2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
# $Id: 10_RHASSPY.pm 24786 2021-09-21 + Beta-User$
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
# FHEM RHASSPY module (https://github.com/rhasspy)
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Originally written 2018 by Tobias Wiedenmann (Thyraz)
# as FHEM Snips.ai module (thanks to Matthias Kleine)
# Adapted for RHASSPY 2020/2021 by Beta-User and drhirn
# Thanks to Beta-User, rudolfkoenig, JensS, cb2sela and all the others
# who did a great job getting this to work!
# This file is part of fhem.
# Fhem is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Fhem is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with fhem. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package RHASSPY ; ##no critic qw(Package)
use strict ;
use warnings ;
use Carp qw( carp ) ;
use GPUtils qw( :all ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
use JSON qw( decode_json ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
use Encode ;
use HttpUtils ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
use utf8 ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
use List::Util 1.45 qw( max min uniq ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number ) ;
use POSIX qw( strftime ) ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#use Data::Dumper;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
use FHEM::Core::Timer::Register qw( :ALL ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub ::RHASSPY_Initialize { goto & Initialize }
#Beta-User: no GefFn defined...?
my % gets = (
version = > q{ } ,
status = > q{ }
) ;
my % sets = (
speak = > [] ,
play = > [] ,
customSlot = > [] ,
textCommand = > [] ,
trainRhasspy = > [ qw( noArg ) ] ,
fetchSiteIds = > [ qw( noArg ) ] ,
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
update = > [ qw( devicemap devicemap_only slots slots_no_training language intent_filter all ) ] ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
volume = > []
) ;
my $ languagevars = {
'units' = > {
'unitHours' = > {
0 = > 'hours' ,
1 = > 'one hour'
} ,
'unitMinutes' = > {
0 = > 'minutes' ,
1 = > 'one minute'
} ,
'unitSeconds' = > {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
0 = > 'seconds' ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
0 = > 'seconds' ,
1 = > 'one second'
} ,
'responses' = > {
'DefaultError' = > "Sorry but something seems not to work as expected" ,
'NoValidData' = > "Sorry but the received data is not sufficient to derive any action" ,
'NoDeviceFound' = > "Sorry but I could not find a matching device" ,
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
'NoTimedOnDeviceFound' = > "Sorry but device does not support requested timed on or off command" ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'NoMappingFound' = > "Sorry but I could not find a suitable mapping" ,
'NoNewValDerived' = > "Sorry but I could not calculate a new value to set" ,
'NoActiveMediaDevice' = > "Sorry no active playback device" ,
'NoMediaChannelFound' = > "Sorry but requested channel seems not to exist" ,
'DefaultConfirmation' = > "OK" ,
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
'DefaultConfirmationBack' = > "So once more" ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'DefaultConfirmationTimeout' = > "Sorry too late to confirm" ,
'DefaultCancelConfirmation' = > "Thanks aborted" ,
'SilentCancelConfirmation' = > "" ,
'DefaultConfirmationReceived' = > "ok will do it" ,
'DefaultConfirmationNoOutstanding' = > "no command is awaiting confirmation" ,
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
'DefaultConfirmationRequestRawInput' = > 'please confirm: $rawInput' ,
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
'DefaultChangeIntentRequestRawInput' = > 'change command to $rawInput' ,
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
'RequestChoiceDevice' = > 'there are several possible devices, choose between $first_items and $last_item' ,
'RequestChoiceRoom' = > 'more than one possible device, please choose one of the following rooms $first_items and $last_item' ,
'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' = > "no choice expected" ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'timerSet' = > {
'0' = > '$label in room $room has been set to $seconds seconds' ,
'1' = > '$label in room $room has been set to $minutes minutes $seconds' ,
'2' = > '$label in room $room has been set to $minutes minutes' ,
'3' = > '$label in room $room has been set to $hours hours $minutetext' ,
'4' = > '$label in room $room has been set to $hour o clock $minutes' ,
'5' = > '$label in room $room has been set to tomorrow $hour o clock $minutes'
} ,
'timerEnd' = > {
'0' = > '$label expired' ,
'1' = > '$label in room $room expired'
} ,
'timerCancellation' = > '$label for $room deleted' ,
'timeRequest' = > 'it is $hour o clock $min minutes' ,
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
'weekdayRequest' = > 'today is $weekDay, $month the $day., $year' ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'duration_not_understood' = > "Sorry I could not understand the desired duration" ,
'reSpeak_failed' = > 'i am sorry i can not remember' ,
'Change' = > {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
'humidity' = > 'air humidity in $location is $value percent' ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'battery' = > {
'0' = > 'battery level in $location is $value' ,
'1' = > 'battery level in $location is $value percent'
} ,
'brightness' = > '$device was set to $value' ,
'setTarget' = > '$device is set to $value' ,
'soilMoisture' = > 'soil moisture in $location is $value percent' ,
'temperature' = > {
'0' = > 'temperature in $location is $value' ,
'1' = > 'temperature in $location is $value degrees' ,
} ,
'desired-temp' = > 'target temperature for $location is set to $value degrees' ,
'volume' = > '$device set to $value' ,
'waterLevel' = > 'water level in $location is $value percent' ,
'knownType' = > '$mappingType in $location is $value percent' ,
'unknownType' = > 'value in $location is $value percent'
} ,
'stateResponses' = > {
'inOperation' = > {
'0' = > '$deviceName is ready' ,
'1' = > '$deviceName is still running'
} ,
'inOut' = > {
'0' = > '$deviceName is out' ,
'1' = > '$deviceName is in'
} ,
'onOff' = > {
'0' = > '$deviceName is off' ,
'1' = > '$deviceName is on'
} ,
'openClose' = > {
'0' = > '$deviceName is open' ,
'1' = > '$deviceName is closed'
} ;
my $ internal_mappings = {
'Change' = > {
'lightUp' = > {
'Type' = > 'brightness' ,
'up' = > '1'
} ,
'lightDown' = > {
'Type' = > 'brightness' ,
'up' = > '0'
} ,
'tempUp' = > {
'Type' = > 'temperature' ,
'up' = > '1'
} ,
'tempDown' = > {
'Type' = > 'temperature' ,
'up' = > '0'
} ,
'volUp' = > {
'Type' = > 'volume' ,
'up' = > '1'
} ,
'volDown' = > {
'Type' = > 'volume' ,
'up' = > '0'
} ,
'setUp' = > {
'Type' = > 'setTarget' ,
'up' = > '1'
} ,
'setDown' = > {
'Type' = > 'setTarget' ,
'up' = > '0'
} ,
'regex' = > {
'upward' = > '(higher|brighter|louder|rise|warmer)' ,
'setTarget' = > '(brightness|volume|target.volume)'
} ,
'stateResponseType' = > {
'on' = > 'onOff' ,
'off' = > 'onOff' ,
'open' = > 'openClose' ,
'closed' = > 'openClose' ,
'in' = > 'inOut' ,
'out' = > 'inOut' ,
'ready' = > 'inOperation' ,
'acting' = > 'inOperation'
} ;
my $ de_mappings = {
'on' = > 'an' ,
'percent' = > 'Prozent' ,
'stateResponseType' = > {
'an' = > 'onOff' ,
'aus' = > 'onOff' ,
'auf' = > 'openClose' ,
'zu' = > 'openClose' ,
'eingefahren' = > 'inOut' ,
'ausgefahren' = > 'inOut' ,
'läuft' = > 'inOperation' ,
'fertig' = > 'inOperation'
} ,
'ToEn' = > {
'Temperatur' = > 'temperature' ,
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
'Luftfeuchtigkeit' = > 'humidity' ,
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
'Batterie' = > 'battery' ,
'Wasserstand' = > 'waterLevel' ,
'Bodenfeuchte' = > 'soilMoisture' ,
'Helligkeit' = > 'brightness' ,
'Sollwert' = > 'setTarget' ,
'Lautstärke' = > 'volume' ,
'kälter' = > 'tempDown' ,
'wärmer' = > 'tempUp' ,
'dunkler' = > 'lightDown' ,
'heller' = > 'lightUp' ,
'lauter' = > 'volUp' ,
'leiser' = > 'volDown' ,
} ,
'regex' = > {
'upward' = > '(höher|heller|lauter|wärmer)' ,
'setTarget' = > '(Helligkeit|Lautstärke|Sollwert)'
} ;
GP_Import ( qw(
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
) )
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} ;
# MQTT Topics die das Modul automatisch abonniert
my @ topics = qw(
hermes /intent/ +
hermes /dialogueManager/s essionStarted
hermes /dialogueManager/s essionEnded
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
hermes /nlu/i ntentNotRecognized
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
) ;
sub Initialize {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
# Consumer
$ hash - > { DefFn } = \ & Define ;
$ hash - > { UndefFn } = \ & Undefine ;
$ hash - > { DeleteFn } = \ & Delete ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
#$hash->{RenameFn} = \&Rename;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { SetFn } = \ & Set ;
$ hash - > { AttrFn } = \ & Attr ;
$ hash - > { AttrList } = "IODev rhasspyIntents:textField-long rhasspyShortcuts:textField-long rhasspyTweaks:textField-long response:textField-long forceNEXT:0,1 disable:0,1 disabledForIntervals languageFile " . $ readingFnAttributes ;
$ hash - > { Match } = q{ .* } ;
$ hash - > { ParseFn } = \ & Parse ;
$ hash - > { parseParams } = 1 ;
return ;
# Device anlegen
sub Define {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ anon = shift ;
my $ h = shift ;
#parseParams: my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $ name = shift @ { $ anon } ;
my $ type = shift @ { $ anon } ;
my $ Rhasspy = $ h - > { baseUrl } // shift @ { $ anon } // q{ } ;
my $ defaultRoom = $ h - > { defaultRoom } // shift @ { $ anon } // q{ default } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my @ unknown ;
for ( keys % { $ h } ) {
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
push @ unknown , $ _ if $ _ !~ m {\A(?:baseUrl|defaultRoom|language|devspec|fhemId|prefix|encoding|useGenericAttrs)\z}xm ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ err = join q{ , } , @ unknown ;
return "unknown key(s) in DEF: $err" if @ unknown && $ init_done ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 1 , "[$name] unknown key(s) in DEF: $err" ) if @ unknown ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { defaultRoom } = $ defaultRoom ;
my $ language = $ h - > { language } // shift @ { $ anon } // lc AttrVal ( 'global' , 'language' , 'en' ) ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
$ hash - > { MODULE_VERSION } = '0.4.40' ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { baseUrl } = $ Rhasspy ;
initialize_Language ( $ hash , $ language ) if ! defined $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } || $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ne $ language ;
$ hash - > { LANGUAGE } = $ language ;
$ hash - > { devspec } = $ h - > { devspec } // q{ room=Rhasspy } ;
$ hash - > { fhemId } = $ h - > { fhemId } // q{ fhem } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
initialize_prefix ( $ hash , $ h - > { prefix } ) if ! defined $ hash - > { prefix } || defined $ h - > { prefix } && $ hash - > { prefix } ne $ h - > { prefix } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { prefix } = $ h - > { prefix } // q{ rhasspy } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { encoding } = $ h - > { encoding } // q{ utf8 } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { useGenericAttrs } = $ h - > { useGenericAttrs } // 1 ;
$ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } = [] ;
#Beta-User: Für's Ändern von defaultRoom oder prefix vielleicht (!?!) hilfreich: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119150.msg1135838.html#msg1135838 (Rudi zu resolveAttrRename)
if ( $ hash - > { useGenericAttrs } ) {
addToAttrList ( q{ genericDeviceType } ) ;
return $ init_done ? firstInit ( $ hash ) : InternalTimer ( time + 1 , \ & firstInit , $ hash ) ;
sub firstInit {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# IO
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
AssignIoPort ( $ hash ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ IODev = AttrVal ( $ name , 'IODev' , ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'IODev' , InternalVal ( $ name , 'IODev' , undef ) - > { NAME } ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! $ init_done || ! defined $ IODev ;
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteAllRegIntTimer ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
fetchSiteIds ( $ hash ) if ! ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'siteIds' , 0 ) ;
initialize_rhasspyTweaks ( $ hash , AttrVal ( $ name , 'rhasspyTweaks' , undef ) ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
fetchIntents ( $ hash ) ;
IOWrite ( $ hash , 'subscriptions' , join q{ } , @ topics ) if InternalVal ( $ IODev , 'TYPE' , undef ) eq 'MQTT2_CLIENT' ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
return ;
sub initialize_Language {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ lang = shift // return ;
my $ cfg = shift // AttrVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'languageFile' , undef ) ;
my $ cp = $ hash - > { encoding } // q{ UTF-8 } ;
#default to english first
$ hash - > { helper } - > { lng } = $ languagevars if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } - > { lng } || ! $ init_done ;
my ( $ ret , $ content ) = _readLanguageFromFile ( $ hash , $ cfg ) ;
return $ ret if $ ret ;
my $ decoded ;
if ( ! eval { $ decoded = decode_json ( encode ( $ cp , $ content ) ) ; 1 } ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "JSON decoding error in languagefile $cfg: $@" ) ;
return "languagefile $cfg seems not to contain valid JSON!" ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ slots = $ decoded - > { slots } ;
if ( defined $ decoded - > { default } ) {
$ decoded = _combineHashes ( $ decoded - > { default } , $ decoded - > { user } ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 4 , "try to use user specific sentences and defaults in languagefile $cfg" ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } - > { lng } = _combineHashes ( $ hash - > { helper } - > { lng } , $ decoded ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! $ init_done ;
for my $ key ( keys % { $ slots } ) {
updateSingleSlot ( $ hash , $ key , $ slots - > { $ key } ) ;
return ;
sub initialize_prefix {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ prefix = shift // q{ rhasspy } ;
my $ old_prefix = $ hash - > { prefix } ; #Beta-User: Marker, evtl. müssen wir uns was für Umbenennungen überlegen...
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
return if defined $ old_prefix && $ prefix eq $ old_prefix ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# provide attributes "rhasspyName" etc. for all devices
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
addToAttrList ( "${prefix}Name" , 'RHASSPY' ) ;
addToAttrList ( "${prefix}Room" , 'RHASSPY' ) ;
addToAttrList ( "${prefix}Mapping:textField-long" , 'RHASSPY' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
addToAttrList ( "${prefix}Group:textField" , 'RHASSPY' ) ;
addToAttrList ( "${prefix}Specials:textField-long" , 'RHASSPY' ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! $ init_done || ! defined $ old_prefix ;
my @ devs = devspec2array ( "$hash->{devspec}" ) ;
my @ rhasspys = devspec2array ( "TYPE=RHASSPY:FILTER=prefix=$old_prefix" ) ;
for my $ detail ( qw( Name Room Mapping Group Specials ) ) {
for my $ device ( @ devs ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ aval = AttrVal ( $ device , "${old_prefix}$detail" , undef ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
CommandAttr ( $ hash , "$device ${prefix}$detail $aval" ) if $ aval ;
CommandDeleteAttr ( $ hash , "$device ${old_prefix}$detail" ) if @ rhasspys < 2 ;
delFromAttrList ( "${old_prefix}$detail" ) if @ rhasspys < 2 ;
return ;
# Device löschen
sub Undefine {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteAllRegIntTimer ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
return ;
sub Delete {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#my $prefix = $hash->{prefix} // return;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteAllRegIntTimer ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
RemoveInternalTimer ( $ hash ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#Beta-User: Most likely removing attributes isn't a good idea; additionally: if, then attributes should be removed from global
2021-04-28 09:24:57 +00:00
= begin comment
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#Beta-User: globale Attribute löschen
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Mapping=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Mapping:textField-long" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Name=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Name" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Room=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Room" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Channels=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Channels" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Colors=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Colors" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Specials=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Specials" ) ;
for ( devspec2array ( "${prefix}Group=.+" ) ) {
delFromDevAttrList ( $ _ , "${prefix}Group" ) ;
2021-04-28 09:24:57 +00:00
= end comment
= cut
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Set Befehl aufgerufen
sub Set {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ anon = shift ;
my $ h = shift ;
#parseParams: my ( $hash, $a, $h ) = @_;
my $ name = shift @ { $ anon } ;
my $ command = shift @ { $ anon } // q{ } ;
my @ values = @ { $ anon } ;
return "Unknown argument $command, choose one of "
. join ( q{ } , map {
@ { $ sets { $ _ } } ? $ _
. q{ : }
. join q{ , } , @ { $ sets { $ _ } } : $ _ } sort keys % sets )
if ! defined $ sets { $ command } ;
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , "set $command - value: " . join q{ } , @ values ) ;
my $ dispatch = {
updateSlots = > \ & updateSlots ,
trainRhasspy = > \ & trainRhasspy ,
fetchSiteIds = > \ & fetchSiteIds
} ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ dispatch - > { $ command } - > ( $ hash ) if ref $ dispatch - > { $ command } eq 'CODE' ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ values [ 0 ] = $ h - > { text } if ( $ command eq 'speak' || $ command eq 'textCommand' ) && defined $ h - > { text } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ command eq 'play' || $ command eq 'volume' ) {
$ values [ 0 ] = $ h - > { siteId } if defined $ h - > { siteId } ;
$ values [ 1 ] = $ h - > { path } if defined $ h - > { path } ;
$ values [ 1 ] = $ h - > { volume } if defined $ h - > { volume } ;
$ dispatch = {
speak = > \ & sendSpeakCommand ,
textCommand = > \ & sendTextCommand ,
play = > \ & setPlayWav ,
volume = > \ & setVolume
} ;
return Log3 ( $ name , 3 , "set $name $command requires at least one argument!" ) if ! @ values ;
my $ params = join q{ } , @ values ; #error case: playWav => PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value within @values in join or string
$ params = $ h if defined $ h - > { text } || defined $ h - > { path } || defined $ h - > { volume } ;
return $ dispatch - > { $ command } - > ( $ hash , $ params ) if ref $ dispatch - > { $ command } eq 'CODE' ;
if ( $ command eq 'update' ) {
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'language' ) {
return initialize_Language ( $ hash , $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ) ;
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'devicemap' ) {
initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
$ hash - > { '.needTraining' } = 1 ;
return updateSlots ( $ hash ) ;
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'devicemap_only' ) {
return initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'slots' ) {
$ hash - > { '.needTraining' } = 1 ;
return updateSlots ( $ hash ) ;
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'slots_no_training' ) {
initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
return updateSlots ( $ hash ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'intent_filter' ) {
return fetchIntents ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ values [ 0 ] eq 'all' ) {
initialize_Language ( $ hash , $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ) ;
initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
$ hash - > { '.needTraining' } = 1 ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
updateSlots ( $ hash ) ;
return fetchIntents ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ command eq 'customSlot' ) {
my $ slotname = $ h - > { slotname } // shift @ values ;
my $ slotdata = $ h - > { slotdata } // shift @ values ;
my $ overwr = $ h - > { overwrite } // shift @ values ;
my $ training = $ h - > { training } // shift @ values ;
return updateSingleSlot ( $ hash , $ slotname , $ slotdata , $ overwr , $ training ) ;
return ;
# Attribute setzen / löschen
sub Attr {
my $ command = shift ;
my $ name = shift ;
my $ attribute = shift // return ;
my $ value = shift ;
my $ hash = $ defs { $ name } // return ;
# IODev Attribut gesetzt
if ( $ attribute eq 'IODev' ) {
return ;
if ( $ attribute eq 'rhasspyShortcuts' ) {
for ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } } ) {
delete $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ _ } ;
if ( $ command eq 'set' ) {
return init_shortcuts ( $ hash , $ value ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ attribute eq 'rhasspyIntents' ) {
for ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { custom } } ) {
delete $ hash - > { helper } { custom } { $ _ } ;
if ( $ command eq 'set' ) {
return init_custom_intents ( $ hash , $ value ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ attribute eq 'rhasspyTweaks' ) {
for ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } } ) {
delete $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { $ _ } ;
if ( $ command eq 'set' ) {
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
return initialize_rhasspyTweaks ( $ hash , $ value ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ attribute eq 'languageFile' ) {
if ( $ command ne 'set' ) {
delete $ hash - > { CONFIGFILE } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
delete $ attr { $ name } { languageFile } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
delete $ hash - > { helper } { lng } ;
$ value = undef ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
return initialize_Language ( $ hash , $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } , $ value ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return ;
sub init_shortcuts {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ attrVal = shift // return ;
my ( $ intent , $ perlcommand , $ device , $ err ) ;
for my $ line ( split m {\n}x , $ attrVal ) {
#old syntax
if ( $ line !~ m {\A[\s]*i=}x ) {
( $ intent , $ perlcommand ) = split m {=}x , $ line , 2 ;
$ err = perlSyntaxCheck ( $ perlcommand ) ;
return "$err in $line" if $ err && $ init_done ;
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { perl } = $ perlcommand ;
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { NAME } = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
next ;
next if ! length $ line ;
my ( $ unnamed , $ named ) = parseParams ( $ line ) ;
#return "unnamed parameters are not supported! (line: $line)" if ($unnamed) > 1 && $init_done;
$ intent = $ named - > { i } ;
if ( defined ( $ named - > { f } ) ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { fhem } = $ named - > { f } ;
} elsif ( defined ( $ named - > { p } ) ) {
$ err = perlSyntaxCheck ( $ perlcommand ) ;
return "$err in $line" if $ err && $ init_done ;
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { perl } = $ named - > { p } ;
} elsif ( $ init_done && ! defined $ named - > { r } ) {
return "Either a fhem or perl command or a response have to be provided!" ;
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { NAME } = $ named - > { d } if defined $ named - > { d } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { response } = $ named - > { r } if defined $ named - > { r } ;
if ( defined $ named - > { c } ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { conf_req } = ! looks_like_number ( $ named - > { c } ) ? $ named - > { c } : 'default' ;
if ( defined $ named - > { ct } ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { conf_timeout } = looks_like_number ( $ named - > { ct } ) ? $ named - > { ct } : _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash , 'confirm' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} else {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ intent } { conf_timeout } = looks_like_number ( $ named - > { c } ) ? $ named - > { c } : _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash , 'confirm' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return ;
sub initialize_rhasspyTweaks {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ attrVal = shift // return ;
my ( $ tweak , $ values , $ device , $ err ) ;
for my $ line ( split m {\n}x , $ attrVal ) {
next if ! length $ line ;
if ( $ line =~ m {\A[\s]*timerLimits[\s]*=}x ) {
( $ tweak , $ values ) = split m {=}x , $ line , 2 ;
$ tweak = trim ( $ tweak ) ;
return "Error in $line! Provide 5 comma separated numeric values!" if ! length $ values && $ init_done ;
my @ test = split m {,}x , $ values ;
return "Error in $line! Provide 5 comma separated numeric values!" if @ test != 5 && $ init_done ;
#$values = qq{($values)} if $values !~ m{\A([^()]*)\z}x;
$ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { $ tweak } = [ @ test ] ;
next ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ line =~ m {\A[\s]*(timeouts|useGenericAttrs|timerSounds|confirmIntents|confirmIntentResponses)[\s]*=}x ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
( $ tweak , $ values ) = split m {=}x , $ line , 2 ;
$ tweak = trim ( $ tweak ) ;
return "Error in $line! No content provided!" if ! length $ values && $ init_done ;
my ( $ unnamedParams , $ namedParams ) = parseParams ( $ values ) ;
return "Error in $line! Provide at least one key-value pair!" if ( @ { $ unnamedParams } || ! keys % { $ namedParams } ) && $ init_done ;
$ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { $ tweak } = $ namedParams ;
next ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ line =~ m {\A[\s]*(intentFilter)[\s]*=}x ) {
( $ tweak , $ values ) = split m {=}x , $ line , 2 ;
$ tweak = trim ( $ tweak ) ;
return "Error in $line! No content provided!" if ! length $ values && $ init_done ;
my ( $ unnamedParams , $ namedParams ) = parseParams ( $ values ) ;
return "Error in $line! Provide at least one item!" if ( ! @ { $ unnamedParams } && ! keys % { $ namedParams } ) && $ init_done ;
for ( @ { $ unnamedParams } ) {
$ namedParams - > { $ _ } = 'false' ;
for ( keys % { $ namedParams } ) {
$ namedParams - > { $ _ } = 'false' if $ namedParams - > { $ _ } ne 'false' && $ namedParams - > { $ _ } ne 'true' ;
$ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { $ tweak } = $ namedParams ;
next ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return configure_DialogManager ( $ hash ) if $ init_done ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
sub configure_DialogManager {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ siteId = shift // 'null' ; #ReadingsVal( $hash->{NAME}, 'siteIds', 'default' ) // return;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ toDisable = shift // [ qw( ConfirmAction CancelAction ChoiceRoom ChoiceDevice ) ] ;
my $ enable = shift // q{ false } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ timer = shift ;
#option to delay execution to make reconfiguration last action after everything else has been done and published.
if ( defined $ timer ) {
my $ fnHash = resetRegIntTimer ( $ siteId , time + looks_like_number ( $ timer ) ? $ timer : 0 , \ & RHASSPY_configure_DialogManager , $ hash , 0 ) ;
$ fnHash - > { toDisable } = $ toDisable ;
$ fnHash - > { enable } = $ enable ;
return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#loop for global initialization or for several siteId's
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ siteId =~ m {,}xms ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my @ siteIds = split m {,}xms , $ siteId ;
for ( @ siteIds ) {
configure_DialogManager ( $ hash , $ _ , $ toDisable , $ enable ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my @ intents = split m {,}xm , ReadingsVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'intents' , '' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ language = $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ;
my $ fhemId = $ hash - > { fhemId } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
= pod disable some intents by default https: // rhasspy . readthedocs . io /en/ latest /reference/ #dialogue-manager
hermes /dialogueManager/co nfigure ( JSON )
Sets the default intent filter for all subsequent dialogue sessions
intents: [ object ] - Intents to enable / disable ( empty for all intents )
intentId: string - Name of intent
enable: bool - true if intent should be eligible for recognition
siteId: string = "default" - Hermes site ID
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
Further reading on continuing sessions:
https: // rhasspy - hermes - app . readthedocs . io /en/ latest / usage . html #continuing-a-session
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
= cut
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ sId = $ siteId eq 'null' ? 'null' : qq( "$siteId" ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my @ disabled ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ matches = join q{ | } , @ { $ toDisable } ;
for ( @ intents ) {
last if $ enable eq 'true' ;
next if $ _ =~ m {$matches}ms ;
my $ defaults = { intentId = > "$_" , enable = > 'true' } ;
$ defaults = { intentId = > "$_" , enable = > $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } - > { intentFilter } - > { $ _ } } if defined $ hash - > { helper } - > { tweaks } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } - > { intentFilter } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } - > { intentFilter } - > { $ _ } ;
push @ disabled , $ defaults ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
for ( @ { $ toDisable } ) {
my $ id = qq( ${language}.${fhemId}:$_ ) ;
my $ disable = { intentId = > "$id" , enable = > "$enable" } ;
push @ disabled , $ disable ;
my $ sendData = {
siteId = > $ siteId ,
intents = > [ @ disabled ]
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ json = _toCleanJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ hermes/dialogueManager/configure $json } ) ;
return ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sub RHASSPY_configure_DialogManager {
my $ fnHash = shift // return ;
return configure_DialogManager ( $ fnHash - > { HASH } , $ fnHash - > { MODIFIER } , $ fnHash - > { toDisable } , $ fnHash - > { enable } ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub init_custom_intents {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ attrVal = shift // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
for my $ line ( split m {\n}x , $ attrVal ) {
next if ! length $ line ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#return "invalid line $line" if $line !~ m{(?<intent>[^=]+)\s*=\s*(?<perlcommand>(?<function>([^(]+))\((?<arg>.*)\)\s*)}x;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return "invalid line $line" if $ line !~ m {
( ? <intent> [ ^= ] + ) \ s * #string up to =, w/o ending whitespace
= \ s * #separator = and potential whitespace
( ? <perlcommand> #identifier
( ? <function> ( [ ^ ( ] + ) ) #string up to opening bracket
\ ( #opening bracket
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
( ? <arg> . * ) \ ) ) \ s * #everything up to the closing bracket, w/o ending whitespace
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} xms ;
my $ intent = trim ( $+ { intent } ) ;
return "no intent found in $line!" if ( ! $ intent || $ intent eq q{ } ) && $ init_done ;
my $ function = trim ( $+ { function } ) ;
return "invalid function in line $line" if $ function =~ m {\s+}x ;
my $ perlcommand = trim ( $+ { perlcommand } ) ;
my $ err = perlSyntaxCheck ( $ perlcommand ) ;
return "$err in $line" if $ err && $ init_done ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#$hash->{helper}{custom}{$+{intent}}{perl} = $perlcommand; #Beta-User: delete after testing!
$ hash - > { helper } { custom } { $ intent } { function } = $ function ;
my $ args = trim ( $+ { arg } ) ;
my @ params ;
for my $ ar ( split m {,}x , $ args ) {
$ ar = trim ( $ ar ) ;
#next if $ar eq q{}; #Beta-User having empty args might be intented...
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
push @ params , $ ar ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { custom } { $+ { intent } } { args } = \ @ params ;
return ;
sub initialize_devicemap {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ devspec = $ hash - > { devspec } ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my @ devices = devspec2array ( $ devspec ) ;
# when called with just one keyword, devspec2array may return the keyword, even if the device doesn't exist...
return if ! @ devices ;
for ( @ devices ) {
_analyze_genDevType ( $ hash , $ _ ) if $ hash - > { useGenericAttrs } ;
_analyze_rhassypAttr ( $ hash , $ _ ) ;
return ;
sub _analyze_rhassypAttr {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ prefix = $ hash - > { prefix } ;
return if ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Room" , undef )
&& ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Name" , undef )
&& ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Channels" , undef )
&& ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Colors" , undef )
&& ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Group" , undef )
&& ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Specials" , undef ) ;
#rhasspyRooms ermitteln
my @ rooms ;
my $ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Room" , undef ) ;
@ rooms = split m {,}x , lc $ attrv if defined $ attrv ;
@ rooms = split m {,}xi , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } if ! @ rooms && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } ;
if ( ! @ rooms ) {
$ rooms [ 0 ] = $ hash - > { defaultRoom } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } = join q{ , } , @ rooms ;
#rhasspyNames ermitteln
my @ names ;
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Name" , AttrVal ( $ device , 'alias' , $ device ) ) ;
push @ names , split m {,}x , lc $ attrv ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { alias } = $ names [ 0 ] ;
for my $ dn ( @ names ) {
for ( @ rooms ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } { $ _ } { $ dn } = $ device ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { names } = join q{ , } , @ names ;
for my $ item ( 'Channels' , 'Colors' ) {
my @ rows = split m {\n}x , AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}${item}" , q{ } ) ;
for my $ row ( @ rows ) {
my ( $ key , $ val ) = split m {=}x , $ row , 2 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
next if ! $ val ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
for my $ rooms ( @ rooms ) {
push @ { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { $ item } { $ rooms } { $ key } } , $ device if ! grep { m {\A$device\z}x } @ { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { $ item } { $ rooms } { $ key } } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { $ item } { $ key } = $ val ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#Hash mit {FHEM-Device-Name}{$intent}{$type}?
my $ mappingsString = AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Mapping" , q{ } ) ;
for ( split m {\n}x , $ mappingsString ) {
my ( $ key , $ val ) = split m {:}x , $ _ , 2 ;
#$key = lc($key);
#$val = lc($val);
my % currentMapping = splitMappingString ( $ val ) ;
next if ! % currentMapping ;
# Übersetzen, falls möglich:
$ currentMapping { type } =
defined $ currentMapping { type } ?
$ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ currentMapping { type } } // $ currentMapping { type } // $ key
: $ key ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { $ key } - > { $ currentMapping { type } } = \ % currentMapping ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ lines = split m {\n}x , AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Specials" , q{ } ) ;
for my $ line ( @ lines ) {
my ( $ key , $ val ) = split m {:}x , $ line , 2 ;
next if ! $ val ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'colorForceHue2rgb' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } { forceHue2rgb } = $ val ;
my ( $ unnamed , $ named ) = parseParams ( $ val ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'group' ) {
my $ specials = { } ;
my $ partOf = $ named - > { partOf } // shift @ { $ unnamed } ;
$ specials - > { partOf } = $ partOf if defined $ partOf ;
$ specials - > { async_delay } = $ named - > { async_delay } if defined $ named - > { async_delay } ;
$ specials - > { prio } = $ named - > { prio } if defined $ named - > { prio } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { group_specials } = $ specials ;
if ( $ key eq 'colorCommandMap' ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } { CommandMap } = $ named if defined $ named ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'colorTempMap' ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } { Colortemp } = $ named if defined $ named ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'venetianBlind' ) {
my $ specials = { } ;
my $ vencmd = $ named - > { setter } // shift @ { $ unnamed } ;
my $ vendev = $ named - > { device } // shift @ { $ unnamed } ;
$ specials - > { setter } = $ vencmd if defined $ vencmd ;
$ specials - > { device } = $ vendev if defined $ vendev ;
$ specials - > { CustomCommand } = $ named - > { CustomCommand } if defined $ named - > { CustomCommand } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { venetian_specials } = $ specials if defined $ vencmd || defined $ vendev ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'priority' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { prio } { inRoom } = $ named - > { inRoom } if defined $ named - > { inRoom } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { prio } { outsideRoom } = $ named - > { outsideRoom } if defined $ named - > { outsideRoom } ;
if ( $ key eq 'scenes' && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { SetScene } ) {
my $ combined = _combineHashes ( $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { SetScene } - > { SetScene } , $ named ) ;
for ( keys % { $ combined } ) {
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
delete $ combined - > { $ _ } if $ combined - > { $ _ } eq 'none' || defined $ named - > { all } && $ named - > { all } eq 'none' ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
keys % { $ combined } ?
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { SetScene } - > { SetScene } = $ combined
: delete $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } - > { SetScene } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ key eq 'confirm' ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#my($unnamed, $named) = parseParams($val);
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { confirmIntents } = join q{ , } , ( @ { $ unnamed } , keys % { $ named } ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { confirmIntentResponses } = $ named if $ named ;
if ( $ key eq 'confirmValueMap' ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { confirmValueMap } = $ named if $ named ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ groups ;
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Group" , undef ) ;
$ attrv = $ attrv // AttrVal ( $ device , 'group' , undef ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { groups } = lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
return ;
sub _analyze_genDevType {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ prefix = $ hash - > { prefix } ;
#prerequesite: gdt has to be set!
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ gdt = AttrVal ( $ device , 'genericDeviceType' , undef ) // return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ names ;
my $ attrv ;
#additional names?
if ( ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Name" , undef ) ) {
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , 'alexaName' , undef ) ;
push @ names , split m {;}x , lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , 'siriName' , undef ) ;
push @ names , split m {,}x , lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
my $ alias = lc AttrVal ( $ device , 'alias' , $ device ) ;
$ names [ 0 ] = $ alias if ! @ names ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { alias } = $ names [ 0 ] if $ names [ 0 ] ;
@ names = get_unique ( \ @ names ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { names } = join q{ , } , @ names if $ names [ 0 ] ;
my @ rooms ;
if ( ! defined AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Room" , undef ) ) {
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , 'alexaRoom' , undef ) ;
push @ rooms , split m {,}x , lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , 'room' , undef ) ;
push @ rooms , split m {,}x , lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
$ rooms [ 0 ] = $ hash - > { defaultRoom } if ! @ rooms ;
@ rooms = get_unique ( \ @ rooms ) ;
for my $ dn ( @ names ) {
for ( @ rooms ) {
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } { $ _ } { $ dn } = $ device ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } = join q{ , } , @ rooms ;
$ attrv = AttrVal ( $ device , 'group' , undef ) ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { groups } = lc $ attrv if $ attrv ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ hbmap = AttrVal ( $ device , 'homeBridgeMapping' , q{ } ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ allset = getAllSets ( $ device ) ;
my $ currentMapping ;
if ( ( $ gdt eq 'switch' || $ gdt eq 'light' ) && $ allset =~ m {\bo[nf]+([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
$ currentMapping =
{ GetOnOff = > { GetOnOff = > { currentVal = > 'state' , type = > 'GetOnOff' , valueOff = > 'off' } } ,
SetOnOff = > { SetOnOff = > { cmdOff = > 'off' , type = > 'SetOnOff' , cmdOn = > 'on' } }
} ;
if ( $ gdt eq 'light' && $ allset =~ m {\bdim([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
my $ maxval = InternalVal ( $ device , 'TYPE' , 'unknown' ) eq 'ZWave' ? 99 : 100 ;
$ currentMapping - > { SetNumeric } = {
brightness = > { cmd = > 'dim' , currentVal = > 'state' , maxVal = > $ maxval , minVal = > '0' , step = > '3' , type = > 'brightness' } } ;
elsif ( $ gdt eq 'light' && $ allset =~ m {\bpct([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
$ currentMapping - > { SetNumeric } = {
brightness = > { cmd = > 'pct' , currentVal = > 'pct' , maxVal = > '100' , minVal = > '0' , step = > '5' , type = > 'brightness' } } ;
elsif ( $ gdt eq 'light' && $ allset =~ m {\bbrightness([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
$ currentMapping - > { SetNumeric } = {
brightness = > { cmd = > 'brightness' , currentVal = > 'brightness' , maxVal = > '255' , minVal = > '0' , step = > '10' , map = > 'percent' , type = > 'brightness' } } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
$ currentMapping = _analyze_genDevType_setter ( $ hash , $ device , $ allset , $ currentMapping ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } = $ currentMapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ gdt eq 'thermostat' ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ desTemp = $ allset =~ m {\b(desiredTemp)([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ? $ 1 : 'desired-temp' ;
my $ measTemp = InternalVal ( $ device , 'TYPE' , 'unknown' ) eq 'CUL_HM' ? 'measured-temp' : 'temperature' ;
$ currentMapping =
{ GetNumeric = > { 'desired-temp' = > { currentVal = > $ desTemp , type = > 'desired-temp' } ,
temperature = > { currentVal = > $ measTemp , type = > 'temperature' } } ,
SetNumeric = > { 'desired-temp' = > { cmd = > $ desTemp , currentVal = > $ desTemp , maxVal = > '28' , minVal = > '10' , step = > '0.5' , type = > 'temperature' } }
} ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } = $ currentMapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ gdt eq 'thermometer' ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ r = $ defs { $ device } { READINGS } ;
if ( $ r ) {
for ( sort keys % { $ r } ) {
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
if ( $ _ =~ m {\A(?<id>temperature|humidity)\z}x ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ currentMapping - > { GetNumeric } - > { $+ { id } } = { currentVal = > $+ { id } , type = > $+ { id } } ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } = $ currentMapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ gdt eq 'blind' ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ allset =~ m {\bdim([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
my $ maxval = InternalVal ( $ device , 'TYPE' , 'unknown' ) eq 'ZWave' ? 99 : 100 ;
$ currentMapping =
{ GetNumeric = > { dim = > { currentVal = > 'state' , type = > 'setTarget' } } ,
GetOnOff = > { GetOnOff = > { currentVal = > 'dim' , valueOn = > $ maxval } } ,
SetOnOff = > { SetOnOff = > { cmdOff = > 'dim 0' , type = > 'SetOnOff' , cmdOn = > "dim $maxval" } } ,
SetNumeric = > { setTarget = > { cmd = > 'dim' , currentVal = > 'state' , maxVal = > $ maxval , minVal = > '0' , step = > '11' , type = > 'setTarget' } }
} ;
elsif ( $ allset =~ m {\bpct([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
$ currentMapping = {
GetNumeric = > { 'pct' = > { currentVal = > 'pct' , type = > 'setTarget' } } ,
GetOnOff = > { GetOnOff = > { currentVal = > 'pct' , valueOn = > '100' } } ,
SetOnOff = > { SetOnOff = > { cmdOff = > 'pct 0' , type = > 'SetOnOff' , cmdOn = > 'pct 100' } } ,
SetNumeric = > { setTarget = > { cmd = > 'pct' , currentVal = > 'pct' , maxVal = > '100' , minVal = > '0' , step = > '13' , type = > 'setTarget' } }
} ;
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } = $ currentMapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ gdt eq 'media' ) { #genericDeviceType media
$ currentMapping = {
GetOnOff = > { GetOnOff = > { currentVal = > 'state' , type = > 'GetOnOff' , valueOff = > 'off' } } ,
SetOnOff = > { SetOnOff = > { cmdOff = > 'off' , type = > 'SetOnOff' , cmdOn = > 'on' } } ,
GetNumeric = > { 'volume' = > { currentVal = > 'volume' , type = > 'volume' } }
} ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ currentMapping = _analyze_genDevType_setter ( $ hash , $ device , $ allset , $ currentMapping ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } = $ currentMapping ;
return ;
sub _analyze_genDevType_setter {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ device = shift ;
my $ setter = shift ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ mapping = shift // { } ;
my $ allValMappings = {
MediaControls = > {
cmdPlay = > 'play' , cmdPause = > 'pause' , cmdStop = > 'stop' , cmdBack = > 'previous' , cmdFwd = > 'next' , chanUp = > 'channelUp' , chanDown = > 'channelDown' }
} ;
for my $ okey ( keys % { $ allValMappings } ) {
my $ ikey = $ allValMappings - > { $ okey } ;
for ( keys % { $ ikey } ) {
my $ val = $ ikey - > { $ _ } ;
$ mapping - > { $ okey } - > { $ okey } - > { $ _ } = $ val if $ setter =~ m {\b$val([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ;
my $ allKeyMappings = {
SetNumeric = > {
volume = > { cmd = > 'volume' , currentVal = > 'volume' , maxVal = > '100' , minVal = > '0' , step = > '2' , type = > 'volume' } ,
channel = > { cmd = > 'channel' , currentVal = > 'channel' , step = > '1' , type = > 'channel' }
} ,
SetColorParms = > { hue = > { cmd = > 'hue' , currentVal = > 'hue' , type = > 'hue' , map = > 'percent' } ,
color = > { cmd = > 'color' , currentVal = > 'color' , type = > 'color' , map = > 'percent' } ,
sat = > { cmd = > 'sat' , currentVal = > 'sat' , type = > 'sat' , map = > 'percent' } ,
ct = > { cmd = > 'ct' , currentVal = > 'ct' , type = > 'ct' , map = > 'percent' } ,
rgb = > { cmd = > 'rgb' , currentVal = > 'rgb' , type = > 'rgb' } ,
color_temp = > { cmd = > 'color_temp' , currentVal = > 'color_temp' , type = > 'ct' , map = > 'percent' } ,
RGB = > { cmd = > 'RGB' , currentVal = > 'RGB' , type = > 'rgb' } ,
hex = > { cmd = > 'hex' , currentVal = > 'hex' , type = > 'rgb' } ,
saturation = > { cmd = > 'saturation' , currentVal = > 'saturation' , type = > 'sat' , map = > 'percent' }
} ;
for my $ okey ( keys % { $ allKeyMappings } ) {
my $ ikey = $ allKeyMappings - > { $ okey } ;
for ( keys % { $ ikey } ) {
$ mapping - > { $ okey } - > { $ ikey - > { $ _ } - > { type } } = $ ikey - > { $ _ } if $ setter =~ m {\b$_([\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ;
if ( $ okey eq 'SetColorParms' ) { #=~ m{\A(ct|hue|color|sat)\z}xms ) {
my $ col = $ _ ;
if ( $ setter =~ m {\b${col} : [ ^ \ s \ d ] + , ( ? <min> [ 0 - 9 . ] + ) , ( ? <step> [ 0 - 9 . ] + ) , ( ? <max> [ 0 - 9 . ] + ) \ b } xms ) {
$ mapping - > { $ okey } - > { $ ikey - > { $ _ } - > { type } } - > { maxVal } = $+ { max } ;
$ mapping - > { $ okey } - > { $ ikey - > { $ _ } - > { type } } - > { minVal } = $+ { min } ;
$ mapping - > { $ okey } - > { $ ikey - > { $ _ } - > { type } } - > { step } = $+ { step } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
if ( $ setter =~ m {\bscene:(?<scnames>[\S]+)}xm ) {
for my $ scname ( split m {,}xms , $+ { scnames } ) {
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ clscene = $ scname ;
# cleanup HUE scenes
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
if ( $ clscene =~ m {[#]}xms ) {
#next if $clscene =~ m{[#]\[id}xms;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
$ clscene = ( split m {[#]\[id}xms , $ clscene ) [ 0 ] if $ clscene =~ m {[#]\[id}xms ;
$ clscene =~ s{[#]} { }gxm ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
$ scname =~ s{.*[#]\[(id=.+)]} {$1}xms if $ scname =~ m {[#]\[id}xms ;
$ scname =~ s{[#]} { }gxm ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
$ mapping - > { SetScene } - > { SetScene } - > { $ scname } = $ clscene ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ mapping ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub perlExecute {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
my $ value = shift ;
my $ siteId = shift // $ hash - > { defaultRoom } ;
$ siteId = $ hash - > { defaultRoom } if $ siteId eq 'default' ;
# Nutzervariablen setzen
my % specials = (
'$DEVICE' = > $ device ,
'$VALUE' = > $ value ,
'$ROOM' = > $ siteId
) ;
$ cmd = EvalSpecials ( $ cmd , % specials ) ;
# CMD ausführen
return AnalyzePerlCommand ( $ hash , $ cmd ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
sub RHASSPY_DialogTimeout {
my $ fnHash = shift // return ;
my $ hash = $ fnHash - > { HASH } // $ fnHash ;
return if ! defined $ hash ;
my $ identiy = $ fnHash - > { MODIFIER } ;
my $ data = shift // $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
my $ siteId = $ data - > { siteId } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash , 1 ) ;
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationTimeout' ) ) ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return ;
sub setDialogTimeout {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ hash = shift // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ data = shift // return ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ timeout = shift // _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ response = shift ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ toEnable = shift // [ qw( ConfirmAction CancelAction ) ] ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ siteId = $ data - > { siteId } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ data - > { '.ENABLED' } = $ toEnable ; #dialog
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationReceived' ) if $ response eq 'default' ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } = $ data ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
resetRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , time + $ timeout , \ & RHASSPY_DialogTimeout , $ hash , 0 ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#interactive dialogue as described in https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/#dialoguemanager_continuesession and https://docs.snips.ai/articles/platform/dialog/multi-turn-dialog
my @ ca_strings ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ toEnable = split m {,} , $ toEnable if ref $ toEnable ne 'ARRAY' ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
for ( @ { $ toEnable } ) {
my $ id = qq{ $hash-> { LANGUAGE } .$hash-> { fhemId } :$_ } ;
push @ ca_strings , $ id ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ reaction = ref $ response eq 'HASH'
? $ response
: { text = > $ response ,
intentFilter = > [ @ ca_strings ] ,
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sendIntentNotRecognized = > 'true' , #'false',
customData = > $ data - > { customData }
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
} ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ reaction ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ toTrigger = $ hash - > { '.toTrigger' } // $ hash - > { NAME } ;
delete $ hash - > { '.toTrigger' } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return $ toTrigger ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub get_unique {
my $ arr = shift ;
my $ sorted = shift ; #true if shall be sorted (longest first!)
my @ unique = uniq @ { $ arr } ;
return if ! @ unique ;
return @ unique if ! $ sorted ;
my @ sorted = sort { length ( $ b ) <=> length ( $ a ) } @ unique ;
#Log3(undef, 5, "get_unique sorted to ".join q{ }, @sorted);
return @ sorted ;
#small function to replace variables
sub _replace {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ cmd = shift // return ;
my $ hash2 = shift ;
my $ self = $ hash2 - > { '$SELF' } // $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ name = $ hash2 - > { '$NAME' } // $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ parent = ( caller ( 1 ) ) [ 3 ] ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "_replace from $parent starting with: $cmd" ) ;
my % specials = (
'$SELF' = > $ self ,
'$NAME' = > $ name
) ;
% specials = ( % specials , % { $ hash2 } ) ;
for my $ key ( keys % specials ) {
my $ val = $ specials { $ key } ;
$ cmd =~ s{\Q$key\E} {$val}gxms ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "_replace from $parent returns: $cmd" ) ;
return $ cmd ;
#based on compareHashes https://stackoverflow.com/a/56128395
sub _combineHashes {
my ( $ hash1 , $ hash2 , $ parent ) = @ _ ;
my $ hash3 = { } ;
for my $ key ( keys % { $ hash1 } ) {
$ hash3 - > { $ key } = $ hash1 - > { $ key } ;
if ( ! exists $ hash2 - > { $ key } ) {
next ;
if ( ref $ hash3 - > { $ key } eq 'HASH' and ref $ hash2 - > { $ key } eq 'HASH' ) {
$ hash3 - > { $ key } = _combineHashes ( $ hash3 - > { $ key } , $ hash2 - > { $ key } , $ key ) ;
} elsif ( ! ref $ hash3 - > { $ key } && ! ref $ hash2 - > { $ key } ) {
$ hash3 - > { $ key } = $ hash2 - > { $ key } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
for ( qw( commaconversion mutated_vowels words ) ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ hash3 - > { $ _ } = $ hash2 - > { $ _ } if defined $ hash2 - > { $ _ } ;
return $ hash3 ;
# derived from structure_asyncQueue
sub RHASSPY_asyncQueue {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ next_cmd = shift @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } ;
if ( defined $ next_cmd ) {
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ next_cmd - > { device } , $ next_cmd - > { cmd } ) if defined $ next_cmd - > { cmd } ;
handleIntentSetNumeric ( $ hash , $ next_cmd - > { SetNumeric } ) if defined $ next_cmd - > { SetNumeric } ;
my $ async_delay = $ next_cmd - > { delay } // 0 ;
InternalTimer ( time + $ async_delay , \ & RHASSPY_asyncQueue , $ hash , 0 ) ;
return ;
sub _sortAsyncQueue {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ queue = @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } ;
my @ devlist = sort {
$ a - > { prio } <=> $ b - > { prio }
$ a - > { delay } <=> $ b - > { delay }
} @ { $ queue } ;
$ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } = @ devlist ;
return ;
# Get all devicenames with Rhasspy relevance
sub getAllRhasspyNames {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my @ devices ;
my $ rRooms = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } ;
for my $ key ( keys % { $ rRooms } ) {
push @ devices , keys % { $ rRooms - > { $ key } } ;
return get_unique ( \ @ devices , 1 ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
# Get all room names with Rhasspy relevance
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub getAllRhasspyRooms {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
return keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } } if defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
return ;
# Alle Sender sammeln
sub getAllRhasspyChannels {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my @ channels ;
for my $ room ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Channels } } ) {
push @ channels , keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Channels } { $ room } }
return get_unique ( \ @ channels , 1 ) ;
# Collect all NumericTypes
sub getAllRhasspyTypes {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my @ types ;
for my $ dev ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } } ) {
for my $ intent ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { intents } } ) {
my $ type ;
$ type = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { intents } { $ intent } ;
push @ types , keys % { $ type } if $ intent =~ m {\A[GS]etNumeric}x ;
return get_unique ( \ @ types , 1 ) ;
# Collect all clours
sub getAllRhasspyColors {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my @ colors ;
for my $ room ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Colors } } ) {
push @ colors , keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Colors } { $ room } }
return get_unique ( \ @ colors , 1 ) ;
# get a list of all used groups
sub getAllRhasspyGroups {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my @ groups ;
for my $ device ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } } ) {
my $ devgroups = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { groups } // q{ } ; ;
#for (@{$devgroups}) {
for ( split m {,}xi , $ devgroups ) {
push @ groups , $ _ ;
return get_unique ( \ @ groups , 1 ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
# get a list of all used scenes
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
sub getAllRhasspyScenes {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my @ devices = devspec2array ( $ hash - > { devspec } ) ;
my ( @ sentences , @ names ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devices ) {
next if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } - > { SetScene } ;
push @ names , split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { names } ;
my $ scenes = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { SetScene } - > { SetScene } ;
for ( keys % { $ scenes } ) {
push @ sentences , qq{ ( $scenes-> { $_ } ) { Scene:$_ } } ;
@ sentences = get_unique ( \ @ sentences ) ;
@ names = get_unique ( \ @ names ) ;
return ( \ @ sentences , \ @ names ) ;
sub getAllRhasspyNamesAndGroupsByIntent {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ intent = shift // return ;
my @ names ;
my @ groups ;
for my $ device ( devspec2array ( $ hash - > { devspec } ) ) {
next if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } - > { $ intent } ;
push @ names , split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { names } ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
push @ groups , split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { groups } if defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { groups } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
@ names = uniq ( @ names ) ;
@ groups = uniq ( @ groups ) ;
return ( \ @ names , \ @ groups ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Derive room info from spoken text, siteId or additional logics around siteId
sub getRoomName {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
# Slot "Room" in JSON? Otherwise use info from used satellite
return $ data - > { Room } if exists ( $ data - > { Room } ) ;
my $ room ;
#Beta-User: This might be the right place to check, if there's additional logic implemented...
my $ siteId = $ data - > { siteId } ;
my $ rreading = makeReadingName ( "siteId2room_$siteId" ) ;
$ siteId =~ s{\A([^.]+).*} {$1}xms ;
utf8:: downgrade ( $ siteId , 1 ) ;
$ room = ReadingsVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , $ rreading , lc $ siteId ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
if ( $ room eq 'default' || ! ( length $ room ) ) {
$ room = $ hash - > { defaultRoom } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "default room used" ) ;
} else {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "room is identified using siteId as $room" ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ room ;
# Gerät über Raum und Namen suchen.
sub getDeviceByName {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ room = shift ;
my $ name = shift ; #either of the two required
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! $ room && ! $ name ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ device ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ device = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } { $ room } { $ name } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ device ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected (by hash, with room and name): $device" ) ;
return $ device ;
for ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } } ) {
$ device = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { rhasspyRooms } { $ _ } { $ name } ;
#return $device if $device;
if ( $ device ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected (by hash, using only name): $device" ) ;
return $ device ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "No device for >>$name<< found, especially not in room >>$room<< (also not outside)!" ) ;
return ;
# returns lists of "might be relevant" devices via room, intent and (optional) Type info
sub getDevicesByIntentAndType {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ room = shift ;
my $ intent = shift ;
my $ type = shift ; #Beta-User: any necessary parameters...?
my $ subType = shift // $ type ;
my @ matchesInRoom ; my @ matchesOutsideRoom ;
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
for my $ devs ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } } ) {
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ devs , $ intent , { type = > $ type , subType = > $ subType } , 1 , 1 ) // next ;
my $ mappingType = $ mapping - > { type } ;
my $ rooms = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ devs } - > { rooms } ;
# get lists of devices that may fit to requirements
if ( ! defined $ type ) {
$ rooms =~ m {\b$room\b}ix
? push @ matchesInRoom , $ devs
: push @ matchesOutsideRoom , $ devs ;
elsif ( defined $ type && $ mappingType && $ type =~ m {\A$mappingType\z}ix ) {
$ rooms =~ m {\b$room\b}ix
? push @ matchesInRoom , $ devs
: push @ matchesOutsideRoom , $ devs ;
return ( \ @ matchesInRoom , \ @ matchesOutsideRoom ) ;
# Identify single device via room, intent and (optional) Type info
sub getDeviceByIntentAndType {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ room = shift ;
my $ intent = shift ;
my $ type = shift ; #Beta-User: any necessary parameters...?
#my $inBulk = shift // 0;
#rem. Beta-User: atm function is only called by GetNumeric!
my $ device ;
# Devices sammeln
my ( $ matchesInRoom , $ matchesOutsideRoom ) = getDevicesByIntentAndType ( $ hash , $ room , $ intent , $ type ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "matches in room: @{$matchesInRoom}, matches outside: @{$matchesOutsideRoom}" ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my ( $ response , $ last_item , $ first_items ) ;
my @ priority ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Erstes Device im passenden Raum zurückliefern falls vorhanden, sonst erstes Device außerhalb
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
if ( @ { $ matchesInRoom } ) {
if ( @ { $ matchesInRoom } == 1 ) {
$ device = shift @ { $ matchesInRoom } ;
} else {
my @ aliases ;
for my $ dev ( @ { $ matchesInRoom } ) {
push @ aliases , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { alias } ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { prio } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { inRoom } ) {
push @ priority , $ dev if $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { inRoom } =~ m {\b$type\b}xms ;
if ( @ priority ) {
$ device = shift @ priority ;
} else {
push @ { $ device } , join q{ , } , @ aliases ;
$ last_item = pop @ aliases ;
$ first_items = join q{ } , @ aliases ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'RequestChoiceDevice' ) ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ response ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ matchesInRoom - > [ 0 ] ;
push @ { $ device } , 'RequestChoiceDevice' ;
} elsif ( @ { $ matchesOutsideRoom } ) {
if ( @ { $ matchesOutsideRoom } == 1 ) {
$ device = shift @ { $ matchesOutsideRoom } ;
} else {
my @ rooms ;
for my $ dev ( @ { $ matchesOutsideRoom } ) {
push @ rooms , ( split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { rooms } ) [ 0 ] ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { prio } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { outsideRoom } ) {
push @ priority , $ dev if $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { outsideRoom } =~ m {\b$type\b}xms ;
@ rooms = get_unique ( \ @ rooms ) ;
if ( @ rooms == 1 ) {
my @ aliases ;
for my $ dev ( @ { $ matchesOutsideRoom } ) {
push @ aliases , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { alias } ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { prio } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { inRoom } ) {
unshift @ priority , $ dev if $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { prio } - > { inRoom } =~ m {\b$type\b}xms ;
if ( @ priority ) {
$ device = shift @ priority ;
} else {
push @ { $ device } , join q{ , } , @ aliases ;
$ last_item = pop @ aliases ;
$ first_items = join q{ } , @ aliases ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'RequestChoiceDevice' ) ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ response ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ matchesOutsideRoom - > [ 0 ] ;
push @ { $ device } , 'RequestChoiceDevice' ;
} else {
if ( @ priority ) {
$ device = shift @ priority ;
} else {
push @ { $ device } , join q{ , } , @ rooms ;
$ last_item = pop @ rooms ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
$ first_items = join q{ } , @ rooms ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'RequestChoiceRoom' ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ response ;
unshift @ { $ device } , $ matchesOutsideRoom - > [ 0 ] ;
push @ { $ device } , 'RequestChoiceRoom' ;
#$device = (@{$matchesInRoom}) ? shift @{$matchesInRoom} : shift @{$matchesOutsideRoom};
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected: " . defined $ response ? 'more than one' : $ device ? $ device : "none" ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
# Eingeschaltetes Gerät mit bestimmten Intent und optional Type suchen
sub getActiveDeviceForIntentAndType {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ room = shift ;
my $ intent = shift ;
my $ type = shift ; #Beta-User: any necessary parameters...?
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ device ;
my ( $ matchesInRoom , $ matchesOutsideRoom ) = getDevicesByIntentAndType ( $ hash , $ room , $ intent , $ type ) ;
# Anonyme Funktion zum finden des aktiven Geräts
my $ activeDevice = sub ($$) {
my $ subhash = shift ;
my $ devices = shift // return ;
my $ match ;
for ( @ { $ devices } ) {
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ subhash , $ _ , 'GetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 1 ) ;
if ( defined $ mapping ) {
# Gerät ein- oder ausgeschaltet?
my $ value = _getOnOffState ( $ subhash , $ _ , $ mapping ) ;
if ( $ value ) {
$ match = $ _ ;
last ;
return $ match ;
} ;
# Gerät finden, erst im aktuellen Raum, sonst in den restlichen
$ device = $ activeDevice - > ( $ hash , $ matchesInRoom ) ;
$ device = $ activeDevice - > ( $ hash , $ matchesOutsideRoom ) if ! defined $ device ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected: $device" ) ;
return $ device ;
# Gerät mit bestimmtem Sender suchen
sub getDeviceByMediaChannel {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ room = shift ;
my $ channel = shift ; #Beta-User: any necessary parameters...?
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ device ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return if ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ;
my $ devices = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Channels } { $ room } - > { $ channel } ;
$ device = $ { $ devices } [ 0 ] ;
if ( $ device ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected (by hash, with room and channel): $device" ) ;
return $ device ;
for ( sort keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Channels } } ) {
$ devices = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { Channels } { $ _ } { $ channel } ;
$ device = $ { $ devices } [ 0 ] ;
#return $device if $device;
if ( $ device ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Device selected (by hash, using only channel): $device" ) ;
return $ device ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "No device for >>$channel<< found, especially not in room >>$room<< (also not outside)!" ) ;
return ;
sub getDevicesByGroup {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ group = $ data - > { Group } // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ devices = { } ;
for my $ dev ( keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } } ) {
my $ allrooms = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { rooms } ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
next if $ room ne 'global' && $ allrooms !~ m {\b$room(?:[\b:\s]|\Z)}i ; ##no critic qw(RequireExtendedFormatting)
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ allgroups = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } - > { groups } // next ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
next if $ allgroups !~ m {\b$group\b}i ; ##no critic qw(RequireExtendedFormatting)
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ specials = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ dev } { group_specials } ;
my $ label = $ specials - > { partOf } // $ dev ;
next if defined $ devices - > { $ label } ;
my $ delay = $ specials - > { async_delay } // 0 ;
my $ prio = $ specials - > { prio } // 0 ;
$ devices - > { $ label } = { delay = > $ delay , prio = > $ prio } ;
return $ devices ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sub getNeedsConfirmation {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ intent = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift ;
my $ re = defined $ device ? $ device : $ data - > { Group } ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return if ! defined $ re ;
my $ target = defined $ device ? $ data - > { Device } : $ data - > { Group } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , "[$hash->{NAME}] getNeedsConfirmation called, regex is $re" ) ;
my $ timeout = _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash ) ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ rawInput = $ data - > { rawInput } ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ Value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ Value = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { words } - > { $ Value } if defined $ Value && defined $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { words } && defined $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { words } - > { $ Value } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntents }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntents } { $ intent }
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
&& $ re =~ m {\A($hash->{helper} { tweaks } { confirmIntents } { $ intent } ) \ z } m ) {
$ response = defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent } ? $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent }
: getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationRequestRawInput' ) ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , "[$hash->{NAME}] getNeedsConfirmation is true for tweak, response is $response" ) ;
setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , $ timeout , $ response ) ;
return 1 ;
return if ! defined $ device ;
my $ confirm = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { confirmIntents } ;
return if ! defined $ confirm ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( $ confirm =~ m {\b$intent(?:[,]|\Z)}i ) { ##no critic qw(RequireExtendedFormatting)
$ response = defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { confirmIntentResponses }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent }
? $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent }
: defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent } ? $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { confirmIntentResponses } { $ intent }
: getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationRequestRawInput' ) ;
my $ words = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { confirmValueMap } // $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { words } // { } ;
$ Value = $ words - > { $ data - > { Value } } // $ Value ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , "[$hash->{NAME}] getNeedsConfirmation is true on device level, response is $response" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , $ timeout , $ response ) ;
return 1 ;
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Mappings in Key/Value Paare aufteilen
sub splitMappingString {
my $ mapping = shift // return ;
my @ tokens ; my $ token = q{ } ;
#my $char,
my $ lastChar = q{ } ;
my $ bracketLevel = 0 ;
my % parsedMapping ;
# String in Kommagetrennte Tokens teilen
for my $ char ( split q{ } , $ mapping ) {
if ( $ char eq q< { > && $ lastChar ne '\\' ) {
$ bracketLevel += 1 ;
$ token . = $ char ;
elsif ( $ char eq q< } > && $ lastChar ne '\\' ) {
$ bracketLevel -= 1 ;
$ token . = $ char ;
elsif ( $ char eq ',' && $ lastChar ne '\\' && ! $ bracketLevel ) {
push ( @ tokens , $ token ) ;
$ token = q{ } ;
else {
$ token . = $ char ;
$ lastChar = $ char ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
push @ tokens , $ token if length $ token > 2 && $ token =~ m {=}xms ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Tokens in Keys/Values trennen
% parsedMapping = map { split m {=}x , $ _ , 2 } @ tokens ; #Beta-User: Odd number of elements in hash assignment
return % parsedMapping ;
# rhasspyMapping parsen und gefundene Settings zurückliefern
sub getMapping {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ intent = shift // return ;
my $ type = shift // $ intent ; #Beta-User: seems first three parameters are obligatory...?
my $ fromHash = shift // 0 ;
my $ disableLog = shift // 0 ;
my $ subType = $ type ;
if ( ref $ type eq 'HASH' ) {
$ subType = $ type - > { subType } ;
$ type = $ type - > { type } ;
my $ matchedMapping ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
if ( $ fromHash ) {
$ matchedMapping = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { $ intent } { $ subType } if defined $ subType && defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { $ intent } { $ subType } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ matchedMapping if $ matchedMapping ;
for ( sort keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { $ intent } } ) {
#simply pick first item in alphabetical order...
return $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { $ intent } { $ _ } ;
my $ prefix = $ hash - > { prefix } ;
my $ mappingsString = AttrVal ( $ device , "${prefix}Mapping" , undef ) // return ;
for ( split m {\n}x , $ mappingsString ) {
# Nur Mappings vom gesuchten Typ verwenden
next if $ _ !~ qr/^$intent/ x ;
$ _ =~ s/$intent://x ;
my % currentMapping = splitMappingString ( $ _ ) ;
# Erstes Mapping vom passenden Intent wählen (unabhängig vom Type), dann ggf. weitersuchen ob noch ein besserer Treffer mit passendem Type kommt
if ( ! defined $ matchedMapping
|| lc ( $ matchedMapping - > { type } ) ne lc ( $ type ) && lc ( $ currentMapping { type } ) eq lc ( $ type )
|| $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ matchedMapping - > { type } } ne $ type && $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ currentMapping { type } } eq $ type
) {
$ matchedMapping = \ % currentMapping ;
#Beta-User: könnte man ergänzen durch den match "vorne" bei Reading, kann aber sein, dass es effektiver geht, wenn wir das künftig sowieso anders machen...
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "${prefix}Mapping selected: $_" ) if ! $ disableLog ;
return $ matchedMapping ;
# Cmd von Attribut mit dem Format value=cmd pro Zeile lesen
sub getKeyValFromAttr {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift ;
my $ reading = shift ;
my $ key = shift ; #Beta-User: any necessary parameters...?
my $ disableLog = shift // 0 ;
my $ cmd ;
# String in einzelne Mappings teilen
my @ rows = split ( m {\n}x , AttrVal ( $ device , $ reading , q{ } ) ) ;
for ( @ rows ) {
# Nur Zeilen mit gesuchten Identifier verwenden
next if $ _ !~ qr/^$key=/ ix ;
$ _ =~ s{$key=} {}ix ;
$ cmd = $ _ ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "cmd selected: $_" ) if ! $ disableLog ;
last ;
return $ cmd ;
# Cmd String im Format 'cmd', 'device:cmd', 'fhemcmd1; fhemcmd2' oder '{<perlcode}' ausführen
sub analyzeAndRunCmd {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
my $ val = shift ;
my $ siteId = shift // $ hash - > { defaultRoom } ;
my $ error ;
my $ returnVal ;
$ siteId = $ hash - > { defaultRoom } if $ siteId eq 'default' ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "analyzeAndRunCmd called with command: $cmd" ) ;
# Perl Command
if ( $ cmd =~ m {\A\s*\{.*\}\s*\z}x ) { #escaping closing bracket for editor only
# CMD ausführen
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "$cmd is a perl command" ) ;
return perlExecute ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd , $ val , $ siteId ) ;
# String in Anführungszeichen (mit ReplaceSetMagic)
if ( $ cmd =~ m {\A\s*"(?<inner>.*)"\s*\z}x ) {
my $ DEVICE = $ device ;
my $ ROOM = $ siteId ;
my $ VALUE = $ val ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "$cmd has quotes..." ) ;
# Anführungszeichen entfernen
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
$ cmd = $+ { inner } // q{ } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Variablen ersetzen?
if ( ! eval { $ cmd =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ; 1 } ) {
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "$cmd returned Error: $@" ) ;
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# [DEVICE:READING] Einträge ersetzen
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
$ returnVal = _ReplaceReadingsVal ( $ hash , $ cmd ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Escapte Kommas wieder durch normale ersetzen
$ returnVal =~ s{\\,} {,}x ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "...and is now: $cmd ($returnVal)" ) ;
# FHEM Command oder CommandChain
elsif ( defined $ cmds { ( split m {\s+}x , $ cmd ) [ 0 ] } ) {
#my @test = split q{ }, $cmd;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "$cmd is a FHEM command" ) ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommandChain ( $ hash , $ cmd ) ;
$ returnVal = ( split m {\s+}x , $ cmd ) [ 1 ] ;
# Soll Command auf anderes Device umgelenkt werden?
elsif ( $ cmd =~ m {:}x ) {
$ cmd =~ s{:} { }x ;
$ cmd = qq( $cmd $val ) if defined ( $ val ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "$cmd redirects to another device" ) ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $cmd" ) ;
$ returnVal = ( split q{ } , $ cmd ) [ 1 ] ;
# Nur normales Cmd angegeben
else {
$ cmd = qq( $device $cmd ) ;
$ cmd = qq( $cmd $val ) if defined $ val ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "$cmd is a normal command" ) ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $cmd" ) ;
$ returnVal = ( split q{ } , $ cmd ) [ 1 ] ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , $ _ ) if defined $ error ;
return $ returnVal ;
# Wert über Format 'reading', 'device:reading' oder '{<perlcode}' lesen
sub _getValue {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ getString = shift // return ;
my $ val = shift ;
my $ siteId = shift ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Perl Command oder in Anführungszeichen? -> Umleiten zu analyzeAndRunCmd
if ( $ getString =~ m {\A\s*\{.*\}\s*\z}x || $ getString =~ m {\A\s*".*"\s*\z}x ) {
return analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ getString , $ val , $ siteId ) ;
# Soll Reading von einem anderen Device gelesen werden?
if ( $ getString =~ m {:}x ) {
$ getString =~ s{\[([^]]+)]} {$1}x ; #remove brackets
my @ replace = split m {:}x , $ getString ;
$ device = $ replace [ 0 ] ;
$ getString = $ replace [ 1 ] // $ getString ;
return ReadingsVal ( $ device , $ getString , 0 ) ;
# If it's only a string without quotes, return string for TTS
#return ReadingsVal($device, $getString, $getString);
return ReadingsVal ( $ device , $ getString , $ getString ) ;
# Zustand eines Gerätes über GetOnOff Mapping abfragen
sub _getOnOffState {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ mapping = shift // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ valueOn = $ mapping - > { valueOn } ;
my $ valueOff = $ mapping - > { valueOff } ;
my $ value = lc ( _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { currentVal } ) ) ;
# Entscheiden ob $value 0 oder 1 ist
if ( defined $ valueOff ) {
$ value eq lc ( $ valueOff ) ? return 0 : return 1 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( defined $ valueOn ) {
$ value eq lc ( $ valueOn ) ? return 1 : return 0 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# valueOn und valueOff sind nicht angegeben worden, alles außer "off" wird als eine 1 gewertet
return $ value eq 'off' ? 0 : 1 ;
# JSON parsen
sub parseJSONPayload {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ json = shift // return ;
my $ data ;
my $ cp = $ hash - > { encoding } // q{ UTF-8 } ;
# JSON Decode und Fehlerüberprüfung
my $ decoded ;
if ( ! eval { $ decoded = decode_json ( encode ( $ cp , $ json ) ) ; 1 } ) {
return Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "JSON decoding error: $@" ) ;
# Standard-Keys auslesen
( $ data - > { intent } = $ decoded - > { intent } { intentName } ) =~ s{\A.*.:} {}x if exists $ decoded - > { intent } { intentName } ;
$ data - > { probability } = $ decoded - > { intent } { confidenceScore } if exists $ decoded - > { intent } { confidenceScore } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
for my $ key ( qw( sessionId siteId input rawInput customData lang ) ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ data - > { $ key } = $ decoded - > { $ key } if exists $ decoded - > { $ key } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Überprüfen ob Slot Array existiert
if ( exists $ decoded - > { slots } ) {
# Key -> Value Paare aus dem Slot Array ziehen
for my $ slot ( @ { $ decoded - > { slots } } ) {
my $ slotName = $ slot - > { slotName } ;
my $ slotValue ;
$ slotValue = $ slot - > { value } { value } if exists $ slot - > { value } { value } && $ slot - > { value } { value } ne '' ; #Beta-User: dismiss effectively empty fields
$ slotValue = $ slot - > { value } if exists $ slot - > { entity } && $ slot - > { entity } eq 'rhasspy/duration' ;
$ data - > { $ slotName } = $ slotValue ;
for ( keys % { $ data } ) {
my $ value = $ data - > { $ _ } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Parsed value: $value for key: $_" ) if defined $ value ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ data ;
# Call von IODev-Dispatch (e.g.MQTT2)
sub Parse {
my $ iodev = shift // carp q[ No IODev provided! ] && return ;
my $ msg = shift // carp q[ No message to analyze! ] && return ;
my $ ioname = $ iodev - > { NAME } ;
$ msg =~ s{\Aautocreate=([^\0]+)\0(.*)\z} {$2}sx ;
my ( $ cid , $ topic , $ value ) = split m {\0}xms , $ msg , 3 ;
my @ ret = ( ) ;
my $ forceNext = 0 ;
my $ shorttopic = $ topic =~ m {([^/]+/[^/]+/)}x ? $ 1 : return q{ [NEXT] } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return q{ [NEXT] } if ! grep ( { m {\A$shorttopic}x } @ topics ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ instances = devspec2array ( 'TYPE=RHASSPY' ) ;
for my $ dev ( @ instances ) {
my $ hash = $ defs { $ dev } ;
# Name mit IODev vergleichen
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
next if $ ioname ne AttrVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'IODev' , ReadingsVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'IODev' , InternalVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'IODev' , 'none' ) ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
next if IsDisabled ( $ hash - > { NAME } ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ topicpart = qq{ /$hash-> { LANGUAGE } \ .$hash-> { fhemId } \ [._]|hermes/dialogueManager|hermes/nlu/intentNotRecognized } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
next if $ topic !~ m {$topicpart}x ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , "RHASSPY: [$hash->{NAME}] Parse (IO: ${ioname}): Msg: $topic => $value" ) ;
my $ fret = analyzeMQTTmessage ( $ hash , $ topic , $ value ) ;
next if ! defined $ fret ;
if ( ref $ fret eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push ( @ ret , @ { $ fret } ) ;
$ forceNext = 1 if AttrVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 'forceNEXT' , 0 ) ;
} else {
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "RHASSPY: [$hash->{NAME}] Parse: internal error: onmessage returned an unexpected value: " . $ fret ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
unshift ( @ ret , '[NEXT]' ) if ! ( @ ret ) || $ forceNext ;
#Log3($iodev, 4, "Parse collected these devices: ". join q{ },@ret);
return @ ret ;
# Update the readings lastIntentPayload and lastIntentTopic
# after and intent is received
sub updateLastIntentReadings {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ topic = shift ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'lastIntentTopic' , $ topic ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'lastIntentPayload' , toJSON ( $ data ) ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return ;
#Make globally available to allow later use by other functions, esp. handleIntentConfirmAction
my $ dispatchFns = {
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
Shortcuts = > \ & handleIntentShortcuts ,
SetOnOff = > \ & handleIntentSetOnOff ,
SetOnOffGroup = > \ & handleIntentSetOnOffGroup ,
SetTimedOnOff = > \ & handleIntentSetTimedOnOff ,
SetTimedOnOffGroup = > \ & handleIntentSetTimedOnOffGroup ,
GetOnOff = > \ & handleIntentGetOnOff ,
SetNumeric = > \ & handleIntentSetNumeric ,
SetNumericGroup = > \ & handleIntentSetNumericGroup ,
GetNumeric = > \ & handleIntentGetNumeric ,
GetState = > \ & handleIntentGetState ,
MediaControls = > \ & handleIntentMediaControls ,
MediaChannels = > \ & handleIntentMediaChannels ,
SetColor = > \ & handleIntentSetColor ,
SetColorGroup = > \ & handleIntentSetColorGroup ,
SetScene = > \ & handleIntentSetScene ,
GetTime = > \ & handleIntentGetTime ,
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
GetDate = > \ & handleIntentGetDate ,
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
SetTimer = > \ & handleIntentSetTimer ,
ConfirmAction = > \ & handleIntentConfirmAction ,
CancelAction = > \ & handleIntentCancelAction ,
ChoiceRoom = > \ & handleIntentChoiceRoom ,
ChoiceDevice = > \ & handleIntentChoiceDevice ,
ReSpeak = > \ & handleIntentReSpeak
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} ;
# Daten vom MQTT Modul empfangen -> Device und Room ersetzen, dann erneut an NLU übergeben
sub analyzeMQTTmessage {
my $ hash = shift ; # // return;
my $ topic = shift ; # // carp q[No topic provided!] && return;
my $ message = shift ; # // carp q[No message provided!] && return;;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ data = parseJSONPayload ( $ hash , $ message ) ;
my $ fhemId = $ hash - > { fhemId } ;
my $ input = $ data - > { input } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ device ;
my @ updatedList ;
my $ type = $ data - > { type } // q{ text } ;
my $ sessionId = $ data - > { sessionId } ;
my $ siteId = $ data - > { siteId } ;
my $ mute = 0 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( defined $ siteId ) {
my $ reading = makeReadingName ( $ siteId ) ;
$ mute = ReadingsNum ( $ hash - > { NAME } , "mute_$reading" , 0 ) ;
# Hotword detection
if ( $ topic =~ m {\Ahermes/dialogueManager}x ) {
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
return if ! defined $ room ;
my $ mutated_vowels = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { mutated_vowels } ;
if ( defined $ mutated_vowels ) {
for ( keys % { $ mutated_vowels } ) {
$ room =~ s{$_} {$mutated_vowels->{$_} } gx ;
if ( $ topic =~ m {sessionStarted}x ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "listening_" . makeReadingName ( $ room ) , 1 , 1 ) ;
} elsif ( $ topic =~ m {sessionEnded}x ) {
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , 'listening_' . makeReadingName ( $ room ) , 0 , 1 ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
if ( defined $ data_old ) {
$ data - > { text } = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultCancelConfirmation' ) ;
$ data - > { intentFilter } = 'null' if ! defined $ data - > { intentFilter } ; #dialog II
sendTextCommand ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } ;
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
push @ updatedList , $ hash - > { NAME } ;
return \ @ updatedList ;
if ( $ topic =~ m {\Ahermes/intent/.*[:_]SetMute}x && defined $ siteId ) {
$ type = $ message =~ m {${fhemId} . textCommand } x ? 'text' : 'voice' ;
$ data - > { requestType } = $ type ;
# update Readings
updateLastIntentReadings ( $ hash , $ topic , $ data ) ;
handleIntentSetMute ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
push @ updatedList , $ hash - > { NAME } ;
return \ @ updatedList ;
if ( $ mute ) {
$ data - > { requestType } = $ message =~ m {${fhemId} . textCommand } x ? 'text' : 'voice' ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , q{ } ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#Beta-User: Da fehlt mir der Soll-Ablauf für das "room-listening"-Reading; das wird ja über einen anderen Topic abgewickelt
return \ @ updatedList ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ topic =~ m {\Ahermes/nlu/intentNotRecognized}x && defined $ siteId ) {
handleIntentNotRecognized ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ command = $ data - > { input } ;
$ type = $ message =~ m {${fhemId} . textCommand } x ? 'text' : 'voice' ;
$ data - > { requestType } = $ type ;
my $ intent = $ data - > { intent } ;
# update Readings
updateLastIntentReadings ( $ hash , $ topic , $ data ) ;
# Passenden Intent-Handler aufrufen
if ( ref $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } eq 'CODE' ) {
$ device = $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } - > ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
} else {
$ device = handleCustomIntent ( $ hash , $ intent , $ data ) ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
$ device = $ device // $ name ;
$ device . = ",$name" if $ device !~ m {$name}x ;
my @ candidates = split m {,}x , $ device ;
for ( @ candidates ) {
push @ updatedList , $ _ if $ defs { $ _ } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash , 4 , "[$name] dispatch result is @updatedList" ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return \ @ updatedList ;
# Antwort ausgeben
sub respond {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ response = shift // return ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ topic = shift // q{ endSession } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ type = $ data - > { requestType } // return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ sendData ;
for my $ key ( qw( sessionId siteId customData lang ) ) {
$ sendData - > { $ key } = $ data - > { $ key } if defined $ data - > { $ key } && $ data - > { $ key } ne 'null' ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( ref $ response eq 'HASH' ) {
$ topic = q{ continueSession } ;
for my $ key ( keys % { $ response } ) {
$ sendData - > { $ key } = $ response - > { $ key } ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
} elsif ( $ topic eq 'continueSession' ) {
$ sendData - > { text } = $ response ;
$ sendData - > { intentFilter } = 'null' ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} else {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ sendData - > { text } = $ response ;
$ sendData - > { intentFilter } = 'null' ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ json = _toCleanJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
$ response = $ response - > { text } if ref $ response eq 'HASH' && defined $ response - > { text } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ response = $ response - > { response } if ref $ response eq 'HASH' && defined $ response - > { response } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
$ type eq 'voice' ?
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'voiceResponse' , $ response )
: readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'textResponse' , $ response ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'responseType' , $ type ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ hermes/dialogueManager/$topic $json } ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Response is: $response" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ secondAudio = ReadingsVal ( $ hash - > { NAME } , "siteId2doubleSpeak_$data->{siteId}" , 0 ) ;
sendSpeakCommand ( $ hash , {
siteId = > $ secondAudio ,
text = > $ response } )
if $ secondAudio ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return ;
# Antworttexte festlegen
sub getResponse {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ identifier = shift // return 'Code error! No identifier provided for getResponse!' ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ subtype = shift ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { responses } - > { $ identifier } - > { $ subtype } if defined $ subtype ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getKeyValFromAttr ( $ hash , $ hash - > { NAME } , 'response' , $ identifier ) // $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { responses } - > { $ identifier } ;
# Send text command to Rhasspy NLU
sub sendTextCommand {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ text = shift // return ;
my $ data = {
input = > $ text ,
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sessionId = > "$hash->{fhemId}.textCommand" #,
#canBeEnqueued => 'true'
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ message = _toCleanJSON ( $ data ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Send fake command, so it's forwarded to NLU
# my $topic2 = "hermes/intent/FHEM:TextCommand";
my $ topic = q{ hermes/nlu/query } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ $topic $message } ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
= pod
sendSpeakCommand might need review ; seems using https: // rhasspy . readthedocs . io /en/ latest /reference/ #dialoguemanager (for details see also https://rhasspy-hermes.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#rhasspyhermes.dialogue.DialogueAction and https://community.rhasspy.org/t/start-conversation-with-tts-and-start-listening/2099/2) with "init" => "type": "notification" is the more generic approach
hermes /dialogueManager/s tartSession ( JSON )
Starts a new dialogue session ( done automatically on hotword detected )
init: object - JSON object with one of two forms:
type: string = "action" - required
canBeEnqueued: bool - true if session can be queued if there is already one ( required )
text: string ? = null - sentence to speak using text to speech
intentFilter: [ string ] ? = null - valid intent names ( null means all )
sendIntentNotRecognized: bool = false - send hermes /dialogueManager/i ntentNotRecognized if intent recognition fails
type: string = "notification" - required
text: string - sentence to speak using text to speech ( required )
siteId: string = "default" - Hermes site ID
customData: string ? = null - user - defined data passed to subsequent session messages
= cut
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Sprachausgabe / TTS über RHASSPY
sub sendSpeakCommand {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ sendData = {
init = > {
type = > 'notification' ,
canBeEnqueued = > 'true' ,
customData = > "$hash->{LANGUAGE}.$hash->{fhemId}"
} ;
if ( ref $ cmd eq 'HASH' ) {
return 'speak with explicite params needs siteId and text as arguments!' if ! defined $ cmd - > { siteId } || ! defined $ cmd - > { text } ;
$ sendData - > { siteId } = $ cmd - > { siteId } ;
$ sendData - > { init } - > { text } = $ cmd - > { text } ;
} else { #Beta-User: might need review, as parseParams is used by default...!
my ( $ unnamedParams , $ namedParams ) = parseParams ( $ cmd ) ;
if ( defined $ namedParams - > { siteId } && defined $ namedParams - > { text } ) {
$ sendData - > { siteId } = $ namedParams - > { siteId } ;
$ sendData - > { init } - > { text } = $ namedParams - > { text } ;
} else {
return 'speak needs siteId and text as arguments!' ;
my $ json = _toCleanJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
return IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ hermes/dialogueManager/startSession $json } ) ;
= pod
#old version
sub sendSpeakCommand {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ sendData = {
id = > '0' ,
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sessionId = > '0' #,
#canBeEnqueued => 'true'
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} ;
if ( ref $ cmd eq 'HASH' ) {
return 'speak with explicite params needs siteId and text as arguments!' if ! defined $ cmd - > { siteId } || ! defined $ cmd - > { text } ;
$ sendData - > { siteId } = $ cmd - > { siteId } ;
$ sendData - > { text } = $ cmd - > { text } ;
} else { #Beta-User: might need review, as parseParams is used by default...!
my $ siteId = 'default' ;
my $ text = $ cmd ;
my ( $ unnamedParams , $ namedParams ) = parseParams ( $ cmd ) ;
if ( defined $ namedParams - > { siteId } && defined $ namedParams - > { text } ) {
$ sendData - > { siteId } = $ namedParams - > { siteId } ;
$ sendData - > { text } = $ namedParams - > { text } ;
} else {
return 'speak needs siteId and text as arguments!' ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ json = _toCleanJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ hermes/tts/say $json } ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
= cut
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Send all devices, rooms, etc. to Rhasspy HTTP-API to update the slots
sub updateSlots {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ language = $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ;
my $ fhemId = $ hash - > { fhemId } ;
my $ method = q{ POST } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
initialize_devicemap ( $ hash ) ;
my $ tweaks = $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } - > { updateSlots } ;
my $ noEmpty = ! defined $ tweaks || defined $ tweaks - > { noEmptySlots } && $ tweaks - > { noEmptySlots } != 1 ? 1 : 0 ;
# Collect everything and store it in arrays
my @ devices = getAllRhasspyNames ( $ hash ) ;
my @ rooms = getAllRhasspyRooms ( $ hash ) ;
my @ channels = getAllRhasspyChannels ( $ hash ) ;
my @ colors = getAllRhasspyColors ( $ hash ) ;
my @ types = getAllRhasspyTypes ( $ hash ) ;
my @ groups = getAllRhasspyGroups ( $ hash ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my ( $ scenes ,
$ scdevs ) = getAllRhasspyScenes ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ shortcuts = keys % { $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } } ;
if ( $ noEmpty ) {
@ devices = ( '' ) if ! @ devices ;
@ rooms = ( '' ) if ! @ rooms ;
@ channels = ( '' ) if ! @ channels ;
@ colors = ( '' ) if ! @ colors ;
@ types = ( '' ) if ! @ types ;
@ groups = ( '' ) if ! @ groups ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#@shortcuts = ('') if !@shortcuts; # forum: https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119447.msg1157700.html#msg1157700
#$scenes = [] if !@{$scenes};
#$scdevs = [] if !@{$scdevs};
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ deviceData ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ url = q{ /api/sentences } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( @ shortcuts ) {
$ deviceData = qq( {"intents/${language}.${fhemId}.Shortcuts.ini":"[${language}.${fhemId}:Shortcuts]\\n ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
for ( @ shortcuts ) {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ deviceData = $ deviceData . ( $ _ ) . '\n' ;
$ deviceData = $ deviceData . '"}' ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Updating Rhasspy Sentences with data: $deviceData" ) ;
_sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , $ deviceData ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# If there are any devices, rooms, etc. found, create JSON structure and send it the the API
return if ! @ devices && ! @ rooms && ! @ channels && ! @ types && ! @ groups ;
my $ json ;
$ deviceData = { } ;
my $ overwrite = defined $ tweaks && defined $ tweaks - > { overwrite_all } ? $ tweaks - > { useGenericAttrs } - > { overwrite_all } : 'true' ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ url = qq{ /api/slots?overwrite_all=$overwrite } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ gdts = ( qw( switch light media blind thermostat thermometer ) ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my @ aliases = ( ) ;
my @ mainrooms = ( ) ;
if ( $ hash - > { useGenericAttrs } ) {
for my $ gdt ( @ gdts ) {
my @ names = ( ) ;
my @ groupnames = ( ) ;
my @ devs = devspec2array ( "$hash->{devspec}" ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devs ) {
if ( AttrVal ( $ device , 'genericDeviceType' , '' ) eq $ gdt ) {
push @ names , split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { names } ;
push @ aliases , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { alias } ;
push @ groupnames , split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { groups } if defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { groups } ;
push @ mainrooms , ( split m {,}x , $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } ) [ 0 ] ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
@ names = get_unique ( \ @ names ) ;
@ names = ( '' ) if ! @ names && $ noEmpty ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Device-${gdt} ) } = \ @ names if @ names ;
@ groupnames = get_unique ( \ @ groupnames ) ;
@ groupnames = ( '' ) if ! @ groupnames && $ noEmpty ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Group-${gdt} ) } = \ @ groupnames if @ groupnames ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
@ mainrooms = get_unique ( \ @ mainrooms ) ;
@ mainrooms = ( '' ) if ! @ mainrooms && $ noEmpty ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.MainRooms ) } = \ @ mainrooms if @ mainrooms ;
@ aliases = get_unique ( \ @ aliases ) ;
@ aliases = ( '' ) if ! @ aliases && $ noEmpty ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Aliases ) } = \ @ aliases if @ aliases ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
for ( qw( SetNumeric SetOnOff GetNumeric GetOnOff MediaControls GetState ) ) {
my ( $ alias , $ grps ) = getAllRhasspyNamesAndGroupsByIntent ( $ hash , $ _ ) ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Device-$_ ) } = $ alias if @ { $ alias } || $ noEmpty ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Group-$_ ) } = $ grps if ( @ { $ grps } || $ noEmpty )
&& ( $ _ eq 'SetOnOff' || $ _ eq 'SetNumeric' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my @ allKeywords = uniq ( @ groups , @ rooms , @ devices ) ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Device ) } = \ @ devices if @ devices ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Room ) } = \ @ rooms if @ rooms ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.MediaChannels ) } = \ @ channels if @ channels ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Color ) } = \ @ colors if @ colors ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.NumericType ) } = \ @ types if @ types ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Group ) } = \ @ groups if @ groups ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Scenes ) } = $ scenes if @ { $ scenes } ;
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.Device-scene ) } = $ scdevs if @ { $ scdevs } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.AllKeywords ) } = \ @ allKeywords if @ allKeywords ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ json = eval { toJSON ( $ deviceData ) } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Updating Rhasspy Slots with data ($language): $json" ) ;
_sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , $ json ) ;
return ;
# Send all devices, rooms, etc. to Rhasspy HTTP-API to update the slots
sub updateSingleSlot {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ slotname = shift // return ;
my $ slotdata = shift // return ;
my $ overwr = shift // q{ true } ;
my $ training = shift ;
$ overwr = q{ false } if $ overwr ne 'true' ;
my @ data = split m {,}xms , $ slotdata ;
my $ language = $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ;
my $ fhemId = $ hash - > { fhemId } ;
my $ method = q{ POST } ;
my $ url = qq{ /api/slots?overwrite_all=$overwr } ;
my $ deviceData - > { qq( ${language}.${fhemId}.$slotname ) } = \ @ data ;
my $ json = eval { toJSON ( $ deviceData ) } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Updating Rhasspy single slot with data ($language): $json" ) ;
_sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , $ json ) ;
return trainRhasspy ( $ hash ) if $ training ;
return ;
# Use the HTTP-API to instruct Rhasspy to re-train it's data
sub trainRhasspy {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ url = q{ /api/train } ;
my $ method = q{ POST } ;
my $ contenttype = q{ application/json } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'Starting training on Rhasspy' ) ;
return _sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , undef ) ;
# Use the HTTP-API to fetch all available siteIds
sub fetchSiteIds {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ url = q{ /api/profile?layers=profile } ;
my $ method = q{ GET } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'fetchSiteIds called' ) ;
return _sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , undef ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
# Use the HTTP-API to fetch all available siteIds
sub fetchIntents {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ url = q{ /api/intents } ;
my $ method = q{ GET } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'fetchIntents called' ) ;
return _sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , undef ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
= pod
# Check connection to HTTP-API
# Seems useless, because fetchSiteIds is called after DEF
sub RHASSPY_checkHttpApi {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ url = q{ /api/unknown-words } ;
my $ method = q{ GET } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "check connection to Rhasspy HTTP-API" ) ;
return _sendToApi ( $ hash , $ url , $ method , undef ) ;
= cut
# Send request to HTTP-API of Rhasspy
sub _sendToApi {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ url = shift ;
my $ method = shift ;
my $ data = shift ;
my $ base = $ hash - > { baseUrl } ; #AttrVal($hash->{NAME}, 'rhasspyMaster', undef) // return;
#Retrieve URL of Rhasspy-Master from attribute
$ url = $ base . $ url ;
my $ apirequest = {
url = > $ url ,
hash = > $ hash ,
timeout = > 120 ,
method = > $ method ,
data = > $ data ,
header = > 'Content-Type: application/json' ,
callback = > \ & RHASSPY_ParseHttpResponse
} ;
HttpUtils_NonblockingGet ( $ apirequest ) ;
return ;
# Parse the response of the request to the HTTP-API
sub RHASSPY_ParseHttpResponse {
my $ param = shift // return ;
my $ err = shift ;
my $ data = shift ;
my $ hash = $ param - > { hash } ;
my $ url = lc $ param - > { url } ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ base = $ hash - > { baseUrl } ; #AttrVal($name, 'rhasspyMaster', undef) // return;
my $ cp = $ hash - > { encoding } // q{ UTF-8 } ;
readingsBeginUpdate ( $ hash ) ;
if ( $ err ) {
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'state' , $ err ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "Connection to Rhasspy base failed: $err" ) ;
return ;
my $ urls = {
$ base . '/api/train' = > 'training' ,
$ base . '/api/sentences' = > 'updateSentences' ,
$ base . '/api/slots?overwrite_all=true' = > 'updateSlots'
} ;
if ( defined $ urls - > { $ url } ) {
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , $ urls - > { $ url } , $ data ) ;
if ( $ urls - > { $ url } eq 'updateSlots' && $ hash - > { '.needTraining' } ) {
trainRhasspy ( $ hash ) ;
delete $ hash - > { '.needTraining' } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( $ urls - > { $ url } eq 'training' ) {
configure_DialogManager ( $ hash , undef , undef , undef , 5 )
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
elsif ( $ url =~ m {api/profile}ix ) {
my $ ref ;
if ( ! eval { $ ref = decode_json ( $ data ) ; 1 } ) {
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "JSON decoding error: $@" ) ;
#my $ref = decode_json($data);
my $ siteIds = encode ( $ cp , $ ref - > { dialogue } { satellite_site_ids } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'siteIds' , $ siteIds ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
elsif ( $ url =~ m {api/intents}ix ) {
my $ refb ;
if ( ! eval { $ refb = decode_json ( $ data ) ; 1 } ) {
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 1 , "JSON decoding error: $@" ) ;
my $ intents = encode ( $ cp , join q{ , } , keys % { $ refb } ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'intents' , $ intents ) ;
configure_DialogManager ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
else {
Log3 ( $ name , 3 , qq( error while requesting $param->{url} - $data ) ) ;
readingsBulkUpdate ( $ hash , 'state' , 'online' ) ;
readingsEndUpdate ( $ hash , 1 ) ;
return ;
# Eingehender Custom-Intent
sub handleCustomIntent {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ intentName = shift ;
my $ data = shift ;
if ( ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { custom } || ! defined $ hash - > { helper } { custom } { $ intentName } ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 2 , "handleIntentCustomIntent called with invalid $intentName key" ) ;
return ;
my $ custom = $ hash - > { helper } { custom } { $ intentName } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleCustomIntent called with $intentName key" ) ;
my ( $ intent , $ response , $ room ) ;
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ data - > { Device } = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ; #Beta-User: really...?
my $ subName = $ custom - > { function } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ) if ! defined $ subName ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ params = $ custom - > { args } ;
my @ rets = @ { $ params } ;
for ( @ rets ) {
if ( $ _ eq 'NAME' ) {
$ _ = qq{ "$hash-> { NAME } " } ;
} elsif ( $ _ eq 'DATA' ) {
my $ json = toJSON ( $ data ) ;
$ _ = qq{ '$json' } ;
} elsif ( defined $ data - > { $ _ } ) {
$ _ = qq{ "$data-> { $_ } " } ;
} else {
$ _ = "undef" ;
my $ args = join q{ , } , @ rets ;
my $ cmd = qq{ $subName( $args ) } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Calling sub: $cmd" ) ;
my $ error = AnalyzePerlCommand ( $ hash , $ cmd ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ timeout = _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( ref $ error eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$ response = $ { $ error } [ 0 ] // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
if ( ref $ { $ error } [ 0 ] eq 'HASH' ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ timeout = $ { $ error } [ 1 ] if looks_like_number ( $ { $ error } [ 1 ] ) ;
return setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , $ timeout , $ { $ error } [ 0 ] ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ { $ error } [ 1 ] ; #comma separated list of devices to trigger
} elsif ( ref $ error eq 'HASH' ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , $ timeout , $ error ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} else {
$ response = $ error ; # if $error && $error !~ m{Please.define.*first}x;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) if ! defined $ response ;
# Antwort senden
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle incoming "SetMute" intents
sub handleIntentSetMute {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ response ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetMute called" ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( exists $ data - > { Value } && exists $ data - > { siteId } ) {
my $ siteId = makeReadingName ( $ data - > { siteId } ) ;
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , "mute_$siteId" , $ data - > { Value } eq 'on' ? 1 : 0 , 1 ) ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
$ response = $ response // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle custom Shortcuts
sub handleIntentShortcuts {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ cfdd = shift // 0 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ shortcut = $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ data - > { input } } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentShortcuts called with $data->{input} key" ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ response ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ data - > { input } } { conf_timeout } && ! $ data - > { Confirmation } ) {
my $ timeout = $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ data - > { input } } { conf_timeout } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ response = $ hash - > { helper } { shortcuts } { $ data - > { input } } { conf_req } ;
return setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , $ timeout , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response = $ shortcut - > { response } // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
my $ ret ;
my $ device = $ shortcut - > { NAME } ;
my $ cmd = $ shortcut - > { perl } ;
my $ self = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ name = $ shortcut - > { NAME } // $ self ;
my % specials = (
'$DEVICE' = > $ name ,
'$SELF' = > $ self ,
'$NAME' = > $ name
) ;
if ( defined $ cmd ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Perl shortcut identified: $cmd, device name is $name" ) ;
$ cmd = _replace ( $ hash , $ cmd , \ % specials ) ;
#execute Perl command
$ cmd = qq( {$cmd} ) if ( $ cmd !~ m {\A\{.*\}\z}x ) ;
$ ret = analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , undef , $ cmd , undef , $ data - > { siteId } ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ device = $ ret if $ ret && $ ret !~ m {Please.define.*first}x && ! defined $ device ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response = $ ret // _replace ( $ hash , $ response , \ % specials ) ;
} elsif ( defined $ shortcut - > { fhem } ) {
$ cmd = $ shortcut - > { fhem } // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "FHEM shortcut identified: $cmd, device name is $name" ) ;
$ cmd = _replace ( $ hash , $ cmd , \ % specials ) ;
$ response = _replace ( $ hash , $ response , \ % specials ) ;
AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , $ cmd ) ;
$ response = _ReplaceReadingsVal ( $ hash , $ response ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# update Readings
#updateLastIntentReadings($hash, $topic,$data);
return $ device ;
# Handle incoming "SetOnOff" intents
sub handleIntentSetOnOff {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my ( $ value , $ numericValue , $ device , $ room , $ siteId , $ mapping , $ response ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetOnOff called" ) ;
# Device AND Value must exist
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } && exists $ data - > { Value } ) {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ value = $ value eq $ de_mappings - > { on } ? 'on' : $ value ; #Beta-User: compability
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
$ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) ;
# Mapping found?
if ( defined $ device && defined $ mapping ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetOnOff' , $ device ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ cmdOn = $ mapping - > { cmdOn } // 'on' ;
my $ cmdOff = $ mapping - > { cmdOff } // 'off' ;
my $ cmd = $ value eq 'on' ? $ cmdOn : $ cmdOff ;
# execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device]" ) ;
# Define response
if ( defined $ mapping - > { response } ) {
$ numericValue = $ value eq 'on' ? 1 : 0 ;
$ response = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ numericValue , $ room ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Response is $response" ) ;
else { $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ; }
# Send response
$ response = $ response // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
sub handleIntentSetOnOffGroup {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetOnOffGroup called" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! defined $ data - > { Value } ;
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetOnOffGroup' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ devices = getDevicesByGroup ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
#see https://perlmaven.com/how-to-sort-a-hash-of-hashes-by-value for reference
my @ devlist = sort {
$ devices - > { $ a } { prio } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { prio }
$ devices - > { $ a } { delay } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { delay }
} keys % { $ devices } ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , 'sorted devices list is: ' . join q{ } , @ devlist ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! keys % { $ devices } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ delaysum = 0 ;
my $ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ value = $ value eq $ de_mappings - > { on } ? 'on' : $ value ;
my $ updatedList ;
my $ init_delay = 0 ;
my $ needs_sorting = ( @ { $ hash - > { ".asyncQueue" } } ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devlist ) {
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) ;
# Mapping found?
next if ! defined $ mapping ;
my $ cmdOn = $ mapping - > { cmdOn } // 'on' ;
my $ cmdOff = $ mapping - > { cmdOff } // 'off' ;
my $ cmd = $ value eq 'on' ? $ cmdOn : $ cmdOff ;
# execute Cmd
if ( ! $ delaysum ) {
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device]" ) ;
$ delaysum += $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
$ updatedList = $ updatedList ? "$updatedList,$device" : $ device ;
} else {
my $ hlabel = $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
push @ { $ hash - > { ".asyncQueue" } } , { device = > $ device , cmd = > $ cmd , prio = > $ devices - > { $ device } - > { prio } , delay = > $ hlabel } ;
InternalTimer ( time + $ delaysum , \ & RHASSPY_asyncQueue , $ hash , 0 ) if ! $ init_delay ;
$ init_delay = 1 ;
_sortAsyncQueue ( $ hash ) if $ init_delay && $ needs_sorting ;
# Send response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ updatedList ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
# Handle incoming "SetTimedOnOff" intents
sub handleIntentSetTimedOnOff {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my ( $ value , $ numericValue , $ device , $ room , $ siteId , $ mapping , $ response ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetTimedOnOff called" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'duration_not_understood' ) )
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
if ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && ! defined $ data - > { Hour } && ! defined $ data - > { Min } && ! defined $ data - > { Sec } ;
# Device AND Value must exist
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } && exists $ data - > { Value } ) {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ value = $ value eq $ de_mappings - > { on } ? 'on' : $ value ; #Beta-User: compability
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
$ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) ;
# Mapping found?
if ( defined $ device && defined $ mapping ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetTimedOnOff' , $ device ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ cmdOn = $ mapping - > { cmdOn } // 'on' ;
my $ cmdOff = $ mapping - > { cmdOff } // 'off' ;
my $ cmd = $ value eq 'on' ? $ cmdOn : $ cmdOff ;
$ cmd . = "-for-timer" ;
my $ allset = getAllSets ( $ device ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoTimedOnDeviceFound' ) ) if $ allset !~ m {\b$cmd(?:[\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ hour = 0 ;
my $ now1 = time ;
my $ now = $ now1 ;
my @ time = localtime ( $ now ) ;
if ( defined $ data - > { Hourabs } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hourabs } ;
$ now1 = $ now1 - ( $ time [ 2 ] * HOURSECONDS ) - ( $ time [ 1 ] * MINUTESECONDS ) - $ time [ 0 ] ; #last midnight
elsif ( $ data - > { Hour } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hour } ;
$ now1 += HOURSECONDS * $ hour ;
$ now1 += MINUTESECONDS * $ data - > { Min } if $ data - > { Min } ;
$ now1 += $ data - > { Sec } if $ data - > { Sec } ;
$ now1 += + DAYSECONDS if $ now1 < $ now ;
$ now1 = $ now1 - $ now ;
$ cmd . = " $now1" ;
# execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device]" ) ;
# Define response
if ( defined $ mapping - > { response } ) {
$ numericValue = $ value eq 'on' ? 1 : 0 ;
$ response = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ numericValue , $ room ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Response is $response" ) ;
else { $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ; }
# Send response
$ response = $ response // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
return $ device ;
sub handleIntentSetTimedOnOffGroup {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetTimedOnOffGroup called" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! defined $ data - > { Value } ;
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'duration_not_understood' ) )
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
if ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && ! defined $ data - > { Hour } && ! defined $ data - > { Min } && ! defined $ data - > { Sec } ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetTimedOnOffGroup' ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ devices = getDevicesByGroup ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
#see https://perlmaven.com/how-to-sort-a-hash-of-hashes-by-value for reference
my @ devlist = sort {
$ devices - > { $ a } { prio } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { prio }
$ devices - > { $ a } { delay } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { delay }
} keys % { $ devices } ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , 'sorted devices list is: ' . join q{ } , @ devlist ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! keys % { $ devices } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
#calculate duration for on/off-timer
my $ hour = 0 ;
my $ now1 = time ;
my $ now = $ now1 ;
my @ time = localtime ( $ now ) ;
if ( defined $ data - > { Hourabs } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hourabs } ;
$ now1 = $ now1 - ( $ time [ 2 ] * HOURSECONDS ) - ( $ time [ 1 ] * MINUTESECONDS ) - $ time [ 0 ] ; #last midnight
elsif ( $ data - > { Hour } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hour } ;
$ now1 += HOURSECONDS * $ hour ;
$ now1 += MINUTESECONDS * $ data - > { Min } if $ data - > { Min } ;
$ now1 += $ data - > { Sec } if $ data - > { Sec } ;
$ now1 += + DAYSECONDS if $ now1 < $ now ;
$ now1 = $ now1 - $ now ;
my $ delaysum = 0 ;
my $ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ value = $ value eq $ de_mappings - > { on } ? 'on' : $ value ;
my $ updatedList ;
my $ init_delay = 0 ;
my $ needs_sorting = ( @ { $ hash - > { ".asyncQueue" } } ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devlist ) {
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) ;
# Mapping found?
next if ! defined $ mapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ cmdOn = $ mapping - > { cmdOn } // 'on' ;
my $ cmdOff = $ mapping - > { cmdOff } // 'off' ;
my $ cmd = $ value eq 'on' ? $ cmdOn : $ cmdOff ;
$ cmd . = "-for-timer" ;
my $ allset = getAllSets ( $ device ) ;
if ( $ allset !~ m {\b$cmd(?:[\b:\s]|\Z)}xms ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 3 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device] is not possible!" ) ;
next ;
$ cmd . = " $now1" ;
# execute Cmd
if ( ! $ delaysum ) {
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device]" ) ;
$ delaysum += $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
$ updatedList = $ updatedList ? "$updatedList,$device" : $ device ;
} else {
my $ hlabel = $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
push @ { $ hash - > { ".asyncQueue" } } , { device = > $ device , cmd = > $ cmd , prio = > $ devices - > { $ device } - > { prio } , delay = > $ hlabel } ;
InternalTimer ( time + $ delaysum , \ & RHASSPY_asyncQueue , $ hash , 0 ) if ! $ init_delay ;
$ init_delay = 1 ;
_sortAsyncQueue ( $ hash ) if $ init_delay && $ needs_sorting ;
# Send response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
return $ updatedList ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle incomint GetOnOff intents
sub handleIntentGetOnOff {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ device ;
my $ response ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentGetOnOff called" ) ;
# Device AND Status must exist
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } && exists $ data - > { State } ) {
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
my $ deviceName = $ data - > { Device } ;
my $ mapping ;
$ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'GetOnOff' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 0 ) if defined $ device ;
my $ status = $ data - > { State } ;
# Mapping found?
if ( defined $ mapping ) {
# Device on or off?
my $ value = _getOnOffState ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping ) ;
# Define reponse
if ( defined $ mapping - > { response } ) {
$ response = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ value , $ room ) ;
else {
my $ stateResponseType = $ internal_mappings - > { stateResponseType } - > { $ status } // $ de_mappings - > { stateResponseType } - > { $ status } ;
$ response = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { stateResponses } { $ stateResponseType } - > { $ value } ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
# Send response
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
sub isValidData {
my $ data = shift // return 0 ;
my $ validData = 0 ;
$ validData = 1 if exists $ data - > { Device } && ( exists $ data - > { Value } || exists $ data - > { Change } ) #);
# Mindestens Device und Change angegeben -> Valid (z.B. Radio lauter)
#|| exists $data->{Device} && exists $data->{Change}
# Nur Change für Lautstärke angegeben -> Valid (z.B. lauter)
#|| !exists $data->{Device} && defined $data->{Change}
# && defined $hash->{helper}{lng}->{regex}->{$data->{Change}}
|| ! exists $ data - > { Device } && defined $ data - > { Change }
&& ( defined $ internal_mappings - > { Change } - > { $ data - > { Change } } || defined $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ data - > { Change } } )
#$data->{Change}= =~ m/^(lauter|leiser)$/i);
# Nur Type = Lautstärke und Value angegeben -> Valid (z.B. Lautstärke auf 10)
#||!exists $data->{Device} && defined $data->{Type} && exists $data->{Value} && $data->{Type} =~
|| ! exists $ data - > { Device } && defined $ data - > { Type } && exists $ data - > { Value } && ( $ data - > { Type } eq 'volume' || $ data - > { Type } eq 'Lautstärke' ) ;
return $ validData ;
sub handleIntentSetNumericGroup {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentSetNumericGroup called' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! exists $ data - > { Value } && ! exists $ data - > { Change } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetNumericGroup' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ devices = getDevicesByGroup ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
#see https://perlmaven.com/how-to-sort-a-hash-of-hashes-by-value for reference
my @ devlist = sort {
$ devices - > { $ a } { prio } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { prio }
$ devices - > { $ a } { delay } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { delay }
} keys % { $ devices } ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , 'sorted devices list is: ' . join q{ } , @ devlist ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! keys % { $ devices } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ delaysum = 0 ;
my $ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
$ value = $ value eq $ de_mappings - > { on } ? 'on' : $ value ;
my $ updatedList ;
my $ init_delay = 0 ;
my $ needs_sorting = ( @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devlist ) {
my $ tempdata = $ data ;
$ tempdata - > { '.DevName' } = $ device ;
$ tempdata - > { '.inBulk' } = 1 ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# execute Cmd
if ( ! $ delaysum ) {
handleIntentSetNumeric ( $ hash , $ tempdata ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running SetNumeric on device [$device]" ) ;
$ delaysum += $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
$ updatedList = $ updatedList ? "$updatedList,$device" : $ device ;
} else {
my $ hlabel = $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
push @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } , { device = > $ device , SetNumeric = > $ tempdata , prio = > $ devices - > { $ device } - > { prio } , delay = > $ hlabel } ;
InternalTimer ( time + $ delaysum , \ & RHASSPY_asyncQueue , $ hash , 0 ) if ! $ init_delay ;
$ init_delay = 1 ;
_sortAsyncQueue ( $ hash ) if $ init_delay && $ needs_sorting ;
# Send response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ updatedList ;
# Eingehende "SetNumeric" Intents bearbeiten
sub handleIntentSetNumeric {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ device = $ data - > { '.DevName' } ;
my $ response ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetNumeric called" ) ;
if ( ! defined $ device && ! isValidData ( $ data ) ) {
return if defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ unit = $ data - > { Unit } ;
my $ change = $ data - > { Change } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ type = $ data - > { Type } ;
if ( ! defined $ type && defined $ change ) {
$ type = $ internal_mappings - > { Change } - > { $ change } - > { Type }
// $ internal_mappings - > { Change } - > { $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ change } } - > { Type } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ value = $ data - > { Value } ;
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
# Gerät über Name suchen, oder falls über Lautstärke ohne Device getriggert wurde das ActiveMediaDevice suchen
if ( ! defined $ device && exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
} elsif ( defined $ type && ( $ type eq 'volume' || $ type eq 'Lautstärke' ) ) {
$ device =
getActiveDeviceForIntentAndType ( $ hash , $ room , 'SetNumeric' , $ type )
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
// return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoActiveMediaDevice' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! defined $ device ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetNumeric' , $ type , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 0 ) ;
if ( ! defined $ mapping ) {
if ( defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } ) {
#Beta-User: long forms to later add options to check upper/lower limits for pure on/off devices
return ;
} else {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMappingFound' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Mapping and device found -> execute command
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ cmd = $ mapping - > { cmd } // return defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } ? undef : respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMappingFound' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ part = $ mapping - > { part } ;
my $ minVal = $ mapping - > { minVal } ;
my $ maxVal = $ mapping - > { maxVal } ;
$ minVal = 0 if defined $ minVal && ! looks_like_number ( $ minVal ) ;
$ maxVal = 100 if defined $ maxVal && ! looks_like_number ( $ maxVal ) ;
my $ checkMinMax = defined $ minVal && defined $ maxVal ? 1 : 0 ;
my $ diff = $ value // $ mapping - > { step } // 10 ;
#my $up = (defined($change) && ($change =~ m/^(höher|heller|lauter|wärmer)$/)) ? 1 : 0;
my $ up = $ change ;
$ up = $ internal_mappings - > { Change } - > { $ change } - > { up }
// $ internal_mappings - > { Change } - > { $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ change } } - > { up }
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
// defined $ change && ( $ change =~ m {\A$internal_mappings->{regex} - > { upward } \ z } xi || $ change =~ m {\A$de_mappings->{regex} - > { upward } \ z } xi ) ? 1
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
: 0 ;
my $ forcePercent = ( defined $ mapping - > { map } && lc $ mapping - > { map } eq 'percent' ) ? 1 : 0 ;
# Alten Wert bestimmen
my $ oldVal = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { currentVal } ) ;
if ( defined $ part ) {
my @ tokens = split m {\s+}x , $ oldVal ;
$ oldVal = $ tokens [ $ part ] if @ tokens >= $ part ;
# Neuen Wert bestimmen
my $ newVal ;
my $ ispct = defined $ unit && ( $ unit eq 'percent' || $ unit eq $ de_mappings - > { percent } ) ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( ! defined $ change ) {
# Direkter Stellwert ("Stelle Lampe auf 50")
#if ($unit ne 'Prozent' && defined $value && !defined $change && !$forcePercent) {
if ( ! defined $ value ) {
#do nothing...
} elsif ( ! $ ispct && ! $ forcePercent ) {
$ newVal = $ value ;
} elsif ( ( $ ispct || $ forcePercent ) && $ checkMinMax ) {
# Direkter Stellwert als Prozent ("Stelle Lampe auf 50 Prozent", oder "Stelle Lampe auf 50" bei forcePercent)
#elsif (defined $value && ( defined $unit && $unit eq 'Prozent' || $forcePercent ) && !defined $change && defined $minVal && defined $maxVal) {
# Wert von Prozent in Raw-Wert umrechnen
$ newVal = $ value ;
#$newVal = 0 if ($newVal < 0);
#$newVal = 100 if ($newVal > 100);
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
$ newVal = _round ( ( $ newVal * ( ( $ maxVal - $ minVal ) / 100 ) ) + $ minVal ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
} else { # defined $change
# Stellwert um Wert x ändern ("Mache Lampe um 20 heller" oder "Mache Lampe heller")
#elsif ((!defined $unit || $unit ne 'Prozent') && defined $change && !$forcePercent) {
if ( ( ! defined $ unit || ! $ ispct ) && ! $ forcePercent ) {
$ newVal = ( $ up ) ? $ oldVal + $ diff : $ oldVal - $ diff ;
# Stellwert um Prozent x ändern ("Mache Lampe um 20 Prozent heller" oder "Mache Lampe um 20 heller" bei forcePercent oder "Mache Lampe heller" bei forcePercent)
#elsif (($unit eq 'Prozent' || $forcePercent) && defined($change) && defined $minVal && defined $maxVal) {
elsif ( ( $ ispct || $ forcePercent ) && $ checkMinMax ) {
#$maxVal = 100 if !looks_like_number($maxVal); #Beta-User: Workaround, should be fixed in mapping (tbd)
#my $diffRaw = round((($diff * (($maxVal - $minVal) / 100)) + $minVal), 0);
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ diffRaw = _round ( $ diff * ( $ maxVal - $ minVal ) / 100 ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ newVal = ( $ up ) ? $ oldVal + $ diffRaw : $ oldVal - $ diffRaw ;
$ newVal = max ( $ minVal , min ( $ maxVal , $ newVal ) ) ;
if ( ! defined $ newVal ) {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } ? undef : respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoNewValDerived' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# limit to min/max (if set)
$ newVal = max ( $ minVal , $ newVal ) if defined $ minVal ;
$ newVal = min ( $ maxVal , $ newVal ) if defined $ maxVal ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } && ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetNumeric' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd , $ newVal ) ;
#venetian blind special
my $ specials = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { venetian_specials } ;
if ( defined $ specials ) {
my $ vencmd = $ specials - > { setter } // $ cmd ;
my $ vendev = $ specials - > { device } // $ device ;
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ vendev , defined $ specials - > { CustomCommand } ? $ specials - > { CustomCommand } : $ vencmd , $ newVal ) if $ device ne $ vendev || $ cmd ne $ vencmd ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# get response
defined $ mapping - > { response }
? $ response = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ newVal , $ room )
: $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
# send response
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) if ! defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
# Eingehende "GetNumeric" Intents bearbeiten
sub handleIntentGetNumeric {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ value ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentGetNumeric called" ) ;
# Mindestens Type oder Device muss existieren
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ) if ! exists $ data - > { Type } && ! exists $ data - > { Device } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ type = $ data - > { Type } ;
my $ subType = $ data - > { subType } // $ type ;
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
# Get suitable device
my $ device = exists $ data - > { Device }
? getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } )
: getDeviceByIntentAndType ( $ hash , $ room , 'GetNumeric' , $ type )
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
// return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
#more than one device
if ( ref $ device eq 'ARRAY' ) {
#until now: only extended test code
my $ first = $ device - > [ 0 ] ;
my $ response = $ device - > [ 1 ] ;
my $ all = $ device - > [ 2 ] ;
my $ choice = $ device - > [ 3 ] ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ data - > { customData } = $ all ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ toActivate = $ choice eq 'RequestChoiceDevice' ? [ qw( ChoiceDevice CancelAction ) ] : [ qw( ChoiceRoom CancelAction ) ] ;
$ device = $ first ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "More than one device possible, response is $response, first is $first, all are $all, type is $choice" ) ;
return setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data , _getDialogueTimeout ( $ hash ) , $ response , $ toActivate ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'GetNumeric' , { type = > $ type , subType = > $ subType } , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 0 )
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
// return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMappingFound' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Mapping found
my $ part = $ mapping - > { part } ;
my $ minVal = $ mapping - > { minVal } ;
my $ maxVal = $ mapping - > { maxVal } ;
my $ mappingType = $ mapping - > { type } ;
my $ forcePercent = defined $ mapping - > { map } && lc ( $ mapping - > { map } ) eq 'percent' && defined $ minVal && defined $ maxVal ? 1 : 0 ;
# Get value for response
$ value = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { currentVal } ) ;
if ( defined $ part ) {
my @ tokens = split m {\s+}x , $ value ;
$ value = $ tokens [ $ part ] if @ tokens >= $ part ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
$ value = _round ( $ value * ( $ maxVal - $ minVal ) / 100 + $ minVal ) if $ forcePercent ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ isNumber = looks_like_number ( $ value ) ;
# replace dot by comma if needed
$ value =~ s{\.} {\,}gx if $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { commaconversion } ;
my $ location = $ data - > { Device } ;
if ( ! defined $ location ) {
my $ rooms = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { rooms } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ location = $ data - > { Room } if defined $ data - > { Room } && defined $ rooms && $ rooms =~ m {\b$data->{Room} \ b } ix ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#Beta-User: this might be the place to implement the "no device in room" branch
( $ location , my $ nn ) = split m {,}x , $ rooms if ! defined $ location ;
my $ deviceName = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } - > { alias } // $ device ;
# Antwort falls Custom Response definiert ist
if ( defined $ mapping - > { response } ) {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ value , $ location ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ responses = getResponse ( $ hash , 'Change' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Antwort falls mappingType oder type matched
my $ response =
$ responses - > { $ mappingType }
// $ responses - > { $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ mappingType } }
// $ responses - > { $ type }
// $ responses - > { $ de_mappings - > { ToEn } - > { $ type } } ;
$ response = $ response - > { $ isNumber } if ref $ response eq 'HASH' ;
# Antwort falls mappingType auf regex (en bzw. de) matched
if ( ! defined $ response && (
$ mappingType =~ m {\A$internal_mappings->{regex} - > { setTarget } \ z } xim
|| $ mappingType =~ m {\A$de_mappings->{regex} - > { setTarget } \ z } xim ) ) {
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ response = $ responses - > { setTarget } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( ! defined $ response ) {
#or not and at least know the type...?
$ response = defined $ mappingType
? $ responses - > { knownType }
: $ responses - > { unknownType } ;
# Variablen ersetzen?
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
# Antwort senden
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle incoming "GetState" intents
sub handleIntentGetState {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ device = $ data - > { Device } // return ;
my $ response ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentGetState called' ) ;
# Mindestens Device muss existieren
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ device ) ;
my $ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'GetState' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 0 ) ;
if ( defined $ mapping - > { response } ) {
$ response = _getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , undef , $ room ) ;
$ response = _ReplaceReadingsVal ( $ hash , $ mapping - > { response } ) if ! $ response ; #Beta-User: case: plain Text with [device:reading]
# Antwort senden
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle incomint "MediaControls" intents
sub handleIntentMediaControls {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ command , my $ device , my $ room ;
my $ mapping ;
my $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentMediaControls called" ) ;
# At least one command has to be received
if ( exists $ data - > { Command } ) {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ command = $ data - > { Command } ;
# Search for matching device
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
} else {
$ device = getActiveDeviceForIntentAndType ( $ hash , $ room , 'MediaControls' , undef ) ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoActiveMediaDevice' ) if ! defined $ device ;
$ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'MediaControls' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } , 0 ) ;
if ( defined $ device && defined $ mapping ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'MediaControls' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ cmd = $ mapping - > { $ command } ;
#Beta-User: backwards compability check; might be removed later...
if ( ! defined $ cmd ) {
my $ Media = {
play = > 'cmdPlay' , pause = > 'cmdPause' ,
stop = > 'cmdStop' , vor = > 'cmdFwd' , next = > 'cmdFwd' ,
'zurück' = > 'cmdBack' , previous = > 'cmdBack'
} ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ cmd = $ mapping - > { $ Media - > { $ command } } if defined $ mapping - > { $ Media - > { $ command } } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 4 , "MediaControls with outdated mapping $command called. Please change to avoid future problems..." ) ;
else {
# Execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
# Define voice response
$ response = defined $ mapping - > { response } ?
_getValue ( $ hash , $ device , $ mapping - > { response } , $ command , $ room )
: getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
# Send voice response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
# Handle incoming "SetScene" intents
sub handleIntentSetScene {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my ( $ scene , $ device , $ room , $ siteId , $ mapping , $ response ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetScene called" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! defined $ data - > { Scene } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
# Device AND Scene are optimum exist
if ( ! exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
} else {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ scene = $ data - > { Scene } ;
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
$ mapping = getMapping ( $ hash , $ device , 'SetScene' , undef , defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
# restore HUE scenes
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
$ scene = qq( [$scene] ) if $ scene =~ m {id=.+}xms ;
= pod
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
if ( $ scene =~ m {id=.+}xms ) {
my $ allset = getAllSets ( $ device ) ;
if ( $ allset =~ m {\bscene:(?<scnames>[\S]+)}xm ) {
for my $ scname ( split m {,}xms , $+ { scnames } ) {
if ( $ scname =~ m {$scene}xms ) {
$ scene = $ scname ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
$ scene =~ s{[#]} { }gxm ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
last $ scname ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
= cut
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
# Mapping found?
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! $ device || ! defined $ mapping ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetScene' ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ cmd = qq( scene $scene ) ;
# execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running command [$cmd] on device [$device]" ) ;
# Define response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ response = $ mapping - > { response } // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
# Send response
$ response = $ response // getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return $ device ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Handle incoming "GetTime" intents
sub handleIntentGetTime {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentGetTime called" ) ;
( my $ sec , my $ min , my $ hour , my $ mday , my $ mon , my $ year , my $ wday , my $ yday , my $ isdst ) = localtime ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'timeRequest' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Response: $response" ) ;
# Send voice reponse
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
# Handle incoming "GetDate" intents
sub handleIntentGetDate {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentGetDate called" ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ weekDay = strftime ( '%A' , localtime ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
$ weekDay = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } { words } - > { $ weekDay } if defined $ hash - > { helper } { lng } { words } - > { $ weekDay } ;
my $ month = strftime ( '%B' , localtime ) ;
$ month = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } { words } - > { $ month } if defined $ hash - > { helper } { lng } { words } - > { $ month } ;
my $ year = strftime ( '%G' , localtime ) ;
my $ day = strftime ( '%e' , localtime ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'weekdayRequest' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Response: $response" ) ;
# Send voice reponse
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Eingehende "MediaChannels" Intents bearbeiten
sub handleIntentMediaChannels {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ channel ; my $ device ; my $ room ;
my $ cmd ;
my $ response ; # = getResponse($hash, 'DefaultError');
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentMediaChannels called" ) ;
# Mindestens Channel muss übergeben worden sein
if ( exists $ data - > { Channel } ) {
$ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
$ channel = $ data - > { Channel } ;
# Passendes Gerät suchen
if ( exists $ data - > { Device } ) {
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) ;
} else {
$ device = getDeviceByMediaChannel ( $ hash , $ room , $ channel ) ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } ) {
$ cmd = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { Channels } { $ channel } ;
else {
$ cmd = getKeyValFromAttr ( $ hash , $ device , 'rhasspyChannels' , $ channel , undef ) ;
#$cmd = (split m{=}x, $cmd, 2)[1];
if ( defined $ device && defined $ cmd ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'MediaChannels' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
# Cmd ausführen
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ cmd ) ;
# Antwort senden
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMediaChannelFound' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
# Handle incoming "SetColor" intents
sub handleIntentSetColor {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ inBulk = $ data - > { '.inBulk' } // 0 ;
my $ device = $ data - > { '.DevName' } ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "handleIntentSetColor called" ) ;
my $ response ;
# At least Device AND Color have to be received
if ( ! exists $ data - > { Color } && ! exists $ data - > { Rgb } && ! exists $ data - > { Saturation } && ! exists $ data - > { Colortemp } && ! exists $ data - > { Hue } || ! exists $ data - > { Device } && ! defined $ device ) {
return if $ inBulk ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#if (exists $data->{Color} && exists $data->{Device}) {
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
my $ color = $ data - > { Color } // q{ } ;
# Search for matching device and command
$ device = getDeviceByName ( $ hash , $ room , $ data - > { Device } ) if ! defined $ device ;
my $ cmd = getKeyValFromAttr ( $ hash , $ device , 'rhasspyColors' , $ color , undef ) ;
my $ cmd2 ;
if ( defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } - > { CommandMap } ) {
$ cmd2 = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } - > { CommandMap } - > { $ color } ;
return if $ inBulk && ! defined $ device ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! defined $ device ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! defined $ data - > { '.inBulk' } && ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetColor' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( defined $ cmd || defined $ cmd2 ) {
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
# Execute Cmd
analyzeAndRunCmd ( $ hash , $ device , defined $ cmd ? $ cmd : $ cmd2 ) ;
} else {
$ response = _runSetColorCmd ( $ hash , $ device , $ data , $ inBulk ) ;
# Send voice response
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) if ! $ inBulk ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ device ;
sub _runSetColorCmd {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ device = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ inBulk = shift // 0 ;
my $ color = $ data - > { Color } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ mapping = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { intents } { SetColorParms } // return $ inBulk ? undef : respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMappingFound' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ error ;
#shortcuts: hue, sat or CT are directly addressed and possible commands
my $ keywords = { hue = > 'Hue' , sat = > 'Saturation' , ct = > 'Colortemp' } ;
for ( keys % { $ keywords } ) {
my $ kw = $ keywords - > { $ _ } ;
my $ forceRgb = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } - > { forceHue2rgb } // 0 ;
next if defined $ kw && $ kw eq 'Hue' && $ forceRgb == 1 ;
my $ specialmapping = $ hash - > { helper } { devicemap } { devices } { $ device } { color_specials } { $ kw } ;
if ( defined $ data - > { $ kw } && defined $ specialmapping && defined $ specialmapping - > { $ data - > { $ kw } } ) {
my $ cmd = $ specialmapping - > { $ data - > { $ kw } } ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $device $cmd" ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Setting $device to $cmd" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ error ) if $ error ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
} elsif ( defined $ data - > { $ kw } && defined $ mapping - > { $ _ } ) {
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ value = _round ( ( $ mapping - > { $ _ } - > { maxVal } - $ mapping - > { $ _ } - > { minVal } ) * $ data - > { $ kw } / $ kw eq 'Hue' ? 360 : 100 ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ value = min ( max ( $ mapping - > { $ _ } - > { minVal } , $ value ) , $ mapping - > { $ _ } - > { maxVal } ) ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $device $mapping->{$_}->{cmd} $value" ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Setting color to $value" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ error ) if $ error ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
#shortcut: Rgb field is used or color is in HEX value and rgb is a possible command
if ( ( defined $ data - > { Rgb } || defined $ color && $ color =~ m {\A[[:xdigit:]]\z}x ) && defined $ mapping - > { rgb } ) {
$ color = $ data - > { Rgb } if defined $ data - > { Rgb } ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $device $mapping->{rgb}->{cmd} $color" ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Setting rgb-color to $color" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ error ) if $ error ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
#only matches, if there's no native hue command
if ( defined $ data - > { Hue } && defined $ mapping - > { rgb } ) {
my $ angle = int ( $ data - > { Hue } / 24 ) * 15 ;
my $ angle2rgb = {
# from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue#24_hues_of_HSL/HSV
# hue angle color code luminance
0 = > { rgb = > 'FF0000' , brightness = > '30' } ,
15 = > { rgb = > 'FF4000' , brightness = > '45' } ,
30 = > { rgb = > 'FF8000' , brightness = > '59' } ,
45 = > { rgb = > 'FFBF00' , brightness = > '74' } ,
60 = > { rgb = > 'FFFF00' , brightness = > '89' } ,
75 = > { rgb = > 'BFFF00' , brightness = > '81' } ,
90 = > { rgb = > '80FF00' , brightness = > '74' } ,
105 = > { rgb = > '40FF00' , brightness = > '66' } ,
120 = > { rgb = > '00FF00' , brightness = > '59' } ,
135 = > { rgb = > '00FF40' , brightness = > '62' } ,
150 = > { rgb = > '00FF80' , brightness = > '64' } ,
165 = > { rgb = > '00FFBF' , brightness = > '67' } ,
180 = > { rgb = > '00FFFF' , brightness = > '70' } ,
195 = > { rgb = > '00BFFF' , brightness = > '55' } ,
210 = > { rgb = > '0080FF' , brightness = > '41' } ,
225 = > { rgb = > '0040FF' , brightness = > '26' } ,
240 = > { rgb = > '0000FF' , brightness = > '11' } ,
255 = > { rgb = > '4000FF' , brightness = > '19' } ,
270 = > { rgb = > '8000FF' , brightness = > '26' } ,
285 = > { rgb = > 'BF00FF' , brightness = > '34' } ,
300 = > { rgb = > 'FF00FF' , brightness = > '41' } ,
315 = > { rgb = > 'FF00BF' , brightness = > '38' } ,
330 = > { rgb = > 'FF0080' , brightness = > '36' } ,
345 = > { rgb = > 'FF0040' , brightness = > '33' }
} ;
my $ rgb = $ angle2rgb - > { $ angle } - > { rgb } ;
return "mapping problem in Hue2rgb" if ! defined $ rgb ;
my $ rgbcmd = $ mapping - > { rgb } - > { cmd } ;
$ rgb = lc $ rgb if $ rgbcmd eq 'hex' ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $device $rgbcmd $rgb" ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Setting rgb-color to $rgb using hue" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ error ) if $ error ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
if ( defined $ data - > { Colortemp } && defined $ mapping - > { rgb } && looks_like_number ( $ data - > { Colortemp } ) ) {
my $ ct = $ data - > { Colortemp } * 50 + 2000 ; #FHEMWIKI indicates typical range from 2000 to 6500
my ( $ r , $ g , $ b ) = _ct2rgb ( $ ct ) ;
my $ rgb = uc sprintf ( "%2.2X%2.2X%2.2X" , $ r , $ g , $ b ) ;
return "mapping problem in _ct2rgb" if ! defined $ rgb ;
$ error = AnalyzeCommand ( $ hash , "set $device $mapping->{rgb}->{cmd} $rgb" ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Setting color-temperature to $ct" ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ error ) if $ error ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ;
return if $ inBulk ;
return getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoMappingFound' ) ;
#clone from Color.pm
sub _ct2rgb {
my $ ct = shift // return ;
# calculation from http://www.tannerhelland.com/4435/convert-temperature-rgb-algorithm-code
# kelvin -> mired
$ ct = 1000000 / $ ct if ( $ ct > 1000 ) ;
# adjusted by 1000K
my $ temp = 10000 / $ ct + 10 ;
my $ r = 255 ;
$ r = 329.698727446 * ( $ temp - 60 ) ** - 0.1332047592 if $ temp > 66 ;
$ r = max ( 0 , min ( $ r , 255 ) ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ g = $ temp <= 66 ?
99.4708025861 * log ( $ temp ) - 161.1195681661
: 288.1221695283 * ( $ temp - 60 ) ** - 0.0755148492 ;
$ g = max ( 0 , min ( $ g , 255 ) ) ;
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
my $ bl = $ temp <= 19 ? 0 : 255 ;
$ bl = 138.5177312231 * log ( $ temp - 10 ) - 305.0447927307 if $ temp < 66 ;
$ bl = max ( 0 , min ( $ b , 255 ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-04-28 09:09:21 +00:00
return ( $ r , $ g , $ bl ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub handleIntentSetColorGroup {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentSetColorGroup called' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoValidData' ) ) if ! exists $ data - > { Color } && ! exists $ data - > { Rgb } && ! exists $ data - > { Saturation } && ! exists $ data - > { Colortemp } && ! exists $ data - > { Hue } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
#check if confirmation is required
return $ hash - > { NAME } if ! $ data - > { Confirmation } && getNeedsConfirmation ( $ hash , $ data , 'SetColorGroup' ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ devices = getDevicesByGroup ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
#see https://perlmaven.com/how-to-sort-a-hash-of-hashes-by-value for reference
my @ devlist = sort {
$ devices - > { $ a } { prio } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { prio }
$ devices - > { $ a } { delay } <=> $ devices - > { $ b } { delay }
} keys % { $ devices } ;
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , 'sorted devices list is: ' . join q{ } , @ devlist ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'NoDeviceFound' ) ) if ! keys % { $ devices } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ delaysum = 0 ;
my $ updatedList ;
my $ init_delay = 0 ;
my $ needs_sorting = ( @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } ) ;
for my $ device ( @ devlist ) {
my $ tempdata = $ data ;
$ tempdata - > { '.DevName' } = $ device ;
$ tempdata - > { '.inBulk' } = 1 ;
# execute Cmd
if ( ! $ delaysum ) {
handleIntentSetColor ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "Running SetColor on device [$device]" ) ;
$ delaysum += $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
$ updatedList = $ updatedList ? "$updatedList,$device" : $ device ;
} else {
my $ hlabel = $ devices - > { $ device } - > { delay } ;
push @ { $ hash - > { '.asyncQueue' } } , { device = > $ device , SetColor = > $ tempdata , prio = > $ devices - > { $ device } - > { prio } , delay = > $ hlabel } ;
InternalTimer ( time + $ delaysum , \ & RHASSPY_asyncQueue , $ hash , 0 ) if ! $ init_delay ;
$ init_delay = 1 ;
_sortAsyncQueue ( $ hash ) if $ init_delay && $ needs_sorting ;
# Send response
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ updatedList ;
# Handle incoming SetTimer intents
sub handleIntentSetTimer {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ siteId = $ data - > { siteId } // return ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , 'handleIntentSetTimer called' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'duration_not_understood' ) )
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && ! defined $ data - > { Hour } && ! defined $ data - > { Min } && ! defined $ data - > { Sec } && ! defined $ data - > { CancelTimer } ;
my $ room = getRoomName ( $ hash , $ data ) ;
my $ hour = 0 ;
my $ value = time ;
my $ now = $ value ;
my @ time = localtime ( $ now ) ;
if ( defined $ data - > { Hourabs } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hourabs } ;
$ value = $ value - ( $ time [ 2 ] * HOURSECONDS ) - ( $ time [ 1 ] * MINUTESECONDS ) - $ time [ 0 ] ; #last midnight
elsif ( $ data - > { Hour } ) {
$ hour = $ data - > { Hour } ;
$ value += HOURSECONDS * $ hour ;
$ value += MINUTESECONDS * $ data - > { Min } if $ data - > { Min } ;
$ value += $ data - > { Sec } if $ data - > { Sec } ;
my $ tomorrow = 0 ;
if ( $ value < $ now ) {
$ tomorrow = 1 ;
$ value += + DAYSECONDS ;
my $ siteIds = ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'siteIds' , 0 ) ;
fetchSiteIds ( $ hash ) if ! $ siteIds ;
my $ timerRoom = $ siteId ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ responseEnd = getResponse ( $ hash , 'timerEnd' , 1 ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
if ( $ siteIds =~ m {\b$room\b}ix ) {
$ timerRoom = $ room if $ siteIds =~ m {\b$room\b}ix ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ responseEnd = getResponse ( $ hash , 'timerEnd' , 0 ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ roomReading = "timer_" . makeReadingName ( $ room ) ;
my $ label = $ data - > { Label } // q{ } ;
$ roomReading . = "_$label" if $ label ne '' ;
my $ response ;
if ( defined $ data - > { CancelTimer } ) {
CommandDelete ( $ hash , $ roomReading ) ;
#readingsSingleUpdate( $hash,$roomReading, 0, 1 );
readingsDelete ( $ hash , $ roomReading ) ;
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , "deleted timer: $roomReading" ) ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'timerCancellation' ) ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ name ;
if ( $ value && $ timerRoom ) {
my $ seconds = $ value - $ now ;
my $ diff = $ seconds ;
my $ attime = strftime ( '%H' , gmtime $ diff ) ;
$ attime += 24 if $ tomorrow ;
$ attime . = strftime ( ':%M:%S' , gmtime $ diff ) ;
my $ readingTime = strftime ( '%H:%M:%S' , localtime ( time + $ seconds ) ) ;
$ responseEnd =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
my $ soundoption = $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { timerSounds } - > { $ label } // $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { timerSounds } - > { default } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ addtrigger = qq{ ; trigger $name timerEnd $siteId $room } ;
$ addtrigger . = " $label" if defined $ label ;
if ( ! defined $ soundoption ) {
CommandDefMod ( $ hash , "-temporary $roomReading at +$attime set $name speak siteId=\"$timerRoom\" text=\"$responseEnd\";deletereading $name ${roomReading}$addtrigger" ) ;
} else {
$ soundoption =~ m {((?<repeats>[0-9]*)[:]){0,1} ( ( ? <duration> [ 0 - 9 . ] * ) [ : ] ) { 0 , 1 } ( ? <file> ( . + ) ) } x ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ file = $+ { file } // Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 2 , "no WAV file for $label provided, check attribute rhasspyTweaks (item timerSounds)!" ) && return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ repeats = $+ { repeats } // 5 ;
my $ duration = $+ { duration } // 15 ;
CommandDefMod ( $ hash , "-temporary $roomReading at +$attime set $name play siteId=\"$timerRoom\" path=\"$file\" repeats=$repeats wait=$duration id=${roomReading}$addtrigger" ) ;
#readingsSingleUpdate($hash, $roomReading, 1, 1);
readingsSingleUpdate ( $ hash , $ roomReading , $ readingTime , 1 ) ;
#Log3($name, 5, "Created timer: $roomReading at +$attime");
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , "Created timer: $roomReading at $readingTime" ) ;
my ( $ range , $ minutes , $ hours , $ minutetext ) ;
my @ timerlimits = $ hash - > { helper } - > { tweaks } - > { timerLimits } // ( 91 , 9 * MINUTESECONDS , HOURSECONDS , 1.5 * HOURSECONDS , HOURSECONDS ) ;
@ time = localtime ( $ value ) ;
if ( $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 0 ] && ( ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } || defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 4 ] ) ) {
$ range = 0 ;
} elsif ( $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 2 ] && ( ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } || defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 4 ] ) ) {
$ minutes = int ( $ seconds / MINUTESECONDS ) ;
$ range = $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 1 ] ? 1 : 2 ;
$ seconds = $ seconds % MINUTESECONDS ;
$ range = 2 if ! $ seconds ;
$ minutetext = $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { units } - > { unitMinutes } - > { $ minutes > 1 ? 0 : 1 } ;
$ minutetext = qq{ $minutes $minutetext } if $ minutes > 1 ;
} elsif ( $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 3 ] && ( ! defined $ data - > { Hourabs } || defined $ data - > { Hourabs } && $ seconds < $ timerlimits [ 4 ] ) ) {
$ hours = int ( $ seconds / HOURSECONDS ) ;
$ seconds = $ seconds % HOURSECONDS ;
$ minutes = int ( $ seconds / MINUTESECONDS ) ;
$ range = 3 ;
$ minutetext = $ minutes ? $ hash - > { helper } { lng } - > { units } - > { unitMinutes } - > { $ minutes > 1 ? 0 : 1 } : q{ } ;
$ minutetext = qq{ $minutes $minutetext } if $ minutes > 1 ;
} else {
$ hours = $ time [ 2 ] ;
$ minutes = $ time [ 1 ] ;
$ range = 4 + $ tomorrow ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'timerSet' , $ range ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
$ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultError' ) if ! defined $ response ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ name ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sub handleIntentNotRecognized {
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash , 5 , "[$hash->{NAME}] handleIntentNotRecognized called, input is $data->{input}" ) ;
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
return if ! defined $ data_old ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return if ! defined $ data - > { input } || length ( $ data - > { input } ) < 12 ; #Beta-User: silence chuncks or single words, might later be configurable
$ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } - > { intentNotRecognized } = $ data - > { input } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "data_old is: " . toJSON ( $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ) ) ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ response = getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultChangeIntentRequestRawInput' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ rawInput = $ data - > { input } ;
$ response =~ s{(\$\w+)} {$1}eegx ;
$ data_old - > { customData } = 'intentNotRecognized' ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return setDialogTimeout ( $ hash , $ data_old , undef , $ response ) ; # , $data_old->{intentNotRecognized} );
sub handleIntentCancelAction {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentCancelAction called' ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
#my $toDisable = defined $data->{'.ENABLED'} ? $data->{'.ENABLED'} : [qw(ConfirmAction CancelAction)]; #dialog
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
if ( ! defined $ data_old ) {
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'SilentCancelConfirmation' ) ) ;
return configure_DialogManager ( $ hash , $ data - > { siteId } , undef , undef , 1 ) ; #global intent filter seems to be not working!
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultCancelConfirmation' ) ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return $ hash - > { NAME } ;
sub handleIntentConfirmAction {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentConfirmAction called' ) ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ mode = $ data - > { Mode } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#cancellation case
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return handleIntentCancelAction ( $ hash , $ data ) if $ mode ne 'OK' && $ mode ne 'Back' && $ mode ne 'Next' ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
#confirmed case
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash ) ;
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
if ( ! defined $ data_old ) {
respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationNoOutstanding' ) ) ;
return configure_DialogManager ( $ hash , $ data - > { siteId } , undef , undef , 1 ) ; #global intent filter seems to be not working!;
} ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
#continued session after intentNotRecognized
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
if ( defined $ data_old - > { intentNotRecognized }
&& ( $ mode eq 'OK'
|| $ mode eq 'Back'
|| $ mode eq 'Next' ) ) {
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , "ConfirmAction in $data->{Mode} after intentNotRecognized" ) ;
if ( $ mode eq 'Back' ) {
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } - > { intentNotRecognized } ;
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , { text = > getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmationBack' ) } ) ;
if ( $ mode eq 'Next'
|| $ mode eq 'OK' && $ data - > { intent } =~ m {Choice}gxmsi ) {
#new nlu request with stored rawInput
my $ topic = q{ hermes/nlu/query } ;
my $ sendData ;
for my $ key ( qw( sessionId siteId customData lang ) ) {
$ sendData - > { $ key } = $ data - > { $ key } if defined $ data - > { $ key } && $ data - > { $ key } ne 'null' ;
$ sendData - > { input } = $ data_old - > { intentNotRecognized } ; #input: string - text to recognize intent from (required)
$ sendData - > { intentFilter } = 'null' ; #intentFilter: [string]? = null - valid intent names (null means all) - back to global FHEM defaults?
#id: string? = null - unique id for request (copied to response messages)
#siteId: string = "default" - Hermes site ID
#sessionId: string? = null - current session ID
#asrConfidence: float? = null
my $ json = _toCleanJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ $topic $json } ) ;
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , { text = > getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultConfirmation' ) } ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
} ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
return handleIntentCancelAction ( $ hash , $ data ) if $ mode ne 'OK' ; #modes 'Back' or 'Next' in non-dialogical context
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ data_old - > { siteId } = $ data - > { siteId } ;
$ data_old - > { sessionId } = $ data - > { sessionId } ;
$ data_old - > { requestType } = $ data - > { requestType } ;
$ data_old - > { Confirmation } = 1 ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
my $ intent = $ data_old - > { intent } ;
my $ device = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# Passenden Intent-Handler aufrufen
if ( ref $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } eq 'CODE' ) {
$ device = $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } - > ( $ hash , $ data_old ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
return $ device ;
sub handleIntentChoiceRoom {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentChoiceRoom called' ) ;
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' ) ) if ! defined $ data_old ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ data_old - > { siteId } = $ data - > { siteId } ;
$ data_old - > { sessionId } = $ data - > { sessionId } ;
$ data_old - > { requestType } = $ data - > { requestType } ;
$ data_old - > { Room } = $ data - > { Room } ;
my $ intent = $ data_old - > { intent } ;
my $ device = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# Passenden Intent-Handler aufrufen
if ( ref $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } eq 'CODE' ) {
$ device = $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } - > ( $ hash , $ data_old ) ;
return $ device ;
sub handleIntentChoiceDevice {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentChoiceDevice called' ) ;
#my $data_old = $data->{customData};
my $ identiy = qq( $data->{sessionId} ) ;
my $ data_old = $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } - > { $ identiy } ;
delete $ hash - > { helper } { '.delayed' } { $ identiy } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
deleteSingleRegIntTimer ( $ identiy , $ hash ) ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
return respond ( $ hash , $ data , getResponse ( $ hash , 'DefaultChoiceNoOutstanding' ) ) if ! defined $ data_old ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
$ data_old - > { siteId } = $ data - > { siteId } ;
$ data_old - > { sessionId } = $ data - > { sessionId } ;
$ data_old - > { requestType } = $ data - > { requestType } ;
$ data_old - > { Device } = $ data - > { Device } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
my $ intent = $ data_old - > { intent } ;
my $ device = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
# Passenden Intent-Handler aufrufen
if ( ref $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } eq 'CODE' ) {
$ device = $ dispatchFns - > { $ intent } - > ( $ hash , $ data_old ) ;
return $ device ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
sub handleIntentReSpeak {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ data = shift // return ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
my $ response = ReadingsVal ( $ name , 'voiceResponse' , getResponse ( $ hash , 'reSpeak_failed' ) ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'handleIntentReSpeak called' ) ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
respond ( $ hash , $ data , $ response ) ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ name ;
sub setPlayWav {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'action playWav called' ) ;
return 'playWav needs siteId and path to file as parameters!' if ! defined $ cmd - > { siteId } || ! defined $ cmd - > { path } ;
my $ siteId = $ cmd - > { siteId } ;
my $ filename = $ cmd - > { path } ;
my $ repeats = $ cmd - > { repeats } ;
my $ encoding = q{ :raw :bytes } ;
my $ handle = undef ;
my $ topic = "hermes/audioServer/$siteId/playBytes/999" ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 3 , "Playing file $filename on $siteId" ) ;
if ( - e $ filename ) {
open $ handle , "< $encoding" , $ filename || carp "$0: can't open $filename for reading: $!" ; ##no critic qw(RequireBriefOpen)
while ( read $ handle , my $ file_contents , 1000000 ) {
IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ $topic $file_contents } ) ;
close $ handle ;
return if ! $ repeats ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
my $ wait = $ cmd - > { wait } // 15 ;
my $ id = $ cmd - > { id } ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
$ repeats - - ;
my $ attime = strftime ( '%H:%M:%S' , gmtime $ wait ) ;
return InternalTimer ( time , sub () { CommandDefMod ( $ hash , "-temporary $id at +$attime set $name play siteId=\"$siteId\" path=\"$filename\" repeats=$repeats wait=$wait id=$id" ) } , $ hash ) if $ repeats ;
return InternalTimer ( time , sub () { CommandDefMod ( $ hash , "-temporary $id at +$attime set $name play siteId=\"$siteId\" path=\"$filename\" repeats=$repeats wait=$wait" ) } , $ hash ) if ! $ id ;
return InternalTimer ( time , sub () { CommandDefMod ( $ hash , "-temporary $id at +$attime set $name play siteId=\"$siteId\" path=\"$filename\" repeats=$repeats wait=$wait; deletereading $name $id" ) } , $ hash ) ;
# Set volume on specific siteId
sub setVolume {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ cmd = shift ;
return 'setVolume needs siteId and volume as parameters!' if ! defined $ cmd - > { siteId } || ! defined $ cmd - > { volume } ;
my $ sendData = {
id = > '0' ,
sessionId = > '0'
} ;
Log3 ( $ hash - > { NAME } , 5 , 'setVolume called' ) ;
$ sendData - > { siteId } = $ cmd - > { siteId } ;
$ sendData - > { volume } = 0 + $ cmd - > { volume } ;
my $ json = toJSON ( $ sendData ) ;
return IOWrite ( $ hash , 'publish' , qq{ rhasspy/audioServer/setVolume $json } ) ;
# Abgespeckte Kopie von ReplaceSetMagic aus fhem.pl
sub _ReplaceReadingsVal {
my $ hash = shift ;
my $ arr = shift // return ;
my $ to_analyze = $ arr ;
my $ readingsVal = sub ($$$$$) {
my $ all = shift ;
my $ t = shift ;
my $ d = shift ;
my $ n = shift ;
my $ s = shift ;
my $ val ;
my $ dhash = $ defs { $ d } ;
return $ all if ! $ dhash ;
if ( ! $ t || $ t eq 'r:' ) {
my $ r = $ dhash - > { READINGS } ;
if ( $ s && ( $ s eq ':t' || $ s eq ':sec' ) ) {
return $ all if ! $ r || ! $ r - > { $ n } ;
$ val = $ r - > { $ n } { TIME } ;
$ val = int ( gettimeofday ( ) ) - time_str2num ( $ val ) if $ s eq ':sec' ;
return $ val ;
$ val = $ r - > { $ n } { VAL } if $ r && $ r - > { $ n } ;
$ val = $ dhash - > { $ n } if ! defined $ val && ( ! $ t || $ t eq 'i:' ) ;
$ val = $ attr { $ d } { $ n } if ! defined $ val && ( ! $ t || $ t eq 'a:' ) && $ attr { $ d } ;
return $ all if ! defined $ val ;
if ( $ s && $ s =~ m {:d|:r|:i}x && $ val =~ m {(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)}x ) {
$ val = $ 1 ;
$ val = int ( $ val ) if $ s eq ':i' ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
my $ n = defined $ 1 ? $ 1 : 1 ;
$ val = sprintf ( "%.${n}f" , $ val ) if $ s =~ m {\A:r(\d)?}x ;
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
return $ val ;
} ;
$ to_analyze =~ s{(\[([ari]:)?([a-zA-Z\d._]+):([a-zA-Z\d._\/-]+)(:(t|sec|i|d|r|r\d))?\])} {$readingsVal->($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)}egx ;
return $ to_analyze ;
sub _getDataFile {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ filename = shift ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ lang = $ hash - > { LANGUAGE } ;
$ filename = $ filename // AttrVal ( $ name , 'languageFile' , undef ) ;
my @ t = localtime gettimeofday ( ) ;
$ filename = ResolveDateWildcards ( $ filename , @ t ) ;
$ hash - > { CONFIGFILE } = $ filename ; # for configDB migration
return $ filename ;
sub _readLanguageFromFile {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ cfg = shift // return 0 , toJSON ( $ languagevars ) ;
my $ name = $ hash - > { NAME } ;
my $ filename = _getDataFile ( $ hash , $ cfg ) ;
Log3 ( $ name , 5 , "trying to read language from $filename" ) ;
my ( $ ret , @ content ) = FileRead ( $ filename ) ;
if ( $ ret ) {
Log3 ( $ name , 1 , "$name failed to read languageFile $filename!" ) ;
return $ ret , undef ;
my @ cleaned = grep { $ _ !~ m {\A\s*[#]}x } @ content ;
return 0 , join q{ } , @ cleaned ;
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
sub _getDialogueTimeout {
my $ hash = shift // return ;
my $ type = shift // q{ default } ;
my $ timeout = $ type eq 'confirm' ? 15 : 20 ;
$ timeout = $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { timeouts } - > { $ type }
if defined $ hash - > { helper } - > { tweaks }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } - > { timeouts }
&& defined $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { timeouts } - > { $ type }
&& looks_like_number ( $ hash - > { helper } { tweaks } { timeouts } - > { $ type } ) ;
return $ timeout ;
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
sub _toCleanJSON {
my $ data = shift // return ;
return $ data if ref $ data ne 'HASH' ;
my $ json = toJSON ( $ data ) ;
$ json =~ s{(":"(true|false)")} {": $2}gms ;
$ json =~ s{(":"null")} {": null}gms ;
$ json =~ s{":"} {": "}gms ;
$ json =~ s{("enable": (?:false|true)),("intentId": "[^"]+")} {$2,$1}gms ;
return $ json ;
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
sub _round { int ( $ _ [ 0 ] + ( $ _ [ 0 ] < 0 ? - .5 : .5 ) ) ; }
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
1 ;
= pod
= begin ToDo
# Farben:
Warum die Abfrage nach rgb ? <code> if ( defined $ data - > { Colortemp } && defined $ mapping - > { rgb } && looks_like_number ( $ data - > { Colortemp } ) ) { </code>
Gibt auch Lampen , die können nur ct
# Custom Intents
- Bei Verwendung des Dialouges wenn man keine Antwort spricht , bricht Rhasspy ab . Die voice response "Tut mir leid, da hat etwas zu lange gedauert" wird
also gar nicht ausgegeben und:
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
PERL WARNING: Use of uninitialized value $ cmd in pattern match ( m// ) at fhem . pl line 5868 .
# "rhasspySpecials" bzw. rhasspyTweaks als weitere Attribute
Denkbare Verwendung:
- siteId2room für mobile Geräte ( Denkbare Anwendungsfälle: Auswertung BT - RSSI per Perl , aktives Setzen über ein Reading ? Oder einen intent ? ( tweak )
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
- Bestätigungs - Mapping ( special ) ( ist noch offen )
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
# Sonstiges, siehe insbes. https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119447.msg1148832.html#msg1148832
- kein "match in room" bei GetNumeric
- "kind" und wie man es füllen könnte ( mehr Dialoge )
- Bestätigungsdialoge - weitere Anwendungsfelder
- gDT: mehr und bessere mappings ?
- Farbe und Farbtemperatur ( fast fertig ? )
- Hat man in einem Raum einen Satelliten aber kein Device mit der siteId / Raum , kann man den Satelliten bei z . B . dem Timer nicht ansprechen , weil der Raum nicht in den Slots ist .
Irgendwie müssen wir die neue siteId in den Slot Rooms bringen
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
# Parameter-Check für define? Anregung DrBasch aus https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119447.msg1157700.html#msg1157700
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
# Keine shortcuts-Intents, wenn Attribut nicht gesetzt: Anregung DrBasch aus https://forum.fhem.de/index.php/topic,119447.msg1157700.html#msg1157700 (erl.)
# Doku zu den "üblichen Formaten" (z.B. JSON-Keywords beginnen mit Großbuchstaben)?
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
= end ToDo
= begin ToClarify
#defaultRoom (JensS):
- überhaupt erforderlich ?
- Schreibweise: RHASSPY ist raus , Rhasspy scheint der überkommene Raumname für die devspec zu sein = > ist erst mal weiter beides drin
# GetTimer implementieren?
https: // forum . fhem . de /index.php/ topic , 113180 . msg1130139 . html #msg1130139
# Wetterdurchsage
Ist möglich . Dazu hatte ich einen rudimentären Intent in diesem Thread erstellt . Müsste halt nur erweitert werden .
https: // forum . fhem . de /index.php/ topic , 113180 . msg1130754 . html #msg1130754
= end ToClarify
= encoding utf8
= item device
= item summary Control FHEM with Rhasspy voice assistant
= item summary_DE Steuerung von FHEM mittels Rhasspy Sprach - Assistent
= begin html
< a id = "RHASSPY" > </a>
<h3> RHASSPY </h3>
<p> This module receives , processes and executes voice commands coming from < a href = "https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/" > Rhasspy voice assistent </a> . </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
<p> <b> General Remarks: </b> <br>
< a id = "RHASSPY-dialoguemanagement" > </a> For dialogues , RHASSPY relies on the mechanisms as described in < a href = "https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/#dialogue-manager" > Rhasspy Dialogue Manager documentation </a> . <br>
So don 't expect these parts to work if you use other options than Rhasspy' s own dialogue management . </li>
< a id = "RHASSPY-additional-files" > </a> You may need or want some additional materials to get the best out of RHASSPY in FHEM . So have a look at the additional files and examples provided in < a href = "
https: //s vn . fhem . de /trac/ browser /trunk/ fhem /contrib/ RHASSPY ">svn contrib</a>.<br>See especially attributes <a href=" #RHASSPY-attr-languageFile">languageFile</a> and <a href="#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyIntents">rhasspyIntents</a> for further reference.</li>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-define" > </a>
<h4> Define </h4>
<p> <code> define & lt ; name & gt ; RHASSPY & lt ; baseUrl & gt ; & lt ; devspec & gt ; & lt ; defaultRoom & gt ; & lt ; language & gt ; & lt ; fhemId & gt ; & lt ; prefix & gt ; & lt ; useGenericAttrs & gt ; & lt ; encoding & gt ; </code> </p>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<p> <b> All parameters in define are optional , most will not be needed ( ! ) </b> , but keep in mind: changing them later might lead to confusing results for some of them ! Especially when starting with RHASSPY , do not set any other than the first three ( or four if your language is neither english nor german ) of these at all ! </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
<p> <b> Remark: </b> <br> < a id = "RHASSPY-parseParams" > </a>
RHASSPY uses < a href = "https://wiki.fhem.de/wiki/DevelopmentModuleAPI#parseParams" > <b> parseParams </b> </a> at quite a lot places , not only in define , but also to parse attribute values . <br>
So all parameters in define should be provided in the <i> key = value </i> form . In other places you may have to start e . g . a single line in an attribute with <code> option:key = "value xy shall be z" </code> or <code> identifier:yourCode = { fhem ( "set device off" ) } anotherOption = blabla </code> form .
<p> <b> Parameters: </b> <br>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<li> <b> baseUrl </b> : http - address of the Rhasspy service web - interface . Optional , but needed as soon as default ( <code> baseUrl = http: // 127.0 .0 .1 : 12101 </code> ) is not appropriate . <br> Make sure , this is set to correct values ( ip and port ) if Rhasspy is not running on the same machine or not uses default port ! </li>
<li> <b> devspec </b> : A description of devices that should be controlled by Rhasspy . Optional , but recommended , as ( for compability reasons ) default is <code> devspec = room = Rhasspy </code> . See < a href = "#devspec" > as a reference </a> , how to e . g . use a comma - separated list of devices or combinations like <code> devspec = room = livingroom , room = bathroom , bedroomlamp </code> . </li>
<li> <b> defaultRoom </b> : Default room name . Used to speak commands without a room name ( e . g . & quot ; turn lights on & quot ; to turn on the lights in the & quot ; default room & quot ; ) . Optional , but also recommended . Default is <code> defaultRoom = default </code> . </li>
<li> <b> language </b> : Makes part of the topic tree , RHASSPY is listening to . Should ( but needs not to ) point to the language voice commands shall be spoken with . Default is derived from global , which defaults to <code> language = en </code> . Preferably language should be set appropriate in global , if possible . </li>
<li> <b> encoding </b> : May be helpfull in case you experience problems in conversion between RHASSPY ( module ) and Rhasspy ( service ) . Example: <code> encoding = cp - 1252 </code> . Do not set this unless you experience encoding problems ! </li>
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<li> <b> fhemId </b> : May be used to distinguishe between different instances of RHASSPY on the MQTT side . Also makes part of the topic tree the corresponding RHASSPY is listening to . <br>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
Might be usefull , if you have several instances of FHEM running , and may - in later versions - be a criteria to distinguish between different users ( e . g . to only allow a subset of commands and /or rooms to be addressed). Not recommended to be set if just one RHASSPY device is defined.</ li >
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<li> <b> prefix </b> : May be used to distinguishe between different instances of RHASSPY on the FHEM - internal side . <br>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
Might be usefull , if you have several instances of RHASSPY in one FHEM running and want e . g . to use different identifier for groups and rooms ( e . g . a different language ) . Not recommended to be set if just one RHASSPY device is defined . </li>
< a id = "RHASSPY-genericDeviceType" > </a>
<li> <b> useGenericAttrs </b> : Formerly , RHASSPY only used it 's own attributes (see list below) to identifiy options for the subordinated devices you want to control. Today, it is capable to deal with a couple of commonly used <code>genericDeviceType</code> (<i>switch</i>, <i>light</i>, <i>thermostat</i>, <i>thermometer</i>, <i>blind</i> and <i>media</i>), so it will add <code>genericDeviceType</code> to the global attribute list and activate RHASSPY' s feature to estimate appropriate settings - similar to rhasspyMapping . <code> useGenericAttrs = 0 </code> will deactivate this . ( do not set this unless you know what you are doing ! ) . Note: <code> homebridgeMapping </code> atm . is not used as source for appropriate mappings in RHASSPY . </li>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> RHASSPY needs a < a href = "#MQTT2_CLIENT" > MQTT2_CLIENT </a> device connected to the same MQTT - Server as the voice assistant ( Rhasspy ) service . </p>
<p> <b> Example for defining an MQTT2_CLIENT device and the Rhasspy device in FHEM: </b> </p>
<p> <code> defmod rhasspyMQTT2 MQTT2_CLIENT 192.168 .1 .122 : 12183 <br>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
attr rhasspyMQTT2 subscriptions hermes /intent/ + hermes /dialogueManager/s essionStarted hermes /dialogueManager/s essionEnded hermes /nlu/i ntentNotRecognized </code> </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> <code> define Rhasspy RHASSPY devspec = room = Rhasspy defaultRoom = Livingroom language = en </code> </p>
<p> <b> Additionals remarks on MQTT2 - IOs: </b> </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<p> Using a separate MQTT server ( and not the internal MQTT2_SERVER ) is highly recommended , as the Rhasspy scripts also use the MQTT protocol for internal ( sound ! ) data transfers . Best way is to either use MQTT2_CLIENT ( see above ) or bridge only the relevant topics from mosquitto to MQTT2_SERVER ( see e . g . < a href = "http://www.steves-internet-guide.com/mosquitto-bridge-configuration/" > http: // www . steves - internet - guide . com /mosquitto-bridge-configuration</ a > for the principles ) . When using MQTT2_CLIENT , it 's necessary to set <code>clientOrder</code> to include RHASSPY (as most likely it' s the only module listening to the CLIENT it could be just set to <code> attr & lt ; m2client & gt ; clientOrder RHASSPY </code> ) </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Furthermore , you are highly encouraged to restrict subscriptions only to the relevant topics: </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; m2client & gt ; subscriptions setByTheProgram </code> </p>
<p> In case you are using the MQTT server also for other purposes than Rhasspy , you have to set <code> subscriptions </code> manually to at least include the following topics additionally to the other subscriptions desired for other purposes . </p>
<p> <code> hermes /intent/ + <br>
hermes /dialogueManager/s essionStarted <br>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
hermes /dialogueManager/s essionEnded <br>
hermes /nlu/i ntentNotRecognized </code> </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<p> <b> Important </b> : After defining the RHASSPY module , you are supposed to manually set the attribute <i> IODev </i> to force a non - dynamic IO assignement . Use e . g . <code> attr & lt ; deviceName & gt ; IODev & lt ; m2client & gt ; </code> . </p>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<p> < a id = "RHASSPY-list" > </a> <b> Note: </b> RHASSPY consolidates a lot of data from different sources . The <b> final data structure RHASSPY uses at runtime </b> will be shown by the < a href = "#list" > list command </a> . It 's highly recommended to have a close look at this data structure, especially when starting with RHASSPY or in case something doesn' t work as expected ! <br>
After changing something relevant within FHEM for either the data structure in </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<li> <b> RHASSPY </b> ( this form is used when reffering to module or the FHEM device ) or for </li>
<li> <b> Rhasspy </b> ( this form is used when reffering to the remote service ) , </li>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<p> you have to make sure these changes are also updated in RHASSPYs internal data structure and ( often , but not always ) to Rhasspy . See the different versions provided by the < a href = "#RHASSPY-set-update" > update command </a> . </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-set" > </a>
<h4> Set </h4>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-update" > </a> <b> update </b>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
<p> Various options to update settings and data structures used by RHASSPY and /or Rhasspy. Choose between one of the following:</ p >
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<li> <b> devicemap </b> <br>
When having finished the configuration work to RHASSPY and the subordinated devices , issuing a devicemap - update is mandatory , to get the RHASSPY data structure updated , inform Rhasspy on changes that may have occured ( update slots ) and initiate a training on updated slot values etc . , see < a href = "#RHASSPY-list" > remarks on data structure above </a> .
<li> <b> devicemap_only </b> <br>
This may be helpfull to make an intermediate check , whether attribute changes have found their way to the data structure . This will neither update slots nor initiate any training towards Rhasspy .
<li> <b> slots </b> <br>
This may be helpfull after checks on the FHEM side to send all data to Rhasspy and initiate training .
<li> <b> slots_no_training </b> <br>
This may be helpfull to make checks , whether all data is sent to Rhasspy . This will not initiate any training .
<li> <b> language </b> <br>
Reinitialization of language file . <br>
Be sure to execute this command after changing something within in the language configuration file ! <br>
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<li> <b> intent_filter </b> <br>
Reset intent filter used by Rhasspy dialogue manager . See < a href = "#RHASSPY-intentFilter" > intentFilter </a> in <i> rhasspyTweaks </i> attribute for details . <br>
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<li> <b> all </b> <br>
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Surprise: means language file and full update to RHASSPY and Rhasspy including training and intent filter .
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<p> Example: <code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; update language </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-play" > </a> <b> play </b>
<p> Send WAV file to Rhasspy . <br>
<i> siteId </i> and <i> path </i> are required ! <br>
You may optionally add a number of repeats and a wait time in seconds between repeats . <i> wait </i> defaults to 15 , if only <i> repeats </i> is given . </p>
<p> Examples: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; play siteId = "default" path = "/opt/fhem/test.wav" </code> <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; play siteId = "default" path = "./test.wav" repeats = 3 wait = 20 </code>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-speak" > </a> <b> speak </b>
<p> Voice output over TTS . <br>
Both arguments ( siteId and text ) are required ! </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; speak siteId = "default" text = "This is a test" </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-textCommand" > </a> <b> textCommand </b>
<p> Send a text command to Rhasspy . </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; textCommand turn the light on </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-fetchSiteIds" > </a> <b> fetchSiteIds </b>
<p> Send a request to Rhasspy to send all siteId ' s . This by default is done once , so in case you add more satellites to your system , this may help to get RHASSPY updated . </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; fetchSiteIds </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-trainRhasspy" > </a> <b> trainRhasspy </b>
<p> Sends a train - command to the HTTP - API of the Rhasspy master <br>
Might be removed in the future versions in favor of the update features </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; trainRhasspy </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-volume" > </a> <b> volume </b>
<p> Sets volume of given siteId between 0 and 1 ( float ) <br>
Both arguments ( siteId and volume ) are required ! </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; siteId = "default" volume = "0.5" </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-set-customSlot" > </a> <b> customSlot </b>
<p> Creates a new - or overwrites an existing slot - in Rhasspy <br>
Provide slotname , slotdata and ( optional ) info , if existing data shall be overwritten and training shall be initialized immediately afterwards . <br>
First two arguments are required , third and fourth are optional . <br>
<i> overwrite </i> defaults to <i> true </i> , setting any other value than <i> true </i> will keep existing Rhasspy slot data . </p>
<p> Examples: <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; customSlot mySlot a , b , c overwrite training </code> <br>
<code> set & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; customSlot slotname = mySlot slotdata = a , b , c overwrite = false </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr" > </a>
<h4> Attributes </h4>
<p> Note: To get RHASSPY working properly , you have to configure attributes at RHASSPY itself and the subordinated devices as well . </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-device" > </a>
<p> <b> RHASSPY itself </b> supports the following attributes: </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-languageFile" > </a> <b> languageFile </b> <br>
<p> Path to the language - config file . If this attribute isn ' t set , a default set of english responses is used for voice responses . <br>
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The file itself must contain a JSON - encoded keyword - value structure ( partly with sub - structures ) following the given structure for the mentioned english defaults . As a reference , there 's one in the <a href="#RHASSPY-additional-files">additionals files</a> available in german (note the comments there!), or just make a dump of the English structure with e.g. (replace RHASSPY by your device' s name ) : <code> { toJSON ( $ defs { RHASSPY } - > { helper } { lng } ) } </code> , edit the result e . g . using https: // jsoneditoronline . org and place this in your own languageFile version . There might be some variables to be used - these should also work in your sentences . <br>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
languageFile also allows combining e . g . a default set of german sentences with some few own modifications by using "defaults" subtree for the defaults and "user" subtree for your modified versions . This feature might be helpful in case the base language structure has to be changed in the future . </p>
<p> Example ( placed in the same dir fhem . pl is located ) : </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; languageFile . /rhasspy-de.cfg</co de > </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-response" > </a> <b> response </b>
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<p> <b> Note: </b> Using this attribute is no longer recommended , use options provided by the < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-languageFile" > languageFile attribute </a> instead . </p>
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<p> Optionally define alternative default answers . Available keywords are <code> DefaultError </code> , <code> NoActiveMediaDevice </code> and <code> DefaultConfirmation </code> . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> DefaultError =
DefaultConfirmation = Klaro , mach ich </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyIntents" > </a> <b> rhasspyIntents </b>
<p> Defines custom intents . See < a href = "https://github.com/Thyraz/Snips-Fhem#f%C3%BCr-fortgeschrittene-eigene-custom-intents-erstellen-und-in-fhem-darauf-reagieren" hreflang = "de" > Custom Intent erstellen </a> . <br>
One intent per line . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr & lt ; rhasspyDevice & gt ; rhasspyIntents SetCustomIntentsTest = SetCustomIntentsTest ( siteId , Type ) </code> </p>
<p> together with the following myUtils - Code should get a short impression of the possibilities: </p>
<p> <code> sub SetCustomIntentsTest { <br>
my $ room = shift ; <br>
my $ type = shift ; <br>
Log3 ( 'rhasspy' , 3 , "RHASSPY: Room $room, Type $type" ) ; <br>
return "RHASSPY: Room $room, Type $type" ; <br>
} </code> </p>
<p> The following arguments can be handed over: </p>
<li> NAME = > name of the RHASSPY device addressed , </li>
<li> DATA = > entire JSON - $ data ( as parsed internally ) , encoded in JSON </li>
<li> siteId , Device etc . = > any element out of the JSON - $ data . </li>
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<p> If a simple text is returned , this will be considered as response , if return value is not defined , the default response will be used . <br>
For more advanced use of this feature , you may return either a HASH or an ARRAY data structure . If ARRAY is returned:
<ul> <li> First element of the array is interpreted as response and may be plain text ( dialog will be ended ) or HASH type to continue the session . The latter will keep the dialogue - session open to allow interactive data exchange with <i> Rhasspy </i> . An open dialogue will be closed after some time , ( configurable ) default is 20 seconds , you may alternatively hand over other numeric values as second element of the array .
<li> Second element might either be a comma - separated list of devices that may have been modified ( otherwise , these devices will not cast any events ! See also the "d" parameter in < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyShortcuts" > <i> rhasspyShortcuts </i> </a> ) , or ( if first element is HASH type ) a nummeric value as timeout . </li>
<li> If HASH type data ( or $ response in ARRAY ) is returned to continue a session , make sure to hand over all relevant elements , including especially <i> intentFilter </i> if you want to restrict possible intents . It ' s recommended to always also activate <i> CancelAction </i> to allow user to actively exit the dialoge .
<br> See also < a href = "#RHASSPY-additional-files" > additionals files </a> for further examples on this . </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyShortcuts" > </a> <b> rhasspyShortcuts </b>
<p> Define custom sentences without editing Rhasspys sentences . ini <br>
The shortcuts are uploaded to Rhasspy when using the updateSlots set - command . <br>
One shortcut per line , syntax is either a simple and an extended version . </p>
<p> Examples: </p>
<p> <code> mute on = set amplifier2 mute on <br>
lamp off = { fhem ( "set lampe1 off" ) } <br>
i = "you are so exciting" f = "set $NAME speak siteId='livingroom' text='Thanks a lot, you are even more exciting!'" <br>
i = "mute off" p = { fhem ( "set $NAME mute off" ) } n = amplifier2 c = "Please confirm!" <br>
i = "i am hungry" f = "set Stove on" d = "Stove" c = "would you like roast pork" </code> </p>
<p> Abbreviations explanation: </p>
<li> <b> i </b> = > intent <br>
Lines starting with "i:" will be interpreted as extended version , so if you want to use that syntax style , starting with "i:" is mandatory . </li>
<li> <b> f </b> = > FHEM command <br>
Syntax as usual in FHEMWEB command field . </li>
<li> <b> p </b> = > Perl command <br>
Syntax as usual in FHEMWEB command field , enclosed in { } ; this has priority to "f=" . </li>
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<li> <b> d </b> = > device name ( s , comma separated ) that shall be handed over to fhem . pl as updated . Needed for triggering further actions and longpoll ! Note: When calling Perl functions , the return value of the called function will be used if no explicit device is provided . </li>
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<li> <b> r </b> = > Response to be send to the caller . If not set , the return value of the called function will be used . <br>
Response sentence will be parsed to do "set magic" - like replacements , so also a line like <code> i = "what's the time for sunrise" r = "at [Astro:SunRise] o'clock" </code> is valid . <br>
You may ask for confirmation as well using the following ( optional ) shorts:
<li> <b> c </b> = > either numeric or text . If numeric: Timeout to wait for automatic cancellation . If text: response to send to ask for confirmation . </li>
<li> <b> ct </b> = > numeric value for timeout in seconds , default: 15 . </li>
</ul> </li>
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2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks" > </a> <b> rhasspyTweaks </b>
<p> Currently sets additional settings for timers and slot - updates to Rhasspy . May contain further custom settings in future versions like siteId2room info or code links , allowed commands , confirmation requests etc . </p>
<li> <b> timerLimits </b>
<p> Used to determine when the timer should response with e . g . "set to 30 minutes" or with "set to 10:30" </p>
<p> <code> timerLimits = 90 , 300 , 3000 , 2 * HOURSECONDS , 50 </code> </p>
<p> Five values have to be set , corresponding with the limits to <i> timerSet </i> responses . so above example will lead to seconds response for less then 90 seconds , minute + seconds response for less than 300 seconds etc .. Last value is the limit in seconds , if timer is set in time of day format . </p>
<li> <b> timerSounds </b>
<p> Per default the timer responds with a voice command if it has elapsed . If you want to use a wav - file instead , you can set this here . </p>
<p> <code> timerSounds = default = . /yourfile1.wav eggs=3:20:./ yourfile2 . wav potatoes = 5 : . /yourfile3.wav</co de > </p>
<p> Above keys are some examples and need to match the "Label" - tags for the timer provided by the Rhasspy - sentences . <br>
<i> default </i> is optional . If set , this file will be used for all labeled timer without match to other keywords . <br>
The two numbers are optional . The first one sets the number of repeats , the second is the waiting time between the repeats . <br>
<i> repeats </i> defaults to 5 , <i> wait </i> to 15 <br>
If only one number is set , this will be taken as <i> repeats </i> . </p>
<li> <b> updateSlots </b>
<p> Changes aspects on slot generation and updates . </p>
<p> <code> noEmptySlots = 1 </code> </p>
<p> By default , RHASSPY will generate an additional slot for each of the genericDeviceType it recognizes , regardless , if there ' s any devices marked to belong to this type . If set to <i> 1 </i> , no empty slots will be generated . </p>
<p> <code> overwrite_all = false </code> </p>
<p> By default , RHASSPY will overwrite all generated slots . Setting this to <i> false </i> will change this . </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<li> <b> timeouts </b>
<p> Atm . keywords <i> confirm </i> and /or <i>default</i > can be used to change the corresponding defaults ( 15 seconds / 20 seconds) used for dialogue timeouts.</ p >
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> timeouts: confirm = 25 default = 30 </code> </p>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks-confirmIntents" > </a>
<li> <b> confirmIntents </b>
<p> This key may contain <i> & lt ; Intent & gt ; = & lt ; regex & gt ; </i> pairs beeing
<li> <i> Intent </i> one of the intents supporting confirmation feature ( all set type intents ) and </li>
<li> <i> regex </i> containing a regular expression matching to either the group name ( for group intents ) or the device name ( s ) - using a full match lookup . If intent and regex match , a confirmation will be requested .
Example: <p> <code> confirmIntents = SetOnOffGroup = light | blinds SetOnOff = blind . * </code> </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks-confirmIntentResponses" > </a>
<li> <b> confirmIntentResponses </b>
<p> By default , the answer /confirmation request will be some kind of echo to the originally spoken sentence ($rawInput as stated by <i>DefaultConfirmationRequestRawInput</i > key in <i> responses </i> ) . You may change this for each intent specified using $ target , ( $ rawInput ) and $ Value als parameters .
Example: <p> <code> confirmIntentResponses = SetOnOffGroup = "really switch group $target $Value" SetOnOff = "confirm setting $target $Value" </code> </p>
<i> $ Value </i> may be translated with defaults from a <i> words </i> key in languageFile , for more options on <i> $ Value </i> and /or more specific settings in single devices see also <i>confirmValueMap</i > key in < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspySpecials" > rhasspySpecials </a> . </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks-intentFilter" > </a>
<li> <b> intentFilter </b>
<p> Atm . Rhasspy will activate all known intents at startup . As some of the intents used by FHEM are only needed in case some dialogue is open , it will deactivate these intents ( atm: <i> ConfirmAction , CancelAction , ChoiceRoom </i> and <i> ChoiceDevice </i> ( including the additional parts derived from language and fhemId ) ) ) at startup or when no active filtering is detected . You may disable additional intents by just adding their names in <i> intentFilter </i> line or using an explicit state assignment in the form <i> intentname = true </i> ( Note: activating the 4 mentionned intents is not possible ! ) . For details on how <i> configure </i> works see < a href = "https://rhasspy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/#dialogue-manager" > Rhasspy documentation </a> .
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2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-forceNEXT" > </a> <b> forceNEXT </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> If set to 1 , RHASSPY will forward incoming messages also to further MQTT2 - IO - client modules like MQTT2_DEVICE , even if the topic matches to one of it ' s own subscriptions . By default , these messages will not be forwarded for better compability with autocreate feature on MQTT2_DEVICE . See also < a href = "#MQTT2_CLIENTclientOrder" > clientOrder attribute in MQTT2 IO - type commandrefs </a> ; setting this in one instance of RHASSPY might affect others , too . </p>
<p> & nbsp ; </p>
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-subdevice" > </a>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
<p> <b> For the subordinated devices </b> , a list of the possible attributes is automatically extended by several further entries </p>
<p> The names of these attributes all start with the <i> prefix </i> previously defined in RHASSPY - except for < a href = "#RHASSPY-genericDeviceType" > genericDeviceType </a> ( gDT ) . <br>
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These attributes are used to configure the actual mapping to the intents and the content sent by Rhasspy . </p>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
<p> Note: As the analyses of the gDT is intented to lead to fast configuration progress , it ' s highly recommended to use this as a starting point . All other RHASSPY - specific attributes will then be considered as a user command to <b> overwrite </b> the results provided by the automatics initiated by gDT usage . </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> By default , the following attribute names are used: rhasspyName , rhasspyRoom , rhasspyGroup , rhasspyChannels , rhasspyColors , rhasspySpecials . <br>
Each of the keywords found in these attributes will be sent by < a href = "#RHASSPY-set-update" > update </a> to Rhasspy to create the corresponding slot . </p>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyName" data - pattern = ".*Name" > </a> <b> rhasspyName </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Comma - separated "labels" for the device as used when speaking a voice - command . They will be used as keywords by Rhasspy . May contain space or mutated vovels . </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> attr m2_wz_08_sw rhasspyName kitchen lamp , ceiling lamp , workspace , whatever </code> </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyRoom" data - pattern = ".*Room" > </a> <b> rhasspyRoom </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Comma - separated "labels" for the "rooms" the device is located in . Recommended to be unique . </p>
<p> Example: <br>
<code> attr m2_wz_08_sw rhasspyRoom living room </code> </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyGroup" data - pattern = ".*Group" > </a> <b> rhasspyGroup </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Comma - separated "labels" for the "groups" the device is in . Recommended to be unique . </p>
<p> Example:
<code> attr m2_wz_08_sw rhasspyGroup lights </code> </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-Mapping" data - pattern = ".*Mapping" > </a> <b> rhasspyMapping </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> If automatic detection ( gDT ) does not work or is not desired , this is the place to tell RHASSPY how your device can be controlled . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr lamp rhasspyMapping SetOnOff:cmdOn = on , cmdOff = off , response = "All right" <br>
GetOnOff:currentVal = state , valueOff = off <br>
GetNumeric:currentVal = pct , type = brightness <br>
SetNumeric:currentVal = brightness , cmd = brightness , minVal = 0 , maxVal = 255 , map = percent , step = 1 , type = brightness <br>
GetState:response = The temperature in the kitchen is at [ lamp:temperature ] degrees <br>
MediaControls:cmdPlay = play , cmdPause = pause , cmdStop = stop , cmdBack = previous , cmdFwd = next </code> </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyChannels" data - pattern = ".*Channels" > </a> <b> rhasspyChannels </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Used to change the channels of a tv , set light - scenes , etc . <br>
<i> key = value </i> line by line arguments mapping command strings to fhem - or Perl commands . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr TV rhasspyChannels orf eins = channel 201 <br>
orf zwei = channel 202 <br>
orf drei = channel 203 <br>
</code> </p>
<p> Note: This attribute is not added to global attribute list by default . Add it using userattr or by editing the global userattr attribute . </p>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyColors" data - pattern = ".*Colors" > </a> <b> rhasspyColors </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Used to change to colors of a light <br>
<i> key = value </i> line by line arguments mapping keys to setter strings on the same device . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr lamp1 rhasspyColors red = rgb FF0000 <br>
green = rgb 00 8000 <br>
blue = rgb 0000 FF <br>
yellow = rgb FFFF00 </code> </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<p> Note: This attribute is not added to global attribute list by default . Add it using userattr or by editing the global userattr attribute . You may consider using < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspySpecials" > rhasspySpecials </a> ( <i> colorCommandMap </i> and /or <i>colorForceHue2rgb</i > ) instead . </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-attr-rhasspySpecials" data - pattern = ".*Specials" > </a> <b> rhasspySpecials </b>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Currently some colour light options besides group and venetian blind related stuff is implemented , this could be the place to hold additional options , e . g . for confirmation requests . You may use several of the following lines . </p>
<p> <i> key:value </i> line by line arguments similar to < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks" > rhasspyTweaks </a> . </p>
<li> <b> group </b>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<p> If set , the device will not be directly addressed , but the mentioned group - typically a FHEM < a href = "#structure" > structure </a> device or a HUEDevice - type group . This has the advantage of saving RF ressources and / or fits better to already implemented logics . <br>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
Note: all addressed devices will be switched , even if they are not member of the rhasspyGroup . Each group should only be addressed once , but it ' s recommended to put this info in all devices under RHASSPY control in the same external group logic . <br>
All of the following options are optional . </p>
<li> <b> async_delay </b> <br>
Float nummeric value , just as async_delay in structure ; the delay will be obeyed prior to the next sending command . </li>
<li> <b> prio </b> <br>
Numeric value , defaults to "0" . <i> prio </i> and <i> async_delay </i> will be used to determine the sending order as follows: first devices will be those with lowest prio arg , second sort argument is <i> async_delay </i> with lowest value first . </li>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr lamp1 rhasspySpecials group:async_delay = 100 prio = 1 group = lights </code> </p>
<li> <b> venetianBlind </b>
<p> <code> attr blind1 rhasspySpecials venetianBlind:setter = dim device = blind1_slats </code> </p>
<p> Explanation ( one of the two arguments is mandatory ) :
<li> <b> setter </b> is the set command to control slat angle , e . g . <i> positionSlat </i> for CUL_HM or older ZWave type devices </li>
<li> <b> device </b> is needed if the slat command has to be issued towards a different device ( applies e . g . to newer ZWave type devices ) </li>
<p> If set , the slat target position will be set to the same level than the main device . </p>
<li> <b> colorCommandMap </b>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
<p> Allows mapping of values from the <i> Color > </i> key to individual commands . </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr lamp1 rhasspySpecials colorCommandMap:0 = 'rgb FF0000' 120 = 'rgb 00FF00' 240 = 'rgb 0000FF' </code> </p>
<li> <b> colorForceHue2rgb </b>
<p> Defaults to "0" . If set , a rgb command will be issued , even if the device is capable to handle hue commands . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr lamp1 rhasspySpecials colorForceHue2rgb:1 </code> </p>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<li> <b> priority </b>
<p> Keywords <i> inRoom </i> and <i> outsideRoom </i> can be used , each followed by comma separated types to give priority in <i> GetNumeric </i> . This may eleminate requests in case of several possible devices or rooms to deliver requested info type . </p>
<p> Example: </p>
<p> <code> attr sensor_outside_main rhasspySpecials priority:inRoom = temperature outsideRoom = temperature , humidity , pressure </code> </p>
2021-09-23 07:40:57 +00:00
<li> <b> confirm </b>
<p> This is the more granular alternative to < a href = "#RHASSPY-attr-rhasspyTweaks-confirmIntents" > confirmIntents key in rhasspyTweaks </a> ( including <i> confirmIntentResponses </i> ) . You may provide intent names only or <i> & lt ; Intent & gt ; = & lt ; response & gt ; </i> pairs like <code> confirm: SetOnOff = "$target shall be switched $Value" SetScene </code> .
<li> <b> confirmValueMap </b>
<p> Provide a device specific translation for $ Value , e . g . for a blind type device <i> rhasspySpecials </i> could look like: <br>
<code> confirm: SetOnOff = "really $Value $target" <br>
confirmValueMap: on = open off = close </code>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
<li> <b> scenes </b>
<p> <code> attr lamp1 rhasspySpecials scenes:scene2 = "Kino zu zweit" scene3 = Musik scene1 = none scene4 = none </code> </p>
<p> Explanation:
<p> If set , the label provided will be sent to Rhasspy instead of the <i> tech names </i> ( derived from available setters ) . Keyword <i> none </i> will delete the scene from the internal list , setting the combination <i> all = none </i> will exclude the entire device from beeing recognized for SetScene . </p>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-intents" > </a>
<h4> Intents </h4>
<p> The following intents are directly implemented in RHASSPY code:
<li> Shortcuts </li>
<li> SetOnOff </li>
<li> SetOnOffGroup </li>
2021-06-01 06:38:47 +00:00
<li> SetTimedOnOff </li>
<li> SetTimedOnOffGroup </li>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<li> GetOnOff </li>
<li> SetNumeric </li>
<li> SetNumericGroup </li>
<li> GetNumeric </li>
<li> GetState </li>
<li> MediaControls </li>
<li> MediaChannels </li>
<li> SetColor </li>
<li> SetColorGroup </li>
<li> GetTime </li>
2021-06-03 08:20:26 +00:00
<li> GetDate </li>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<li> SetTimer </li>
<li> ConfirmAction </li>
2021-05-21 13:07:18 +00:00
<li> CancelAction </li>
<li> ChoiceRoom </li>
<li> ChoiceDevice </li>
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
<li> ReSpeak </li>
2021-07-22 11:02:47 +00:00
< a id = "RHASSPY-readings" > </a>
<h4> Readings </h4>
<p> There are some readings you may find usefull to tweak some aspects of RHASSPY ' s logics:
<li> siteId2room_ & lt ; siteId & gt ; </li>
Typically , RHASSPY derives room info from the name of the siteId . So naming a satellite <i> bedroom </i> will let RHASSPY assign this satellite to the same room , using the group sheme is also supported , e . g . <i> kitchen . front </i> will refer to <i> kitchen </i> as room ( if not explicitly given ) . <br>
You may overwrite that behaviour by setting values to siteId2room readings: <code> setreading siteId2room_mobile_phone1 kitchen </code> will force RHASSPY to link your satellite <i> phone1 kitchen </i> to kitchen as room .
<li> siteId2doubleSpeak_ & lt ; siteId & gt ; </li>
RHASSPY will always respond via the satellite where the dialogue was initiated from . In some cases , you may want additional output to other satellites - e . g . if they don ' t have ( always on ) sound output options . Setting this type of reading will lead to ( additional ! ) responses to the given second satellite ; naming scheme is the same as for site2room .
2021-04-27 13:11:33 +00:00
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