2019-09-24 16:43:54 +00:00
// dashboard.js
// Released : 14.11.2013 Sascha Hermann
2020-05-19 10:32:59 +00:00
// Modified : 19.05.2020 Heiko Maaz
2019-09-24 16:43:54 +00:00
// Version :
2020-05-19 10:32:59 +00:00
// 2.0.9: FW_readingsGroupReadyFn in if-condition, avoid "ReferenceError: FW_readingsGroupReadyFn is not defined"
2019-09-24 16:43:54 +00:00
// 2.0.8: dashboard_load_tab(tabIndex) test of defined fhemUrl
// 2.0.7: Insert Configdialog for Tabs. Change handling of parameters in both directions.
// 2.0.6: change Set and Detail Button.
// 2.0.5: Delete function for set lockstate
// 2.0.4: Dashboard position near Top in showfullsize-mode. Restore ActiveTab funktion
// 2.0.3: Fix showhelper Bug on lock/unlock. The error that after a trigger action the curren tab is changed to the "old" activetab tab has
// been fixed.
// 2.0.2: Tabs can set on top, bottom or hidden
// 2.0.1: Add Longpoll function. Dashboard can hide FHEMWEB Roomliste and Header.
// 2.0.0: First Changes vor Dashboard Tabs. Change method store Positiondata. optimization restore Positiondata. Clear poor routines.
// Change max/min Values for Groupresize. Top- and Bottom-Row always 100%
// 1.0.2: Add DebugMsg. Fix independent Groupsize adjustment after set & siterefresh. Fix
// wrong set of +Toogle Icon on Siderefresh
// 1.0.1: Released to testers
var DashboardConfigHash = { } ;
var dashboard _buttonbar = "top" ;
var DashboardDraggable = true ;
/ * e v o l . c o l o r p i c k e r 2 . 2
( c ) 2014 Olivier Giulieri
http : //www.codeproject.com/Articles/452401/ColorPicker-a-jQuery-UI-Widget*/
! function ( a ) { var b = 0 , c = ! a . support . cssFloat , d = c ? "-ie" : "" , e = c ? ! 1 : /mozilla/ . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) && ! /webkit/ . test ( navigator . userAgent . toLowerCase ( ) ) , f = [ ] , g = [ "ffffff" , "000000" , "eeece1" , "1f497d" , "4f81bd" , "c0504d" , "9bbb59" , "8064a2" , "4bacc6" , "f79646" ] , h = [ "f2f2f2" , "7f7f7f" , "ddd9c3" , "c6d9f0" , "dbe5f1" , "f2dcdb" , "ebf1dd" , "e5e0ec" , "dbeef3" , "fdeada" , "d8d8d8" , "595959" , "c4bd97" , "8db3e2" , "b8cce4" , "e5b9b7" , "d7e3bc" , "ccc1d9" , "b7dde8" , "fbd5b5" , "bfbfbf" , "3f3f3f" , "938953" , "548dd4" , "95b3d7" , "d99694" , "c3d69b" , "b2a2c7" , "92cddc" , "fac08f" , "a5a5a5" , "262626" , "494429" , "17365d" , "366092" , "953734" , "76923c" , "5f497a" , "31859b" , "e36c09" , "7f7f7f" , "0c0c0c" , "1d1b10" , "0f243e" , "244061" , "632423" , "4f6128" , "3f3151" , "205867" , "974806" ] , i = [ "c00000" , "ff0000" , "ffc000" , "ffff00" , "92d050" , "00b050" , "00b0f0" , "0070c0" , "002060" , "7030a0" ] , j = [ [ "003366" , "336699" , "3366cc" , "003399" , "000099" , "0000cc" , "000066" ] , [ "006666" , "006699" , "0099cc" , "0066cc" , "0033cc" , "0000ff" , "3333ff" , "333399" ] , [ "669999" , "009999" , "33cccc" , "00ccff" , "0099ff" , "0066ff" , "3366ff" , "3333cc" , "666699" ] , [ "339966" , "00cc99" , "00ffcc" , "00ffff" , "33ccff" , "3399ff" , "6699ff" , "6666ff" , "6600ff" , "6600cc" ] , [ "339933" , "00cc66" , "00ff99" , "66ffcc" , "66ffff" , "66ccff" , "99ccff" , "9999ff" , "9966ff" , "9933ff" , "9900ff" ] , [ "006600" , "00cc00" , "00ff00" , "66ff99" , "99ffcc" , "ccffff" , "ccccff" , "cc99ff" , "cc66ff" , "cc33ff" , "cc00ff" , "9900cc" ] , [ "003300" , "009933" , "33cc33" , "66ff66" , "99ff99" , "ccffcc" , "ffffff" , "ffccff" , "ff99ff" , "ff66ff" , "ff00ff" , "cc00cc" , "660066" ] , [ "333300" , "009900" , "66ff33" , "99ff66" , "ccff99" , "ffffcc" , "ffcccc" , "ff99cc" , "ff66cc" , "ff33cc" , "cc0099" , "993399" ] , [ "336600" , "669900" , "99ff33" , "ccff66" , "ffff99" , "ffcc99" , "ff9999" , "ff6699" , "ff3399" , "cc3399" , "990099" ] , [ "666633" , "99cc00" , "ccff33" , "ffff66" , "ffcc66" , "ff9966" , "ff6666" , "ff0066" , "d60094" , "993366" ] , [ "a58800" , "cccc00" , "ffff00" , "ffcc00" , "ff9933" , "ff6600" , "ff0033" , "cc0066" , "660033" ] , [ "996633" , "cc9900" , "ff9900" , "cc6600" , "ff3300" , "ff0000" , "cc0000" , "990033" ] , [ "663300" , "996600" , "cc3300" , "993300" , "990000" , "800000" , "993333" ] ] , k = function ( a ) { var b = a . toString ( 16 ) ; return 1 == b . length && ( b = "0" + b ) , b } , l = function ( a ) { return k ( Number ( a ) ) } , m = function ( a ) { var b = k ( a ) ; return b + b + b } , n = function ( a ) { if ( a . length > 10 ) { var b = 1 + a . indexOf ( "(" ) , c = a . indexOf ( ")" ) , d = a . substring ( b , c ) . split ( "," ) ; return [ "#" , l ( d [ 0 ] ) , l ( d [ 1 ] ) , l ( d [ 2 ] ) ] . join ( "" ) } return a } ; a . widget ( "evol.colorpicker" , { version : "2.2" , options : { color : null , showOn : "both" , displayIndicator : ! 0 , history : ! 0 , strings : "Theme Colors,Standard Colors,More Colors,Less Colors,Back to Palette,History,No history yet." } , _create : function ( ) { this . _paletteIdx = 1 , this . _id = "evo-cp" + b ++ , this . _enabled = ! 0 ; var f = this ; switch ( this . element . get ( 0 ) . tagName ) { case "INPUT" : var g = this . options . color , h = this . element ; if ( this . _isPopup = ! 0 , this . _palette = null , null !== g ) h . val ( g ) ; else { var i = h . val ( ) ; "" !== i && ( g = this . options . color = i ) } h . addClass ( "colorPicker " + this . _id ) . wrap ( '<div style="width:' + ( this . element . width ( ) + 124 ) + "px;" + ( c ? "margin-bottom:-21px;" : "" ) + ( e ? "padding:1px 0;" : "" ) + '"></div>' ) . after ( '<div class="' + ( "focus" === this . options . showOn ? "" : "evo-pointer " ) + "evo-colorind" + ( e ? "-ff" : d ) + '" ' + ( null !== g ? 'style="background-color:' + g + '"' : "" ) + "></div>" ) . on ( "keyup onpaste" , function ( ) { var b = a ( this ) . val ( ) ; b != f . options . color && f . _setValue ( b , ! 0 ) } ) ; var j = this . options . showOn ; ( "both" === j || "focus" === j ) && h . on ( "focus" , function ( ) { f . showPalette ( ) } ) , ( "both" === j || "button" === j ) && h . next ( ) . on ( "click" , function ( a ) { a . stopPropagation ( ) , f . showPalette ( ) } ) ; break ; default : this . _isPopup = ! 1 , this . _palette = this . element . html ( this . _paletteHTML ( ) ) . attr ( "aria-haspopup" , "true" ) , this . _bindColors ( ) } null !== g && this . options . history && this . _add2History ( g ) } , _paletteHTML : function ( ) { var a = [ ] , b = this . _paletteIdx = Math . abs ( this . _paletteIdx ) , c = this . options , e = c . strings . split ( "," ) ; return a . push ( '<div class="evo-pop' , d , ' ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all"' , this . _isPopup ? ' style="position:absolute"' : "" , ">" ) , a . push ( "<span>" , this [ "_paletteHTML" + b ] ( ) , "</span>" ) , a . push ( '<div class="evo-more"><a href="javascript:void(0)">' , e [ 1 + b ] , "</a>" ) , c . history && a . push ( '<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="evo-hist">' , e [ 5 ] , "</a>" ) , a . push ( "</div>" ) , c . displayIndicator && a . push ( this . _colorIndHTML ( thi
! function ( e ) { "function" == typeof define && define . amd ? define ( [ "jquery" ] , e ) : "object" == typeof exports ? module . exports = e ( require ( "jquery" ) ) : e ( jQuery ) } ( function ( e ) { function n ( e ) { return u . raw ? e : encodeURIComponent ( e ) } function o ( e ) { return u . raw ? e : decodeURIComponent ( e ) } function i ( e ) { return n ( u . json ? JSON . stringify ( e ) : String ( e ) ) } function t ( e ) { 0 === e . indexOf ( '"' ) && ( e = e . slice ( 1 , - 1 ) . replace ( /\\"/g , '"' ) . replace ( /\\\\/g , "\\" ) ) ; try { return e = decodeURIComponent ( e . replace ( c , " " ) ) , u . json ? JSON . parse ( e ) : e } catch ( n ) { } } function r ( n , o ) { var i = u . raw ? n : t ( n ) ; return e . isFunction ( o ) ? o ( i ) : i } var c = /\+/g , u = e . cookie = function ( t , c , s ) { if ( arguments . length > 1 && ! e . isFunction ( c ) ) { if ( s = e . extend ( { } , u . defaults , s ) , "number" == typeof s . expires ) { var a = s . expires , d = s . expires = new Date ; d . setMilliseconds ( d . getMilliseconds ( ) + 864e5 * a ) } return document . cookie = [ n ( t ) , "=" , i ( c ) , s . expires ? "; expires=" + s . expires . toUTCString ( ) : "" , s . path ? "; path=" + s . path : "" , s . domain ? "; domain=" + s . domain : "" , s . secure ? "; secure" : "" ] . join ( "" ) } for ( var f = t ? void 0 : { } , p = document . cookie ? document . cookie . split ( "; " ) : [ ] , l = 0 , m = p . length ; m > l ; l ++ ) { var x = p [ l ] . split ( "=" ) , g = o ( x . shift ( ) ) , j = x . join ( "=" ) ; if ( t === g ) { f = r ( j , c ) ; break } t || void 0 === ( j = r ( j ) ) || ( f [ g ] = j ) } return f } ; u . defaults = { } , e . removeCookie = function ( n , o ) { return e . cookie ( n , "" , e . extend ( { } , o , { expires : - 1 } ) ) , ! e . cookie ( n ) } } ) ;
//Only use for debugging
function showdebugMessage ( msg ) {
document . getElementById ( "dashboard_jsdebug" ) . value = msg ;
// Pagerefresh
function dashboard _reloadpage ( ) {
location . reload ( ) ;
// "Search" SVG Icon in every iconDir and Load the Icon
function dashboard _loadsvgIcon ( svgIcon , svgColor , destObj ) { //search Icon in every iconDir
var groupdata = ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'icondirs' ] . split ( "," ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupdata . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( groupdata [ i ] != "" ) {
if ( ! svgIcon . match ( '.svg' ) ) { svgIcon = svgIcon + '.svg' ; }
groupdata [ i ] = groupdata [ i ] . replace ( '.' , '' ) ;
groupdata [ i ] = groupdata [ i ] . replace ( '/opt/fhem' , '' ) ;
dashboard _showsvgIcon (
fhemUrl + groupdata [ i ] + "/" + svgIcon , svgColor , destObj
) ;
function dashboard _showsvgIcon ( svgIcon , svgColor , destObj ) {
$ . ajax ( {
type : "GET" ,
contentType : "application/json" ,
data : "{}" ,
url : svgIcon + "&XHR=1&fwcsrf=" + $ ( 'body' ) . attr ( 'fwcsrf' ) ,
dataType : "text" ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( data ) {
$ . get ( fhemUrl + '/images/' + data , null , function ( data ) {
var svgNode = $ ( "svg" , data ) ;
svgNode . attr ( 'class' , 'ui-tabs-icon' ) ;
svgNode . find ( 'g' ) . attr ( { fill : svgColor } ) ;
svgNode . find ( 'g' ) . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
svgNode . find ( 'g path' ) . removeAttr ( 'style' ) ;
var docNode = document . adoptNode ( svgNode [ 0 ] ) ;
var pageNode = $ ( destObj ) ;
pageNode . html ( docNode ) ;
if ( gridSize = is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) {
// update containment for draggable to avoid issues with async loaded icons and tab list height
var $container = $ ( ".dashboard_rowcenter" ) ;
$ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . draggable ( 'option' , 'containment' , [ $container . offset ( ) . left , $container . offset ( ) . top ] ) ;
} , 'xml' ) ;
} ) ;
return ;
// Get Data from URL in JSON Format
function dashboard _getData ( jsonurl , get , dType , cb ) { //get Dashboard config
$ . ajax ( {
type : "POST" ,
contentType : "application/json" ,
data : "{}" ,
url : jsonurl + " " + get + "&XHR=1&fwcsrf=" + $ ( 'body' ) . attr ( 'fwcsrf' ) ,
dataType : dType ,
success : function ( data ) {
if ( get == "config" ) { for ( var key in data . CONFIG ) { if ( data . CONFIG . hasOwnProperty ( key ) ) { DashboardConfigHash [ key ] = data . CONFIG [ key ] ; } } }
if ( get . indexOf ( 'groupWidget' ) != - 1 ) {
dashboard _test2 ( data ) ;
if ( cb ) {
cb ( data ) ;
return ;
} ) ;
// Write the Attribute Value
function dashboard _setAttribute ( Attr , Val ) { //set Dashboard Attribute
var url = document . location . protocol + "//" + document . location . host + fhemUrl ;
FW _cmd ( url + '?XHR=1&cmd.' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + '=attr ' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + ' ' + Attr + ' ' + Val ) ;
// Delete the Attribute
function dashboard _delAttribute ( Attr ) { //delete Dashboard Attribute
var url = document . location . protocol + "//" + document . location . host + fhemUrl ;
FW _cmd ( url + '?XHR=1&cmd.' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + '=deleteattr ' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + ' ' + Attr ) ;
// Dynamic load Group Widgets, comming soon
/ * f u n c t i o n d a s h b o a r d _ t e s t ( ) {
var groupdata = ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab2groups' ] . split ( "," ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < groupdata . length ; i ++ ) {
dashboard _getData ( fhemUrl + "?cmd=get " + $ ( '#dashboard_define' ) . text ( ) , "groupWidget " + groupdata [ i ] , "html" ) ;
function dashboard _test2 ( data ) {
$ ( '#dashboard_tab1column0' ) . append ( data ) ;
} * /
function saveOrder ( ) {
var EndSaveResult = "" ;
var ActiveTab = getTabIndexFromTab ( $ ( "#dashboardtabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible" ) ) ;
//------------------- Build new Position string ----------------------
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + ActiveTab + " .dashboard_widget" ) . each ( function ( index , value ) {
var SaveResult = "" ;
var $widget = $ ( value ) ;
var column = $widget . parent ( ) . attr ( "id" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( 'dashboard_tab' + ActiveTab + 'column' ) , '' ) ;
var groupdata = ( $widget . data ( "groupwidget" ) . split ( "," ) ) ; //get curren Group-Configuration
if ( groupdata [ 1 ] != '' ) {
groupdata [ 0 ] = "t" + ActiveTab + "c" + column ;
groupdata [ 2 ] = true ; //ever collapsed
groupdata [ 3 ] = $widget . outerWidth ( ) ;
if ( this . style . height ) {
if ( groupdata [ 4 ] == 0 ) { groupdata [ 4 ] = $widget . outerHeight ( ) ; }
if ( groupdata [ 2 ] == true ) {
groupdata [ 4 ] = $widget . outerHeight ( ) ;
$widget . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . data ( "userheight" , $widget . outerHeight ( ) ) ;
// store positions relative to the center row
groupdata [ 5 ] = Math . round ( $widget . offset ( ) . left - $ ( '#dashboard_rowcenter_tab' + ActiveTab ) . offset ( ) . left ) ;
groupdata [ 6 ] = Math . round ( $widget . offset ( ) . top - $ ( '#dashboard_rowcenter_tab' + ActiveTab ) . offset ( ) . top ) ;
$widget . data ( "groupwidget" , groupdata . join ( ',' ) ) ; //store in current Widget
SaveResult = SaveResult + groupdata . join ( ',' ) + ":" ;
if ( SaveResult != "" ) { EndSaveResult = EndSaveResult + SaveResult ; } //NewResult: <tab><column>,<portlet-1>,<status>,<height>,<width>,<portlet-n>,<status>,<height>,<width>:<columNumber.....
} ) ;
//--------------------- Store new Positions ------------------------
if ( EndSaveResult != "" ) { $ ( "#dashboardtabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible" ) . data ( "tabwidgets" , EndSaveResult ) ; } //store widgetposition in active tab Widget
$ ( "#setPosition" ) . button ( { disabled : false } ) ; //Mark that the Changes are not saved
function getTabIndexFromTab ( $tab ) {
return $tab . attr ( "id" ) . replace ( /dashboard_tab/ , '' ) ;
function restoreOrder ( ActiveTabId ) {
var params = dashboard _get _params ( ) ;
if ( isNaN ( ActiveTabId ) ) {
var ActiveTab = $ ( "#dashboardtabs .ui-tabs-panel:visible" ) ;
ActiveTabId = getTabIndexFromTab ( ActiveTab ) ;
else {
var ActiveTab = $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + ActiveTabId ) ;
var colCount = $ ( '#dashboard_tab' + ActiveTabId + ' .dashboard_column' ) . length ;
var colWidths = $ ( '#dashboard_tab' + ActiveTabId ) . attr ( 'data-tabcolwidths' ) ;
if ( ! colWidths ) {
colWidths = params [ 7 ] ;
var aColWidth = GetColWidth ( colCount , colWidths ) ;
//--------------------------------------------- Set Row and Column Settings --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ ( "#dashboard" ) . width ( params [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ActiveTab . has ( "#dashboard_rowtop_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . length ) { $ ( "#dashboard_rowtop_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . css ( 'min-height' , params [ 8 ] + 'px' ) ; }
if ( ActiveTab . has ( "#dashboard_rowcenter_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . length ) { $ ( "#dashboard_rowcenter_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . css ( 'min-height' , params [ 5 ] + 'px' ) ; }
if ( ActiveTab . has ( "#dashboard_rowbottom_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . length ) { $ ( "#dashboard_rowbottom_tab" + ActiveTabId ) . css ( 'min-height' , params [ 9 ] + 'px' ) ; }
for ( var i = 0 , n = colCount ; i <= n ; i ++ ) {
if ( ActiveTab . has ( "#dashboard_tab" + ActiveTabId + "column" + i ) . length ) { $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + ActiveTabId + "column" + i ) . width ( aColWidth [ i ] + "%" ) ; }
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "unlock" ) { $ ( ".ui-row" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_columnhelper" ) ; } else { $ ( ".ui-row" ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_columnhelper" ) ; } //set showhelper
$ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . each ( function ( index , value ) {
var groupdata = $ ( this ) . data ( "groupwidget" ) . split ( "," ) ; //get the position string from the data
var TabId = groupdata [ 0 ] . replace ( /c.*/ , '' ) . substr ( 1 ) ;
var ColumnId = groupdata [ 0 ] . replace ( new RegExp ( 't' + TabId + 'c' , '' ) ) ;
if ( TabId == ActiveTabId ) { //Restore only for the current active tab
var groupname = groupdata [ 1 ] ;
var visible = true ; // var visible = groupdata[2]; ever collapsed
var grid = ( is _flexible = is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) ? is _flexible : 1 ;
var width = Math . round ( groupdata [ 3 ] / grid ) * grid ;
var height = Math . round ( groupdata [ 4 ] / grid ) * grid ;
var left = Math . round ( groupdata [ 5 ] / grid ) * grid ;
var top = Math . round ( groupdata [ 6 ] / grid ) * grid ;
//---------- Max. Width of an Group. Reduce group-with if need | Min. Width if need ----------
if ( ! is _flexible ) {
var widgetmaxwidth = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . width ( ) ;
if ( width == 0 ) {
width = $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . children ( ) . outerWidth ( ) + 10 ;
if ( width ) {
$ ( this ) . outerWidth ( width ) ;
//-------------------------------- Height of an Group. | Min. Height if need ---------------------------
if ( ! is _flexible && height > 0 ) {
$ ( this ) . outerHeight ( height ) ; //set heigh only if > group min. height
//-------------------------------- Corrent height for inner div. -------------------------------------
var innerHeight = $ ( this ) . children ( '.dashboard_widgetinner' ) . outerHeight ( ) ;
if ( this . style . height && $ ( this ) . outerHeight ( ) < innerHeight ) {
$ ( this ) . css ( 'height' , innerHeight + 'px' ) ;
//-------------------------------- position of a Group. --------------------------------------------------------
if ( is _flexible ) {
if ( ! left ) left = 0 ;
if ( ! top ) top = 0 ;
$ ( this ) . css ( 'position' , 'absolute' ) . css ( 'left' , left + 'px' ) . css ( 'top' , top + 'px' ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . data ( "userheight" , height - 5 ) ;
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "unlock" ) { $ ( this ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgethelper" ) ; } else { $ ( this ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_widgethelper" ) ; } //Show Widget-Helper Frame
if ( visible === 'false' ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( "span" ) . hasClass ( "dashboard_button_iconminus" ) ) {
$ ( this ) . find ( "span" )
. removeClass ( "dashboard_button_iconminus" )
. addClass ( "dashboard_button_iconplus" ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( this ) . height ( $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . height ( ) + 5 ) ;
$ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetheader" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgetmin" ) ;
} else { $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetheader" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgetmax" ) ; }
} ) ;
function GetColWidth ( ColCount , ColWidth ) {
var aColWidth = ColWidth . replace ( /%/g , "" ) . split ( ":" ) ;
if ( aColWidth . length > ColCount ) { aColWidth . length = ColCount ; }
if ( aColWidth . length < ColCount ) { for ( var i = aColWidth . length ; i < ColCount ; i ++ ) { aColWidth [ i ] = "20" ; } } //fill missin width parts with 20%
var ColWidthCount = aColWidth . length ;
var ColWidthSum = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ColWidthCount ; i ++ ) { ColWidthSum = parseInt ( aColWidth [ i ] ) + ColWidthSum ; }
if ( ColWidthSum > 100 ) { //reduce width down to 100%
while ( ColWidthSum > 100 ) {
ColWidthSum = 0 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ColWidthCount ; i ++ ) {
if ( parseInt ( aColWidth [ i ] ) > 10 ) { aColWidth [ i ] = parseInt ( aColWidth [ i ] ) - 1 ; }
ColWidthSum = parseInt ( aColWidth [ i ] ) + ColWidthSum ;
if ( ColWidthSum < 100 ) { aColWidth [ ColWidthCount - 1 ] = parseInt ( aColWidth [ ColWidthCount - 1 ] ) + ( 100 - ColWidthSum ) ; } //fill up to 100% width
aColWidth [ 0 ] = parseInt ( aColWidth [ 0 ] ) - ( 0.3 * ColCount ) ;
return aColWidth ;
function is _dashboard _flexible ( ) {
var params = dashboard _get _params ( ) ;
return parseInt ( params [ 15 ] ) ;
function dashboard _get _params ( ) {
if ( ! dashboard _get _params . dashboard _params ) {
dashboard _get _params . dashboard _params = ( document . getElementById ( "dashboard_attr" ) . value ) . split ( "," ) ; //get current Configuration
return dashboard _get _params . dashboard _params ;
function dashboard _setlock ( iTabIndex ) {
if ( is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) {
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + iTabIndex + " .dashboard_widget" ) . draggable ( "destroy" ) ;
else {
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + iTabIndex + " .dashboard_column" ) . sortable ( "destroy" ) ;
$ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_widgethelper" ) ;
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + iTabIndex + " .dashboard_widget" ) . resizable ( "destroy" ) ;
$ ( ".dashboard_column" ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_columnhelper" ) ;
function dashboard _unsetlock ( iTabIndex ) {
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "unlock" ) { $ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgethelper" ) ; } else { $ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_widgethelper" ) ; } //Show Widget-Helper Frame
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "unlock" ) { $ ( ".dashboard_column" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_columnhelper" ) ; } else { $ ( ".dashboard_column" ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_columnhelper" ) ; } //Show Widget-Helper Frame
dashboard _modifyWidget ( ) ;
function dashboard _setposition ( ) {
//------------------- store group position ----------------------------
for ( var i = 0 , n = DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tabcount' ] ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
if ( $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + i ) . data ( "tabwidgets" ) != null ) {
var j = i + 1 ;
FW _cmd ( fhemUrl + '?XHR=1&cmd.' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + '=attr ' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] + ' dashboard_tab' + j + 'sorting ' + $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + i ) . data ( "tabwidgets" ) ) ;
$ ( "#setPosition" ) . button ( { disabled : true } ) ;
//--------------------- store active Tab ------------------------------
// Set only over Dashborad-Dialog or fhem Attribute
//var activeTab = ($( "#dashboardtabs" ).tabs( "option", "active" ))+1;
//if (DashboardConfigHash['dashboard_activetab'] != activeTab){
// FW_cmd(fhemUrl+'?XHR=1&cmd.'+DashboardConfigHash['name']+'=attr '+DashboardConfigHash['name']+' dashboard_activetab '+activeTab);
function dashboard _modifyWidget ( ) {
makeResizable ( '.dashboard_widget' ) ;
function makeResizable ( sSelector ) {
var grid = is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ;
$ ( sSelector ) . resizable ( {
start : function ( e , ui ) {
if ( ! is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) {
var params = dashboard _get _params ( ) ;
var groupdata = $ ( this ) . data ( "groupwidget" ) . split ( "," ) ; //get the position string from the data
var TabId = getTabIndexFromTab ( $ ( this ) . parent ( ) ) ;
var ColumnId = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . attr ( "id" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( 'dashboard_tab' + TabId + 'column' ) , '' ) ;
var widgetmaxwidth = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . width ( ) ;
if ( ColumnId == "100" ) { var widgetmaxheight = params [ 8 ] ; }
if ( ( ColumnId != "100" ) && ( ColumnId != "200" ) ) { var widgetmaxheight = params [ 5 ] ; }
if ( ColumnId == "200" ) { var widgetmaxheight = params [ 9 ] ; }
maxWidthOffset = widgetmaxwidth ;
$ ( this ) . resizable ( "option" , "maxWidth" , widgetmaxwidth - 5 ) ;
$ ( this ) . resizable ( "option" , "maxHeight" , widgetmaxheight ) ;
} ,
resize : function ( e , ui ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetheader" ) . outerWidth ( ) < $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . children ( ) . outerWidth ( ) ) { $ ( this ) . resizable ( "option" , "minWidth" , $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . children ( ) . outerWidth ( ) + 5 ) ; }
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . outerHeight ( ) < $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . outerHeight ( ) ) { $ ( this ) . resizable ( "option" , "minHeight" , $ ( this ) . find ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . outerHeight ( ) ) ; }
} ,
stop : function ( ) {
saveOrder ( ) ;
} ,
grid : grid ? [ grid , grid ] : false
} ) ;
function dashboard _openModal ( tabid ) {
$ ( "#dashboard-dialog-tabs" ) . tabs ( ) ;
$ ( "#tabID" ) . html ( "TabID: " + tabid ) ;
$ ( "#tabTitle" ) . val ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'name' ] ) ;
$ ( "#tabGroups" ) . val ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'groups' ] ) ;
$ ( "#tabIcon" ) . val ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'icon' ] ) ;
$ ( "#tabIconColor" ) . val ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'iconcolor' ] ) ;
$ ( '#tabIconColor' ) . colorpicker ( { color : $ ( "#tabIconColor" ) . val ( ) , history : false } ) ;
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_activetab' ] == ( tabid + 1 ) ) { $ ( '#tabActiveTab' ) . prop ( 'checked' , 'checked' ) ; } else { $ ( '#tabActiveTab' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ; }
$ ( "#tabEdit" ) . dialog ( {
modal : true ,
title : "Dashboard-Tab Details" ,
resizable : false ,
width : 350 ,
buttons : {
"Ok" : function ( ) {
if ( $ ( "#tabTitle" ) . val ( ) != "" ) { dashboard _setAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'name' , $ ( "#tabTitle" ) . val ( ) ) ; }
else if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'name' ] ) { dashboard _delAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'name' ) ; }
if ( $ ( "#tabGroups" ) . val ( ) != "" ) { dashboard _setAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'groups' , $ ( "#tabGroups" ) . val ( ) ) ; }
else if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'groups' ] ) { dashboard _delAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'groups' ) ; }
if ( $ ( "#tabIcon" ) . val ( ) != "" ) {
var color = $ ( "#tabIconColor" ) . val ( ) ;
if ( color . substr ( 0 , 1 ) == '#' ) { color = "%23" + color . substr ( 1 , color . length ) ; }
if ( color != "" ) { dashboard _setAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'icon' , $ ( "#tabIcon" ) . val ( ) + '@' + color ) ; }
else { dashboard _setAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'icon' , $ ( "#tabIcon" ) . val ( ) ) ; }
} else if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'icon' ] ) { dashboard _delAttribute ( 'dashboard_tab' + ( tabid + 1 ) + 'icon' ) ; }
if ( $ ( '#tabActiveTab' ) . is ( ':checked' ) ) { dashboard _setAttribute ( 'dashboard_activetab' , tabid + 1 ) ; }
setTimeout ( dashboard _reloadpage , 1500 ) ;
$ ( this ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
$ ( this ) . dialog ( "destroy" ) ;
} ,
"Cancel" : function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . dialog ( "close" ) ;
$ ( this ) . dialog ( "destroy" ) ;
} ,
create : function ( event , ui ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . attr ( 'id' , "dashboard-dialog" ) ;
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( ) . addClass ( "dashboard dashboard-dialog ui-dialog ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all ui-front ui-dialog-buttons ui-draggable" ) ;
} ) ;
function adddashboardButton ( position , text , id , hint ) {
$ ( "#" + id ) . button ( ) ;
var my _button = '<span id="' + id + '" title="' + hint + '" class="dashboard dashboard-button dashboard-button-custom dashboard-button-' + id + ' dashboard-state-default" style="">' + text + '</span>' ;
$ ( "#dashboard_tabnav" ) . prepend ( my _button ) ;
function dashboard _buildButtons ( ) {
adddashboardButton ( "top" , "" , "defineDetails" , "Show Details" ) ;
$ ( "#defineDetails" ) . click ( function ( ) { location . href = fhemUrl + '?detail=' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'name' ] ; } ) ;
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] != "lock" ) {
adddashboardButton ( "top" , "" , "setPosition" , "Set Position" ) ;
$ ( "#setPosition" ) . button ( { disabled : true } ) ;
$ ( "#setPosition" ) . click ( function ( ) { dashboard _setposition ( ) } ) ;
adddashboardButton ( "top" , "" , "editTab" , "Edit Tab" ) ;
$ ( "#editTab" ) . click ( function ( ) { dashboard _openModal ( $ ( "#dashboardtabs" ) . tabs ( "option" , "active" ) ) } ) ;
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_showfullsize' ] == 1 ) {
adddashboardButton ( "top" , "" , "goBack" , "Back" ) ;
$ ( "#goBack" ) . click ( function ( ) { location . href = fhemUrl ; } ) ;
//adddashboardButton("top", "", "testButton", "TEST");
//$("#testButton").click(function () {dashboard_test()});
$ ( ".dashboard_tab" ) . click ( function ( ) {
var tabIndex = $ ( this ) . parent ( ) . children ( 'li' ) . index ( this ) ;
dashboard _load _tab ( tabIndex ) ;
} ) ;
function dashboard _load _tab ( tabIndex ) {
// in case the tab is already loaded, do nothing
if ( $ ( '#dashboard_tab' + tabIndex ) . length ) {
return ;
if ( typeof ( fhemUrl ) !== 'undefined' ) {
dashboard _getData (
fhemUrl + "?cmd=get " + $ ( '#dashboard_define' ) . text ( ) ,
"tab " + tabIndex ,
"html" ,
function ( tabIndex , data ) {
dashboard _insert _tab ( tabIndex , data ) ;
} . bind ( null , tabIndex )
) ;
function dashboard _insert _tab ( tabIndex , content ) {
$ ( '#dashboardtabs' ) . append ( content ) ;
$ ( "#dashboardtabs" ) . tabs ( 'refresh' ) ;
// call FHEM specific widget replacement
FW _replaceWidgets ( $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex ) ) ;
dashboard _init _tab ( tabIndex ) ;
function dashboard _init _tab ( tabIndex ) {
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_showtogglebuttons' ] == 1 ) { //ToggleButton show/hide
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " .dashboard_widget" )
. addClass ( "dashboard_widget ui-corner-all" )
. find ( ".dashboard_widgetheader" )
. addClass ( "dashboard_widgetheader ui-corner-all" )
. prepend ( '<span class="dashboard_button_icon dashboard_button_iconminus"></span>' )
. end ( ) ;
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " .dashboard_widgetheader .dashboard_button_icon" ) . click ( function ( event ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( "dashboard_button_iconplus" ) ) {
showGroupForButton ( this ) ;
} else {
hideGroupForButton ( this ) ;
event . stopImmediatePropagation ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else { $ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " .dashboard_widgetheader" ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgetheader ui-corner-all" ) ; }
// call FHEMWEB specific link replacement
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " a" ) . each ( function ( ) { FW _replaceLink ( this ) ; } ) ;
restoreOrder ( tabIndex ) ;
if ( gridSize = is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) {
var $container = $ ( "#dashboard_rowcenter_tab" + tabIndex ) ;
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " .dashboard_widget" ) . draggable ( {
cursor : 'move' ,
grid : [ gridSize , gridSize ] ,
containment : [ $container . offset ( ) . left , $container . offset ( ) . top ] ,
stop : function ( ) { saveOrder ( ) ; }
} ) ;
else {
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabIndex + " .dashboard_column" ) . sortable ( {
connectWith : [ '.dashboard_column' , '.ui-row' ] ,
cursor : 'move' ,
tolerance : 'pointer' ,
stop : function ( ) { saveOrder ( ) ; }
} ) ;
makeResizable ( '#dashboard_tab' + tabIndex + ' .dashboard_widget' ) ;
// call the initialization of reading groups
2020-05-19 10:32:59 +00:00
if ( typeof FW _readingsGroupReadyFn == 'function' ) {
FW _readingsGroupReadyFn ( $ ( '#dashboard_tab' + tabIndex ) ) ;
// FW_readingsGroupReadyFn($('#dashboard_tab' + tabIndex)); // 19.05.2020 V2.0.9
2019-09-24 16:43:54 +00:00
if ( ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "lock" ) || ( dashboard _buttonbar == "hidden" ) ) {
dashboard _setlock ( tabIndex ) ;
} else {
dashboard _unsetlock ( tabIndex ) ;
restoreGroupVisibility ( tabIndex ) ;
function restoreGroupVisibility ( tabId ) {
$ ( "#dashboard_tab" + tabId + ' .dashboard_button_icon' ) . each ( function ( index , button ) {
var $parentElement = $ ( button ) . parents ( ".dashboard_widget:first" ) ;
var id = $parentElement . attr ( 'id' ) ;
if ( $ . cookie ( id + '_hidden' ) ) {
hideGroupForButton ( button ) ;
} ) ;
function hideGroupForButton ( button ) {
$ ( button ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_button_iconminus" ) ;
$ ( button ) . addClass ( "dashboard_button_iconplus" ) ;
var $parentElement = $ ( button ) . parents ( ".dashboard_widget:first" ) ;
var currHeight = Math . round ( $parentElement . height ( ) ) ;
$parentElement . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . data ( "userheight" , currHeight ) ;
$parentElement . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . hide ( ) ;
var newHeight = $parentElement . find ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . height ( ) + 5 ;
$parentElement . height ( newHeight ) ;
$ ( button ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_widgetmax" ) ;
$ ( button ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgetmin" ) ;
$ . cookie ( $parentElement . attr ( 'id' ) + '_hidden' , '1' , { expires : 365 } ) ;
function showGroupForButton ( button ) {
$ ( button ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_button_iconplus" ) ;
var $parentElement = $ ( button ) . parents ( ".dashboard_widget:first" ) ;
$ ( button ) . addClass ( "dashboard_button_iconminus" ) ;
$parentElement . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . show ( ) ;
var newHeigth = $parentElement . find ( ".dashboard_content" ) . data ( "userheight" ) ;
$ ( button ) . parent ( ) . removeClass ( "dashboard_widgetmin" ) ;
$ ( button ) . parent ( ) . addClass ( "dashboard_widgetmax" ) ;
//-------- set heigh only if > group min. height -------------
if ( $ ( button ) . parents ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . outerHeight ( ) > newHeigth ) {
$parentElement . outerHeight ( $ ( button ) . parents ( ".dashboard_widgetinner" ) . outerHeight ( ) + 10 ) ;
} else { $parentElement . outerHeight ( newHeigth ) ; }
$ . removeCookie ( $parentElement . attr ( 'id' ) + '_hidden' ) ;
function dashboard _buildDashboard ( ) {
var params = dashboard _get _params ( ) ;
dashboard _buttonbar = params [ 4 ] ;
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_showfullsize' ] == 1 ) { //disable roomlist and header
//$("#content").css({position: 'inherit', 'overflow' : 'visible', 'float' : 'none', 'width' : '100%', 'height' : '100%', 'padding' : '0px', 'border' : 'none'});
//--------------------------------- Dashboard Tabs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ ( "#dashboardtabs" ) . tabs ( {
active : 0 ,
create : function ( event , ui ) {
/*$( "#dashboardtabs" ).tabs( "option", "active", 2);/ / set active Tab
restoreOrder ( ) ;
restoreGroupVisibility ( 0 ) ; * /
} ,
activate : function ( event , ui ) {
var tabIndex = ui . newTab . parent ( ) . children ( 'li' ) . index ( ui . newTab ) ;
$ . cookie ( 'dashboard_activetab' , tabIndex + 1 , { expires : 365 } ) ;
} ) ;
var iActiveTab = getTabIndexFromTab ( $ ( '#dashboardtabs .dashboard_tabpanel' ) ) ;
$ ( "#dashboardtabs" ) . tabs ( "option" , "active" , iActiveTab ) ; //set active Tab
dashboard _init _tab ( iActiveTab ) ;
restoreOrder ( iActiveTab ) ;
restoreGroupVisibility ( iActiveTab ) ;
if ( $ ( "#dashboard_tabnav" ) . hasClass ( "dashboard_tabnav_bottom" ) ) { $ ( ".dashboard_tabnav" ) . appendTo ( ".dashboard_tabs" ) ; } //set Tabs on the Bottom
$ ( ".dashboard_tab_hidden" ) . css ( "display" , "none" ) ; //hide Tabs
//---------------------- Dashboard Tab Icons ---------------------------------------------------
for ( var i = 0 , n = $ ( '#dashboardtabs >ul >li' ) . size ( ) ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( i + 1 ) + 'icon' ] ) {
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( i + 1 ) + 'iconcolor' ] ) {
var svgColor = DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( i + 1 ) + 'iconcolor' ] ;
} else {
svgColor = "#FFFFFF" ;
$ ( '#dashboardtabs ul:first li:eq(' + i + ')' ) . children ( ) . prepend ( '<a id="dashboard_tab' + ( i + 1 ) + 'icon"/>' ) ;
//dashboard_loadsvgIcon(DashboardConfigHash['dashboard_tab'+(i+1)+'icon'], svgColor, "#dashboard_tab"+(i+1)+"icon");
dashboard _showsvgIcon (
fhemUrl + '?cmd=get ' + $ ( '#dashboard_define' ) . text ( ) + ' icon ' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_tab' + ( i + 1 ) + 'icon' ] ,
svgColor , "#dashboard_tab" + ( i + 1 ) + "icon"
) ;
if ( gridSize = is _dashboard _flexible ( ) ) {
var $container = $ ( ".dashboard_rowcenter" ) ;
$ ( ".dashboard_widget" ) . draggable ( {
cursor : 'move' ,
grid : [ gridSize , gridSize ] ,
containment : [ $container . offset ( ) . left , $container . offset ( ) . top ] ,
stop : function ( ) { saveOrder ( ) ; }
} ) ;
else {
$ ( ".dashboard_column" ) . sortable ( {
connectWith : [ '.dashboard_column' , '.ui-row' ] ,
cursor : 'move' ,
tolerance : 'pointer' ,
stop : function ( ) { saveOrder ( ) ; }
} ) ;
dashboard _modifyWidget ( ) ;
if ( dashboard _buttonbar != "hidden" ) dashboard _buildButtons ( ) ;
if ( ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'lockstate' ] == "lock" ) || ( dashboard _buttonbar == "hidden" ) ) { dashboard _setlock ( iActiveTab ) ; } else { dashboard _unsetlock ( iActiveTab ) ; }
if ( DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_customcss' ] ) { $ ( '<style type="text/css">' + DashboardConfigHash [ 'dashboard_customcss' ] + '</style>' ) . appendTo ( $ ( 'head' ) ) ; }
$ ( document ) . ready ( function ( ) {
var dbattr = document . getElementById ( "dashboard_attr" ) ;
if ( dbattr ) {
$ ( "body" ) . attr ( "longpollfilter" , ".*" ) //need for longpoll
//--------------------------------- Attribute des Dashboards ------------------------------------------------------------------
dashboard _getData ( fhemUrl + "?cmd=get " + $ ( '#dashboard_define' ) . text ( ) , "config" , "json" , dashboard _buildDashboard ) ;
$ ( window ) . off ( 'resize' ) ;
} ) ;