2007-01-30 12:47:36 +00:00
##Functions for pgm3
function LogRotate($array,$file,$logrotatelines)
if (!$handle = fopen($filename, "w")) {
2007-12-03 10:10:29 +00:00
print "Logrotate: cannot open $filename -- correct rights?? Read the chapter in the config.php!";
2007-01-30 12:47:36 +00:00
for ($x = $counter-$logrotatelines; $x < $counter; $x++)
{fwrite($handle, $array[$x]);};
function bft($windspeed) # wind speed in Beaufort
if($windspeed>= 118.5) { $bft= 12; }
elseif($windspeed>= 103.7) { $bft= 11; }
elseif($windspeed>= 88.9) { $bft= 10; }
elseif($windspeed>= 75.9) { $bft= 9; }
elseif($windspeed>= 63.0) { $bft= 8; }
elseif($windspeed>= 51.9) { $bft= 7; }
elseif($windspeed>= 40.7) { $bft= 6; }
elseif($windspeed>= 29.6) { $bft= 5; }
elseif($windspeed>= 20.4) { $bft= 4; }
elseif($windspeed>= 13.0) { $bft= 3; }
elseif($windspeed>= 7.4) { $bft= 2; }
elseif($windspeed>= 1.9) { $bft= 1; }
else $bft= 0;
2007-12-08 20:16:34 +00:00
# saturation vapour pressure, approximation for
# temperature range 0°C .. +100,9°C
# see http://www.umnicom.de/Elektronik/Projekte/Wetterstation/Sensoren/SattDruck/SattDruck.htm
function svp($temperature) # saturation vapour pressure in hPa
$c1= 6.10780; # hPa
$c2= 17.09085;
$c3= 234.175; # °C
# see http://www.umnicom.de/Elektronik/Projekte/Wetterstation/Sensoren/Taupunkte/Taupunkte.htm
function dewpoint($temp,$hum) # dew point and temperature in °C, humidity in %
$svp= svp($temp);
$log= log10($svp*$hum/100.0);
return( (234.67*$log-184.2)/(8.233-$log));
2007-01-30 12:47:36 +00:00
2007-03-20 18:46:10 +00:00
function randdefine()
$rand1 = rand(500,20000);
$rand2 = rand(500,20000);
$rq = md5($rand1.$rand2);
2007-12-08 20:16:34 +00:00
return ($randdefine);
2007-03-20 18:46:10 +00:00
2007-01-30 12:47:36 +00:00