2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
# fhem bridge to MySensors (see http://mysensors.org)
# Copyright (C) 2014 Norbert Truchsess
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# $Id$
use strict ;
use warnings ;
my % gets = (
"version" = > "" ,
) ;
sub MYSENSORS_DEVICE_Initialize ($) {
my $ hash = shift @ _ ;
# Consumer
$ hash - > { DefFn } = "MYSENSORS::DEVICE::Define" ;
$ hash - > { UndefFn } = "MYSENSORS::DEVICE::UnDefine" ;
$ hash - > { SetFn } = "MYSENSORS::DEVICE::Set" ;
$ hash - > { AttrFn } = "MYSENSORS::DEVICE::Attr" ;
$ hash - > { AttrList } =
"config:M,I " .
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
"mode:node,repeater " .
"version:1.4 " .
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
"setCommands " .
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
"setReading_.+ " .
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
"mapReadingType_.+ " .
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
"mapReading_.+ " .
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
"requestAck:1 " .
"IODev " .
$ main:: readingFnAttributes ;
main:: LoadModule ( "MYSENSORS" ) ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use GPUtils qw( :all ) ;
use Device::MySensors::Constants qw( :all ) ;
use Device::MySensors::Message qw( :all ) ;
MYSENSORS - > import ( qw( :all ) ) ;
GP_Import ( qw(
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
) )
} ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my % static_types = (
S_DOOR = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_TRIPPED ] } , # BinarySwitchSensor
S_MOTION = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_TRIPPED ] } , # MotionSensor
S_SMOKE = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_LIGHT = > { receives = > [ V_LIGHT ] , sends = > [ V_LIGHT ] } , # BinarySwitchSensor
S_DIMMER = > { receives = > [ V_LIGHT , V_DIMMER ] , sends = > [ V_LIGHT , V_DIMMER ] } , # DimmableLEDActuator
S_COVER = > { receives = > [ V_DIMMER , V_UP , V_DOWN , V_STOP ] , sends = > [ V_DIMMER ] } , # ServoActuator
S_TEMP = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_TEMP ] } , # DallasTemperatureSensor
S_HUM = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_HUM ] } , # HumiditySensor
S_BARO = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_PRESSURE , V_FORECAST ] } ,
S_WIND = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_RAIN = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_UV = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_UV ] } , # UVSensor
S_WEIGHT = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_POWER = > { receives = > [ V_VAR1 ] , sends = > [ V_WATT , V_KWH , V_VAR1 ] } , # EnergyMeterPulseSensor
S_HEATER = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_DISTANCE = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_DISTANCE ] } , # DistanceSensor
S_LIGHT_LEVEL = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_LIGHT_LEVEL ] } , # LightSensor
S_ARDUINO_NODE = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_LOCK = > { receives = > [ V_LOCK_STATUS ] , sends = > [ V_LOCK_STATUS ] } , #R FIDLockSensor
S_IR = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_WATER = > { receives = > [ V_VAR1 ] , sends = > [ V_FLOW , V_VOLUME ] } , # WaterMeterPulseSensor
S_AIR_QUALITY = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_VAR1 ] } , # AirQualitySensor
S_CUSTOM = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [] } , # Not used so far
S_DUST = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_DUST_LEVEL ] } , # Not used so far
S_SCENE_CONTROLLER = > { receives = > [] , sends = > [ V_SCENE_ON , V_SCENE_OFF ] } , # TouchDisplaySceneControllerDisplaySensor
) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
my % static_mappings = (
V_TEMP = > { type = > "temperature" } ,
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
V_HUM = > { type = > "humidity" , range = > { min = > 0 , max = > 100 } } ,
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
V_PRESSURE = > { type = > "pressure" } ,
V_LIGHT_LEVEL = > { type = > "brightness" } ,
V_LIGHT = > { type = > "switch" , val = > { 0 = > 'off' , 1 = > 'on' } } ,
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
V_DIMMER = > { type = > "dimmer" , range = > { min = > 0 , max = > 100 } } ,
V_FORECAST = > { type = > "forecast" , val = > { # PressureSensor, DP/Dt explanation
0 = > 'stable' , # 0 = "Stable Weather Pattern"
1 = > 'slow rising' , # 1 = "Slowly rising Good Weather", "Clear/Sunny "
2 = > 'slow falling' , # 2 = "Slowly falling L-Pressure ", "Cloudy/Rain "
3 = > 'quick rising' , # 3 = "Quickly rising H-Press", "Not Stable"
4 = > 'quick falling' , # 4 = "Quickly falling L-Press", "Thunderstorm"
5 = > 'unknown' } } , # 5 = "Unknown (More Time needed)
V_RAIN = > { type = > "rain" } ,
V_RAINRATE = > { type = > "rainrate" } ,
V_WIND = > { type = > "wind" } ,
V_GUST = > { type = > "gust" } ,
V_DIRECTION = > { type = > "direction" } ,
V_UV = > { type = > "uv" } ,
V_WEIGHT = > { type = > "weight" } ,
V_DISTANCE = > { type = > "distance" } ,
V_IMPEDANCE = > { type = > "impedance" } ,
V_ARMED = > { type = > "armed" } ,
V_TRIPPED = > { type = > "tripped" } ,
V_WATT = > { type = > "power" } ,
V_KWH = > { type = > "energy" } ,
V_SCENE_ON = > { type = > "button_on" } ,
V_SCENE_OFF = > { type = > "button_off" } ,
V_HEATER = > { type = > "heater" } ,
V_HEATER_SW = > { type = > "heater_sw" } ,
V_VAR1 = > { type = > "value1" } ,
V_VAR2 = > { type = > "value2" } ,
V_VAR3 = > { type = > "value3" } ,
V_VAR4 = > { type = > "value4" } ,
V_VAR5 = > { type = > "value5" } ,
V_UP = > { type = > "up" } ,
V_DOWN = > { type = > "down" } ,
V_STOP = > { type = > "stop" } ,
V_IR_SEND = > { type = > "ir_send" } ,
V_IR_RECEIVE = > { type = > "ir_receive" } ,
V_FLOW = > { type = > "flow" } ,
V_VOLUME = > { type = > "volume" } ,
V_LOCK_STATUS = > { type = > "lockstatus" , val = > { 0 = > 'locked' , 1 = > 'unlocked' } } ,
V_DUST_LEVEL = > { type = > "dustlevel" } ,
V_VOLTAGE = > { type = > "voltage" } ,
V_CURRENT = > { type = > "current" } ,
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
) ;
sub Define ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ def ) = @ _ ;
my ( $ name , $ type , $ radioId ) = split ( "[ \t]+" , $ def ) ;
return "requires 1 parameters" unless ( defined $ radioId and $ radioId ne "" ) ;
$ hash - > { radioId } = $ radioId ;
$ hash - > { sets } = {
'time' = > "" ,
reboot = > "" ,
} ;
$ hash - > { ack } = 0 ;
$ hash - > { typeMappings } = { map { variableTypeToIdx ( $ _ ) = > $ static_mappings { $ _ } } keys % static_mappings } ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
$ hash - > { sensorMappings } = { map { sensorTypeToIdx ( $ _ ) = > $ static_types { $ _ } } keys % static_types } ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
$ hash - > { readingMappings } = { } ;
AssignIoPort ( $ hash ) ;
} ;
sub UnDefine ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
return undef ;
sub Set ($@) {
my ( $ hash , $ name , $ command , @ values ) = @ _ ;
return "Need at least one parameters" unless defined $ command ;
return "Unknown argument $command, choose one of " . join ( " " , map { $ hash - > { sets } - > { $ _ } ne "" ? "$_:$hash->{sets}->{$_}" : $ _ } sort keys % { $ hash - > { sets } } )
if ( ! defined ( $ hash - > { sets } - > { $ command } ) ) ;
$ command eq "clear" and do {
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , childId = > 255 , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , subType = > I_CHILDREN , payload = > "C" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ command eq "time" and do {
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , childId = > 255 , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , subType = > I_TIME , payload = > time ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ command eq "reboot" and do {
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , childId = > 255 , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , subType = > I_REBOOT ) ;
last ;
} ;
( defined ( $ hash - > { setcommands } - > { $ command } ) ) and do {
my $ setcommand = $ hash - > { setcommands } - > { $ command } ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
eval {
my ( $ type , $ childId , $ mappedValue ) = mappedReadingToRaw ( $ hash , $ setcommand - > { var } , $ setcommand - > { val } ) ;
sendClientMessage ( $ hash ,
childId = > $ childId ,
cmd = > C_SET ,
subType = > $ type ,
payload = > $ mappedValue ,
) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , $ setcommand - > { var } , $ setcommand - > { val } , 1 ) unless ( $ hash - > { ack } or $ hash - > { IODev } - > { ack } ) ;
} ;
return "$command not defined: " . GP_Catch ( $@ ) if $@ ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
last ;
} ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my $ value = @ values ? join " " , @ values : "" ;
eval {
my ( $ type , $ childId , $ mappedValue ) = mappedReadingToRaw ( $ hash , $ command , $ value ) ;
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , childId = > $ childId , cmd = > C_SET , subType = > $ type , payload = > $ mappedValue ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , $ command , $ value , 1 ) unless ( $ hash - > { ack } or $ hash - > { IODev } - > { ack } ) ;
} ;
return "$command not defined: " . GP_Catch ( $@ ) if $@ ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
sub Attr ($$$$) {
my ( $ command , $ name , $ attribute , $ value ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash = $ main:: defs { $ name } ;
$ attribute eq "config" and do {
if ( $ main:: init_done ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , childId = > 255 , subType = > I_CONFIG , payload = > $ command eq 'set' ? $ value : "M" ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
last ;
} ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
$ attribute eq "mode" and do {
if ( $ command eq "set" and $ value eq "repeater" ) {
$ hash - > { repeater } = 1 ;
$ hash - > { sets } - > { clear } = "" ;
} else {
$ hash - > { repeater } = 0 ;
delete $ hash - > { sets } - > { clear } ;
last ;
} ;
$ attribute eq "version" and do {
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
if ( $ command eq "set" ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
$ hash - > { protocol } = $ value ;
} else {
delete $ hash - > { protocol } ;
last ;
} ;
$ attribute eq "setCommands" and do {
foreach my $ set ( keys % { $ hash - > { setcommands } } ) {
delete $ hash - > { sets } - > { $ set } ;
$ hash - > { setcommands } = { } ;
2014-10-25 10:37:22 +00:00
if ( $ command eq "set" and $ value ) {
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
foreach my $ setCmd ( split ( "[, \t]+" , $ value ) ) {
2014-10-25 10:37:22 +00:00
if ( $ setCmd =~ /^(.+):(.+):(.+)$/ ) {
$ hash - > { sets } - > { $ 1 } = "" ;
$ hash - > { setcommands } - > { $ 1 } = {
var = > $ 2 ,
val = > $ 3 ,
} ;
} else {
return "unparsable value in setCommands for $name: $setCmd" ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
last ;
} ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
$ attribute =~ /^setReading_(.+)$/ and do {
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
if ( $ command eq "set" ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
$ hash - > { sets } - > { $ 1 } = ( defined $ value ) ? join ( "," , split ( "[, \t]+" , $ value ) ) : "" ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
} else {
CommandDeleteReading ( undef , "$hash->{NAME} $1" ) ;
delete $ hash - > { sets } - > { $ 1 } ;
last ;
} ;
$ attribute =~ /^mapReadingType_(.+)/ and do {
my $ type = variableTypeToIdx ( "V_$1" ) ;
if ( $ command eq "set" ) {
my @ values = split ( "[, \t]" , $ value ) ;
$ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } = {
type = > shift @ values ,
val = > { map { $ _ =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/ ; $ 1 = > $ 2 } @ values } ,
} else {
if ( $ static_mappings { "V_$1" } ) {
$ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } = $ static_mappings { "V_$1" } ;
} else {
delete $ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my $ readings = $ hash - > { READINGS } ;
my $ readingMappings = $ hash - > { readingMappings } ;
foreach my $ todelete ( map { $ readingMappings - > { $ _ } - > { name } } grep { $ readingMappings - > { $ _ } - > { type } == $ type } keys %$ readingMappings ) {
CommandDeleteReading ( undef , "$hash->{NAME} $todelete" ) ; #TODO do propper remap of existing readings
last ;
} ;
$ attribute =~ /^mapReading_(.+)/ and do {
my $ readingMappings = $ hash - > { readingMappings } ;
FIND: foreach my $ id ( keys %$ readingMappings ) {
my $ readingsForId = $ readingMappings - > { $ id } ;
foreach my $ type ( keys %$ readingsForId ) {
if ( $ readingsForId - > { $ type } eq $ 1 ) {
delete $ readingsForId - > { $ type } ;
unless ( keys %$ readingsForId ) {
delete $ readingMappings - > { $ id } ;
last FIND ;
if ( $ command eq "set" ) {
my ( $ id , $ typeStr ) = split ( "[, \t]" , $ value ) ;
my $ typeMappings = $ hash - > { typeMappings } ;
if ( my @ match = grep { $ typeMappings - > { $ _ } - > { type } eq $ typeStr } keys %$ typeMappings ) {
$ hash - > { readingMappings } - > { $ id } - > { shift @ match } = $ 1 ;
} else {
return "unknown reading type $typeStr" ;
} else {
CommandDeleteReading ( undef , "$hash->{NAME} $1" ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
last ;
} ;
$ attribute eq "requestAck" and do {
if ( $ command eq "set" ) {
$ hash - > { ack } = 1 ;
} else {
$ hash - > { ack } = 0 ;
last ;
} ;
sub onGatewayStarted ($) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
sub onPresentationMessage ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ msg ) = @ _ ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ nodeType = $ msg - > { subType } ;
my $ id = $ msg - > { childId } ;
if ( $ id == 255 ) { #special id
$ nodeType == S_ARDUINO_NODE and do {
CommandAttr ( undef , "$name mode node" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ nodeType == S_ARDUINO_REPEATER_NODE and do {
CommandAttr ( undef , "$name mode repeater" ) ;
last ;
} ;
} ;
CommandAttr ( undef , "$name version $msg->{payload}" ) ;
} ;
my $ readingMappings = $ hash - > { readingMappings } ;
my $ typeMappings = $ hash - > { typeMappings } ;
if ( my $ sensorMappings = $ hash - > { sensorMappings } - > { $ nodeType } ) {
2014-10-25 12:17:42 +00:00
my $ idStr = ( $ id > 1 ? $ id : "" ) ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my @ ret = ( ) ;
foreach my $ type ( @ { $ sensorMappings - > { sends } } ) {
next if ( defined $ readingMappings - > { $ id } - > { $ type } ) ;
my $ typeStr = $ typeMappings - > { $ type } - > { type } ;
if ( $ hash - > { IODev } - > { 'inclusion-mode' } ) {
2014-10-25 12:10:23 +00:00
if ( my $ ret = CommandAttr ( undef , "$name mapReading_$typeStr$idStr $id $typeStr" ) ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
push @ ret , $ ret ;
} else {
push @ ret , "no mapReading for $id, $typeStr" ;
foreach my $ type ( @ { $ sensorMappings - > { receives } } ) {
my $ typeMapping = $ typeMappings - > { $ type } ;
my $ typeStr = $ typeMapping - > { type } ;
2014-10-25 12:10:23 +00:00
next if ( defined $ hash - > { sets } - > { "$typeStr$idStr" } ) ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
if ( $ hash - > { IODev } - > { 'inclusion-mode' } ) {
2014-10-25 12:10:23 +00:00
if ( my $ ret = CommandAttr ( undef , "$name setReading_$typeStr$idStr" . ( $ typeMapping - > { val } ? " " . join ( "," , values % { $ typeMapping - > { val } } ) : "" ) ) ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
push @ ret , $ ret ;
} else {
push @ ret , "no setReading for $id, $typeStr" ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $hash->{NAME}: errors on C_PRESENTATION-message for childId $id, subType " . sensorTypeToStr ( $ nodeType ) . " " . join ( ", " , @ ret ) ) if @ ret ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
sub onSetMessage ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ msg ) = @ _ ;
if ( defined $ msg - > { payload } ) {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
eval {
my ( $ reading , $ value ) = rawToMappedReading ( $ hash , $ msg - > { subType } , $ msg - > { childId } , $ msg - > { payload } ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , $ reading , $ value , 1 ) ;
} ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $hash->{NAME}: ignoring C_SET-message " . GP_Catch ( $@ ) ) if $@ ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
} else {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $hash->{NAME}: ignoring C_SET-message without payload" ) ;
sub onRequestMessage ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ msg ) = @ _ ;
variableTypeToStr ( $ msg - > { subType } ) =~ /^V_(.+)$/ ;
sendClientMessage ( $ hash ,
childId = > $ msg - > { childId } ,
cmd = > C_SET ,
subType = > $ msg - > { subType } ,
payload = > ReadingsVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , "$1\_$msg->{childId}" , "" )
) ;
sub onInternalMessage ($$) {
my ( $ hash , $ msg ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ type = $ msg - > { subType } ;
my $ typeStr = internalMessageTypeToStr ( $ type ) ;
$ type == I_BATTERY_LEVEL and do {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "batterylevel" , $ msg - > { payload } , 1 ) ;
Log3 ( $ name , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $name: batterylevel $msg->{payload}" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_TIME and do {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , childId = > 255 , subType = > I_TIME , payload = > time ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
Log3 ( $ name , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $name: update of time requested" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_VERSION and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_ID_REQUEST and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_ID_RESPONSE and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_INCLUSION_MODE and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_CONFIG and do {
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
sendClientMessage ( $ hash , cmd = > C_INTERNAL , childId = > 255 , subType = > I_CONFIG , payload = > AttrVal ( $ name , "config" , "M" ) ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
Log3 ( $ name , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $name: respond to config-request" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_PING and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_PING_ACK and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_LOG_MESSAGE and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_CHILDREN and do {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "state" , "routingtable cleared" , 1 ) ;
Log3 ( $ name , 4 , "MYSENSORS_DEVICE $name: routingtable cleared" ) ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_SKETCH_NAME and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_SKETCH_VERSION and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
$ type == I_REBOOT and do {
$ hash - > { $ typeStr } = $ msg - > { payload } ;
last ;
} ;
sub sendClientMessage ($%) {
my ( $ hash , % msg ) = @ _ ;
$ msg { radioId } = $ hash - > { radioId } ;
$ msg { ack } = 1 if $ hash - > { ack } ;
sendMessage ( $ hash - > { IODev } , % msg ) ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
sub rawToMappedReading ($$$$) {
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
my ( $ hash , $ type , $ childId , $ value ) = @ _ ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my $ name ;
if ( defined ( my $ name = $ hash - > { readingMappings } - > { $ childId } - > { $ type } ) ) {
if ( defined ( my $ mapping = $ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } ) ) {
return ( $ name , defined $ mapping - > { val } - > { $ value } ? $ mapping - > { val } - > { $ value } : $ value ) ;
die "not type-mapping for type " . variableTypeToStr ( $ type ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
die "no reading-mapping for childId $childId, type " . ( $ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } - > { type } ? $ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } - > { type } : variableTypeToStr ( $ type ) ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
sub mappedReadingToRaw ($$$) {
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
my ( $ hash , $ reading , $ value ) = @ _ ;
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
my $ readingsMapping = $ hash - > { readingMappings } ;
foreach my $ id ( keys %$ readingsMapping ) {
my $ readingTypesForId = $ readingsMapping - > { $ id } ;
foreach my $ type ( keys %$ readingTypesForId ) {
if ( $ readingTypesForId - > { $ type } eq $ reading ) {
if ( my $ valueMappings = $ hash - > { typeMappings } - > { $ type } - > { val } ) {
if ( my @ mappedValues = grep { $ valueMappings - > { $ _ } eq $ value } keys %$ valueMappings ) {
return ( $ type , $ id , shift @ mappedValues ) ;
return ( $ type , $ id , $ value ) ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
2014-10-25 10:17:25 +00:00
die "no mapping for reading $reading" ;
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
1 ;
= pod
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< a name = "MYSENSORS_DEVICE" > </a>
<p> represents a mysensors sensor attached to a mysensor - node </p>
<p> requires a < a href = "#MYSENSOR" > MYSENSOR </a> - device as IODev </p>
< a name = "MYSENSORS_DEVICEdefine" > </a>
<p> <b> Define </b> </p>
<p> <code> define & lt ; name & gt ; MYSENSORS_DEVICE & lt ; Sensor - type & gt ; & lt ; node - id & gt ; </code> <br/>
Specifies the MYSENSOR_DEVICE device . </p>
< a name = "MYSENSORS_DEVICEset" > </a>
<p> <b> Set </b> </p>
<p> <code> set & lt ; name & gt ; clear </code> <br/>
clears routing - table of a repeater - node </p>
<p> <code> set & lt ; name & gt ; time </code> <br/>
sets time for nodes ( that support it ) </p>
<p> <code> set & lt ; name & gt ; reboot </code> <br/>
reboots a node ( requires a bootloader that supports it ) . <br/>
Attention: Nodes that run the standard arduino - bootloader will enter a bootloop ! <br/>
Dis - and reconnect the nodes power to restart in this case . </p>
< a name = "MYSENSORS_DEVICEattr" > </a>
<p> <b> Attributes </b> </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; config [ & lt ; M | I & gt ; ] </code> <br/>
configures metric ( M ) or inch ( I ) . Defaults to 'M' </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; setCommands [ & lt ; command:reading:value & gt ; ] * </code> <br/>
configures one or more commands that can be executed by set . <br/>
e . g . : <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; setCommands on:switch_1:on off:switch_1:off </code> </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; setReading_ & lt ; reading & gt ; [ & lt ; value & gt ; ] * </code> <br/>
configures a reading that can be modified by set - command <br/>
e . g . : <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; setReading_switch_1 on , off </code> </p>
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<p> <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; mapReading_ & lt ; reading & gt ; & lt ; childId & gt ; & lt ; readingtype & gt ; </code> <br/>
configures the reading - name for a given childId and sensortype <br/>
E . g . : <code> attr xxx mapReading_aussentemperatur 123 temperature </code> </p>
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<p> <code> att & lt ; name & gt ; requestAck </code> <br/>
request acknowledge from nodes . <br/>
if set the Readings of nodes are updated not before requested acknowledge is received <br/>
if not set the Readings of nodes are updated immediatly ( not awaiting the acknowledge ) . <br/>
May also be configured on the gateway for all nodes at once </p>
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<p> <code> attr & lt ; name & gt ; mapReadingType_ & lt ; reading & gt ; & lt ; new reading name & gt ; [ & lt ; value & gt ; : & lt ; mappedvalue & gt ; ] * </code> <br/>
configures reading type names that should be used instead of technical names <br/>
E . g . : <code> attr xxx mapReadingType_LIGHT switch 0 : on 1 : off </code>
to be used for mysensor Variabletypes that have no predefined defaults ( yet ) </p>
2014-10-22 20:37:52 +00:00
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