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# $Id: 75_MSG.pm 2012-06-20 18:29:00 rbente
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Switch;
use MIME::Lite;
use Net::SMTP::SSL;
my %sets = (
"send" => "MSG",
"write" => "MSG",
## Initialize Function
my ($hash) = @_;
$hash->{SetFn} = "MSG_Set";
$hash->{DefFn} = "MSG_Define";
$hash->{AttrList} = "loglevel:0,1,2,3,4,5,6";
## Set Function
my ($hash, @a) = @_;
return "Unknown argument $a[1], choose one of -> " . join(" ", sort keys %sets)
my $name = shift @a;
return "no set value specified" if(int(@a) < 1);
return "Unknown argument ?" if($a[0] eq "?");
########## Check, if we have send or wait as parameter
if(($a[0] eq "send") || ($a[0] eq "write"))
########## Check if the device is defined that we like to use as frontend
return "Please define $a[1] first" if(!defined($defs{$a[1]}));
########## switch based on the device type
########## valid device types are:
########## MSGFile = write to a file
########## MSGMail = send an email
return "TYPE for $defs{$a[1]} not defined";
## M S G F i l e
elsif($defs{$a[1]}{TYPE} eq "MSGFile")
return "No filename specified, use attr <name> filename <filename> $a[1] $defs{$a[1]}{TYPE}" if (!AttrVal($a[1],"filename",""));
########## open the file, new = delete file before create it
########## append = add lines to the existing file contents
if(AttrVal($a[1],"filemode","") eq "new")
open(FHEMMSGFILE, ">" . AttrVal($a[1],"filename","")) || return "Can not open the file: $!";
open(FHEMMSGFILE, ">>" . AttrVal($a[1],"filename","")) || return "Can not open the file: $!";
########## loop thru the stored lines and write them to the file
########## number of lines are in the Readings / msgcount
my $i;
if(ReadingsVal($a[1],"msgcount",0) > 0)
print FHEMMSGFILE $data{$a[1]}{$i} || return "Can not write to the file: $!";;
########## close the file and send a message to the log
Log 1, "<MSG> write to File: " . AttrVal($a[1],"filename","");
} # END MSGFile
## M S G M a i l
## We use MAIL::Lite to compose the message, because it works very well at this and
## we use Net::SMTP::SSL to connect to the smtp host and manage the authenification,
## because MAIL:Lite is not very easy to manage with SSL connections
elsif($defs{$a[1]}{TYPE} eq "MSGMail")
########## check all the needed data
my $from = AttrVal($a[1],"from","");
return "No <from> address specified, use attr $a[1] from <mail-address>" if (!$from);
my $to = AttrVal($a[1],"to","");
return "No <to> address specified, use attr $a[1] to <mail-address>" if (!$to);
my $subject = AttrVal($a[1],"subject","");
return "No <subject> specified, use attr $a[1] subject <text>" if (!$subject);
my $authfile = AttrVal($a[1],"authfile","");
return "No <authfile> specified, use attr $a[1] authfile <filename>" if (!$authfile);
my $smtphost = AttrVal($a[1],"smtphost","");
return "No <smtphost> name specified, use attr $a[1] sntphost <hostname>" if (!$smtphost);
my $smtpport = AttrVal($a[1],"smtpport","465"); # 465 is the default port
my $cc = AttrVal($a[1],"cc",""); # Carbon Copy
open(FHEMAUTHFILE, "<" . $authfile) || return "Can not open authfile $authfile: $!";;
my @auth = <FHEMAUTHFILE>;
# Log 1, "MSG User = <" . @auth[0] . "> Passwort = <" . @auth[1] . ">";
########## compose message
my $i;
my $mess = "";
$mess .= $data{$a[1]}{$i};
my $mailmsg = MIME::Lite->new(
From => $from,
To => $to,
Subject => $subject,
Type => 'text/plain',
Data => $mess
########## login to the SMTP Host using SSL and send the message
my $smtp;
my $smtperrmsg = "SMTP Error: ";
$smtp = Net::SMTP::SSL->new($smtphost, Port=>$smtpport) or return $smtperrmsg . " Can't connect to host $smtphost";
$smtp->auth(@auth[0], @auth[1]) or return $smtperrmsg . " Can't authenticate: " . $smtp->message();
$smtp->mail($from) or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
$smtp->to($to) or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
if($cc ne '')
Log 1,"CC = $cc";
$smtp->cc($cc) or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
$smtp->data() or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
$smtp->datasend($mailmsg->as_string) or return $smtperrmsg .$smtp->message();
$smtp->dataend() or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
$smtp->quit() or return $smtperrmsg . $smtp->message();
Log 1, "<MSG> send EMail: <$subject>";
} ###> END MSGMail
return "MSG Filetype $defs{$a[1]}{TYPE} unknown";
} ###> END if(($a[0] eq "send") || ($a[0] eq "write"))
my $v = join(" ", @a);
Log GetLogLevel($name,2), "MSG set $name $v";
########## update stats
$hash->{CHANGED}[0] = $v;
$hash->{STATE} = $v;
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$hash->{READINGS}{state}{VAL} = $v;
return undef;
## Define Function
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def);
my $errMSG_ = "wrong syntax: define <name> MSG";
return $errMSG_ if(@a != 2);
$hash->{STATE} = "ready";
$hash->{TYPE} = "MSG";
return undef;