDisplay' ) {
my $ icurr = scalar @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ;
if ( $ cmd eq "set" && $ attrVal =~ /\d+/ ) {
return "$iam $attrVal is invalid, min value is 100." if ( $ attrVal < 100 ) ;
# reduce array
$ hash - > { helper } { MOWING } { maxLength } = $ attrVal ;
for ( my $ i = $ icurr ; $ i > $ attrVal ; $ i - - ) {
pop @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
# reduce array
my $ imax = $ hash - > { helper } { MOWING } { maxLengthDefault } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MOWING } { maxLength } = $ imax ;
for ( my $ i = $ icurr ; $ i > $ imax ; $ i - - ) {
pop @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrName and set default $imax" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mapImageCoordinatesUTM" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapImageCoordinatesToRegister' , '' ) && $ attrVal =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ) {
my ( $ x1 , $ y1 , $ x2 , $ y2 ) = ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 4 , $ 5 ) ;
AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapImageCoordinatesToRegister' , '' ) =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ;
my ( $ lo1 , $ la1 , $ lo2 , $ la2 ) = ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 4 , $ 5 ) ;
return "$iam $attrName illegal value 0 for the difference of longitudes." unless ( $ lo1 - $ lo2 ) ;
return "$iam $attrName illegal value 0 for the difference of latitudes." unless ( $ la1 - $ la2 ) ;
my $ scx = int ( ( $ x1 - $ x2 ) / ( $ lo1 - $ lo2 ) ) ;
my $ scy = int ( ( $ y1 - $ y2 ) / ( $ la1 - $ la2 ) ) ;
$ attr { $ name } { scaleToMeterXY } = "$scx $scy" ;
} else {
return "$iam $attrName has a wrong format use linewise pairs <floating point longitude><one space character><floating point latitude> or the attribute mapImageCoordinatesToRegister was not set before." ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default 0 90<Line feed>90 0" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mapImageCoordinatesToRegister" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName has a wrong format use linewise pairs <floating point longitude><one space character><floating point latitude>" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ) ;
my ( $ lo1 , $ la1 , $ lo2 , $ la2 ) = ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 4 , $ 5 ) ;
return "$iam $attrName illegal value 0 for the difference of longitudes." unless ( $ lo1 - $ lo2 ) ;
return "$iam $attrName illegal value 0 for the difference of latitudes." unless ( $ la1 - $ la2 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default 0 90<Line feed>90 0" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "chargingStationCoordinates" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName has a wrong format use <floating point longitude><one space character><floating point latitude>" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default 10.1165 51.28" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mapImageWidthHeight" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName has a wrong format use <integer longitude><one space character><integer latitude>" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /(\d+)\s(\d+)/ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default 100 200" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "scaleToMeterXY" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
return "$iam $attrName has a wrong format use <integer longitude><one space character><integer latitude>" unless ( $ attrVal =~ /(-?\d+)\s(-?\d+)/ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName $attrVal" ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName and set default $hash->{helper}{scaleToMeterLongitude} $hash->{helper}{scaleToMeterLatitude}" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mowerSchedule" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
my $ perl = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ attrVal ) } ;
return "$iam $cmd $attrName decode error: $@ \n $perl" if ( $@ ) ;
$ attrVal = eval {
require JSON::PP ;
2024-05-06 21:58:33 +00:00
my % ORDER = ( start = > 1 , duration = > 2 , monday = > 3 , tuesday = > 4 , wednesday = > 5 , thursday = > 6 , friday = > 7 , saturday = > 8 , sunday = > 9 , workAreaId = > 10 ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
JSON::PP - > new - > sort_by (
sub { ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: a } // 999 ) <=> ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: b } // 999 ) or $ JSON:: PP:: a cmp $ JSON:: PP:: b } )
- > pretty ( 1 ) - > encode ( $ perl )
} ;
return "$iam $cmd $attrName encode error: $@ \n $attrVal" if ( $@ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName mower schedule array" ;
} elsif ( $ attrName eq "mapZones" ) {
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
my $ longitude = 10 ;
my $ latitude = 52 ;
my $ perl = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ attrVal ) } ;
return "$iam $cmd $attrName decode error: $@ \n $attrVal" if ( $@ ) ;
for ( keys % { $ perl } ) {
$ perl - > { $ _ } { zoneCnt } = 0 ;
$ perl - > { $ _ } { zoneLength } = 0 ;
my $ cond = eval "($perl->{$_}{condition})" ;
return "$iam $cmd $attrName syntax error in condition: $@ \n $perl->{$_}{condition}" if ( $@ ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam $cmd $attrName" ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } = $ perl ;
} elsif ( $ cmd eq "del" ) {
delete $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } ;
CommandDeleteReading ( $ hash , "$name mower_currentZone" ) ;
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$iam $cmd $attrName" ;
return undef ;
sub name2id {
my ( $ hash , $ zname , $ ztype ) = @ _ ;
$ ztype = $ ztype // 'workAreas' ;
if ( $ ztype eq 'workAreas' && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { workAreas } ) ) {
my @ ar = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { workAreas } } ;
for ( @ ar ) {
return $ _ - > { workAreaId } if ( $ _ - > { name } eq $ zname ) ;
} elsif ( $ ztype eq 'stayOutZones' && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } ) && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { zones } ) ) {
if ( defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { dirty } ) && $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { dirty } == 0 ) {
my @ ar = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { stayOutZones } { zones } } ;
for ( @ ar ) {
return $ _ - > { Id } if ( $ _ - > { name } eq $ zname ) ;
return undef ;
sub AlignArray {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ use_position_polling = $ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } ;
my $ reverse_positions_order = $ hash - > { helper } { reverse_positions_order } ;
my $ reverse_pollpos_order = $ hash - > { helper } { reverse_pollpos_order } ;
my $ additional_polling = $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ;
my $ act = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
my $ actold = $ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
my $ cnt = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } } ;
my $ tmp = [] ;
if ( $ cnt > 0 ) {
my @ ar = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } } ;
my $ deltaTime = $ hash - > { helper } { positionsTime } - $ hash - > { helper } { statusTime } ;
# if encounter positions shortly after status event then old activity is assigned to positions
# or when position polling is on and activity is MOWING first time after LEAVING count new positions as LEAVING
#### if ( $cnt > 1 && $deltaTime > 0 && $deltaTime < 0.29 && !$use_position_polling || $use_position_polling && $actold =~ /LEAVING/ && $act eq 'MOWING' ) {
# or when position polling is on and activity is GOING_HOME first time after MOWING count new positions as MOWING
# or when position polling is on and activity is PARKED_IN_CS|CHARGING first time after GOING_HOME count new positions as GOING_HOME
if ( $ cnt > 1 && $ deltaTime > 0 && $ deltaTime < 0.29 && ! $ use_position_polling || $ use_position_polling &&
( $ actold =~ /LEAVING/ && $ act eq 'MOWING' ||
$ actold =~ /MOWING/ && $ act eq 'GOING_HOME' ||
$ actold =~ /GOING_HOME/ && $ act =~ /PARKED_IN_CS|CHARGING/ )
) {
map { $ _ - > { act } = $ hash - > { helper } { $ actold } { short } } @ ar ;
} else {
map { $ _ - > { act } = $ hash - > { helper } { $ act } { short } } @ ar ;
if ( ! $ use_position_polling ) {
if ( $ reverse_positions_order ) {
@ ar = reverse @ ar if ( $ cnt > 1 ) ; # positions seem to be in reversed order
} elsif ( $ use_position_polling ) {
if ( $ reverse_pollpos_order ) {
@ ar = reverse @ ar if ( $ cnt > 1 ) ; # positions seem to be in reversed order
$ tmp = dclone ( \ @ ar ) ;
if ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ) {
unshift ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } , @$ tmp ) ;
} else {
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } = $ tmp ;
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 0 ] { start } = 'first value' ;
while ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } > $ hash - > { helper } { MOWING } { maxLength } ) {
pop ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ) ; # reduce to max allowed length
posMinMax ( $ hash , $ tmp ) ;
if ( $ act =~ /^(MOWING)$/ ) {
AreaStatistics ( $ hash , $ cnt ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { newcollisions } && $ additional_polling && $ act =~ /^(MOWING)$/ ) {
TagWayPointsAsCollision ( $ hash , $ cnt ) ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && $ act =~ /^(MOWING)$/ ) {
$ tmp = dclone ( \ @ ar ) ;
ZoneHandling ( $ hash , $ tmp , $ cnt ) ;
# set cutting height per zone
my $ cuthi = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && $ act =~ /^(MOWING)$/
&& defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } )
&& defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { cuttingHeight } )
&& $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { cuttingHeight } !~ /$cuthi/
&& ( $ hash - > { helper } { cuttingHeightLast } + $ hash - > { helper } { cuttingHeightLatency } ) < scalar gettimeofday ( ) ) {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & setCuttingHeight ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 11 , \ & setCuttingHeight , $ hash , 0 )
# if ( $act =~ /^(CHARGING|PARKED_IN_CS)$/ && $actold =~ /^(PARKED_IN_CS|CHARGING)$/ ) {
if ( $ act =~ /^(CHARGING|PARKED_IN_CS)$/ ) {
$ tmp = dclone ( \ @ ar ) ;
ChargingStationPosition ( $ hash , $ tmp , $ cnt ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { newdatasets } = $ cnt ;
return undef ;
sub isErrorThanPrepare {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCodeTimestamp } ) {
if ( ( $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { timestamp } != $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCodeTimestamp } ) ) {
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } && @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } > 1 ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 0 ] { act } = 'N' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 1 ] { act } = 'N' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { positions } = [ dclone ( $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 0 ] ) , dclone ( $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 1 ] ) ] ;
my $ ect = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCodeTimestamp } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { timestamp } = $ ect ;
my $ errc = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCode } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordesc } = $ errortable - > { $ errc } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordate } = FmtDateTimeGMT ( $ ect / 1000 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errorstate } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { state } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errorzone } = $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } if ( defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } ) ) ;
my $ tmp = dclone ( $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } ) ;
unshift ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } } , $ tmp ) ;
pop ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } } ) if ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } } > $ hash - > { helper } { errorstackmax } ) ;
FW_detailFn_Update ( $ hash ) ;
sub resetLastErrorIfCorrected {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
if ( ! $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCodeTimestamp } && $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { timestamp } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { positions } = [] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { timestamp } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordesc } = '-' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errordate } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { errorstate } = '' ;
FW_detailFn_Update ( $ hash ) ;
sub ZoneHandling {
my ( $ hash , $ poshash , $ cnt ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ zone = '' ;
my $ nextzone = '' ;
my @ pos = @$ poshash ;
my $ longitude = 0 ;
my $ latitude = 0 ;
my @ zonekeys = sort ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } } ) ;
my $ i = 0 ;
my $ k = 0 ;
map { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { curZoneCnt } = 0 } @ zonekeys ;
for ( $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ cnt ; $ i + + ) {
$ longitude = $ pos [ $ i ] { longitude } ;
$ latitude = $ pos [ $ i ] { latitude } ;
for ( $ k = 0 ; $ k < @ zonekeys - 1 ; $ k + + ) {
if ( eval ( "$hash->{helper}{mapZones}{$zonekeys[$k]}{condition}" ) ) {
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k ] } { curZoneCnt } == $ i ) { # find current zone and count consecutive way points
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k ] } { curZoneCnt } + + ;
$ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } = $ zonekeys [ $ k ] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k ] } { zoneCnt } + + ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k ] } { zoneLength } += calcPathLength ( $ hash , $ i , $ i + 1 ) ;
last ;
} elsif ( $ k == @ zonekeys - 2 ) { # last zone
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k + 1 ] } { curZoneCnt } == $ i ) { # find current zone and count consecutive way points
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k + 1 ] } { curZoneCnt } + + ;
$ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } = $ zonekeys [ $ k + 1 ] ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k + 1 ] } { zoneCnt } + + ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ zonekeys [ $ k + 1 ] } { zoneLength } += calcPathLength ( $ hash , $ i , $ i + 1 ) ;
my $ sumDayCnt = 0 ;
my $ sumDayArea = 0 ;
map { $ sumDayCnt += $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneCnt } ;
$ sumDayArea += $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneLength } ;
} @ zonekeys ;
map { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCntPct } = ( $ sumDayCnt ? sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneCnt } / $ sumDayCnt * 100 ) : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayAreaPct } = ( $ sumDayArea ? sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneLength } / $ sumDayArea * 100 ) : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTrack } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneLength } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneCnt } * 30 ;
} @ zonekeys ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { currentDayCollisions } += $ hash - > { helper } { newcollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { newzonedatasets } = $ cnt ;
sub ChargingStationPosition {
my ( $ hash , $ poshash , $ cnt ) = @ _ ;
if ( $ cnt && @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ) {
unshift ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } , @$ poshash ) ;
} elsif ( $ cnt ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { cspos } = $ poshash ;
while ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } > $ hash - > { helper } { PARKED_IN_CS } { maxLength } ) {
pop ( @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ) ; # reduce to max allowed length
my $ n = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ;
if ( $ n > 0 ) {
my $ xm = 0 ;
map { $ xm += $ _ - > { longitude } } @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ;
$ xm = $ xm / $ n ;
my $ ym = 0 ;
map { $ ym += $ _ - > { latitude } } @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ;
$ ym = $ ym / $ n ;
$ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { longitude } = sprintf ( "%.8f" , $ xm ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { latitude } = sprintf ( "%.8f" , $ ym ) ;
return undef ;
sub calcPathLength {
my ( $ hash , $ istart , $ i ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ k = 0 ;
my @ xyarr = @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } ; # areapos
my $ n = scalar @ xyarr ;
my ( $ sclon , $ sclat ) = AttrVal ( $ name , 'scaleToMeterXY' , $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLongitude } . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { scaleToMeterLatitude } ) =~ /(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)/ ;
my $ lsum = 0 ;
for ( $ k = $ istart ; $ k < $ i ; $ k + + ) {
$ lsum += ( ( ( $ xyarr [ $ k ] { longitude } - $ xyarr [ $ k + 1 ] { longitude } ) * $ sclon ) ** 2 + ( ( $ xyarr [ $ k ] { latitude } - $ xyarr [ $ k + 1 ] { latitude } ) * $ sclat ) ** 2 ) ** 0.5 if ( $ xyarr [ $ k + 1 ] { longitude } && $ xyarr [ $ k + 1 ] { latitude } ) ;
return $ lsum ;
sub TagWayPointsAsCollision {
my ( $ hash , $ i ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
for ( my $ k = 1 ; $ k < ( $ i - 1 ) ; $ k + + ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ $ k ] { act } = 'K' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ 0 ] { act } = 'KE' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } [ $ i - 1 ] { act } = 'KS' if ( $ i > 1 ) ;
sub AreaStatistics {
my ( $ hash , $ i ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ activity = 'MOWING' ;
my $ lsum = calcPathLength ( $ hash , 0 , $ i ) ;
my $ asum = 0 ;
my $ atim = 0 ;
my $ acol = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } - $ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { newcollisions } = $ acol - $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayCollisions } ;
$ asum = $ lsum * AttrVal ( $ name , 'mowerCuttingWidth' , 0.24 ) ;
$ atim = $ i * 30 ; # seconds
$ hash - > { helper } { $ activity } { track } = $ lsum ;
$ hash - > { helper } { $ activity } { area } = $ asum ;
$ hash - > { helper } { $ activity } { time } = $ atim ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTrack } += $ lsum ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayArea } += $ asum ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTime } += $ atim ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayCollisions } = $ acol ;
return undef ;
sub AddExtension {
my ( $ name , $ func , $ link ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ url = "/$link" ;
Log3 ( $ name , 2 , "Registering $type $name for URL $url..." ) ;
$ ::data { FWEXT } { $ url } { deviceName } = $ name ;
$ ::data { FWEXT } { $ url } { FUNC } = $ func ;
$ ::data { FWEXT } { $ url } { LINK } = $ link ;
return ;
sub RemoveExtension {
my ( $ link ) = @ _ ;
my $ url = "/$link" ;
my $ name = $ ::data { FWEXT } { $ url } { deviceName } ;
Log3 ( $ name , 2 , "Unregistering URL $url..." ) ;
delete $ ::data { FWEXT } { $ url } ;
return ;
sub GetMap () {
my ( $ request ) = @ _ ;
if ( $ request =~ /^\/(AutomowerConnect)\/(\w+)\/map/ ) {
my $ type = $ 1 ;
my $ name = $ 2 ;
my $ hash = $ ::defs { $ name } ;
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , "${type} ${name}: No MAP_MIME for webhook $request" ) if ( ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } || ! $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } ) ;
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , "${type} ${name}: No MAP_CACHE for webhook $request" ) if ( ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_CACHE } || ! $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_CACHE } ) ;
my $ mapMime = $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_MIME } ;
my $ mapData = $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_CACHE } ;
return ( $ mapMime , $ mapData ) ;
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , "No AutomowerConnect device for webhook $request" ) ;
sub GetJson () {
my ( $ request ) = @ _ ;
if ( $ request =~ /^\/(AutomowerConnect)\/(\w+)\/json/ ) {
my $ type = $ 1 ;
my $ name = $ 2 ;
my $ hash = $ ::defs { $ name } ;
my $ jsonMime = "application/json" ;
my $ jsonData = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > encode ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapupdate } ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$type $name encode error: $@" ;
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , "No AutomowerConnect device for webhook $request" ) ;
return ( $ jsonMime , $ jsonData ) ;
return ( "text/plain; charset=utf-8" , "No AutomowerConnect device for webhook $request" ) ;
sub readMap {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name readMap:" ;
my $ filename = $ hash - > { helper } { MAP_PATH } ;
if ( $ filename and - e $ filename ) {
if ( open my $ fh , '<:raw' , $ filename ) {
my $ content = '' ;
while ( 1 ) {
my $ success = read $ fh , $ content , 1024 , length ( $ content ) ;
if ( not defined $ success ) {
close $ fh ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam read file \"$filename\" with error $!" ;
return ;
last if not $ success ;
close $ fh ;
$ hash - > { helper } { MAP_CACHE } = $ content ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam file \"$filename\" content length: " . length ( $ content ) ;
} else {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$iam open file \"$filename\" with error $!" ;
} else {
Log3 $ name , 2 , "$iam file \"$filename\" does not exist." ;
sub setCuttingHeight {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & setCuttingHeight ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { cuttingHeight } != $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } ) {
CMD ( $ hash , 'cuttingHeight' , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { cuttingHeight } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { cuttingHeightLast } = scalar gettimeofday ( ) ;
return undef ;
sub posMinMax {
my ( $ hash , $ poshash ) = @ _ ;
my $ minLon = $ hash - > { helper } { minLon } ;
my $ maxLon = $ hash - > { helper } { maxLon } ;
my $ minLat = $ hash - > { helper } { minLat } ;
my $ maxLat = $ hash - > { helper } { maxLat } ;
for ( @ { $ poshash } ) {
$ minLon = minNum ( $ minLon , $ _ - > { longitude } ) ;
$ maxLon = maxNum ( $ maxLon , $ _ - > { longitude } ) ;
$ minLat = minNum ( $ minLat , $ _ - > { latitude } ) ;
$ maxLat = maxNum ( $ maxLat , $ _ - > { latitude } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { minLon } = $ minLon ;
$ hash - > { helper } { maxLon } = $ maxLon ;
$ hash - > { helper } { minLat } = $ minLat ;
$ hash - > { helper } { maxLat } = $ maxLat ;
$ hash - > { helper } { posMinMax } = "$minLon $maxLat\n$maxLon $minLat" ;
$ hash - > { helper } { imageWidthHeight } = int ( $ hash - > { helper } { imageHeight } * ( $ maxLon - $ minLon ) / ( $ maxLat - $ minLat ) ) . ' ' . $ hash - > { helper } { imageHeight } if ( $ maxLat - $ minLat ) ;
return undef ;
sub fillReadings {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , '.mower_id' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } , 0 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , "batteryPercent" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { battery } { batteryPercent } ) ;
my $ pref = 'mower' ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_mode' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { mode } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_activity' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { activity } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_state' , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { state } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_commandStatus' , 'cleared' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_commandSend' , ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mower_commandSend } : '-' ) ) ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } && $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } } { curZoneCnt } ) {
my $ curZon = $ hash - > { helper } { currentZone } ;
my $ curZonCnt = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ curZon } { curZoneCnt } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_currentZone' , $ curZon . '(' . $ curZonCnt . '/' . $ hash - > { helper } { newzonedatasets } . ')' ) ;
my $ tstamp = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { errorCodeTimestamp } ;
my $ timestamp = FmtDateTimeGMT ( $ tstamp / 1000 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_errorCodeTimestamp" , $ tstamp ? $ timestamp : '-' ) ;
my $ errc = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { errorCode } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_errorCode' , $ tstamp ? $ errc : '-' ) ;
my $ errd = $ errortable - > { $ errc } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . '_errorDescription' , $ tstamp ? $ errd : '-' ) ;
$ pref = 'system' ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_name" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { name } ) ;
my $ model = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { model } ;
$ model =~ s/AUTOMOWER./AM/ ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , "model" , $ model ) ;
$ hash - > { MODEL } = $ model if ( $ model && $ hash - > { MODEL } ne $ model ) ;
$ pref = 'planner' ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , "planner_restrictedReason" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { restrictedReason } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , "planner_overrideAction" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { override } { action } ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { override } { action } ) ;
$ tstamp = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { nextStartTimestamp } ;
$ timestamp = FmtDateTimeGMT ( $ tstamp / 1000 ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , "planner_nextStart" , $ tstamp ? $ timestamp : '-' ) ;
$ pref = 'statistics' ;
my $ noCol = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayCollisions } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_numberOfCollisions" , '(' . $ noCol . '/' . $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayCollisions } . '/' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { numberOfCollisions } . ')' ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_newGeoDataSets" , $ hash - > { helper } { newdatasets } ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) ;
$ pref = 'settings' ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_headlight" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { headlight } { mode } ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { headlights } ) ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_cuttingHeight" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { cuttingHeight } ) if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { $ pref } { cuttingHeight } ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
$ pref = 'status' ;
my $ connected = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { connected } ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_connected" , ( $ connected ? "CONNECTED($connected)" : "OFFLINE($connected)" ) ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_Timestamp" , FmtDateTime ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } / 1000 ) ) ;
readingsBulkUpdateIfChanged ( $ hash , $ pref . "_TimestampDiff" , $ hash - > { helper } { storediff } / 1000 ) ;
return undef ;
sub calculateStatistics {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my @ time = localtime ( ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayCollisions } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } - $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { numberOfCollisionsOld } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { numberOfCollisionsOld } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekCollisions } += $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayCollisions } ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayTrack } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTrack } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayArea } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayArea } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastDayTime } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTime } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTrack } += $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTrack } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekArea } += $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayArea } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTime } += $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTime } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTrack } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayArea } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayTime } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentDayCollisions } = 0 ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } ) ) {
my @ zonekeys = sort ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } } ) ;
my $ sumCurrentWeekCnt = 0 ;
my $ sumCurrentWeekArea = 0 ;
map {
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCnt } += $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneCnt } ;
$ sumCurrentWeekCnt += $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCnt } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekArea } += $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneLength } ;
$ sumCurrentWeekArea += ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekArea } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekArea } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastDayTrack } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTrack } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTrack } += ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTrack } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTrack } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastDayTime } = ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTime } += ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneCnt } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { zoneLength } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTrack } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayTime } = 0 ;
} @ zonekeys ;
map {
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastDayCntPct } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCntPct } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCntPct } = ( $ sumCurrentWeekCnt ? sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCnt } / $ sumCurrentWeekCnt * 100 ) : '' ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastDayAreaPct } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayAreaPct } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekAreaPct } = ( $ sumCurrentWeekArea ? sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekArea } / $ sumCurrentWeekArea * 100 ) : '' ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCntPct } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayAreaPct } = '' ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastDayCollisions } = ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCollisions } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCollisions } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCollisions } += ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCollisions } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCollisions } : 0 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentDayCollisions } = 0 ;
} @ zonekeys ;
# do on days
if ( $ time [ 6 ] == 1 ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastWeekTrack } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTrack } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastWeekArea } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekArea } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastWeekTime } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTime } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { lastWeekCollisions } = $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekCollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTrack } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekArea } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekTime } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { currentWeekCollisions } = 0 ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } ) ) {
my @ zonekeys = sort ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } } ) ;
map {
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastWeekCntPct } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCntPct } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastWeekAreaPct } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekAreaPct } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastWeekTrack } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTrack } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastWeekTime } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTime } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCntPct } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekAreaPct } = '' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTrack } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekTime } = 0 ;
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { lastWeekCollisions } = $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCollisions } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { currentWeekCollisions } = 0 ;
} @ zonekeys ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'api_callsThisMonth' , 0 , 0 ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } && $ time [ 3 ] == 1 ) ; # reset monthly API calls
#clear position arrays
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'weekdaysToResetWayPoints' , 1 ) =~ $ time [ 6 ] ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { areapos } = [] ;
return undef ;
sub listStatisticsData {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
if ( $ ::init_done && $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } ) {
my % unit = (
Track = > 'm' ,
Area = > 'qm' ,
Time = > 's' ,
Collisions = > ' ' ,
CntPct = > '%' ,
AreaPct = > '%'
) ;
my @ props = qw( Track Area Time Collisions ) ;
my @ items = qw( currentDay lastDay currentWeek lastWeek ) ;
my $ additional_polling = $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ cnt = 0 ;
my $ ret = '' ;
$ ret . = '<html><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Statistics Data</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Hash Path </td><td> Value </td><td> Unit </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>numberOfChargingCycles</b>}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfChargingCycles } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>numberOfCollisions</b>}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>totalChargingTime</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalChargingTime } / 3600 ) . ' </ td > <td> h </td> </tr> ' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>totalCuttingTime</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalCuttingTime } / 3600 ) . ' </ td > <td> h </td> </tr> ' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>totalDriveDistance</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalDriveDistance } / 1000 ) . '<sup>1</s up > </td> <td> km </td> </tr> ' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>totalRunningTime</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } / 3600 ) . '<sup>2</s up > </td> <td> h </td> </tr> ' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{<b>totalSearchingTime</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalSearchingTime } / 3600 ) . ' </ td > <td> h </td> </tr> ' ;
my $ prop = '' ;
for my $ item ( @ items ) {
for $ prop ( @ props ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{statistics}{<b>' . $ item . $ prop . '</b>}  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.0f" , ( $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { $ item . $ prop } ? $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { $ item . $ prop } : 0 ) ) . ' </td><td> ' . $ unit { $ prop } . ' </td></tr>' if ( $ item . $ prop ne 'currentDayCollision' or $ additional_polling ) ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> <b>' . $ item . ' calculated speed</b>  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.2f" , $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { $ item . 'Track' } / $hash->{helper}{statistics}{$item.'Time'} ) . ' </ td > <td> m/s </ td > </tr> ' if ( $hash->{helper}{statistics}{$item.' Time ' } ) ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapZones' , 0 ) && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } ) ) {
my @ zonekeys = sort ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } } ) ;
my @ props = qw( Track CntPct AreaPct ) ;
unshift @ props , 'Collisions' if ( $ additional_polling ) ;
for my $ prop ( @ props ) {
for my $ item ( @ items ) {
for ( @ zonekeys ) {
if ( $ prop eq 'Track' ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> <b> ' . $ item . ' calculated speed for ' . $ _ . '</b>  </td><td> ' . sprintf ( "%.2f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { $ item . 'Track' } / $hash->{helper}{mapZones}{$_}{$item.'Time'} ) . ' </ td > <td> m/s </ td > </tr> ' if ( $hash->{helper}{mapZones}{$_}{$item.' Time ' } ) ;
} else {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mapZones}{' . $ _ . '}{<b>' . $ item . $ prop . '</b>}  </td><td> ' . ( $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { $ item . $ prop } ? $ hash - > { helper } { mapZones } { $ _ } { $ item . $ prop } : '' ) . ' </td><td> ' . $ unit { $ prop } . ' </td></tr>' ;
my @ fences = qw( hull mowing property ) ;
for my $ item ( @ fences ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> <b> calculated ' . $ item . ' area </b>  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { $ item . 'Area' } . ' </td><td> qm </td></tr>' if ( $ hash - > { helper } { statistics } { $ item . 'Area' } ) ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '<p><sup>1</sup> totalDriveDistance = totalRunningTime * ' . sprintf ( "%.2f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalDriveDistance } / $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } ) ;
$ ret . = '<p><sup>2</sup> totalRunningTime = totalCuttingTime + totalSearchingTime' ;
$ ret . = '</html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return '<html><table class="block wide"><tr><td>error codes are not yet available</td></tr></table></html>' ;
sub listMowerData {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ cnt = 0 ;
my $ ret = '' ;
if ( $ ::init_done && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { type } ) ) {
$ ret . = '<html><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Mower Data</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Hash Path </td><td> Value </td><td> Unit </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{type}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { type } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{id}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { id } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{system}{name}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { system } { name } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{system}{model}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { system } { model } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{system}{serialNumber}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { system } { serialNumber } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{battery}{batteryPercent}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { battery } { batteryPercent } . ' </td><td> % </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{mower}{mode}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { mode } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{mower}{activity}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { activity } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{mower}{state}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { state } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{mower}{errorCode}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCode } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{mower}{errorCodeTimestamp}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { errorCodeTimestamp } . ' </td><td> ms </td></tr>' ;
my $ calendarjson = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > pretty ( 1 ) - > encode ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { calendar } { tasks } ) } ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td style="vertical-align:middle;" > $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{calendar}{tasks}  </td><td colspan="2" style="word-wrap:break-word; max-width:34em;" > ' . ( $@ ? $@ : $ calendarjson ) . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{planner}{nextStartTimestamp}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { planner } { nextStartTimestamp } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{planner}{override}{action}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { planner } { override } { action } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{planner}{restrictedReason}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { planner } { restrictedReason } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{metadata}{connected}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { connected } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{metadata}{statusTimestamp}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } . ' </td><td> ms </td></tr>' ;
2024-05-05 13:02:11 +00:00
if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{positions}[0]{longitude}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } [ 0 ] { longitude } . ' </td><td> decimal degree </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{positions}[0]{latitude}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } [ 0 ] { latitude } . ' </td><td> decimal degree </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{settings}{cuttingHeight}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } ) ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{settings}{headlight}{mode}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { headlight } { mode } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { headlight } { mode } ) ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{cuttingBladeUsageTime}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { cuttingBladeUsageTime } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { cuttingBladeUsageTime } ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{numberOfChargingCycles}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfChargingCycles } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{numberOfCollisions}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { numberOfCollisions } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{totalChargingTime}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalChargingTime } . ' </td><td> s </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{totalCuttingTime}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalCuttingTime } . ' </td><td> s </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{totalDriveDistance}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalDriveDistance } . '<sup>1</sup></td><td> m </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{totalRunningTime}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } . '<sup>2</sup> </td><td> s </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{statistics}{totalSearchingTime}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalSearchingTime } . ' </td><td> s </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{capabilities}{headlights}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { headlights } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{capabilities}{stayOutZones}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { stayOutZones } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{capabilities}{workAreas}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { workAreas } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> $hash->{helper}{mower}{attributes}{capabilities}{position}  </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { capabilities } { position } . ' </td><td> </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '<p><sup>1</sup> totalDriveDistance = totalRunningTime * ' . sprintf ( "%.2f" , $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalDriveDistance } / $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } ) if ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { statistics } { totalRunningTime } ) ;
$ ret . = '<p><sup>2</sup> totalRunningTime = totalCuttingTime + totalSearchingTime' ;
$ ret . = '</html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return '<html><table class="block wide"><tr><td>mower data is not yet available</td></tr></table></html>' ;
sub listErrorStack {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ cnt = 0 ;
my $ ret = '' ;
if ( $ ::init_done && defined ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { type } ) && @ { $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } } ) {
$ ret . = '<html><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Last Errors</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Timestamp </td><td> Description </td><td>  Zone  </td><td> Position </td></tr>' ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ { $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } } ; $ i + + ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even' ) . '"><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { errordate } . ' </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { errorstate } . ' - ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { errordesc } . ' </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { errorzone } . ' </td><td> ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { positions } [ 0 ] { longitude } . ' / ' . $ hash - > { helper } { errorstack } [ $ i ] { positions } [ 0 ] { latitude } . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '</html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return '<html><table class="block wide"><tr><td>No error in stack. </td></tr></table></html>' ;
sub listInternalData {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ cnt = 0 ;
my $ ret = '<html><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Calculated Coordinates For Automatic Registration</b></caption><tbody>' ;
my $ xm = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { longitude } // 0 ;
my $ ym = $ hash - > { helper } { chargingStation } { latitude } // 0 ;
my $ csnr = scalar @ { $ hash - > { helper } { cspos } } ;
my $ csnrmax = $ hash - > { helper } { PARKED_IN_CS } { maxLength } ;
my $ arnr = 0 ;
$ arnr = scalar @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } if ( scalar @ { $ hash - > { helper } { areapos } } > 2 ) ;
my $ arnrmax = $ hash - > { helper } { MOWING } { maxLength } ;
my $ ernr = scalar @ { $ hash - > { helper } { lasterror } { positions } } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { posMinMax } =~ /(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)(\R|\s)(-?\d*\.?\d+)\s(-?\d*\.?\d+)/ ;
if ( $ ::init_done && $ 1 && $ 2 && $ 4 && $ 5 ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Data Sets ( max ) </td><td> Corner </td><td> Longitude </td><td> Latitude </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column odd"><td rowspan="2" style="vertical-align:middle;" > ' . $ arnr . ' ( ' . $ arnrmax . ' ) </td><td> Upper Left </td><td> ' . $ 1 . ' </td><td> ' . $ 2 . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column even"><td> Lower Right </td><td> ' . $ 4 . ' </td><td> ' . $ 5 . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table><p>' ;
$ ret . = '<table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Calculated Charging Station Coordinates</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Data Sets (max) </td><td> Longitude </td><td> Latitude </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column odd"><td> ' . $ csnr . ' ( ' . $ csnrmax . ' ) </td><td> ' . $ xm . ' </td><td> ' . $ ym . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table><p>' ;
$ ret . = '<table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Way Point Stacks</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="col_header"><td> Used For Activities </td><td> Stack Name </td><td> Current Size </td><td> Max Size </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column odd"><td>PARKED_IN_CS, CHARGING </td><td> cspos </td><td> ' . $ csnr . ' </td><td> ' . $ csnrmax . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column even"><td>ALL </td><td> areapos </td><td> ' . $ arnr . ' </td><td> ' . $ arnrmax . ' </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column odd"><td>NOT_APPLICABLE with error time stamp </td><td> lasterror/positions </td><td> ' . $ ernr . ' </td><td> - </td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '<p><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Rest API Data</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Link to APIs</td><td><a target="_blank" href="https://developer.husqvarnagroup.cloud/">Husqvarna Developer</a></td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Authentification API URL</td><td>' . AUTHURL . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Automower Connect API URL</td><td>' . APIURL . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Websocket IO Device name</td><td>' . WSDEVICENAME . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Client-Id</td><td>' . $ hash - > { helper } { client_id } . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Grant-Type</td><td>' . $ hash - > { helper } { grant_type } . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> User-Id</td><td>' . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.user_id' , '-' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Provider</td><td>' . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.provider' , '-' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Scope</td><td>' . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.scope' , '-' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Token Type</td><td>' . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.token_type' , '-' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Token Expires</td><td> ' . FmtDateTime ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.expires' , '0' ) ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td> Access Token</td><td style="word-wrap:break-word; max-width:40em">' . ReadingsVal ( $ name , '.access_token' , '0' ) . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '<p><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Default mapDesignAttributes</b></caption><tbody>' ;
my $ mapdesign = $ hash - > { helper } { mapdesign } ;
$ mapdesign =~ s/\n/<br>/g ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td style="word-wrap:break-word; max-width:40em">' . $ mapdesign . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '<p><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Third Party Software</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' . ( $ cnt + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) . '"><td>hull calculation (hull.js)</td><td style="word-wrap:break-word; max-width:40em"> Server: ' . $ hash - > { helper } { FWEXTA } { url } . '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table>' ;
$ ret . = '</html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return '<html><table class="block wide"><tr><td>Internal data is not yet available</td></tr></table></html>' ;
sub listErrorCodes {
if ( $ ::init_done ) {
my $ rowCount = 0 ;
my % ec = ( ) ;
my $ ec = \ % ec ;
for ( keys % { $ errortable } ) {
$ ec - > { sprintf ( "%03d" , $ _ ) } = $ errortable - > { $ _ } ;
my $ ret = '<html><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>API-Response Status Codes</b></caption><tbody>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column odd"><td>200, 201, 202<br>204</td><td style="vertical-align:middle;" >response o.k.</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '<tr class="column even"><td>400, 401, 402<br>403, 404, 415<br>500, 503</td><td style="vertical-align:middle;" >error, detailed information see logfile</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table><p><table class="block wide">' ;
$ ret . = '<caption><b>Mower Error Table</b></caption><tbody>' ;
for ( sort keys % { $ ec } ) {
$ ret . = '<tr class="column ' ;
$ ret . = ( $ rowCount + + % 2 ? "odd" : "even" ) ;
$ ret . = '"><td>' ;
$ ret . = $ _ ;
$ ret . = '</td><td>' ;
$ ret . = $ ec - > { $ _ } ;
$ ret . = '</td></tr>' ;
$ ret . = '</tbody></table></html>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return '<html><table class="block wide"><tr><td>error codes are not yet available</td></tr></table></html>' ;
# Format mower timestamp assuming mower time is always set to daylight saving time, because it is the mowing period.
sub FmtDateTimeGMT {
my $ ti = shift // 0 ;
my $ ret = POSIX:: strftime ( "%F %H:%M:%S" , gmtime ( $ ti ) ) ;
sub polygonArea {
my ( $ ptsref , $ sx , $ sy ) = @ _ ;
my $ sumarea = 0 ;
my @ pts = @ { $ ptsref } ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < @ pts ; $ i + + ) {
my $ addX = $ pts [ $ i ] [ 0 ] * $ sx ;
my $ addY = $ pts [ $ i == @ pts - 1 ? 0 : $ i + 1 ] [ 1 ] * $ sy ;
my $ subX = $ pts [ $ i == @ pts - 1 ? 0 : $ i + 1 ] [ 0 ] * $ sx ;
my $ subY = $ pts [ $ i ] [ 1 ] * $ sy ;
$ sumarea += ( $ addX * $ addY * 0.5 ) ;
$ sumarea -= ( $ subX * $ subY * 0.5 ) ;
return $ sumarea ;
sub getTpFile {
my ( $ hash , $ url , $ path , $ file ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ msg = :: GetFileFromURL ( $ url ) ;
if ( $ msg ) {
my $ fh ;
if ( ! open ( $ fh , ">" , "$path/$file" ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$name getTpFile: Can't open $path/$file" ;
} else {
print $ fh $ msg ;
close ( $ fh ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'third_party_library' , "$file downloaded to: $path" , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "$name getTpFile: third party library downloaded from $url to $path" ;
return undef ;
sub getDefaultScheduleAsJSON {
my ( $ name ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ json = eval {
require JSON::PP ;
2024-05-06 21:58:33 +00:00
my % ORDER = ( start = > 1 , duration = > 2 , monday = > 3 , tuesday = > 4 , wednesday = > 5 , thursday = > 6 , friday = > 7 , saturday = > 8 , sunday = > 9 , workAreaId = > 10 ) ;
2024-05-04 13:31:19 +00:00
JSON::PP - > new - > sort_by (
sub { ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: a } // 999 ) <=> ( $ ORDER { $ JSON:: PP:: b } // 999 ) or $ JSON:: PP:: a cmp $ JSON:: PP:: b } )
- > utf8 ( not $ unicodeEncoding ) - > encode ( $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { calendar } { tasks } )
} ;
return "$name getDefaultScheduleAsJSON: $@" if ( $@ ) ;
return $ json ;
sub getDesignAttr {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my @ designDefault = split ( /\R/ , $ hash - > { helper } { mapdesign } ) ;
my @ designAttr = split ( /\R/ , AttrVal ( $ name , 'mapDesignAttributes' , '' ) ) ;
my $ hsh = '' ;
my $ val = '' ;
my % desDef = map { ( $ hsh , $ val ) = $ _ =~ /(.*)=(.*)/ ; $ hsh = > $ val } @ designDefault ;
% desDef = ( % desDef , map { ( $ hsh , $ val ) = $ _ =~ /(.*)=(.*)/ ; $ hsh = > $ val } @ designAttr ) ;
my $ desDef = \ % desDef ;
my @ mergedDesign = map { "$_=$desDef->{$_}" } sort keys % desDef ;
my $ design = 'data-' . join ( 'data-' , @ mergedDesign ) ;
return \ $ design ;
sub wsKeepAlive {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
if ( IsDisabled ( $ name ) == 2 ) {
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
DevIo_CloseDev ( $ hash ) if ( DevIo_IsOpen ( $ hash ) ) ;
DevIo_setStates ( $ hash , "closed" ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1 , \ & APIAuth , $ hash , 0 ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsKeepAlive ) ;
DevIo_Ping ( $ hash ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { interval_ping } , \ & wsKeepAlive , $ hash , 0 ) ;
sub wsInit {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
$ hash - > { First_Read } = 1 ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsReopen ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsKeepAlive ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { interval_ws } , \ & wsReopen , $ hash , 0 ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { interval_ping } , \ & wsKeepAlive , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return undef ;
sub wsCb {
my ( $ hash , $ error ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name wsCb:" ;
my $ l = $ hash - > { devioLoglevel } ;
Log3 $ name , ( $ l ? $ l : 1 ) , "$iam failed with error: $error" if ( $ error ) ;
return undef ;
sub wsReopen {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsReopen ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsKeepAlive ) ;
DevIo_CloseDev ( $ hash ) if ( DevIo_IsOpen ( $ hash ) ) ;
# $hash->{DeviceName} = WSDEVICENAME;
# DevIo_OpenDev( $hash, 0, \&wsInit, \&wsCb );
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_wsreopen } , \ & wsAsyncDevIo_OpenDev , $ hash , 0 ) ;
sub wsAsyncDevIo_OpenDev {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsAsyncDevIo_OpenDev ) ;
$ hash - > { DeviceName } = WSDEVICENAME ;
$ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_wsreopen } = 2 ;
DevIo_OpenDev ( $ hash , 0 , \ & wsInit , \ & wsCb ) ;
sub wsRead {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ hash - > { TYPE } ;
my $ iam = "$type $name wsRead:" ;
my $ additional_polling = $ hash - > { helper } { additional_polling } * 1000 ;
my $ use_position_polling = $ hash - > { helper } { use_position_polling } ;
my $ buf = DevIo_SimpleRead ( $ hash ) ;
return undef if ( ! defined ( $ buf ) ) ;
Log3 $ name , 4 , "$iam received websocket data: >$buf<" ;
if ( $ buf ) {
$ buf =~ s/}\{/},{/g ;
$ buf = "[${buf}]" ;
my $ bufres = eval { JSON::XS - > new - > decode ( $ buf ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 ( $ name , 1 , "$iam - JSON error while request: $@\n\nbuffer content: >$buf<\n" ) ;
} else {
for my $ result ( @$ bufres ) {
if ( ! defined ( $ result - > { type } ) ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { wsResult } { other } = dclone ( $ result ) ;
if ( defined ( $ result - > { ready } ) && ! $ result - > { ready } ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'mower_wsEvent' , 'not ready' , 1 ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { retry_interval_wsreopen } = 420 ;
wsReopen ( $ hash ) ;
if ( defined ( $ result - > { type } ) && $ result - > { id } eq $ hash - > { helper } { mower_id } ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$iam selected websocket data: >$buf<" ;
$ hash - > { helper } { wsResult } { $ result - > { type } } = dclone ( $ result ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { wsResult } { type } = $ result - > { type } ;
if ( $ result - > { type } eq "status-event" ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { statusTime } = gettimeofday ( ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { mower } { activity } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { battery } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { battery } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { metadata } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { mower } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { planner } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { planner } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { storediff } = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } - $ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { metadata } { statusTimestamp } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { storesum } += $ hash - > { helper } { storediff } if ( $ additional_polling ) ;
my $ act = $ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
my $ actold = $ hash - > { helper } { mowerold } { attributes } { mower } { activity } ;
if ( ! $ additional_polling ) {
isErrorThanPrepare ( $ hash ) ;
resetLastErrorIfCorrected ( $ hash ) ;
#respect polling min interval with exceptions
} elsif ( ( $ additional_polling < $ hash - > { helper } { storesum } || $ additional_polling &&
( $ act =~ /^(LEAVING|GOING_HOME)/ ||
$ actold =~ /LEAVING/ && $ act eq 'MOWING' ||
$ actold =~ /GOING_HOME/ && $ act =~ /PARKED_IN_CS|CHARGING/
) ) && ! $ hash - > { helper } { midnightCycle } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { storesum } = 0 ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & getMowerWs ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1 , \ & getMowerWs , $ hash , 0 ) ;
# getMowerWs( $hash );
next ;
if ( $ result - > { type } eq "positions-event" ) {
if ( ! $ use_position_polling ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { positionsTime } = gettimeofday ( ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { positions } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { positions } ) ;
AlignArray ( $ hash ) ;
FW_detailFn_Update ( $ hash ) ;
} elsif ( $ use_position_polling ) {
next ;
if ( $ result - > { type } eq "settings-event" ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { calendar } = dclone ( $ result - > { attributes } { calendar } ) if ( defined ( $ result - > { attributes } { calendar } ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { headlight } = $ result - > { attributes } { headlight } if ( defined ( $ result - > { attributes } { headlight } ) ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { mower } { attributes } { settings } { cuttingHeight } = $ result - > { attributes } { cuttingHeight } if ( defined ( $ result - > { attributes } { cuttingHeight } ) ) ;
# Update readings
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
fillReadings ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'mower_wsEvent' , $ hash - > { helper } { wsResult } { type } ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
$ hash - > { First_Read } = 0 ;
return ;
sub wsReady {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsAsyncDevIo_OpenDev ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsReopen ) ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash , \ & wsKeepAlive ) ;
return DevIo_OpenDev ( $ hash , 1 , \ & wsInit , \ & wsCb ) ;
1 ;