2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Babble.pm
# FHEM module for speech control of FHEM devices
# Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning
# $Id$
# This programm is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
package main ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use vars qw( %defs ) ; # FHEM device/button definitions
use vars qw( %intAt ) ; # FHEM at definitions
use vars qw( $FW_ME ) ;
use JSON ; # imports encode_json, decode_json, to_json and from_json.
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my $ rive = 0 ;
my $ riveinterpreter ;
#-- RiveScript missing in System
if ( eval { require RiveScript ; 1 ; } ne 1 ) {
Log 1 , "[Babble] the RiveScript module is missing from your Perl installation - chatbot functionality not available" ;
Log 1 , " check cpan or https://github.com/aichaos/rivescript-perl for download and installation" ;
} else {
RiveScript - > import ( ) ;
$ rive = 1 ;
Log 1 , "[Babble] the RiveScript module has been imported successfully, chatbot functionality available" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Global variables
my $ babblelinkname = "babbles" ; # link text
my $ babblehiddenroom = "babbleRoom" ; # hidden room
my $ babblepublicroom = "babble" ; # public room
2018-03-13 11:01:12 +00:00
my $ babbleversion = "1.33" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my % babble_transtable_EN = (
"ok" = > "OK" ,
"notok" = > "Not OK" ,
"start" = > "Start" ,
"end" = > "End" ,
"add" = > "Add" ,
"added" = > "added" ,
"remove" = > "Remove" ,
"removed" = > "removed" ,
"modify" = > "Modify" ,
"modified" = > "modified" ,
"cancel" = > "Cancel" ,
"status" = > "Status" ,
"notstarted" = > "Not started" ,
"next" = > "Next" ,
"babbledev" = > "Babble Devices" ,
"babbleplaces" = > "Babble Places" ,
"babbleverbs" = > "Babble Verbs" ,
"babblename" = > "Babble Name" ,
"babbletest" = > "Babble Test" ,
"fhemname" = > "FHEM Name" ,
"device" = > "Device" ,
"place" = > "Place" ,
"places" = > "Places" ,
"rooms" = > "Rooms" ,
"verb" = > "Verb" ,
"target" = > "Target" ,
"result" = > "Result" ,
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
"unknown" = > "unknown" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"infinitive" = > "Infinitive" ,
"conjugations" = > "Conjugations and Variations" ,
"helptext" = > "Help Text" ,
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
"confirm" = > "Confirmation" ,
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
"speak" = > "Please speak" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"followedby" = > "followed by" ,
"placespec" = > "a place specification" ,
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
"dnu" = > "Sorry, I did not understand this" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"input" = > "Input" ,
"test" = > "Test" ,
"exec" = > "Execute" ,
"value" = > "Value" ,
"save" = > "Save" ,
"action" = > "Action" ,
"time" = > "Time" ,
"description" = > "Description" ,
"settings" = > "Settings" ,
"babbles" = > "Babble System" ,
"setparms" = > "Set Parameters" ,
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
"hallo" = > "Hallo" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"state" = > "Security" ,
"unlocked" = > "Unlocked" ,
"locked" = > "Locked"
) ;
my % babble_transtable_DE = (
"ok" = > "OK" ,
"notok" = > "Nicht OK" ,
"start" = > "Start" ,
"end" = > "Ende" ,
"add" = > "Hinzufügen" ,
"added" = > "hinzugefügt" ,
"remove" = > "Entfernen" ,
"removed" = > "entfernt" ,
"modify" = > "Ändern" ,
"modified" = > "geändert" ,
"cancel" = > "Abbruch" ,
"status" = > "Status" ,
"notstarted" = > "Nicht gestartet" ,
"next" = > "Nächste" ,
"babbledev" = > "Babble Devices" ,
"babbleplaces" = > "Babble Orte" ,
"babbleverbs" = > "Babble Verben" ,
"babblename" = > "Babble Name" ,
"babbletest" = > "Babble Test" ,
"fhemname" = > "FHEM Name" ,
"device" = > "Gerät" ,
"place" = > "Ort" ,
"places" = > "Orte" ,
"rooms" = > "Räume" ,
"verb" = > "Verb" ,
"target" = > "Ziel" ,
"result" = > "Ergebnis" ,
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
"unknown" = > "unbekannt" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"infinitive" = > "Infinitiv" ,
"conjugations" = > "Konjugationen und Variationen" ,
"helptext" = > "Hilfetext" ,
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
"confirm" = > "Bestätigung" ,
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
"speak" = > "Bitte sprich" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"followedby" = > "gefolgt von" ,
"placespec" = > "einer Ortsangabe" ,
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
"dnu" = > "Es tut mir leid, das habe ich nicht verstanden" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"input" = > "Input" ,
"test" = > "Test" ,
"exec" = > "Ausführung" ,
"value " = > "Wert" ,
"save" = > "Sichern" ,
"action" = > "Aktion" ,
"time" = > "Zeit" ,
"description" = > "Beschreibung" ,
"settings" = > "Einstellungen" ,
"babbles" = > "Babble" ,
"setparms" = > "Parameter setzen" ,
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
"hallo" = > "Hallo" ,
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"state" = > "Sicherheit" ,
"unlocked" = > "Unverschlossen" ,
"locked" = > "Verschlossen"
) ;
my $ babble_tt ;
# Babble_Initialize
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_Initialize ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
$ hash - > { DefFn } = "Babble_Define" ;
$ hash - > { SetFn } = "Babble_Set" ;
$ hash - > { GetFn } = "Babble_Get" ;
$ hash - > { UndefFn } = "Babble_Undef" ;
#$hash->{AttrFn} = "Babble_Attr";
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
my $ attst = "lockstate:locked,unlocked helpFunc confirmFunc noChatBot:0,1 dnuFile testParm0 testParm1 testParm2 testParm3 " .
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"remoteFHEM0 remoteFHEM1 remoteFHEM2 remoteFHEM3 remoteFunc0 remoteFunc1 remoteFunc2 remoteFunc3 remoteToken0 remoteToken1 remoteToken2 remoteToken3 " .
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
"babbleIds babblePreSubs babbleDevices babblePlaces babbleNotPlaces babbleVerbs babbleVerbParts babblePrepos babbleQuests babbleArticles babbleStatus babbleWrites babbleTimes" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ hash - > { AttrList } = $ attst ;
if ( ! defined ( $ babble_tt ) ) {
#-- in any attribute redefinition readjust language
my $ lang = AttrVal ( "global" , "language" , "EN" ) ;
if ( $ lang eq "DE" ) {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_DE ;
} else {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_EN ;
$ babblelinkname = $ babble_tt - > { "babbles" } ;
$ data { FWEXT } { babblex } { LINK } = "?room=" . $ babblehiddenroom ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ data { FWEXT } { babblex } { NAME } = $ babblelinkname ;
#-- Create a new RiveScript interpreter
Babble_createRive ( $ hash )
if ( $ rive == 1 && ! defined ( $ hash - > { Rive } ) ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return undef ;
# Babble_Define - Implements DefFn function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub Babble_Define ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ def ) = @ _ ;
my $ now = time ( ) ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
$ hash - > { VERSION } = $ babbleversion ;
#-- readjust language
my $ lang = AttrVal ( "global" , "language" , "EN" ) ;
if ( $ lang eq "DE" ) {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_DE ;
} else {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_EN ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "state" , "Initialized" , 1 ) ;
$ babblehiddenroom = defined ( $ attr { $ name } { "hiddenroom" } ) ? $ attr { $ name } { "hiddenroom" } : $ babblehiddenroom ;
$ babblepublicroom = defined ( $ attr { $ name } { "publicroom" } ) ? $ attr { $ name } { "publicroom" } : $ babblepublicroom ;
$ data { FWEXT } { babblex } { LINK } = "?room=" . $ babblehiddenroom ;
$ data { FWEXT } { babblex } { NAME } = $ babblelinkname ;
$ attr { $ name } { "room" } = $ babblehiddenroom ; ;
my $ date = Babble_restore ( $ hash , 0 ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- data seems to be ok, restore
if ( defined ( $ date ) ) {
Babble_restore ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_Define] data hash restored from save file with date $date" ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- intialization
} else {
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "rooms" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "places" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "commands" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "help" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "status" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "writes" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "times" } = ( ) ;
Babble_checkattrs ( $ hash ) ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_Define] data hash is initialized" ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- Create a new RiveScript interpreter
Babble_createRive ( $ hash )
if ( $ rive == 1 && ! defined ( $ hash - > { Rive } ) ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ modules { babble } { defptr } { $ name } = $ hash ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
InternalTimer ( $ now + 5 , 'Babble_CreateEntry' , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return ;
# Babble_Undef - Implements Undef function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, def = definition string
sub Babble_Undef ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ arg ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
delete $ data { FWEXT } { babblex } ;
if ( defined $ defs { $ name . "_weblink" } ) {
FW_fC ( "delete " . $ name . "_weblink" ) ;
Log3 $ hash , 3 , "[" . $ name . " V" . $ babbleversion . "]" . " Weblink " . $ name . "_weblink deleted" ;
return undef ;
# Babble_Attr - Implements Attr function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed, ???
sub Babble_Attr ($$$) {
my ( $ cmd , $ name , $ attrName , $ attrVal ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { "$name" } ;
#-- in any attribute redefinition readjust language
my $ lang = AttrVal ( "global" , "language" , "EN" ) ;
if ( $ lang eq "DE" ) {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_DE ;
} else {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_EN ;
return ;
# Babble_CreateEntry - Puts the babble entry into the FHEM menu
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_CreateEntry ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
if ( ! defined $ defs { $ name . "_weblink" } ) {
FW_fC ( "define " . $ name . "_weblink weblink htmlCode {Babble_Html(\"" . $ name . "\")}" ) ;
Log3 $ hash , 3 , "[" . $ name . " V" . $ babbleversion . "]" . " Weblink " . $ name . "_weblink created" ;
FW_fC ( "attr " . $ name . "_weblink room " . $ babblehiddenroom ) ;
foreach my $ dn ( sort keys % defs ) {
if ( $ defs { $ dn } { TYPE } eq "FHEMWEB" && $ defs { $ dn } { NAME } !~ /FHEMWEB:/ ) {
my $ hr = AttrVal ( $ defs { $ dn } { NAME } , "hiddenroom" , "" ) ;
if ( index ( $ hr , $ babblehiddenroom ) == - 1 ) {
if ( $ hr eq "" ) {
FW_fC ( "attr " . $ defs { $ dn } { NAME } . " hiddenroom " . $ babblehiddenroom ) ;
} else {
FW_fC ( "attr " . $ defs { $ dn } { NAME } . " hiddenroom " . $ hr . "," . $ babblehiddenroom ) ;
Log3 $ hash , 3 , "[" . $ name . " V" . $ babbleversion . "]" . " Added hidden room '" . $ babblehiddenroom . "' to " . $ defs { $ dn } { NAME } ;
#-- recover state from stored readings
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
#readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "state", $mga);
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
# Babble_Set - Implements the Set function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_Set ($@) {
my ( $ hash , $ name , $ cmd , @ args ) = @ _ ;
if ( $ cmd =~ /^lock(ed)?$/ ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "lockstate" , "locked" , 0 ) ;
return ;
} elsif ( $ cmd =~ /^unlock(ed)?$/ ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "lockstate" , "unlocked" , 0 ) ;
return ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
} elsif ( $ cmd =~ /^rivereload/ ) {
delete $ hash - > { Rive } ;
return Babble_createRive ( $ hash ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
} elsif ( $ cmd =~ /^test/ ) {
return Babble_Test ( $ hash ) ;
} elsif ( $ cmd =~ /^save/ ) {
return Babble_save ( $ hash ) ;
} elsif ( $ cmd =~ /^restore/ ) {
return Babble_restore ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
} else {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my $ str = "[babble] Unknown argument " . $ cmd . ", choose one of locked:noArg unlocked:noArg save:noArg restore:noArg test:noArg " ;
$ str . = "rivereload:noArg"
if ( $ rive == 1 && AttrVal ( $ name , "noChatBot" , 0 ) != 1 ) ;
return $ str ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Babble_Get - Implements the Get function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_Get ($@) {
my ( $ hash , @ a ) = @ _ ;
my $ res = "" ;
my $ ip ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ arg = ( defined ( $ a [ 1 ] ) ? $ a [ 1 ] : "" ) ;
if ( $ arg eq "version" ) {
return "babble.version => $babbleversion" ;
} elsif ( $ arg eq "tokens" ) {
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i <= 3 ; $ i + + ) {
$ ip = AttrVal ( $ name , "remoteFHEM$i" , undef ) ;
if ( $ ip ) {
Babble_getcsrf ( $ name , $ ip , $ i ) ;
} else {
return "Unknown argument $arg choose one of version:noArg tokens:noArg" ;
# Babble_save
# Parameter hash = hash of the babble device
sub Babble_save ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
2018-03-10 09:28:10 +00:00
my $ date = TimeNow ( ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ hash - > { DATA } { "savedate" } = $ date ;
2018-03-10 09:28:10 +00:00
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "savedate" , $ date , 1 ) ;
my $ jhash0 = toJSON ( $ hash - > { DATA } ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ReadingsVal ( $ name , "lockstate" , "locked" ) ne "locked" ) {
my $ error = FileWrite ( "babbleFILE" , $ jhash0 ) ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#Log3 $name, 1, " ".Dumper($jhash0);
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_save]" ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
} else {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble] attempt to save data failed due to lockstate" ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , " " . Dumper ( $ jhash0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return ;
sub Babble_savename ($) {
my ( $ name ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
Babble_save ( $ hash ) ;
# Babble_restore
# Parameter hash = hash of the babble device
sub Babble_restore ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ doit ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my ( $ error , @ lines ) = FileRead ( "babbleFILE" ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
if ( defined ( $ error ) && $ error ne "" ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_restore] read error=$error" ;
return undef ;
my $ json = JSON - > new - > utf8 ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my $ jhash1 = eval { $ json - > decode ( join ( '' , @ lines ) ) } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my $ date = $ jhash1 - > { "savedate" } ;
#-- just for the first time, reading an old savefile
$ date = localtime ( time )
if ( ! defined ( $ date ) ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "savedate" , $ date , 0 ) ;
if ( $ doit == 1 ) {
$ hash - > { DATA } = { % { $ jhash1 } } ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_restore] Data hash restored from save file with date " . $ date ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return 1 ;
} else {
return $ date ;
# Babble_Test - Implements a variety of tests
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_Test ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ str = "" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nA.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "guten morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nA.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "gute nacht" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nA.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "guten morgen jeannie" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nA.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "gute nacht jeannie" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nB.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte das gerät an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte gerät an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "mach das gerät an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "das gerät ausschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "gerät ausschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "das gerät ausmachen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.7:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "gerät anmachen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.8:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte beleuchtung an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nB.9:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "licht anschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nC.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der wert von gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist wert von gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der wert gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist wert gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "sage den status von gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "sage status von gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nC.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "sage status gerät" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nD.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist das wetter von morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist wetter von morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist das wetter morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist wetter morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist morgen das wetter" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist morgen wetter" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.7:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wetter von morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nD.8:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wetter morgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nF.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte den wecker aus" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte wecker aus" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "den wecker ausschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wecker ausschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist die weckzeit" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der status des weckers" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.7:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "weckzeit ansagen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.8:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "weckzeit" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.9:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wecken um 4 uhr 3" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.10:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "stelle den wecker auf 17:00" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nF.11:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wecken um 13:12 Uhr" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nG.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "das haus ansagen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "haus ansagen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "haus status" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der status des hauses" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der status vom haus" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "das haus sichern" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.7:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "sichere das haus" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.8:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "haus sichern" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.9:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "das haus entsichern" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.10:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "haus entsichern" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.11:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "haustür öffnen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.12:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "die haustür öffnen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.13:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "öffne die haustür" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.14:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schließe die haustür zu" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nG.15:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schließe die haustür auf" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nH.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "alarmanlage einschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "alarmanlage ein schalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "die alarmanlage scharfschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "alarmanlage unscharf schalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "die alarmanlage ausschalten" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte die alarmanlage scharf" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte den alarm an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "alarm wider rufen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nH.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "alarm widerrufen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nI.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte beleuchtung in sitzgruppe an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "schalte beleuchtung in der sitzgruppe an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "mach die beleuchtung auf terrasse an" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "mache außen die beleuchtung aus" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist die temperatur im badezimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.6:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist die feuchte in dominics zimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.7:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist die feuchte in dem schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.8:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "wie ist der status der tür im schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.9:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "status tür schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.10:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "status der tür schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.11:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "status tür im schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nI.12:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "status der tür im schlafzimmer" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nJ.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "stelle bei gerät den wert auf 8" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nJ.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "stelle am gerät wert auf 9" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nJ.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "stelle bei harmony den kanal auf 10" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nJ.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "stelle am fernseher die lautstärke auf 11" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ str . = "\n" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "\nK.1:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "zur einkaufsliste hinzufügen bratheringe" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nK.2:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "zu peters liste hinzufügen ticket münchen besorgen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nK.3:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "von dominics liste entfernen schmieröl" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nK.4:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "baumarktliste löschen" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
$ str . = "\nK.5:" . Babble_DoIt ( $ name , "einkaufsliste senden" , "testit" , 0 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return $ str ;
# Babble_Normalize
# Parameter hash = hash of the babble device
sub Babble_Normalize ($$) {
my ( $ name , $ sentence ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
$ sentence = lc $ sentence ;
$ sentence =~ s/[,.]//g ;
my $ cat = 0 ;
my $ subcat = 0 ;
my $ subsubcat = 0 ;
my ( $ device , $ verb , $ reading , $ value , $ article , $ reserve , $ place , $ state , $ prepo ) = ( "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ) ;
#-- normalize special phrases
my $ sentmod = $ sentence ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
my $ pairs = AttrVal ( $ name , "babblePreSubs" , undef ) ;
if ( $ pairs ) {
my @ subs = split ( ' ' , $ pairs ) ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ subs ) ; $ i + + ) {
my ( $ t , $ r ) = split ( ':' , $ subs [ $ i ] , 2 ) ;
$ t =~ s/\\s/ /g ;
$ r =~ s/\\s/ /g ;
$ sentmod =~ s/$t/$r/ ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my @ word = split ( ' ' , $ sentmod , 15 ) ;
my $ len = int ( @ word ) ;
############################# POS tagging ###################
#-- isolate place - take out (prepo) [arti] PLACE
# (verb) (prepo) [arti] PLACE [arti] (device)
# (verb) [arti] (device) (prepo) [arti] PLACE
# wie ist [arti] (device) (prepo) [arti] PLACE
# wie ist (prepo) [arti] PLACE [arti] (device)
$ place = "none" ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ len ; $ i + + ) {
if ( $ word [ $ i ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_places"}/ ) {
$ place = $ word [ $ i ] ;
my $ to = 1 ;
$ to + +
if ( ( $ i - 1 ) >= 0 && $ word [ $ i - 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) ;
$ to + +
if ( ( $ i - $ to ) >= 0 && $ word [ $ i - $ to ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) ;
for ( my $ j = $ i + 1 - $ to ; $ j < $ len ; $ j + + ) {
$ word [ $ j ] = ( $ word [ $ j + $ to ] ) ? $ word [ $ j + $ to ] : "" ;
last ;
#-- backup without place for reserve
my @ xord = @ word ;
#-- leer
if ( int ( @ word ) == 0 ) {
return ( "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" , "" ) ;
#-- Kategorie 1: Verb zuerst ----------------------------------------------------------
# schalte das gerät an
# schalte gerät an
# sage den status von gerät
# sage status von gerät
# sage status gerät
# schalte den wecker aus ;
# schalte wecker aus
} elsif ( ( $ word [ 0 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_verbsc"}/ ) && ( $ word [ 1 ] ) ) {
$ cat = 1 ;
#-- get infinitive
$ verb = $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbs" } { $ word [ 0 ] } ;
if ( $ word [ 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
$ subcat = 1 ;
$ article = $ word [ 1 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ 2 ] ;
$ reading = $ word [ 3 ] ;
$ reserve = $ word [ 4 ] ;
} elsif ( $ word [ 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
$ subcat = 2 ;
$ article = $ word [ 1 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ 2 ] ;
} else {
$ subcat = 3 ;
$ device = $ word [ 1 ] ;
$ reading = $ word [ 2 ] ;
$ reserve = $ word [ 3 ] ;
#-- device=state => verb="sage" => reading
if ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "re_status" } && $ device =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_status"}/ ) {
if ( $ reading =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
$ reading = $ device ;
$ device = $ reserve ;
} else {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ reserve = $ reading ;
$ reading = $ device ;
$ device = $ reserve ;
#-- reading of device => target
} elsif ( $ subcat == 2 ) {
if ( $ word [ 3 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 3 ;
$ reading = $ word [ 4 ] ;
$ reserve = $ word [ 5 ] ;
} else {
$ subsubcat = 4 ;
$ reading = $ word [ 3 ] ;
$ reserve = $ word [ 4 ] ;
#-- Kategorie 2 ----------------------------------------------------------
# wie ist der wert von gerät
# wie ist wert von gerät
# wie ist der wert gerät
# wie ist wert gerät
# wie ist das wetter morgen
# wie ist wetter morgen
# wie ist morgen das wetter
# wie ist morgen wetter
# wie ist die weckzeit
# wie ist der status des weckers
# (quest) ist (time) [arti1] (reading) [prepo] [arti2] ($device)
} elsif ( $ word [ 0 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_quests"}/ ) {
$ cat = 2 ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
my $ inext ;
#-- check time
if ( $ word [ 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
$ value = $ word [ 2 ] ;
$ inext = 3 ;
} else {
$ inext = 2 ;
#-- take out article
if ( $ word [ $ inext ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
$ subcat = 1 ;
$ article = $ word [ $ inext ] ;
$ reading = $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] ;
#-- check time => device is reading
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ value = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
$ device = $ reading ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- check time => device is reading
} elsif ( $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ && $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ value = $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] ;
$ device = $ reading ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#--take out preposition
} elsif ( $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 3 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ article = $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 4 ] ;
} else {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 4 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] ;
#-- no preposition
} else {
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 5 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ article = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] ;
} else {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 6 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
#-- no article
} else {
$ subcat = 2 ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ reading = $ word [ $ inext ] ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- check time => device is reading
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ value = $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] ;
$ device = $ reading ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- check time => device is reading
} elsif ( $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ && $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ value = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
$ device = $ reading ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#--take out preposition
} elsif ( $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 3 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ article = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 3 ] ;
} else {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 4 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
#-- no preposition
} else {
if ( $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 5 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ article = $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 2 ] ;
} else {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 6 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ device = $ word [ $ inext + 1 ] ;
if ( $ device eq "" ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 7 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ device = $ reading ;
$ reading = "status" ;
#-- Kategorie 3 ----------------------------------------------------------
# das gerät anschalten
# gerät anschalten
# das wetter von morgen
# wetter von morgen
# das wetter morgen
# wetter morgen
# guten morgen
# gute nacht
# den wecker ausschalten
# wecker ausschalten
# wecker
# status
} else {
$ cat = 3 ;
my $ rex = $ hash - > { DATA } { "re_verbparts" } . " ?" . $ hash - > { DATA } { "re_verbsi" } ;
#-- guten morgen / gute nacht
if ( $ word [ 0 ] =~ /^gut.*/ ) {
$ subcat = 1 ;
$ device = "zeit" ;
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
$ reading = "status" ;
2018-01-23 18:42:23 +00:00
$ value = $ word [ 1 ] ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ reserve = $ word [ 2 ]
if ( $ word [ 2 ] ) ;
$ verb = "schalten" ;
#-- (arti) (device) something
} elsif ( $ word [ 0 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_articles"}/ ) {
$ subcat = 2 ;
$ article = $ word [ 0 ] ;
$ device = $ word [ 1 ] ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
#--take out preposition
if ( $ word [ 2 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
$ reserve = join ( " " , @ xord ) ;
} else {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ reserve = join ( " " , @ xord ) ;
#-- (arti) (device) [prepo] (time)
if ( $ reserve =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 3 ;
#$reading = $reserve;
$ value = $ reserve ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
#-- (arti) (device) [prepo] verb
} elsif ( $ reserve =~ s/^$hash->{DATA}{"re_verbsi"}\s?// ) {
$ subsubcat = 4 ;
$ verb = $ 1 ;
$ reading = $ reserve ;
#-- (arti) (device) [prepo] (reading) (verb) (value)
} else {
$ subsubcat = 5 ;
$ reserve =~ /^$rex/ ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- named group
$ verb = $+ { verbsi } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ reading = $ 1 ;
#-- status [prepo] (device)
} elsif ( $ word [ 0 ] =~ /^status/ ) {
$ subcat = 3 ;
#--take out preposition
if ( $ word [ 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
$ device = $ word [ 2 ] ;
} else {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ device = $ word [ 1 ] ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
$ reading = "status" ;
#-- (device) something
} elsif ( $ word [ 1 ] ne "" ) {
$ subcat = 4 ;
$ device = $ word [ 0 ] ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
#--take out preposition
if ( $ word [ 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_prepos"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 1 ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
$ reserve = join ( " " , @ xord ) ;
} else {
$ subsubcat = 2 ;
$ reserve = join ( " " , @ xord ) ;
#-- (device) [prepo] (time)
if ( $ reserve =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_times"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 3 ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ reading = "status" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ value = $ reserve ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
#-- (device) [prepo] status
} elsif ( $ reserve =~ /^status/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 4 ;
$ reading = "status" ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
#-- (device) (write)
} elsif ( $ word [ 1 ] =~ /^$hash->{DATA}{"re_writes"}/ ) {
$ subsubcat = 5 ;
$ verb = $ word [ 1 ] ;
shift ( @ xord ) ;
$ reading = join ( " " , @ xord ) ;
#-- (arti) (device) [prepo] verb
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
} elsif ( $ reserve =~ s/^$hash->{DATA}{"re_verbsi"}\s?// ) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ subsubcat = 6 ;
$ verb = $ 1 ;
$ reading = $ reserve ;
#-- (device) [prepo] (reading) (verb) (value)
} else {
$ subsubcat = 7 ;
$ reserve =~ /^$rex/ ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- named group
$ verb = $+ { verbsi } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ reading = $ 1 ;
#-- (device)
} else {
$ subcat = 5 ;
$ device = $ word [ 0 ] ;
$ reading = "status" ;
$ verb = "sagen" ;
#-- normalize devices
$ device = "haus"
if ( $ device =~ /hauses/ ) ;
$ device = "wecker"
if ( $ device =~ /we((ck)|g).*/ ) ;
$ place = "wohnzimmer"
if ( ( $ device eq "licht" ) && ( $ place eq "" ) ) ;
if ( $ device eq "außenlicht" ) {
$ place = "aussen"
if ( $ place eq "" ) ;
$ device = "licht" ;
#-- machen
$ verb = "schalten"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( $ verb && $ verb eq "machen" ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- sichern
$ reading = "zu"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ( $ verb && $ verb eq "sichern" ) && ( $ reading eq "" ) ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- an
$ reading = "status"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ( ( $ verb && $ verb eq "sagen" ) || ( $ verb && $ verb eq "zeigen" ) ) && ( $ reading eq "an" ) ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ reading = "an"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( $ reading && $ reading eq "ein" ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- value
$ value = substr ( $ sentmod , index ( $ sentmod , "auf" ) + 4 )
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ( $ reading && $ reading eq "auf" ) || ( $ reserve && $ reserve eq "auf" ) ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
$ value = substr ( $ sentmod , index ( $ sentmod , "hinzufügen" ) + 11 )
if ( $ reserve && $ reserve =~ /hinzufügen (.*)/ ) ;
if ( $ verb && $ verb eq "entfernen" ) {
$ value = $ reading ;
$ reading = "ent" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
if ( $ value =~ /.*uhr.*/ ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ value = Babble_timecorrector ( $ value ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return ( $ device , $ verb , $ reading , $ value , $ article , $ reserve , $ place , "$cat.$subcat.$subsubcat" ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
# Babble_timecorrector - to correct for weird answers from Google
sub Babble_timecorrector ($) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my ( $ value ) = @ _ ;
my ( $ h , $ m1 , $ m2 ) ;
#-- xx:yy uhr und zz uhr
if ( $ value =~ /(\d?\d):(\d\d) uhr und (\d\d)( uhr)?/ ) {
$ h = $ 1 * 1 ;
$ m1 = $ 2 * 1 ;
$ m2 = $ 3 * 1 ;
return ( sprintf ( "%2d\:%02d uhr" , $ h , $ m1 + $ m2 ) ) ;
#-- xx uhr zz uhr
} elsif ( $ value =~ /(\d?\d) uhr (\d\d)( uhr)?/ ) {
$ h = $ 1 * 1 ;
$ m1 = $ 2 * 1 ;
return ( sprintf ( "%2d\:%02d uhr" , $ h , $ m1 ) ) ;
#-- xx:yy - no correction
} elsif ( $ value =~ /(\d?\d)(:(\d\d))?( uhr)?$/ ) {
$ h = $ 1 * 1 ;
$ m1 = $ 3 * 1 ;
if ( $ m1 eq "" ) {
$ m1 = 0 ;
return ( sprintf ( "%2d\:%02d uhr" , $ h , $ m1 ) ) ;
} else {
return "xx" ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
# Babble_createRive
sub Babble_createRive ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ rs = $ hash - > { Rive } ;
if ( ! defined ( $ rs ) ) {
$ rs = new RiveScript ( utf8 = > 1 ) ;
$ hash - > { Rive } = $ rs ;
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble] new RiveScript interpreter generated" ;
#--load a directory of replies
eval { $ rs - > loadDirectory ( "./rivescript" ) } ;
#-- sort all the loaded replies
$ rs - > sortReplies ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Babble_getcsrf
# Parameter ip = ip address of remote FHEM
sub Babble_getcsrf ($$$) {
my ( $ name , $ ip , $ i ) = @ _ ;
my $ url = "http://" . $ ip . "/fhem" ;
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > $ url ,
callback = > sub ( $$ $ ) {
my ( $ rhash , $ err , $ data ) = @ _ ;
my $ res = $ rhash - > { httpheader } ;
$ res =~ /X-FHEM-csrfToken\:\s(csrf_\d+).*/ ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " remoteToken$i " . $ 1 ) ;
} ) ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
# Babble_DoIt
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
sub Babble_DoIt {
my ( $ name , $ sentence , @ parms ) = @ _ ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
chomp ( $ sentence ) ;
my $ testit = 0 ;
my $ exflag = 0 ;
my $ confirm = 0 ;
my $ res = "" ;
my $ str = "" ;
my $ star = "" ;
my $ reply = "" ;
#-- semantic analysis
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my ( $ device , $ verb , $ reading , $ value , $ article , $ reserve , $ place , $ cat ) = Babble_Normalize ( $ name , $ sentence ) ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
$ verb = "none"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ! $ verb ) ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
$ reading = "none"
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
if ( ! $ reading ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
if ( @ parms && $ parms [ 0 ] eq "testit" ) {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ testit = 1 ;
shift @ parms ;
$ exflag = $ parms [ 0 ] ;
shift @ parms ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < 4 ; $ i + + ) {
$ parms [ $ i ] = AttrVal ( $ name , "testParm" . $ i , undef )
if ( ! defined ( $ parms [ $ i ] ) && AttrVal ( $ name , "testParm" . $ i , undef ) ) ;
$ str = "[Babble_Normalize] " . $ babble_tt - > { "input" } . ": $sentence\n" .
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
" " . $ babble_tt - > { "result" } . ": Category=$cat: " .
$ babble_tt - > { "device" } . "=$device " . $ babble_tt - > { "place" } . "=$place " .
$ babble_tt - > { "verb" } . "=$verb " . $ babble_tt - > { "target" } . "=$reading / $value" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- find command directly
my $ cmd = $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ device } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ reading } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
#-- not directly - but maybe we have an alias device ?
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( $ cmd ) || $ cmd eq "" ) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my $ alidev = $ device ;
$ alidev =~ s/_\d+$//g ;
2018-01-23 18:17:55 +00:00
my $ numalias = ( defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } { $ alidev } ) ) ? int ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } { $ alidev } } ) : 0 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ numalias ; $ i + + ) {
my $ ig = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } { $ alidev } [ $ i ] ;
my $ bdev = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } [ $ ig ] ;
my $ lbdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
if ( $ lbdev eq $ device ) ;
$ cmd = $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ reading } ;
if ( defined ( $ cmd ) && $ cmd ne "" ) {
$ device = $ lbdev ;
last ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
#-- not directly - but maybe we have a device which is an extension of an alias device
if ( ( ! defined ( $ cmd ) || $ cmd eq "" ) && defined ( $ device ) ) {
my $ realdev = $ device ;
2018-02-20 10:17:00 +00:00
foreach my $ stardev ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } } ) {
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
if ( index ( $ stardev , '*' ) != - 1 ) {
my $ starrexp = $ stardev ;
$ starrexp =~ s/\*/\(\.\*\)/ ;
if ( $ realdev =~ /$starrexp/ ) {
$ star = $ 1 ;
$ cmd = $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ stardev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ reading } ;
if ( defined ( $ cmd ) && $ cmd ne "" ) {
$ device = $ stardev ;
last ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- command found after all
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
if ( defined ( $ cmd ) && $ cmd ne "" ) {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- confirmation ?
if ( index ( $ cmd , "\$CONFIRM" ) != - 1 ) {
$ confirm = 1 ;
$ cmd =~ s/;;\$CONFIRM$// ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- substitution
$ cmd =~ s/\$DEV/$device/g ;
$ cmd =~ s/\$VALUE/$value/g ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ parms ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ cmd =~ s/\$PARM$i/$parms[$i]/g ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
if ( $ testit == 0 || ( $ testit == 1 && $ exflag == 1 ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_DoIt] Executing from hash: $device.$place.$verb.$reading/$value " ;
my $ contact = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ device } [ 2 ] ;
my $ fhemdev = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ device } [ 1 ] ;
if ( $ contact == 0 ) {
$ res = fhem ( $ cmd ) ;
} else {
my $ ip = AttrVal ( $ name , "remoteFHEM" . $ contact , undef ) ;
my $ token = AttrVal ( $ name , "remoteToken" . $ contact , undef ) ;
my $ func = AttrVal ( $ name , "remoteFunc" . $ contact , undef ) ;
if ( $ func && $ func ne "" ) {
$ res = eval ( $ func . "(\"" . $ cmd . "\")" )
} else {
$ cmd =~ s/\s/\%20/g ;
my $ url = "http://" . $ ip . "/fhem?XHR=1&fwcsrf=" . $ token . "&cmd.$fhemdev=$cmd" ;
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( {
url = > $ url ,
callback = > sub ( $$ $ ) { }
} ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
#-- confirm execution
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
my $ func = AttrVal ( $ name , "confirmFunc" , undef ) ;
if ( $ confirm ) {
if ( $ func && $ func ne "" ) {
#-- substitution
$ func =~ s/\$DEV/$device/g ;
$ func =~ s/\$VALUE/$value/g ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ parms ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ func =~ s/\$PARM$i/$parms[$i]/g ;
$ res = fhem ( $ func ) ;
} else {
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_DoIt] Warning: requesting confirmation, but no attribute confirmFunc defined" ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- what to do in conclusion
if ( $ testit == 0 ) {
return undef ;
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
} else {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str . = "==> $cmd" ;
return $ str ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- no command found, acquire alternate text
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
} else {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- ChatBot available
if ( $ rive == 1 && AttrVal ( $ name , "noChatBot" , 0 ) != 1 ) {
#-- Create a new RiveScript interpreter
Babble_createRive ( $ hash )
if ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { Rive } ) ) ;
my $ rs = $ hash - > { Rive } ;
$ reply = $ rs - > reply ( 'localuser' , $ sentence ) ;
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
if ( $ reply eq "ERR: No Reply Matched" ) {
$ reply = $ babble_tt - > { dnu } ;
my $ dnufile = AttrVal ( $ name , "dnuFile" , undef ) ;
if ( $ dnufile ) {
open ( my $ fh , '>>' , $ dnufile ) ;
print $ fh $ sentence . " => Category=$cat: " .
$ babble_tt - > { "device" } . "=$device " . $ babble_tt - > { "place" } . "=$place " .
$ babble_tt - > { "verb" } . "=$verb " . $ babble_tt - > { "target" } . "=$reading / $value\n" ;
close $ fh ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
#-- no chatbot, use help text directly
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
} else {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ reply = defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "help" } { $ device } ) ? $ hash - > { DATA } { "help" } { $ device } : "" ;
#-- get help function
my $ func = AttrVal ( $ name , "helpFunc" , undef ) ;
if ( $ func && $ func ne "" ) {
2018-02-20 13:44:23 +00:00
#-- substitution
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ func =~ s/\$HELP/$reply/g ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ func =~ s/\$DEV/$device/g ;
$ func =~ s/\$VALUE/$value/g ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ parms ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ func =~ s/\$PARM$i/$parms[$i]/g ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
if ( $ testit == 0 ) {
$ res = eval ( $ func ) ;
return "" ;
} elsif ( $ testit == 1 && $ exflag == 1 ) {
$ res = eval ( $ func ) ;
return $ str . " " . $ reply ;
} else {
return $ str . " " . $ func ;
#-- no command, testing, no execution
} elsif ( $ testit == 1 ) {
Log 1 , "[Babble_DoIt] Command $device.$place.$verb.$reading/$value undefined, reply = $reply" ;
$ str = $ reply ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
} else {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ str = "" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
return $ str ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Babble_checkattrs
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_checkattrs ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleVerbs schalt,schalte:schalten" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleVerbs" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleVerbParts zu auf ent wider ein an aus ab um" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleVerbParts" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babblePrepos von vom des der in im auf bei am" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babblePrepos" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleQuests wie wo wann" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleQuests" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleArticles der die das den des dem zur" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleArticles" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleStatus Status Wert Wetter Zeit" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleStatus" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleWrites setzen ändern löschen" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleWrites" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleTimes heute morgen übermorgen nacht" )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleTimes" , "" ) eq "" ) ;
# $hash->{DATA}{"verbsi"}[0]="switching";
# $hash->{DATA}{"verbsicc"}[0][0]="switch";
# CommandAttr (undef,$name." babbleVerbParts re un");
# CommandAttr (undef,$name." babbleQuests by of in on at");
# CommandAttr (undef,$name." babbleAdverb how where when");
# CommandAttr (undef,$name." babbleArticles the to");
# CommandAttr (undef,$name." babbleStatus status value weather time");
# Babble_ModPlace
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_ModPlace ($$$) {
my ( $ name , $ place , $ cmd ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
#-- remove a place (parameter is just a number)
if ( $ cmd == 0 ) {
splice ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } } , $ place , 1 ) ;
#-- add a place
} else {
push ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } } , $ place ) ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babblePlaces " . join ( " " , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } } ) ) ;
Babble_getplaces ( $ hash , "new" , undef ) ;
Babble_save ( $ hash ) ;
# Babble_ModVerb
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_ModVerb ($$$$) {
my ( $ name , $ verbi , $ verbc , $ cmd ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ verbi2 = $ verbi ;
my $ verbc2 = $ verbc ;
# %{$hash->{DATA}{"verbs"}} = hash of all verb => infinitive_verb pairs
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"verbsi"}} = array of all infinite verbs
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"verbsicc"}} = array of all arrays of conjugated verbs
#-- remove a verb - verbi is only a number,verbc is empty
if ( $ cmd == 0 ) {
$ verbi2 = $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } [ $ verbi ] ;
$ verbc2 = join ( ',' , $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } [ $ verbi ] ) ;
splice ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } } , $ verbi , 1 ) ;
splice ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } } , $ verbi , 1 ) ;
#-- add a verb
} elsif ( $ cmd == 1 ) {
push ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } } , $ verbi ) ;
my @ cc = split ( ',' , $ verbc ) ;
push ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } } , \ @ cc ) ;
#-- modify a verb - verbi is only a number,verbc is a list of conjugations
} else {
$ verbi2 = $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } [ $ verbi ] ;
my @ cc = split ( ',' , $ verbc ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } [ $ verbi ] = \ @ cc ;
#-- recreate attribute
my $ att = "" ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } } ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ att . = join ( ',' , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } [ $ i ] } ) . ":" . $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } [ $ i ] . " " ;
CommandAttr ( undef , $ name . " babbleVerbs " . $ att ) ;
Babble_getverbs ( $ hash , "new" , undef ) ;
Babble_save ( $ hash ) ;
# Babble_ModHlp
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_ModHlp ($$$) {
my ( $ name , $ bdev , $ txt ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
#-- lower case characters
$ bdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "help" } { $ bdev } = $ txt ;
# Babble_ModCmd
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_ModCmd ($$$$$$) {
my ( $ name , $ bdev , $ place , $ verb , $ target , $ cmd ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
#-- lower case characters
$ bdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
if ( defined ( $ target ) && $ target ne "" ) {
$ target = lc ( $ target ) ;
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { "none" } { "none" } { "none" } )
} else {
$ target = "none"
} ;
if ( defined ( $ verb ) && $ verb ne "" ) {
$ verb = lc ( $ verb ) ;
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { "none" } { "none" } )
} else {
$ verb = "none"
} ;
if ( defined ( $ place ) && $ place ne "" ) {
$ place = lc ( $ place ) ;
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { "none" } )
} else {
$ place = "none"
} ;
#Log 1,"[Babble_ModCmd] Setting in hash: $bdev.$place.$verb.$target";
$ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ target } = $ cmd ;
# Babble_RemCmd
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_RemCmd ($$$$$) {
my ( $ name , $ bdev , $ place , $ verb , $ target ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
#-- lower case characters
$ bdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
$ place = lc ( $ place ) ;
$ verb = lc ( $ verb ) ;
$ target = lc ( $ target ) ;
$ place = "none"
if ( $ place eq "" ) ;
$ verb = "none"
if ( $ verb eq "" ) ;
$ target = "none"
if ( $ target eq "" ) ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_RemCmd] Deleting from hash: $bdev.$place.$verb.$target => " . $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ target } ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ bdev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ target } ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
# Babble_getids - Helper function to assemble id list
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_getids ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ type ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ res = "" ;
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"ids"}} = array of all ids
my @ ids ;
#--generate a new list
if ( $ type eq "new" ) {
push ( @ ids , $ babble_tt - > { "hallo" } ) ;
#-- get ids from attribute
push ( @ ids , split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleIds" , "" ) ) ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_ids" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ ids ) . "))" ) ;
return ;
#-- just do something with the current list
} else {
return undef ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
# Babble_getdevs - Helper function to assemble devices list
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_getdevs ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ type ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"devs"}} = array of all Babble devices
# %{$hash->{DATA}{"devcontacts"}} = hash of all arrays of contact data (Babble Device, FHEM Device, remote type)
my @ remotes = ( ) ; # intermediate array of all remote groups of Babble device/FHEM device/contact data
my @ devs = ( ) ; # intermediate array of all Babble devices with _number appendix
my % devshash = ( ) ; # intermediate hash of all Babble devices with _number appendix (for checking existence of name)
my % devsalias = ( ) ; # hash of arrays of all Babble device aliases without _number appendix
my @ devcs = ( ) ; # intermediate array of all contact data for a certain device
my ( $ bdev , $ lbdev , $ sbdev , $ fhemdev , $ contact ) ;
#--generate a new list
if ( $ type eq "new" ) {
my $ ig = 0 ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } = ( ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } = ( ) ;
#-- local Babble devices raw data
foreach my $ fhemdev ( sort keys % defs ) {
$ bdev = AttrVal ( $ fhemdev , "babbleDevice" , undef ) ;
if ( defined ( $ bdev ) ) {
2018-01-23 18:17:55 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 5 , "[Babble_getdevs] finds local FHEM device $fhemdev with babbleDevice=$bdev" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ lbdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
$ sbdev = $ lbdev ;
if ( exists ( $ devshash { $ lbdev } ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_getdevs] Warning: local FHEM device $fhemdev has duplicate babbleDevice=$bdev, is ignored. You need to specifiy " . $ bdev . "_<number> instead." ;
} else {
2018-01-23 18:17:55 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 5 , "[Babble_getdevs] local FHEM device $fhemdev with babbleDevice=$bdev entered into hashes with ig=$ig" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ devs [ $ ig ] = $ bdev ;
#-- take away trailing _<num>
$ sbdev =~ s/_\d+$// ;
#-- put into hash
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } [ $ ig ] = $ bdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 0 ] = $ bdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 1 ] = $ fhemdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 2 ] = 0 ;
$ devshash { $ lbdev } = 1 ;
2018-01-26 08:09:04 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( $ devsalias { $ sbdev } ) ) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ devsalias { $ sbdev } [ 0 ] = $ ig ;
} else {
2018-01-23 11:06:39 +00:00
push ( @ { $ devsalias { $ sbdev } } , $ ig ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ ig + + ;
#-- safeguard against empty device
if ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_getdevs] No entry in command table under $lbdev for local FHEM device $fhemdev with attribute babbleDevice=$bdev" ;
Babble_ModCmd ( $ name , $ sbdev , undef , undef , undef , undef )
#-- get devices from attribute
push ( @ remotes , split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleDevices" , "" ) ) ) ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ remotes ) ; $ i + + ) {
( $ bdev , $ fhemdev , $ contact ) = split ( ':' , $ remotes [ $ i ] ) ;
$ lbdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
$ sbdev = $ lbdev ;
#-- take away trailing _<num>
$ sbdev =~ s/_\d+$// ;
if ( exists ( $ devshash { $ lbdev } ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble_getdevs] Warning: remote FHEM device $fhemdev has duplicate babbleDevice=$bdev, is ignored. You need to specifiy " . $ bdev . "_<unique number> instead." ;
} else {
2018-01-23 18:17:55 +00:00
Log3 $ name , 5 , "[Babble_getdevs] remote FHEM device $fhemdev with babbleDevice=$bdev entered into hashes with ig=$ig" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } [ $ ig ] = $ bdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 0 ] = $ bdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 1 ] = $ fhemdev ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 2 ] = $ contact ;
$ devshash { $ lbdev } = 1 ;
2018-01-26 08:09:04 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( $ devsalias { $ sbdev } ) ) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ devsalias { $ sbdev } [ 0 ] = $ ig ;
} else {
2018-01-26 08:09:04 +00:00
push ( @ { $ devsalias { $ sbdev } } , $ ig ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ ig + + ;
#-- safeguard against empty device
if ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } ) ) {
Log 1 , "[Babble_getdevs] No entry in command table under $lbdev for remote FHEM device $fhemdev (remote $contact) with attribute babbleDevice=$bdev" ;
Babble_ModCmd ( $ name , $ sbdev , undef , undef , undef , undef )
#-- hash of devices without _<num>
% { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } } = % devsalias ;
#-- regex list for devices to check for validity
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_devs" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } } ) . "))" )
if ( defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } ) ) ;
#-- cleanup commands list for obsolete devices
if ( defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } ) ) {
foreach my $ device ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } } ) {
if ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ device } ) ) {
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ device } ) ;
# Babble_antistupidity - check for stupid naming of devices or rooms
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_antistupidity ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ regexp = $ hash - > { DATA } { "re_places" } ;
2018-02-09 10:26:31 +00:00
my $ devs = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } ;
if ( ! defined ( $ regexp ) || ! defined ( $ devs ) ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
my $ imax = int ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } } ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ imax ; $ i + + ) {
my $ dev = lc ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } [ $ i ] ) ;
Log 1 , "[Babble] Baaaaah ! It is not a good idea to name a device $dev similar to a place in Babble"
if ( $ dev =~ /$regexp/ ) ;
return undef ;
# Babble_gethelp - Helper function
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_gethelp ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ bdev ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ lbdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
# Babble_getplaces - Helper function to assemble places list
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_getplaces ($$$) {
my ( $ hash , $ type , $ sel ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"rooms"}} = array of all rooms that are not hidden
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"splaces"}} = array of all special places for Babble
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"places"}} = array of all places for Babble = rooms + special
my % rooms ; # intermediate hash of all rooms
my @ special ; # intermediate array of all special places for Babble
my @ places ; # intermediate array of rooms/all babble places
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
my $ nop = AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleNotPlaces" , "" ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#--generate a new list
if ( $ type eq "new" ) {
#-- code lifted from FHEMWEB
% rooms = ( ) ; # Make a room hash
my $ hre = AttrVal ( $ FW_wname , "hiddenroomRegexp" , "" ) ;
foreach my $ d ( keys % defs ) {
#next if(IsIgnored($d));
foreach my $ r ( split ( "," , AttrVal ( $ d , "room" , "Unsorted" ) ) ) {
next if ( $ hre && $ r =~ m/$hre/ ) ;
next if ( $ r eq "Unsorted" || $ r eq "hidden" || $ r eq $ babblehiddenroom || $ r eq $ babblepublicroom ) ;
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
next if ( index ( $ nop , $ r ) != - 1 ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ rooms { $ r } { $ d } = 1 ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ FW_wname , "sortRooms" , "" ) ) { # Slow!
my @ sortBy = split ( " " , AttrVal ( $ FW_wname , "sortRooms" , "" ) ) ;
my % sHash ;
map { $ sHash { $ _ } = FW_roomIdx ( \ @ sortBy , $ _ ) } keys % rooms ;
@ places = sort { $ sHash { $ a } cmp $ sHash { $ b } } keys % rooms ;
} else {
@ places = sort keys % rooms ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "rooms" } } = @ places ;
#-- append special places from attribute
@ special = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babblePlaces" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } } = @ special ;
push ( @ places , @ special ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "places" } } = @ places ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_places" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ places ) . "))" ) ;
2018-03-10 09:28:10 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return ;
#-- just do something with the current list
} elsif ( $ type eq "html" ) {
@ places = @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "places" } } ;
#-- output
if ( ! defined ( $ sel ) ) {
return "<option></option><option>" . join ( "</option><option>" , @ places ) . "</option>" ;
} else {
my $ ret = ( $ sel eq "none" ) ? '<option selected="selected">' : '<option>' ;
$ ret . = '</option>' ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ places ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ ret . = ( lc ( $ sel ) eq lc ( $ places [ $ i ] ) ) ? '<option selected="selected">' : '<option>' ;
$ ret . = $ places [ $ i ] . '</option>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return undef ;
# Babble_getverbs - Helper function to assemble verbs list
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_getverbs ($$$) {
my ( $ hash , $ type , $ sel ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ res = "" ;
# %{$hash->{DATA}{"verbs"}} = hash of all verb => infinitive_verb pairs
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"verbsi"}} = array of all infinite verbs
# @{$hash->{DATA}{"verbsicc"}} = array of all arrays of conjugated verbs
my @ groups ; # intermediate array of all conjugated_verb/infinitive_verb groups
my @ verbsic ; # intermediate array of all conjugations for a certain verb
#--generate a new list
if ( $ type eq "new" ) {
#-- get verbs from attribute
push ( @ groups , split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleVerbs" , "" ) ) ) ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ groups ) ; $ i + + ) {
my ( $ vc , $ vi ) = split ( ':' , $ groups [ $ i ] ) ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "verbs" } { $ vi } = $ vi ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } [ $ i ] = $ vi ;
@ verbsic = split ( ',' , $ vc ) ;
for ( my $ j = 0 ; $ j < int ( @ verbsic ) ; $ j + + ) {
my $ vcc = $ verbsic [ $ j ] ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "verbs" } { $ vcc } = $ vi ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } [ $ i ] [ $ j ] = $ vcc
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_verbsi" } = "(?P<verbsi>(" . lc ( join ( ")|(" , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } } ) ) . "))" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_verbsc" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbs" } } ) ) . "))" ) ;
return ;
#-- just do something with the current list
} elsif ( $ type eq "html" ) {
my @ verbsi = @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } } ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
my $ fnd = 0 ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- output
if ( ! defined ( $ sel ) ) {
return "<option></option><option>" . join ( "</option><option>" , @ verbsi ) . "</option>" ;
} else {
my $ ret = ( $ sel eq "none" ) ? '<option selected="selected">' : '<option>' ;
$ ret . = '</option>' ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ verbsi ) ; $ i + + ) {
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
if ( lc ( $ sel ) eq lc ( $ verbsi [ $ i ] ) ) {
$ ret . = '<option selected="selected">' ;
$ fnd = 1 ;
} else {
$ ret . = '<option>' ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ ret . = $ verbsi [ $ i ] . '</option>' ;
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
#if( $fnd==0 ){
# $ret .= '<option selected="selected" value="unknown">'.$babble_tt->{"unknown"}.'</option>';
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return $ ret ;
} else {
return undef ;
# Babble_getwords - Helper function to assemble list of other word classes
# Parameter hash = hash of device addressed
sub Babble_getwords ($$$$) {
my ( $ hash , $ class , $ type , $ sel ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ res = "" ;
my @ words ;
if ( $ type eq "new" ) {
if ( $ class eq "verbparts" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleVerbParts" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbparts" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_verbparts" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "prepos" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babblePrepos" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "prepos" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_prepos" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "articles" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleArticles" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "articles" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_articles" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "status" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleStatus" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "status" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_status" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "times" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleTimes" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "times" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_times" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "quests" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleQuests" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "quests" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_quests" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
if ( $ class eq "writes" || $ class eq "all" ) {
@ words = split ( ' ' , AttrVal ( $ name , "babbleStatus" , "" ) ) ;
@ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "writes" } } = @ words ;
$ hash - > { DATA } { "re_writes" } = lc ( "((" . join ( ")|(" , @ words ) . "))" ) ;
delete ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "pronouns" } ) ;
2018-03-10 09:28:10 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
return ;
#-- just do something with the current list
} elsif ( $ class eq "targets" && $ type eq "html" ) {
my @ targets = @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "status" } } ;
push ( @ targets , "----" ) ;
push ( @ targets , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbparts" } } ) ;
#-- output
if ( ! defined ( $ sel ) ) {
return "<option></option><option>" . join ( "</option><option>" , @ targets ) . "</option>" ;
} else {
my $ ret = ( $ sel eq "none" ) ? '<option selected="selected">' : '<option>' ;
$ ret . = '</option>' ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < int ( @ targets ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ ret . = ( lc ( $ sel ) eq lc ( $ targets [ $ i ] ) ) ? '<option selected="selected">' : '<option>' ;
$ ret . = $ targets [ $ i ] . '</option>' ;
return $ ret ;
} else {
return undef ;
# Babble_Html - returns HTML code for the babble page
# Parameter name = name of the babble definition
sub Babble_Html ($)
my ( $ name ) = @ _ ;
my $ ret = "" ;
my $ rot = "" ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } ;
my $ id = $ defs { $ name } { NR } ;
if ( ! defined ( $ babble_tt ) ) {
#-- readjust language
my $ lang = AttrVal ( "global" , "language" , "EN" ) ;
if ( $ lang eq "DE" ) {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_DE ;
} else {
$ babble_tt = \ % babble_transtable_EN ;
Babble_checkattrs ( $ hash ) ;
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
Babble_getids ( $ hash , "new" ) ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
Babble_getdevs ( $ hash , "new" ) ;
my $ pllist = Babble_getplaces ( $ hash , "new" , undef ) ;
Babble_antistupidity ( $ hash ) ;
my $ pmlist = "" ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i <int(@{$hash-> { DATA } { "splaces" } } ) ; $ i + + ) {
$ pmlist . = "<a onclick=\"babble_modplace('$name','" . $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } [ $ i ] . "',$i)\">" . $ hash - > { DATA } { "splaces" } [ $ i ] . "</a> " ;
my $ vblist = Babble_getverbs ( $ hash , "new" , undef ) ;
my $ vmlist = "" ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i <int(@{$hash-> { DATA } { "verbsi" } } ) ; $ i + + ) {
my $ vi = $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsi" } [ $ i ] ;
my $ vmilist = join ( ',' , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "verbsicc" } [ $ i ] } ) ;
$ vmlist . = "<a onclick=\"babble_modverb('$name','" . $ vi . "','" . $ vmilist . "',$i)\">" . $ vi . "</a> " ;
my $ vpmlist = Babble_getwords ( $ hash , "all" , "new" , undef ) ;
#-- update state display
#readingsSingleUpdate( $hash, "state", Babble_getstate($hash)." ".$hash->{READINGS}{"short"}{VAL}, 1 );
my $ lockstate = ( $ hash - > { READINGS } { lockstate } { VAL } ) ? $ hash - > { READINGS } { lockstate } { VAL } : "unlocked" ;
my $ showhelper = ( $ lockstate eq "unlocked" ) ? 1 : 0 ;
$ ret . = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"$FW_ME/pgm2/babble.js\"></script><script type=\"text/javascript\">\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_add='" . $ babble_tt - > { "add" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_added='" . $ babble_tt - > { "added" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_remove='" . $ babble_tt - > { "remove" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_removed='" . $ babble_tt - > { "removed" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_modify='" . $ babble_tt - > { "modify" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_modified='" . $ babble_tt - > { "modified" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_cancel='" . $ babble_tt - > { "cancel" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_place='" . $ babble_tt - > { "place" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var tt_verb='" . $ babble_tt - > { "verb" } . "';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var newplace = '<select name=\"d_place\">" . Babble_getplaces ( $ hash , "html" , "none" ) . "</select>';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var newverbs = '<select name=\"d_verb\">" . Babble_getverbs ( $ hash , "html" , "none" ) . "</select>';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var newtargs = '<select name=\"d_verbpart\">" . Babble_getwords ( $ hash , "targets" , "html" , "none" ) . "</select>';\n" ;
2018-02-23 14:47:47 +00:00
$ ret . = "var newfield = '<input type=\"text\" name=\"d_command\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"FHEM command\">';\n" ;
$ ret . = "var newcheck = '<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"d_confirm\">';\n" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ rot . = "</script>\n" ;
$ rot . = "<table class=\"roomoverview\">\n" ;
#-- test table
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "babbletest" } . "</div></td></tr>" ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table class=\"block wide\" id=\"testtable\">\n" ;
$ rot . = "<tr class=\"odd\" ><td class=\"col1\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "input" } . ": <input type=\"text\" id=\"d_testcommand\" size=\"60\" maxlength=\"512\"/></td>\n" .
"<td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"b_testit\" onclick=\"babble_testit('" . $ name . "')\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "test" } . "\" style=\"width:100px;\"/</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "result" } . ": <div id=\"d_testresult\"></div></td>\n" .
"<td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left\"><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"b_execit\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "exec" } . "</td></tr>\n" ;
$ rot . = "</table></td></tr>" ;
#-- places table
my $ tblrow = 1 ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "babbleplaces" } . "</div></td></tr>" ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table class=\"block wide\" id=\"placestable\">\n" ;
$ rot . = "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "rooms" } . "</td><td class=\"col1\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"horizontal-align:left\">" . join ( " " , @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "rooms" } } ) . "</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "places" } . "</td><td class=\"col1\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"align:left\">" . $ pmlist . "</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"b_addplace\" onclick=\"babble_addplace('" . $ name . "')\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "add" } . "\" style=\"width:100px;\"/>" .
"<div id=\"b_chgplacediv\" style=\"width:100px\"></div></td>" .
"<td class=\"col3\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"b_newplace\" size=\"40\" maxlength=\"120\" ></td></tr>\n" ;
$ rot . = "</table></td></tr>" ;
#-- verbs table
$ tblrow = 1 ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "babbleverbs" } . "</div></td></tr>" ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table class=\"block wide\" id=\"verbstable\">\n" ;
$ rot . = "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "verbs" } . "</td><td class=\"col1\" colspan=\"2\" style=\"align:left\">" . $ vmlist . "</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr class=\"even\"><td class=\"col1\"></td>" .
"<td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "conjugations" } . "</td><td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "infinitive" } . "</td></tr>\n" .
"<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"b_addverb\" onclick=\"babble_addverb('" . $ name . "')\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "add" } .
"\" style=\"width:100px;\"/><div id=\"b_chgverbdiv\" style=\"width:100px\"></div></td>" .
"<td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"b_newverbc\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"120\" ></td><td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"b_newverbi\" size=\"20\" maxlength=\"120\" ></td></tr>\n" ;
$ rot . = "</table></td></tr>" ;
#-- devices table
$ tblrow = 0 ;
my $ ig = 0 ;
my $ devcount = 0 ;
my @ devrows = ( ) ;
my ( $ devrow , $ ip , $ ipp ) ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><div class=\"devType\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "babbledev" } . "</div></td></tr>" ;
$ rot . = "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"><table class=\"block wide\" id=\"devstable\">\n" ;
$ rot . = "<tr class=\"odd\"><td class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-right:10px;\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "fhemname" } . "</td><td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "device" } . "</td>\n" .
"<td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "place" } . "</td><td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "verb" } . "</td><td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "target" } . "</td>\n" .
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
"<td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "action" } . "</td><td class=\"col3\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "confirm" } . "</td><td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"button\" id=\"d_save\" onclick=\"babble_savedevs('" . $ name . "')\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "save" } .
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
"\" style=\"width:100px;\"/></td></tr>\n" ;
#-- loop over all unique devices to get some sorting
if ( defined ( $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } ) ) {
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
for my $ alidev ( sort keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } } ) {
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
#-- number of devices with this unique
my $ numalias = int ( @ { $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } { $ alidev } } ) ;
for ( my $ i = 0 ; $ i < $ numalias ; $ i + + ) {
$ ig = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devsalias" } { $ alidev } [ $ i ] ;
my $ bdev = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devs" } [ $ ig ] ;
my $ lbdev = lc ( $ bdev ) ;
my $ sbdev = $ bdev ;
$ sbdev =~ s/_\d+$//g ;
my $ lsbdev = $ lbdev ;
$ lsbdev =~ s/_\d+$//g ;
my $ hlp = $ hash - > { DATA } { "help" } { $ lbdev } ;
if ( ! defined ( $ hlp ) ) {
$ hlp = $ babble_tt - > { "speak" } . ": " . $ sbdev . ", " . $ babble_tt - > { "followedby" } . " " ;
#-- places ?
if ( join ( '_' , ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } } ) ) ne "none" ) { ;
$ hlp . = $ babble_tt - > { "placespec" } . ", " . $ babble_tt - > { "followedby" } . " " ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
my $ checked ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
my $ fhemdev = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 1 ] ;
my $ contact = $ hash - > { DATA } { "devcontacts" } { $ lbdev } [ 2 ] ;
$ devcount + + ;
$ tblrow + + ;
$ ig + + ;
$ devrow = 1 ;
#-- headline for device
$ rot . = sprintf ( "<tr class=\"%s\" style=\"padding-right:25px;\">" , ( $ tblrow & 1 ) ? "odd" : "even" ) ;
$ rot . = "<td width=\"240\" class=\"col1\" style=\"text-align:left;padding-right:10px; border-top:1px solid gray\">" ;
#-- local link to device
if ( $ contact == 0 ) {
$ rot . = "<a href=\"$FW_ME?detail=$fhemdev\">$fhemdev</a>" ;
#-- remote link to device
} else {
$ ip = AttrVal ( $ name , "remoteFHEM" . $ contact , undef ) ;
$ ipp = $ ip =~ s/:.*//s r ;
if ( $ ip ) {
$ rot . = "<a href=\"http://" . $ ip . "/fhem?detail=$fhemdev\">$fhemdev</a> ($ipp)" ;
} else {
$ rot . = $ fhemdev . " (R$contact)" ;
$ rot . = "</td>\n<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:left; border-top:1px solid gray;padding:2px\">$bdev</td>\n" ;
$ rot . = "</td>\n<td class=\"col2\" style=\"text-align:right; border-left:1px dotted gray; border-bottom: 1px dotted gray;border-top:1px solid gray;border-bottom-left-radius:10px; padding:2px\">" . $ babble_tt - > { "helptext" } . "→</td>" ;
#-- helptext
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ rot . = "<td class=\"col3\" colspan=\"4\" style=\"text-align:left;border-right:1px dotted gray;border-bottom: 1px dotted gray;border-top:1px solid gray;border-bottom-right-radius:10px; padding:2px;\">" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ rot . = "<input type=\"text\" name=\"d_help\" size=\"51\" maxlength=\"1024\" value=\"" . $ hlp . "\"/></td>" ;
$ rot . = "<td style=\"text-align:left;padding-right:10px; border-top:1px solid gray\">" .
2018-01-23 18:42:23 +00:00
"<input type=\"button\" id=\"d_addrow\" onclick=\"babble_addrow('" . $ name . "',$devcount,$tblrow)\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "add" } . "\" style=\"width:100px;\"/></td></tr>\n" ; #$tblrow-$devcount.$devrow
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
foreach my $ place ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } } ) {
foreach my $ verb ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } { $ place } } ) {
foreach my $ target ( keys % { $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } { $ place } { $ verb } } ) {
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
my $ cmd = $ hash - > { DATA } { "command" } { $ lbdev } { $ place } { $ verb } { $ target } ;
2018-03-13 11:01:12 +00:00
if ( ! defined ( $ cmd ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 1 , "[Babble] Warning: Entry \$hash->{DATA}{\"command\"}{\"" . $ lbdev . "\"}{\"" . $ place . "\"}{\"" . $ verb . "\"}{\"" . $ target . "\"} is undefined" ;
$ cmd = "undefined"
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
if ( index ( $ cmd , "\$CONFIRM" ) != - 1 ) {
$ checked = "checked=\"checked\" " ;
$ cmd =~ s/;;\$CONFIRM$// ;
} else {
$ checked = "" ;
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
$ tblrow + + ;
$ devrow + + ;
$ rot . = sprintf ( "<tr class=\"%s\" style=\"padding-right:25px;\"><td></td><td></td>\n" , ( $ tblrow & 1 ) ? "odd" : "even" ) ;
$ pllist = Babble_getplaces ( $ hash , "html" , $ place ) ;
$ vblist = Babble_getverbs ( $ hash , "html" , $ verb ) ;
$ vpmlist = Babble_getwords ( $ hash , "targets" , "html" , $ target ) ;
$ rot . = "<td class=\"col3\"><select name=\"d_place\">" . $ pllist . "</select></td>" .
"<td class=\"col3\"><select name=\"d_verb\">" . $ vblist . "</select></td>" .
"<td class=\"col3\"><select name=\"d_verbpart\">" . $ vpmlist . "</select></td>\n" ;
$ rot . = "<td class=\"col3\" style=\"text-align:left;padding:2px\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"d_command\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"512\" value=\"" . $ cmd . "\"/></td>" ;
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
$ rot . = "<td class=\"col3\"><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"d_confirm\"$checked</td>" ;
2018-01-23 18:42:23 +00:00
$ rot . = "<td><input type=\"button\" id=\"d_remrow\" onclick=\"babble_remrow('" . $ name . "',$devcount,$tblrow)\" value=\"" . $ babble_tt - > { "remove" } . "\" style=\"width:100px;\"/></td></tr>\n" ; #$tblrow-$devcount.$devrow
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
push ( @ devrows , $ devrow )
$ rot . = "</table></td></tr>" ;
$ rot . = "</table>" ;
$ ret . = "var devrows=[" . ( ( @ devrows ) ? join ( "," , @ devrows ) : "" ) . "];\n" ;
$ ret . = "var devrowstart=devrows;\n" ;
return $ ret . $ rot ;
1 ;
= pod
= item helper
= item summary for speech control of FHEM devices
= begin html
< a name = "Babble" > </a>
<h3> Babble </h3>
<p> FHEM module for speech control of FHEM devices </p>
< a name = "babbleusage" > </a>
<h4> Usage </h4>
See < a href = "http://www.fhemwiki.de/wiki/Modul_babble" > German Wiki page </a>
< a name = "babbledefine" > </a>
<h4> Define </h4>
<code> define & lt ; name & gt ; babble </code>
< br />Defines the Babble device. </ p >
< a name = "babbleset" > </a>
Notes: <ul>
<li> This module uses the global attribute <code> language </code> to determine its output data <br/>
( default: EN = english ) . For German output set <code> attr global language DE </code> . </li>
<li> This module needs the JSON package . </li>
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
<li> Only when the chatbot functionality of RiveScript is required , the RiveScript module must be installed as well , see https: //gi thub . com /aichaos/ rivescript - perl </li>
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<h4> Usage </h4>
To use this module , call the Perl function <code> Babble_DoIt ( "<name>" , "<sentence>" [ , & lt ; parm0 & gt ; , & lt ; parm1 & gt ; , ... ] ) </code> .
& lt ; name & gt ; is the name of the Babble device , & lt ; parm0 & gt ; & lt ; parm1 & gt ; are arbitrary parameters .
The module will analyze the sentence passed an isolate a device to be addressed , a place identifier ,
a verb , a target and its value from the sentence passed .
If a proper command has been stored with device , place , verb and target , it will be subject to substitutions and then will be executed .
In these substitutions , a string $ VALUE will be replaced by the value for the target reading , a string $ DEV will be replaced by the device name identified by Babble ,
and strings $ PARM [ 0 | 1 | 2 ... ] will be replaced by the
corresponding parameters passed to the function <code> Babble_DoIt </code>
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
<li> If no stored command ist found , the sentence is passed to the local RiveScript interpreter if present </li>
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<li> To have a FHEM register itself as a Babble Device , it must get an attribute value <code> babbleDevice = & lt ; name & gt ; </code> . The <i> name </i> parameter must either be
unique to the Babble system , or it muts be of the form <code> & lt ; name & gt ; _ & lt ; digits & gt ; </code> </li>
<li> Devices on remote FHEM installations are defined in the <code> babbleDevices </code> attribute , see below </li>
<h4> Set </h4>
<li> < a name = "babble_lock" >
<code> set & lt ; name & gt ; locked </code> < br / >
<code> set & lt ; name & gt ; unlocked </code>
< br />sets the lockstate of the babble module to <i>locked</i > ( i . e . , babble setups
may not be changed ) resp . <i> unlocked </i> ( i . e . , babble setups may be changed > ) </li>
<li> < a name = "babble_save" >
<code> set & lt ; name & gt ; save | restore </code>
< br />Manually save/ restore the babble to /from the external file babbleFILE (save done automatically at each state modification, restore at FHEM start)</ li >
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babble_rivereload" >
<code> set & lt ; name & gt ; rivereload </code>
< br />Reload data for RiveScript Interpreter</ li >
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babble_test" >
<code> set & lt ; name & gt ; test </code>
< br />Run a few test cases for normalization</ li >
< a name = "babbleget" > </a>
<h4> Get </h4>
<li> < a name = "babble_version" > </a>
<code> get & lt ; name & gt ; version </code>
< br />Display the version of the module</ li >
<li> < a name = "babble_tokens" > </a>
<code> get & lt ; name & gt ; tokens </code>
< br />Obtain fresh csrfToken from remote FHEM installations (needed after restart of remote FHEM)</ li >
< a name = "babbleattr" > </a>
<h4> Attributes </h4>
<li> < a name = "babbleDevices" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleDevices [ & lt ; babble devname & gt ; : & lt ; FHEM devname & gt ; : 1 | 2 | 3 ] * </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of <i>remote</i > FHEM devices , each as a group separated by ':' consisting of
<ul> <li> a Babble device name </li>
<li> a FHEM Device name </li>
<li> an integer 1 .. 3 , indication which of the <i> remoteFHEM </i> functions to be called </li>
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
The Babble device name may contain a <b> * </b> - character . If this is the case , it will be considered a regular expression , with the star replaced by <b> ( . * ) </b> .
When using Babble with a natural language sentence whose device part matches this regular expression , the character group addressed by the star sequence is placed in the variable
<code> $ STAR </code> , and used to replace this value in the command sequence .
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<li> < a name = "helpFunc" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; helpFunc & lt ; function name & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> name of a help function which is used in case no command is found for a certain device . When this function is called , the strings $ DEV , $ HELP , $ PARM [ 0 | 1 | 2 ... ]
will be replaced by the devicename identified by Babble , the help text for this device and parameters passed to the Babble_DoIt function </li>
<li> < a name = "testParm" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; testParm ( 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ) & lt ; string & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> if a command is not really excuted , but only tested , the values of these attributes will be used to substitute the strings $ PARM [ 0 | 1 | 2 ... ]
2018-02-28 07:17:27 +00:00
in the tested command </li>
<li> < a name = "dnuFile" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; dnuFile & lt ; filename & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> if this filename is given , every sentence that could not be analyzed is stored in this file </li>
2018-02-22 19:51:36 +00:00
<li> < a name = "confirmFunc" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; confirmFunc & lt ; function name & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> name of a confirmation function which is used in case a command is exceuted . When this function is called , the strings $ DEV , $ HELP , $ PARM [ 0 | 1 | 2 ... ]
will be replaced by the devicename identified by Babble , the help text for this device and parameters passed to the Babble_DoIt function </li>
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
<li> < a name = "noChatBot" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; noChatBot 0 | 1 </code> </a>
<br/> if this attribute is set to 1 , a local RiveScript interpreter will be ignored even though it is present in the system </li>
2018-02-20 10:17:00 +00:00
<li> < a name = "remoteFHEM" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; remoteFHEM ( 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ) [ & lt ; user & gt ; : & lt ; password & gt ; @ ] & lt ; IP address:port & rt ; </code> </a>
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<br/> IP address and port for a remote FHEM installation </li>
<li> < a name = "remoteFunc" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; remoteFunc ( 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ) & lt ; function name & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> name of a Perl function that is called for addressing a certain remote FHEM device </li>
<li> < a name = "remoteToken" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; remoteToken ( 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 ) & lt ; csrfToken & rt ; </code> </a>
<br/> csrfToken for addressing a certain remote FHEM device </li>
2018-02-11 11:18:26 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babbleIds" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleIds <id_1> <id_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of identities by which babble may be addressed</ li >
2018-02-18 16:25:30 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babblePreSubs" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleSubs <regexp1> : <replacement1> , <regexp2> : <replacement2> , ... </code> </a>
<br/> space separated list of regular expressions and their replacements - this will be used on the initial sentence submitted to Babble
( Note: a space in the regexp must be replaced by \ s ) . </li>
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babblePlaces" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babblePlaces <place_1> <place_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of special places to be identified in speech</ li >
2018-01-24 16:51:19 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babbleNotPlaces" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleNoPlaces <place_1> <place_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of rooms (in the local FHEM device) that should <i>not</i > appear in the list of place </li>
2018-01-23 01:05:47 +00:00
<li> < a name = "babbleStatus" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleStatus <status_1> <status_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of status identifiers to be identified in speech. Example: <code>Status Value Weather Time</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babblePrepos" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babblePrepos <prepo_1> <prepo_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of prepositions to be identified in speech. Example: <code>by in at on</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleTimes" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleTimes <time_1> <time_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of temporal adverbs. Example: <code>today tomorrow</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleQuests" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleQuests <pron_1> <pron_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of questioning adverbs. Example: <code>how when where</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleArticles" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleArticles <art_1> <art_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of articles to be identified in speech. Example: <code>the</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleVerbs" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleVerbs <form1a> , <form1b> ... : <infinitive1> <form2a> , <form2b> ... : <infinitive2> </code> </a>
< br / > space separated list of verb groups to be identified in speech . Each group consists of comma separated verb forms ( conjugations as well as variations ) ,
followed by a ':' and then the infinitive form of the verb . Example: <code> speak , speaks , say , says:speaking </code> </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleWrites" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleWrites <write_1> <write_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of write verbs to be identified in speech. Example: <code>send add remove</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babbleVerbParts" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; babbleVerbParts <vp_1> <vp_2> ... </code> </a>
< br />space separated list of verb parts to be identified in speech. Example: <code>un re</co de > </li>
<li> < a name = "babble_linkname" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; linkname
& lt ; string & gt ; </code> </a>
< br / > Name for babble web link , default:
babbles </li>
<li> < a name = "babble_hiddenroom" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; hiddenroom
& lt ; string & gt ; </code> </a>
< br / > Room name for hidden babble room ( containing only the Babble device ) , default:
babbleRoom </li>
<li> < a name = "babble_publicroom" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; publicroom
& lt ; string & gt ; </code> </a>
< br />Room name for public babble room (containing sensor/ actor devices ) , default:
babble </li>
<li> < a name = "babble_lockstate" > <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; lockstate
locked | unlocked </code> </a>
< br /><i>locked</i > means that babble setups may not be changed , <i> unlocked </i>
means that babble setups may be changed > </li>
= end html
= begin html_DE
< a name = "Babble" > </a>
<h3> Babble </h3>
< a href = "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/Modul_Babble" > Deutsche Dokumentation im Wiki </a> vorhanden , die englische Version gibt es hier: < a href = "/fhem/docs/commandref.html#babble" > babble </a>
= end html_DE
= cut