2014-11-21 16:35:16 +00:00
# $Id: 98_FReplacer.pm
# Basiert auf der Idee Fhem Daten auf einem Kindle anzuzeigen
# wie im Forum beschrieben
# Changelog:
# 2014-07-12 initial version
# 2014-10-02 fixed some minor issues and added documentation
# 2014-10-19 fixed a typo and some minor issues
# 2014-11-04 renamed some attributes and added PostCommand to make the module more flexible
# 2014-11-08 added the attributes Reading.*, MaxAge.*, MinValue.*, MaxValue.* and Format.*
# 2014-11-15 fixed bugs related to RepReading and InternalTimer
2014-12-05 19:22:55 +00:00
# 2014-12-05 definierte Attribute werden der userattr list der Instanz hinzugefügt
2014-11-21 16:35:16 +00:00
package main ;
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Time::HiRes qw( time ) ;
use POSIX qw( strftime ) ;
use Encode qw( decode encode ) ;
sub FReplacer_Initialize ($) ;
sub FReplacer_Define ($$) ;
sub FReplacer_Undef ($$) ;
sub FReplacer_Update ($) ;
sub FReplacer_Attr (@) ;
require "$attr{global}{modpath}/FHEM/99_Utils.pm" ;
sub FReplacer_Initialize ($)
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
$ hash - > { DefFn } = "FReplacer_Define" ;
$ hash - > { UndefFn } = "FReplacer_Undef" ;
$ hash - > { AttrFn } = "FReplacer_Attr" ;
$ hash - > { SetFn } = "FReplacer_Set" ;
$ hash - > { AttrList } = "Rep[0-9]+Regex " . # Match für Ersetzungen
"Rep[0-9]+Reading " . # Reading for Replacement
"Rep[0-9]+MaxAge " . # optional Max age of Reading
"Rep[0-9]+MinValue " . # optional Min Value of Reading
"Rep[0-9]+MaxValue " . # optional Max Value of Reading
"Rep[0-9]+Format " . # optional Format string for Replacement
"Rep[0-9]+Expr " . # optional Expression to be evaluated before using the replacement
"ReplacementEncode " . # Ergebnis einer Ersetzung z.B. in UTF-8 Encoden
2014-12-05 19:22:55 +00:00
"PostCommand " . # Systembefehl, der nach der Ersetzung ausgeführt wird
$ readingFnAttributes ;
2014-11-21 16:35:16 +00:00
sub FReplacer_Define ($$)
my ( $ hash , $ def ) = @ _ ;
my @ a = split ( "[ \t]+" , $ def ) ;
my ( $ name , $ FReplacer , $ template , $ output , $ interval ) = @ a ;
return "wrong syntax: define <name> FReplacer [Template] [Output] [interval]"
if ( @ a < 4 ) ;
$ hash - > { TEMPLATE } = $ template ;
$ hash - > { OUTPUT } = $ output ;
if ( ! defined ( $ interval ) ) {
$ hash - > { INTERVAL } = 60 ;
} else {
$ hash - > { INTERVAL } = $ interval ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + 1 , "FReplacer_Update" , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return undef ;
FReplacer_Undef ( $$ )
my ( $ hash , $ arg ) = @ _ ;
#my $name = $hash->{NAME};
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
return undef ;
# Attr command
FReplacer_Attr ( @ )
my ( $ cmd , $ name , $ aName , $ aVal ) = @ _ ;
# $cmd can be "del" or "set"
# $name is device name
# aName and aVal are Attribute name and value
# Attributes are Regexp.*, Expr.*
# Regex.* and Expr.* need validation
if ( $ cmd eq "set" ) {
if ( $ aName =~ "Regex" ) {
eval { qr/$aVal/ } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: Invalid regex in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@" ;
return "Invalid Regex $aVal in $aName" ;
} elsif ( $ aName =~ "Expr" ) {
my $ replacement = "" ;
eval $ aVal ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: Invalid Expression in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@" ;
return "Invalid Expression $aVal in $aName" ;
} elsif ( $ aName =~ "MaxAge" ) {
if ( $ aVal !~ '([0-9]+):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr $name $aName $aVal" ;
return "Invalid Format $aVal in $aName" ;
} elsif ( $ aName =~ "MinValue" ) {
if ( $ aVal !~ '(^-?\d+\.?\d*):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr $name $aName $aVal" ;
return "Invalid Format $aVal in $aName" ;
} elsif ( $ aName =~ "MaxValue" ) {
if ( $ aVal !~ '(^-?\d+\.?\d*):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr $name $aName $aVal" ;
return "Invalid Format $aVal in $aName" ;
} elsif ( $ aName =~ "Format" ) {
my $ useless = eval { sprintf ( $ aVal , 1 ) } ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: Invalid Format in attr $name $aName $aVal: $@" ;
return "Invalid Format $aVal" ;
2014-12-05 19:22:55 +00:00
addToDevAttrList ( $ name , $ aName )
2014-11-21 16:35:16 +00:00
return undef ;
# SET command
sub FReplacer_Set ($@)
my ( $ hash , @ a ) = @ _ ;
return "\"set $a[0]\" needs at least an argument" if ( @ a < 2 ) ;
# @a is an array with DeviceName, SetName, Rest of Set Line
my ( $ name , $ setName , $ setVal ) = @ a ;
if ( $ setName eq "ReplaceNow" ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Set ReplaceNow is calling FReplacer_Update" ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
FReplacer_Update ( $ hash ) ;
} else {
return "Unknown argument $setName, choose one of ReplaceNow" ;
FReplacer_Update ( $ ) {
my ( $ hash ) = @ _ ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
InternalTimer ( gettimeofday ( ) + $ hash - > { INTERVAL } , "FReplacer_Update" , $ hash , 0 ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Update: Internal timer set for hash $hash to call update again in $hash->{INTERVAL} seconds" ;
my ( $ tmpl , $ out ) ;
if ( ! open ( $ tmpl , "<" , $ hash - > { TEMPLATE } ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: Cannot open template file $hash->{TEMPLATE}" ;
return ;
} ;
if ( ! open ( $ out , ">" , $ hash - > { OUTPUT } ) ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: Cannot create output file $hash->{OUTPUT}" ;
return ;
} ;
my $ content = "" ;
while ( <$tmpl> ) {
$ content . = $ _ ;
my $ time = strftime ( "%d.%m.%Y %T" , localtime ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "LastUpdate" , $ time , 1 ) ;
foreach my $ key ( keys % { $ attr { $ name } } ) {
if ( $ key =~ /Rep([0-9]+)Regex/ ) {
my $ index = $ 1 ;
my $ regex = $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Regex" } ;
my $ replacement = "" ;
my $ skip = 0 ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Reading" } ) {
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Reading" } !~ '([^\:]+):([^\:]+):?(.*)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr Rep${index}Reading" ;
next ;
my $ device = $ 1 ;
my $ rname = $ 2 ;
my $ default = ( $ 3 ? $ 3 : 0 ) ;
my $ timestamp = ReadingsTimestamp ( $ device , $ rname , 0 ) ;
$ replacement = ReadingsVal ( $ device , $ rname , $ default ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: got reading $rname of device $device with default $default as $replacement with timestamp $timestamp" ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MaxAge" } ) {
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MaxAge" } !~ '([0-9]+):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr Rep${index}MaxAge" ;
next ;
my $ max = $ 1 ;
my $ rep = $ 2 ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: check max age $max" ;
if ( gettimeofday ( ) - time_str2num ( $ timestamp ) > $ max ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: reading too old - using $rep instead and skipping optional Expr and Format attributes" ;
$ replacement = $ rep ;
$ skip = 1 ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MinValue" } && ! $ skip ) {
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MinValue" } !~ '(^-?\d+\.?\d*):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr Rep${index}MinValue" ;
next ;
my $ lim = $ 1 ;
my $ rep = $ 2 ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: check min value $lim" ;
if ( $ replacement < $ lim ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: reading too small - using $rep instead and skipping optional Expr and Format attributes" ;
$ replacement = $ rep ;
$ skip = 1 ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MaxValue" } && ! $ skip ) {
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}MaxValue" } !~ '(^-?\d+\.?\d*):(.+)' ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: wrong format in attr Rep${index}MaxValue" ;
next ;
my $ lim = $ 1 ;
my $ rep = $ 2 ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: check max value $lim" ;
if ( $ replacement > $ lim ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: reading too big - using $rep instead and skipping optional Expr and Format attributes" ;
$ replacement = $ rep ;
$ skip = 1 ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Expr" } && ! $ skip ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Evaluating Expr" . $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Expr" } .
"\$replacement = $replacement" ;
$ replacement = eval ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Expr" } ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: result is $replacement" ;
if ( $@ ) {
Log3 $ name , 3 , "$name: error evaluating attribute Rep${index}Expr: $@" ;
next ;
if ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Format" } && ! $ skip ) {
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: doing sprintf with format" . $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Format" } .
"value is $replacement" ;
$ replacement = sprintf ( $ attr { $ name } { "Rep${index}Format" } , $ replacement ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: result is $replacement" ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Replacing $regex with $replacement" ;
$ replacement = encode ( AttrVal ( $ name , "ReplacementEncode" , undef ) , $ replacement )
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "ReplacementEncode" , undef ) ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Replacement encoded as $replacement" ;
$ content =~ s/$regex/$replacement/g ;
print $ out $ content ;
if ( AttrVal ( $ name , "PostCommand" , undef ) ) {
my $ convCmd = ( AttrVal ( $ name , "PostCommand" , undef ) ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Start conversion as $convCmd" ;
system ( $ convCmd ) ;
Log3 $ name , 5 , "$name: Conversion started" ;
1 ;
= pod
= begin html
< a name = "FReplacer" > </a>
<h3> FReplacer </h3>
This module provides a generic way to modify the contents of a file with Readings of other devices or the result of Perl expressions . <br>
The typical use case is a custom designed SVG graphics template file which contains place holders that will be replaced with actual values . <br>
The resulting SVG file can then optionally be converted to a PNG file which can be used as an online screensaver for Kindle devices for example .
<br> <br>
< a name = "FReplacerdefine" > </a>
<b> Define </b>
<code> define & lt ; name & gt ; FReplacer & lt ; InputFile & gt ; & lt ; OutputFile & gt ; & lt ; Interval & gt ; </code>
<br> <br>
The module reads the given InputFile every Interval seconds , replaces strings with the results of expressions as defined in attributes and writes the result to the OutputFile <br>
Example: <br>
<ul> <code> define fr FReplacer /opt/ fhem /www/im ages /template.svg /o pt /fhem/ www /images/s tatus . svg 60 </code> </ul>
< a name = "FReplacerconfiguration" > </a>
<b> Configuration of FReplacer Devices </b> <br> <br>
Specify pairs of <code> attr FxxRegex </code> and <code> attr FxxReading </code> or <code> attr FxxExpr </code> to define which strings / placeholders in the InputFile should be replaced with which redings / expressions
<br> <br>
Example: <br>
<ul> <code>
define fr FReplacer /opt/ fhem /www/im ages /template.svg /o pt /fhem/ www /images/s tatus . svg 60 <br>
attr fr Rep01Regex HeizungStat <br>
attr fr Rep01Reading WP:Status <br>
attr fr Rep01MaxAge 600 : Heizung Aus <br>
attr fr Rep02Regex AbluftTemp <br>
attr fr Rep02Reading Lueftung:Temp_Abluft <br>
attr fr Rep02Format "%.1f" <br>
attr fr Rep03Regex AussenTemp <br>
attr fr Rep03Expr sprintf ( "%.1f" , ReadingsVal ( "Lueftung" , "Temp_Aussen" , 0 ) ) <br>
</code> </ul>
If you want to convert a resulting SVG file to a PNG e . g . for use as online screen saver on a Kindle device , <br>
you have to specify the external conversion command with the attribute PostCommand , for Example: <br>
<ul> <code>
attr fr PostCommand convert /opt/ fhem /www/im ages /status.svg -type GrayScale -depth 8 /o pt /fhem/ www /images/s tatus . png 2 > /dev/ null &
</code> </ul>
If you want to convert the replacement text from Readings to UTF8 , e . g . to make special characters / umlauts display correctly , specify
<ul> <code>
attr fr ReplacementEncode UTF - 8
</code> </ul>
< a name = "FReplacerset" > </a>
<b> Set - Commands </b> <br>
<li> <b> ReplaceNow </b> </li>
starts a replace without waiting for the interval
< a name = "FReplacerget" > </a>
<b> Get - Commands </b> <br>
< a name = "FReplacerattr" > </a>
<b> Attributes </b> <br> <br>
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + Regex </b> </li>
defines the regex to be used for finding the right string to be replaced with the corresponding Reading / Expr result
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + Reading </b> </li>
defines a device and reading to be used as replacement value . It is specified as devicename:readingname:default_value . <br>
The default_value is optional and defaults to 0 . If the reading doesn ' t exist , default_value is used .
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + MaxAge </b> </li>
this can optionally be used together with RepReading to define a maximum age of the reading . It is specified as seconds:replacement . If the corresponding reading has not been updated for the specified number of seconds , then the replacement string is used instead of the reading to do the replacement and further RepExpr or RepFormat attributes will be ignored for this value <br>
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + MinValue </b> </li>
this can optionally be used together with RepReading to define a minimum value of the reading . It is specified as min:replacement . If the corresponding reading is too small , then the replacement string is used instead of the reading to do the replacement and further RepExpr or RepFormat attributes will be ignored for this value <br>
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + MaxValue </b> </li>
this can optionally be used together with RepReading to define a maximum value of the reading . It is specified as max:replacement . If the corresponding reading is too big , then the replacement string is used instead of the reading to do the replacement and further RepExpr or RepFormat attributes will be ignored for this value <br>
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + Expr </b> </li>
defines an optional expression that can be used to compute the replacement value . If RepExpr is used together with RepReading then the expression is evaluated after getting the reading and the value of the reading can be used in the expression as $ replacement . <br>
If only RepExpr is specified then readings can be retrieved with the perl function ReadingsVal ( ) inside the expression . <br>
If neither RepExpr nor RepReading is specified then the match for the correspondig regex will be replaced with an empty string .
<li> <b> Rep [ 0 - 9 ] + Format </b> </li>
defines an optional format string to be used in a sprintf statement to format the replacement before it is applied . <br>
Can be used with RepReading or RepExpr or both .
<li> <b> PostCommand </b> </li>
Execute an external command after writing the output file , e . g . to convert a resulting SVG file to a PNG file .
For an eInk Kindle you need a PNG in 8 bit greyscale format . A simple example to call the convert utility from ImageMagick would be <br>
<code> attr fr PostCommand convert /opt/ fhem /www/im ages / status . svg
- type GrayScale - depth 8 /opt/ fhem /www/im ages /status.png 2>/ dev /null & </co de > <br>
a more advanced example that starts inkscape before Imagemagick to make sure that embedded Icons in a SVG file are converted
correctly could be <br>
<code> attr fr PostCommand bash - c 'inkscape /opt/fhem/www/images/status.svg -e=tmp.png;; convert tmp.png -type GrayScale -depth 8 /opt/fhem/www/images/status.png' > /dev/ null 2 > & 1 & </code> <br>
or even <br>
<code> attr fr PostCommand bash - c 'inkscape /opt/fhem/www/images/status.svg -e=tmp.png -b=rgb\(255,255,255\) --export-height=1024 --export-width=758;; convert tmp.png -type GrayScale -depth 8 /opt/fhem/www/images/status.png' > /dev/ null 2 > & 1 & </code> <br>
Inkscape might be needed because ImageMagick seems to have problems convertig SVG files with embedded icons . However a PNG file created by Inkscape is not in 8 bit greyscale so Imagemagick can be run after Inkscape to convert to 8 bit greyscale
<li> <b> ReplacementEncode </b> </li>
defines an encoding to apply to the replacement string , e . g . UTF - 8
= end html
= cut