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# FHEM-Modul see www.fhem.de
# 18_JSN.pm
# JeeSensorNode
# Usage: define <Name> JSN <Node-Nr>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Autor: Axel Rieger
# Version: 1.0
# Datum: 07.2011
# Kontakt: fhem [bei] anax [punkt] info
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use POSIX;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw(%defs);
use vars qw(%attr);
use vars qw(%data);
use vars qw(%modules);
sub JSN_Initialize($)
my ($hash) = @_;
# Match/Prefix
my $match = "JSN";
$hash->{Match} = "^JSN";
$hash->{DefFn} = "JSN_Define";
$hash->{UndefFn} = "JSN_Undef";
$hash->{ParseFn} = "JSN_Parse";
$hash->{AttrList} = "do_not_notify:0,1 loglevel:0,5 disable:0,1";
# Arduino/JeeNodes-Variables:
# http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/HomePage
# Integer = 2 Bytes -> form -32,768 to 32,767
# Long (unsigned) = 4 Bytes -> from 0 to 4,294,967,295
# Long (signed) = 4 Bytes -> from -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
# JeeConf
# $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{ReadingName}
# $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{DataBytes}
# $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{Prefix}
# $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{CorrFactor}
# $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{Function}
# <SensorType>: 0-9 -> Reserved/not Used
# <SensorType>: 10-99 -> Default
# <SensorType>: 100-199 -> Userdifined
# <SensorType>: 200-255 -> Internal/Test
# Default-2-Bytes-------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{12}{ReadingName} = "SensorData";
$data{JEECONF}{12}{DataBytes} = 2;
$data{JEECONF}{12}{Prefix} = $match;
# Temperature ----------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{11}{ReadingName} = "temperature";
$data{JEECONF}{11}{DataBytes} = 2;
$data{JEECONF}{11}{Prefix} = $match;
$data{JEECONF}{11}{CorrFactor} = 0.1;
# Brightness- ----------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{12}{ReadingName} = "brightness";
$data{JEECONF}{12}{DataBytes} = 4;
$data{JEECONF}{12}{Prefix} = $match;
# Triple-Axis-X-Y-Z----------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{13}{ReadingName} = "rtiple_axis";
$data{JEECONF}{13}{Function} = "JSN_parse_12";
$data{JEECONF}{13}{DataBytes} = 12;
$data{JEECONF}{13}{Prefix} = $match;
# 14 Used by 18_JME
# Counter --------------------------------------------------------------------
# $data{JEECONF}{14}{ReadingName} = "counter";
# $data{JEECONF}{14}{DataBytes} = 4;
# $data{JEECONF}{14}{Prefix} = $match;
# Pressure -------------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{15}{ReadingName} = "pressure";
$data{JEECONF}{15}{DataBytes} = 4;
$data{JEECONF}{15}{CorrFactor} = 0.01;
$data{JEECONF}{15}{Prefix} = $match;
# Humidity -------------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{16}{ReadingName} = "humidity";
$data{JEECONF}{16}{DataBytes} = 1;
$data{JEECONF}{16}{Prefix} = $match;
# Light LDR ------------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{17}{ReadingName} = "light_ldr";
$data{JEECONF}{17}{DataBytes} = 1;
$data{JEECONF}{17}{Prefix} = $match;
# Motion ---------------------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{18}{ReadingName} = "motion";
$data{JEECONF}{18}{DataBytes} = 1;
$data{JEECONF}{18}{Prefix} = $match;
# JeeNode InternalTemperatur -------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{251}{ReadingName} = "AtmelTemp";
$data{JEECONF}{251}{DataBytes} = 2;
$data{JEECONF}{251}{Prefix} = $match;
# JeeNode InternalRefVolatge -------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{252}{ReadingName} = "PowerSupply";
$data{JEECONF}{252}{DataBytes} = 2;
$data{JEECONF}{252}{CorrFactor} = 0.0001;
$data{JEECONF}{252}{Prefix} = $match;
# JeeNode RF12 LowBat --------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{253}{ReadingName} = "RF12LowBat";
$data{JEECONF}{253}{DataBytes} = 1;
$data{JEECONF}{253}{Prefix} = $match;
# JeeNode Milliseconds -------------------------------------------------------
$data{JEECONF}{254}{ReadingName} = "Millis";
$data{JEECONF}{254}{DataBytes} = 4;
$data{JEECONF}{254}{Prefix} = $match;
sub JSN_Define($){
# define J001 JSN <Node-Nr> [<Path_to_User_Conf_File>]
# hash = New Device
# defs = $a[0] <DEVICE-NAME> $a[1] DEVICE-TYPE $a[2]<Parameter-1-> $a[3]<Parameter-2->
my ($hash, $def) = @_;
my @a = split(/\s+/, $def);
return "JSN: Unknown argument count " . int(@a) . " , usage define <NAME>
NodeID [<Path_to_User_Conf_File>]" if(int(@a) != 3);
my $NodeID = $a[2];
if(defined($modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID})) {
return "Node $NodeID allready define";
$hash->{CODE} = $NodeID;
$hash->{STATE} = "NEW: " . TimeNow();
$hash->{OrderID} = $NodeID;
$modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID} = $hash;
return undef;
sub JSN_Undef($$){
my ($hash, $name) = @_;
Log 4, "JeeNode Undef: " . Dumper(@_);
my $NodeID = $hash->{NodeID};
if(defined($modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID})) {
delete $modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID}
return undef;
sub JSN_Parse($$) {
my ($iodev, $rawmsg) = @_;
# $rawmsg = JeeNodeID + SensorType + SensorData
# rawmsg = JSN 03 252 03 65
Log 5, "JSN PARSE RAW-MSG: " . $rawmsg . " IODEV:" . $iodev->{NAME};
my @data = split(/\s+/,$rawmsg);
my $NodeID = $data[1];
# my $NodeID = sprintf("%02x" ,($data[1]));
# $NodeID = hex($NodeID);
# my $NodeID = chr(ord($data[1]));
my $SType = $data[2];
my $data_bytes = $data{JEECONF}{$SType}{DataBytes};
my $data_end = int(@data) - 1;
# $array[$#array];
Log 5, "JSN PARSE N:$NodeID S:$SType B:$data_bytes CNT:" . @data . " END:" . $data_end;
my @SData = @data[3..$data_end];
my ($hash,$name);
if(defined($modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID})) {
$hash = $modules{JSN}{defptr}{$NodeID};
$name = $hash->{NAME};
else {
return "UNDEFINED JSN_$NodeID JSN $NodeID";};
my %readings;
# Function-Data --------------------------------------------------------------
# If defined $data{JEECONF}{<SensorType>}{Function} then the function handels
# data parsing...return a hash key:reading_name Value:reading_value
# Param to Function: $iodev,$name,$NodeID, $SType,@SData
# Function-Data --------------------------------------------------------------
if(defined($data{JEECONF}{$SType}{Function})) {
my $func = $data{JEECONF}{$SType}{Function};
if(!defined(&$func)) {
Log 0, "JSN PARSE Function not defined: $SType -> $func";
return undef;
no strict "refs";
%readings = &$func($iodev,$name,$NodeID, $SType,@SData);
use strict "refs";
else {
# Sensor-Data Bytes to Values
# lowBit HighBit reverse ....
@SData = reverse(@SData);
my $raw_value = join("",@SData);
my $value = "";
map {$value .= sprintf "%02x",$_} @SData;
$value = hex($value);
Log 5, "JSN PARSE DATA $NodeID - $SType - " . join(" " , @SData) . " -> " . $value;
my $reading_name = $data{JEECONF}{$SType}{ReadingName};
$readings{$reading_name} = $value;
if(defined($data{JEECONF}{$SType}{CorrFactor})) {
my $corr = $data{JEECONF}{$SType}{CorrFactor};
$readings{$reading_name} = $value * $corr;
my $i = 0;
foreach my $r (sort keys %readings) {
Log 5, "JSN $name $r:" . $readings{$r};
$defs{$name}{READINGS}{$r}{VAL} = $readings{$r};
$defs{$name}{READINGS}{$r}{TIME} = TimeNow();
$defs{$name}{STATE} = TimeNow() . " " . $r;
# Changed for Notify and Logs
$defs{$name}{CHANGED}[$i] = $r . ": " . $readings{$r};
return $name;
sub JSN_parse_12() {
my ($iodev,$name,$NodeID, $SType,@SData) = @_;
Log 5, "JSN PARSE-12 DATA $NodeID - $SType - " . join(" " , @SData);
my %reading;
$reading{X} = "XXX";
$reading{Y} = "YYY";
$reading{Z} = "ZZZ";
return \%reading;