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# Copyright notice
# (c) 2012,2014 Torsten Poitzsch (torsten.poitzsch@gmx.de)
# (c) 2012-2013 Jan-Hinrich Fessel (oskar@fessel.org)
# The modul reads and writes parameters of the heat pump controller Luxtronik 2.0
# This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# The GNU General Public License can be found at
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html.
# A copy is found in the textfile GPL.txt and important notices to the license
# from the author is found in LICENSE.txt distributed with these scripts.
# This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# This copyright notice MUST APPEAR in all copies of the script!
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Blocking;
use IO::Socket;
use Time::HiRes qw/ time /;
use POSIX;
use Net::Telnet;
# Modul Version for remote debugging
my $modulVersion = "2014-02-08";
#List of firmware versions that are known to be compatible with this modul
my $testedFirmware = "#V1.54C#V1.60#V1.69#";
my $compatibleFirmware = "#V1.54C#V1.60#V1.69#";
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{DefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Undefine";
$hash->{NotifyFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Notify";
$hash->{SetFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Set";
$hash->{AttrFn} = "LUXTRONIK2_Attr";
$hash->{AttrList} = "disable:0,1 ".
"allowSetParameter:0,1 ".
"autoSynchClock:slider,10,5,300 ".
"doStatistics:0,1 ".
"ignoreFirmwareCheck:0,1 ".
"statusHTML ".
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
return "Usage: define <name> LUXTRONIK2 <ip-address> [poll-interval]" if(@a <3 || @a >4);
my $name = $a[0];
my $host = $a[2];
my $interval = 5*60;
$interval = $a[3] if(int(@a) == 4);
$interval = 30 if( $interval < 30 );
$hash->{NAME} = $name;
$hash->{STATE} = "Initializing";
$hash->{HOST} = $host;
$hash->{INTERVAL} = $interval;
$hash->{NOTIFYDEV} = "global";
#Get first data after 10 seconds
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 10, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
#Reset temporary values
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep} = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{modulVersion} = $modulVersion;
Log3 $hash,5,"$name: LUXTRONIK2.pm version is $modulVersion.";
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $arg) = @_;
BlockingKill($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
return undef;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_Notify(@) {
my ($hash,$dev) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if ($dev->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED|REREADCFG$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})){
# housekeeping
my %cleanUp = (
delayDeviceTime => "delayDeviceTimeCalc",
deviceTimeStartReadings => "deviceTimeCalc",
heatingSummerMode => "heatingLimit",
thresholdTemperatureSummerMode => "thresholdHeatingLimit",
lastDeviceClockSynch => "deviceTimeLastSync",
operatingHoursHeatPump => "counterHoursHeatPump",
operatingHoursSecondHeatSource1 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource1",
operatingHoursSecondHeatSource2 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource2",
operatingHoursSecondHeatSource3 => "counterHours2ndHeatSource3",
operatingHoursHeating => "counterHoursHeating",
operatingHoursHotWater => "counterHoursHotWater",
heatQuantityHeating => "counterHeatQHeating",
heatQuantityHotWater => "counterHeatQHotWater",
heatQuantityTotal => "counterHeatQTotal",
currentOperatingStatus1 => "opStateHeatPump1",
currentOperatingState1 => "opStateHeatPump1",
currentOperatingStatus2 => "opStateHeatPump3",
currentOperatingState2 => "opStateHeatPump2",
currentOperatingState3 => "opStateHeatPump3",
heatingOperatingMode => "opModeHeating",
heatingOperatingState => "opStateHeating",
hotWaterOperatingMode => "opModeHotWater",
hotWaterStatus => "opStateHotWater",
hotWaterState => "opStateHotWater",
heatingSystemCirculationPump => "heatingSystemCircPump",
hotWaterCirculationPumpExtern => "hotWaterCircPumpExtern",
statGradientBoilerTempLoss => "statBoilerGradientHeatUp' and 'statBoilerGradientCoolDown" );
my $oldReading;
my $newReading;
while (($oldReading, $newReading) = each(%cleanUp)) {
if ( exists( $hash->{READINGS}{$oldReading} ) ) {
Log3 $name,2,"$name: !!! Change/fix in LUXTRONIK2-Modul: '$oldReading' is now '$newReading'";
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $name, $cmd, $val) = @_;
my $resultStr = "";
if($cmd eq 'statusRequest') {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return undef;
elsif ($cmd eq 'resetStatistics') {
if ( ($val eq "all" || $val eq "statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin")
&& exists($defs{$name}{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin})) {
delete $defs{$name}{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin};
$resultStr .= " statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin";
if ( $resultStr eq "" ) {
$resultStr = "$name: No statistics to reset";
} else {
$resultStr = "$name: Statistic value(s) deleted:" . $resultStr;
Log3 $hash, 3, $resultStr;
return $resultStr;
elsif($cmd eq 'INTERVAL' && int(@_)==4 ) {
$val = 30 if( $val < 30 );
return "Polling interval set to $val seconds.";
#Check Firmware and Set-Paramter-lock
if ($cmd eq 'synchronizeClockHeatPump' ||
$cmd eq 'hotWaterTemperatureTarget' ||
$cmd eq 'opModeHotWater')
my $firmware = ReadingsVal($name,"firmware","");
my $firmwareCheck = LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware($firmware);
# stop in case of incompatible firmware
if ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotCompatible") {
Log3 $name, 3, $name." Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting.";
return "Firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting. ";
# stop in case of untested firmware and firmware check enabled
} elsif (AttrVal($name, "ignoreFirmwareCheck", 0)!= 1 &&
$firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested") {
Log3 $name, 3, $name." Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not tested for parameter setting. To test set attribute 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1";
return "Firmware '$firmware' not compatible for parameter setting. To test set attribute 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1.";
# stop in case setting of parameters is not enabled
} elsif ( AttrVal($name, "allowSetParameter", 0) != 1) {
Log3 $name, 3, $name." Error: Setting of parameters not allowed. Please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1";
return "Setting of parameters not allowed. To unlock, please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1.";
if ($cmd eq 'synchronizeClockHeatPump') {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$resultStr = LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock($hash);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, "$name - $resultStr";
return $resultStr;
} elsif(int(@_)==4 &&
($cmd eq 'hotWaterTemperatureTarget'
|| $cmd eq 'opModeHotWater')) {
$hash->{LOCAL} = 1;
$resultStr = LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter ($hash, $cmd, $val);
$hash->{LOCAL} = 0;
return $resultStr;
my $list = "statusRequest:noArg".
" resetStatistics:all,statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin".
" hotWaterTemperatureTarget:slider,30.0,0.5,65.0".
" opModeHotWater:Auto,Party,Off".
" synchronizeClockHeatPump:noArg".
" INTERVAL:slider,30,30,1800";
return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list";
sub ########################################
my ($cmd,$name,$aName,$aVal) = @_;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
if ($cmd eq "set") {
if ($aName eq "1allowSetParameter") {
eval { qr/$aVal/ };
if ($@) {
Log3 $name, 3, "LUXTRONIK2: Invalid allowSetParameter in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@";
return "Invalid allowSetParameter $aVal";
return undef;
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
if(!$hash->{LOCAL}) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday()+$hash->{INTERVAL}, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 1);
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
if( !$hash->{LOCAL} ) {
return undef if( AttrVal($name, "disable", 0 ) == 1 );
$hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID} = BlockingCall("LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate", $name."|".$host, "LUXTRONIK2_UpdateDone", 25, "LUXTRONIK2_UpdateAborted", $hash) unless(exists($hash->{helper}{RUNNING_PID}));
sub ########################################
my ($string) = @_;
my ($name, $host) = split("\\|", $string);
my @heatpump_values;
my @heatpump_parameters;
my @heatpump_visibility;
my $count=0;
my $result="";
my $readingStartTime = time();
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Opening connection to host ".$host;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 8888,
# Type = SOCK_STREAM, # probably needed on some systems
Proto => 'tcp'
if (!$socket) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name Error: Could not open connection to host ".$host;
return "$name|0|Can't connect to $host";
#Fetch operational values (FOV)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Ask host for operational values";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3004));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Start to receive operational values";
#(FOV) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo = 3004
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3004) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: Fetching operational values - wrong echo of request 3004: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3004 != $count";
#(FOV) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be status = 0
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count > 0) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Parameter on target changed, restart parameter reading after 5 seconds";
return "$name|2|Status = $count - parameter on target changed, restart device reading after 5 seconds";
#(FOV) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be count_calc_values > 0
my $count_calc_values = unpack("N", $result);
if($count_calc_values == 0) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: Fetching operational values - 0 values announced: ".length($result)." -> ".$count_calc_values;
return "$name|0|0 values read";
#(FOV) read remaining response -> should be previous number of parameters
my $i=1;
my $buf="";
while($i<=$count_calc_values) {
if(length($result) != $count_calc_values*4) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: operational values length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $count_calc_values * 4;
return "$name|0|Number of values read mismatch ( $!)\n";
#(FOV) unpack response in array
@heatpump_values = unpack("N$count_calc_values", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_values) != $count_calc_values) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: unpacking problem by operation values: ".scalar(@heatpump_values)." instead of ".$count_calc_values;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of operational values";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $count_calc_values operational values received";
#Fetch set parameters (FSP)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Ask host for set parameters";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3003));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Start to receive set parameters";
#(FSP) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo=3003
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3003) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: wrong echo of request 3003: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3003 != 3003";
#(FSP) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be number_of_parameters > 0
my $count_set_parameter = unpack("N", $result);
if($count_set_parameter == 0) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: 0 parameter read: ".length($result)." -> ".$count_set_parameter;
return "$name|0|0 parameter read";
#(FSP) read remaining response -> should be previous number of parameters
while($i<=$count_set_parameter) {
if(length($result) != $count_set_parameter*4) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: parameter length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $count_set_parameter * 4;
return "$name|0|Number of parameters read mismatch ( $!)\n";
@heatpump_parameters = unpack("N$count_set_parameter", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_parameters) != $count_set_parameter) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: unpacking problem by set parameter: ".scalar(@heatpump_parameters)." instead of ".$count_set_parameter;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of set parameters";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $count_set_parameter set values received";
#Fetch Visibility Attributes (FVA)
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Ask host for visibility attributes";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3005));
$socket->send(pack("N", 0));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Start to receive visibility attributes";
#(FVA) read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo=3005
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count != 3005) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: wrong echo of request 3005: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|3005 != $count";
#(FVA) read next 4 bytes of response -> should be number_of_Visibility_Attributes > 0
$count = unpack("N", $result);
if($count == 0) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: 0 visibility attributes announced: ".length($result)." -> ".$count;
return "$name|0|0 visibility attributes announced";
#(FVA) read remaining response bytewise -> should be previous number of parameters
while($i<=$count) {
if(length($result) != $count) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: Visibility attributes length check: ".length($result)." should have been ". $count;
return "$name|0|Number of Visibility attributes read mismatch ( $!)\n";
@heatpump_visibility = unpack("C$count", $result);
if(scalar(@heatpump_visibility) != $count) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: Unpacking problem by visibility attributes: ".scalar(@heatpump_visibility)." instead of ".$count;
return "$name|0|Unpacking problem of visibility attributes";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: $count visibility attributs received";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Closing connection to host $host";
my $readingEndTime = time();
#return certain readings for further processing
# 0 - name
my $return_str="$name";
# 1 - no error = 1
$return_str .= "|1";
# 2 - opStateHeatPump1
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[117];
# 3 - opStateHeatPump3
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[119];
# 4 - Stufe - ID_WEB_HauptMenuAHP_Stufe
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[121];
# 5 - Temperature Value - ID_WEB_HauptMenuAHP_Temp
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[122];
# 6 - Compressor1
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[44];
# 7 - opModeHotWater
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[4];
# 8 - hotWaterMonitoring
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[124];
# 9 - hotWaterBoilerValve
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[38];
# 10 - opModeHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[3];
# 11 - heatingLimit
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[699];
# 12 - ambientTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[15];
# 13 - averageAmbientTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[16];
# 14 - hotWaterTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[17];
# 15 - flowTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[10];
# 16 - returnTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[11];
# 17 - returnTemperatureTarget
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[12];
# 18 - returnTemperatureExtern
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[13];
# 19 - flowRate
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[155];
# 20 - firmware
my $fwvalue = "";
for(my $fi=81; $fi<91; $fi++) {
$fwvalue .= chr($heatpump_values[$fi]) if $heatpump_values[$fi];
$return_str .= "|".$fwvalue;
# 21 - thresholdHeatingLimit
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[700];
# 22 - rawDeviceTimeCalc
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[134];
# 23 - heatSourceIN
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[19];
# 24 - heatSourceOUT
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[20];
# 25 - hotWaterTemperatureTarget
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[18];
# 26 - hotGasTemperature
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[14];
# 27 - heatingSystemCircPump
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[39];
# 28 - hotWaterCircPumpExtern
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[46];
# 29 - readingFhemStartTime
$return_str .= "|".$readingStartTime;
# 30 - readingFhemEndTime
$return_str .= "|".$readingEndTime;
# 31 - typeHeatpump
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[78];
# 32 - counterHours2ndHeatSource1
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[60];
# 33 - counterHoursHeatpump
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[63];
# 34 - counterHoursHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[64];
# 35 - counterHoursHotWater
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[65];
# 36 - counterHeatQHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[151];
# 37 - counterHeatQHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[152];
# 38 - counterHours2ndHeatSource2
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[61];
# 39 - counterHours2ndHeatSource3
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[62];
# 40 - opStateHeatPump2
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[118];
# 41 - opStateHeatPump2Duration
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[120];
# 42 - timeError0
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[95];
# 43 - bivalentLevel
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[79];
# 44 - Number of calculated values
$return_str .= "|".$count_calc_values;
# 45 - Number of set parameters
$return_str .= "|".$count_set_parameter;
# 46 - opStateHeating
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_values[125];
# 47 - deltaHeatingReduction
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[13];
# 48 - thresholdTemperatureSetBack
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[111];
# 49 - hotWaterTemperatureHysterese
$return_str .= "|".$heatpump_parameters[74];
return $return_str;
sub ########################################
my ($string) = @_;
my $value = "";
my $state = "";
return unless(defined($string));
my @a = split("\\|",$string);
my $hash = $defs{$a[0]};
my $name = $a[0];
return if($hash->{helper}{DISABLED});
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name: LUXTRONIK2_UpdateDone: $string";
#Define Status Messages
my %wpOpStat1 = ( 0 => "Waermepumpe laeuft",
1 => "Waermepumpe steht",
2 => "Waermepumpe kommt",
4 => "Fehler",
5 => "Abtauen",
6 => "Warte auf LIN-Verbindung",
7 => "Verdichter heizt auf");
my %wpOpStat2 = ( 0 => "Heizbetrieb",
1 => "Keine Anforderung",
2 => "Netz Einschaltverzoegerung",
3 => "Schaltspielzeit",
4 => "EVU Sperrzeit",
5 => "Brauchwasser",
6 => "Stufe",
7 => "Abtauen",
8 => "Pumpenvorlauf",
9 => "Thermische Desinfektion",
10 => "Kuehlbetrieb",
12 => "Schwimmbad/Photovoltaik",
13 => "Heizen_Ext_En",
14 => "Brauchw_Ext_En",
16 => "Durchflussueberwachung",
17 => "Elektrische Zusatzheizung" );
my %wpMode = ( 0 => "Automatik",
1 => "Zusatzheizung",
2 => "Party",
3 => "Ferien",
4 => "Aus" );
my %heatingState = ( 0 => "Abgesenkt",
1 => "Normal",
3 => "Aus");
my %wpType = ( 0 => "ERC", 1 => "SW1",
2 => "SW2", 3 => "WW1",
4 => "WW2", 5 => "L1I",
6 => "L2I", 7 => "L1A",
8 => "L2A", 9 => "KSW",
10 => "KLW", 11 => "SWC",
12 => "LWC", 13 => "L2G",
14 => "WZS", 15 => "L1I407",
16 => "L2I407", 17 => "L1A407",
18 => "L2A407", 19 => "L2G407",
20 => "LWC407", 21 => "L1AREV",
22 => "L2AREV", 23 => "WWC1",
24 => "WWC2", 25 => "L2G404",
26 => "WZW", 27 => "L1S",
28 => "L1H", 29 => "L2H",
30 => "WZWD", 31 => "ERC",
40 => "WWB_20", 41 => "LD5",
42 => "LD7", 43 => "SW 37_45",
44 => "SW 58_69", 45 => "SW 29_56",
46 => "LD5 (230V)", 47 => "LD7 (230 V)",
48 => "LD9", 49 => "LD5 REV",
50 => "LD7 REV", 51 => "LD5 REV 230V",
52 => "LD7 REV 230V", 53 => "LD9 REV 230V",
54 => "SW 291", 55 => "LW SEC" );
my $counterRetry = $hash->{fhem}{counterRetry};
if ($a[1]==0 ) {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error: ".$a[2],1);
$counterRetry = 0;
elsif ($a[1]==2 ) {
if ($counterRetry <=3) {
InternalTimer(gettimeofday() + 5, "LUXTRONIK2_GetUpdate", $hash, 0);
else {
readingsSingleUpdate($hash,"state","Error: Reading skipped after $counterRetry tries",1);
Log3 $hash, 2, "$name Error: Device reading skipped after $counterRetry tries with parameter change on target";
elsif ($a[1]==1 ) {
$counterRetry = 0;
# Temporary storage of values because needed several times
my $ambientTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[12]);
my $averageAmbientTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[13]);
my $hotWaterTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[14]);
my $hotWaterTemperatureTarget = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[25]);
my $hotWaterTemperatureThreshold = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[25] - $a[49]);
my $thresholdHeatingLimit = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[21]);
my $thresholdTemperatureSetBack = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[48]);
my $flowTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[15]);
my $returnTemperature = LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[16]);
# if selected, do all the statistic calculations
if ( AttrVal($name,"doStatistics",0) == 1) {
#LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp $hash, $currOpHours, $currHQ, $currTemp, $opState, $target
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp ($hash, $a[35], $a[37]/10, $hotWaterTemperature, $a[3],$hotWaterTemperatureTarget);
if ($value ne "") {
Log3 $name,3,"$name: statBoilerGradientHeatUp set to $value";
#LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown $hash, $time, $currTemp, $opState, $target, $threshold
$value = LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown ($hash, $a[22], $hotWaterTemperature, $a[3], $hotWaterTemperatureTarget, $hotWaterTemperatureThreshold);
if ($value ne "") {
Log3 $name,3,"$name: statBoilerGradientCoolDown set to $value";
if ( exists( $hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin} ) ) {
my @new = split / /, $value;
my @old = split / /, $hash->{READINGS}{statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin};
if ($new[5]>6 && $new[0]<$old[0]) {
Log3 $name,3,"$name: statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin set to $value";
} else {
Log3 $name,3,"$name: statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin set to $value";
#Operating status of heat pump
my $opStateHeatPump1 = $wpOpStat1{$a[2]}; ##############
$opStateHeatPump1 = "unbekannt (".$a[2].")" unless $opStateHeatPump1;
my $opStateHeatPump2 = "unknown ($a[40])"; ##############
my $prefix = "";
if ($a[40] == 0 || $a[40] == 2) { $prefix = "seit ";}
elsif ($a[40] == 1) { $prefix = "in ";}
if ($a[40] == 2) { #Sonderbehandlung bei WP-Fehlern
$opStateHeatPump2 = $prefix . strftime "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S", localtime($a[42]);
} else {
$opStateHeatPump2 = $prefix . LUXTRONIK2_FormatDuration($a[41]);
my $opStateHeatPump3 = $wpOpStat2{$a[3]}; ##############
# refine text of third state
if ($a[3]==6) {
$opStateHeatPump3 = "Stufe ".$a[4]." ".LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[5])." C ";
elsif ($a[3]==7) {
if ($a[6]==1) {$opStateHeatPump3 = "Abtauen (Kreisumkehr)";}
else {$opStateHeatPump3 = "Luftabtauen";}
$opStateHeatPump3 = "unbekannt (".$a[3].")" unless $opStateHeatPump3;
# Hot water operating mode
$value = $wpMode{$a[7]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[7].")" unless $value;
# opStateHotWater
if ($a[8]==0) {$value="Sperrzeit";}
elsif ($a[8]==1 && $a[9]==1) {$value="Aufheizen";}
elsif ($a[8]==1 && $a[9]==0) {$value="Temp. OK";}
elsif ($a[8]==3) {$value="Aus";}
else {$value = "unbekannt (".$a[8]."/".$a[9].")";}
# Heating operating mode
$value = $wpMode{$a[10]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[10].")" unless $value;
# Heating operating state
# Consider also heating limit
if ($a[10] == 0
&& $a[11] == 1
&& $averageAmbientTemperature >= $thresholdHeatingLimit) {
$value = "Heizungsgrenze (Aus)";
} else {
$value = $heatingState{$a[46]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[46].")" unless $value;
# Consider heating reduction limit
if ($a[46] == 0) {
if ($thresholdTemperatureSetBack <= $ambientTemperature) {
$value .= " ".LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[47])." C";
} else {
$value = "Normal da < $thresholdTemperatureSetBack C";
# Device and reading times, delays and durations
$value = strftime "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime($a[22]);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "deviceTimeCalc", $value);
my $delayDeviceTimeCalc=floor($a[29]-$a[22]+0.5);
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "delayDeviceTimeCalc", $delayDeviceTimeCalc);
my $durationFetchReadings = floor(($a[30]-$a[29]+0.005)*100)/100;
readingsBulkUpdate($hash, "durationFetchReadings", $durationFetchReadings);
#Remember min and max reading durations, will be reset when initializing the device
if ($hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} == 0 || $hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} > $durationFetchReadings) {
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMin} = $durationFetchReadings;
if ($hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} < $durationFetchReadings) {
$hash->{fhem}{durationFetchReadingsMax} = $durationFetchReadings;
# Temperatures and flow rate
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "ambientTemperature", $ambientTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "averageAmbientTemperature", $averageAmbientTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatingLimit",$a[11]?"on":"off");
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "thresholdHeatingLimit", $thresholdHeatingLimit);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "thresholdTemperatureSetBack", $thresholdTemperatureSetBack);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotWaterTemperature", $hotWaterTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotWaterTemperatureTarget",$hotWaterTemperatureTarget);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "flowTemperature", $flowTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperature", $returnTemperature);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperatureTarget",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[17]));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "returnTemperatureExtern",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[18]));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "flowRate",$a[19]);
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatSourceIN",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[23]));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "heatSourceOUT",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[24]));
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "hotGasTemperature",LUXTRONIK2_CalcTemp($a[26]));
# Input / Output status
# bivalentLevel
# Firmware
my $firmware = $a[20];
my $firmwareCheck = LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware($firmware);
# if unknown firmware, ask at each startup to inform comunity
if ($hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} != 1 && $firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested") {
$hash->{fhem}{alertFirmware} = 1;
Log3 $hash, 2, "$name Alert: Host uses untested Firmware '$a[20]'. Please inform FHEM comunity about compatibility.";
# Type of Heatpump
$value = $wpType{$a[31]};
$value = "unbekannt (".$a[31].")" unless $value;
# Operating hours (seconds->hours) and heat quantities, write/create readings only if >0
if ($a[32]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHours2ndHeatSource1",floor($a[32]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[38]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHours2ndHeatSource2",floor($a[38]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[39]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHours2ndHeatSource3",floor($a[39]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[33]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHoursHeatPump",floor($a[33]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[34]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHoursHeating",floor($a[34]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[35]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHoursHotWater",floor($a[35]/360+0.5)/10);}
if ($a[36]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHeatQHeating",$a[36]/10);}
if ($a[37]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHeatQHotWater",$a[37]/10);}
if ($a[36]+$a[37]>0) {readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"counterHeatQTotal",($a[36]+$a[37])/10);}
#WM[kW] = delta_Temp [K] * Durchfluss [l/h] / ( 3.600 [kJ/kWh] / ( 4,179 [kJ/(kg*K)] (H2O W<>rmekapazit<69>t bei 30 & 40<34>C) * 0,994 [kg/l] (H2O Dichte bei 35<33>C) )
$value = ($flowTemperature-$returnTemperature) * $a[19] / 866.65;
readingsBulkUpdate( $hash, "currentThermalOutput", sprintf("%.1f", $value));
# HTML for floorplan
if(AttrVal($name, "statusHTML", "none") ne "none") {
$value = "<div class=fp_" . $a[0] . "_title>" . $a[0] . "</div>";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump1<br>";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump2<br>";
$value .= "$opStateHeatPump3<br>";
$value .= "Brauchwasser: $hotWaterTemperature &deg;C";
# State update
readingsBulkUpdate($hash,"state","$opStateHeatPump1 $opStateHeatPump2 - $opStateHeatPump3");
$hash->{helper}{fetched_calc_values} = $a[44];
$hash->{helper}{fetched_parameters} = $a[45];
#Auto Synchronize Device Clock
my $autoSynchClock = AttrVal($name, "autoSynchClock", 0);
$autoSynchClock = 10 unless ($autoSynchClock >= 10 || $autoSynchClock == 0);
$autoSynchClock = 600 unless $autoSynchClock <= 600;
if ($autoSynchClock != 0 and abs($delayDeviceTimeCalc) > $autoSynchClock ) {
Log3 $name, 3, $name." - autoSynchClock triggered (delayDeviceTimeCalc ".abs($delayDeviceTimeCalc)." > $autoSynchClock).";
# Firmware not tested and Firmware Check not ignored
if ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotTested" && AttrVal($name, "ignoreFirmwareCheck", 0)!= 1) {
Log3 $name, 1, $name." Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not tested for clock synchronization. To test set 'ignoreFirmwareCheck' to 1.";
$attr{$name}{autoSynchClock} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, $name." Attribute 'autoSynchClock' set to 0.";
#Firmware not compatible
} elsif ($firmwareCheck eq "fwNotCompatible") {
Log3 $name, 1, $name." Error: Host firmware '$firmware' not compatible for host clock synchronization.";
$attr{$name}{autoSynchClock} = 0;
Log3 $name, 3, $name." Attribute 'autoSynchClock' set to 0.";
#Firmware OK -> Synchronize Clock
} else {
$value = LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock($hash, 600);
Log3 $hash, 3, "$name ".$value;
#End of Auto Synchronize Device Clock
else {
Log3 $hash, 5, "$name LUXTRONIK2_DoUpdate-Error: Status = $a[1]";
$hash->{fhem}{counterRetry} = $counterRetry;
sub ########################################
my ($hash) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
Log3 $hash, 1, "$name Error: Timeout when connecting to host $host";
sub ########################################
my ($temp) = @_;
#change unsigned into signed
if ($temp > 2147483648) {$temp = $temp-4294967296;}
$temp /= 10;
return $temp;
sub ########################################
my ($value) = @_;
my $returnstr = sprintf "%02d:", int($value/3600);
$value %= 3600;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d:", int($value/60);
$value %= 60;
$returnstr .= sprintf "%02d", $value;
return $returnstr;
sub ########################################
my ($hash, $parameterName, $realValue) = @_;
my $setParameter = 0;
my $setValue = 0;
my $result;
my $buffer;
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my %opMode = ( "Auto" => 0,
"Party" => 2,
"Off" => 4);
if(AttrVal($name, "allowSetParameter", 0) != 1) {
return $name." Error: Setting of parameters not allowed. Please set attribut 'allowSetParameter' to 1";
if ($parameterName eq "hotWaterTemperatureTarget") {
#parameter number
$setParameter = 2;
#limit temperature range
$realValue = 30 if( $realValue < 30 );
$realValue = 65 if( $realValue > 65 );
#Allow only integer temperature or with decimal .5
$setValue = int($realValue * 2) * 5;
$realValue = $setValue / 10;
elsif ($parameterName eq "opModeHotWater") {
if (! exists($opMode{$realValue})) {
return "$name Error: Wrong parameter given for opModeHotWater, use Automatik,Party,Off"
$setParameter = 4;
$setValue = $opMode{$realValue};
else {
return "$name LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter-Error: unknown parameter $parameterName";
# Send new parameter to host
if ($setParameter !=0) {
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Opening connection to host ".$host;
my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerAddr => $host,
PeerPort => 8888,
Proto => 'tcp'
if (!$socket) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter-Error: Could not open connection to host ".$host;
return "$name Error: Could not open connection to host ".$host;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Set parameter $parameterName ($setParameter) = $realValue ($setValue)";
$socket->send(pack("N", 3002));
$socket->send(pack("N", $setParameter));
$socket->send(pack("N", $setValue));
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Receive confirmation";
#read first 4 bytes of response -> should be request_echo = 3002
$result = unpack("N", $buffer);
if($result != 3002) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter-Error: Set parameter $parameterName - wrong echo of request: $result instead of 3002";
return "$name Error: Host did not confirm parameter setting";
#Read next 4 bytes of response -> should be setParameter
$result = unpack("N", $buffer);
if($result !=$setParameter) {
Log3 $name, 2, "$name LUXTRONIK2_SetParameter-Error: Set parameter $parameterName - missing confirmation: $result instead of $setParameter";
return "$name Error: Host did not confirm parameter setting";
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Parameter setting confirmed";
return "$name: Parameter $parameterName set to $realValue";
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock (@)
my ($hash,$maxDelta) = @_;
my $host = $hash->{HOST};
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $delay = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
$maxDelta = 60 unless $maxDelta >= 0;
$maxDelta = 600 unless $maxDelta <= 600;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Open telnet connection to $host";
my $telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Host=>$host, Port => 23, Timeout=>10, Errmode=>'return');
if (!$telnet) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
return "$name synchronizeDeviceClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Log into $host";
if (!$telnet->login('root', '')) {
Log3 $name, 1, "$name LUXTRONIK2_synchronizeClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
return "$name synchronizeDeviceClock-Error: ".$telnet->errmsg;
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Read current time of host";
my @output = $telnet->cmd('date +%s');
$delay = floor(time()) - $output[0];
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Current time is ".localtime($output[0])." Delay is $delay seconds.";
if (abs($delay)>$maxDelta && $maxDelta!=0) {
$returnStr = "Do not dare to synchronize. Device clock of host $host differs by $delay seconds (max. is $maxDelta).";
} elsif ($delay == 0) {
$returnStr = "Internal clock of host $host has no delay. -> not synchronized";
} else {
my $newTime = strftime "%m%d%H%M%Y.%S", localtime();
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Run command 'date ".$newTime."'";
@output=$telnet->cmd('date '.$newTime);
$returnStr = "Internal clock of host $host corrected by $delay seconds. -> ".$output[0];
Log3 $name, 5, "$name: Close telnet connection.";
return $returnStr;
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_checkFirmware ($)
my ($myFirmware) = @_;
#Firmware not tested
if (index($testedFirmware,"#".$myFirmware."#") == -1) {
return "fwNotTested";
#Firmware tested but not compatible
} elsif (index($compatibleFirmware,"#".$myFirmware."#") == -1) {
return "fwNotCompatible";
#Firmware compatible
} else {
return "fwCompatible";
# Calculate heat-up gradients of boiler based on hotWaterTemperature and counterHeatQHeating
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerHeatUp ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $currOpHours, $currHQ, $currTemp, $opState, $target) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $step = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep};
my $minTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMin};
my $maxTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMax};
my $lastHQ = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpHQ};
my $lastOpHours = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpOpHours};
my $value1 = 0;
my $value2 = 0;
my $value3 = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
# step 0 = Initialize - if hot water preparation is off
if ($step == 0) {
if ($opState != 5) { # wait till hot water preparation stopped
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 0->1: Initializing Measurment";
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
# step 1 = wait till hot water preparation starts -> monitor Tmin, take previous HQ and previous operating hours
} elsif ($step == 1) {
if ($currTemp < $minTemp) { # monitor minimum temperature
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 1: Monitor minimum temperature ($minTemp -> $currTemp)";
$minTemp = $currTemp;
if ($opState != 5) { # wait -> update operating hours and HQ to be used as start value in calculations
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
} else { # go to step 2 - if hot water preparation running
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 1->2: Hot water preparation started ".($currOpHours-$lastOpHours)." s ago";
$step = 2;
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# step 2 = wait till hot water preparation done and target reached
} elsif ($step == 2) {
if ($currTemp < $minTemp) { # monitor minimal temperature
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2: Boiler temperature still decreasing ($minTemp -> $currTemp)";
$minTemp = $currTemp;
if ($currTemp > $maxTemp) { # monitor maximal temperature
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2: Boiler temperature increasing ($maxTemp -> $currTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
if ($opState != 5) { # wait till hot water preparation stopped
if ($currTemp >= $target) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2->3: Hot water preparation stopped";
$step = 3;
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 2->1: Measurement cancelled (hot water preparation stopped but target not reached, $currTemp < $target)";
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
# step 3 = wait with calculation till temperature maximum reached once
} elsif ($step == 3) {
# cancel measurement - if hot water preparation has restarted
if ($opState == 5) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3->0: Measurement cancelled (hot water preparation restarted before maximum reached)";
$step = 0;
# monitor maximal temperature
} elsif ($currTemp > $maxTemp) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3: Temperature still increasing ($maxTemp -> $currTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# else calculate temperature gradient
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Heat-Up step 3->1: Boiler heat-up measurement finished";
$value1 = ( int(10 * $maxTemp) - int(10 * $minTemp) ) / 10; # delta hot water temperature
$value2 = ( $currOpHours - $lastOpHours ) / 60; # delta time (minutes)
# $value3 = floor(100 * $value1 / $value2 + 0.5) / 100; # Temperature gradient over time rounded to 1/100th
# $value2 = floor(100 * $value2 + 0.5) / 100; # rounded to 1/100th
$returnStr = "DT/min: ".sprintf("%.2f", $value1/$value2)." DT: ".sprintf("%.2f", $value1)." Dmin: ".sprintf("%.0f", $value2);
$value2 = $currHQ - $lastHQ; # delta heat quantity
# $value2 = floor(10*($currHQ - $lastHQ)+0.5)/10; # delta heat quantity
# $value3 = floor(100 * $value2 / $value1 + 0.5) / 100; # heat gradient over temperature rounded to 1/100th
$returnStr .= " DQ/T: ".sprintf("%.2f",$value2/$value1)." DQ: ".sprintf("%.1f",$value2);
#Volumen [l] = W<>rmemenge [kWh] / (delta T) [K] * ( 3.600 [kJ/kWh] / ( 4,179 [kJ/(kg*K)] (H2O W<>rmekapazit<69>t bei 40<34>C) * 0,992 [kg/l] (H2O Dichte bei 40<34>C) ) [K/(kWh*l)] )
$value3 = 868.4 * $value2 / $value1 ; # heated water volume in liter
$returnStr .= " DV: ".sprintf("%.0f",$value3);
$step = 1;
$lastOpHours = $currOpHours;
$lastHQ = $currHQ;
$minTemp = $currTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpStep} = $step;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMin} = $minTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpMax} = $maxTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpHQ} = $lastHQ;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerHeatUpOpHours} = $lastOpHours;
return $returnStr;
# Calculate heat loss gradients of boiler based on hotWaterTemperature and counterHeatQHeating
sub ########################################
LUXTRONIK2_doStatisticBoilerCoolDown ($$$$$$)
my ($hash, $time, $currTemp, $opState, $target, $threshold) = @_;
my $name = $hash->{NAME};
my $step = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep};
my $maxTemp = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownMax};
my $startTime = $hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStartTime};
my $value1 = 0;
my $value2 = 0;
my $value3 = 0;
my $returnStr = "";
# step 0 = Initialize - if hot water preparation is off and target reached,
if ($step == 0) {
if ($opState == 5 || $currTemp < $target) { # -> stay step 0
# Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 0: Wait till hot water preparation stops and target is reached ($currTemp < $target)";
} else {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 0->1: Initializing, target reached ($currTemp >= $target)";
$step = 1;
$startTime = $time;
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
# step 1 = wait till threshold is reached -> do calculation, monitor maximal temperature
} elsif ($step == 1) {
if ($currTemp > $maxTemp) { # monitor maximal temperature
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 1: Temperature still increasing ($currTemp > $maxTemp)";
$maxTemp = $currTemp;
$startTime = $time;
if ($opState == 5) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 1: Measurement cancelled (restart of hot water preparation)";
$step = 0;
} elsif ($currTemp <= $threshold) {
Log3 $name, 4, "$name: Statistic Boiler Cool-Down step 2->1: Measurement finished, threshold reached ($currTemp <= $threshold)";
$value1 = ( int(10 * $currTemp) - int(10 * $maxTemp) ) / 10; # delta hot water temperature
$value2 = ( $time - $startTime ) / 3600; # delta time (hours)
$value3 = floor(100 * $value1 / $value2 + 0.5) / 100; # Temperature gradient over time rounded to 1/100th
$value2 = floor(100 * $value2 + 0.5) / 100; # rounded to 1/100th
$returnStr = "DT/h: $value3 DT: $value1 Dh: $value2";
$step = 0;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStep} = $step;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownMax} = $maxTemp;
$hash->{fhem}{statBoilerCoolDownStartTime} = $startTime;
return $returnStr;
=begin html
<a name="LUXTRONIK2"></a>
Luxtronik 2.0 is a heating controller used in Alpha Innotec and Siemens Novelan (WPR NET) heat pumps.<br>
It has a built-in ethernet port, so it can be directly integrated into a local area network (LAN).
<i>The modul is reported to work with firmware: V1.54C, V1.60, V1.69.</i>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LUXTRONIK2 &lt;IP-address&gt; [poll-interval]</code>
If the pool interval is omitted, it is set to 300 (seconds). Smallest possible value is 30.
Example: <code>define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600</code>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2set"></a>
<ul>A firmware check assures before each set operation that a heat pump with untested firmware is not damaged accidently.
<li><code>opModeHotWater &lt;Mode&gt;</code><br>
Operating Mode of domestic hot water boiler (Auto | Party | Off)</li>
<li><code>hotWaterTemperatureTarget &lt;temperature&gt;</code><br>
Target temperature of domestic hot water boiler in &deg;C</li>
<li><code>INTERVAL &lt;polling interval&gt;</code><br>
Polling interval in seconds</li>
Update device information</li>
Synchronizes controller clock with FHEM time. <b>!! This change is lost in case of controller power off!!</b></li>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2get"></a>
No get implemented yet ...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2attr"></a>
If set, a HTML-formatted reading named "floorplanHTML" is created. It can be used with the <a href="#FLOORPLAN">FLOORPLAN</a> module.<br>
Currently, if the value of this attribute is not NULL, the corresponding reading consists of the current status of the heat pump and the temperature of the water.</li>
<li><code>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code><br>
Calculates statistic values: <i>statBoilerGradientHeatUp, statBoilerGradientCoolDown, statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin (boiler heat loss)</i></li>
<li><code>allowSetParameter &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code><br>
The <a href="#LUXTRONIK2set">parameters</a> of the heat pump controller can only be changed if this attribut is set to 1.</li>
<li><code>autoSynchClock &lt;delay&gt;</code><br>
Corrects the clock of the heatpump automatically if a certain <i>delay</i> (10 s - 600 s) against the FHEM time is exeeded. Does a firmware check before.<br>
<i>(A 'delayDeviceTimeCalc' &lt;= 2 s can be caused by the internal calculation interval of the heat pump controller.)</i></li>
<li><code>ignoreFirmwareCheck &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;</code><br>
A firmware check assures before each set operation that a heatpump controller with untested firmware is not damaged accidently.<br>
If this attribute is set to 1, the firmware check is ignored and new firmware can be tested for compatibility.</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
=end html
=begin html_DE
<a name="LUXTRONIK2"></a>
Die Luxtronik 2.0 ist eine Heizungssteuerung, welche in W&auml;rmepumpen von Alpha Innotec und Siemens Novelan (WPR NET) verbaut ist.<br>
Sie besitzt einen Ethernet Anschluss, so dass sie direkt in lokale Netzwerke (LAN) integriert werden kann.<br>
<i>Das Modul wurde bisher mit folgender Steuerungs-Firmware getestet: V1.54C, V1.60, V1.69.</i>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2define"></a>
<code>define &lt;name&gt; LUXTRONIK2 &lt;IP-Adresse&gt; [Abfrage-Interval]</code>
Wenn das Abfrage-Interval nicht angegeben ist, wird es auf 300 (Sekunden) gesetzt. Der kleinste m&ouml;gliche Wert ist 30.
Beispiel: <code>define Heizung LUXTRONIK2 600</code>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2set"></a>
Durch einen Firmware-Test wird vor jeder Set-Operation sichergestellt, dass W&auml;rmepumpen mit ungetester Firmware nicht unabsichtlich besch&auml;digt werden.
<li>opModeHotWater &lt;Betriebsmodus&gt; - Betriebsmodus des Hei&szlig;wasserboilers ( Auto | Party | Off )</l>
<li>hotWaterTemperatureTarget &lt;Temperatur&gt; - Soll-Temperatur des Hei&szlig;wasserboilers in &deg;C</li>
<li>INTERVAL &lt;Abfrageinterval&gt; - Abfrageinterval in Sekunden</li>
<li>statusRequest - Aktualisieren der Ger&auml;tewerte</li>
<li>synchClockHeatPump - Abgleich der Uhr der Steuerung mit der FHEM Zeit. <br>
<b>!! Diese &Auml;nderung geht verloren, sobald die Steuerung ausgeschaltet wird!!</b></li>
<a name="LUXTRONIK2get"></a>
Es wurde noch kein "get" implementiert ...
<a name="LUXTRONIK2attr"></a>
wenn gesetzt, dann wird ein HTML-formatierter Wert "floorplanHTML" erzeugt, welcher vom Modul <a href="#FLOORPLAN">FLOORPLAN</a> genutzt werden kann.<br>
Momentan wird nur gepr&uuml;ft, ob der Wert dieses Attributes ungleich NULL ist, der entsprechende Ger&auml;tewerte besteht aus dem aktuellen W&auml;rmepumpenstatus und der Heizwassertemperatur.</li>
<li>doStatistics &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;<br>
Berechnet statistische Werte: <i>statBoilerGradientHeatUp, statBoilerGradientCoolDown, statBoilerGradientCoolDownMin (W<EFBFBD>rmeverlust des Boilers)</i></li>
<li>allowSetParameter &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;<br>
Die internen <a href="#LUXTRONIK2set">Parameter</a> der W&auml;rmepumpensteuerung k&ouml;nnen nur ge&auml;ndert werden, wenn dieses Attribut auf 1 gesetzt ist.</li>
<li>autoSynchClock &lt;Zeitunterschied&gt;<br>
Die Uhr der W&auml;rmepumpe wird automatisch korrigiert, wenn ein gewisser <i>Zeitunterschied</i> (10 s - 600 s) gegen&uuml;ber der FHEM Zeit erreicht ist. Zuvor wird die Kompatibilit&auml;t der Firmware &uuml;berpr&uuml;ft.<br>
<i>(Ein Ger&auml;tewert 'delayDeviceTimeCalc' &lt;= 2 s ist auf die internen Berechnungsintervale der W&auml;rmepumpensteuerung zur&uuml;ckzuf&uuml;hren.)</i></li>
<li>ignoreFirmwareCheck &lt; 0 | 1 &gt;<br>
Durch einen Firmware-Test wird vor jeder Set-Operation sichergestellt, dass W&auml;rmepumpen mit ungetester Firmware nicht unabsichtlich besch&auml;digt werden. Wenn dieses Attribute auf 1 gesetzt ist, dann wird der Firmware-Test ignoriert und neue Firmware kann getestet werden. Dieses Attribut wird jedoch ignoriert, wenn die Steuerungs-Firmware bereits als nicht kompatibel berichtet wurde.</li>
<li><a href="#readingFnAttributes">readingFnAttributes</a></li>
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